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Delightful Asphyxia

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F, F/M, Multi
Fandom: Tokyo Ghoul, Bleach
Relationship: Kaneki Ken | Sasaki Haise/Yoshimura Eto | Takatsuki Sen, Kamishiro
Rize & Kaneki Ken | Sasaki Haise, Kamishiro Rize/Yoshimura Eto |
Takatsuki Sen, Kaneki Ken | Sasaki Haise/Kirishima Touka, Fueguchi
Hinami & Kaneki Ken | Sasaki Haise, Aizen Sousuke/Kamishiro Rize,
Aizen Sousuke & Eto, Usagiyama Rumi/Nagachika Hideyoshi,
Fueguchi Hinami & Fueguchi Ryouko, Fueguchi Ryouko & Ken Kaneki
Character: Yoshimura Eto | Takatsuki Sen, Kamishiro Rize, Kaneki Ken | Sasaki
Haise, Aizen Sousuke, Nelliel Tu Oderschvank, Usagiyama Rumi |
Miruko, Shihouin Yoruichi, Fueguchi Hinami, Kirishima Touka,
Nagachika Hideyoshi, Fueguchi Ryouko, Original Male Character(s),
Bambietta Basterbine, Candice Catnipp, Meninas McAllon, Giselle
Gewelle, Irimi Kaya
Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Sex, Vaginal Sex, Rough Oral Sex,
Lesbian Sex, Rape/Non-con Elements, Past Rape/Non-con, Marriage,
Pregnant Sex, Unplanned Pregnancy, Forced Pregnancy, Cheating,
Trauma, Multiple Pairings, Polyamory, Seduction, Seduction to the Dark
Side, Bukkake, Kissing, Surprise Kissing, Rough Kissing, Girls Kissing,
Blow Jobs, Finger Sucking, Creampie, Group Marriage
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-04-18 Updated: 2022-12-30 Chapters: 24/? Words:

Delightful Asphyxia
by Venom_456


Eto is now the daughter of a certain Queen of Hueco Mundo. She desires to become the
Queen of Tokyo, and is looking for a King. Story starts from Tokyo Ghoul's 1st ep.
Kaneki's unexpected compassion makes Rize go down a different path. Aizen's erotic
ambitions are still at play. This also takes place 24 years after the events of A Centaur's
Sugar from my other fanfic - The New Soul King - a Bleach fanfic. This story also takes
place after Blood War, since 'The New Soul King' takes place after the events of Ichigo vs
Aizen. Eto x Kaneki (Etoken) is the romantic Endgame, but the story dances around many
other ships. Smuts and Lemons. NSFW.

This story is primarily Tokyo Ghoul, but it is just in the same universe as Bleach
(Combined Realms - Soul Society/Hueco Mundo/etc).

Story contains sex on many levels that include (but not limited to): Lovemaking,
impregnation, rape, oral sex, and sex to manipulate a person or people.

This is a Spinoff from The New Soul King (Events take place roughly 24 years after A
Centaur's Sugar), This is a start of a lengthy fanfic which also houses in another fanfic that I
plan to make in the future dealing with Tokyo Ghoul as well. This fanfic is inspired and
influenced by many other fanfics - which include, but not limited to: Second Chances'
Kaneki x Rize, Mukade's Kaneki x Rize, and Unraveled Bandages' Eto x Kaneki. Since this
is a crossover/fusion story, I assume that you've watched/read Bleach, and all of Tokyo
Ghoul. If you're not familiar with The writing of The New Soul King, you might want to
read that first because this story WILL lean on many sexual elements as the story
progresses. Read at your own risk. In short, Chapter 10 (Truths, Lies, and Hard Facts), and
all of A Centaur's Sugar (Chapter 17-20) will be enough for you to understand different
elements of the story if you're not coming from 'The New Soul King'. This story will dance
around a lot of ships, which includes, but not limited to, Kaneki x Rize, Kaneki x Eto,
Kaneki x Touka, and Rize x Eto. Who ends up with who is pretty obviously based on my
initial description, but who knows? Maybe I'll throw curve balls down the road, or I'll let
Kaneki have all of these women to himself…
A Disaster
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Ahhh…this place never ceases to amaze me," murmured the emerald haired woman as she
stepped into the Coffee Shop and sniffed the fresh air from the beans.

Kuzen Yoshimura was washing dishes before he noticed Eto. Immediately, without opening his
eyes, he smiled at the young woman.

"Welcome back, my dear. It's been a while. How've you been?" greeted the senior ghoul.

"Pretty well actually, but even better now that I see that you haven't changed much, Old Man," she
responded back as she walked to the counter.

Kuzen's wrinkles twitched as he chuckled silently to himself. It was always a treat the way he
called her that. He figured that Eto had just got back from another book signing as she was still in
her professional outfit.

"Your friend was looking for you. She was the reason that I knew you were going to show up here
sooner or later." Kuzen said as he gestured over to the corner of the store.

Eto looked over her shoulder to see a bright purple haired young woman reading a book silently to
herself. Her face became a bit twisted as she glared at the back of her head.

" that so?" Eto murmured to herself.

Turning back to Kuzen, Eto smiled again,

"I'm going to have a little chat with her. Also, can I please have my usual coffee?" Eto asked as she
placed the required money on the counter.

"Of course - it'll be ready in a few minutes. But I've told you before that if you show up then it's on
the house." Kuzen responded before taking the money.

"I know, but you know how my Mom raised me, besides money is not an issue for someone like a
top selling author," Eto said as she posed in front of Kuzen.

The Veteran chuckled, "Very well then."

This made Eto smile,

"You're the best, Dad - thanks." she said as she walked over to her friend's table.

Her words almost made Kuzen tear up. They've been through a lot, and for Eto to consider him her
father after everything resonated with him.

As Eto approached Rize, she could tell that her friend didn't notice her yet. The emerald hair author
saw that Rize was reading one of her books, and grinned mischievously.

In a split moment, Eto *slammed* her hand on the table, alarming the flesh out of Rize.
The purple-haired woman turned crimson out of embarrassment and looked up to see a green pair
looking at her back.

"Well…you're late." Rize noted, trying not to sound like she wasn't alarmed.

"Apologies, I got caught in traffic. Anyways, you smell good." Eto mocked her as she planted her
lips on Rize's cheek.

Rize grinned back and closed her eyes like an innocent person.

"Oh please, don't try to change the subject by flattering me - I know that walking is your way to

Eto threw her hands up as if she just got caught red handed.

"Hey, sidewalks can be crowded too."

Rize rolled her eyes but nonetheless giggled at her friend's excuse.

"Anyways," Eto continued, " do you like my book? 10 out of 10 as usual?" The author asked

"No." Rize plainly stated.

Eto slowly frowned, which made Rize look up to her smiling,

"It's more like an 11 out of 10 for including dark humor." Rize finished.

Eto reformed her smile and held back the urge to choke her.

"You're lucky that it was your way of saying that my new book was flawless." commented the
emerald hair woman.

"Yeah, well, my date kind of said the same thing about your book too." added Rize modestly.

"Oh? Another fan? And who might it be this time?" teased Eto.

"You'll see…" Rize noted, looking out the window as she finally saw a black haired young man
and an orange haired dude make their way into the coffee shop.

Eto shrugged her shoulders,

"Well, I'm going to check if my coffee is ready and go upstairs. Don't eat him before I get
back." she teased Rize before leaning into her and stealing another kiss, but this time on her lips.

Rize's eyes immediately shot open, but slowly closed as she returned the kiss. One kiss turned into
another as their lips smacked against each other - loud enough to make other people's heads turn.
They stopped once Eto retracted. Both of them were a bit crimson in the face.

"I thought that you said we're not doing that anymore, especially in public." smiled Rize as she
licked her lips to consume the delicious flavors that were left on them by Eto.

"I did…but I had to get you back for siking me out earlier." Eto mischievous stated.

Rize just smiled as she continued reading Eto's book.

Eto got her coffee that was waiting for her at the customer counter. Then she went upstairs to relax
a bit and meet up with the other employees.

"S-S-So um…what's your favorite part of The Black Goat's Egg so far?" Ken Kaneki asked Rize as
they sat together.

Rize put on her innocent personality,

"I think my favorite part about this book is how the mental state of the boy becomes stronger
through brutal trauma," answered Rize.

"Okay! Cool, that sounds interesting." Kaneki said.

But deep down, he knew that the conversation was running a bit dry. He was too nervous to think
of something to spice up the date.

Fortunately for him, Eto was watching their little date from the opposite side of the shop. She put
shades on and extra clothing to stay incognito to both of them. Now, she finally decided to confront
the two. The emerald author wanted a closer look at this nice fan of hers anyways.

"Good Morning, love birds!" Eto proclaimed passionately.

Kaneki's entire face went crimson as Rize tried her best to keep a neutral face looking at Eto's
sudden appearance.

"Um…" Kaneki said, glancing back and forth at Rize and the green haired woman. Does that mean
that me and Ms. Rize are…officially lovers? Kaneki thought to himself.

"I see that you both are reading The Black Goat's Egg, would you both mind if I be a part of your
date for just a few minutes?" Eto asked Kaneki as she took off her shades to reveal her emerald

Kaneki couldn't help but observe her alluring face, despite her abnormal layers of clothing for
autumn, but he quickly remembered that he was on a date with Rize.

"I-I I don't have anything against you, but…" taking a leap of faith, he continued, "I think that
my date and I here-"

"-would love that." finished Rize for Kaneki.

Kaneki's eyes shot to Rize who smiled warmly, giving him that look of - it's okay, this will be fun!

"Wonderful!" Eto said as she took a seat next to Rize.

"So how did you lovely birds come together?" Eto asked the two.

Because I want to fucking eat him. Rize nonchalantly stated in her mind.

"Well, we formed a connection from our love of the same book, right?" Kaneki said looking over
at Rize.

Rize's eyes widened which made Kaneki's face widened as well - he remembered that in his
sentence, he used the phrase from our love, which he totally did not realize until Rize's face
"Sounds right to me." Rize answered as innocently as possible.

"Interesting…" Eto commented as she began to take the extra layers of clothes off of her body,
revealing more of her natural slender curves.

"Um…" Kaneki began, not trying to make it too awkward.

Eto ignored this and responded back, "I never got your name, young man. What is it, if I may

Kaneki took a deep breath. It was almost like he was on too dates at the same time.

No! How could you think like that?! This is just a kind stranger's charm - that's all! Kaneki told
himself internally.

"My name is Ken Kaneki," he stated firmly.

"Ken Kaneki…" Eto murmured. She took out a pen and began flipping it at blazing speeds.

"Fascinating." she added before taking out her notebook.

"Well Kaneki. I'll tell you who I am if you can answer a few questions for me, not that you would
mind, right Ms. Rize?" Eto asked as she tipped her head casually on Rize's shoulder.

"Not at all. Take your time." Rize said as she relaxed her own head on Eto's.

"Good." Eto said gladly.

Kaneki could literally not believe his eyes. It was as if they knew each other, and were totally fine
with talking to him. Man will I have a story to tell Hide once this date is over! Kaneki proclaimed

"What intrigues you about The Black Goat's Egg?" questioned the curious woman.

"The themes! It's so unique from most books and how it dives into the mental state of the main
character throughout events. On top of that, it's from my favorite author, Sen Takatsuki!"

This made Eto sit up right,

"Favorite author? You don't say…?" Eto said, glancing at a smiling Rize who knew what was

"Ms. Rize tells me that you're quite the fanboy. You know, I'm something of an author myself. I
know Sen Takatsuki really well, in fact." humored Eto as she wrote down Kaneki's response.

"You do? How? Who is she? I mean, I've never seen her yet, but that's because she's so camera shy
- it's impossible to identify her."

Rize was trying her best not to laugh. Sensing this, Eto put a hand on Rize's thigh, smoothening her
but at the same time pleasuring her.

"I can give you a few hints about her. For one: Sen is very playful, easy-going, simple-minded, and
enjoys teasing people. On top of that, she plays with her writing utensils, and has lengthy…
emerald…green hair." finished the one eyed ghoul as she waited to see him take in the information.

It wasn't long before Kaneki caught on and his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of their
sockets. His mouth opened wider and wider. But before he could scream out of excitement, Eto
closed his mouth with her free hand.

"Now, now, we don't want to make a scene here, right Kaneki?" Eto teased.

The softness and deletable scent of the writer's hand encapsulated Kaneki. It was as if she had just
cast a spell on him that would make him do anything that she tells him to do. At this point, he
might as well be in it, since that's what he was feeling. But Eto retracted her hands, almost torturing
the young man as she got back to her writing position.

"Just a few moments ago, you said that I was your favorite author?" teased Eto. "Tell me…what do
you like about my books?"

Kaneki's brain was working overtime. He was on a date with Rize; A stranger who happens to be a
beautiful woman and his favorite author interrupts their date that was going dry; and now he gets to
have a 2 on 1 personal conversation with them?! He's hit the jackpot!

"Um….I….I…" Kaneki tried to get out, overwhelmed from what was happening.

Rize silently smiled as she looked at Eto mischievously. She knew that she was having fun with

"Awww, how adorable…" Eto called out as she extended her hand to Kaneki's chest, pressing
against it with a firm force. "You have a little crush on Ms. Takatsuki too? It seems that Rize has
some competition, doesn't she?"

But then suddenly, Rize's face turned a bit to surprise. What did she just say? Me? Competing with
someone else? Rize thought to herself. She didn't fully realize it, but she felt a sense of jealousy in
that comment.

Kaneki saw Rize's face and immediately turned pale. He felt that his prior words and actions just
disrespected Rize altogether.

"It's-It's not that I…" Kaneki said as he looked down at the arm on his chest. "I'm just in shock that
you're here and…" but the feeling of guiltiness went away as that same hand cuffed his chin to
make him look up to her emerald eyes.

"Mmhmm" Eto said, mesmerizing the young man. "I'm sure that's all," Eto noted.

When her hand retracted, Kaneki felt like he just screwed up, as if he had just committed adultery
in front of Rize.

"Now then…" Eto said putting her pen and notebook away, "...would you like to know something
else about me, and Ms. Rize here?"

Don't fucking tell him that we're ghouls! Rize shouted in her mind as her face turned towards Eto's
with a bit of anxiety.

"Hehe" Eto laughed as she could see Rize's expression from her peripherals.

"Me…and Rize…used to date each other."

Rize's expression went from anxiety to embarrassment, while Kaneki's face went from paleness to
crimson. If this day wasn't any crazier than it already was, he was now staring at two alluring
women who more than likely use to rub their womanhood together.
"Oh…God…I can't believe that-"

But this time, Rize shut his mouth with her own hand.

"Please don't repeat what she just said, I'm a bit closed off about it." Rize noted, slipping from her
innocent personality slightly.

Just like before, Kaneki's nostrils were met with another delectable scent. Rize's hand was much
colder from Eto's warm hand, but nonetheless smoother. He was doing everything in his power to
mentally remember the feeling of both of the women's digits.

A scandalous idea ran through Eto's mind as she forcefully retracted Rize's hand from Kaneki's

"Oh she is closed off about it! But if you don't believe us…" Eto said as she took a hold of Rize's
cheeks and crashed her lips onto hers.

Nothing could have prepared Kaneki for that moment. He had to admit that it was so scandalous
that it even made his own manhood tingle.

Eto retracted once again from Rize after about three solid seconds. A string of saliva connected
their lips together before showing how crimson their faces turned in that moment.

"Would you…like to see us kiss again?" Eto asked Kaneki in a more raspy voice.

"Oh-um…n-n-no! I mean…you don't have to do that! I believe the both of you!" Kaneki said
waving his hands in front of his face.

Eto genuinely frowned.

"Aww, that's too bad, but that's fine. Just promise that when you two get to the point when you're
both comfortable enough to kiss each other, just promise me that you'll take good care of her. It's a
dangerous world out here, Kaneki, okay?" Eto requested.

Kaneki took a moment to realize what she was saying. This reaffirmed her feelings for Rize.

"I'll do my best!" Kaneki said, but then realized that he was still in just the first hour of their date,
and he was already speaking as if he had already won the position of being her boyfriend.

Rize didn't seem to mind his words, she was still gassed from the kiss after all. Plus, she still
wanted him for dinner…

Eto's eyes went to her watch as she knew that it was that time.

"Well would you look at that, I got to go - here: Take this Kaneki." Eto said as she fetched a
business card from her breast. Kaneki hesitantly looked at it and then turned to Rize for her

Rize smiled and nodded, and then Kaneki gladly took it, but silently noted to himself of how
amazing it smelled.

"One more thing...Kaneki..." Eto said.


"Tell should a Queen find her King?"

Kaneki took a moment to think. He knew from Ms. Takatsuki's books and writing style that this is
actually a trick question.

"Well...I actually don't think that a Queen should have to find her King. I think that eventually,
they would seek each other...and rule together." Kaneki said with about 88% of confidence.

Eto simply smiled proudly. While it could have been worded better, I can tell that he was pretty
confident about it - and that's what I was really looking for. Eto told herself.

"Wonderful answer..." acknowledging out loud that he answered correctly.

"Anyways, it was nice meeting you! Hopefully I'll see you around, whether it's here, or on the flip
side." Eto remarked before leaving for good.

"It was nice meeting you too!" Kaneki said excitedly.

Getting up, Eto looked at Rize and smiled,

"Ms. Rize, it's always a pleasure. Tata for now." Eto said as she victoriously made her way to the
back of the shop.

Wow Eto… Rize thought to himself…you know he's my next meal and you still give him your
business card? You're giving me a run for who's more sadistic between the two of us.

Passing by was Touka who witnessed it all.

"Was it really necessary to go off the rails in front of the poor guy?" Touka asked.

"No, but you know that I love to tease people." Eto said nonchalantly.

Touka looked at Kaneki again and frowned. She knew of Rize's binge eating, and foresaw that he
would likely never come back to this shop alive again.

Upstairs, Eto said farewell to Kuzen.

"Well Old Man, it's about that time." stated Eto as she extended her arms to give him a hug.

He returned the gesture and they shared a warm hug.

"Something tells me that I'll be stopping by more often." Eto said inside their embrace.

"I'd like that, but in the meantime take care of yourself, my dear," Kuzen said before softly kissing
Eto's hair.

Ending their hug, Eto spontaneously opened a portal for herself to Hueco Mundo.

Before stepping in, she turned to Kuzen, "see ya soon…" she said before entering the portal and

On the other side, the demigoddesses immediately picked up her presence...

"Hey! Big Sis Eto is back!" her little sister - Ranka - called out as she was playing with a football in
her room.
Hueco Mundo's Castle has expanded exponentially. The castle is the home to a lot of demigods
since Aizen's victory and after the events of the Blood War.

From another room, Lenalee, her other younger sister (older to Ranka), got out of her room after
hearing the noise that Ranka was making.

"Hey! Ranka! Wait for me!" Lanalee said as she chased after Ranka down the hallway.

In the throne room, the two rulers sensed an uproar in the massive Castle.

"Hmph - Hey Nel..." Queen Harribel stated, "I believe that your first born has returned." Queen
Harribel commented to her co-ruler of Hueco Mundo.

"What made it obvious? The spiritual pressure or her siblings screaming to greet her?" Nelliel
teased her fellow ruler.

Harribel chuckled from her answer. During the time of relative peace, The Golden Queen has since
grown her hair - all the way down to her cleavage.

Back in the hallway, Ranka finally found where Eto teleported.

"ETOOO!" Ranka said as she crashed into Eto's stomach.

"Woah there!" Eto said as she caught Ranka from falling to her knees.

"You've gotten heavier Ranka!" Eto commented.

Lanalee finally caught up to them, out of breath.

When Eto and Lanalee locked eyes, they simply smiled.

Escaping from her hug, Ranka pulled at Eto's arm.

"Come on, let's go see Mommy!" her younger sister proclaimed.

They all made their way to the throne room, and Ranka burst open the massive door with
adrenaline pumping through her veins.

"Mom! Mom! Look who's here! Look who's here!" Ranka said running up the stairs.

"Ranka…" Nelliel began, "I've told you, please do not burst open the do-" but she stopped herself
when she realized that her first born child had entered the throne room. All of the emotions crashed
into her mind.

"SWEETHEART!" Nelliel proclaimed as she crashed into Eto with tremendous force.

"Heyyy…Mom…" Eto muffled as her face was planted in her mother's large breasts.

"Has the world of the living been treating you good?" Nelliel asked as she released Eto and cuffed
her cheeks to look down at her.

"Oh…you know it is. Anyways, we might be getting a certain spirit in the soul society…"

Nelliel tilted her head in curiosity, "Really? Who do you think that is in particular?"

Eto smiled a bit sadistically, "Oh…just a gut feeling. That's all…"

Meanwhile…in the streets of Tokyo, the moonlight shined bright as nighttime began. Unfortunately
for one particular young man, he was running for his life as he screamed in agony…

"Kaaaaannneeeekkkiii, wheeeerrreee aarreeeeee youuuuu?!" Rize mockingly called out to him.

Kaneki tried his best to hush himself as he hid from Rize. He was bleeding profusely from his

Rize surprised him from behind by busting open the wall.

"Found youuuuuuuu! Awwwwwwww, what's wrong, don't you like meeeee more than your
favorite author?" Rize mocked him as she licked his blood off of her lips.

Kaneki could only crawl back before Rize impaled him again over and over with her kagune. He
eventually stopped screaming which prompted Rize to remove her kagunes from his body.

"That's too bad, I really did like you…"

Then suddenly, a ruckus from above began as steel beams came crashing down to take both of their

"Huh?" Rize said as she looked up, noticing the beams.

Then, Kaneki suddenly mustered up more energy than he had left as he got to his feet.

"Rize! Watch out!" Kaneki shouted before tackling her away from the steel beams.

Both still got caught in the debris, but very much alive…for now.

Minutes later, sirens and EMS arrived at the scene.

"Two people are under the debris! One of them seems to be conscious!" commented the medical

She knelt down to Rize who was bloody and barely conscious.

"Ma'am! Are you okay?!" asked the nurse.

"He…saved…me…" Rize weakly said, looking at Kaneki's motionless body.

"We need to get both of you to a hospital! Give me the first aid!"

At the hospital, The Doctor did everything that he could to save both of their lives.

"I'm sorry, but it has to be done! I'll take full responsibility!" The Doctor proclaimed.

Rize's organs were transplanted into Kaneki's stomach. When his eyes opened, one of them
shimmered bright red with a black outline, signifying that he is now a half human - half ghoul.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you all for reading my first chapter of Delightful Asphyxia! Let's get some
things straight. You might be wondering - Wait, Eto is Nelliel's daughter?! Then who's
the father?! I'm pretty sure that you can guess who that is if you are coming from The
New Soul King. Anyways, I guess that this would make her a human, ghoul, soul
reaper, hollow, and a demigoddess all at the same time! You might ask - but then how
did she become a ghoul if Nelliel is her biological mother and her biological father is
you-know-who?! Well, questions will be answered as the series continues, so follow
the story (it's free :D). This story also displays something that I would like to call
Featured Characters: As you can tell by reading, I fused the Bleach universe with the
Tokyo Ghoul Universe. To go a step further, Featured Characters are the result of
certain Bleach character's offsprings who share the same name, appearance, and
personality (*albeit sometimes slightly altered to fit my fanfic*) of other anime/manga
characters from other universes and such. To make it not too confusing, Eto is the
daughter of Nelliel, which means that Eto's backstory has radically changed. If you
already guessed, I made them mother and daughter because of their green hair. Cute
huh? Okay I'll stop, lol :P - More details of her past will be revealed as chapters
progress but this is just to throw caution to the wind.

I HAD to put the Norman Osborn meme when I got the chance. I was laughing about it
all day and I needed to put that in my writing LOL. Anyways, that's all I got for now,
thank you all for supporting the story and see you next time!
A Change of Heart
Chapter Summary

The exposition has been established, new actions have been made - where do these
characters go from here?

Inside the hospital…

"Are you sure about this? Ms. Kamashiro? This could very well kill you in the process." Dr. Kanou
said as both of his patients were lying side by side from each other.

"Y-Yes. Do what you must…" Rize said weakly, glaring at Kaneki.

They were still both covered in blood.

"Hmph. Very well. Prepare yourself." Dr. Kanou said as he began the operation.

"Ms. Kamashiro? Can you hear me? It looks like she is coming to." said one of the nurses.

Rize's eyes adjusted to the light in the room. She groaned as her body turned itself online again.

"Where's Kaneki?" Rize asked the nurse to her left.

The nurse looked at the other nurse in the room, and made a lovely expression. Looking back at
Rize, she smiled.

"He's resting in the other room, you can see him later on today, but please, just rest for now." The
nurse informed her.

"Ugh…" Rize said as she sat up in bed. Her clothes had been changed and now she's wearing a
hospital gown.

"I feel fine…I just need to see Kaneki…" Rize said as she snatched the heart monitor off of her

"Ms. Kamashiro - wait!" pleaded one of the nurses as Rize was quicker than expected.

Rize bolted to the next room and saw Kaneki's name on the door. She entered it without hesitation.

"Kaneki!" Rize proclaimed busting open the door.

Kaneki was still in bed asleep, but Dr. Kanou was sitting by him, and Rize could only see the back
of his head.
"Love is strong these days: He saved your life, and you saved him by offering your organs to him."
The Doctor said as he smiled and turned towards Rize.

Rize frowned, "Love...?"

The nurses finally caught up to the room.

"I'm sorry, Sir! She just woke up and bolted here as fast as she could!"

Dr. Kanou just shook his head, "Don't worry, it's fine, leave her to me," he said waving his hand
and nodding his head.

The nurses bowed and left, leaving Rize, Dr. Kanou, and the sleeping Kaneki in the room.

"So…when do you think that he would be able to wake up?" Rize asked politely.

"That depends on how strong he is, but I can guarantee that he is stable. Your organs sped up his
regeneration quite fast if I say so myself," Dr. Kanou said as he adjusted his glasses.

Rize's heart sank. Does…he know that I'm a ghoul? Rize asked herself internally.

But Dr. Kanou got up and walked over to the door, and past Rize.

"I'll leave you too alone, give us a call if you need anything," he said before leaving.

"T-Thank you…" Rize said.

She approached Kaneki and looked down at his resting body. He still smelt as wonderful as ever,
and some of her thoughts of devouring him still slipped in her mind, but now she held them back -
conflicted. Gently taking a hold of his hand, Rize whispered out loud,


It was too much for her, so she left the room and went home.

1am…Rize's inner turmoil has made her restless… so she goes to the one person who may be
able to help her…

Rize knocked on the coffee shop, unable to sleep. A familiar dark violet-haired teenager eventually
opened the door.

"Hey - sorry we're closed, we don't open until the morn-" but her expression became irritated upon
seeing Rize's face.

"Oh…it's you…what the hell do you want?" Touka asked annoyed.

"I wish to speak with Mr. Yoshimura, is he there?" Rize asked in more of a polite tone than usual.

"He's sleeping right now," Touka lied to her.

"Then let me speak with Eto…please…" Rize persisted.

"She's not here either."

"Touka. Is someone there?" An old voice said from inside.

Touka leaned back in the shop, "It's HER - sir. She wants to talk to you."

There was a pause that left Rize anxious.

"Bring her in upstairs." Kuzen said.

"But Sir…" Touka protested.

"It'll be fine, Touka."

Rolling her eyes, she opened the door, "Ugh…Yes Sir."

Upstairs in the coffee shop…

"So Rize, why do you wish to speak to me? Do you need something from Eto? You know that she's
with the Queen of Hueco Mundo right now," Kuzen said.

"No, it's not that…it's just…" Rize said as she squeezed her hands tighter and tighter.

"Why…?" Rize said, looking down at her pale hands.

"Why…what?" Kuzen inquired.

"What did he…Kaneki…do it?" Rize finally looking up at Kuzen.

"Why did he save me?! It doesn't make sense! I tried to just brush it off and go about my life but…
the more that I think about it…the more that I hate myself for what I did…or tried to do…and…"

Rize found herself holding back tears and sniffing back air.

Touka rolled her eyes, observing the conversation in the doorway.

"Oh my God, are you seriously crying? Come on, you're not fooling anymore with those crocodile
tears." Touka blurted out.

Kuzen looked back and gave her a non-approving glare. Touka threw her hands up mockingly.

"Fine! Fine! I'll leave, she's the binge-eater freak in the room anyways." Touka murmured as she
left their sight.

Rize looked at Touka as she left her sight and felt the urge to fight her…but she knew that it
wouldn't change what she said was true.

"Now listen carefully…Ms. Rize…" Kuzen said, making Rize focus back on him.

"I cannot answer those questions. The only one that can is the young man at the hospital, do you
agree?" providing her with napkins.


Kuzen smiled, "Good."

But Rize looked down again and shook her head, "But still, I don't know what I'm supposed to do
anymore. I don't know how I can live with myself…! Now I just feel so…confused…
angry…guilty…and…" her tears finally escaped her eyes, which made her use the napkins.

"You live with yourself by doing better." Kuzen answered her.

"No human, ghoul, hollow, or even a soul reaper is perfect, and the best way to make amends is by
self reflection and self improvement." Kuzen said as he answered at least one of her questions.

"You're right…but how do I do that?" Rize asked.

"Well, if you're willing. You can join the coffee shop and work for us." he said with a smile.

Touka, who was still eavesdropping on the conversation, didn't like that idea at all, "Wait what?
You're letting HER join our shop Sir?! Just because she's putting on this innocent act, doesn't mean
that we can trust her!" she said going back inside the room.

"I'm sure that as long as she works for us, then any of her discrepancies can be handled by us."
Kuzen pointed out.

"Besides…" he began as he finally opened his kakugans at Touka, "it doesn't do us any good to
have her roam around Tokyo nomadically - which ignites more CCG over our heads, no?"

Touka did not challenge his words, and instead smacked her teeth.

"You're too optimistic for me, Sir." she said before leaving the area for good this time.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Kuzen commented.

"Now then" he said turning back to Rize,

"I'll inform Eto if she comes back here. In the meantime, try to get some rest and meet us back here
at sunrise, alright…?"

"Yes…Sir" Rize nodded.

Rize completed her shift before going back to Kaneki's hospital room. A familiar person met
her there…

"Rize!" a voice cried out at the door.

Rize turned around and saw none other than Eto Tu Odelschwanck.

"Eto…when did you-mmph!" Rize muffled as Eto fell into her lap and crashed her lips onto hers.

God her lips always taste so good…Rize said as she found herself kissing her back. At this point,
they were just on and off, or perhaps friends with benefits.

Eto up and saw that Rize's face was almost as crimson as her purple hair. But then her face
hardened and she put a finger on Rize's neck, slightly poking it.

"If you ever scare me like that again, steel beams will be the worst of your troubles. Do you hear

"R-Right…" Rize said, causing Eto to once again smile.

The emerald hair woman got off of Rize and looked at the sleeping young man beside her.

"That's him, isn't it?"

"Yeah…" Rize confirmed.

"Ken Kaneki…huh?" Eto said as she placed a hand over his chest, feeling his heartbeat.

To brighten up the mood, Eto looked back at Rize,

"I've heard about your little interview - are you sure that you like the idea of being the damsel in

Rize smiled and mockingly put her hands up, "Hey, well…it has its perks." She admitted.

Eto giggled before looking back at Kaneki. So many thoughts linger through her mind, Why did he
do it? What gave him that strength to help Rize? Was it love? No, I'm being too idealistic.

"What do you…plan to say to him once he wakes up?" Eto asked Rize.

"I…I'm not sure yet…it's not like apologizing will change the fact that I tried to…you know" Rize
said lowering her voice so that no one else could hear them.

"Yeah…" Eto said, acknowledging the statement.

"Anyways…how was your visit seeing the Queen of Hueco Mundo?" Rize said getting up and
standing next to Eto.

Her ex rolled her eyes, "Oh for the love of the damn Soul King, it's Mama Nel, not tHe qUeEn oF
hUeCo mUnDo!" Eto blurted out.

Rize nervously laughed, "I know! It's just that, a lot has changed with me and…" looking at

"...I'm just trying to do better…that's all."

Eto squinted at her best friend, "Don't be weird, Rize."

Rize smirked and fired back at her,

"Says the almighty demigoddess who works as an author for a living."

Both ladies stared at each other before giggling to themselves. Once they gathered themselves,
Rize spoke out,

"Um…I know that you said to not bring this up anymore…but…" Rize began before hesitating.

Eto frowned as she thought of EVERYTHING that she didn't want to hear.

"Spit it out." she demanded.

Rize took a deep breath,

" you think that maybe you can ask the Amber Goddess if she can help wake up Kaneki?"

A paused ensued before Eto responded,

"I can't ask her. Lady Orihime's powers can't wake up people in comas. They are more for battle
wounds and repairing limbs that were recently blown off, unlike in our case where he has already
had surgery from your organs…"

Eto then gently squeezed Kaneki's resting arm.

"...besides, you know that I can't go back to that island…not after what happened to me there…"
Eto explained looking genuinely miserable.

Rize immediately shook her head, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you that."

Eto then smiled as she looked back at Rize,

"Hehe, it's okay, I don't blame you. He must have really changed you for the better, huh?" she
pointed out.

"Y-Yes he has…" Rize confirmed.

Eto had one last hard look at the sleeping young man.

"Ken Kaneki…huh?

Then she got her stuff and started walking out of the room.

"You know…when he wakes up, remind me to pay him another visit. It would make a great
interview for writing my next book." Eto requested.

"I will." Rize said.

Eto gave her a provocative look at the door.

"Good. Well then - I'll see you around, gorgeous." She said before leaving the hospital.

The day that Kaneki woke up…

"Ahh, so you're awake. Good." Dr. Kanou said smiling.

"Uhhhh…" Kaneki groaned as he finally moved a bit.

"You've been out for a few days. A lot of people came to see you - in fact I think that they are here
to see you now-"

"HEY! My man is back!"

The Doctor and Kaneki turned to see Hide with his hands up and a nurse behind him. She shook
her head at Doctor Kanou.

"Call me if you need anything, Kaneki." he said before leaving the area again.

"Hey, Hide…" Kaneki greeted his friend once again.

"So man, how was your cat nap?" He said taking a seat next to his bed.

"I feel…pretty good actually," Kaneki said, surprised at the new found strength and energy.
"Oh? If you're feeling pretty good now then check this out…!"

Hide pulled out a newspaper, and Kaneki read it. It detailed the steel beam incident. The press
explained "The Heroic Actions of a Young Man" but did not mention anything about Rize being a

"You're a hero now, bro! On top of that, I think that you will secure your date from that night if
you know what I'm saying…" pointing to the person who was interviewed - Kaneki's girlfriend.

Kaneki's heart sank,

"Wait…do you mean that Rize was here?"

"Of course man! She was checking up on you EVERYDAY! I'm surprised that she hasn't shown
up yet too. She's totally a keeper! Do NOT screw anything up with her. Not to mention, she was
with her strange green hair friend too. Don't know what that was all about but hey - maybe try and
put a vogue for me, you know." Hide teased him.

Ms. Takatsuki was here too? Kaneki said to himself.

"R-Right" Kaneki said outloud.

"Huh?" Hide said before turning around and seeing Rize at the door.

"Oh it's you! You scared for a sec there, Rize!"

Kaneki's heart beat increased.

"Hey! If you're here to see your boyfriend, then don't let me get in y'all's way."

Rize softly smiled. Not confirming or denying his statement,


Patting Kaneki on the back, he grinned widely, "Later dude - if you're not on another date with
Rize today, then swing by my place so that we can catch up a bit!" Hide said, bolting out of the

Kaneki was too frozen to speak. Rize couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes as she walked
back to the seat near his resting bed.

They sat there in silence for a bit, before Rize spoke out.

"Thank you, Kaneki…"

His eyes widened and he finally looked at her, who was still looking at the ground.

"...for saving me…even though I didn't deserve it, you went out of your way to…to…" Rize
couldn't bring herself to finish what she wanted to say.

"It's alright Rize."

Rize finally met his eyes as they were filled with relief and happiness.

"But why…? Why did you save me?! I don't get it. I could barely sleep since that night! It's just…it
doesn't make sense!" Rize protested.
Thinking back, Kaneki looked at his hands, "If I'm being completely honest, Rize, I don't really
know either. I just saw the steel beams and felt a newfound strength to get up. My body…just…
moved on its own. There was no time to think. Either way…" Kaneki said, looking back at Rize.

"I'm glad that I did it."

Rize felt a fuzzy feeling in her chest. A sweet sensation that she had never felt before.
Automatically, she got up and sat right next to Kaneki on his bed, and placed her hands around his
cheeks, smiling warmly at him.

Kaneki's face widened, her hands were so soft and smooth. For a second, he thought that she was
going to eat him again.

"Uhh…Rize…are you oka-"

But his words were cut off as Rize planted her lips onto his own.

Kaneki's mind and body went wild as he was experiencing his first kiss right before his eyes. His
eyes were still open and only saw Rize's face centimeters away from him. She slightly turned
crimson as she pressed her lips harder on Kaneki's.

The young man's eyes felt heavy and he found himself pressing back against her own, tasting her
own flavors as his hand reached for her waist. By no means was he an expert kisser, but Rize
seemed like she was enjoying it, which made him feel like he was doing well.

If only our date just ended like this…Kaneki told himself.

Just then, a certain author walked into the room.

"You beat me here, Rize. I thought that you...oh…." the author said before she noticed the two
young adults kissing each other.
Shocking Truths
Chapter Summary

Rize's embraces Kaneki as Eto walks in on them, how will this day play out?

Eto watches them kiss silently, stunned as she sees Rize make out with Kaneki. Their kisses
become more erotic as Rize forces her tongue into Kaneki’s mouth, to which he gladly invited.

Well…so much for checking to see if he’s alright. I think that I should go…I mean…it’s not like me
and Rize are dating anymore, and Kaneki is…well…he’s just a fan of my books… Eto tells herself
trying to fight her disappointment and sadness.

As soon as she takes a step back, Rize’s heightened senses kick in. Her violet eyes peaked towards
the door to see the author clutching her purse by her side. Immediately, Rize’s eyes completely
open and she retracts from Kaneki, who was left in a daze from his first kiss and made out of his

“E-Eto!” Rize called out.

“Who’s… Eto …?” Kaneki says as he turns towards the door to see his favorite author.

Immediately, his face turns even more crimson than before.

“U-u-u-u-uh….Ms. Takatsuki! I-I-I-I didn’t k-k-know that you were here!” he said, trying to gather

Eto sees both of their shocked reactions, as if they just got caught in a scandal, but she puts on a
fake smile.

“Hehe…if you two desire privacy, then next time get a room that is locked, okay lovebirds?” Eto
The two looked at her with embarrassment, while Eto’s heart was pounding in her chest.

Why am I so railed up?! Eto argued with herself. Ugh…I can’t let them see me look weak, I need to
go now…before I… Eto thought as her throat became sore.

“Anyways, it looks like you’re alive and healthy Kaneki. With that, I’ll catch you both on the flip
side.” Eto said with the most normal tone that she could fathom.

“Wait, Ms. Takatsuki!” Kaneki called out, making her stop in her tracks again.

She chose not to turn around this time, not in case face turned into a mess.

“T-Thank you for stopping by and checking up on me, I sincerely appreciate it.” Kaneki

His words warmed her heart a bit and even calmed her nerves. Even for someone as confident and
powerful as she was, she had a weakness.

“No, the pleasure was all mine. You take care of yourself, Ken Kaneki…” Eto stated before
walking out of the door.

Later on that day, Both Rize and Kaneki are given food by the hospital staff…

“Please madam, you must eat. It’s essential that you eat for a proper recovery.” the nurse told

“Thank you, but I’m not hungry right now. I feel fine. I’ll eat if I feel like it.” she replied.

Once the nurse left, Rize went back to Kaneki’s room to see how he was doing.

“You're not hungry?” she asked him as she cuddled right next to him on his bed.

Kaneki couldn’t help but fluster since Rize didn’t even give him a warning - almost as if they have
done this a thousand times already. She was cold, but cold in a way that wasn’t particularly a bad
thing. Her soft and smooth skin brushed against him. Not to mention her delectable scent that
flooded his nostrils.

“Oh um…not right now. In fact, I feel like I don't need to eat for the rest of the day.” he replied.

The response made Rize skeptical about his condition but glad that he felt great. They sat there in
silence for a bit before Rize finally spoke out again.

“Um…so Kaneki…” Rize said, sitting up on the bed.


Rize took a moment to gather herself. Her face became cherry as the words came out of her mouth.

“About our… kiss …um…what did you think of it? Did you like it?” Rize said looking innocently
in to his eyes.

Kaneki’s mouth partially opened.

He became so excited at that moment that he forgot that he was in a hospital.

“I-I-I loved it!” he proclaimed pretty loudly, before using one of his hands to shut his mouth.

Rize flinched as they waited for a staff member to come into the room and ask them if something
was wrong, but no one came.

After a few seconds, they both started laughing at themselves.

“I’m glad to hear that. I…liked it too…very much.” Rize added.

Kaneki sighed in relief, but then Rize spoke out an even crazier truth.

“You know Kaneki…that was my first kiss ever… kissing a guy that is …!” Rize clarified as she
remembered that Kaneki already saw her kiss Ms. Takatsuki before.

“No kidding, that was…my first kiss…period.” Kaneki admitted with no shame anymore.

Normally it would be taboo to discuss so openly, but this conversation was confidential. Besides,
he trusted Rize.

“You…really don’t feel like eating…?” Rize said as she looked at his food that was untouched on
the table.

Kaneki nodded,

“Yeah…for some reason, I just can’t stomach eating this food.”

That’s when an idea popped in Rize’s mind.

“That reminds me, your friend. Hide, was it? I met him earlier during your recovery. He told me
that you love to eat hamburger steak. Why don’t we all stop there after checking out of the

Even though he still wasn’t hungry, the sound of that idea was enough to get him excited.

“Oh wow! Yeah that’s great…but um…Rize…there’s something that I need to tell you…” Kaneki
began as he looked at his stomach.

“What is it?” Rize asked, anxious to know what he was thinking.

“Thanks…for donating your organs to me. Without them, I’d be dead right now.” Kaneki
proclaimed to her.
Rize smiled. “Right back at you. One more reason to celebrate today. Now let’s get you checked
out of this damn prison.”

Kaneki chuckled at her words,

“What? You don’t like hospitals?”

Rize made a playful expression,

“I’ll…explain that on the way out.”

Around 1300, the three young adults were inside Big Girl’s restaurant and received their food…

“Chow time! Thanks again for suggesting this to us Rize, but goodness gracious! You certainly
stay on a strict diet. How do you not starve yourself? Hide said, looking at her salad and coffee.

“These days I try to stay away from… binge eating …so I think that this will do.” Rize responded
by stirring her coffee and taking a sip.

Kaneki - you are sooo lucky my man. Most guys would do almost anything to be her boyfriend.
Hell! On top of that, Even most girls would kill for a kind of figure like Rize’s! Hide told himself as
he took his first bite.

“Kaneki! Quit looking at the food, man! The hamburger steak won’t just crawl into your stomach.”
Hide said.

“R-Right…” Kaneki replied.

He just was staring at his food with a disgusted look. Rize began to worry even more now.

“You okay, Kaneki?” Rize asked cautiously.

Kaneki just shook his head. He stared at his plate as if he was looking at puke. Speaking of puke…

“I think that I’m gonna be sick…”

Then after staring at his food for three more seconds, he bolted up and ran to the nearby trash

“Kaneki!” Rize and Hide cried out.

Kaneki regurgitated just from staring at the food for too long.

“Oh shoot! Sorry dude, I didn’t think that it was that bad…” Hide said, rubbing his head in

“N-n-no, it’s….not that it’s…just…” but Kaneki struggled to get out the next words.

“Save your breath!” Rize said, putting a hand on his shoulder and handing him a napkin.

“Here - let’s get you cleaned up. I think that I know someone who can help…” Rize said as she
pulled out her phone and walked to the side.

On the other end, the phone rang, and a certain green-haired woman sighed.

Please do not ask me to be your third wheel, Rize. Eto said as she answered the phone.

“Hey Rize what’s up?”

“Eto, thank God that you picked up! Look, Kaneki’s been sick and can’t eat anything ever since he
had surgery. I know that you don’t like guests at your house anymore…but…could you make an
exception…just this once…and allow us to crash at your place? Since you make some killer home
cooked meals, I think that just might be what could get him to eat.”
Eto sighed again,

“You’ve been making a lot of requests to me these days, Rize. First it’s trying to get assistance
from Lady Orihime, and now this?”

“I knoooww, sorry. But pleeeaaase Eto, it would mean the world to me…and to him… ” Rize said,
looking back at Kaneki who was being helped by Hide.

Eto took a few moments to think about it, and then gave her answer.

“Very well, but show up no later than 1800 and be out by 2200. He has college and I can't be
responsible if he misses a class in the morning.”

Rize victory-pumped on her end, “Yes! Thank you Eto! You’re the best! You’ll be a great Queen
for sure one day, just like your mother!”

Eto smirked on her end,

“Yeah…alright then…see ya soon.” she said before hanging up.

(17:55) After hanging around the mall, the trio made their last stop of the day to Ms. Takatsuki’s
residence. They traveled up the elevator in a huge building before Rize opened a door to a
penthouse with an access code…

This is…Ms. Takatsuki’s residence? It’s huge! Kaneki said to himself looking at her penthouse for
the first time.

Damn…! I know that Rize said that we were going to a famous person’s apartment, but I didn’t
expect it to be so rich . Who does this house belong to anyways? Hide thought to himself.

Just then, Eto came from the second floor in a spooky but unique outfit. Her body was completely
wrapped in bandages, excluding her face, and she wore a maroon hooded cloak with droopy ears
and a floral scarf around her neck. Her curly emerald hair flowed freely to her back.
It’s as if she dressed up as one of the characters from her book, Kaneki thought to himself as he
unintentionally observed her perky figure. He didn’t know what it was but psychologically he felt
that he was being drawn to her the more that he encountered her.

He was right. Her professional attire didn’t showcase just how perky and curvaceous that she was.
She did get a lot of it from her mother, and now he’s seeing the side of Ms. Takatsuki that most
people would never get to see…

When she saw Kaneki, she smiled.

“You both are here just on time. I was just about to ask if…huh?”

That’s when Eto frowned as she noticed that another person was with them, someone who she was
not expecting to be here.

“Oh right!” Rize said as she motioned Hide to step next to her. “This is Kaneki’s best friend, Hide,
who was with us too. It’s cool if he stays with us…right?” Rize asked nervously.

Hide felt the tension in the room and decided to speak for himself. “Um…Greetings Ma’am. I was
told that you’re the famous author - Ms. Tak…a..tsuk…a? Anyways! It’s a pleasure to meet you.
For the record, I tried to tell Rize that I don’t need to come along if she’s with Kaneki, but she
insisted.” Hide said nervously.

You’re pushing it, Rize. Eto told Rize by glaring at her intensely. Regardless, she responded to the
carrot top nonchalantly.

“Well…if you’re the best friend of Kaneki, then I’ll make another exception. Besides, you’re all
already here, and it probably took you all some time to get here, so you might as well just stay.”
Eto said as she motioned to Kaneki to shut the door.

Kaneki nodded and closed the door. That’s when something caught them off guard.

“Ooooh, are these your friends that you mentioned were coming over, big sis?!” a young voice said
from above.
Everyone looked up to see a young girl with emerald hair similar to Ms. Takatsuki levitating right
under the ceiling. She looked down at all of them with a big smile.

“Is…she… floating …?” Kaneki spurted out, completely in awe.

Hide looked like he just saw fireworks.

“Woah, that’s awesome, kiddo! You gotta teach me how to do that! Unless this is a rich kid
trick…” Hide said as he turned towards Eto.

Her sister wanted to spend more time with her after she went to Hueco Mundo a few days ago, so
she’s been hanging out with Eto ever since. This was one of the many reasons why Eto didn’t have
guests over. How would she explain this to them?

Regardless, Eto just smiled warmly at her little sister.

“Ranka, would you mind coming down from there and greet my guests properly please?”

“Okay!” Ranka said before descending gently to the ground.

“Hi, I’m Ranka - her little sister - it’s nice to meet all of you! But of course, I know you - Rize!”
she said, winking at her.

Rize smiled and returned the wink.

Kaneki was stunned, Ms. Takatsuki has…a sister?

Nonetheless, Kaneki and Hide both replied, “It’s nice to meet you too.”

Eto then spoke out, “Alright well, you all get comfortable and turn on the TV. I’ll make dinner.”
“Can I help too?” Ranka asked.

“Of course! Come to the kitchen with me. Oh - and Rize. Please show them where the living room
is, I don’t want them to get lost in my house on a school night.” Eto pointed out.

“Aye aye, Future Queen of Tokyo,” Rize said sarcastically.

Kaneki and Hide made a puzzled expression.

Eto then smiled and closed her eyes in a stereotypical innocent way.

“Don’t make me slap you,” She teased before taking Ranka’s hand and going to the kitchen.

While watching TV, Rize switched to the news channel as the commercial came on…

“Joining us today is Dr. Hisashi Ogura, an authority on ghouls."

“Authority, my ass.” Rize blurts out, making Kaneki and Hide stare at her.

“Hehe…sorry about that, it was a…bad reaction…” Rize nervously giggles.

The doctor begins to discuss ghouls.

"Ghouls have no need to consume such large amounts of food in such a short period of time. One
dead body will sustain them for a month or two. Which means the increased number of victims
we're seeing are being consumed for pleasure."

Rize felt a sharp sense of guilt hearing the news, but Kaneki was right next to her and placed a
hand on one of her thighs. Rize smiled and cuddled a bit closer to Kaneki.

"Can't ghouls be satisfied from regular human food?" The news reporter asks.
The doctor shakes his head.

"Ghouls cannot derive nourishment from anything other than humans. That's believed to be
because of a unique enzyme they possess. On top of that, their tongues work differently than ours,
so our foods taste revolting to them. They may eat in front of us, but they'll be hit with a strong
sense of nausea afterwards."

That’s when Kaneki and Rize looked at each other in shock.

It can't be...that's impossible! The organ couldn't have... They both think.

Kaneki rushes to the kitchen, where Eto and Ranka were preparing dinner. When he got there, Eto
saw how frantic he looked.

“What’s wrong, Kaneki?” Eto asked concerned.

“I-I-I just need to try something… anything …please Ms. Takatsuki!” he begged her.

“There are snacks that you can take in the pantry. Knock yourself out if you’re that hungry.” Eto
replied, but her gut was telling her that it was more than just hunger.

Kaneki rushed to get some chips. He opened the bag fast but not so that he would make a mess. He
was in the honorable Ms. Takatsuki’s house after all.

But his efforts proved futile as the moment that he consumed the chips, he rushed to the toilet and
puked out all of it.

Kaneki then goes to the sink and throws water on his face. Then, he looks in the mirror horrified.

He touches his face, starts to whimper, then begins to cry.

Rize makes her way to Kaneki, worried.


Kaneki turns around, and Rize is startled at what she sees. Kaneki's right eye is normal, but his left

It a kakugan.

"What...what's happening to me?" He says, collapsing to the ground, sobbing.

Eto rushes over after hearing the commotion.

“What’s going on?” Eto asks.

Rize shakes her head, sad and hurt.

“I’m sorry, Eto. I should have told you before! I didn’t think that he would become one of us if I
donated my organs to him…” Rize said as she began to sniff back tears.

Eto just calmly observed Kaneki, who was on the ground sobbing. Then, she knelt beside him, and
gently lifted his face. His right eye was a kakugan, but not like a normal ghoul where both
kakugans are present….like herself.

So many thoughts ran through her mind as she put the pieces together in her head.

“Kaneki…are you hungry?” Eto calmly asked him.

Admittedly, the constant vomiting and the emotional roller coaster has made his appetite grow.
Even still, Kaneki was shocked that Ms. Takatsuki would ask such a question even though she
clearly sees his right eye.

“I can’t be a ghoul…I just can’t be a ghoul…!” Kaneki murmured to himself.

He's going internal. That's not a good sign. Eto thought to herself.

Hide and Ranka walked up on them after waiting for too long. Ranka had finished the dinner while
Hide was looking for Kaneki.

“Hey man, are you alright?” Hide said.

Kaneki’s eyes met Hide, who instantly took a step back in fear. Kaneki only began to weep more
upon seeing his best friend’s reaction. His stomach was now growling, demanding to be satisfied.

“Big Sis…is he alright?” Ranka asked Eto.

Eto, who was still kneeling beside Kaneki, turned her head and smiled warmly at Ranka.

“Everything’s under control, I’ll be with you in a second. Would you mind giving me and this
young man a moment please?” Eto asked Ranka.

The little girl nodded and exited the area.

“We need to take him to Mr. Yoshimura!” Rize said to Eto.

“No.” Eto simply stated, prompting Rize to looked startled.

“But then what are we going to do?” she asked.

Eto said nothing and then held up one finger and pointed it towards the ceiling, which made
Kaneki study it with his big eyes.

Kaneki was curious as to what she was doing, he was beginning to think she was just plain crazy.
Next she took the pointer finger of her other hand and slowly but sharply broke the skin of the
pointing finger. Blood immediately oozed slowly from it. For some unexplainable, disgusting, and
disturbing reason…Kaneki couldn't look away as the blood trickled slowly down her finger. Her
bandages dampened from her crimson blood, and would’ve flown lower down her arm had she not
angled her arms at him.

"Here, lick me.. ." she commanded.

Rize, Hide, but especially Kaneki were completely shocked.

What did she just tell him to do? Hide told himself.

This shook Kaneki from his trance. He couldn't do that . It was disgusting...Rize and Hide are right
there too! Even still...he wanted to.

Kaneki gulped, feeling his mouth begin to salivate heavily as he looked more intently at the dark
red liquid that traced her arm. He began panting as he reached for it. Closer and closer his arm got
close to feeling the bodily fluid that drained out from his favorite author’s wrist. Suddenly, his
normal instincts kicked in, realizing what he was about to do. Almost hating himself for it, Kaneki
scooted back to the wall away from the woman.

"NO!" he yelled at himself,

"You don't...want that..." he tried to convince himself even though his body was shaking

He looked down at his legs which now looked as if they were filled with angry bees. His hands
were twitching violently. He lost track of where he was, and now he was more concerned with the
fact that he wanted to not only lick the blood - that sweet …blood - from Sen Takatsuki's arms, but
more so he desired to rip off her arm and feast upon it.

No way! No way! No Way! NO WAY! He mentally yelled, violently shaking his head from left to

“Stop! This isn't the best way to go about this!” Rize protested. She was about to pull Eto’s hand
back before Hide placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Wait, Rize…” Hide said, a little bit more recomposed.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Eto kneeling next to his best friend.

“Ms. Takasuka, sorry if I butchered your name, but are you sure that this would help Kankei?”
Hide asked Eto.

Without turning around, the author nodded.

“I’m positive,” Eto replied.

Suddenly, Kaneki found himself pinned against the wall by a pair of thin, yet surprisingly strong,
arms. His restrainer was none other than Sen Takatsuki, looking eye level at him and smiling
calmly. Although, her eyes were different - or more accurately - her right eye. It looked just like
Rize's and his own in the mirror, except it held no psychotic stare like Rize’s on that fateful day, or
held no fear and anxiety like his in the mirror. Eto’s lone kakugan was one of sadness despite the
smile that rested just underneath it.

"I'm sorry, Ken... But if I don't do this, you'll most definitely starve." She said just as she shoved
her finger into his mouth.

Kaneki protested at first, trying hard to reject the taste...that sweet…succulent taste...

NO! He yelled mentally.

I can’t do this, no, no no..! tastes....sooo….good…! It’s wonderful! Delicious! His thoughts
changed and his resistance stopped as he realized the blood tasted like the most tastiest, richest, and
delicious thing he'd ever experienced in all his life... just like mother's cheeseburgers.

In fact, he found himself mentally begging Sen to leave her slender and soft finger in his mouth,
but she retracted it, leaving a string of blood mixed from saliva connecting Kaneki's mouth to her
finger. It was strange. He felt…well fed…which would be the correct way to describe it. He was
breathing heavy, but calming down. His tears still stung his eyes and stained his cheeks. Out of all
the things he could have asked her right now, only one was on his mind.
"I'm...a ghoul ?" He whispered, looking up at the green haired woman who had him pinned, now
gently, to the wall.

Eto nodded…

This brought more context to everything, as the pieces fell into place.

", then you knew that Rize was one too?" He asked, considering that they use to date.

“Yes…” she responded, causing Rize to frown and Hide to back away from Rize even more.

“Wait, WHAT?” Hide proclaimed confused and cautious.

“But…Ms. Takatsuki…your eye, it’s not the same in both, that must mean that you’re also a…”
Kaneki revealed to everyone as he was the only one that could see her eyes at the moment.

Eto answered in a calm and soft voice, calming Kaneki further and stopping him from having
another spasm.

"Yes...I am a ghoul," Eto admitted.

Her voice sounded like a soft hiss, purposely sending Kaneki into a relaxed state.

Eto figured that Kaneki would soon put together that she knew Rize would try to eat him that day,
which made her frown. She didn't want one of her fans to think that she stabbed one of them in the
back. She would have reconnected with him when he went to the soul society.

"But...why do you taste so good then? What am I supposed to do now?" he whispered back,
although his whisper was much more frantic than hers, but a whisper nonetheless.

Eto began carefully stroking her guest’s forehead trying to lull him to sleep. He obviously had had
a strange day, but Eto knew that Kaneki stressing over this would not make it any better.
"Shhh," she hissed softly, "Just relax. You’ll be okay. We’re here for you, Kaneki…" she
whispered softly now closer to his ear. She was practically hugging him at this point.

Slowly, Kaneki rested his chin on Eto’s shoulder as he allowed himself to relax more and more.
His nostrils became filled with her favorite author's distinctive and sweet scent.

Hide smiled upon seeing Kaneki relaxed.

“Phew! Well, I still have a lot of questions, but as long as you all are not trying to kill Kaneki and
myself, I think that I can work with this! Am I right, Rize?” Hide asked nervously, waiting for Rize
to confirm his viewpoint.

“Yeah…” Rize coldly responded back.

Rize was staring intensely at Kaneki and Eto holding each other. He was so relaxed and at ease in
her presence. For the whole day, she tried so hard to make him feel good, to show him that she can
make him happy, and yet…Eto showed her up by feeding him when she couldn’t, and calming his
nerves without getting The Old Man himself. She was perfect, a future Queen in the making, and a
demigoddess in the flesh. On top of that, they were both half ghouls.

Somewhat conscious of it, Rize was starting to become extremely jealous and envious of Kaneki
and Eto’s connection…
Rejecting One's Self
Chapter Summary

Kaneki's new existence forces himself and Eto to reflect on their own identities.
Meanwhile, Rize's jealously towards the demigoddess and possessiveness for Kaneki
only grows...

“You sure about this, Ms….Tukas…a…ugh! I’m sorry…I’m terrible with names…are you sure
about this Ms. T ?” Hide said as he was shown his room for the night.

“Absolutely. It’s too late now, and you’re a human who knows our identities. It’s best that we keep
an eye on you. Besides, we wouldn’t want you wandering the streets by yourself and you end up
becoming a late night meal for a hungry ghoul now, would you?” Ms. Takatsuki teased Hide with a
bit of assertion in her voice.

The carrot-top gulped at the last sentence.

“Yeeeeaaaahhhhh….you’re right. Thank you so much again for the food earlier, it was delicious!”

Eto genuinely smiled.

“You’re welcome - and please don’t wander around the house during these hours,” she ordered

“Pssshhh…! The only wandering that will happen tonight is in that bed . I’d love to stretch out my
legs inside there. You should see the dorms at Kamii University. Plus, you hooked us up with free
internet and a personal bathroom?! Nah Ms. T, you’re the G! This is perfect!” Hide proclaimed.

Eto couldn’t help but chuckle from his comments. She was starting to realize why a hyper-go-
lucky young man was the best friend of an introverted and reserved Ken Kaneki - they canceled
each other out.

“Well then, good night.” Eto said as she walked down the hallway and to the next room.
To be candid - The author more or less ordered the trio to sleep in her penthouse after everything
that transpired.

Eto made her way to Kaneki’s room, where she wasn’t too surprised about what she saw.

There, Kaneki was already in bed, and his head was buried into the shoulder of Rize, who was
stroking his hair softly. It seemed like the young man was half asleep already.

Rize looked up and gave Eto a poker face.

“I’m sleeping with him for the night.” Rize proclaimed with a hint of pettiness.

Eto returned a poker face of her own and chose not to overreact.

“Sounds good. Sleep tight, both of you.” Eto responds.

“Close the door on your way out please.” Rize hissed.

“I was going to.”

“Okay well I’m just making sure.”

An eerie silence went on for about three seconds before Eto took a deep breath and responded.

“I’ll see you two in the morning,” Eto said as she shut the door firmly, but not slamming it to show
that she was trying to be the more mature person in the group.

Eto could clearly tell that Rize was being a bit of a you-know-what , but knew that they were bigger
things to worry about.
She walked past what was supposed to be Rize’s room, and then to Ranka’s room, which she
surprisingly found empty.

“Ranka?” Eto called out as she walked further inside.

“I’m over here, Eto.” she replied from Eto’s own Queen size room.

The author noted that her little sister called her by her name, which probably meant that she was

The green-haired ghoul made her way to her own room to find Ranka sitting on the edge of it, with
somewhat of a pouty face.

“Can I sleep with you?”

Eto just smiled,

“Get in my bed, silly.”

Ranka grinned as she got in the covers. Eto turned off all of the lights in her penthouse before
joining her. Ranka wrapped her body around her sister before speaking out.

“Big Sis…what’s wrong with Mr. Kaneki?”

Looking at the ceiling, Eto responded the best that she could.

“Kaneki is…going through a phase. He is no longer normal and is now trying to find who he is.”
Eto responded.

“Is that why you’re willing to help him? Since you choose to reject… Daddy's Powers ?” Ranka
said, lowering her voice as she looked into her sister’s emerald eyes.
“Yeah…something like that…” Eto whispered before facing her sister in bed.

“Time to sleep - get some rest now,” Eto whispered before kissing her sister on the forehead and
falling asleep together.

Ranka’s words weighed on Eto’s mind, and it carried over to her dream…

“Where…am…I?” Eto murmured as she found herself laying down on a mountain of her books in a
black void.

The only light that was a small sphere that floated above her. Eventually, that light transformed into
a humanoid figure - one that shifted into a familiar high-ranking goddess with braids down in
front of her body…

“Daughter of Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck and of The Soul King …you must accept who you are - or
else you will never be able to achieve what you desire…” the golden goddess claimed to her.

Eto twisted her lips as a sharp sense of hatred coursed through her veins.

“I’m strong enough to conquer what I desire without my lineage.” she clapped back.

The golden goddess did not react and kept a gentle composure. Instead, she tried to give her more

“Do not deceive yourself, young demigoddess. In time, the power of the owl will not be enough to
defeat your enemies. They… will hunt for you again, and they will no longer hold back. You must
accept who you are, in order to access the divine powers that lie within you…unless you desire for
history to repeat itself…” the light said before fading away and putting Eto in pitch black

Kaneki wasn’t in the best boat either. As his nightmare revealed his damning philosophy…

“Wait, Rize! Please don’t eat me! I know you! You’re a good person!” Kaneki cried out to her as
he re-experienced that same fateful attack that night - now with the knowledge of the present.
Rize only licked the blood that was on her lips before laughing sadistically.

“Oooh Kaaaaneeeeki…this is why you were such an easy prey. It seems that you really don’t know
how this world works. Too bad for you, you’re nothing more than my next delicious meal. But
please…feel free to scream some more before I take my time slowly and devour you, okay?” Rize
teased him as if she was flirting with him.

Before he could reason with her, another one of her kagunes impaled his stomach. His blood and
internal organs splattered everywhere.

“How delicious…” Rize said as she drew her kagunes back and let the blood and organs drip down
into her mouth.

Kaneki’s consciousness began to fade as the pain was too much to bear. Although what pierced
Kaneki more was her words of disapproval and indifference…

The two half-ghouls then woke up to their respective buddies in bed…

“it’s time to get up.” Rize and Ranka whispered to their respective roommates.

Kaneki groaned as he moved around. Rize’s bright violet hair dangled in front of his face. Eto on
the other hand brushed away her emerald hair that covered her eyes.

“Ugh…Good Morning…I didn't know that you were waiting for me to get up…” both of them

Rize and Ranka smiled back from their words,

“Of course I would wait for you, silly.” Ranka and Rize replied back sweetly.

Switching only to Kaneki's perspective, it took him a moment to notice that Rize was only wearing
a plain t-shirt and some undergarments, which showed off most of her curves and figure.

The feeling of her cold blooded thighs and skin brushing against him sent chills down Kaneki as
his mind finally woke up.

“You were tossing in your sleep. Did you have a nightmare?” Rize and Ranka both asked their
buddies in bed.

Kaneki and Eto’s heart sank as they knew the answer to that question.

“Not exactly, but I’m okay. Everything’s fine,” they both said, but lying to them that everything
was fine.

Rize frowned as she looked down at Kaneki. Of course, she couldn’t read his mind, but she knew if
he was withholding information.

“You can tell me anything, you know,” Rize encouraged him.

Her words couldn’t sink in to him as he recalled his nightmare and thought back to why he saved

“Don’t worry, I’m fine…” Kaneki said as he took ahold of Rize’s hand on his cheek with his own.

“Ehh…if you say so…big sis!” Ranka said to Eto.

While it wasn’t the answer that she still wanted to hear, Rize put on a small smile on her lips before
she unwrapped herself off of Kaneki and stood up beside the bed.

“Alright…so be it. Anyways, I think that I’m going to throw some water on my body. Do you want
to join me?” Rize teased him as she walked to the bathroom, ready to take her undergarments off.

Kaneki’s face turned crimson.


“Hey! Rise and shine, my man! Please tell me that you’re at least out of bed. Look, we need to be
downstairs in 20 minutes so that we can beat traffic and get back to our side of Tokyo.” Hide called
from behind the door.

Rize became irritated by Hide’s timing, but then chose to turn this situation around and decided to
tease Hide in an attempt to increase Kaneki’s desire and lust for her.

Opening the door, Rize put a lot of weight on her hip, and pulled part of her shirt over her shoulder
to show some more skin.

“Oh he’ll be out of bed soon, Hide! Sorry, I was keeping him from getting up.” Rize teased
Kaneki’s best friend.

Hide was more puzzled than aroused.

Wait…you two slept together?! Does that mean that Kaneki lost his virginity before me? Aw
com’on! Hide thought as he looked over to Kaneki to confirm if they actually did it.

Kaneki shook his head at Hide, almost to tell him, it’s not what this looks like!

Hide sighed, thank the almighty…

…but then realized that Rize was still in front of him as she raised an eyebrow looking suspicious
at why he suddenly became relieved.

“Oh…um…alright then. I’ll see you both downstairs…hehe…!” Hide said as he happily bolted
downstairs in the living room.

After breakfast, Eto drove the gang to Anteiku. There, they walked straight upstairs, in order to
figure out how they can help Kaneki more. But things didn’t go exactly as planned…

“And just where the hell do you think you’re going, spiky-hair?” Touka demanded as she grabbed
his shoulder.

“Who me? Oh! Ummm…I’m with them…” Hide said as he nervously smiled, pointing at Eto,
Ranka, Rize, and Kaneki.

“It’s okay, Touka, he’s with us.” Eto confirmed.

Touka begrudgingly let him go but gave him a dirty look.

“Hey, Old Man.” Eto greeted Kuzen upon seeing him.

The veteran ghoul smiled brightly.

“Good Morning, my dear. It seems that you have quite the friends and family with you. Ranka,
you’ve grown since the last time that I saw you.” Kuzen said.

“Sure have, Mr. Yoshimura!” Ranka responded.

Looking at the other three, he noticed Rize who was holding a young man’s hand, signaling to him
he was her date. He had an eyepatch over his right eye.

“So…I take it that you’re the heroic young man that saved Ms. Rize from the steel beams? It’s a
pleasure to meet you, at last. I’m Kuzen Yoshimura,” Kuzen noted.

Hide grinned like a mad man and hyped up his best friend.

“That’s him, Sir! Ken Kaneki! The hero of Tokyo, at your service!” he said, bumping Kaneki’s

Kaneki rubbed his head with his free hand and giggled a bit embarrassed.
“Although, when Rize donated her organs to him, there was a… surprising effect to him …” Eto
mentioned turning to Kaneki.

Taking the hint, Kaneki removed the eyepatch from him, showing his kakugan to Kuzen.

Kuzen was actually a bit surprised. It was only the second time that he saw a one-eyed ghoul.

“Well, Eto told me about what happened last night, so fortunately for you, I have prepared some
coffee and some meat for you, Kaneki.” Kuzen said as he pointed towards the coffee and meat on
the counter.

Kaneki’s gut twisted, human meat…?!

“You can focus on the coffee for the time being. Since Eto handled the situation wonderfully
yesterday, you won’t need to eat anything for a while,” Kuzen stated as he smiled proudly at Eto,
who returned the smile back.

Rize’s face twisted a bit, as her bitter jealousy and envy crept in again.

Eto did not fucking handle anything wonderfully! She told my Kaneki to suck her blood right in
front of us and refused to let him go to Mr. Yoshimura last night! Rize screamed in her head.

But fortunately for her, that’s when she remembered something else that she planned on doing.

“That reminds me - I would like to make an announcement. Everyone, if it wasn’t obvious enough,
me and Kaneki are officially dating,” the binge eater proclaimed to everyone.

Generally everyone seemed happy, excluding Eto who was more neutral about it, and Touka who
was secretly listening to everything that they were saying.

“Sweet! Congrats you two!” Hide said, patting Kaneki on the back.

Kaneki blushed a bit as Rize wrapped her arm around his own.
“Well, that’s very sweet. So now, Kaneki, I suggest that you work here at the coffee shop so that
we can teach you how to be a ghoul. Your friend is highly recommended to work here as well.”
Kuzen proclaimed.

“A-Absolutely…” Kaneki responded.

“AWESOME! I’m in!” Hide proclaimed triumphantly.

“And…you’ll be working right alongside me.” Rize whispered to Kaneki as she kissed his cheek.

Kuzen frowned upon seeing Eto’s neutral reaction and Kaneki’s nerves still present. He felt that
there was something else that neither of them were saying.

“Kaneki, is there something else on your mind?” Kuzen asked, concerned.

“It’s just that…” Kaneki began,

“...I don’t feel that I am a ghoul, let alone a human. I feel like I just don’t fit anywhere anymore.”
Kaneki admitted to everyone.

Eto’s heart tugged in her chest. Yeah…kind of like me…

Kuzen looked at Eto’s face and saw some concern in her eyes, which suggested a healthy idea in
his head.

“Well Kaneki, I think that your friends say otherwise. Your partner is a ghoul like us, and your best
friend is a human. You are special. You have the ability to exist in both worlds at the same time.
Am I right…Eto?” Kuzen said, smiling as he opened his kakugans at his goddaughter.

The author was so lost in her thoughts that it took Ranka to poke her arm for her to respond.
“R-right, yeah of course.” Eto responded.

Looking down at Ranka, she remembered what she needed to do.

“That reminds me…Ranka…we need to take you home. Mother would kill me if I made you
missed your education.”

“Aww…but it was so fun hanging out with you!” Ranka argued.

But Eto just smiled and took a hold of her little sister’s hand.

“Well everyone, you all take care now!” Eto said as she walked both of them out of the room, and
past Touka who acted like she wasn’t eavesdropping.

“Wait, can’t you just teleport us out of here..?” Ranka whispered as they went downstairs and back
to her car.

“Not everyone knows about… us. I even had to play it off that your levitation was just a ‘rich kids
thing’ like that carrot-top said,” Eto informed her.

“Opps! Sorry!” Ranka proclaimed wholeheartedly.

Eto giggled,

“Don’t worry about it! Here, we can teleport here. No one’s watching us…” Eto said as she opened
a portal to Hueco Mundo and they quickly entered it before anyone noticed.

…Unfortunately for Eto, they were people that noticed. They were not from the world of the living,
and not even from Hueco Mundo. She just couldn’t sense them since they were on a higher level of
reishi. Fallen Angels - Variants of Goddesses. They floated in the sky, unable to be seen or sensed
by humans or ghouls.
“Aww…look at Eto. She’s all independent now…” one of them said.

“Heh…not to mention thicker…” another added.

“It looks like she’s been hanging around people more. I saw some old faces and new ones…”
another noted.

“Who cares?! They’re powerless against us! We’ll give her a false sense of peace. Then…we’ll
come for her, and truly make her our plaything! And this time…it will be permanent !” another

They chuckled to themselves before disappearing to roam the world of the living freely…

Meanwhile in Hueco Mundo, Eto drops off Ranka, but goes to her mother for a discussion about
certain things…

You can do this… Eto told her nerves before she knocked on the door of the throne room.

The door scanned her DNA and Spiritual Pressure before allowing her to enter. There, Queen
Nelliel and Queen Harribel were sitting in their respective chairs.

She walks in as her footsteps echo throughout the room. There she met the eyes of her mother and
the golden Queen beside her. That’s when she stopped in her tracks.

“Greeting my Queens,” Eto said as she took a respectful bow and lowered her head.

“Greetings, sweetheart.” Nelliel responded, smiling warmly at her daughter.

“At ease, daughter of Nelliel.” Queen Harribel commanded.

Every demigod and demigoddess has learned to respect the goddesses as they rule different parts
of the three worlds ruled by the Soul King.
Eto stood up, carefully focusing on her mother’s eyes who was waiting to see why she was here.

“I request permission to discuss some matters with my mother - individually.” Eto stated as
respectfully as she was taught.

Queen Harribel looked over to Nelliel who waited for her approval.

The Golden Queen nodded.

“Very well. I’ll give you two some time to talk,” The Queen said before rising from her chair and
walking out of the room.

“Thank you…your majesty…” Eto murmured as Queen Harribel walked past her.

Now, it was just Eto and Nelliel.

“So…” Nelliel began in an excited voice “’ve you been? What brings my marvelous
daughter to my throne room?” Nelliel asked as she spawned a seat for Eto to sit in front of her.

“First off…there’s this young man that I met…” Eto began

Nelliel gasped.

“IS HE YOUR KING?!” Nelliel asked in excitement.

Eto’s face turned crimson.

“N-No! He’s…taken…by Rize…it’s a long story…” Eto said rubbing her hair embarrassed.

“That’s too bad…” Nelliel said as she sat back in her chair, but secretly took note of Eto’s reaction.
“Originally, I was the only half-ghoul in existence. Now, the young man, Ken Kaneki, successfully
became one after Rize donated her organs to Kaneki.” Eto explained.

“Really? And he lived? That’s bizarre.” Nelliel responded.

“But he’s not like me. He can’t eat regular food in the world of the living, and can only survive by
eating human flesh and coffee, like every other ghoul. We’re both…half-ghouls…I don’t
understand why he has the problem but I don’t.” Eto stated.

Nelliel took a moment before telling the truth.

“It’s your lineage, sweetheart. You’re more than just a half ghoul in the world of the living.” Nelliel
pointed out.

Eto nodded and put her head down.

“Yeah…figures…” she said a bit disappointed.

Nelliel frowned. She hated seeing Eto distressed.

“My beloved daughter…I understand that your lineage is complex - just look at this castle! It’s
filled with so many different souls with their own unique traits! But you need to accept who you
are. I know that you’re… The Soul King …has made some controversial choices in his time…” but
then Nelliel saw Eto’s face as if to say… some controversial choices Mom?!

“Okay! A lot of controversial choices, but you have to understand that I made some controversial
choices too! It doesn’t change the fact that you are set for your life and that I love you.” Nelliel
said as she smiled warmly at Eto, who couldn’t help but smile back.

They sat in silence for a few seconds as Eto took a deep breath before looking back at her Queen.

“I…still have to process it all.” Eto responded.

Nelliel nodded in approval.

“That’s completely fair. Take as much time as you want. Fortunately for people like us, time is not
an issue!” Nelliel said winking at her daughter.

“Right. Well then, thank you so much for listening to me, mother.” Eto said.

“Anytime! I’ll always make time to talk with my one and only future Queen of ghouls in the
making!” Nelliel responded joyfully as she rose up from her chair.

“Besides…ugh! Being a high ranking goddess like myself can get boring! It’s meetings here,
meetings there, and just sitting around overseeing all of Hueco Mundo. Although the sex is nice, I
get a variety of that with The Soul King and even Queen Ha-”

“-Okay Mother! I get it!” Eto said turning crimson by the moment.

“What? You’re a grown woman now! Eventually when you get your King, it’s going to be a lot of
that in the future! I know that you and Rize have had sex before in the past, so it’s important that
we normalize talking about it so that you will be ready one day.” Nelliel informed her.

“Ugh…I get your point…” Eto said as she put her hands on her cheek to try and cool her face

Nelliel once again smiled and opened her arms.

“Alright, now come give me some sugar…” The Queen said softly.

Eto got up and hugged her mother, who kissed her head softly.

“I…can’t…breath…” Eto said as her face was stuffed in her mother’s giant bosom.
“Just hold your breath, five more seconds - for me.” Nelliel happily stated.

True to her words, she let Eto go after that point.

“Well then, do what you need to do. Are you heading back to the world of the living now?” Queen
Nelliel asked.

Eto shook her head.

“I’ll stay here for a bit. I promised Ranka to spend more time with her. Plus, there are like so many
other siblings that I have in this castle alone that I’ll probably meet and spend time with.” Eto told
her mother.

“I like the sound of that! You know where to find me in this labyrinth, and when you leave, please
tell Queen Harribel that we are done.” Nelliel ordered Eto.

“Got it, take care, Mother. Love you.”

“Love you too sweetheart!” Nelliel replied as Eto finally exited the throne room.

Back at Kamii University…

“Alright man, I got to ask. When do you think that you and Rize are going to do it ?” Hide asked
excitedly as they walked up the stairs in the upperclassmen’s apartments.

“I already told you! I don’t know yet! It’s still all a bit new to me…” Kaneki grunted embarrassed.

“Ugh…fine!” Hide said as they got to their destination.

Not even knocking, Hide barged open the door of the Sophomore’s room.

“AHHHH!” A girl screams as she runs out of the room covering herself in the process.
“Haven’t I told you before to knock when you want to get something from my room? I ought to
feed you to a ghoul, you know that?” The Sophomore said.

“Hehe! Sorry about that man! I was excited and I didn’t think that anyone was in here besides
you…” Hide said rubbing his head.

Turning his chair around, his annoyed expression turned to a puzzled one as he looked at the
person next to Hide.

"Who the hell are you?" The Sophomore demanded.

Hide stopped rubbing his head so that he could introduce his best friend.

"This is my best friend, Ken Kaneki. I've mentioned him a few times before, remember?" Hide

"'s a pleasure to me you, sir" Kaneki said.

The upperclassman squinted, then remembered where he heard that name. A hint of belligerence
entered in to his voice.

"Oh's you. From the papers. The Hero of Tokyo graces me with his presence."

Kaneki felt flattered by his words, but failed to realize that the person was patronizing him.

“Oh well, I guess that it can’t be helped…” he said as he got up from his chair.

“Alright thing one and thing two - help me look for that damn DVD,” Nishiro ordered them.
Chapter Summary

While Kaneki and Hide set out with Nishiki to find the DVD, Rize hurried back to her
apartment after a long day of work…

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Where is it? WHERE IS IT?” Rize demanded out loud as she threw human food out of her fridge
that she would never eat in order to find what she was looking for.

Eventually, she locked eyes on the flesh that she kept wrapped in the back of her fridge. Her mouth
began to water profusely and poured out of her mouth.

“Meat….MEAT!!!” Rize proclaimed as she ripped open the container and stuffed her face with all
of the flesh inside of it.

It took her a minute, but she finished all of the flesh that was inside her emergency containers.

Once done, she collapsed on the floor, putting a hand over her head from her massive headache.

I can’t keep doing this… Rize admitted to herself as she acknowledged her withdrawal symptoms.

When Kaneki was not around, Rize’s withdrawal symptoms hammered her mind and body tenfold.
Of course, she wasn’t starving, but when an alcoholic stops drinking or a smoker stops smoking,
what do you think will happen?

Kaneki…I need to see you…I need you my love…so I can tell you…HOW DELICIOUS YOUR

Rize clutched her head as her thoughts slipped back to her binge-eating persona.
“Just shut up!” Rize cried out as she got up off the floor and ran to the bathroom.

She poured some water on her face to clean it before she looked at herself in the mirror.

Her kakugans were clearly visible, and her face turned from fear to aggression.

From now on, Kaneki will only go where I allow him to be. I can’t have SeN TaKaTsUkI going
around my back and feeding my boyfriend her blood like that. I mean come on! What was she
thinking?! What if her blood makes him become more like…like herself ?! What if my Kaneki
becomes more like Eto and becomes less…like… me…?

Loneliness and sadness swirled into Rize’s mind, which only decreased her mental stability. The
young woman’s emotions were on a roller coaster. Suddenly, the reflection in her mirror started
talking on its own. A sadistic voice of Rize was used to communicate its thoughts.

…You could just eat him and go back to your nomadic life. If you can’t have him, then no one can
… Rize’s reflection suggested to herself.

You don’t owe him anything. Yes…he saved your life…but you saved his life in return. I’d say that
you’re both even… her dark reflection continued through the mirror.

“No…I…I’ve changed. I’m not like that anymore” Rize argued to her reflection.

Her reflection just rolled its eyes.

Do you really like him - or do you like him because he showed you genuine compassion for the
first time? Even still, what do you think will happen when a woman, or should I say, a demigoddess
like Eto, graces him with her presence again and starts to get closer with him? Do you really think
that you can be a better option for him than his favorite author?

Rize didn’t know how to counter its statements. Instead, tears began to flow out of her eyes as she
realized that her evil reflection was making authentic points.

“SHUT UUUUUUP!!!!” Rize screamed as she shattered her reflection in frustration.

Then she fell to the ground and began to sob, as she laid there in mental exhaustion…

“Kaneki…I need to see you…” Rize called out to him.

Suddenly, her doorbell rang.

“Kaneki?!” Rize said as she collected herself and got to her feet.

No response…

“Eto? Hide? Who is it?” Rize called out as she struggled to get to her front door.

She opened it, but no one was there. Instead, containers full of human flesh were neatly left at her
doorstep. She looked around, trying to figure out if the sender was still here.

“Damn it,” Rize said as she had no choice but to take the containers in her house.

Once back inside, a note fell out of it, as it read the following…

Courtesy of The Soul King

Rize’s heart pounded through her chest, she couldn’t believe what she just read.

She wanted to eat it so badly, but there were too many questions. That being said, Rize needed to
do one thing first…

I need to see you Kaneki…! Rize proclaimed as she weakly packed the flesh in her fridge before
bolting out of her room and making her way to Kamii University…

Meanwhile, Nishiro takes the first year students to get some lunch before getting the DVD…
Oh God I think that I’m going to puke… Kaneki told himself as he saw Nishiki and Hide take some
food from the nearby restaurant.

Nishiro took note of his queasy expression and raised an eyebrow.

“What’s wrong with you, weirdo?” The upperclassman demanded.

“Oh…uh…I….I…” Kaneki began as he was hesitant to answer the question.

“He’s on a diet!” Hide proclaimed to keep his friend's condition under wraps.

But Nishiki wasn’t buying it.

“Whatchu mean ‘ he’s on a diet ’? He barely has any fat on him. Not only that, but he looks like
he’s about to puke…” Nishiki noted.

“Well…um…” Kaneki began again.

“…He recently had surgery, so it’s normal for him to react this way to some of his favorite food,”
Hide responded in another attempt for Nishiki to drop the subject.

“Surgery? Where? In his stomach or in his eye?” Nishiki asked, glaring at his eyepatch.

Oh shit! This is not good! Kaneki and Hide both said in their minds.

But then suddenly, Nishiki sighed.

“Hmph. Whatever…let’s keep going.” Nishiki said as he kept leading the way to his house.

On the way, Nishiki took an unexpected turn.

“Hey I thought that your house was the other way,” Hide pointed out.

“It is, we’re just taking a little shortcut…”

“A shortcut? To whe-”


Quicker than the blink of an eye, Nishiki sent Hide flying down the alley, knocking him out.

“I don’t think that he needs to see this…” Nishiki said calmly.

Kaneki was still in shock

“Hide!” Kaneki cried out.

Before Kaneki could react any further, Nishiki quickly grabbed him by the throat and pinned him
against the metal wall.

"You should have let that binge-eating bitch die. Do you know how many ghouls beside myself
who would have loved to see that cunt be sent straight to hell?!" Nishiro barked at him.

Kaneki took a moment to realize what Nishiki said.

He's a ghoul too?! Kaneki thought to himself as he struggled to break free.

"Heh…and you know what’s even worse? You smell just like her too," Nishiki replied with
His attention then went to Kaneki's eyepatch. "You know, I would give you some elderly advice on
women and why Rize is not worth dating, but something else has caught my attention. Let’s see
what kind of surgery that you really went through. The papers never mentioned any
disfigurements…" Nishiki said before he ripped off his eyepatch.

That’s when shock and surprise flooded the upperclassman’s face as he saw Kaneki’s kakugan.


"DROP HIM, NISHIKI!" A voice said approaching the underground parking lot.

NIshiki turns around to see the ghoul that was formerly in charge of his infamous feeding grounds.

"Well well well, speak of the devil. If it isn't the binge-eating bitch herself." Nishiki said as he
dropped Kaneki, but not before punching a hole through his stomach.

Kaneki cried out in agony but noticed Rize in a casual outfit approached them in the underground
parking lot.

"These streets used to be my territory before you came along. Now I'm going to reclaim it, and
something tells me that I’ll win this time. Look at you. You’re struggling just to stand! Is it
because the binge-eater’s sweet tooth has not been satisfied?!" Nishiki mocked her as his kagune

Rize gritted her teeth,

“I’m….still strong enough to kick your ass!” Rize grunted as she prepared her own and attacked

As they fought, Kaneki crawled over to check on Hide. He felt a pulse.

Thank God… Kaneki proclaimed.

Kaneki began to shake Hide, trying to wake him up.

"Come on Hide! Please wake up! We need to go…!" Kaneki cried out.

“NGH!” Rize grunted as she was slammed against the wall by Nishiki, making her head bleed.

Nishiki smirked victoriously as she began to black out.

“See? I told you that you lost your edge you bitch. All that you were good for is fucking up things
for everyone else!” Nishiki proclaimed.

Kaneki’s attention turned towards his girlfriend.

“Rize!” Kaneki proclaimed as he got up and began to make a dash for her.

Nishiki sadistically grinned as he blitzed over to Kaneki and slammed him to the ground.

“Aww…are you trying to be the hero again, Kaneki? Don’t waste your time with her. Trust me.
She’s even more selfish than myself - it’s better off if she just rots here and dies. As for your
friend…” Nishiki said before kicking Kaneki in the stomach to keep him on the ground.

Kaneki rolled over to see Nishiki approach Hide.

“...You were saving him for your next meal, huh? Oh I know! You would give him to Rize so that
she would like you more, am I right?” Nishiki asked as he put his foot on Hide’s face, causing him
to bleed.

“St…stop it…” Kaneki weakly demanded.

Nishiki grinned manically.

“Oh? And what are you going to do about it? You know what, I think that I’ll eat him right here
and right now. That way, I can finish all of you off effortlessly…” Nishiki said before he picked up
Hide’s body and prepared to rip him in half.

But just like that, Kaneki’s blood boiled and he was suddenly fueled with rage.

"I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN!" Kaneki proclaimed as his kagune unleashed for the first time.

Nishiki expected this to happen, but was surprised from what he saw…

His kagune was like Rize’s , but it was more than that. Kaneki’s kagune… had wings .

They weren’t any bigger than himself, but Kaneki’s kagune had clearly manifested wings .

Kaneki’s vision heightened, along with all of his other senses. Nishiki was caught off guard.

“Alright you half-breed freak, I guess that I’ll have to put you down first!” Nishiki proclaimed,
even though internally he was shaken up by his sudden abilities.

One of Kaneki’s kagune struck Nishiki on his side, forcing him to drop Hide. Kaneki’s kagune
caught him and dropped him in a safe area before continuing his assault.

He involuntarily used his wings to move faster as he easily overwhelmed Nishiki with his kagune
rapidly impaling him over and over again. Some of his organs went right through him.

"ARRGH! STOP IT! STOP IT! I'M GOING TO DIE!" Nishiki yelled out in pain as he was
repeatedly impaled by Kaneki.

Then Kaneki flung his body towards the ceiling, as Nishiki hung there half dead.
“Th…at…was…Rize’s…kagune…but… more …how…is…that..possib…” Nishiki couldn’t even
finish his sentence before he passed out.

Kaneki snapped out of his anger and stopped, shocked at what just happened.

“Hide…” Kaneki said fearfully as he turned to his best friend.

But suddenly, his vision changed again. A hallucination of Rize appeared before Kaneki.

“What a savory aroma…it’s making me hungry…” Rize purred as she poked Hide’s face.

“Rize? But I thought that-”

but as Kaneki turned around to see where Rize was originally supposed to be, a one-eyed ghoul
that was wrapped in bandages blocked his hallucinated vision before making him turn back
around with her fingers.

“-Don’t worry about her, Kan-e-ki. She’s right in front of you. It’s fine… ” A sweet voice said from
underneath the bandages.

Kaneki recognized that voice. It was none other than his favorite author.

“Ms…Ms. Takatsuki? But h-h-how?”

Using her partial kagune as wings, Sen Takatsuki floated up to be level-headed with him.

“Forget about the how , and take a closer look at your friend. Doesn’t he look tasty?” The author
suggested to the young man.

Kaneki’s attention turned back to the bloody Hide. A sadistic smile formed across his mouth.
“Yeah…I can see now…he does look….. tasty ….hehehehHEHEHEHEHEH-nghraaah! No! What
the hell am I saying???!!!” Kaneki told himself before he slammed his fists against a nearby van.

“What are you waiting for, my love?” Rize’s hallucination said as she rear-hugged him from

“Quit fighting your instincts…he’s all yours - can’t you see?” The spooky woman said as she was
now sitting comfortably on top of the van - looking down at the two of them.

“Yes…yes…YES…” Kaneki began as he gave in to his primal instincts, “HIDE IS ALL MINE.

With that, Kaneki made a dash to devour Hide.

But swift as he was, another ghoul knocked him out cold.

It was Touka. She got there by the time that Kaneki unleashed his kagune. She was going to
intervene sooner, but ultimately decided that it was best to wait until he was off guard and
weakened by his hunger.

“Sorry, Kaneki - but once I saw that you had that kagune , it was too risky to attack you head on. I
need to take you to see Mr. Yoshimura”, Touka said as she took all of the knocked out bodies one
by one to Anteiku…

Hours past before Kaneki woke up…

“Finally. You're awake. How are you feeling?” Kuzen said as Kaneki came to.

“Where’s Hide? Where’s Rize?” Kaneki frantically requested.

“Please come with me…” Kuzen said as he walked out of the room.

When Kaneki caught up to the next room, he saw both his best friend and his girlfriend sleeping in
separate beds.
“They are both in a stable condition.” Kuzen assured him.

“Thank goodness…” Kaneki said relieved, but couldn’t shake the feeling that something was
wrong, as he tasted blood in his mouth.

Kuzen’s face hardened as he prepared to speak out again.

“I’m sorry, but there was no other way to ease your hunger, son.”

Kaneki began to tear up, but Kuzen continued to talk - since there was something more important
that he needed Kaneki to know.

“...Touka told me what happened… your kagune …it’s quite unique…” Kuzen began.

Kaneki faced Kuzen as he realized that he was trying to say more than just that.

“…Because of the organ transplant, you became a ghoul through Rize and now possess her kagune.
That much was expected. However…it seems that on the day that you all spent the night at Ms.
Takatsuki’s apartment, your body underwent another transformation . Something that even I
couldn’t have foreseen happening…”

Kaneki began to freak out.

“W-What are you saying, Sir?”

Finally, Kuzen opened his eyes again, barely revealing his kakugans.

“When you ingested the blood of Ms. Takatsuki, it seems that you now possess another kagune,
one that is akin to my own dear daughter , and akin to… mine .” Kuzen stated.

Kaneki’s eyes widened. He put two and two together.

“H-Hold on Sir! Are you saying that…t-t-that you’re…Ms. Takatsuki’s father?!”

Kuzen took a deep breath before closing his eyes again.

“...Yes…and…no…it’s more accurate to say that I’m her godfather. Regardless, it’s better that you
see Ms. Takatsuki again. I’m sure that she will have a lot to discuss with you on this matter. If what
I believe is true, your life now goes beyond more than just a human…OR a ghoul…Kaneki.”

Meanwhile…two men with suitcases viewed the city of Tokyo from a skyscraper…

“Isn’t the rain lovely? You know precipitation dulls their senses…which makes the perfect weather
to work in…” the veteran investigator with a briefcase proclaimed.

“According to the 20th ward branch’s report, there was a predatory incident involving a binge eater
in this building three months ago. What's interesting is that eye witnesses claim to have seen Jason
in the area as well,” his partner added.

“A binge eater AND Jason? The only thing that would make this day any better is if we got word
where the One-Eyed Owl might be hiding. Still, I think that we have the odds in our favor…” the
old man said as his face twisted to an evil grin.

Chapter End Notes

I really can’t thank you all enough for supporting the AU / fanfic. Every comment and
favorite means a lot. I know that Eto was only mentioned in this chapter (sorry, I just
couldn't quite implement her in this chapter without making the stakes too easy), but
I'll make it up since the next chapter - she plays a VERY important role. Thanks
again! See you all in the next one!
Unlocking Trauma
Chapter Summary

Eto returns from Hueco Mundo and goes back to Anteiku. There, Kuzen quickly greets
her and takes her upstairs to see Kaneki…

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Oh my gosh! Kaneki? What happened?!" Eto asked frantically as she took a knee in front of her
fellow half ghoul.

"I'm fine…Ms. Takatsuki…the wound has closed up." the young man responded, referring to his
bloody clothes that were still on him.

Eto's expression tightened,

"That doesn't answer my question. What happened to you?! And where's Rize and your best
friend?!" she asked looking around to see if they were also in the room.

"They're both okay. They're resting in the other rooms. Touka brought them back after they got in a
fight with another ghoul around this area." Kuzen responded.

Eto looked over to Touka, who was standing silently in the corner.

"When Hide and Kaneki mentioned that they were going to see Nishiki, I made sure that I was in
close proximity in case the situation became too severe. Before I could even get there, Rize beat
me to it, but for some reason she was too weak to defeat him…" Touka informed the author.

Eto became puzzled.

Rize being too weak to defeat a regular ghoul? That doesn't make any sense…unless…she thought
to herself.

"...but if that wasn't the strangest thing…" Touka continued, "...your biggest fan in front of you
knocked it out of the ballpark. I saw it with my own eyes, and I even confirmed it with Mr.
Yoshimura…" she said looking at Kaneki.

Eto turned back to Kaneki.

"What…did you do?" she asked him curiously.

Kaneki didn't respond. It's not that he didn't want to, but he didn't know how to, being that it
happened automatically.

"It seems that he was able to manifest Rize's own kagune to defeat Nishiki." Kuzen responded for

"…well I could have suspected that much." Eto said as she examined Kaneki's wound.
"…but that's not all." Touka said, making Eto turn back to her.

"...While Rize's kagune manifested, he also grew another kagune. One that made him
grow wings on his upper back as well, giving him unmatched speed against the rogue ghoul."
Touka finally admitted.

Eto's eyes widened.

"Wings?! But only we have kagunes like that. How the hell did Kaneki…"

But that's when the author had a flashback to when Kaneki, Rize, and Hide visited her penthouse.

"I take it that you remember now. It was on that fateful day that you shared your blood with him
once you all found out that he was a ghoul." Kuzen confirmed.

Eto put her hands on her head in frustration.

"But when has that ever…ugh! Damn it!" she murmured to herself.

She took a deep breath before looking back at him.


"Y-Yes?" he responded cautiously.

"Is there anything else that you felt strange about yourself since you digested my blood? Perhaps
anything different on a spiritual level?" Eto asked specifically.

The new ghoul shook his head.

"Um…no…not that I can recall or think of. Why?" he asked her curiously.

Eto looked at Kuzen, and then looked back at Kaneki. Then, she stood up.

"I'll explain later, but first you have to come with me. I need to take you to get a mask."

"A mask?"

Eto nodded.

"Yes, a mask. All ghouls have a mask to protect their identities from people. If I'm being honest,
we should have got you one sooner. And while we're at it, it's time that someone taught you how to
fight properly. Come on, let's go." she said as she began to walk out of the room.

"O-Okay," Kaneki responded, getting to his feet and following the author.

But before he got out of the room, he turned to the raven haired young woman.

"Um, it's Touka, right?"

Touka raised an eyebrow.


"Thanks…for saving me, and my friends." he proclaimed as he softly smiled.

Touka's eyes widened, but then she quickly returned to her cold and closed off demeanor.

"You shouldn't be thanking me half-breed. I only did that so that it wouldn't cause more trouble
for us." she proclaimed.

Kaneki just nodded and then went out of the room.

After a moment, Kuzen chuckled.

"What's so funny, sir?" Touka asked, annoyed.

"It's nothing. I'm just glad that everyone got out of this in one piece." he said with a smile.

In the hallway, Kaneki spoke out for a request.

"Um, Ms. Takatsuk-"

But before he knew it, he was cut off by the author placing one of her hands on his mouth.

"That reminds me - call me Eto from now on. Okay? Sen Takatsuki is mainly for regular humans."
she ordered kindly.

Kaneki tensed up as her hand was so smooth and warm.

"Hmmhmm" he hummed as he felt her pressure slowly decrease.

"Great, now…what were you about to say?" Eto asked as she removed her hand from Kaneki's
mouth, much to his secret displeasure.

"Can I check on Rize and Hide before I go?"

Eto nodded.

"Of course you can. I was actually going to ask you that before we go." she confirmed as Kaneki
led the way to their room.

"Rize…? Hide…?" Kaneki asked as they entered the room.

Rize was still asleep, but Hide's eyes peaked open with a sly smile on his face.

"…If I was being honest, I was up about an hour ago, but I just went back to sleep to skip my day
of work." he admitted to the two.

Eto chuckled and shook her head.

"You're unbelievable…" she murmured, but it was loud enough for Hide to hear.

Hide scratched his head with some embarrassment.

"Hehe…! That's me! Anyways, where are you two about to go?"

"To go get a mask for him. We'll be back later." Eto responded.

She quickly looked at her ex and frowned, but then a new idea formed in her head.

"You know what…" Eto began.

"Come along with us." she requested to Hide.

He blinked confused.


Eto nodded.

"Yes, it's better that you know more about our ghoul culture anyways, and learn how to protect
yourself…unless you want me to tell Mr. Yoshimura and Toukathat you were already fully
recovered and you skipped your shift this morning?" she teased.

Hide bolted out of his bed.

"Ghoul culture and fighting it is! I'll take notes on the way-!"

"Shhh….!" Kaneki demanded, eyeing Rize who's still sleeping.

"Oh…right…my bad…" Hide said with a pained expression.

"Let's also make sure to get something for Rize when she wakes up. Come on you two, let's go."
she said as she began to leave the room.

Hide nodded

"Wait…just one more thing…!" whispered Kaneki.

Standing above the sleeping Rize, he gently kissed her cheek.

"Get better soon…Rize…" Kaneki said softly.

Hide and Eto looked at each other and then smiled. It was very considerate of him.

On their way out of the shop, they found two certain people walking into the store…

"Ms. Fueguchi? Hinami?" Eto called out in disbelief.

"Eto? Is that you?" Ryouko responded.

The little girl who was clinging to her mother ran up to Eto and then bear hugged her.

"Whoa! Hey Hinami! I haven't seen you in awhile…you've grown. How have my books been?" she
said, returning the hug.

Hinami looked up and smiled warmly at her favorite author.

"I'm reading Monochrome Rainbow right now! It is amazing! Although…I'm still struggling with
some of the words…" Hinami told Eto as her eyes drifted to the two young men by her.

"Mmm…" Hinami groaned as she didn't know how to view them.

Eto realized this and hugged her tighter.

"It's okay. They are new friends of Anteiku, and the one with the eyepatch is actually another fan
of my books." said Eto to Hinami.
Then she turned to Kaneki and Hide.

"Why don't you two introduce yourselves?" she asked them.

Hide went first.

"I'm Hideyoshi Nagachika! But you two can just call me Hide. I'm just a student at the local
university and work at the coffee shop."

Hinami frowned.

"But…you're not…" she began, unable to say it out loud.

"Oh? Are you referring to that? Hehe…! That's a long story - that's where this guy comes in!" he
said, bumping Kaneki's shoulder.

"Hello…my name is Ken Kaneki. I'm also a student at Kamii University and work at the coffee
shop. I'm a big fan of Ms. Taka-err, I mean Eto's writing too. If you're struggling to understand and
say some words, then I would definitely be willing to teach you some of them."

Hinami blinked twice while Hide wondered why Kaneki called the author Eto.

"Are you…a…ghoul?" she blurted out.

"Kind of…" Kaneki said nervously.

Ryouko then became a little bit worried.

"B-but Eto, what about this one? Isn't he a human?!" Ryouko asked her.

"Don't worry about him. He's with us - that's why we keep a close eye on him. Am I right, Hide?"
Eto noted.

"100% ma'am!" he confirmed.

"…but why do you seem like you're not a ghoul?" Hinami said as she pointed a finger at Kaneki.

"Hinami…please, it's rude to point." Ryouko pointed out.

"It's okay…I'm sort of a half-ghoul." Kaneki said as he rubbed his head.

"A half-ghoul? You mean that he's like you, Eto?" Hinami asked, looking back up to the author.

Eto nodded warmly.

"More or less. But today, we're going to find out just how much he is like me. Anyways, we got to
go. Touka and everyone else should still be inside." Eto said as she finally let go of Hinami.

"Thank you…" Ryouko said as she passed by all of them and entered the shop.

On their way to Uta's, Kaneki finally spoke out in the car…

"Um…Eto…were they ghouls too?" Kaneki asked Eto to confirm his curiosity.

"Yes they were, but unlike myself and those at the coffee shop, they can't hunt for food, so they
come to the coffee shop to get food. Sometimes I even help them get food if I have time out of my
schedule." Eto told them as she drove them all to Uta's.

Hide's own curiosity got the better of him.

"You know…I've kind of been wondering…how often do you eat human flesh Ms. Takasuki?" he
asked her.

"Hide…!" Kaneki murmured next to him.

"Err! Okay. Sorry, I was just too curious."

"Actually, I'm glad that you asked." Eto admitted.

Both young men looked at the author.

"You are?" they both said.

Eto nodded as she drove.

"Yeah…I've been on a pretty big diet for the past few months, would you care to donate some of
your flesh to me, Mr. Human?" Eto asked Hide as she activated her lone kakugan and glared at
Hide through the back mirror.

Chills were sent down Hide's body as he just stood at Ms. Takatsuki frozen.

Then Eto chuckled and deactivated her kakugan.

"Oh I'm just messing with you. Besides, that's more of Rize'sdemeanor, am I right Kaneki?" Eto
said as she eyed Kaneki through the mirror.

"Um…yeah…I guess…" he said as he frowned, remembering the time that he almost died from her

Too soon...Eto said in her head.

"Forget I said that, let's just go to where we need to be." Eto said as they drove in silence for the
rest of the trip.

Eto opened Uta's shop…

"This place sure is unique." Hide said as he looked around.

"You're telling me." Kaneki added.

He lifted one of the caps to find a man with kakugans staring at him.

"Boo…" he simply said.

"AHHHHHH" Kaneki said as he fell down in horror.

Eto turned to Uta and smirked.

"Really?" she said, trying not to laugh.

Uta smiled.

"Well…if it isn't the future Queen of Tokyo. It's been quite some time since I last saw you. Tell
me, is this the one that you have chosen?" Uta asked as he pointed to Kaneki.

Kaneki was puzzled and didn't know what to say.

Eto quickly responded.

"He's with Rize. The other one is his friend. He's a human but he's trustworthy for the most part."

Uta's expressions widened as he looked back at Kaneki.

"You're telling me this young man is with your ex? I'd never guess that." Uta noted.

He then picked him up by his shirt and sniffed him.

"…but you definitely smell like her. Well actually…you also smell like…"

"Ngh…!" Kaneki said as he struggled to find a good stance to be in.

Uta lost his thoughts,

"Oh that's right - he was the one in the papers…Ken Kaneki was it?" he asked Eto to confirm.

"Uh…can you let go of me please?" Kaneki requested.

"Sure, but I think that you'll fall if I do." Uta said before letting him go.

Immediately, Kaneki lost his standing and fumbled onto a table, knocking it down and squealing
like a little girl. His face turned extremely red.

"Woah, you alright man?" Hide asked Kaneki.

"I'm okay, it's really just my dignity that was hurt." Kaneki murmured to himself.

"Eto…please don't tell Rize that I sounded like that." Kaneki asked Eto who was staring at him

"Hehe…sure, it will be our little secret…" Eto confirmed to him as they exchanged playful glances.

That's when Eto's heart began to warm up and her skin began to feel weightless. She involuntarily
put her hands over her chest.

"Um…are you alright?" Kaneki asked her, who was still embarrassed from the fall.

Looking around, Eto realized that everyone was staring at her.


Then she realized what she was feeling.

"I…just need to use the restroom. Please excuse me!" Eto said before quickly making her way to
the bathroom on the other side of the shop.

"Was it something I said?" Kaneki asked Uta and Hide.

"Probably not. But I think that she'll be alright. Anyways, come here. I'll take your measurements
now." Uta told Kaneki and Hide.

Inside the bathroom, Eto's pent up hormones were letting themselves lose...

"Oh fuck…oh fuck…oh fuck…!" Eto murmured to herself once she was in the bathroom.

She quickly locked the door and eventually slid against the wall until she was sitting on the floor.

"This feeling…I haven't felt this way since… since…oh god…!" Eto breathed out as a rush of
hormones gathered in her lower region. Her lone kakugan activated.

Eto's vision and other senses became unstable, similar to how Kaneki was when he became
deranged yesterday.

You can't go back out there...A familiar golden goddess said to her as she manifested to the left of

You just need to let this out. Here and now…! Quickly and quietly…! The golden goddess with the
braids told her.

Swiftly, Eto removed all of her clothes, so fast that she tore some of them in the process.

Then, in a guilty yet pleasurable state of mind, she began to touch herself.

Yes…that's it…that's it…! Eto thought as one of her hands massaged one of her Queen-Sized
breasts while the other hand inserted two digits into her womanhood.

She quickly became wet and her nipples hardened. Eto became so lost in her sexual desire that
eventually she began to hallucinate.

A well developed man with silver hair replaced her hand that was fingering her honeybox with his
own mouth. Eventually, he looked up as Eto realized that the man looked exactly like Ken Kaneki.

"Do you like that, my Queen?" He asked her.

Eto couldn't help but go along with it.

"I fucking love it, my King! Don't stop! Please!" she whispered to him.

It felt so real. She could feel his hot tongue swirl inside of her, and could see his full erection at an
angle. Eto moved her free hand to her other Queen-Size Breast and massaged both of them while
her 'King' ate her out.

"Oh god Kaneki…!" Eto murmured as she dubbed the man who she looked down at.

"I'm going to cum!"

"Then cum. Cum all over me so I can taste your sweet nectar…" Kaneki said as he went deeper
inside of Eto's entrance with his tongue.

Once he reached her G-Spot, it was all over. The pleasure inside of the demigoddess erupted like a
"KANEKI!" Eto screamed out in pleasure.

In the next moment, Eto's cum squirted all around the bathroom. It flew violently in a wide range
until it stopped after about a dozen seconds.

If the bathroom was as sound proof as she remembered, no one would have heard her. Eto laid
there, naked, as she remembered that only minutes passed in real time, but it seemed like hours.

This was the first time that I touched myself since …since that fateful day… Eto mentally noted to

…Kaneki's presence and words just overwhelmed me and for a moment, and for a brief moment, I
felt that I was free from that trauma… she continued in her head.

I need to get myself together soon, but first…I'll just lay here to recover properly - and clean up
this mess…


"Um, Mr. Uta?" Kaneki spoke out.

"Yes? What is it?" Uta responded as he took Kaneki's measurements.

"I'm just wondering, since you know Eto - how did she become a half ghoul like me?"

Uta mushed his mouth together and shrugged his shoulders.

"To tell you the truth - I'm not completely sure. Of course you can always ask her yourself. I'm sure
that she'd be okay if you want to know more about her - she seems interested in you." Uta
responded with a smirk.

Kaneki's face turned to disbelief.

"You think that Ms. Taka- I mean…you think that Eto is interested in me? I honestly don't believe
you. What exactly do you mean by that?" he asked.

"Oh I'm sure of it. Isn't it obvious? Did you see the way that she looked at you before she went to
the bathroom? I don't think that it was a friendly glare. You probably know by now that she's
looking for a future King to rule Tokyo with. But alas, what I still don't get is how you're with
Rize. Your personality and hers are like oil and water if I'm being honest. The way I've known
Rize is that she likes to play with her food a lot, and to lead them on to thinking that they'll
eventually achieve her affection." Uta admitted.

"Oh…I see…" Kaneki said with a frown.

Uta sighed.

"Well that was the old Rize of course, so I wouldn't get too discouraged. What I am excited for is
getting the measurements of your friend over there. It's been a while since I've had a human
customer." he said as he looked at Hide.

After a few more seconds passed, the author finally came out of the bathroom.

"Are you…both done with the measurements?" she asked them.

Uta saw that part of her clothes were tucked in more tightly, as if she was trying to hide something.

Oh my…surely she did not do what I think that she did…right? Uta thought to himself.

Regardless, he answered Eto's question.

"I just finished with Kaneki - I'll measure his friend right now before I let you all go."

Eto nodded,

"Got it…" she said softly.

Everyone mentally noted that she sounded exhausted, but no one would ask why.

That's when Uta got a bright idea.

"In the meantime…Kaneki…Ms. Takatsuki…why don't you two wait outside as I finish with this
young man here?" Uta suggested to Eto and Kaneki.

"Um…are you sure?" Kaneki asked, especially since they just had gossip about the author herself.

Uta smiled.

"Don't worry I won't eat him." he said as he gestured to Hide to come near him.

"Go on Eto. I can't focus with you looking like that…" Uta said as he glared at her tight clothes
which showed off her curves and features.

Eto blushed. Kaneki looked back and forth at them, trying to figure out the messages between what
they were saying.

"Let's just go outside Kaneki…" she said as she took Kaneki's hand and pulled him outside.

Once outside, Kaneki eventually breaks the silence…

"So um…Eto?" Kaneki finally says, not trying to look at her directly.

"Yeah?" Eto responded, not looking directly at him as well.

"I was just wondering…how exactly did you become a half ghoul? Kuzen mentioned that you were
his daughter, or more so his goddaughter." Kaneki admitted.

Eto nervously chuckled.

"Oh boy...well…it's a long story. For now, I'll just say that when I was a young child, I received
some transplants from Kuzen and his late wife. It made me what I am today. He and his late wife
saved my life. Now - we're practically family." Eto informed Kaneki.

"Oh okay…I'm glad to hear that you have a great connection with the Old Man himself."

Eto chuckled again, but this time it was out of genuine happiness.

"Wh-what did I say?" Kaneki asked, embarrassed.

But the author shook her head.

"Nothing. It's just that I call Kuzen 'Old Man' as well." she responded.

Kaneki nervously chuckles while Eto tries to steal a smile from him.

"So then…" Kaneki began

"...what about your actual parents? Are they in your life?" He asked her, trying to see how far she
would talk about herself.

"Well…um…" Eto said as she stumbled on a proper explanation.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that." Kaneki quickly said, now ashamed of asking.

"No. It's okay." Eto reassured him.

"You're bound to know sooner or later, especially if you have my cells running through your
veins." Eto clarified as she rubbed his smooth stomach from his clothes.

"Hehe…that tickles…" Kaneki murmured as he involuntarily took a hold of the author's slim wrist.

Eto immediately tensed up as she began to feel that same warmth and comfort again. She then
looked up to Kaneki who was now slightly crimson to what he was doing.

"I…" Kaneki said as he didn't know what to say.

But he didn't need to say anything, as Eto slowly crept to plant her lips onto his.

"FIN…ISHED!" Hide proclaimed as he opened the door swiftly.

Immediately, Eto and Kaneki created distance from each other and acted as if they were just
standing outside waiting patiently for Hide.

"Now let's go learn some martial arts! Am I right, you two?" Hide said, smiling at both of them.

"Um right!" Kaneki said, completely perplexed about what was about to happen if Hide didn't
show up when he did.

Eto didn't say anything. The guilt of almost making Kaneki cheat on Rize was keeping her silent.

"Cat got your tongue, Ms. T?" Hide asked the author.

This made her get out of her head and say something.

"I'm…fine. Anyways, I'll drive us to a place where I can train the two of you property with
a certain someone's help. Don't worry about your shifts, I'll let Touka know where to find us if she
needs any of us."

"Alrighteo! Oh and Kaneki. Sorry buddy but I'm calling shotgun this time!" Hide proclaimed as he
rushed back to the car.

"Y-Yeah…go for it." Kaneki said as he tried to look at Eto, who couldn't look at him at the

Eto took them to the Rabbit Hero's Gym near her side of Tokyo…
"Good Morning, Tiger Bunny." Eto stated.

An athletic and muscular dark skinned woman was practicing her kicks when she heard Eto call
out to her. She turned around and grinned wildly.

"No freaking way. If it isn't the daughter of Queen Nelliel herself!" the woman said as she made
her way to Eto.

"Daughter of Nelliel?" Kaneki murmured to himself.

"Is that some kind of badass title or something?" Hide whispered to Kaneki, who shook his head.

Then the dark skinned woman placed a hand on Eto's shoulder.

"How've you been, little sis?"

Hide and Kaneki's expressions widened.

"Wait! You two are sisters?! But you both look nothing alike." Hide blurted out.

"They don't know, do they?" she snickered at Eto.

Eto chuckled.

"Hehe…Of course they don't know, Rumi. Well…except Kuzen, and my ex has some ideas but not
the entirety of it." the author added.

Looking back at Kaneki and Hide, she continued.

"Anyways, I've come here to sharpen my skills, as well as to request if you can help me train these
two young men." turning the conversation directly to Hide and Kaneki.

Rumi walked over to the two young men and crossed her arms. Although she was shorter than
them (but taller than Eto, who was already short to begin with), she was nothing short of

"You two. Introduce yourselves. Now." Rumi demanded.

"Y-Yes ma'am!" Both dudes said as they snapped to attention.

"I'm Ken Kaneki, a student at Kamii University. I need to know how to fight in order to protect
myself and those that I care about." Kaneki said as he felt the need to talk with a bit more base and
assertion in his voice.

"Oh…you're that dude from the papers. Aren't you Rize's pet or something?" Rumi asked him as
her red eyes stared at him.


"Yeah…same thing."

Kaneki gulped.

Rumi's eyes turned to Hide.

"And you…?"
Taking a deep breath, Hide began.

"I'm Hideyoshi Nagachika! I'm also a student at Kamii University. As you can tell, I'm very eager
to learn some martial arts." he proclaimed as he tried his best to sound pumped for the session.

Rumi walked into Hide's personal space and examined him closely. Then, she dragged a finger
from his stomach and then to his chin, making a drop of sweat run down Hide's face.

"You know…you're kind of cute…" Rumi proclaimed nonchalantly.

Both Kaneki's and Eto's jaws dropped.

Hide was just as surprised but he went along with it.

"Hehe…well…I think that I'll be a lot cuter after you train us…am I right, Kaneki?" Hide
responded as he wanted to shout in excitement.

He looked at Kaneki as if he wanted to say - Did you just hear what this badass chick freaking said
to me?!

"For sure." Rumi purred as she smiled seductively at her new trainee.

Turning back to Eto, Rumi once again spoke out.

"Normally - they would need to pay me in order to train with me, but I'll give them a pass today
since they are here on your behalf." Rumi informed her little sister.

Eto respectfully bowed.

"Thank you. I'll train Kaneki first while you can train Hide. He's just a human by the way so please
don't break him in half."

Rumi turned back to Hide,

"Oh? Private training sessions huh? And you're leaving the cute one with me? Sounds good." Rumi

"Hehehe!" Hide laughed as he looked at Kaneki as if to say - Dude! This rocks!

Back at Anteiku…

"Rise and shine, sunshine." Touka mockingly blurted out when Rize started to wake up.

Once she regained her senses, she immediately looked left and right.

"Where's Kaneki?!" the ghoul demanded.

"He went to the other side of town with Hide and Eto to get their masks and then to train. They'll be
back soon." Touka informed her.

Rize gritted her teeth.

That damn…!
Then she bolted out of her bed and put on more clothes to go outside.

"Hey hold on! Where do you think that you're going?!" Touka said as Rize speed walked out of the

Then Rize gave her a death stare.

"Stay. Out. Of. My. Way."

Touka didn't challenge her but she did follow her.

Once Rize got to the doorstep, a certain someone with a red suit and purple hair was blocking the

"My my. What an aroma…" the man spoke out.

"...all of a sudden I feel…more relaxed." the man finished as he finally noticed Touka and Rize.

Chapter End Notes

The next chapter will have an anticipating confrontation between the former binge-
eater and the future Queen of Hueco Mundo!
Bubbling Relationships
Chapter Summary

Tsukiyama's presence leads to a fated encounter with Rize and Eto...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Tsukiyama?” Rize asked, surprised.

The predatory ghoul blinked twice in disbelief as he laid his eyes on the ghoul that put dirt in his

“Well well well, I wasn’t expecting to run into you again so soon. It seems that you have already
recovered from your little accident .” The senior college student sneered at Rize.

Rize gritted her teeth, but then shook her head.

“I…I don’t have time to explain, I need to find Kaneki.” she said as she approached the doorway.

Tsukiyama raised an eyebrow.

“...and who might this Kaneki be?”

“It’s her boyfriend.” Touka responded.

Tsukiyama then raised both eyebrows.

“Did I just hear that correctly? I thought that you were taking a break from dating? Surely after
using Banjou as your white knight and having one too many drinks with the future Queen of Tokyo
would you think twice of getting into a relationship, no?” he taunted the former binge-eater.
Rize got right in his face.

“It’s none of your business! Just stay out of my way.” Rize proclaimed as she tried to push him out
of the doorway.

“Now now, Rize - just hear me out.” He said as he chose not to move.

“What Tsukiyama?!” Rize demanded.

“Do you even know where exactly he is?”

Rize didn’t answer.

“I figured,” he said.

“If you did, you wouldn’t hesitate to charge right through me. You’re the person that always gets
what she wants, but it seems like this time you’re finally not getting your way - and it’s causing
your carefree aura to crumble.” noted the gourmet ghoul.

Rize gritted her teeth.

“Okay…I hear you, so then what do you suggest that I do? Just sit here and wait for him to come
back?!” Rize barked at him.

“Heavens no. I actually want to help you find him.” Tsukiyama admitted.

Rize twisted her face in disbelief.

“Wait, what? Why?!”

The gourmet ghoul shrugged his shoulders.

“Why not? This is Rize’s first real boyfriend, is it not? I want to meet the young man that swayed
this young woman’s heart. Besides, where exactly do you think he is?”

Rize then looked down in defeat.

“…Touka said that he’s on the other side of town, around Eto’s side.”

Tsukiyama mushed his mouth together.

“Oh my…I see…with the future Queen of Tokyo Ghoul…” noted Tsukiyama.

Rize rolls her eyes, which then prompts the purple haired man to smile.

“Well then! I’ll drive you there myself! Let’s not waste another moment then.” he said as he exited
the shop and gestured to Rize to follow.

“Wait, Rize! You can’t just leave.” Touka called out to her as she stepped in the doorway.

Without turning around, Rize coldly responded.

“I’m leaving, Touka.”

Once she was out of the shop, Kuzen stepped into the area.

“Sir? You’re just going to let her go?” Touka whined.

Kuzen calmly nodded his head.

“Yes. She needs this. I feel as though this confrontation is bound to happen sooner or later…”

On the flip side, Eto was getting ready to train her fellow half ghoul…

“Are you ready…Kaneki?” Eto said as they were in an isolated room together.

“Yeah…I think that I’m all stretched out. So what kind of training are we going to do?” Kaneki
said as he rolled his shoulders.

Instead of giving him a direct answer, Eto began to take off her clothes.

Immediately, Kaneki began to turn crimson and wave his hands across his face.

“Wh-wh-hey! Wait! E-e-eeto! You’re-”

“-It’s okay. This is just so I can fight better.” Eto quickly stated even as she turned slightly ruby.

Her bare body revealed that she still wore her bandages underneath, which cover her queen-sized
breasts and her womanhood, along with some other loose bandages around her body.

“Oh…hehe…okay. Wait, hold on. What do you mean by fight better ?” Kaneki pointed out.

“We’re fighting each other. Right here. Right now.” Eto informed him as she stretched out her

Kaneki turned pale.

“Woah woah woah! We’re fighting? But why do we have to fight each other to train?” Kaneki
asked frantically.

Eto used her fingers to explain.

“One - because we’re both ghouls; Two, you wield Rize’s kagune, which is more powerful than
most ghouls; And finally, you have mine and Kuzen’s as well - which is arguably one of the most
powerful kagunes out there. You need to be able to manifest it at will in order to be truly effective
in battle.” noted the author.

Kaneki sadly nodded.


Eto then smiled.

“Alright then…here I come.” she stated.

In less than a blink of an eye, Eto flashed over to him and grabbed his hand before throwing him to
the ground and putting him in a locked position.

“YEOOOWW!!!” Kaneki screamed as he felt some of his digits dislocate from the author’s
surprising strength.

Eto coldly stood back up as Kaneki was on the ground, shaking in pain.

“Stand up Kaneki…” Eto ordered him without sympathy.


“Yes you can…stand up and hold your ground.” Eto said, but this time with a bit more

Eventually, Kaneki got up to his feet and stood against Eto - albeit still shaking.

“Here I come, Kaneki.” Eto stated again.

Using the same speed, she went for a kick to the one-eyed ghoul’s face, but this time…Kaneki
dodged it.

It seems that he’s a natural dodger… Eto said in her head.

Making some distance between them, Eto called out to him.

“Try to counter when you avoid my attack!” Eto demanded as if she was a coach to the young

Kaneki nodded. As every moment passed, he felt that his fingers were naturally regenerating. The
more he trained, the more that he felt the pain go away.

Eto closed the distance again at lightning speed, but Kaneki was not able to dodge her punch in
time, causing him to bleed.

She’s too fast. I can’t dodge her! I’m not fast enough…! Kaneki admitted in his head.

“Ngh!” Kaneki grunted as he was punched to a wall about 10 feet away.

Eto looked at his condition and made an executive decision.

“We’ll stop here for now.” Eto said.

Eto used some of her spare bandages on her body to wrap up some wounds on Kaneki…

“I’m sorry if I hurt you, Kaneki…” Eto sadly stated as she saw his dislocated fingers.

Kaneki shook his head.

“N-No, it’s okay. You didn’t mean to…and I’m pretty sure that my opponent won’t hold back
anyways.” stated Kaneki.
Kaneki tried to wrap her spare bandages around them, but flinched.


Seeing this, Eto aided him.

“Here. Let me help.” she sweetly told him.

Shockingly, Eto began to drool all over Kaneki’s dislocated fingers. Following that, she then
swallowed them whole and sucked them dry of blood. Kaneki initially flinched but found that her
method was healing him faster than his own ghoul abilities. It caused him to turn red.

“Wow…Eto…I…” Kaneki murmured as he felt too good in the moment.

On her end, Eto finally tasted Kaneki. She felt the warmth and tender that radiated from the young
ghoul. Doing this, however, reminded her of the vision that she had not too long ago. It started to
put her back in her previous state of aroma. Once she was done, she popped her lips off of his
fingers and looked up to him red in the face.

“T-Thank you, Eto. I really appreciate your help.” Kaneki said as he loosened up.

Eto, who was becoming a bit more theatrical, smiled seductively at him.

“It’s my pleasure. We are birds of a feather after all…” the author purred to Kaneki.

Then, she leaned very close to Kaneki…

“E-Eto…? Are you okay?” Kaneki whispered to her, frozen by her sweet breath and her beautiful

Then playfully, she licked his eye, leaving even more saliva all over it.
“YOU CONNIVING BITCH!” a voice bellowed from the end of the room.

Instantly, both Eto and Kaneki turned to the door.

“R-Rize?!” Eto asked as she leaned off of Kaneki.

“Oh shit…!” Kaneki murmured as he felt like he screwed up big time.

Tsukiyama was with her, and he raised an eyebrow, grinning like a little fangirl.

“Well this is a scandalous scene, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that our author here was about
to make a move on that young man…” he instigated.

Rize began to stomp towards the pair.

“Wait, Rize! This is not what it looks like, she was helping me train and-OMF!”

Before he could finish, Rize threw Kaneki to the side, opening his wound again.

“Sit out of this. We’re gonna have a long chat after I’m done. ” Rize hissed to her boyfriend.

“What the hell is going on here?!” Rumi shouted as she came from the other room with Hide.

“Kaneki!” Hide shouted as he saw his best friend agonizing in pain.

Eto tried to get things under control…

“Everything’s fine, Rumi. It’s just a misunderstanding. Rize - just stand down.” Eto calmly asked
the former binge-eater.
“Don’t tell me what the fuck to do you pretentious slut!” Rize hissed at the demigoddess.

“What was that?!” Rumi said as her crimson eyes began to glow a bit.

“Uhhh…wait! Rumi, please! I think Ms. Takatsuki has it under control.” Hide said as he gently put
a hand on his trainer’s shoulder.

“I don’t care if you’re going to be the future Queen of Tokyo, don’t you ever touch my Kaneki
again!” Rize shouted in Eto’s face.

But Eto was no push over. She stood her ground.

“I was just helping him train, Rize. He needs to know how to fight in order to protect himself and
those around him.”

“I can teach him how to fight. He doesn’t need you to teach him that, and he never needed you to
get a mask! You’re stepping way out of line!” Rize spat at her ex.

“I’m not stepping out of line. Things just got a bit playful at the end. You’re just overreacting.” Eto
said as she tried her best not to yell back.

Rize made an expression as if she just caught her lying to her face.

“Oh? I’m just overreacting?! Do I need to recall how Sen Takatsuki is so miserable and lonely that
she has to write books to millions of people that she’ll never meet but then wonders why she can’t
find a King?! Well sorry to break it to you but Kaneki is mine! Go find your own King!

“R-Rize…just stop it…please!” pleaded Kaneki as he weakly walked to the two ghouls.

“Huh?” Tsukiyama said to himself as he noticed the bloody bandages that Kaneki left near the
That’s when Rumi drew the line. She flash-stepped right in front of Rize. Even though she was
shorter than Rize by a hair, she was no less deadly than Eto herself.

“Okay, you. I’ve had enough of this. Who do you think that you are anyways?! You got two
seconds to get your trifling-bitch ass out of my gym or else you’ll find yourself in the ER! Now
beat it!” Rumi stated to Rize.

Rize knew that she was powerless against the likes of Rumi so she turned around and walked

“Let’s go Kaneki.” ordered the purple hair ghoul.

“But Hide…” Kaneki said as he looked over to his best friend.

“Don’t worry man, I’ll be alright.” Hide assured him.

Looking at Sen Takatsuki, he spoke out in shame.

“I’m sorry…” he said before following Rize.

Meanwhile…Tsukiyama picked up the bandages that were discarded from Kaneki.

“This…this is…” he said to himself.

“You there! Get the hell out of my gym as well!” Rumi order to the gourmet ghoul.

Realizing that he was no longer welcomed here, he respectfully bowed.

“Of course, please excuse me.” he said as he removed himself from the space.
Turning to Eto and Hide, Rumi finally spoke out once it was just the three of them.

“If it wasn’t for you two, I would have smoked that bitch back to the Soul Palace where my
mother, Lady Shihouin resides.” Rumi stated to them.

Hide raised an eyebrow but then grinned happily.

“Well…I have no idea what you meant by that, but all I know is that I’m glad that no one got hurt!
Am I right, Ms. T?” Hide asked the green-haired woman near him.

Eto didn’t respond. Instead, she looked as though she was holding back a lot of emotions.

“Hide, could you wait in the other room? I would like to talk to my sister in private.” Rumi ordered
her trainee.

“Sure thing Boss! Oh…and sorry about what Rize said - that was totally out of line.” Hide said
before excusing himself out of the room.

As everyone goes back to their respective places, Tsukiyama takes advantage of what was left at
the scene…

“OH YES! HOW MARVELOUS! HOW CAN THIS BE?!” he stated as he tasted and drugged
himself with the blood of Ken Kaneki.

Once satisfied for the moment, he snickered to himself.

“I believe that I desire you all to myself. Rize might need to look for a new boyfriend…”

Chapter End Notes

Fun Fact: Eto sucking and healing Kaneki's wounds was a little easter egg to the fact
that she inherited that from Queen Nelliel - her mother. In addition, it was also a little
reference from Akeno who sucked Issei's finger from DxD.
Battles of Lust
Chapter Summary

Once Rize brings Kaneki back to her place, she begins to spit venom at him...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"From now on, you can not see Eto anymore!" Rize ordered Kaneki.

They were in her apartment. She had the half ghoul sitting down on her bed while she stood with
her arms crossed at him.

"B-but Rize…it was just-"

"-But NOTHING! I don't want you seeing her anymore!" Rize demanded even harder from Kaneki.

He looked down and flinched as he felt the pressure from his girlfriend.

"Okay…okay, I hear you. Just please, stop yelling at me." Kaneki requested.

Hearing his gentle plea, Rize uncrossed her arms and sighed.

"I'm sorry that I yelled at you…" Rize said as she approached Kaneki.

"But you got to understand…I just want what's best for you…" she said as she cuffed one of his

Rize raised his face so that he could look at her.

"...and what's best for us." Rize purred to him.

She then proceeded to plant her delectable lips onto his own. The taste instantly encapsulated
Kaneki and his eyelids felt heavy. He began to kiss her back and Rize began to push him back on
the bed.

After a few moments of making out with each other, Rize lifted her face and grinned.

"You know Kaneki…I think it's time that we take each other. That will surely get your mind off
of Sen Takatsuki…" Rize purred to him as she licked her lips.

Kaneki was completely dumbfounded.

"T-t-t-take each other? What do you mean by that?" Kaneki asked.

Rize giggled.

"Oh, I think that you know what I mean…but I'll give you a hint…"

And with that, Rize began to unbutton her clothes right above Kaneki.
His jaw flung open and his face instantly became crimson. His expression made Rize smile

"Looks like I'll be the one to get you first." she bragged out loud.

Although the message was really for Eto, she still wanted to proclaim it out loud.

On the other hand, Kaneki could only gawk at what he was seeing as Rize revealed more and more
of her beautiful skin.

"You can touch me, it's okay…" Rize whispered to him as she smiled.

She then took a hold of one of his hands and guided it to one of her royal breasts. Even though she
still had her bra on, it felt so soft and smooth in Kaneki's hands. She rotated his hand smoothly to
stimulate pleasure for both of them.

"See…Ka…neki…" Rize managed to get out.

"Doesn't…this…feel good?" Rize said as she threw her head back and let out a heavenly moan.

"Y-Yeah…" Kaneki admitted.

"It feels…great…!" he said as he voluntarily grabbed her breasts and rotated it on his own.

Rize licked her lips victoriously. She knew that she was getting him to only focus on her and her

"Oh yes…just like that, Kaneki…" Rize encouraged him as she grinded her womanhood against his
growing erection.

She could feel the heat and power radiating from beneath. It only made her more wet.

"Take off my bra for me." Rize commended her boyfriend as she looked down at him.

Immediately, the half ghoul sat up and began to toggle at her backstraps.

"Um…Rize…" Kaneki whispered, embarrassed.

"I don't know how to…to…"

Rize giggled playfully.

"Don't worry…here…let me help you…"

But just before she could take it off, Kaneki's phone began to ring.

Rize then rolled her eyes.

"Oh for the love of God, NOW of all time?" Rize complained.

"I'm-I'm sorry! Please just let me answer it! I'll tell whoever to call later." Kaneki promised as he
leaned over and picked up his phone.

"Hello?" Kaneki answered.

"Greetings, my dear boy."

"Um…who is this?" Kaneki asked confused.

"What…you don't remember me? I escorted your girlfriend to see you get caught in a scandalous
scene with your famous author." the man on the other line purred.

Kaneki smacked his teeth in frustration.

"Look sir. I'm sorry but I don't have time to talk right now. Please call again later." Kaneki

"Oh sure. That's not a problem. But just to let you know that if you hang up the phone now, then
your dear best friend will die." Tsukiyama sneered.

Kaneki's expression widened. He heard his best friend muffle through the end of the line, as if tape
was over his mouth.

"Hide!" Kaneki cried out.

Rize finally took on a serious face.

"Kaneki? What's wrong?" Rize asked concerned.

Tsukiyama giggled through the line. He knew that Rize was with him.

"Looks like I was interrupting you lovebirds. My apologizes, but if you want to see your friend
alive again, please meet me at the local church not too far from the coffee shop. Oh, and do come
alone - this will be a private date, alright? Ta ta for now!" Tsukiyama said before hanging up.

Kaneki put down his phone.

"Who was that?" Rize asked.

"It was that man that you were with the other day." Kaneki admitted.

"He told me that I have to see him at the local church alone or else Hide will die." Kaneki said as
he began to whimper.

Kaneki then clenched his fists and sunk his head.

"Hide can't die…he just can't…!" he said as tears formed in his eyes.

Seeing her chance, Rize wiped the tears from his face. While she was concerned with Kaneki's
emotional state, she wanted to be the only one to be there when he was in a time of need, to prove
to herself and to everyone else that Kaneki only needs Rize.

"We'll get him back. I promise." she said.

This put Kaneki at ease for the moment.

"Then...what are we going to do?" he asked her.

Rize got up to her feet and put her clothes back on. She was still a bit annoyed that her time with
her boyfriend was ruined, but this can't be ignored.

"Go to the church and bait Tsukiyama into talking. Once he's distracted, I'll rip off his head
myself." Rize briefed him.
Kaneki gulped and almost threw up inside himself. He didn't like Rize talking so inhumanely.

Rize saw this and pointed out something.

"Kaneki…in this world, you have to let go of something in order to preserve another. Tsukiyama is
not a ghoul like you and me. You want your friend alive, don't you?" Rize argued with him.

"Yes. I do." Kaneki admitted.

"Then just be brave and go with the plan." Rize said as she quickly kissed him on the lips.


Rize's kagunes instantly activated.

"Ugh! Now what?!" she growled as she went to the front door.

She peered through the glass and saw a bloody young man at the doorstep.

Confused, she opened the door.

"Just what the hell are you doing here, Nishiki?!" Rize hissed.

"Please…" he begged.

"You me save Kimi."

"And just why the hell should we help you?" Rize asked him as he groveled on the ground.

"...Because Hide was kidnapped as well. He was the reason why I'm not dead already. We need to
save both of them in order to stand a chance against Tsukiyama!"

Kaneki walked over to them.

"Rize please, we need all of the help that we can get." Kaneki begged her.

Rize internally cursed. She wanted to handle this operation just by herself.

"Fine." Rize said.

"But make no mistake - if it comes to saving Hide and Kaneki over Kimi, then I will not hesitate to
do so." Rize proclaimed.

Nishiki coughed blood as he tried to laugh.

"Sure...fair enough."

Nishiki and Kaneki head to the church, where they found Hide and Kimi captured by

"Ahh...Kaneki. Tell me...are you a fan of Beethoven?" Tsukiyama purred as he played the piano.

Hide and Kimi were tied down at the alter.

"Release Kimi, you sick fuck!" Nishiki growled.

"And Hide too!" Kaneki added.

Tsukiyama frowned.

"This is quite awkward. Do you know how rude it is to show up somewhere uninvited, Nishiro?"

"I don't give a shit, you better lay another finger on Kimi or I'll kill you myself!" Nishiki baked

"Apologizes but I simply cannot do that. I'll be needing her to add spice to tonight's antre. It is
essential to that she remains fresh as possible for sweet Kaneki's pleasure..." Tsukiyama stated.

"Huh?!" Nishiki responded in irritation.

"Do allow me to explain, I shall feast of Kaneki, while Kaneki feast on Kimi!" Tsukiyama
proclaimed with carnal pleasure.

Kaneki felt like he wanted to puke, but he remember what Rize told him to do.

"But Tsukiyama, Sir? Why do you want me to enjoy feasting upon Kimi while you consume me?"
Kaneki asked.

Nishiki looked at Kaneki as if he was crazy.

"Why are you entertaining that freak's mind?" he hissed at the half ghoul.

Tsukiyama licked his lips in delight.

"Oh I'm so glad that you asked, my dear Kaneki. I would like you to feast on her so that you feel
the best as I consume you for myself." he admitted to him.

Kaneki literally had to hold back vomit.

Sorry Rize, but I can't keep stalling for time...he admitted to himself.

Nishiki rolled his eyes.

"Ahh, screw it! You're dead Tsukiyama!" he said as he lunged at the gourmet ghoul.

Kaneki quickly joined in and they ended up teaming up on him.

Unfortunately...Tsukiyama was way out of their leagues, as he easily countered everything that
they did. Nishiki was easily kicked to the side before Tsukiyama attempted to kick Kaneki.

However, Kaneki dodged Tsukiyama's kick, and then returned one of his own - sending the ghoul
flying into the seats.

Hey I actually hit him! Eto's training paid off! Kaneki thought to himself.

"Ugh. I must admit,'re better than I thought..." Tsukiyama grunted as he got to his

"...but still..."

then in a flash, he grabbed Kaneki's arm and broke his elbow.

"YEOOOOWWWW!" Kaneki screamed as he graveled on the floor in pain.

"'re not quite at my level, my dear boy." he finished.

Tsukiyama then took one of his hands and impaled Kaneki's stomach, causing the half ghoul to
cough up blood.

"How delicious..." Tsukiyama moaned as he tasted Kaneki's blood.

"Can it get any better than this...?" Tsukiyama bragged as he lifted his hands to the heavens.

Suddenly a ghoul swooped down and slashed his eyes with a single kick.

"Yeah...I think that it can get a lot better than this." Touka said with a grin.

Tsukiyama stumbled back.

"Ugh. I must admit that this is quite embarrassing." he admitted.

"It would have been more embarrassing if that kick was from me!" a voice from above proclaimed.

Everyone looked up to see a ghoul the binge-eater tower above them from the 2nd floor.

"Rize!" Kaneki proclaimed with delight.

Unfortunately, he quickly groaned from the pain.

"It seems that this church is just crawling with uninvited guest." Tsukiyama hissed.

Rize grinned.

"We're here to crash your party, Tsukiyama." she informed him.

"Is that so?" Tsukiyama mocked.

Then he wiped his wound from his face and unleashed his kagune.

"Let's see you try!" he shouted.

Then he engaged in a heated battle with the two female ghouls. Both were doing fine initially, but
Tsukiyama was quickly getting the upper hand.

"Well well well, it seems like neither of you ladies are fighting like I thought that you would be."
Tsukiyama grinned.

Touka gritted her teeth and turned to Rize.

"Come on Rize! You're slacking!" she hissed at her ally.

But Rize didn't appreciate the criticism.

"Me? You're the one who can't even land a solid hit on him! Why don't you worry about yourself!"
Rize barked back at Touka.
Tsukiyama giggled.

"Oh this is just hilarious! But I hope you both are done fighting each other, because now it's my
turn to have some fun." he sneered before engaging them again.

Tsukiyama kicked Rize in the ribs and then dodged a punch from Touka. He then grabbed Touka
and threw her at Rize, which flew Touka to a wall and Rize to the ground.

"Please tell me that this is not all that you ladies have. I take it that your loss of binge-eating habits
have made you weaker, Rize...but Touka, it seems that you've been practicing some unhealthy
habits as well." Tsukiyama stated.

Kaneki was confused.

"W-what is he talking about?" he said as he struggled to get up.

Touka gritted her teeth.

"Yeah...that food didn't really help feel better at all..." she admitted.

"Damn it...I should've taken that food when I had the chance..." Rize groaned as she held her ribs
on the ground.

Tsukiyama then smirks.

"I would love to keep dancing with you ladies, but I'm on a tight schedule. Now come here Kaneki.
Feast on Kimi and your best friend while I eat you!" he purred as he approached Kaneki.

Kaneki closed his eyes shut as there was nothing that no one could do.

But then low and behold, a person covered in bandages and a purple hoodie appeared in between
Kaneki and Tsukiyama.

"It-it-it can't be..." Tsukiyama mumbled as he stepped back in fear.

Kaneki looked up and saw the familiar robes.

"E-eto?!" he asked frantically.

The person turned around and removed her hood and bandages from her face.

"Hey Kaneki," she greeted him.

Rize saw Eto and gritted her teeth.

"W-Why are you here?!" she demanded.

Eto turned to face her ex. They haven't talked since their quarrel at Rumi's gym.

"I have my own reasons, and I have no obligations to answer your question." she said firmly.
While Rize stared more fiercely at the one-eyed owl, everyone else's expressions widened,

Even Hide thought, Damn! Master Rumi must have gave her a good pep talk! She's not putting up
with Rize's bullshit at all...!

"" Tsukiyama mumbled. He was shitting bricks upon seeing Eto.

" what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you here?" he suggested.

Eto smiled.

"I'm here to see my student's performance." she proclaimed.

Kaneki became puzzled.

"Your...student's performance?" he asked weakly.

"That's right." Eto said as she tip toed towards Kaneki.

Taking a knee in front of him, she looked at him sincerely, seeing his broken elbow.

"Do you want to save your friends, Kaneki?" Eto asked him.

He looked around and saw everyone defeated on the floor while Tsukiyama was frozen from the
presence of Eto.

"I do." he responded.

"Good." Eto began.

Lifting a hand, she cuffed Kaneki's cheek.

"Close your eyes and open your mouth." she commanded.

Everyone was shocked at her order, especially Rize who was beyond infuriated.

"Eto! Whatever game that you got up your twisted mind, stop it! Just finish off Tsukiyama for us
and beat it!" Rize hissed on the ground.

Eto turned to Rize with a more dark expression. Even Touka flinched from seeing Eto's face.

"You're beginning to annoy me, Rize. Why don't you be a good little girl and shut up, okay?" Eto
requested in a sinister voice.

Nishiki's jaw dropped.

Who the hell is this chick? he said to himself.

Turning back to Kaneki, Eto smiled again.

"Trust me, it's alright. Just remember your training." Eto told him.

Taking a deep breath, he did what Eto asked him to do.

Titling his head to the heavens, Eto collected a mouthful of saliva and let it dripped down inside
Kaneki's mouth.
Tsukiyama then became enraged.

"NOOO! HE BELONGS TO ME!" he bellowed as he raced to shove Eto off of him.

But Eto tossed him across the church without even turning around.

Immediately, Kaneki muffled as he felt the sweat taste of Eto's saliva inside of his own mouth. The
flavors felt as if he was being drugged. Eto made sure that their lips never touched, but came close,
as if to secretly tell Rize that she knew what she was doing. Kaneki's wounds immediately healed
and his senses became more enhanced, like during his battle against Nishiki.

"No..." Rize mumbled as her face turned into distraught and disappoint.

"Spit it out, Kaneki!" Rize pleaded.

It feel on death ears as Eto finished letting the drool escape from her mouth. Both of them were a
bit cherry in the face. Even Touka was a bit shocked at the sight.

"Swallow it." she commanded.

Kaneki closed his mouth and ingested her liquid. The surge of energy flooded his whole body as he
involuntarily got to his feet.

"Now go..." she said, still kneeling on the ground a looking up at him.

"Finish the battle."

Then his eyes opened, revealing his lone kakugan. But along with it, his kagune activated,
revealing Rize's kagune along with Eto's own initial kagune.

Even though Hide's mouth was taped shut, he was grinning like a fanboy.

Aww yeah, my man! Get some! he shouted in his head.

Rize was shocked.

His kagune...! Rize began.

It's just like mine but...he also has wings like Eto's...! she thought.

"Tsukiyama..." Kaneki said, staring at the gourmet ghoul.

"I'm taking my friends and leaving." he stated.

Tsukiyama gritted her teeth.

"Not if I can kill them first!" he shouted as he dashed to eat Hide alive.

Oh shit...! Hide screamed internally as he closed his eyes.

Saliva flings from Tsukiyama's mouth as he lunges from the human.

"BON APPETIT!" Tsukiyama shouted.

But Kaneki blitz across the church and blocked Tsukiyama's mouth with his kagune. His kagune
still felt new to him, as if he was first learning how to ride a bike. The half ghoul then did his best
to fling Tsukiyama to the 2nd floor.

Eto watched like a proud teacher as her student manhandled his opponent.

Wow...! I didn't know I had that kind of power! Kaneki thought to himself.

But he couldn't enjoy the moment for too long as Tsukiyama then went after him again.

"I was planning to have you seasoned but I guess I'll have to eat you raw. DIE KANEKI!"
Tsukiyama shouted as he tried to slice up his opponent.

Kaneki effortlessly dodged Tsukiyama.

He's nothing compared to Eto's speed! he told himself.

Then he used another kick to fly him across the room, where he stayed down for good this time.

Tsukiyama looked up to him and groaned.

"Well boy...I don't think that I would mind dying to someone like you..." he groaned as he
coughed up blood.

Then Kaneki's face widened.

"Me? Kill you?" he said.

He then thought back to what Rize told him: To preserve one thing, you must let go of another.

Kaneki's kagune and kakugan deactivated slowly.

He then turned to Eto and spoke out.

"It's over." he stated to the author, implying that he was satisfied with the results.

Eto took a moment to observe Tsukiyama's condition and then nodded.

"Good job, Kaneki. I'm so happy for you. I'll help you take your friend back to Antekui..." she said
smiling at him.

Then for the first time, Eto unleashed her own kagune. Everyone looked on at her as her entire
body was eventually covered by a massive kagune. One by one, she picked up Kaneki, Hide, Kimi,
Nishiki, Touka, and even Rize. Then she flew them all out of the church, leaving Tsukiyama

While in Eto's kagune flying through the air, Rize could barely process the recent events that took

Kaneki...I don't know if he's the same Kaneki that I once knew. With Eto's kagune, he was so sure
of himself. It was as if he didn't need me anymore. It was as if he was becoming more Rize pondered.

Despair, hatred, bitterness, and jealously once again flooded her mind before she shook her head

No! I don't care if he grows green hair like her! Kaneki is mine! I'm still his girlfriend, and I know
just the way to permanently make him mine...! Just you watch, Queen of Hueco Mundo. You'll be
crying back to your Demon Mother after I've marked Kaneki eternally. Rize hissed in her mind.

Of course, Eto couldn't hear any of this, but she even had her own things to worry about.

Whether Rize loves me or hates me, I still have a bond with Kaneki that I can't ignore...Eto
admitted to herself.

Even as Eto flew them all in the night sky, an omnipresent deity floated above the city of Tokyo.

"She's grown a lot since the last time that I saw her..." a certain voice said.

"My precious daughter."

Chapter End Notes

Thank you all so much for the support and for reading my story!
Chapter Summary

The sun finally arises after the night from the church, and Kaneki is trying his best to
get back on Rize's good side...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"I'm making coffee, would you like some?" Kaneki said as he peaked into her bedroom.

Rize only wore panties and Kaneki's blue hoody, which showed off her royal breasts from within.

"No thank you..." she gloomy responded.

Kaneki frowned. She's barely said anything to him since last night.

"Listen...Rize..." he said as he stepped into the room.

"...I know that things did not go exactly as planned last night, but what matters now is that we're
both okay. Hide and the rest of our friends are safe and sound." Kaneki said as he took a hold of his
girlfriend's hand.

Then Rize just switched the topic.

"How did it taste?" she asked the half ghoul.

"Um...what?" Kaneki asked puzzled.

"Eto's saliva, her did it taste, Kaneki?" Rize asked, finally looking at him in the eyes.

They were filled with frustration and bitterness.

"R-Rize..." Kaneki began.

There was no way that the half ghoul was going to admit that the author's gob tasted like seventh

"...that's doesn't matter - if Eto didn't intervene, we would have all been Tsukiyama's next
meal. We owe her our lives." he pointed out.

"Damn it, Kaneki! I know that! Don't remind me!" Rize hissed as she removed quickly her hand
from his grip.

"I'm...I'm sorry..." Kaneki said, feeling upset that she retracted it.

Rize then looked at him with a pouty expression.

"Are you going to leave me for Eto one day?" Rize asked Kaneki.
The male ghoul blinked twice. It was a lose-lose question. Emotionally speaking, there was no
right answer.

"W-why would you say something like that? I'm right here." Kaneki answered back confused.

Rize shook her head.

"You're getting stronger, Kaneki. Stronger than you even can tell. It's not long before you realize
that you have other options and you'll leave me all alone..." Rize mumbled as she shred a tear.

"Rize..." Kaneki said as he immediately wiped the tear from her face.

"I will always be with you. Our bound is something that I cherish each and every day. I'm thankful
that you came into my life." Kaneki said as he cuffed both of her cheeks.

This satisfied Rize for the moment, as she took ahold of Kaneki's hands on her cheeks.

"I love you, Kaneki."

"I love you too, Rize."

Then they planted their lips on each other. One kiss lead to another and Rize ended up poking at
Kaneki's mouth with her tongue, requesting entrance to his mouth. Kaneki gladly opened it for her
as her tongue explored the insides of his mouth.

So tasty...Rize purred in her mind.

Rize began to dominate Kaneki's tongue as they clashed with each other. In a bold moment, Kaneki
moved his hands down her back, and then to her perky rear cheeks. Going with his erotic instincts,
he gripped both of her rear cheeks tightly, igniting a purr from the former binge-eater.

She briefly stopped kissing him to catch her breath. Their sweet taste still lingered in both of their

"Getting excited, Kaneki?" Rize whispered to him with a grin.

"Yeah...a little..." he embarrassedly admitted.

"Good..." Rize whispered.

Then she let herself fall back on the bed.

Using one hand, Rize reach down and fingered her womanhood in front of Kaneki. Her other hand
went underneath her sweatshirt and massaged one of her breasts. She seductively smiled at him as
her face turned more crimson by the second.

"R-Rize...! You're..." Kaneki said in disbelief.

He couldn't believe what she was doing in front of him.

"...yes..." she admitted.

Rize's breathing labored as she continued to masturbate in front of her boyfriend. After a few
seconds, she removed her hand from her panties, revealing soaked fingers that gave off a delightful
"Taste me, Kaneki." she requested to him as she offered her fingers to his face.

Kaneki's erotic instincts took over him, as if he was dying for flesh. He never tasted a woman's love
juice before, but of course, there is a first time for everything. Saliva dripped from his mouth
before he engulfed Rize's digits into his mouth, sucking them dry as a bone.

Rize giggled as he tasted her love juice. His expression screamed that he was enjoying himself.
While it wasn't as fruity as her lips and mouth, his mind still released the chemicals that signified
that he was tasting something delectable. One could say that his love was blinding him to the
otherwise bitter taste of her essence.

Once done, Rize took her hands out of Kaneki's mouth, and then licked them herself.

"How did I taste?" Rize asked him.

"You tasted amazing..." Kaneki responded in a husky voice. His breathing was increased.

He had to resist the urge to just rip off Rize's panties and devour her honeybox.

"So...did I taste better than Eto?" Rize asked insecurely.

The question snapped Kaneki out of his erotic state of being.

"B-Better than Eto...?" Kaneki responded, but now in a more puzzled voice, rather than the sexy
husky voice that he had a few moments ago.

Hearing his hesitation and seeing his body language turned Rize off.

"Just forget it..." Rize groaned before turning back on her stomach and burying her head on the

But Kaneki leaned forward and place a hand on her back shoulder.

"Rize, it's just that I wasn't expecting you to ask that question. Please, just let me taste more of you!
I'm sure that-"

"-No." she coldly responded.

This caused him to retract his hand.

"You're not getting any more of my love juice anytime soon...until you can convince me that I taste
better than Eto." Rize informed him.

Kaneki whimpered in his mind.

"I'll make it up to you, Rize. I promise." Kaneki said as he walked out of the room, determine to be
back on Rize's good side.

Kaneki heads to Antekui. He checks up on Touka before going to the clothing store...

"What do you want?" Touka asked him as he knocked on her door.

"Sorry to bug you. I wondering if you gonna work your shift tomorrow." Kaneki asked her.
A moment passed before Touka answered back.

"I don't wanna."

Then Kaneki tried to take the conversation further.


"-I'm a complete failure. I was too weak to defeat Tsukiyama." Touka admitted to herself.

Kaneki looked down sad.

It seems that Rize wasn't the only one that was feeling upset about what happened last
night. Kaneki thought to himself.

Once he built up the courage, Kaneki spoke out again.

"You know...uh...I saw Hinami and her mother fighting earlier. Thankfully, they were able to patch
things up. But as I was watching them, I couldn't help but think to must be nice to have a
family. I realized that bonds and relationships are the same whether your human or a ghoul. I hate
to admit it, but I never even thought about that before I ended up like this. If only everyone else
came to that realization, then maybe me and Rize's relationship, and Nishiki and Kimi's
relationship could serve as a guide post for the ways things could be between humans and ghouls."

Silence filled the air for a few seconds before the teenager responded.

" that it?" Touka asked from her room.

"Uh...well...yeah. And also I...I wanted to apologize to you about Yoriko that other time. I'm sorry.
I'll-I'll let the manager know that you need some time." said Kaneki as he walked away.

After a few seconds, Touka curled her lips into a smile.

At the same time in another room...Eto and Kuzen are discussing a long overdue conversation...

"What did you want to talk to me about, Kuzen?" Eto asked her godfather.

The Old Man kept his eyes closed while he spoke.

"Eto, I'll just keep it plain and simple...I believe that you need to be honest with your feelings for
Ken Kaneki."

Immediately, the author's face turned cherry. She looked around the room to see if anyone else was

"W-what in the world gave you that idea?" Eto asked as her voice cracked unintentionally.

Kuzen smiled.

"Sweetheart. The older you get, the more wisdom that you obtain. I can sense that you deeply care
about him, and I completely understand why." he added.

Eto closed her eyes briefly and then took a deep breath.
"Listen...Father...even if that was true - he's with Rize. I've already seen them kiss multiple times,
not to mention that I can only imagine what other things they've done together: Like touching each
other; tasting each other; I mean, how am I suppose to know that they haven't...made love with
each other...?"

"They haven't made love to each other. If they did, I don't think Rize would be the type of person
to secretly keep it to herself. You've dated her, you can confirm that, no?" Kuzen noted.

Eto bite her lip and looked down.

"Yeah...I can confirm that..." she admitted.

Kuzen finally opened his eyes.

"If I am being honest, I already see you too together. You two just don't know it yet." he revealed
to her.

Eto was blown away by his bold statement.

"How could you say that knowing that he's taken?"

Kuzen then elaborated.

"Sometimes in life, people are in relationships for certain reasons. Sometimes it's for sex, others
are for love, for money, for power, for revenge, or even to coup with trauma..." Kuzen said as he
put more emphasis on that last line.

Eto flinched.

"Please...don't go there, Father." Eto pleaded.

Kuzen closed back his eyes.

"Very well. But the takeaway that I want you to have from this conversation, is just to open your
heart and be honest with yourself. Don't worry about what other people want, just worry about
what do you want, alright?"

Eto nodded.

"Sounds good with me." she replied.

"Good." he said as he rose to his feet.

He motioned Eto for a hug, to which she gladly embrace him as she got to her feet.

Once Eto left the room, she found Hinami being taught some words by another ghoul. She
choose to eavesdropped from the door, not wanting to ruin the cute moment...

"I've got another word for you - how do you read this one right here?" Hinami asked the half ghoul.

"Let me see...that's a tough one. It's cloudburst." Kaneki replied.

"What does that mean?" Hinami asked curiously.

"It's a sudden rainstorm that doesn't last very long." Kaneki answered.

That made Eto smile warmly.

Seems like you're a teacher in your own way, Kaneki...Eto thought to herself.

"Um...Eto? Is everything alright?" a familiar voice said in the hallway.

The author turned to see Hinami's mother walk towards the door.

"Oh, Good Morning Ryouko. Everything's fine. Take a look..." Eto said as she peeked the door
open a bit more.

"How sweet..." Ryouko said smiling as she saw Hinami and Kaneki bonding.

Then Ryouko walks in the room, but Eto choose to stay for the time being.

"What do we have here?" Ryouko asked playfully.

"Oh! Hi Mom!" Hinami answered.

"Is this another reading lesson?" Ryouko asked.

"Mmhmm." Hinami responded.

Ryouko turned to Kaneki.

"You're so sweet to do this for her." she proclaimed.

Kaneki rubbed his head embarrassed.

"It's no big deal...but I should get going anyways." he said as he got up and walked out the door.

"Thanks again Kaneki!" Hinami called out.

"See you tomorrow!" he answered back before stepping out the door.

"Hey Mama! Look! I've already learned all of the words behind Eto's book!" she proclaimed
showing her mother.

Now in the hallway, Kaneki was surprised yet again by his favorite author...

"What's up, dude." Eto spoke out in a creepy voice.

Kaneki basically jumped out of his skin as he turned to face the green-haired woman on the
opposite side of the door.

"Gosh! You scared the crap out of me! I didn't know that you were here!" Kaneki said frantically.

Eto put a hand over her mouth.

"Hehe...well...I just want to say - that was very sweet of you - to teach Hinami some words that
were in my books. How would you like to work for me on my side of Tokyo?"

Kaneki's eyes widened.

" directly for you?" Kaneki asked.

Eto nodded.

"Mmhmm...of course, I could pay you full time to teach children words in my books. I think that
Kuzen would approve of this given that you'd be hanging around me - plus this shop has plenty of
workers with the addition of Nishiki and Hide." Eto pointed out.

Kaneki was in disbelief. His favorite author of all time was offering him a golden ticket to not only
teach her work to others, but perhaps even to live with her as well!

"Well...that would be awesome...but..." Kaneki said as he thought back to his girlfriend.

Eto's face turned back to neutral.

"I understand...but just keep in the back of your mind. So then...what do you got plan for today?"
Eto asked changing the subject.

"Umm...well...I...was going to get some gifts for my girlfriend. Rize's been under the weather since
last night and I just want to support her." Kaneki told Eto.

Hearing Rize being considered Kaneki's girlfriend by his own voice was like a gut punch to Eto.

"I see..." she began softly.

But then Eto had a bright idea.

"Why don't I help you with that?" she asked smiling mischievously.

"Well...that's great but...I kind of wanted to go alone." Kaneki replied.

Then Eto's heart sank deeper than an anchor in an ocean.

Kaneki quickly saw her expression go from neutral to utter sadness and disappointment.

"...w-w-w-what I meant was, I thought that I get both of you gifts!" Kaneki quickly added.

This immediately made Eto blush.

"You're saying want to get me a gift?" Eto asked to confirm his words.

"Yeah...we kind of wanted to keep it a surprise, but I talked with Hide, Nishiki, Kimi, and Touka.
They all agreed about expressing our gratitude for saving our tails last night." Kaneki said

Eto put on a soft smile.

"That's really sweet, but you do remember that you were the one to ultimately save the day..." she
pointed out.

"...well, I wouldn't have done it without you and your gob." Kaneki pointed out as well.

A brief moment passed before Eto lost it.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Eto laughed.

The laughter was a collection of many emotions: Relief; Sweetness; and genuine comedy.

"You know...Kaneki...sometimes you really crack me up." Eto said as she wiped a tear from her
eyes from laughing too hard.

"Hehe...yeah..." Kaneki said timidly, not knowing if he should laugh as well or feel embarrassed.

"Well...if you ever need more gob from me, I'd be more than willing to give you some." Eto said as
he winked at him.

Kaneki immediately blushed as he realized what she implied. Remembering sweet taste of Eto's
saliva made Kaneki's mouth water inside.

"You okay?" Eto asked curiously.

"Y-yeah...I'm good..." Kaneki managed to get out.

Thank God that Kaneki wore good pants, since his erection was forming from the mental image of
Eto pouring her delicious saliva into his mouth.

"So then...why don't we head out for town? I'll help you get some gifts for Rize, and you can still
surprise me with a gift on behalf of everyone else?" Eto said as she wrapped her arm around

"Yeah! Sounds great!" Kaneki replied, albeit a bit shyly.

Before they go to the clothing store, they run into Nishiki and Hide...

"Oh! Hey you two! I'm glad that I ran into both of you. After work, Master Rumi said that she can
give me more lessons for martial arts. How cool is that?!" Hide proclaimed happily.

Kaneki nodded while Eto's eyes widened. She knew what her older sister meant by that.

"Knock yourself out, dude." she chuckled.

Nishiki glanced at Eto but said nothing. He was still wondering just who the hell she is and where
did she come from.

At the clothing store in town, Eto and Kaneki picked out some gifts for Rize...

"This should be good." Eto said smiling as she showed Kaneki a dark violet bra to match Rize's

Kaneki looked at it and immediately turned crimson.

"Maybe I'll get something else just in case!" Kaneki said in order to calm his hormones.

Eto giggled. She knew that Kaneki would react that way.

"Don't stress about it. As someone who dated Rize in the past, she's quite carefree. But I will say
though, since you two have gotten together, I think that you've really made a better impact on her
life. You two are going way smoother when we dated."
Kaneki looked around to make sure that no one was hearing them. He then whispered,

"Okay, I know that it is not any of my business, but how exactly did you two end up dating? Or
even...well you know...?"

"...have sex?" Eto teased.

"I-I-I was going to say how you two ended up splitting!" Kaneki clarified.

Eto giggled again.

"I'm surprised that Rize hasn't told you yet. But if you really want to know, I'll tell you..." Eto said
in a normal voice.

But then, Eto's sixth sense kicked in. A serious look flooded her face.

"Um...Eto...? Is everything okay?" Kaneki asked.

She looked around the store to see two men in suits and briefcases observe the area.

"Let's go Kaneki..." Eto said as she quickly took his hand and power walked to the exit.

Outside the store...

"What happened, Eto?" Kaneki asked puzzled.

She finally let go of his hand and looked at him.

"It was the doves. It looks like they are sweeping this area more heavily now and-"

But then it hit her.

"Shit! I just remembered, Ryouko and Hinami are roaming these streets!" Eto cursed looking
around the sidewalks.

Kaneki's heart sank.

Taking a deep breath, Eto spoke out again.

"Listen carefully...we need to split up. I'll go tell Kuzen to round up everyone at the shop while you
search for Hinami and Ryouko. You have my number, don't you?" Eto asked him.

"Um...yeah I do! From your business card." Kaneki replied.

"Good. Alright then. Consider this your first reconnaissance mission: If you find Hinami and
Ryouko first, then get them to the coffee shop ASAP! Goodluck!" Eto said as she bolted back
towards Anteiku.

Kaneki ran through the streets until he saw Hinami lying in the rain crying to herself...

"Hinami!" Kaneki shouted from the other side of the road.

The young ghoul looked up to see her fellow ghoul.

"Kaneki...!" she cried out.

The half ghoul then proceeded to run across the road, dodging cars in the process. Once he was in
her range, he placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Where's your mother?!" he asked frantically.

She pointed behind him.

Turning around and taking her hand, they began to sprint in that direction.

"Let's go!" he said.

As he was running, Kaneki thought to himself...

What the hell am I doing?! I don't even know what I'm getting into! Do I take her to her mother...or
should I call Eto and tell her to pick up Hinami so that she can get her into safety?!

Finally...they reached the alley of where Ryouko was surrounded by the CCG...

"Mama!" Hinami cried out as she tried to approach the scene.

But Kaneki quickly shut her mouth and pulled her back.

"We can't let them find us!" Kaneki whispered to Hinami as she was pulling against his arm.

Looking at the scene, Kaneki was in a panic.

This was a bad idea! How am I suppose to help her?! I still can't activate my kagune at will, not
yet! I don't even know if calling Eto would be the best move to make right now! Kaneki admitted in
his mind.

The old investigator with white hair was sadistically taunted the defenseless widow.

"Still...I'm not above curtsey..." Mado taunted Ryouko.

" about it, Mom? Any last words for us?"

Ryouko remained silent as the rain poured down on her.

"What's the matter? There's no reason to hold back!" Mado mocked her.

Lifting her head, Ryouko smiled and closed her eyes. She sees Kaneki and Hinami together in the
corner of her vision. A single tear escaped from her eyes.


"-NO!" a voice screamed.

The alley went silent.

In an instant, Mado's arm was severed right then and there, his weapon and arm flying into the air.
Once it fell back down to Earth, it dropped with a thud.

The Second Class Investigator didn't even have time to reactive.

"Mr. Mado!" Amon yells in denial.

Kaneki is stunned, because he covered Hinami's eyes, to shield her from what was going to
happened, or what should have happened. Now, he slowly peeled his hand back, looking in

Hinami now opened her eyes filled with tears, but hope washed her spirit from despair.

Her mother is…alive

In tears – trembling, but very much alive. As Ryouko slowly opens her eyes, she sees a man
standing before her. She gasped, recognizing the man who she passed by with Hinami not too long
ago, and she automatically deactivated her kagune. His mask is already on so the doves can't
identify him.

The man's kagune is a three-tailed stone styled cut brimming with a dark blue galactic aura. One of
his tails was cut off midway by absorbing the impact. A streak of blood streams down his head.

"Like the woman said before..." The mysterious ghoul calmly replies.

"Leave them alone."

Chapter End Notes

A/N - I'm really excited to write these next few chapters! These turn of events
(Ryouko being saved by an OC ghoul) was created from the idea of my very FIRST
initial fanfic. I discontinued it back in 2020 because of life, but now I'm more than
willing to write THAT story along with this one. I'll keep these stories separate, I bet
that you readers are here to read mainly about Eto and Kaneki...unless anyone says
otherwise, then I'd consider combining the two stories into one. Anyway, that's all that
I got. Thank you so much for the bookmarks, kudos, reviews, and for reading my
fanfic! See you all in the next chapter!
A Second Chance
Chapter Summary

As a new ghoul intervenes, Ryouko is given a second chance at life...

Chapter Notes

Expect to see some Eto and Kaneki chemistry building :)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Well that was unexpected..." Mado said out loud, unfazed that his arm had been ripped off of his

"...seems like this ward is just crawling with roaches!" He exclaimed as he started to bleed out.

Shoma gritted his teeth before attempting to strike Mado again, but Amon stepped in a blocked it.
The strike did push the two investigators back in the alley, allowing Shoma to focus on what he
was really trying to do.

"Run now!" Shoma yelled looking back at Ryouko who was still on the ground.

The ghoul snapped out of her shock and got to her feet.

"R-Right!" she said as she ran towards Hinami and Kaneki.

But there were still two other investigators.

"Oh no you don't!" One of the other investigators shouted as he pulled his Q Pistol.


Immediately, a Q bullet pierced Ryouko's heart. Her blood splattered on the wall as she fell to her
knees in pain.

"MAMA!" Hinami screams as now she breaks free from Kaneki's loose grip.

"Oh crap! Wait!" Kaneki said as he ran after Hinami into the alley.

Shoma turned around again and used his kagune to smash the other investigators to the walls,
knocking them out.

"Ryouko! Are you alright?" Kaneki ask as he knelt beside her.

"I'm...okay...please...we need to go now!" Ryouko weakly stated.

Kaneki looks up and Shoma nodded.

"I'll take it from here!" He said under his mask.

Kaneki nodded and helped Ryouko up to her feet. Hinami helped too as the three of them ran out of
the alley and back to Anteiku.

"You've only prolonged the inevitable, ghoul!" Mado said as he reobtained his weapon and
approached Shoma again with Amon.

Shoma smirked under his mask,

"I'll play with you two some other time!" Shoma said before trying to get to the rooftops.

"Not so fast, Demon!" Amon hissed as he unleashed his weapon and struck him back down to the

Shoma was struggling to get back up, but then realized that he was surrounded by both
investigators on both sides of the alley.

"Believe me when I say this..." Mado sneered out.

"I will not stop until I take revenge on that damn owl!" he proclaimed.

"Then look no further." a sinister voice said behind him.

Mado got chills before turning around.

There, in the rain, he was looking at a hooded figure with bandages. A lone kakugan glowed from
within the bandages. Mado knew exactly who and what that was...

"FUKURO!" Mado screamed as he recklessly charged at the half ghoul.

Shoma didn't know who the hell was the ghoul in the purple hoody, but he took the opportunity
and got out of the alley.

"Mr. Mado! We need to regroup! We're not equipped right now to fight that...thing!" Amon
pleaded with his senior investigator.

The hooded owl easily dodged all of Mado's attacks. After a few seconds, it jumped back up to the
rooftops, blocking the sun from both of their views.

"Out of the respect for my father, I won't kill any of you...but know this...if you ever try to
kill one of my ghouls again...then I may not be so merciful the next time." the hooded half
ghoul proclaimed before disappearing amongst the rooftops.

Mado didn't even care that his arm was chopped off. His hatred and adrenaline was keeping him
from focusing on any of the pain.

"The next time that we meet, Owl. I promise you that it'll be the last...!" Mado sneered to himself.

Once everyone is back at the coffee shop, a somber meeting begins...

"Welcome back, Touka are you feeling better?" Kuzen asked her with a soft smile.

"Much better, thanks. I'm sorry for missing work." she said as she entered the room.
"I understand..." Kuzen responded.

Touka looked around and saw everyone frowning.

"So...what's with all of the doom and gloom?" she asked curiously.

Kuzen took a deep breath.

"Well...earlier today, investigators found Ryouko - she was cornered and took a bullet to the heart."

Touka gasps. Then in a fit of rage, she slams her fist on the wall, making a dent in it.

"God damn it!" she hissed.

Kaneki held back a sob, but then Eto held his hand, since she was sitting right beside him. She was
back in regular clothes again. Her touch momentarily calmed him down.

"Did she make it out alive? And what about Hinami! Is she alright?" Touka asked frantically.

"They're both alive. Hinami was unharmed. She's sleeping in the next room with her mother."
Kuzen assured Touka.

"Thank goodness, they didn't see her face, did they?" she asked to everyone.

No one answered, implying that their faces were shown.

Then Touka fell to her knees.

"I can't believe this, I didn't think things could get any worst..." Touka said.

"It's too dangerous now, but when it calms down, I think that it is best to move both of them to the
Eto's residence temporarily. There, we can arrange for them to eventually live in the 24th ward,
outside of this one." Kuzen informed her.

That made Touka jump up.

"You're kidding right?! That cesspool?! There's no way that they'll survive on their own out there!"

"Calm down." Kuzen requested to her.

"Why not just kill the doves and be done with it?! They had it coming!" she suggested.

"What do you say, are you in Eto? With you're help, we can easily wipe them out!" she asked the

But Eto shook her head.

"That's off the table. It's bad enough that they saw me - the owl - which would definitely send
their best reinforcements around here. But if we kill the doves in the 20th ward, they'll send the
reinforcements hellbent on revenge. Even though Kuzen and I are some of the strongest ghouls out
there, taking on the entire CCG is not something that either of us desire to do. Just like you all, I
have to respect my old man's authority around here as well." Eto informed her fellow female ghoul.

Touka's eyes widened before she looked down.

"But still...!"
"We can't, Touka." Eto snapped back.

Then the manager charmed in.

"Sorry I have to agree with Eto. We cannot make a move against the doves. As much as I
would love for that to happen, we have to think of everyone's safety."

This enraged Touka.

"You're letting them get away with it...?" she asked accusing him.

"They almost killed one of our own, and you're gonna sit here and let it slide?!" Touka continued.

"Almost...killed, Touka. Keep that in mind." Kuzen pointed out.

"BULLSHIT!" she bellowed.

"What's Hinami going to think when she finds out...that you're too scare to avenge her mother's
attempted murder?!" she barked at Kuzen.

"The inability to take vengeance isn't caused for sorrow. If you truly want to pity someone...then
pity those who obsessed over vengeance and forget to live out their lives." he informed her.

Touka twitched in irritation.

"That's suppose to be a jab at me, old man?" she asked.

With nothing else to say, she bolted out of the room.

Kaneki finally spoke what he was feeling.

"It's my fault...all of it. If Hinami found Eto or Touka instead of me, they wouldn't be in this
situation." he argued.

That's when Kuzen placed a hand over his shoulder.

"You shouldn't take the blame for what happened. It's not yours." Kuzen said shaking his head.

"I recommend that you take a shower here before returning to Rize and informing her of the
situation. It'll help you get your mind out of the mud." Kuzen informed Kaneki.

Kaneki did just that and took a shower, but the guilt still weighed on him...

Ngr! Damn it! I'm so freaking useless! Kaneki thought as he banged his head on the shower wall.

I just...stood there! I couldn't do anything! He continued as he began to sob and fall to his knees.

It didn't take too long before he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was the same soft and smooth hand
that calmed him down when he first realized that he was a ghoul.

"Please don't beat yourself up over this, Kaneki..." his fellow half-ghoul said as she towered behind

Kaneki opened his eyes in shock.

"E-Eto?" Kaneki murmured.

He was still looking down, but couldn't bring himself to look back at her. The steam was so strong
in the room that it clouded both of their visions.

Instead of directly answering his question, she knelt down and rear hugged him from behind.
Kaneki could feel her bare skin and juicy breasts press against his back. The feeling was so
smoothening. Her embrace felt as if he was floating in the sky.

"Just close your eyes and relax. Whatever guilt that you have stored inside of you, Kaneki...just let
it wash away down the drain..." Eto purred to him as she wrapped her arms around his back and
bare chest tighter.

Kaneki felt the layers of his vulnerability tearing down each and every second. Eventually, he took
a hold of Eto's hands that were around his chest and began to sob. Eto stayed by him silently,
frowning as she knew that he did all that he could. They allowed the water to wash them off as she
stayed by him until his sorrows washed away...

Around the afternoon...Kaneki puts a blanket over Hinami and Ryouko, but then heard dishes
break in the kitchen and hurried over to the sound...

"Touka!" Kaneki says.

"Stay away!" she hissed at him.

He flinched, but then stood his ground.

"Your wound, it's bad." he noted.

"It's my problem, not yours she said as she got to her feet." Touka proclaimed.

That's when the manager and the author walked in on the commotion.

"Did you go dove hunting while you were out?" Kuzen asked coldly.

Eto stood silent and had a concerned look on her face.

Touka didn't answer and only clutched her arm even more.

Kaneki turned to the Yoshimuras.

"She been injured! She needs medical attention! Eto, you can help her, right?!" Kaneki asked Eto.

"That's too bad." Kuzen answered for her.

Eto stayed silent and looked down, sad.

"She won't find any help here." Kuzen declared.

Kaneki was of course shocked.

"Sir, why are you acting like this?"

"She should have thought about the consequences before she attacked the doves against my
wishes. Whether she lives or dies is in her hands now. It doesn't concern you, me, Eto, or anyone
else at this café." Kuzen darkly stated.

"You're serious?" Kaneki said.

That's when Touka ran out of the room and pushed Kaneki to the side, but narrowly missing Eto.

"Hey! Touka!" Kaneki called out to her.

"Wait-!" he said as he began to run after Touka.

"Let her go." Kuzen said stopping him.

Kaneki took a moment before molding the courage to speak what his guts were telling him.

"With all due respect sir, I know that you've seen a lot, and I'm sure that your decision is based on
experience, which is why Eto even complies with your wishes...but I don't have that! I don't know
what is expected of me when it comes to being a ghoul! Nor do I know what to expect, should I
step out of line. I have to learn by experiencing things myself! That's the only thing that I can do!"
Kaneki said before chasing after Touka.

He glances at Eto and they lock eyes. Then he snaps his head down to run after Touka.

Finally, Eto opened her mouth.

"Sorry about that." Eto said to Kuzen.

Kuzen looked back at his daughter and smiled.

"Hmph. You know, he reminds me of you when you were younger." Kuzen said to Eto.

This caused her to look up at him in disbelief.

Kuzen proceeded to clean up the mess in the kitchen.

After Kaneki catches up with Touka and explains his reasoning for wanting to help her, he gets
a message from Eto which leads him to a room at Anteiku...

"Um...hey Eto? You wanted to talk with me?" Kaneki asked entering the room.

The author nods her head.

", sit." she said gesturing her to sit beside her.

He sat across from her, as a table separated the two of them apart.

"You're planning on helping Touka, aren't you?" she asked him.

Kaneki was a bit taken away by the question, but nonetheless nodded.

"Yeah...I am. I understand if the manager gets upset with me, but I have to do what I truly think is
right." Kaneki said closing his eyes.

He was expecting Eto to scold him, but instead, she smiles.

"I would like to help you with your operation." she stated.

Kaneki's expression widened.

"You would? But how?" Kaneki asked.

Eto put up a finger.

"Let's start here: Did the investigators see your face?" Eto asked him.

Kaneki shook his head.

"No. They were too busy from trying to...put down Ryouko...and then that other mysterious ghoul
saved her which pulled their attention to him." Kaneki explained.

Eto nodded.

"Good. Then I think that I have a great idea. The two of us should go to the CCG headquarters
right now." Eto said as she got to her feet.

Kaneki's eyes widened.

"A-Are you serious? But we'll be surrounded by investigators! What if they start to suspect us?"
Kaneki asked frantically.

Eto walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I can assure you that we'll be fine. You got your eyepatch with you, right?" Eto asked.

"I do." he said showing her his eyepatch in his pocket.

Eto smiled again.

"Great. Then let's get going. There's not a moment to lose." she said as he got up with her and
followed her to the CCG headquarters.

Inside the headquarters...

"Alright. Just act normal and we'll be fine. Remember, it's Sen Takatsuki over here." Eto whispered
to him.

Kaneki nodded, but couldn't help but shake uncontrollably. He felt as if he was in the lion's den.

Sen walked past the ghoul detectors...and it didn't go off.

She looked back and gestured him to follow.'s been a nice life...Kaneki said to himself before walking through the ghoul detectors.

It didn't go off for him either.

Kaneki opened his eyes as he stared at the author who was accompanying him.

Ms. Takatsuki nodded in approval.

They then walked to the front desk as Eto held some papers in her hand.

"Good Afternoon, my name is Sen Takatsuki, an author in Tokyo. This is Ken Kaneki, a college
student at Kamii University." she informed the man at the front desk.

They held up their IDs and the man nodded.

"Greetings, what can I do for you two?" he asked.

Eto presented her some papers and files.

"We would like to give you information on where you could find subject Number 745 and subject
Number 73." she said.

The man picked them up and saw information regarding what eye witnesses saw earlier on today,
along with the pictures of Ryouko and Hinami. It said that they were heading to another district,
away from this one or the 24th ward.

"Thank you for the information, you two." the man said.

"No. The pleasure was all mine." Eto said before nodding to Kaneki and walking away.

But before they could leave, they ran into a particular individual...

"Could I help you two lovebirds?" a man with silver hair sneered at them.

Sen Takatsuki and Kaneki turned around and saw a familiar man with silver hair and a creepy look
on his face. His severed arm has been patched up with bandages.

"Oh, we're fine, thank you, sir!" Ms. Takatsuki responded happily.

But Mado approached the young man and got right up to his face.

"Have I...seen you...before?" Mado asked him.

Kaneki galped and shook his head.

"I don't think so, sir." he responded.

Mado backed off and smiled even more.

"Well, I guess I was just being a little bit paranoid, please pardon me." Mado said with a bow.

"But I just have to ask...what led you two to come to the CCG headquarters? Surely this wasn't for
some date, no?" he chuckled, looking at Ms. Takatsuki.

She smiled and never flinched at his suggestion.

"Actually, my...partner and I were here to give some information regarding subject Number 745
and subject Number 73. We just handed some files to the front desk." she said acting as if her and
Kaneki were together.

This immediately caught Mado's attention.

"Please wait right here for me." he said before going to the front desk.

Kaneki looked at Eto who nodded at him, as if to say, Everything is still going according to plan.
We'll be fine.

Mado brought back the files and held them up.

"You know, I'll tell you what: I saw the owl today crawling through this area. The owl is one of the
most deadliest ghouls out there. Better watch your back or you'll be its next meal." Mado teased
them sadistically.

"Oh...I'm sure that we'll be fine! An owl can only eat so much, am I right?" Eto said while she
nudged Kaneki's shoulder.

"Uh, yeah! For sure." Kaneki added.

Mado then looked past them and grinned wildly.

"Oh yes! Just the man that I wanted to see!" Mado proclaimed.

Kaneki and Ms. Takatsuki turned around to see who it was.

While Kaneki stared at the man puzzled, Ms. Takatsuki finally showed a hint of surprise.

Walking to them from the entrance, another man with silver hair and glasses approached them. He
was tall and had a white coat that resembled those of the highest level of investigators.

"Greetings, Mado." the man said.

Mado chuckled.

"Greetings, Special Class Investigator." Mado responded.

"I was having a lovely conversation with these two standing between us, why don't you introduce
yourself to them?" Mado suggested.

Kaneki was puzzled while Eto did her best to not react to the situation.

"Greetings, my name is Kishou Arima." the man stated, looking directly at Kaneki.

"Um...Greetings, my name is Ken Kaneki." he responded.

Turning to the author, he smiled.

"Ms. Takatsuki, it's been a while. How've you been?" he asked her.

Kaneki looked at his alley in shock. Ms. Takatsuki didn't waste a moment and responded back.

"Oh, I'm doing very well, Arima. It's good to see you again. How've you been?" she responded.

"It looks like that I was stationed here after reports confirmed that the owl was here in this district."
he informed her.

For one reason to another, Kaneki felt like this man was that guy.

Satisfied, Mado then spoke out again.

"Well then, I don't want to hold you two up. Me and the Special Class Investigator will see you two
Ms. Takatsuki saw her moment and nodded back at Mado.

"Wonderful, it was nice meeting you gentlemen!" the author said holding Kaneki's hand as they
walked out of the CCG Headquarters.

Mado saw them go through the ghoul detectors, but it didn't go off on them, which made him

"I could have sworn that they were ghouls..." he growled.

Mado walks away irritated, while Arima steals a smile from the situation.

Outside the Headquarters, Kaneki and Eto talk about what happened...

"You did great, Kaneki." Eto applauded him.

Kaneki smiled as if he was just made fun of.

"Really? I almost pissed my pants when that investigator asked if he had seen me before." he

Eto giggled.

"Well, I'm glad that you didn't." Eto said.

For one reason to another, she still had her arm wrapped around his.

"Um...Eto..." Kaneki began.

"...Yes?" she responded, looking up at him.

"I'm just curious: Why didn't the ghoul detectors go off for us?" Kaneki wondered.

This caused Eto to smile.

"Hmph. Well, what do you think is the reason?" she inquired to him.

He took a moment to answer back.

"'s because we are half ghouls?" Kaneki guessed.

"Good guess, but that's not it." Eto responded.

"We both have a lot of RC-Cells in our body. The real reason why those detectors didn't go off for
us is because we are ghouls that are associated with an organization called V." she informed him.

"V?" Kaneki wondered.

Eto nodded.

" give you a short answer, my godfather, Kuzen, is a member of V. I am Kuzen's 'daughter',
so I too hold those same cells. Lastly, there is your girlfriend, Rize Kamishiro. The woman who's
guts that you have in you. She was a ghoul that ran away from V." Eto stated.

Kaneki gasped.
Eto then looked forward.

"Of course, you also have my cells and my kagune, so that makes it a pass as well." Eto noted.

Kaneki took a few seconds to process that information, before he asked something else that was on
his mind.

"One last thing...that man with the glasses...he said that it's been a while since he has seen you.
Who was he?" Kaneki asked.

Eto grinned at his curiosity.

"Who? Arima. He's my ex boyfriend."

Kaneki turned pale.

"Oh-oh! Um...I'm sorry! I didn't know." he frantically responded.

Eto giggled.

"Of course you didn't know, because that's not true. However, he's still an old acquaintance of
mine." Eto added.

"Oh...okay." Kaneki murmured, but somewhat relieved for guilty reasons.

"Sorry..." Eto began.

"...I know that it's wrong to play with other people's emotions, but I just couldn't help it. You have
your emotions written all over your face most of the time. One of these days, you need to develop a
poker face." Eto said.

But as the moments passed, Eto silently hopped around in her skin at his reaction. It was her way
of seeing what might Kaneki really feel about her.

"That reminds me...let's stop by Uta's. Your mask should be ready by now." Eto suggested to

"Sure!" Kaneki gladly proclaimed.

In the other room at Anteiku , Hinami finally wakes up, after smelling a familiar scent...

"Mama? Where are you?" Hinami murmured.

She removed herself from the couch and noticed that her mother was gone.

As if she was sleep walking, Hinami spoke to her mother.

"Don't worry mama, I'll find you..." Hinami said before exiting the room and following the scent.

Later that night, Kaneki finally went back to Rize...

"Good Evening...Rize..." Kaneki said gloomy.

Rize was pretty much staying in her home all day.

"Hey...Kaneki, what's the matter?" Rize asked her boyfriend as she wrapped her hands around his

"It's been a long day. Today...I tried to get some gifts for you, but then Ryouko and Hinami ran into
the doves today. They barely made it out alive." he explained.

Rize frowned.

"I'm sorry to hear that. How are you feeling from it all?" Rize asked.

"I can't help but still blame myself for what happened. I just stood there while Ryouko was
cornered, but a mysterious ghoul swooped in at the last second to save her. I managed to help
Ryouko and Hinami get back to Antekui where everyone helped them recover." he elaborated.

Rize thought about it for a moment, and then smiled.

"Why don't I help you drain that guilt away, my hero?" Rize purred at him with her head titled.

Kaneki smiled at the invitation, but he wasn't feeling it.

"I'm okay, thanks. People at the shop were able to help me out with that." Kaneki told her as he
placed his hands on his chest.

For some reason, Rize's gut feeling was gnawing at her.

"...who in particular?" Rize demanded as she retracted her hands and crossed her arms.

Kaneki then became frantic.

"Uh-uh-uh-uh-well it what happened was...I-I-I-"


Saved by his phone again, Kaneki internally shouted for joy as he felt his phone vibrate.

"Please give me a second, Rize." Kaneki asked her.

He answered his phone.

"Hello?" Kaneki asked.

"Kaneki? It's me, Eto. Are you with Rize? We need both of your help!" she said on the other line.

"Eto? Yeah! I'm here with Rize. What's up?" Kaneki said turning to Rize, who could only hear
Kaneki's voice.

She rolled her eyes that Eto was calling Kaneki and interrupting them.

"Hinami and Ryouko are missing! We believe that Ryouko went out to grieve for her husband, but
now we can't find Hinami as well!" Eto informed him.

Kaneki's eyes widened.

"What? Seriously?! What are we suppose to do!" Kaneki asked her.

"If you two are up for it, could you look around for either of them. They shouldn't have been able
to get too far. Huh?! Yes, I'm on the phone with him right now! Uhh...sorry Kaneki, I got to go.
Just let me know if you two end up searching for them!" Eto said before hanging up.

"What is it now?" Rize asked irritated.

"Hinami and Ryouko are missing! We need to go find them!" Kaneki proclaimed.

Rize paused for a moment, and thought about it.

"Eto asked for both of our assistance, right?"

"Um...yeah? Why?"

Rize smiled.

"Let's just stay here and rest, Kaneki..." she purred as she tried to kiss him.

But Kaneki backed up from her before she could, shocking Rize.

"What do you mean - let's just stay here and rest? - We need to help everyone find Ryouko and
Hinami!" Kaneki argued.

Rize darkened her expression but then quickly brightened her face up again. She was trying to use
this time to the best of her own personal advantages.

"Don't worry about them, Kaneki. I'm sure that Eto and Touka are more than enough to handle it
on their own. Let's just relax, and embrace each other for the night." she purred with a lighter tone.

Kaneki shook his head.

"We...I can't do that." he responded firmly, standing his ground.

Finally, Rize darkened her face for real this time.

"You're not listening to me, Kaneki. You will stay here for the night. Let Eto and Touka handle it
and forget about them. Surely you want to get back on my good side, right? Are you just trying to
save them so that you can spend more time with my ex?" she darkly said to him.

Kaneki flinched at her expression, but didn't budge.

"Okay, I'm sorry...but Hinami and Ryouko need our help. If you don't want to help because of
Eto...then I won't force you to...but I can't lay around with you as my friends are in danger!" Kaneki
proclaimed before turning around bolting out of Rize's house.

Rize stood there stunned at the turn of events.

Hmph...this is the first time that he has stood his ground with me... Rize thought to herself.

I don't know if I should be extremely pissed off, or extremely proud that he is finally becoming a
man and standing up for what he believes in. she wondered.

Then she looked down.

Maybe it is me...I've been so use to using people for my needs and desires that I don't think twice
about it anymore...Rize thought more.
But then she thought about Eto and Kaneki being together and shook her head, erasing all of the
potential self-improvement.

Regardless...Kaneki is mine! And I'll be damned if I let Eto even think that she can take him from
me! Rize said before running out of the door.

Chapter End Notes

I really enjoyed writing this chapter! I did my best to add a little bit of fanservice here
and there, but the situation with Ryouko and Hinami should wrap up in the next
chapter or two. Anyways, thank you all so much for the support. See you all in the
next chapter!
Nightmare's Illusion
Chapter Notes

The ghouls rushed to the scene. One of them came face to face with an investigator,
and stood in his way...

"Well hello...and just who might you be?" Amon wondered as he started at a hooded individual in
the rain.

The individual didn't respond. He only stood there like a zombie. The person then removed his
hoody to reveal his black hair, and his mask that covered most of his face, except for one of his

"Alright, fine. You don't want to talk? Then that's on you. You should know better than to step in
between an investigator!" Amon states as he takes a stance, ready to battle.

The hooded individual bolted towards him as they then began to brawl.

Amon threw a punch, but the individual dodged it and punched the investigator's face. Amon was
forced to take one step back as he cleaned himself off from the scratch.

"Not bad, you. However, you're going to have to do a lot better than that to defeat me." Amon

He engages back in the action before the individual throws another punch. This time, Amon tanks
it. He then grabs the person's arm before punching him in the stomach and throwing him over the
cliff, near the water. The young man groaned and struggled to get back up.

Damn it...I'm still not strong enough! No...maybe...I am...but what if I lose control?! the person
thought to himself.

As he laid there in agony, the investigator spoke out.

"There's something that I always wanted to ask you ghouls: When you take the lives of innocent
people, do you ever stop to think about the pain that you're causing?" Amon asked the young man
laying on the ground.

As he walked down to him, he drew his weapon. With it, he ran it into his opponents stomach,
making blood splatter everywhere.

"This world would be a better place without you. So tell me - demon - are your victims just
faceless appetizers to you?! Just like how you all murdered one of my friends for no reason?!"

But instead of getting an answer from his opponent, the investigator got an answer from another
person entirely.

"We never asked for this life, we just navigate it to the best of our abilities." a feminine voice said
from above.
Amon turned back around and saw a woman with purple hair stand in the rain. Lightning struck as
her kakugans glowed at the investigator.

"...and you won't live to regret hurting my boyfriend!" Rize darkly proclaimed.

Cutting down to the sewers, Hinami is clutching a bag that is filled with her father's corpses and
her mother's scent...

"No...! Mama can't be dead! She just can't be!" Hinami cried as she held the bag tightly.

Fortunately for her, her deepest fear didn't come true as Ryouko and Shoma (who found her by
herself), came to her aid.

"Hinami!" Ryouko cried as she was being carried by Shoma.

Hinami opened her eyes and looked to her left to see her mother being carried by a familiar man.

"Mama!" Hinami cried out as she got up and ran to her.

Shoma put Ryouko down lightly in order to let the mother and daughter embrace each other.

"I'm sorry to make you worry, but I had to pick something up that your father had before it was
too late." Ryouko explained embracing her child.

Hinami began to weep as Ryouko mentioned her father.

"Daddy's gone, isn't he?" Hinami asked with tears in his eyes.

Ryouko couldn't help but cry as well.

"I'm sorry...Hinami! I wish that I could have done something to save him...!" Ryouko said as she
began to weep.

Shoma stood there, upset that there not really anything that he could do at the moment.

"Ryouko! Hinami!" Touka said from above.

They all looked up to see Touka.

Touka hooped down to the two and embrace them.

"I'm so glad that you both are safe." she proclaimed.

This made Shoma smile, but then a certain investigator finally made his presence known.

"I've never seen so many vermin embrace each other as if they were humans, it just makes my skin
crawl!" Mado sneered out.

Everyone turned to face the investigator, who was grinning like a madman.

"If you want to see your father and your dear husband again, I can surely help you with that! The
others could get a sweet and quick death if you like. I would love to make all of you into my
personal weapons. You can help me exterminate your foul race once and for all!" Mado mocked
the widow and the child, along with Touka and Shoma.
Hinami clutched her mother's arms while Touka and Shoma became enraged.

"You bastard!" Touka growled as she activated her kagune.

Shoma did the same, ready to fight, but the two ghouls halted as the owl floated down in front of

Mado's expression widened as he stood before the owl once again.

"No more." the owl simply said.

Then, she removed her hoody and unwrapped her bandages from her face.

Everyone was completely shocked, especially Touka who knew that this was one of the few
instances where Eto revealed her face to a human as the owl.

"Everyone get out of here. This fight is between me and the investigator." Eto proclaimed.

"But...Eto..." Touka said with a bit of worry in her voice.

Eto looked back and smiled.

"I'll be alright. Take Ryouko and Hinami and go." she claimed.

Ryouko didn't waste anytime as she tried to take Hinami. Unfortunately, she fell to her knees, as
she was still recovering from before.

"Let me help you..." Shoma offered her.

Ryouko smiled as she let him pick her up again. Touka took a hold of Hinami as the four of them
got ready to leave the sewers.

"Where the hell do you think you monsters are going?!" Mado hissed as he drew his double

It was composed of both Ryouko's kagune from collecting her blood and her late husband, who he
made recently.

Fortunately for them, Eto easily activated her kagune and cut down the quinque that tried to strike
the group.

"You want to kill me, right? Well now's your chance." Eto said turning back to Mado.

He looked at her with malice and hatred.

"I never thought that the incarnation of evil itself would show it's face to someone like me. It looks
like my gut feeling was right! You and that damn brat that you were with at the headquarters were
a pair of vermin like I thought. Not only that, but it seems that you are the famous author, Sen
Takatsuki. Truthfully, I was never really a fan of your books, and I it's unfortunate that Special
Investigator Arima is not here with me..." Mado proclaimed.

"...but I've come prepared!" Mado yelled out as he opened his last briefcase which contained the
best quinque that the CCG had to offer.

That's when Ryouko, Hinami, Shoma, and Touka booked it out of there. They wasn't much that
they could do at this point.
Eto calmly stood her ground as Mado's armor formed around his body.

"You know that this is personal, right?!" the investigator began.

"You killed the love of my life in cold blood!" Mado howled at her.

Eto took a deep breath and spoke out.

"I don't blame you for hating me. To some extent, I hate myself as well." Eto admitted.

Mado laughed manically inside the armor.


Eto closes her eyes, and then activated her kakuja in the sewers.

"If you're lucky, you may be able to reunite with your late wife in the soul society." she said
before engaging in battle.

Seeing Rize catch up to him...Kaneki didn't want to risk his girlfriend getting hurt, and choose to
take drastic measures...

"Wait! Stay back! Please! You can't let him see your face!" Kaneki pleaded to Rize with his arm
reaching out to her.

Rize's face twisted in irritation.

"But if we just tear his limbs apart and devour his corpses right here and now, then he won't live to
tell anyone about who his killer is!" Rize argued.

Amon gritted his teeth.

Damn it! I didn't expect two of them at the same time. This isn't good. From this distance and
angle, I can't see her face. No...stop thinking like that. When your opponents stands before you -
fight. Even if it cost me my life! Amon thought to himself.

Kaneki then explained his reasoning.

"I don't want to kill him, and I don't want you to get hurt or caught. Please, just stay back and let
me take care of this! " he pleaded to Rize.

Rize silently cursed to herself.

God damn it! He has a point. Besides...if I didn't had these stupid withdrawal symptoms, or if I had
a bigger diet, then I'd just mop the floor with this investigator without trying to reason with
Kaneki! Even still, the last thing that I want to happen is to become a liability again like I did with
Nishiki and Tsukiyama... Rize thought to herself.

Rize then nodded.

"Fine, but I'm stepping in if things get too ugly." Rize bargained with her boyfriend.

Kaneki smiled underneath his mask as he got to his feet.

Amon then turned to Kaneki.

"You both are going to regret not fighting me together!" Amon growled.

Then the investigator activated some more armor that formed around his body.

I was saving this in case I ran into the owl, but these two will give me some trouble if I don't finish
them off quickly! Amon thought to himself.

Closing his eyes, Kaneki made a short prayer. two have given me so much strength since I've met both of you. Just give me the
strength to defeat this man on my own so that I can show everyone that I'm not the same
anymore... Kaneki thought to himself.

Then, the half ghoul unzipped part of his mask that revealed his teeth.

In an instant, Kaneki's lone kakugan activated.

"RAAAAHHHHH!" he screamed as he charged at the investigator.

Amon couldn't react in time before Kaneki tore off his shoulder plate and bit a piece of his

"You bastard!" Amon hissed as he threw Kaneki off of him.

But it was enough for Kaneki.

He ingested a chunk of Amon's flesh as his ghoul instincts began to kick in.

This hunger is insane! But I have to stay in control...this is for Rize, for Hide, Ryouko, Hinami, and
even for Eto...!

After he finished re-aligned his thoughts, Kaneki's double kagune formed.

Rize was in awe of the sight.

Amazing...she thought to herself.

Amon and Kaneki then reengaged in their battle.

"Stop mocking me!" Amon screamed as he realized that Kaneki was just going for his weapon and
not for his body.

This strength is amazing! Is this how Rize and Eto feel when fighting?! Kaneki thought to himself.

It didn't take long before Kaneki broke Amon's weapon in half with his kagunes.

"I'm useless without my Quinque...but even still..." Amon murmured to himself.

"You have to run!" Kaneki shouted to the investigator.

Amon looked up to see the half ghoul clutching his shoulder. His kagunes were running wild.

Amon gritted his teeth,

"An investigator never runs! I'd rather die-"

"RUN NOW!" Kaneki shouted as his Rize kagune punted him aside like he was a football

His girlfriend had a worried expression.

He's losing control...! Rize said to herself.

Quickly, she tore off pieces of her rain coat and wrapped it around her face, which would
concealed her face from the investigator. Her eyes were the only parts of her face that was visible.
She kept a hoody over herself to conceal her distinctive bright purple hair as well.

Once that was complete, she jumped down near their battlefield.

Kaneki was approaching Amon slowly, but Rize stepped in between them.

"It's over, Investigator! Beat it before I change my mind and kill you myself!" Rize sneered at
Amon under her mask.

That's when Kaneki smiled sadistically.

"Be careful my love...that's dangerous. Standing so close to me while I'm dying to have a bite of

Rize turned around to see what the hell was Kaneki talking about.

Before she knew it, he impaled her with his own version of her kagune. Then he dragged her over
to him before he pounced on her, throwing both of them to the ground. Saliva escaped from his
mouth before he took a bit of her shoulder - just like she did with him back on their first date.

Amon gritted his teeth.

"You ghouls are such savages that you would even hurt your so called love ones?!" Amon snarled
at them.

Kaneki licked his lips from Rize's blood.

"Hmm...that wasn't too bad, for a ghoul, but I liked the taste of Eto's blood even more." Kaneki
darkly admitted.

Amon raised an eyebrow on the ground.

Who's this Eto that he speaks of? he thought to himself.

Rize just looked up at him with wide eyes. A big chunk of her pride was shattered right then and
there. She became teary. but not from the physical pain, but rather from the hard truth. Even still,
she was in no condition or position to protest.

"Yeah...I don't...blame you...I've tasted her myself many times...and once you control this'll become stronger then when I ever was..." Rize softly admitted.

Suddenly, Amon groaned from the pain even more.

Ngr! Damn! That ghoul took a big chunk of my flesh. I need to close up this wound before it gets
worst. Even if they are preoccupied, there's no way that I can kill them with the condition that I am
in now. Amon said to himself.

He then crawled out of the area to recover.

Rize knew that Kaneki was heavily influenced by his ghoul instincts, but that didn't stop her from
feeling hurt. If anything, when people are angry or drunk, they tend to tell the truth more without
thinking of it.

Her words snapped Kaneki back to his senses. He looked at her confused, as if he was not
conscious since he lost control.

"Oh god...Rize...what have I done to you?" Kaneki murmured to her with tears forming in his eyes.

Rize just chuckled.

"Just...relax...Kaneki...I'm just...recovering...slowly...that's all...hehe...think of this as

your...revenge...from what I did to you before." Rize reasoned with him.


"Shhhh..." Rize said putting a finger on his lip.

"...don't worry about it. Here, reach into my chest. I brought something for you that will make you
feel a bit better, in case something like this happened."

"You're chest? You mean..." he said as his eyes looked down at her royal breasts.

Rize giggled to herself.

"Yeah...just like what Ms. Takatsuki did at the coffee shop when you first met her. Reach there.
Do it." she commanded him.

Kaneki hesitated, but ultimately reached down near her bare skin and dragged his hand underneath
her shirt. His hand felt the squishy flesh of one of her breasts, barely missing her nipple before he
felt a paper bag.

Rize smiled even more.

"There it is. Now take it out, and eat it. It'll make you feel a lot better. I promise." Rize told him.

As Kaneki calms down in Rize's embrace, Eto swiftly finishes up her battle with Mado in the

"It's over..." Eto states to Mado.

The battle destroyed most of the area, but in the end, Eto's power was too much for Mado to handle

"Damn it all..." Mado groaned as he laid there in defeat.

"I got my kill you...and I was powerless..." he said before coughing up blood.

Then he stared at her with intense hatred,

"If only...I had more power...! I could...send you...back to...the darkest pits of hell...where you
belong!" Mado growled.

Eto then glares at him in disgust.

"You should have brought the entire CCG with you if you wanted to take me down. You let your
hatred and anger cloud your judgement." Eto stated.

But then Mado grinned, which irritated the owl even further.

"What are you smiling about?" Eto asked her defeated opponent.

"Hehe..." Mado chuckles.

"You haven't...seen...the last of me...I...I can feel hatred will bleed into hell...and
one day...I will be take your soul...and exterminate your disgusting race of
damn demon...!"

Eto doesn't entertain his way of thinking.

"It's like my father said, I can only pity those who obsessed over vengeance and forget to live out
their lives." Eto told him.

Little did she know that one day, that quote would hit her back in her face.

Mado chuckled.

"I'm...glad that you...brought that son of a bitch up...I'll make sure...that I kill him as well...s-s-see hell...heheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAH...uuuuu...uu..."

The investigator finally scumbles to his wounds, causing Eto to let out a heavy sigh.

All was silent, until...

"You certainly have gotten softer over these years." a familiar voice proclaimed.

Eto quickly turned around to see another investigator appear before her. He had his briefcase in his
hand and looked at her with his signature poker face.

"Please tell me that you're not here to fight, investigator." Eto requested.

The Special Investigator shook his head.

"I recall that you were victorious the last time that we fought, and only spared me after finding out
that I was not an ordinary human." Arima noted.

Eto frowned.

"So then...why are you here, Arima?" Eto asked.

Arima lowered his head, as if he had some bad news to tell her.

"The other day...I encountered...The Soul King." Arima claimed.

Eto's eyes widened intensely.

"You what?!" Eto asked again.

The Arima continued.

"At first, I thought that it was an illusion, but he asked me if I have been keeping the country safe
from hollows, so that his dear daughter can focus on becoming the Queen of Tokyo-"

"-He's not my father." Eto corrected him.

Arima frowned.

"Eto...even if you don't consider him your father, I'm here to encourage you to just reconsider
accepting your full lineage. Rejecting it for this long has left you practically traceless of your true
potential. I don't have many years left until I pass on. Hollows may invade your beloved city when
I'm gone, and eventually, someone will have to step up. You're no pushover...I've realized that first
hand, but the power of the owl will not be enough for you when your foes start to appear
from different dimensions. You do understand that, am I wrong?" Arima asked her.

Eto crossed her arms and looked away from him.

"You're not the first person to tell me that." Eto responded.

"And I won't be the last." Arima added, which made Eto look back at him.

"Regardless, I'm here to be on standby in case 'the owl' starts to recklessly attack the citizens of
Tokyo. Please make this a smooth operation for me if you can." Arima requested to her.

Eto chuckled.

"Yeah...I'll do my best."

Finally, Arima smiled at his last comments.

"One last thing...that young man that you were with - Ken Kaneki was it? It seems to me that you
have taken an interested in him. I'm looking forward to see if he turns out to be your One-Eyed
King." Arima proclaimed.

And then with that, he disappeared in a flash, leaving Eto all by herself.

Returning to the surface, Eto reunites with Kaneki and Rize above ground.

"Kaneki. Rize. Are you two alright?" Eto asked as she walked up to them.

"Yeah...we're fine now." Kaneki said as he was sitting beside Rize.

Then Eto noticed Rize's wound that left a gapping whole in her stomach.

"What happened?" Eto asked concerned.

"It's nothing." Rize responded trying to brush it off.

Kaneki couldn't contain his guilt any longer.

"It's my fault, I lost control of my instincts and tried to devour her!" Kaneki admitted as he began to
hold back a sob.

Rize said nothing, implying that he was right. That's when Eto scanned the area, as if to find
anyone looking at them. Then she walked right up to Rize, crashed on her lap, which made her lean
back on the bench, and then cuffed her cheeks.

Both Rize and Kaneki instantly blushed as she did it so casually.

"Here. Close your eyes and open your mouth." The owl commanded.

Rize could smell Eto's sweet breath inches away from her. She knew what she was about to do. Her
lips quivered from the chance to tasting Eto again. Even still, Rize was holding off and tried to
stand her ground.

"N-no..." Rize began.

"I'm fine...ju-"

But Eto cut her off by crashing her lips onto Rize's.

Rize's eyes instantly shot open, while Kaneki's jaw faintly opened from seeing this infamous
picture again.

Soon enough, Rize's eyes felt heavy and she submitted to Eto's embrace.

Rize opened her mouth and allowed Eto to lick all inside her mouth, coating it with her saliva.
Kaneki could only watch in both arousal and shock as the two female ghouls made out in front of
him, like before. Steam could be seen and heard from Rize's stomach as her wound healed at an
accelerated rate. Eto took the liberty to set up another kiss, as she briefly paused to catch her breath
before crashing back to Rize's, whom gladly invited her own. Both parties were crimson in the

Finally, Eto picked up her ex's head and raised it to the heavens.

"Open wide." She commanded.

This time, Rize didn't hesitate.

Eto then gladly drop a mouthful of her gob into Rize's mouth. Audible gups could be heard by Rize
as Kaneki sat inches beside them. Of course, he couldn't help but mentally collect the images in his
head. Part of Eto's spit broke off on her chin but Rize quickly lapped it all up. At this point, Rize's
wound had been closed up. They were just trying to get a piece of each other now. That realization
snapped them slightly away from each other as both were painting lightly from the experience.

Finally, they both turned back to Kaneki slowly. Rize had a nervous smile while Eto felt like she
was enjoying herself a little too much.

"This isn't it, Kaneki?" Rize asked him innocently.

Kaneki just stood there frozen.

"Uhh..." he began.

But he was so frozen that he didn't even realize that his own saliva escaped from the tip of his

Both Eto and Rize's eyes widened. Their female ghoul instincts and desire were beginning to
override their rationality. All they could stare at was the saliva that hanged from Kaneki's mouth.

After a few seconds, Kaneki snapped out of his daze and quickly wiped his mouth.
"S-s-sorry! Cheating?! What cheating?! Me?! I didn't cheat!" Kaneki frantically responded while
he waved his hands in his face.

His words and reaction snapped the female ghouls out of their own senses. Eto and Rize then
looked out each other, and then busted out laughing.

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" They both laughed as Eto fell to the ground and Rize's head fell
on Kaneki's shoulder.

Kaneki looked at both of them, and didn't know if he should feel completely embarrassed or laugh

"Hehehehehe..." Kaneki nervously laughed as he scratched his head.

It made it easier to handle the moment for the young man.

Rize licked her lips as she stared at Eto on the ground.

God I missed her taste! But of course...that's why I'm so possessive over Kaneki, because Eto
knows that she won't let me date her again. Not after what I did...Rize admitted to herself.

Eto just looked up to the heavens.

I have to admit...if I wasn't dead set on finding a King and breeding a prince or princess, then
surely I would love to rule Tokyo with Rize as my fellow Queen...if only she knew to not step out of
line...Eto admitted in her own mind.

The three of them were so lost in their thoughts that they didn't even realize that the other female
ghouls were approaching them.

"Kaneki! Ms. Rize! Ms. Eto! Are you two alright?" Hinami asked frantically.

They snapped their eyes to the innocent ghoul and nodded. Shoma left the group after making sure
that Hinami and Ryouko were in good hands.

"Eto...? Did you...finish the job?" Touka asked.

"'s over..." Eto responded as she got up to her feet.

A somber silence spread through the air until Kaneki finally opened his mouth.

"So um...should we help Hinami and Ryouko move in to Eto's house?" Kaneki asked everyone.

Ryouko and Hinami looked slightly confused, since this was their first time hearing about this.

Eto quickly spoke out.

"Let them talk to Kuzen first. Me and you went to the CCG headquarters to throw off the
investigators, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue now. Besides, I have a person on the
inside to help us out with that..." Eto clarified, referring to Arima.

With that, everyone went their separate ways. Hinami, Ryouko, Touka, Rize, and Kaneki began to
make their way back to Antekui. But before Rize could go along with Kaneki, Eto then pulled Rize
to the side as Kaneki looked back to see what happened.

"What is it, Eto?" Rize asked obliviously to her next words.

Eto smiled seductively at her.

"Can we talk for a sec? Just you and me." Eto asked Rize.

Rize looked back at Kaneki, who was next to Touka and the other female ghouls. Kaneki nodded,
which made Rize turned back to Eto.

"Sure, let's go over here." she said pointing at a further spot.

Once there, Eto revealed something to her...

"I...have some...downtime tomorrow. Would you like to come over to my penthouse? I would like
to try and iron out some...issues that we have with each other if you're willing." Eto offered.

Rize's heart pounded.

She looked back at Touka and Kaneki to see if they were looking at them, but they were engaged
in their own playful conversation as Touka was lowkey flirting with him on how he got a woman
like Rize so hooked up on him. Seeing that they were not paying attention to them, Rize bit her lip
and turned back to Eto.

"Yeah...I can swing by. What time?" Rize responded.

"1900. Just after sunset." Eto simply stated.

Rize nodded.

Then Eto gestured a finger to herself, as if to say that she should bend down and listen carefully.
Rize leaned forward and Eto quickly planted her lips on Rize's cheek.

"See you tomorrow...binge-eater." Eto purred to her before walking backwards and then turning
around to leave the area for good.

Eto would only call Rize binge-eater if it meant one thing and one thing only.

Rize smiled and turned around to walk back to Touka and Kaneki, licking her lips.

The Queen has spoken...Rize thought to herself before returning to Kaneki and Touka.
Erotic Desires
Chapter Summary

Eto x Rize (Lemon)

Chapter Notes

Like all of the chapters, this one is broken up into scenes. There are two ways that you
can read this lemon: 1. Reading it normally 2. Reading the Eto and Rize scenes first
and then going back to reading the other parts that happen in the chapter. Other events
happen at the same time, so I included it in this chapter to save time and energy in the
long run. I hope you all enjoy!

1900 - The sun has set - Rize enters Eto's apartment, and is blown away by what she

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Holy shit really went all out with this, huh? Rize thought to herself as she walked into
Eto's penthouse.

The author texted the former binge-eater her passcode to get in. In addition, she rewired her
scanner to allow Rize's fingerprints to be recognized when trying to open the door. Rize walked in
to find the penthouse littered with dim violet light, with roses littered all over the floor. The roses
left a trail to the stairs, and Rize's nostrils finally picked up on the strong and delectable scent of
the owner of the house.

Oh god...Rize said as she felt her ghoul senses kick in and take over her rational sense of thinking.

Then her phone vibrated and she picked it up to look at the screen.

"Cum upstairs" - from Eto Yoshimura

The former binge-eater licked her lips and gladly followed the path of the roses until she was
standing in front of the master bedroom's doors. She could barely keep her excitement contained.
It's been soooooo long since she's last had sex with Eto. The scent of the author only grew stronger
by the second, engulfing Rize more and more.

Normally, Rize would knock, but these circumstances led her to feel as though that she would just
open the door without a proper warning.

When Rize opened the door, the warning should have been for Rize herself, as her jaw slowly
opened and she began to blush.
"Welcome, Ms. Kamishiro." Eto purred to her guest, smiling on the bed.

She was dressed in a galactic green robe that showed off her milky cleavage and a huge portion of
her juicy thighs. The author laid in a lazy yet erotic position.

At the side of her bed, two glasses of blood wine were on standby for both of them. Rize was in
awe of the entire atmosphere, and yet, she was speechless and couldn't take her eyes off of Eto.

The author chuckled as she realized that Rize was not going to respond to her, so she sat up right.

"Would you mind closing the door behind you please? I wouldn't want...our disturb
my neighbors." Eto requested to her.

This made Rize snap out of her daze, and return and grin of her own.

"Of course. That's not a problem at all." she answered as she closed the door behind her.

Eto then picked up the two glasses and walked to Rize. Her queen sized breasts jiggled a bit, which
immediately told Rize that she was not wearing a bra underneath her robe.

"Come, let's chat first." Eto purred to Rize, offering her one of the glasses.

Meanwhile, at Anteiku...

"Jesus man...I don't know about you...but...I'm exhaaaausted." Hide said to Kaneki trying to catch
his breath.

Touka and Kaya were cleaning dishes as they noticed the two young men step into the shop.
Immediately, their conditions caught their attention - specifically Kaneki's...

"That was...the longest run... that I have ever been on..." Kaneki proclaimed to Hide out of breath.

Yomo - who was supervising their run - walked in and glared at both of them who were soaked in

"Okay Kaneki, go freshen up, and drink plenty of water too. That goes for you too, Hide. We can't
have either of you passing out." Yomo ordered the two of them.

"Right." They both responded looking at Yomo.

As they walked to the 2nd floor, Yomo noticed that Touka was breathing louder and louder, as if
she had just been injected with adrenaline. Kaya was in a weird state of her own, as she stared at
Kaneki with drool slipping from her mouth.

"Touka! Kaya! What's the matter with the two of you?" Yomo asked them, intending to snap them
out of their irregular behavior.

It was successful as both of them shot their eyes open and snapped their eyes to Yomo.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Touka manages to get out as she places a hand over her chest.

"S-Same for me..." Kaya responds wiping the drool from her mouth.

Yomo raised an eyebrow, then left Touka and Kaya there by themselves.
What is wrong with me?! As soon as Kaneki walked into the shop, I couldn't keep my eyes off of
him. was so...exquisite...and his best friend- but Kaya shook her head violently.

Touka was in no better shape, as she clutched her chest even harder.

I need to go to my room. It's been a long day, and I don't feel like making a fool out of myself if I
smell that brat again. Touka admits to herself as she finishes up her last dish and goes to her room.

Rize questions Eto's motives and intentions, but Eto eventually assures about what will happen

"Please tell me that you didn't set up this night for us just" Rize spoke out disappointed.

Eto took a sip of her blood wine, and then shook her head.

"Of course not, but that doesn't mean that we can't communicate some things first, no?" Eto
answered with a smile.

Rize took a moment, and then twisted her face.

"It's been hard for me, Eto..." Rize blurted out.

Her comment was short and sharp. This made Eto carefully place her glass on the nearby stood.

"I'm listening." Eto responded.

Rize then sighed.

"...ever since we broke up, you rarely allowed me to taste you, even as 'friends'. I tried so hard
to stimulate the times I spent with you, but it never came close to just feeling you..." Rize admitted
as she stared at her ex's juicy thighs.

Eto saw her gaze and nodded slightly.

"I understand."

"No..." Rize quickly snapped back, which caught Eto off guard.

" don't understand. We had it great. No one could touch us. This city was our personal
playground. We did whatever we wanted to do, no matter how selfish it was. We fucked like
reckless partners - and it was good - really good. But then I make one little mistake and then you
choose to call it off." Rize hissed as she laid back in her seat and finished her entire glass of blood

Now Eto was a bit frustrated. It was clear that this conversation wasn't going the way that she
planned it to go.

"Don't pretend like it was some 'little mistake', Rizzy. You left me no choice." Eto clapped back at
her in defense.

Rize smirked upon Eto addressing her by the nickname that she created for her a while back.

"So then...why did you invite me here? I mean seriously. Was it to negotiate sharing Kaneki? Did
you bring me here to ask me to break up with him so that I can start having sex with you again?!
Well sorry, but that's not going to happen. Some things may have gotten it the way these past few
days, but I intend to take make love with him and take his virginity. He's mine. I'm not going to let
him take you from me. If you won't let me have you, then I won't let you have him." Rize said.

Eto tried to keep herself from reacting too emotionally.

"I...just want this night to just be about me and you. That's why I invited you here." she proclaimed.

This only made Rize raise an eyebrow.

"Is that so?" she asked.

Rize's face was now a bit crimson from drinking.

"Rizzy..." Eto began.

"...breaking up with you was just has hard for me as well. As the days past, my heart hurt so much.
And what made it worst, my sexual frustration only increased everyday. Even now, just looking at
you makes me want to devour your honeybox..." the author admitted as she looked down at Rize's
concealed womanhood.

Rize was admittedly shocked by her words as her heart pounded in her chest.

"Is this...just a set up? Are you trying to seduce me so that you can tell Kaneki that I cheated on
him?" Rize accused her, even though she felt that it was working.

Eto shook her head.

"Since you desire to bring him up so much, I'd bet my kakuja that Kaneki wouldn't mind you
having sex with his favorite author. We're both women anyway, and it's not like either of us are
getting pipped by another man. Hell, neither of us even had sex with another man yet. I mean,
seriously, what did you tell him when you said that you were going to see me?" Eto said to Rize.

Rize folded her arms and looked away from her host.

"Fine...I get your point." Rize admitted.

Seeing her laid back demeanor, Eto then took her chance.

"Besides..." Eto began as she got up and picked up Rize's face.

"'re more than willing to help out your future Queen, no?" she purred to her.

Rize could smell the sweet scent of Eto like she did yesterday. Not to mention her warm and
smooth hands that just encapsulated her entire being. Her emerald eyes sparkled into her eyes. It
truly was Rize's weakness.

"E-Eto..." Rize murmured.

But then Eto walked backwards and then sat back on the bed. Then in the next moment...


The demigoddess tore off her entire emerald robe clean off of her body. Rize was now in full view
of Eto's curves, her skin, her Queen-sized breasts, her pink nipples, and especially her womanhood.
Rize's mouth fell open. The sight left her frozen like an antelope in headlights.
Eto was now crimson in the face, but continued on.

Smiling, she spread her legs and used one hand to open up her honeybox.

"Come here to me." Eto ordered Rize, with her lone kakugan finally activated.

With her rational thinking thrown out the window, Rize's kakugans activated as she lunged to
devour Eto's honeybox.

"FINALLY!" Rize screamed as her tongue stuck out as she mercilessly ate out Eto.

Eto chuckled, but then moaned.

"Hehehe...ouuu...yes...take as long as you like...this is going to...ahhh...oh god...take awhile~" Eto

proclaimed before she threw her head back from the pleasure.

Cutting back to Anteiku, Touka's body and her heart has been tugging at her all evening...

Damn it...why can't I stop thinking about Kaneki? Touka said to herself as she laid on her bed and
stared at the ceiling.

The more she laid there, the more her nipples hardened and her womanhood heated up. She could
feel herself becoming completely aroused. This made her shake her body violently.

Ugh! No! Stop it! He's with Rize! I shouldn't think like that...but...then again...I still flirted with him
the other day when I got the chance and...but her thoughts trailed off as she placed a hand on her

...ugh...why couldn't that binge-eater have just gotten crush by those steel beams? It would've
made all of our lives so much easier...Touka wished to herself.

The teenager laid there for a few more seconds until she heard a voice out in the hallway.


Immediately, the blue-haired young woman sat up and looked around.

"Kaneki? Is that you?" she called out.

But instead of directly answering her question, it spoke out again.

Come here to me...Touka...

Touka finally recognized the voice as Kaneki's. However, it was more deeper and confident, unlike
the timid and shy voice that she was use to. She found herself outside the room, and looked in the
hallway. Touka then saw that the bathroom door was oozing out steam. Hide has already finished
showering, so now it was Kaneki's turn. She could smell his fresh scent coming from the steam. It
was slowly encapsulating her.

I need your help, please...

Touka flinched as she approached the bathroom door.

What am I doing?! I'm not going to help him if soap got him in his eyes! But yet...I can't bring
myself to not see what does he want... Touka admitted to herself.

She peaked opened the bathroom door.

"Kaneki? What is it? I can't see you with all of the smoke." Touka called out in the bathroom.

You've been thinking about me, have you? he purred to her.

Touka's eyes shot open.

"H-how did yo-I don't know what you're talking about." she denied out loud.

Even still, she still blushed and turned her head. It was bad enough that she was entertaining his
words to enter the bathroom, but his words stabbed her pride even further. Touka was about to go
back to her room and scold him when he got out...until...

Lovers can tell what their partners are thinking. he proclaimed.

This stopped her dead in her tracks. Her heart began to pound, but at the same time, she felt

"L-lovers?" Touka murmured as she turned back to the smoke.

She knew that being near him now would only cause a scandal, but her personal feelings wouldn't
allow her to go away, especially after hearing that.

That's right - which is why I want to mate with you...right here...right now...together...I'll be
your King, and you'll be my Queen...

Touka's jaw fell open as she couldn't believe what 'Kaneki' supposedly invited her to do. Mind you,
her body was still aroused, and his words only made it worst as it pushed her further to doing
something that she might regret.

Touka looked down and bit her lip.

"Kaneki...we can't. You're with Rize and-"

Forget about everyone else, Touka...listen to your desires and let me mate with you...'Kaneki'
spoke out.

Touka's heart felt like it was about to burst out of her chest. In the next moment, her kakugans
activated and she shut the door behind her.

"Kaneki!" Touka cried out as she ran inside the shower.

The teenager found the half ghoul, but he only started at her puzzled and confused. It quickly
turned into embarrassment as his bare body was being stared at.

"T-Touka?!" Kaneki asked frantically as he covered his groin with his hands.

All Touka could do was just stare at him as the realization set in that it wasn't the Kaneki that she
was hearing from before.

"It was...just an illusion?!" Touka murmured to herself, sad and disappointed.

"Huh?" Kaneki spoke out.

Finally, Touka shook her head and gritted her teeth.

"Ngr! Next time lock the door when you're showering you damn brat!" Touka proclaimed as she
stormed out of the bathroom and back to her room.

Once there, she buried her face in her pillow and groaned miserably.

Why...? Why couldn't you have fallen for me instead of Rize?! Touka wined in her head.

As Touka finally acknowledged her true feelings for Kaneki, Eto and Rize acknowledged that
their intimacy was necessary now more than ever...

"Ohhh...fuck yes, Rizzy...that's it..." Eto purred to the former binge-eater as her honeybox was
being devoured relentlessly.

Rize used her fingers to stretch out Eto's sticky entrance, which only further aroused both parties.

Finally...! FINALLY! I get to taste this heavenly nectar again! Rize screamed in her head.

Eto chuckled at her point of view. She viewed a beautiful purple-haired woman tender her

"Here...if you...could ahh...just..." Eto murmured before she reached over Rize and took ahold of
her free hand.

Guiding it, Eto moved Rize's hand to her exposed emerald breast. Now catching on, Rize grabbed it
and rotated it appropriately. Normally, Rize be automatically know the routine, but she has been so
long without Eto's nectar that she lost all sense of her two-way relationship.

"Fascinating...that feels...much better...ouuu yes~" Eto purred.

Rize moaned in response as she dug further and further into Eto's leaking entrance with her tongue.
Her tongue explored her virgin walls and coated them with her gob. The hand that was massaging
one of her breasts moved to the other and gently squeezed it. Eto was so aroused already that she
secreted a bit of milk. Rize felt the milk trickle down her fingers and quickly shot to suck away at
the main source. However, Eto stopped her with a finger, as she easily displayed how powerful she
was despite the heat of the situation.

"Na~ah~ah. Not so fast, Rizzy. You can taste that once you've made me cum first." Eto informed
her as she smiled at her like the devil.

Rize grunted,

"Hmph. That won't take long." she boasted.

Rize then kissed Eto's stomach, before moving back down to Eto's honeybox.

The author smiled before, she reached over to one of the nearby pillows.

"While you do that, I'll fetch something for you..." she said as she got a chain and collar from
beneath a pillow.

Rize peaked one of her eyes up and chuckled.

"Well...this is new," Rize giggled before returning to tender the future Queen of Tokyo.

Without missing a beat, the half ghoul swiftly put the collar over Rize's neck and connected the
chain to her own palm.

"There...much keep going...I'm getting close..." Eto purred as she grabbed the hand
that was on her breast and rotated it with Rize.

Rize chuckled.

I'm going to have all of you...Eto! she proclaimed internally.

Eto once again threw her head back. The pressure was building inside of her core.

"Ouuu...yes, you're so gooood to Rizzy...!" she whispered in a scream.

Her whole body began to shake uncontrollably. Rize knew what was coming and braced herself.

Hehehe...I think that I'll make a plan to get Kaneki AND Eto all to myself. As long as I am Kaneki's
girlfriend, he's not going to fuck any other women - including Eto - and as long as I spend more
time with Eto, then she's not going to fuck anyone else...period. She'll have to rely on me, her
friend, her fellow ghoul, her ex, to satisfy her sexual desires. Maybe I'll be the true Queen of Tokyo
one day...hehehe...! Rize boasted to herself as she poked deeper in to Eto's core.

"More...give me MORE! Oh yes...! I'm so close!" Eto proclaimed as she grabbed a fist of Rize's
beautiful hair.

Rize knew that it was time. She then used her hand to massage her clit, while her tongue finally
reached her G-Spot. In an instant, Eto's vaginal walls collapse on themselves.

"RIZZY!" Eto bellowed.

A fountain of her love juice squirted inside of Rize's mouth. The former binge-eater muffled as she
was forced to back off of her honeybox. More of her love juice squirted in her hair, which damped
it. Eto was breathing like an animal. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly and her body was now
fully covered in sweat. Rize rose up and looked down on the green-haired author recovering on the
bed. She smiled triumphally as she licked her lips and swallowed a load of her nectar. Audible
gulps could be heard from Rize.

" came so hard Eto. You've needed this badly, huh?" Rize questioned her partner for the

Making a demigoddess like Eto cum was like steroids to Rize's ego. Then like she said before, Rize
licked her digits that had traces of Eto's milk clean off. Eto smiled and chuckled as she placed a
hand over her forehead.

"Y-yeah..." Eto responded.

Then the author sat up and gestured a finger to her partner.

" come here, and give some sugar to Mama."

Smiling mischievously, Rize removed all of her clothes before Eto. This made the green-haired
woman lick her lips as she finally saw the complete bare body of Rize Kamishiro. What a sight it
was for Eto - to see a fellow ghoul full of beauty. Her breasts were amazing. They were round, big,
and of course, full of milk. Finally, the purple-hair woman descended onto Eto as they made out

"mmmm..." both parties moaned as their lips smacked against each other.

Four hands roamed two of the bodies as their delectable tongues finally made contact with each
other. Eto then took her chance and rolled her sex partner over so that Rize was laying on the bed
and that she herself was on top.

"Let's do something different..." Eto suggested to Rize.

This made her raise an eyebrow.

"What are you about to do?" Rize asked her.

Eto licked her lips. She then fetched a blindfold and handcuffs from underneath a nearby drawer.

"Trust me, just go with it." she proclaimed, holding both of the objects above Rize.

Rize shook her head, but smiled as a sign of approval.

In response, Eto leaned down and kissed her more. Slowly, she attached the handcuffs to Rize's
hands as they made out. Before Rize knew it, Eto had tied her to the bed. Then she placed the
blindfold on Rize's eyes, but not before smiling at her seductively as she put them on her face.
Finally, Eto then made her way down Rize's body. First she kissed her neck, then her chest, both of
her milky breasts, her smooth stomach, and then finally down to her wet entrance.

"It seems like you want this just as much as I do, huh Rizzy?" Eto teased Rize.

Rize's lips quivered as Eto's digits stretched her sticky womanhood open.

"P-please...j-j-just stop teasing me already." Rize begged as her thighs attempted to crush Eto's

Eto chuckled.

"As you wish..."

And with that, Eto began to return the favor and give Rize some oral heaven.

"Are you enjoying this so far?" Eto purred to her ex.

Rize was breathing heavily, but chuckled. Hearing this, Eto giggled as well.

"Hehe...I'll take that as a yes." the author implied.

Eto continued to dig inside Rize's core. To the author, the binge-eater's vaginal walls served as an
appetizer. It wasn't as fruity and delicious as her mouth, but it nonetheless wasn't bad for someone
like Eto. She took her time to lick, bite, and suck Rize's entrance as more of her juices leaked out.
Then with a free hand, Eto used one of her fingers to enter into Rize's anus. The purple-haired
woman immediately flinched from this, but soon realized that it was just Eto's finger. Her digits
only enhanced the experience for Rize.

"Cum for me, Rizzy." Eto called out to Rize.

The cold blooded ghoul was now sweating as if she was running a marathon.
"K-k-keep going, just like that...oh my gooooooooood!~~~" Rize said.

She was blushing like a cherry, and Eto was giggling internally like a school girl. Then the bisexual
author made her move and moaned into Rize's womanhood. The moan sent vibration all around
Rize's body. In addition, she poked at her G-Spot, which finally caused a coil to snap inside the
binge-eater's stomach.


Then Rize released her love juices all for Eto to taste. The half ghoul never stopped staring at
Rize's face, even after Rize threw her head back from the overwhelming pleasure. Once the
squirting was over, Eto sat up and removed the chains and blindfold from her partner.

" at you~" Eto said.

She closed her eyes and licked her digits clean off of Rize's climax. When she was done, her green
eyes looked at Rize's purple pairs and saw a timid expression.

"Something on your mind?" Eto asked Rize puzzled.

Rize's lips quivered before she spoke out.

" did I taste?" Rize whispered to Eto.

Eto couldn't believe what she heard. She knew that Rize put on a timid and reserved personality for
her preys, but this one...seemed real. She honestly didn't know what to say for a second.

"Hehe...What kind of question is that? Did you at least hear the way that I slurped up your nectar?"
Eto answered her as she playfully rubbed her hair.

Rize bit her lip and looked down.

"Hehe...right. I don't know what the hell that I was thinking..." Rize murmured.

Hmm...that wasn't too bad, for a ghoul, but I liked the taste of Eto's blood even more. Kaneki said
in Rize's mind as she thought back to yesterday.

Eto saw that her partner was feeling down for some reason, so she picked up Rize's face and kissed
her passionately.

"Come on, it's time for the main meal." Eto said with a smiled.

This knocked Rize out of her insecurities and they repositioned themselves on the bed.

They took deep breaths as their womanhoods lightly brushed each other.

Eto finally spoke out again.

"Stay with my rhythm, just like old times. That way-"

"-we can cum whenever we feel like it." Rize said as she wrapped her arms around Eto's neck.

Eto threw her head to side playfully and bit her lip.

"Ahhh...I love ya, you know that?" Eto stated.

Rize blushed even more and looked away.

"Well...I don't hate you too." she said in response.

Eto raised an eyebrow as she took on a challenge in her head.

"Let's see if I can get you to say otherwise after you're wasted on my bed." she purred as they began
to rub each other's vaginas.

While Eto and Rize prepare for their main course, Kaneki is told by Kuzen to help out Kaya with
the trash before hitting the racks...

Ngr...oh man...I should taken out this trash before I took a shower. Now, I'm drenched
again...Kaneki groaned in his head as he lifted the last heavy trash bag in the dumpster.

"You know, I couldn't helped you out with that one." Kaya told him.

Kaneki embarrassedly chuckled.

"Yeah...well, I guess I wanted to feel like I helped out." Kaneki said rubbing his head.

While Kaya didn't struggle with the trash bags, her main issue was ignoring the delicious scent that
came off of Kaneki. It smelled other worldly and it was making her salivate.

Why don't you have a taste? said her subconscious.

Kaya shivered, as if she was trying to shake off the thought.

No. I shouldn't. the young woman argued with herself.

...Kaneki's too innocent! Wouldn't he find it weird? Besides, he's dating the binge-eater, which
would obviously get me in a fight with her if I took an piece of her property. Kaya reasoned to

She began to walk back to the shop with him. Even still, the deep breath's that she was taking
were not helping her thoughts. In fact, they were starting to sway her mind.

That's exactly why you should capitalize on this moment! No one will ever know! You've been
single for too long, haven't you?! Rize should know better than to have someone like Kaneki around
us female ghouls! Do you remember what you overheard the other day? Eto made some moves on
Kaneki, so what's stopping you from doing it too?! Even if Rize finds out, then what is she going to
do?! She's rusted since she left her binge-eating days. You were the leader of the Dobers! She's not
going to take someone like yourself down even if she tried! Besides...It's just a piece! yelled her

Kaya closed her eyes and took the biggest deep breath that she could. This would normally calm
her down, but in the presence of this weaker, young, and quite honestly...delicious half ghoul, it did
the exact opposite. As she exhaled, all of her common sense went along with it. She then opened
her eyes and her kakugans activated.

"Exactly...a bite won't hurt...!" Kaya growled out loud underneath her breath.

Kaneki couldn't make out what she said, but he did see saliva drip from her mouth.
"Um...Ms. Irimi...are you okay?" Kaneki asked as he stopped in his tracks.

The waitress turned to him to reveal her bright red eyes that glowed in the night sky. She licked her
lips at him. It almost reminded him of his-now-girlfriend's infamous attack.

Kaneki's eyes shot open as he felt the weight of the situation. He took a step back in fear.

"M-m-Ms. Irimi! What's wrong?! Why are your eyes-MGF!"

Kaya cut him off by pouncing on him like a dog and crashing her lips onto his.

The exhausted Kaneki fell on the ground with her as he unintentionally opened his mouth from
getting knocked to the ground. A deranged Kaya took her chance and shoved her tongue in his

"Mmmmphhh?" Kaneki muffled.

Kaya finally retracted, but not before biting his lips, which drew a drop of his tasty blood to her

" taste delicious Kaneki~!" she purred out loud as she frenched kissed the poor virgin.
Her tongue was rubbing against every part of his mouth.

Kaneki was confused and conflicted. On one hand, he couldn't understand why Irimi was acting
this way, but on the other hand, he was starting to get aroused...especially because of her right
hand founding his manhood through his pants.

"I told myself that I just wanted one bite, but I'll just steal one more from you, okay?" Kaya sneered
to the half ghoul.

Then, her right hand moved itself inside of his pants and began to feel his actual growing manhood.
She began to massage it as she chuckled from the heat of his erection.

Kaneki IMMIDIATELY flinched as he try to pry Kaya's hand from his growing manhood.

"Ms. Irimi! Stop please! We can't! I'm with Rize! This isn't-MGF!"

But she cut him off again with another smooch, involuntarily making him blush. She was stronger
than him, and was willing to take drastic measures at this point.

"Oh just don't get it. Don't worry...Rize doesn't have to know about this, alright? Just
relax...and let me taste-"

"-Kaya! That's enough. Get off of him - now." a stern voice said close by.

Both parties turned to see an old man with white hair approached them. He looked disappointed.

Kaneki and Kaya immediately recognized him as the manager, and her common sense came back
to the waitress.

"I...I..." Kaya began as she tried to explain the situation.

Kuzen just shook his head.

"It's getting late. You both shouldn't be acting so recklessly at this time. Please come back to the
Anteiku, Kaya. I need to speak with Kaneki alone." Kuzen ordered as he peered one of his
kakguans out for both of them to see.

Kaya quickly got up to her feet and lowered her head in shame.

"Yes Sir..." she responded as she hanged her head walking back to the shop.

Kaneki finally got up to his feet. He didn't know if Kuzen was going to scold him, or punish him
severely for what he saw.

"Come...let me show you something that my daughter would want you to know about..." Kuzen
said as he surprisingly smiled at the young man.

He began to walk past Kaneki as the young half ghoul could only stare at him in awe.

"Um-right! I'm coming, Sir." he responded.

Together, they made their way to a particular location...

In the heat of the night, on the other side of Tokyo, Eto and Rize's night was spicing up to its

"Yes...just like that, ouuu that feels so good!" Eto moaned as she brushed her womanhood together
with Rize.

"mmmm...!" Rize purred as she bit her lip.

Their hands stabilized their positions, and it was up to their hip strength to keep the scissor sex

"Are you close?" Eto asked Rize in the midst of their journey.

Rize nodded the best that she could.

"Y-Yeah I'm close!" she answered.

Eto chuckled a bit as her face turned even more cherry.

"Good, so am I!" Eto proclaimed as she picked up the pace.

A prideful thought ran through Rize's mind.

I want her to cum before I do, but I can't make it obvious, or else that she'll think that I'm making
this a competition. she thought to herself.

"T~Tell me when you're...ah...about to cum~I want to cum with you!" Rize requested to Eto as she
met the pace of Eto's.

Eto smiled and leaned in to crash her lips on to Rize's. To a ghoul, Rize's lips tasted amazing, since
she always had traces of rich human flesh - something that even Kaneki wasn't aware of from all of
the times that he kissed her. A string of saliva connected their lips together as Eto back off a bit.

"Oh fuck, it comes...!" Eto squealed out as her legs started to shake uncontrollably.

Rize shut her eyes, as the pressure in her core began to overload.
"Oh god! Yes, right there...!" Rize squeaked.

Then, like a supernova, the heat inside both of their bellies snapped like a toothpick as the
floodgates opened up. The two female ghouls flung their heads back and screamed at the top of
their lungs.



A mixture of their climaxes splattered all over their bodies and soaked the bedsheets. Rize barely
managed to delay her release, but it ultimately didn't work it in her favor. Her body hated her for
keeping herself from cuming, as she shook uncontrollably for a few seconds from pain, but mostly
in pleasure. They rod out their last bits of nectar until finally collapsing together on the bed.

All they could do was stare at each other. Sweat ran down Eto's face, while Rize's hair was still
damp from taking a load of Eto's love juice. After a few dozen of seconds, the author finally spoke

"Ah god...I needed that. Thank you." she commented.

Rize nodded. She moved Eto's green hair from her face so that she could view her emerald eyes.

"You always deliver in bed." Rize admitted.

Eto smiled.

"Why thank you." she responded.

A few more seconds past before Rize's heart began to tug at her.

"Eto...there's something that I need to ask you..." Rize began.

"What is it?" she asked curiously.

Rize sat up, while Eto remained flat on the bed.

"Do you like Kaneki? I mean like, do you desire him to be your King one day?" she specifically
asked her partner.

Eto was caught off guard with the question, so she decided to brush it off.

"'s like I said before - this is suppose to be our night. We shouldn't keep bringing up boys
in this house." she protested.

Rize made a face of disappointment.

"Eto, seriously? Just be honest with me. He's my boyfriend, and I don't plan on giving him up for
anyone, nor do I plan on sharing him with others." Rize informed her.

Eto could only stare blankly at Rize.

"Yeah...I know. You're not the type to share anyways." she replied, trying her best not to show off
too much emotions.

Rize dipped her head down as if she wanted to gesture to Eto.

"Soooo...back to my original question: Do you desire Kaneki to be your King?" she asked her

A few seconds past before Eto sighed.

"I don't know."

Rize's eyes widened and her eyebrows descended in frustration.

"What?! What do you mean, 'I don't know', you always know who you like, Eto."

The author finally sat up with Rize.

"I'm serious, Rize. I just...I don't know what to think about him. But still Rizzy, you're with him,
and he loves you. That's never going to go away." Eto pointed out.

"But he loves you too, he just can't see it yet. What about you? What do you say to that?" Rize
pointed out.

Eto thought back to what her old man told her.

"From my point of view, I already see you two together." he said with a smile.

"Rizzy..." Eto began.

"...he's just a fan of my books and a fellow half ghoul. Not to mention that he has both of out
kagunes running through his body. We both need to be there for him." Eto argued.

Rize looked at her disappointed and shook her head.

"It seems that you've said what you wanted to say. If you can't confess, or be honest with me, then I
can't stay here." Rize stated as she began to remove herself from the bed.

But Eto tugged at her arm and tried to kiss her neck.

"Heeey...Rize, please. Just stay-"

"Don't touch me." she darkly demanded.

Eto sadly back off and looked at Rize as she approached her bedroom window.

"I'm going home." Rize told her as she opened Eto's window.

A cold breeze flew into the penthouse, which made Eto use the blankets to cover herself.

"Then...can I at least fly you over to your place? You're still-"

"-Gee, thanks but...I'm feeling a bit...nomadic tonight. I'll see you around, demigoddess. But I'll
leave you with this: I really did enjoyed the sex, and I would like to have more nights fucking each
other senselessly, my future Queen." Rize coldly stated.

Then she jumped out of Eto's window and landed on the rooftop of a nearby skyscraper. From
there, she went on and had some more fun before going back to her place...

Eto sighed as she laid there alone in her bed - exhausted, aroused, and drenched with sweat.
"I can't complain. This night went better than I expected it." she admitted to herself out loud.

Chapter End Notes

Alright! I hope that chapter was the fanservice that some of you desired! This chapter
took WAAY longer than the rest of them, particularly because this was the longest
chapter by far. I will say...the only thing that gnawed at my mind is whether or not to
just let this chapter focus on Eto and Rize's lemon or have other events taking place in
the chapter. The reasons that ultimately led me to have other events take place during
this chapter and to not make it a stand alone lemon were as followed: (1) This story
should mainly be about EtoKen (Kaneki x Eto) than anything else. (2) Once the main
story is over, then nothing is stopping me from writing stand alone chapters of Eto and
Rize; (3) I'm trying to wrap up Season 1 in the next four chapters. It's turning out well.
Expect more EtoKen/Eto x Kaneki building next chapter.

Thank you all for reading my fanfic, especially those that take their time to comment
on my fanfic. I really appreciate it and it means a lot to me as a fanfic writer. See you
all in the next chapter!
What Women Want
Chapter Summary

(23:45) On the same night, Kuzen takes flight with Kaneki to bring him to a certain

Chapter Notes

Side Note to readers - I understand that a lot of you all are here to read EtoKen only. I
want to point out that the story gets much more Eto x Kaneki once Aogiri kidnaps
him. I just dance around with other ships and with other fanservice in the meantime
until then. Thanks again for everyone reading and commenting on the story!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Ugh! I know that I don't eat but...I still feel like I'm going to be sick..." Kaneki said clutching his

Kuzen deformed his kakuja and gently dropped the half ghoul.

"Apologizes, young man, but I needed to do it swiftly in order to not attract any investigators in the
area." he responded.

Still clutching his stomach, Kaneki looked at the manager puzzled.

"How would they not notice a flying ghoul in the sky?" he asked confused.

The old man smiled.

"Hmph. Well for one, it is nighttime, and two, my daughter made a deal with Kishou Arima to turn
a blind eye with the CCG as long as we don't do anything reckless. On top of that, I am aware of a
path that doesn't bring attention. At a time like this, most people may just think that they saw a big
bird, or that they were imagining something." Kuzen pointed out.

Kaneki nodded, but still was very confused.

"Oh, I see..." he said.

Then a thought came to his mind. It was something that he had to say.

"So um...what happened back there with me and Ms. Irimi - I didn't want that to happen. She just
pounced on me and I didn't know what to do." Kaneki tried to explain.

Kuzen just shook his head.

"It's okay, I don't blame you. Perhaps that I could have foreseen this happening since you are a half
ghoul. But don't worry, I won't tell Rize about it if that's what you're worry about." Kuzen assured

Kaneki sighed in relief.

"Ahh...thank you, sir."

Looking around, he saw a dark alleyway and an open field that led to some water, similar to where
they fought Amon and Mado.

"But...what is this place? Why did you bring us here?" Kaneki asked.

Kuzen took a deep breath and looked away from him. He appeared almost in a state of grief.

"This is where my wife and my child was killed." the old man admitted.

Kaneki's eyes widened, but then he looked down, in sorrow.

"I'm-I'm sorry..." he murmured.

Turning back to the half ghoul, the elder ghoul spoke out again.

"Kaneki...did Eto ever tell you about how we became family?" he asked him.

The young man took a moment before nodding.

" Yoshimura told me-"

"-sorry to interrupt, but you can just call her Eto with me as well. Neither of us would take offense
to that." he clarified.

"Okay...Eto told me that it's a long story. She just told me that when she was a young child, she
received some transplants from you sir and your late wife. It made her what she is today. I asked
her if her biological parents are in her life, but...well...things happened, and she didn't get the
chance to let me know about it. She also said that you and your late wife saved her life, and now
you both are practically family. But...she never mentioned that you lost your child...I..." but Kaneki
couldn't finish his words.

It took Kuzen placing a hand on his shoulder to get him out of his thoughts.

"You shouldn't worry about things that can't be unchanged, Kaneki." Kuzen assured him.

Then, he went into great detail on his past, and how he and Eto came to be...

"When my late wife, Ukina, was pregnant with our unborn child, we met Eto's biological parents.
Eto's mother was pregnant at the time with Eto herself. Somehow, they already knew that we were
ghouls. At first, I was skeptical and hostile, since they weren't ghouls themselves, but then they
offered to help my late wife carry our child. Once they proved to us that they could be trusted,
along with seeing Ukina needing support, I let them help us. In exchange, Eto's biological father
requested for both of us to donate blood and organs for their child. He told me that during
childbirth, his...Queen...was suspectable to more diseases. Even though I brought up the fact that I
was a ghoul, he insisted. Given that we had already established a trustworthy connection, and since
they helped us get through Ukina's pregnancy, we ultimately complied with his request. From then
on, Ukina didn't have to torture herself in order to give nutrition to our hybrid child. We actually
joked with each other that our child and their child would be siblings. Everything then seemed like
we were going to live a happy and peaceful life...but...then we never saw them again. It was as if
they disappeared from thin air. We were saddened by their sudden disappearance, especially since
now that they had our cells in their child, but we had to continue moving forward with our lives.
After our child was eventually born, my past caught up to me in an organization called V." he
informed his fellow ghoul.

Kaneki's eyes widened upon hearing Kuzen mentioned that organization.

"E-Eto mentioned that organization to me! Back when we visited the CCG headquarters to throw
off the location of Hinami and Ryouko! What's their deal?" he asked.

"V is an organization that is hellbent on ruling over society and making it their personal
playground. We were on the run as they ruthlessly sought to eliminate us. I did my best to protect
my wife and child, but...they unfortunately lost their lives here." Kuzen responded.

In a rare moment, the manager closed his fist, which even intimidated Kaneki. He could hear his
knuckles crack and see his fist turn pale.

"When their lives were taken, I fell into rage and bitterness. Even to this day, I still hold some
hatred to reality and to those that took them from me. I wanted revenge. I desired it so badly that I
didn't care about anything else. I almost went insane. In that darkness, I created an infamous
organization, to take down V and to anyone that stood in my way..."

but then Kuzen shook his head, as if he was disappointed in himself.

"...I let anyone in the organization, no matter how cruel they were. I'll admit that looking back, it
was quite hypocritical of me: To form a relentless organization to take down another relentless
organization. Even still, all I saw was my desire for revenge. I didn't care about anything else, even
if I lost my own life in the process..." he admitted coldly.

"...but then I was brought back to the light." he admitted.

Kaneki could only look on as he didn't know how things could have gotten better at that point.

"I was on the brink of death, but Eto's mother returned and saved me. I had no idea where she came
from, or how did she find me, but she brought her baby along with her."

She brought back Eto...Kaneki murmured in his mind.

"Once she healed me, she apologized for her family's absence."

Finally Kuzen opened his eyes, revealing his kakugans.

"She displayed abilities that I have never seen in any ghoul or human. She was like a goddess in
the flesh. She promised me that one day, I will be able to reunite with my wife and child. Not only
that, but she pointed out the fact that I still have another child that I can live for, by showing me her
own daughter."

Kaneki didn't know what to say. It was all so much for him.

"Wow...I see..." he said thinking about it more and more.

Kuzen chuckled.
"You should've seen my tears that day. I never shed so many in my whole entire life, except for the
day that I lost my wife and child. Eto's mother came back because she needed help raising her
daughter on how to be a ghoul. When she didn't find me at a coffee shop, she came looking for me
herself." Kuzen informed Kaneki.

The young man was trying to put this all together in his head.

"B-but Sir. Why are you telling me all of this?" he asked him.

Taking a deep breath, the old man spoke out again.

"I'm telling you this Kaneki for many reasons: V and other dangerous ghoul organizations are still
out there. Even after I defected as the leader, the organization still continued on; In addition, you
have my daughter's kagune running through you body, so it's important that you understand some
of the history in order to understand who and what you are now. If ghouls learn that you have my
kagune, then you may become a target for everyone. I brought you here to briefly show you what
kind of power that me and Eto possess. I know that we've only encountered each other in a finite
amount of time, but believe me when I tell you that I consider you family, just like I do with Eto."
he admitted.

Finally, the half ghoul formed a smile across his face.

"Thank you, Sir. That means a lot." he stated.

Kuzen smiled in return.

"Let's head back to Anteiku. Are you ready this time?"

"Yeah, I'm ready!" Kaneki said as he braced himself.

"Alright, here we go..." Kuzen said as he reformed his kakuja and took flight with Kaneki.

In the morning, Rize and Touka worked their shifts for the shop, but things began to get
personal very quickly...

"Thanks for the coffee sweetheart. You know...if you're free, then I'd love to take you out on a date
on of these days." a customer flirted with Rize.

The purple-haired woman giggled and put a hand over her mouth.

"Ouuu...I appreciate that, but I'm not going to be available anytime soon." Rize responded

"-Basically she's saying that she's taken, buddy." Touka charmed in with a grumpy voice.

The customer frowned as he looked at the teenager, then he gloomily walked out of the shop with
his coffee. Rize's face was stoic as her fun was unpleasantly interrupted.

"You just have to ruin all of the fun, huh?" Rize sneered at Touka.

That's when Touka narrowed her eyes and got real close to her coworker.

"Unless you want me to tell Kaneki that you were trying to flirt with one of our customers, I suggest
that you focus on helping me wash these dishes!" Touka hissed at Rize in a whisper.

Rize stared at her blankly, but then she erupted into an uncontrollable laughter.

"BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Rize laughed as she closed her eyes and put a hand over her

The shop was pretty empty, but there was still an elder couple that was present, as they began to
look at her. Touka just looked at Rize irritated.

"What's so damn funny?" she demanded in a harsh voice.

Finally calming down, Rize smiled at Touka like the devil.

"You like him. Don't you?" Rize accused Touka.

Immediately, the teenager became pale.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." she said defensively.

Rize giggled a bit more.

"Oh? Then why were you flirting with him the other day? Or better yet, why did you try to make
moves on him when I was away with Eto?" Rize asked calling her out.

Touka's heart began to beat faster. She felt like she was on the run.

"What the-did Kaya tell you about that?!" she demanded.

Rize shook her head victoriously.

"No. You just did." Rize sneered.

Touka flinched back in defeat, which assured Rize that she was right.

"It's okay sweetheart, most people can't get what they want in life anyways." Rize mocked Touka
as she took a dish and began cleaning it.

But then Touka recomposed herself.

"You know what, it doesn't matter. One day...Kaneki's going to leave you're sorry ass high and dry,
and then-"

"-and then what?" Rize said putting the dish down and stepping up to Touka.

"What will he do? Get with you? Hmph. Please. Don't make me laugh again. But you know what?
I'll let you in on a little secret..." Rize said.

She then tugged at her skirt around her collar and revealed a crimson hickey on her neck.

"...After I was sipping some wine with his favorite author, I can confirm that you're not even his
next option." Rize whispered as she then chuckled.

Then she backed off of her, with Touka's expression being left in shock.

"I mean...come on honey, did you really think that he could love an edgy, unattractive, and flat
out musty bitch like yourself? Ha! Please, you're more desperate than I thought that you were.
You're edgy demeanor is just a cover up to make you look less fragile than you really are. You'll
never even kiss him, let alone have the guts to admit how you truly feel about him. So know you're
place and keep bruting in your room once your shift is over." Rize declared before walking away.

Once Rize turned her back, Touka's eyes stung. Her arms started to shake, and her legs felt like
jelly. But even still, she was still Touka, and she needed to do something right then and there,
unless she were to stop respecting herself.

"FUCK YOU, YOU SADISTIC BITCH!" Touka yelled out as she grabbed Rize's hair and yanked
it back so that she could start pounding her face with her fist.

The old couple looked on in horror as they watched the two of them began to brawl each other.

Rize took a few hits before recomposing herself and grabbing Touka's arms.

"Get the fuck off of me!" Rize hissed as she tried and loosen Touka's grip.

Their tussling knocked dishes to the ground and rocked the marble tables that they worked over.
The noises and shouting quickly caught the attention of Enji Koma upstairs.

Enji then ran down and to saw Touka pummeling Rize as the former binge-eater tried her best to
pry the teenager's hands off of her.

"HEY! STOP IT! NOW!" Enji ordered as he eventually got Touka off of Rize.

He had to restrain her using by locking her arms over his. Rize looked at Touka disgusted, but then
fixed her hair, and spat out some blood in the sink.

Enji then noticed that Touka's kakugans activated, but fortunately, her back was turned to the
couple in the back of the shop. Not to mention that neither of them released their kagunes. The old
couple could only stare from afar, but they didn't show any sign that they noticed Touka's eyes.
Enji bet that they had a hard time seeing anyways, given that both of them were squinting. Seeing
this, Enji quickly assess the situation.

"I don't know what the hell is going on with you two, but you need to go to your room - now." Enji
ordered Touka in a loud whisper.

Touka then gritted her teeth and shoved her way past Enji and Rize before bolting back up to her
room. Rize smirked as she saw Touka run past her, as she noticed a hurtful expression on Touka.
However, Enji got right up to her and crossed his arms.

"Not so fast - you're not off the hook." he informed Rize.

Rize then looked at him as if she was the victim. She put her hands up in defense.

"B-But...I didn't do anything. I was just joking around and she started to get physical." Rize
claimed innocently.

Enji twisted his face and shook his head.

"I don't buy it, you're going to clean this up while I talk to our customers. After that, you'll stay
with Kaya for these next few days until Kuzen and Yomo come back to give you a proper
punishment." he told her.
Once inside her room, Touka finally began to catch her breath. However, the weight finally
caught up to her, as her eyes shed tears and she collapsed on the floor.

Damn it all! Touka screamed in her mind.

Her heart hurt badly, and it continued to hurt as Rize's words buried themselves in her skin.

It's just not fair! Why?! Whyy?! Whyyy?! That sadistic bitch doesn't deserve to be with Kaneki! she
thought repeatedly as she slammed her fist on the ground.

She continued to weep silently to herself until an idea came to her head.

I'll prove it...I'll prove to myself that Rize's not fit to be with him...!

(Kaneki x Ryouko building) Hide and Nishiki filled in for Rize and Touka for the rest of the day.
After Hinami obtained a birdcage with Yomo, she went back to get more reading lessons from
Kaneki, with her mother - Ryouko - observing them...

"Hmm...let's see. Oh those ones? Yeah, it's...'Unraveled Bandages'." Kaneki told Hinami.

"That's sounds cool! I can't wait to be tested by Ms. Eto tomorrow!" Hinami said with delight.

Kaneki looked at Hinami curiously.

"Really? You mean that she's coming here to test you?"

Hinami nodded.

"Uh-huh! She told me and my Mama that she'll swing by to visit tomorrow. She also will be here to
show me some moves on how to defend myself and to see if I have a kagune." Hinami informed

Kaneki noticed Ryouko frown on that note, but nodded nonetheless.

"Oh...I see..." he said.

Ryouko was curling her thumbs around her palms, before she finally spoke out.

"Hinami...I need to speak with Kaneki individually. Now that your reading lessons are complete -
could you give us a few minutes please?"

"Okay! See you in a bit Mama! Kaneki can I use your room to read?" Hinami asked her teacher.

"Sure. Go for it." he said granting her permission.

Once Hinami was out of the room, Ryouko spoke out.

"I really can't thank you enough for helping my daughter learn how to read and taking time out of
your day young man. In addition, Eto told me about what you two did for us at the CCG
headquarters. I am forever in your dept." Ryouko said smiling at Kaneki.

"'m just glad that you two are still alive and doing better." Kaneki replied, even though
he was still a bit guilty for not being able to save her himself.
Ryouko touched her marriage ring, and looked down, almost in shame.

"There's something that I need to tell you...and I think that you're entitled to know about this
now..." she began.

"...the reason why you're teaching Hinami how to read instead of because...well...I never
really learned how to read myself." she admitted.

Kaneki's eyes widened, but he quickly went to a more respectable expression.

"Oh. Um...I didn't know that. I'm sorry." he said.

Ryouko shook her head.

"It's not your fault. In fact, no one really knows about it because I never said it out loud. Even still,
an average ghoul's education is lower than a humans, due to having to be so close to them all of the
time without getting caught or killed. Of course, some ghouls can make it through with the right
support, such as Touka and Nishiki. But...even my late husband who was a Doctor struggled a bit,
not to mention that he was always busy and had to work extra hard just to provide for us, so he was
never able to teach me either. When I found out that Sen Takatsuki, my daughter's favorite author,
was a ghoul herself by revealing it to us in the past, I was overflowed with joy." she informed

He formed a soft smile on his face.

"I see...then I'm glad that I'm able to help out Hinami then. If you're comfortable with it...I'd be
willing to teach you some words individually as well. Of course! That's if you're okay with it! I
don't mean to force you or call you out on it...but um...I'm just trying express that I would like to
help out - considering that you're still processing everything...?" Kaneki offered as he got paler by
the second.

Ryouko smiled a bit brighter.

"How thoughtful of you...and don't worry. I'm not offended by you offering. To tell you the truth...I
really appreciate your support and presence around us, Kaneki. I'll admit...after I took time to
grieve for my husband, I've realized how...lonely that I've become. I know that it's selfish to think
like that, especially since I still have Hinami, but it's just hard to move on without my husband
being around." she admitted as well.

Kaneki nodded.

"I completely understand why you kept this to yourself for so long. Personally, I don't think that it's
selfish to think like that. It's hard losing someone that you love...but just know this: You'll always
have a family in this shop, Ms. Fueguchi." Kaneki proclaimed to her.

This made Ryouko look at him even brighter.

"Kaneki...can I get a hug from you? I think that it would really lift up my spirits." she requested
from him.

"Oh! Of course." he asked a little embarrassed.

Ryouko and Kaneki got up and they both embraced each other.

Then she took of a deep breath, and involuntarily took in his distinctive scent.
"You smell...good." Ryouko whispered without really thinking about it.

"Hehe...thank you..." Kaneki replied even more embarrassed than before.

As they continued to hug it out, her female ghoul instincts kick in.

" good..." Ryouko murmured as her kakugans activated.

"Huh? Did you say something?"

Then Ryouko stopped hugging him and placed her soft and smooth hands over his cheeks. Kaneki's
cheeks instantly felt warmer as he was now staring at Ryouko's beautiful face along with her sweet
breath breezing near his mouth.

"Kiss me, Kaneki...~" Ryouko pleaded.

The half ghoul's eyes widened a bit.

Please don't let this happen again...Kaneki thought to himself.

"M-Ms. Fueguchi. I think that you're tired. Perhaps you should sit down..." he offered.

But Ryouko just rubbed her thumbs along his cheeks.

"~Please Kaneki...just one kiss...I'm so lonely and I need to feel loved. You can help me with
that...right?~" she continued to plead with him.

"M-Ms. Fueguchi...p-p-please...I-I don't think that I can help you with that." Kaneki said as he
gently tried to get Ryouko's hands off of him.

But Ryouko was now desperate and her own wants began to reason with her.

He's so gentle, and full of energy. He always listen to what I have to say and respects me deeply. it...her desires reasoned with her.

Then, she leaned in and planted her lips on to his own.

He didn't disappoint, as the flavors that she tasted were amazing to her. However, once she felt that
Kaneki wasn't kissing her back, she opened her eyes and her regular senses began to kick back in.

"Oh goodness...!" she said as she backed away from him blushing.

"What was I doing?! I'm sorry, Kaneki. That was completely selfish of me to put that kind of
pressure on you!" Ryouko said with a hand over her mouth.

Kaneki did the same as he didn't want to express that she tasted good as well.

"It's okay, I get it. Times are hard." he reasoned as he looked away from her.

Ryouko's embarrassment was consuming her. She felt like she had just lost all respect to Kaneki for
doing that.

"Please excuse me, I need to lie down again." Ryouko requested, implying that Kaneki should

"Right...I'll stay with Hinami so that you can rest here." Kaneki said.
"Yes please. Thank you." Ryouko said as she laid on the couch.

Kaneki left the room, but not before turning back to her. Their eyes met as Ryouko looked so
lonely. Even still, he left out of her respect.

Ryouko bit her lip upon being all alone in the room.

That was wrong of me on so many levels...and felt so good...Ryouko admitted as she tried to

Kaneki walked in the hallway as he thought back to that situation.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say that I'm attracting more females to me than I ever did when I was
just a human. Kaneki wondered in his mind.

(Kaneki x Touka building) As the day came to a close, Touka had a lot of time to think about her
feelings, and decided to put her foot down with Kaneki...

"Kaneki when your done closing up, come up to my room, we need to talk." said Touka with a
serious look on her face that left no choice in the matter.

Kaneki saw her expression and didn't want to disappoint Touka or enrage her further.

"O-Ok Touka, I'll be up in a minute." he replied.

Touka nodded in confirmation, and surprisingly...she softened her face. As she went back upstairs.
Kaneki quickly closed up shop and walked up the stairs.

I wonder what Touka wants? She's never invited me into her room before...thought the half ghoul.

Stepping up to her door Kaneki gave it a hesitant knock.

"Come in." responded Touka from within her apartment.

Kaneki opened the door and stepped into the hallway. Gently closing the door, he walked down the
hallway to see that everything was shrouded in darkness. All the lights were turned off, and Touka
was no where to be found.

"Ummm Touka..." he called out confused.

"Where are you?"

Then the door Touka's room opened as she turned on the lamp that was on her desk next to her bed.

"Sorry about that Kaneki. I just needed to change out of my uniform into something
more...comfortable. Besides… I told you to come up to my room." clarified Touka.

Kaneki blushed at his stupidity and at Touka's particular choice of clothing. The teenager was only
wearing an oversized blue shirt with a design of a white rabbit on the front. The shirt didn't even
reach her knee's so he could visibly see her upper thighs in the dim light.

"My apologies Touka. When you said your room, I thought you meant your whole apartment. Not
your room specifically." said a nervous Kaneki while rubbing the back of his head.
The female ghoul shook her head.

"Never mind that Kaneki. Here. Have a seat." requested Touka as she patted the spot right next to
her on the bed.

Kaneki sat right next to Touka.

"What's up Touka? What did you want to talk about?" he asked.

Touka took a deep breath to steel herself for what she was about to say.

"Kaneki, Rize is…Rize is cheating on you…." she claimed.

Kaneki was a very alarmed at hearing this. His heart began to pound.

"Huh?! What? H-How…How do you know?" he asked frantically.

He was so jumpy that Touka briefly held his risk so that he could stop shaking.

"W-When we were working together earlier…she bragged about a hickey that she got last night. I
take that since she wasn't with you during those hours, I put two and two together...when I called
her out about it, she brushed it off and things got physical between us. That's why you all ended up
taking our shifts for the rest of the day..." said Touka while also not telling the whole truth. She
wanted to keep the identity of the person Rize slept with a secret. Knowing Kaneki, he might have
just been okay with Rize sleeping with Eto.

The half ghoul clutched his head with both of his hands.

"I-I can't believe it…after everything that I've done for her…I even forgave her for trying
to kill me…I'm s-so s-stupid!" yelled Kaneki before bursting into tears.

Touka watched him sob for a few seconds. She was a bit upset with herself that she wasn't telling
him the whole story, but in her heart, she felt that it needed to be done. Touka took the chance and
gently pulled Kaneki into a hug and pressed his face into the crook of her neck.

"It's ok Kaneki…let it all out." she whispered to him.

Kaneki continued to cry for several minutes while Touka continued to gently rub his back while
telling him that everything's going to be alright, and that he'll get through this. Finally, his sob
ceased to sniffles. It also helped since Touka still smelled like coffee, which really comforted
Kaneki a lot.

Touka thought back to what Rize said. While she did say some hurtful things, she admitted to
herself over the day that she needed to at least grow a backbone.

I do feel a bit bad that I'm not telling him the whole's not the first time that he's ever
been lied too! I bet Rize lied to him all of time the time to get what she wants. Even still...Touka

The female ghoul then molded up all of the courage that she had to confess her feelings.

"Listen Kaneki, you deserved better…I'm sorry that Rize cheated on you, but she wasn't the right
person for you. People like her…they take what they want…and then leave. Y-You…y-your so
kind to everyone, and I really like that about you. Y-You need someone who can stay with you…
and appreciate you for who you are…a-and I…I-I want to be that someone to you." she admitted.
Kaneki went wide eyed at hearing Touka's statement. He pulled back to look at her face.

" y-you mean that? Are you saying that you like me?" he asked flabbergasted and

But Touka shook her head to clarify.

"No K-Kaneki…I...I'm saying that I love you…" said Touka with a blush on her face.

Kaneki was stunned. His mouth opened wider as if he was about to say something, but Touka
shushed him with her hand.

"Y-You don't have to give me an answer...not yet at least…but please...just allow me to do one
thing first...okay?" Touka asked.

The half ghoul still couldn't speak with her finger on his mouth, but he nodded.

Subsequently, Touka removed her digit and replaced it with her lips, closing her eyes in the

Kaneki was once again surprised by this approach. All he could see was Touka's face blushing in
front of him. So many emotions were going through his head, but ultimately, he decided to close
his eyes and return the kiss. Touka's lips lingered with sweet coffee, something that he loved a lot,
while his own was like the best treat that a female ghoul could ask for.

At least I proved Rize wrong with kissing him...Touka bragged in her mind.

She pulled away sightly, and opened her eyes again.

"I know that I said that I just wanted one thing, but are you willing to sleep here with me for
tonight…please? Just this once." she asked in a shy voice.

This was completely taking Kaneki off guard. He had never seen the strong, assertive, and
intimidating Touka be so...vulnerable around him.

"Yeah...that's fine." Kaneki agreed.

Touka formed a small smile and turned off the lights next to her bed leaving the moon as the only
source of light in the room.

After that, Touka did something that sent both their hearts racing for very similar reasons. She
grabbed the hem of her oversized shirt and took it off, leaving her in only her panties.

"Woah! Hey Touka!? I can see-" gasped out Kaneki as he put his hands on his eyes upon initially
seeing her bare breasts.

Touka removed his hands from his face annoyed but embarrassed at the same time.

"W-What? Y-You wet my shirt with all your tears and mucus. I'm not sleeping in that!" reasoned
Touka while trying to not look embarrassed.

Even still, she was actually lying and desired to make Kaneki blush, because she thought he looked
cute when he did that. Her other reason was that she wanted to find an excuse to make Kaneki take
his clothes off as well...

"S-Since I'm undressed…it's only fair if you do the same. Take off all your clothes!" Touka

Kaneki gasped, but then he thought about it for a second.

"Well...I-I g-guess its okay…I…y-you already seen me naked in the shower anyways…" said
Kaneki embarrassed.

Internally, Touka was surprised that he complied with her demands. It gave her more confidence to
assert herself more on to him...

Still, Kaneki was still Kaneki. He was so embarrassed and busy taking his clothes off that he didn't
notice Touka breathing even deeper than before. When he got down to his underwear, he looked at
Touka who had a hand in her panties and looked to be rubbing one out

She's doing exactly what Rize did before. Kaneki thought as he remembered the time that he tasted
her love juice.

Seeing Touka look at him so intensely with her Kakugans showing made him get a confused boner.
From his experience, activated kakugans meant that something wild was about to happen. The
thought made him nervous, but he had to admit...he found it hot to see Touka getting herself off in
front of him. The female ghoul in front of him saw that he wasn't taking off his underwear quickly
enough, so when he got on the edge of the bed to lay down, she grabbed his underwear and pulled
it down his legs.

"Hey! Touka wait! You don't got to do it for me!" gasped out Kaneki at the unexpected event.

Looking up at him with her crimson eyes, she hissed out like a sexually frustrated wife,

"Off Kaneki! You're taking way too long! I said take everything off! No exceptions!" yelled Touka
who was quickly falling prey to her ghoulish mating instincts.

The last bit of her sanity left the female ghoul when Kaneki's massive erection smacked into the
side of her cheek. His membrane hit her face since was close to his pubic area when she pulled
down his underwear. The smell of his leaking essence was just too much to remain calm and
collected. The scent was like a light to a fly. She drew herself closer to Kaneki's cock until her face
was an inch away. It was enlarged ever since his surgery and from consuming Eto's blood.

Kaneki saw that Touka was right in front of his manhood and he froze like a deer to headlights.
This was the first time that another woman viewed his aroused manhood.

"T-Touka! S-sorry, I didn't mean for it to s-s-smack you!" he said embarrassed.

But his partner in bed was not annoyed. Instead, an aroused Touka take a deep breath to sniff his
erection before sticking her tongue out to lick up his leaking essence.

"You taste...delicious...Kaneki..." Touka admitted.

"...and to think a book worm like yourself had something so good hidden away from me?!" teased
an insane Touka before she finally took the head of his erection in her mouth.

The moment that Kaneki felt her lips consume his manhood, he flinched like a fish out of water.

"T-Touka! I thought that we were about to just...ngh...sleep gosh...!~" Kaneki

moaned as he felt himself surrendering to the pleasure.
A predatory Touka took note of this and licked his shaft inside her mouth while simultaneously
applying suction to the head.

Did Rize get to him first? No. She hasn't fucked him yet - let alone suck him off. He wouldn't be so
timid from this. Then still is Kaneki...Touka thought in her head.

"Ouuuu~ Touka!" Kaneki moaned as he bit his lip.

"If you keep doing that, then I-I I might...!" but Kaneki was too embarrassed to finish his sentence.

"Cum." Touka said as she briefly detached her lips from his shaft.

Kaneki looked down to see his shaft coated with Touka's saliva, along with his leaking essence
oozing out of him.

"Cum for me, Kaneki...please...I want to taste you~" Touka purred to him as she then continued to
give him oral heaven.

Hearing her say those erotic desires and seeing her crimson eyes made something snap in Kaneki's
mind and lower region. He gripped the bedsheets for dear life.


Immediately, Kaneki snapped his head back as a pint of his essence exploded in Touka's mouth.
The amount was so massive that it forced Touka to quickly consume some of it before the rest
filled in her mouth. It was the most delicious thing that she ever tasted. To her, his essence was like
nectar from a Greek god.

"Mmmmpphhh!" moaned Touka as Kaneki's twitching member let out day's worth of backed up
cum onto her tongue.

His essence...I could die happy living off of this...! thought Touka while bunching up the cum to
the side of her cheek.

She wanted to savor the flavor as much as she could.

Kaneki's manhood twitched up a pint of essence as Touka licked his slit before letting go of his
softening manhood. Touka looked up at Kaneki and opened her mouth to show him the remaining
nectar that was in her mouth.

Kaneki was still sitting on the edge of the bed, panting from his orgasm when he looked down
again and saw Touka with her mouth open. She swirled all of his essence inside of her mouth with
her tongue.

"Wow Touka…you''re so...beautiful...~" exclaimed Kaneki.

Touka smiled and blushed with her kakugans glowing in the dimly lit room before she swallowed
his nectar. Kaneki was the first man, besides a family member, to call her beautiful.

Audible gulps were heard by the young man as her throat opened and closed to pass his cum into
her stomach.

As soon as Kaneki's essence hit her stomach, it started being digested. It was comparable to how
electrolytes are instantly absorbed in a human, so in mere seconds, Kaneki's cum satisfied her
hunger and her kakugans disappeared. With her ghoulish side dimming down, Touka's sanity

"O-Oh...K-Kaneki…I'm s-so sorry! I didn't mean to pounce on you! I just wanted us to cuddle up
for the night! I'm sorry if I was being too forward with you! I know you might have wanted to go
slow...because of what happened with Rize…" said Touka in embarrassment.

Kaneki looked at her sorry expression, but after everything that he's been through today, he shook
his head.

"It's okay Touka…if I'm being honest, I have been noticing how female ghouls kind of lose it
around me…so I'm partly to blame too. It's not your fault. Plus that...felt really good and I kind of
needed that type of stress relief...hehe..." replied Kaneki with the intention of not trying to make
Touka feel bad.

"Oh o-okay then..." Touka said smiling as she got to her feet and moved to the bed with him.

"We should probably lay down and go to sleep then…here...scoot back a little. That way I can be
next to you my head on your chest." said a blushing Touka.

Kaneki scooted as far back as he could on Touka's bed. Then Touka laid down facing Kaneki and
laid her head on Kaneki's chest. She gently drew a circle on his belly button.

"Just know this...Kaneki. Whenever your ready…come and find me so we can…mate together…
I've been ready to do it with you since I saw you in the shower. But I want you to be comfortable.
Just know that my body, and even my virginity...I want you to have it all one day. E-Even if it's
during the our break time or if I'm in the bathroom showering…anytime…anyplace…I'll be ready
for you~.." admitted Touka sincerely before moving over to steal one last kiss from Kaneki.

"T-Touka..." was all Kaneki could think to say at the moment.

"but there's something else that I have to say..." Touka said.

She pushed this to the back of her mind, but she had to say it.

"I know that you have a thing for your favorite author. I can tell from how you interact with her
and how you both spend so much quality time together. If she desires for you to be your King, and
you accept the role, then I won't object it, Kaneki. But...please...if that happens...just come find me
and give me a child. That's all that I beg..." Touka said as tears collected in her eyes.

Kaneki was more focused on the King and Queen part. His mind went back to Eto as he
remembered her offer that she gave him a while back.

"You mean that Eto's a Queen, and she's looking for a King?" Kaneki asked.

Touka sat up, puzzled. Mind you, they were both naked, so Kaneki could still see her well rounded

"Well...yes...but actually no...technically, she isn't a Queen yet...but...wait wait mean
that she hasn't told you?"

"Told me what?"

Touka's eyes widened and then she buried her face in his chest again.

"Um...never mind. Forget I mentioned that. I'm just confusing us." Touka squealed out.
They laid there in silence for a bit as Touka started to shake.

I shouldn't have mentioned Eto! Damnit! I was about to get away with it all, but I kept opening my
mouth! Fuck! I was so close..! Touka told herself.

"Touka..." Kaneki said.

She looked up at his face.


Looking back at her, he responded.

"Whatever it is that you're stressing over, just rest. Nothing can be done about it if we keep
thinking of what we can't control." Kaneki advised.

While it wasn't the best words to hear, Touka still smiled.

"Thanks for being thoughtful of me, Kaneki..." she said as she snuggled closer to him, as they
eventually fell asleep together in the moonlight.

In the morning, Kaneki woke up alone in Touka's bed. His underpants were missing...but her
wet panties were on the desk next to the bed, along with a note... (EtoKen building ;3)

"Hey Kaneki...

I had to wake up early to go to school. I hope you don't mind me keeping your underwear as a
physical reminder of out night together. I left the panties I wore last night on the desk as a gift for
you as well. I made sure to...leave my scent on it before I left if that helps you pleasure yourself. I
just want you to be able to smell my scent off of them and I really hope that they'll make you
consider what I offered. Thank you for listening to me last night, and I hope to see you soon, as
more than friends...

Love Your's Truly

- Touka Kirishima"

Wow...Kaneki said to himself after reading her letter.

Then he got on his remaining clothes walked out of the room and back out to the hallway. There...a
certain someone would find him there...

"Well well well. If it isn't my favorite fan. Good Morning, Kaneki." A familiar voice called out to

Kaneki immediately turned around to see a green-haired woman happily looking at him.

"Eto? Oh my gosh! Good Morning! I didn't know that you were going to be here so soon!" Kaneki

He was a little nervous since he just came out of Touka's room.

The author chuckled.

"Oh so you know? Good! I'm glad that Hinami at least told you that I'm showing up here to test her
on her reading. She told me that you are a fantastic teacher, and that she's excited for me to grade
her. In addition, I'm also here to check on Kaya and Rize. Apparently both of them are on
punishments, so I wanted to make sure that I understand what went wrong." Eto explained as she
rubbed her hands together.

Kaneki looked down, sad and ashamed.

"What's wrong, Kaneki? Why the long face?" Eto asked him.

But just as she said that, Eto began to smell coffee all over him, including another female's scent,
and it wasn't Rize's...

"I need to tell you a lot of things, can we go in Touka's room and talk it out?" Kaneki requested to

Eto nodded.

"Yeah of course." she said, even though certain thoughts were forming in her mind.

Did he and still...I don't want to call him out on that if I don't have to. Eto thought
to herself.

Back inside Touka's room, she saw washed up details of the night, which only furthered Eto's

It's even stronger in here! Did Touka really do it? Did she really seduce Kaneki even though he's
dating Rize?! Eto frantically thought to herself.

"Where would you like to sit?" Kaneki asked his favorite author.

"Let's both sit on the bed." she responded by pointing to it.

Once they sat down together, Kaneki took a deep breath.

"Last night, Touka told me that Rize cheated on me." he began.

Eto's eyes widened. Her heart began to beat faster.

"W-Wait! What? H-how did she...I mean...what was her proof?!" Eto asked frantically.

At this point, Eto had no idea if Kaneki knew that it was just her, or if he knew that it was her but
he was still was very upset. Kaneki clutched his hands on his pants and just looked at the ground.

"S-s-she told me that, Rize bragged to her about a h-h-hickey that she got, and told me that it
wasn't mine since she wasn't with me during that night. That eventually led to the two of them
fighting..." Kaneki said as tears formed in his eyes.

Eto bit her lip.

" there anything else that happened? Did she mention anything else?" the author
asked, but not wanting to make it obvious about what she wanted to know.

Kaneki nodded.

"Yeah, a lot actually..." he stated.

Eto was literally on the edge of the bed, crossing her fingers about what he'll say next.

"When I stopped crying in Touka's arms, she told me that I deserved better, and confessed her love
for me. She told me that I don't have, or rather, I shouldn't tell her if I feel the same way. Not yet at
least...but that moment, we...shared a kiss. It led to her pouncing on me" Kaneki tried to embarrassed.

"Did she have sex with you?" Eto blurted out.

Kaneki shook his head.

"No...well...yes but it wasn't intercourse. She got too excited and ended up giving me oral sex, but
nothing more." Kaneki explained.

"Oh boy~!" Eto said as she fell back on Touka's bed.

"Hey! Are you alright?" Kaneki asked.

The color of Eto's skin returned back to a normal color.

Thank the Soul King...! She proclaimed in her mind.

"Y-yeah...I'm okay. Please, keep explaining to me what else happened." Eto said staring at the

Kaneki nodded and continued on, albeit a bit embarrassed.

"Once me...she got back to her senses. However, she still desired to have sex with
me, and even wanted to start a family...but didn't try to force it since she was now in a better state
of mind and choose to respect my choice. If I'm being honest, I've kind of been a pattern lately.
Ghouls, particularly female ghouls, have been losing control when they are around me. It's kind of
scary since their kakugans always activate too. Even Kaya pounced on me before your father
stopped her the other night." Kaneki admitted.

Eto chuckled out of relief and out of genuine laughter as well.

" seems that female ghouls are allllllllll over you, Ken Kaneki." Eto teased him.

Instantly, Kaneki's face turned red.

"I-I-I-I didn't mean that y-y-y-y-ou...or I didn't mean to imply that-!"

"Shhhh..." Eto said as she got up and placed a finger on his lips.

"Don't sweat it, young man. If I am being honest, I don't blame them. You have a delicious scent,
and you're a half ghoul like me. Maybe that's why I haven't gotten to you yet, since I have a higher
resistance and tolerance to your presence." Eto teased him before removing her finger away from
his mouth, much to his discomfort.

"Oh...I see...hehe" Kaneki said as he tried to giggle it out.

"But there is one thing that you deserve to know as well..." Eto said as she looked at the ground

Kaneki was curious as to why she was looking to sad.

"...I was the one that had sex with Rize." Eto admitted.

Kaneki's mouth slowly fell open. He was stunned.

"" Kaneki began.

But he saw Eto's green eyes look at his to see his reaction.

"...that...explains a lot." Kaneki said.

"Sorry..." Eto began.

"I invited her over after we rescued Hinami and Ryouko. I've been so sexually frustrated since we
broken up, that I just had to get her over to my place. We talked about certain things, and it
eventually led to spending the night together. I'm sorry if I hurt you Kaneki." Eto said sincerely.

Kaneki just looked at her, and then in a similar fashion, fell back on the bed like she did.

"Thank the heavens..." Kaneki sighed.

Eto looked at him, slightly puzzled.

"So you're...okay with what we did." Eto asked him.

Kaneki nodded.

"If I'm being honest...pretty much, yeah. I mean, You kissed her when we were on our first date,

Eto's eyes widened, but then she giggled.

"Hehe...yeah, that's a good point." Eto said.

But then something came to his mind.

"Hang on, but then that means...I cheated on Rize...since I ended up kissing Touka and allowing
her to give me..." he said as he clutched his head together.

Eto saw that he was going internal, and placed a hand on his thigh, instantly calming him down.

"Let that be between us for now. You were emotionally vulnerable and were not given all of the
proper information. I suggest that you take a shower so you can wash off Touka's scent from your
body. You wouldn't want Rize tearing either of you apart, would you?" Eto said as she raised an

"Oh! No of course not! I'll do that right now!" Kaneki said as he got to his feet and ran to the door.

"Wait Kaneki!" Eto called to him as she got to her feet.

"Yeah what is it?" he said looking back.

"Give me your clothes here." she requested him.

Kaneki's eyes widened.

"Wait what, why?" he asked her.

"Because they need to be washed too. The sooner the better, right? Besides, I've already seen you
naked before, remember?" she pointed out.

Kaneki gulped but nodded.

"That...makes sense.." he said.

Eto blushed but turned around.

"But if you still feel uncomfortable, here, I've turned around. Just make it quick, and you can use
Touka's towel that on the left. It's fresh." she added.

"Right." Kaneki said as he stripped.

As he changed, Eto couldn't help but try to get a peak. She did her best to not make it obvious, but
by then, he got a towel over his waist.

"Thank Eto. I hope Hinami does well on the test!" Kaneki said.

Finally turning around, Eto smiled. She took note that has developed some abs from all of the
working out that he has done with her and with Yomo.

"She will, don't you worry about her." Eto said smiling.

Kaneki nodded and exited the room to go shower.

Eto then stared at his clothes on the floor.

One sniff. That's it Eto! she said in her mind.

Picking up Kaneki's clothes, Eto sniffed them hard, and fell in seven heaven. It was a combination
of Touka's, Rize, but especially Kaneki's scent. It sent so many positive chemicals in her brain that
she couldn't help but get another sniff, and then another, and then another...and then another
one...and then another one...and then another one...and then another one...and then another
one...and then another one...

By the time that she stopped herself to keep her sanity, she smiled like a devil and her lone kakugan

Well...that happened...hehehe...but I'm pretty sure that he's back with Rize now. Plus, Touka likes
him too if that's wasn't obvious before...but even still...I just want to enjoy the moment! Eto thought
to herself before folding his clothes and skipped her way to the laundry.

Later that day...a group of ghouls were observing a wide land of the 20th Ward...

"So this is the 20th ward? I've never been here before." a ghoul said on the clock tower.

"For some reason, it feels like time moves slower here, do you know what I mean?" another said.

Walking forward, one of them on the ground spoke out.

"Idiots. Don't let your guard down. We got a job to do so let's keep moving." one of them growled.

The other three jumped down from the clock tower.

"We've got a lot of ground to cover, Banjou, where do we start?" one of the masked ghouls said.

"There's a coffee shop here called Anteiku. It's run by some old ghoul. Let's move, Rize's been
there before - I just know it." he stated before they moved closer to the shop.

Chapter End Notes

I plan on completing Season 1 before next Wednesday. By then, I'll be out on a

business trip for several weeks, so I won't be able to post and write up new chapters
until around early August (around August 7).
Aogiri Strikes!
Chapter Summary

The sun sets on another day at Anteiku. Lurking in the district, ghouls are tracking
down a certain someone to further their plans...

Chapter Notes

Quickly running down where everyone else is at this point in time...

- Eto is training Hinami so that she can defend herself, while Ryouko is relaxing in
Eto's penthouse for the time being (probably still thinking about Kaneki).
- Kuzen and Yomo are out of the shop and investigating just like in the original
- Enji and Kaya both have the day off just like in the OG timeline, they both are not
- Hide and Nishiki are both at school.

Side Note - Thank you all so much for commenting and expressing your interest in this
fanfic! I'm thankful for all of the feedback, constructive criticism, and for the support.
I'll do my best to write these next few chapters!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Hey...Touka...there's something that I want to tell you..." Kaneki said as they finished cleaning the

Immediately, Touka's heart began to pound as she braced herself.

"Uhh...yeah...sure. What's up?" Touka asked holding her breath.

She's been begging to know all day, even going as far as to ask if she could steal a quick kiss like

Is he...about to tell me if he feels the same way about me?! Touka screaming in her mind.

Kaneki took a deep breath before answering.

"When you went to go to school, I met Eto in the morning. We ended up taking about a lot of
things. For one, she confessed that...well...she was the one who slept with Rize."

Touka became frantic, it felt like her heart dropped to her stomach.

"O-o-oh um....well...I...-"

"-It's fine, Touka. I'm sure that you didn't know." Kaneki assured her smiling.

Touka bit her tongue inside of her mouth, but then nodded.
It's better that Kaneki thought that I told him everything that I knew...what else would I have said?
Touka thought.

"So um...what else did you two talk about?" she asked him.

"Well..." Kaneki began.

"...we talked about what me and you did the other night. She saw that I was hurt when she
mentioned that she stopped by see teach Hinami and see Rize, led to me discuss with her
about what happened. Afterwards, Eto admitted that she was the one who slept with Rize. When
she told me that, I was so relieved. She apologized for the misunderstanding, but recommended me
to not tell Rize about what happened between me and you since we were not informed about
everything that happened." Kaneki admitted.

Touka then thought about what Kaneki said, biting her lip.

"So...does that mean're back with Rize?" she asked in a shy voice.

Kaneki couldn't bring himself to look at her, considering that she already admitted that she loves

"Y-Yeah... pretty much..." he admitted. Even still he felt a bit sad when he said that, considering
that he was saying that to the girl who had already confess her feelings for him.

Tears formed in Touka's eyes as her throat became a bit sore. She felt like what she said put her in
the best position that she ever wanted. was obliterated by the entire truth.

"S-s-so you think that our night together was a mistake?" she asked in a raspy voice.

Her voice immediately snapped Kaneki's eyes back to hers.

"W-What?! N-No!" he said as he placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Listen, Touka...a-a-about what you said before, I-"


"I've missed you so much, my darling!" purred Rize as she entered the store through the front

"R-Rize!" Kaneki said as he removed his hands from Touka, much to her discomfort.

"I-I didn't know that, I-I-I mean I thought that you were still on-MGF!"

But the former binge-eater stops him from talking with a smooch.

Kaneki can't help but kiss her back. He is her boyfriend after all, not to mention that her lips tasted
good. As Kaneki felt himself closing his eyes, Rize peaked one of her eyes open to look at Touka's
expression. Much to her ego, she saw that Touka was hurt by seeing them kiss, and giggled
internally in her mind.

You need to know your place, rabbit. Rize thought to herself before forcing Kaneki into another

Kaneki was now trying to break free at this point, but Rize kept forcing another kiss.
"Rize-" Kaneki said before he was cut off by another on.

"~My love...~" Rize purred as she kept forcing another one.

Her arms were wrapped around his neck at this point, tugging him in over and over again.

To Touka, this was emotional torture. She walked away and went back upstairs to her room. Once
Rize noticed that she went back upstairs, she finally removed her lips from Kaneki's.

" taste even better than I remember. I just had to sneak out of my probation to see
my boyfriend. I've got a lot to talk to you about Mister. By the way, have you been drinking coffee
lately?~" Rize asked him smiling.

"W-Why did you do that?" Kaneki asked her.

Rize raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Do what? Show you love and affection? This is what you've always wanted, right? To love
someone and to be loved by someone?" she replied.

This froze Kaneki's thinking. To him, he knew that deep in his heart, that's what he desired more
than anything in his life. He looked down, defeated.

"Um-never mind, sorry for thinking otherwise..." Kaneki stated.

Rize smiled happily.

That's what I like to hear...she thought to herself.

She was a master at manipulating emotionally vulnerable people after all. Rize knew exactly what
to say to twist the conversation in her favor.

Then she picked up his face and replanted his lips on to Kaneki's. This time he didn't fight back,
and kissed her back.

"No worries, you've probably had a long day, huh?" Rize asked him after she separated from his

"Yeah...kind of. Um...look Rize...there's some things that I want to talk with you about..." Kaneki
said looking away from her and scratching his head.

But Rize smiled and clapped her hands together.

"Hold on! Me first!" she began.

Upon sitting on the counter, she crossed her legs and pointed at the young man.

"Tonight. We're making love with each other. Things got pushed back here and there, but now - no
other person will be involved. No work. No interruptions. Nothing. Tonight, I will have all of you
- one way or another. Now then, what was it that you wanted to say to me?" Rize grinned as she
rested her chin on her arms.

Kaneki immediately turned pale. He had flashbacks of Rize impaling his stomach inside out.

"Ummm...well...I-I-I-I was going to say t-that, m-m-maybe-"


Immediately, both Kaneki and Rize turned their heads to see three people with masks and hoodies
barge in to the store, along with one other man with brown hair.

One of the people with a mask pointed at Rize.

"There! Banjo look! It's Rize!" one of them said.

Banjo looked to his companion's finger and finally saw his "ex" for the first time in ages.

"Rize?! Is that really you?" Banjo called out to her as he approached the counter slowly.

"Banjo?" Rize asked puzzled as she jumped down from the counter and then on to her feet.

Banjo's eyes started to water, and then in a state of joy, he rushed to bear hug her.

"Oh gosh! Rize! It's you! It's really you!" Banjo said as he embraced Rize.

Kaneki was mixed between confusion and jealousy surprisingly.

"H-Hey, um! Wait! Who are you?!" Kaneki demanded, even though he didn't sound intimidating at

Banjo then opened his eyes and looked at the dude who called him out.

"W-Who the hell are you suppose to be?!" he sneered out.

"Banjo..." Rize said softly as she removed herself from his hug.

"...what are you...doing here? Why are you here?" she simply asked him.

"I..." Banjo began.

"...I wanted you to know that I still cared about you a lot! To me, you were irreplaceable!" he

"Huh?" Kaneki said out loud.

This irritated Banjo, and he stomped up to Kaneki.

"Look little man, this is none of your business! So I suggest that"

But Banjo's words fell off as he began to sniff Kaneki. Then in the next moment, he grabbed
Kaneki's shirt.

"! You little prick! You smell just like her! You want to tell me why before I smash your
head into this counter?!" Banjo demanded.

"Um...can you please get off of me...?!" Kaneki said with his hands up, not trying to fight him.

Then Banjo put two and two together, and he had to hold back tears.

"Don't tell me...are you the lucky bastard that's dating Rize now?! " he asked him trying not to cry.

"Um...yeah? Why?"
"DAAAMMMNNN YOU!!" Banjo bellowed as he became enraged.

Then he started to swing at the half ghoul.

"Hey! Calm down! Please!" Kaneki said as he effortlessly dodged each punch.

"Banjo, enough!" Rize demanded as she forcefully turned him around to face her.

He gritted his teeth, but Rize had a serious look on her own, which made him momentarily calm

"Is it true, Rize? Is he really dating you?" Banjo said as a tear escaped his eye.

Rize was a bit conflicted, seeing how hurt he was. It's not like she liked him, but...for some reason
it was as if she was looking in the mirror. Even still...she steeled herself for what she was going to
say next.

"Yes, Banjo. He's my boyfriend." Rize answered.

Finally, Banjo dropped to his knees and started to weep.

"Damn....! Damn it all...!" Banjo wept on the ground.

"Hey...Banjo it'll be alright..." one of his companions said as they kneeled beside him and put a
hand on his shoulder.

The commotion brought Touka back down from above.

"What the hell is going on here?" Touka demanded.

Kaneki and Rize looked at Touka and saw that her eyes were a bit crimson. They both came to the
same conclusion that she had just recently stopped crying.

"I guess...he wanted to see Rize..." Kaneki said turning his head to the man that was sobbing on the

Touka briefly glanced at Rize and then back to the other people.

"Listen buddy, if you're here to just sob, then please leave the store. Otherwise, buy something if
you plan to stay here."

"Y-Yeah...*sniff*...I'll buy something..." Banjo agreed.

After buying some coffee, they all sat down as Banjo explained why he was here...

"At least you're okay, Rize. I've missed you." Banjo said sitting down.

Kaneki felt a bit insecure over that line, but Rize just fixed her hair and barely reacted to his claim.

"I hope that you didn't come all of this way to express your sadness to me." Rize coldly stated.

Rize's words only made him lower his head and stare at the coffee. Even though Kaneki was sitting
right beside Rize, he still felt the coldness from her words.
"No..." Banjo began.

"...that's not why I came here." he proclaimed.

"Then...why are you here?" Touka sneered out with her arms crossed.

Banjo finally looked Rize in the eyes.

"Because...I came to warn you...Rize...that you need to run." he firmly stated.

Chills went down Kaneki, Touka, and especially Rize.

"W-why the hell would you say that?" Kaneki asked frantically.

Rize's gut tugged at her. Somehow, she knew that this day was coming.

"It's Aogiri...isn't it?" Rize asked.

Banjo nodded.

"Yeah...the higher ups are relentlessly searching for you. I have no idea why, but I know is that
they'll stop at nothing to accomplish their goals to taking over this ward. They killed so many
doves already. Look, I've got nothing to do with it, I'm just a runner - but you don't have too much
time left - you need to leave this place." Banjo informed Rize.

Kaneki looked at Rize worried. She bit her lip and got to her feet.

" looks like my past is catching up to me...perhaps I should have just stayed as a was nice while it lasted...hehehe..." Rize giggled, even though she was trying not to
sound scared.

But Kaneki shot to his feet and took a hold of his girlfriend's hand.

"Hey wait! Rize! I'm not leaving you! Let's just contact Kuzen or Eto! I'm sure that if we call either
of them, then they can help you, right?! You don't have to go! We can stick together!" Kaneki cried
out as tears formed in his eyes.

Touka saw his expression and was stunned. Even though this would technically be in her favor
emotionally, she still felt the weight of the situation.

Rize looked at Kaneki and cuffed his cheek smiling.

" seems that you really do care about me've never changed..." Rize told him.

Despite her natural coldness, Kaneki loved the feel of her smooth hand. Even was too late.


Suddenly, the glass broke as a young man with blue hair kicked the shield down with one move.
Following that, he kicked Banjo to the floor.

"Hey! What the hell?!" Kaneki cried out frantically.

Rize didn't even flinch, and calmly looked at the dude who broke in to the store.

"I gave you one job and you blew it, you dumbass! You never learned your lesson, huh?" the dude
in black sneered out to Banjo.

His companions helped him sit up.

"Uhh...sorry sir..." Banjo replied.

But then Touka, who was silent for most of the meeting, walked straight up to the dude.

"Hey! Wait!" Banjo whispered at Touka.

"What are you doing?" Kaneki asked her.

Then she stood a few feet in front of the blue haired kid and stared him down.

"Ayato..." she growled.

Kaneki gasped.

No way...that's her brother? he thought to himself.

"What's up. Long time no see - dear sister." he greeted her as he grinned like a demon.

"Don't ever call me that. So where have you been all of this time?" Touka hissed back.

"Me? Oh...I've been out learning about the world. See...I'm not a close minded hermit like you."
Ayato claimed.

"What? Do you think that you're better than me?"

"I don't think that...I know it." he said raising his hands.

"Look around you. It's pretty clear..." he finished as he referred to the broken glass.


But then things went from bad, to worse. Two men casually walked in the shop, and they meant
business. One of them seemed very feminine and fragile, while the other looked like a linebacker
in a white suit.

"Okay, I've given you plenty of time. Can we come in now?" the muscular man said knocking on
the door, even though he already let himself in.

"Ngr!" Ayato flinched as he looked at his fellow executive.

"W-What are they doing here?" Banjo cried out.

"Please forgive the intrusion..." the feminine man said as he switched the door sign to *CLOSED*

Walking in to the shop more, the muscular man with ash blonde hair met eyes with the former
binge-eater, and smiled like the devil.

"Hehe...It's been a while, Rize. It looks like you've taken on a totally different lifestyle, am I
right? You don't seem like the binge-eater that I once knew. " he snickered.

Rize narrowed her eyes.

"Yamori...!" she sneered out.

Then he looked over and noticed the young woman who looked a lot like his subordinate.

"And oh? Who's this, Ayato?" Yamori asked him.

The feminine man charmed in.

"My's always a pleasure to see you again, Rize. You certainly are as beautiful as ever. It
seems that you're no longer with that other chick. Aww...what a bummer. You both were such a
cute couple..."

But then the feminine man noticed Touka as well, and spoke out again.

"Hmm? Wait? Is this your new girlfriend? You're dating Ayato's sister now? ~Ouuu how lovely!~
You know, no one told me that she's as gorgeous as you, binge-eater. ~Ouuu I'd love to taste both
of you...~" he purred as he licked his lips.

Touka and Rize both groaned.

"We're not dating, Nico." Rize clarified.


Then Ayato spoke out.

"So how did you know I was here, Yamori?" he said as a drop of sweat ran down his face.

Yamori smiled even more.

"Easy, I just followed your boy, Banjo. I got to say, your men are first rate - they led me right to
you." he replied.

Then he looked at Rize who was frozen in her tracks.

"Well then, Rize - I'm trying to make it back to our place before dark, so would you mind coming
with us on your own two feet? You know me...I wouldn't mind taking a bite or two out of
you...but...let's try to not let events will be the same as last time..." he said as he cracked his digits.

Rize gritted her teeth. Kaneki on the other hand became enraged.

"Not so fast! If you want to get to Rize, then you'll have to go through me!" Kaneki hissed as he
stepped in front of Yamori.

Touka then looked worried while Rize cursed under her breath.

"Kaneki...Don't! Just go! Run! Get out of here!" Rize ordered him.

Yamori frowned but then started to sniff. His scent led him to get right in front of Kaneki's face. It
was too late

"That stench. It reeks, and I thought that it was just coming from Rize...but it seems like you have
the same scent...!!!" Yamori sneered out looking at Kaneki dead in the eyes.

"Ngr!" Kaneki squealed out as he was trying his best to not shit his pants.
" think that this one will do too?" Yamori asked his subordinate by twisting his
own neck.

"Sure...why not? The more the marrier. If that's what you want, then we can just kidnap him as
well." he replied.

"Hehehe...okay..." Jason laughed.

But then he had to block a kick from the waitress.

"Over my dead body!" Touka hissed out as she tried to kick Yamori.

Rize was thinking hard.

This is bad...! Yamori would be a cake walk if I was at my peak! Damn it! I thought that I would at
least have time to go back and eat that food that I was given by the Soul King...! Even if I run right
now, there's no way that they would allow Kaneki or even that damn rabbit to live another day...!

"Hmph. 'Over your dead body' you say? As you wish..." Yamori said to Touka.

Then at lightning speed, he backhanded Touka before grabbing the half-ghoul by the throat.

"Kaneki...!" Rize cried out as she ran to him.

But Ayato pinned her to the counter.

"Not so fast! The sooner that you come with us. The sooner that we leave this place alone!" Ayato

In reality, he was secretly trying to get out of here as fast as possible so that Yamori wouldn't try to
take Touka as well. Yamori grinned and then smashed Kaneki down on a table.

"YAAAAAA!" Kaneki cried out screaming in pain.

"Hehehe..." chuckled Yamori as he cracked his fingers.

Then he began to crush him with his leg.

"Okay kid: Get up...or stay down. You know, if you play your cards right, you might just get out of
this ordeal alive...! But you got to behave, got it?!"

"AHHHHHH!" Kaneki cried out as his ribs were being crushed more and more.

Suddenly, he found the strength to push back as he stood up. Opening his eyes, he revealed his lone
kakugan and stared fiercely at Jason.

Ayato gasped while Nico was completely entertained.

"~Oh my...~" Nico purred.

"'re one of them one-eyed ghouls...?" Jason said, not caring that his foot was being pushed

"Ngrah!" Kaneki yelled out as he swung at Jason.

But the man easily activated his kagune and ripped out his stomach, causing Rize and Touka to

"Kaneki!" Touka and Rize both cried out.

"Ngr! Get off of me!" Rize grunted as she got untangled from Ayato while he was distracted.

"Hey, you bitch! Get back here!" Ayato hissed.

"Damn youuuuu!" Touka grunted charging at Yamori.

Jason then penetrated Rize in the side of her stomach with his kagune, briefly knocking her out of
commission. He was about to do the same for Touka before Ayato stepped in and punched her to
the ground.

"You're such a weakling, Touka. A carbon copy of Ma and Pa." he hissed at her.

But that's what made something erupt in the teenager...

"No..." Touka growled as she activated her kagune.

"Dad was a hero. He stood up and fought for our sake. You don't even have a clue!" she yelled
out before charging at him.

Unfortunately for her, Ayato blocked it with his own kagune.

"You're the one who's clueless my dear sister. Ma and Pa are dead and gone. They didn't protect
anything. They were just taking from us, but that's not going to happen with me. It's time to teach
the humans a lesson, that ghouls are superior to them in every way!" he said before piercing her
with his kagune projectiles.

Touka fell to the ground, defeated, while Ayato just looked down at her in pity.

"You can't fly with those wings of just crawl like the insect that you are." he said as he
deformed his kagune.

Touka laid there. Broken and defeated. Even still, her mind was racing, she couldn't just let this
play out like they wanted to. Tears started to form in her eyes.

“Please A-A-Ayato!" Touka pleaded.

"Huh? What?! Do you finally see how powerless and pathetic that you are?!" Ayato hissed at her,
even though he was alarmed that her sister was actually crying.

"Don’t let...Kaneki die! I...I love him! He’s just like dad! I-I CAN’T go through something like
THAT AGAIN!" Touka cried out.

Nico's face widened, while Ayato flinched from hearing Touka express her love so openly.

"Oh wow..." Nico murmured.

"Hmph." Jason chuckled.

"How cute...but you know, not everyone can get what they want in life, sweetheart." Jason told

Those words stung Touka's heart. It were the exact same words that Rize used on her a few days

But something else struck Jason's mind...

"Oh yeah I almost forgot...get up Rize...I know that you're not that hurt..." Jason sneered at her.

But she was still struggling to move as she coughed up blood. Yamori chuckled pretty hard this

"Oh? Are you for real? Damn girl - it seems like you've gotten softer these days! And here I
thought that I was the inferior one this whole time!" Jason chuckled.

"D-don't touch her! You-You freak!" Kaneki growled.

Jason's attention turned towards the half ghoul.

"Oh really?! I am a freak?!" Jason chuckled as he picked up Kaneki.

"And what the hell are you going to do about it, huh?!" he asked him before slamming him against
the counter.

ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?!" Jason growled as he dragged him all over the shop.

Kaneki's blood was slashing all over the shop. Everyone looked in horror and disgusted as Jason
relentlessly tore up Kaneki. Rize was slowly crying, feeling so hopeless in the situation, and guilty
that she brought Kaneki more pain yet again. Touka's face was a complete mess. She was
trembling and unable to move. Kaneki's own blood splashed across her face and on to her lips. She
involuntarily tasted it, which knocked her out of her shock. This initiated her to continue on with
her pleas.


But Ayato wasn't about to let that happen.

“Oui, that’s enough! We need him alive! I can’t have you breaking our merchandise. Let's just go
with the brat and Rize. The boss would be really angry with us if that happened!" Ayato called out
to Yamori.

Banjo charmed in as well.

"Um...y-yeah! Please Sir! We should get going!"

Finally, Jason stopped in his tracks and looked at Banjo like a predator seeing its food. It was so
bad that even Nico contributed.

"I hate to say it big boy, but...maybe we should just-Ouuuu!"

Yamori cut him off by impaling Nico with his knife hand.

"Yeah...we should go..." Jason grunted as he finally calmed down.

Rize was barely conscious and crawled her way to Kaneki.

F-Father...where are you...? Please...please come save us...she thought in desperation.

But Jason noticed her and smiled.

"Hehehe...look at you. So fragile and insignificant. I'll have fun using you later on..." Jason
sneered at her.

Rize just gritted her teeth, but then Jason looked back at Kaneki.

"Although I do have to say...I'm more interested in what this little guy can do for me..." he
wondered as he cracked his fingers.

Not trying to waste anymore time, Ayato put things into motion.

"Let's go everyone! Banjo, stuff these fools in the back."

"Y-Yes Sir!"

But Touka was losing it. She began to get to her feet, then wobbled her way to the intruders.

"Please...don't take him...don't take him! No! KANEKI!-"

But Ayato shut her up for good this time.

"You should really just learn to stay down." he stated at her as he wiggled his hand.

Hours passed, and Kuzen and Yomo finally came back to the café. When they checked to see if
Touka was alive, she turned hostile. They eventually rounded up in the break at Anteiku, where
Kaya, Enji, Hide, Nishiki, Ryouko, and Hinami try their best to calm Touka down...

"Touka...he'll be alright..." Hinami reasoned with a crying Touka.

She held Touka's hand the best that she could.

"N-No...!" Touka sniffed.

"You all don't get it...! I was there! I was there and couldn't do anything!" Touka cried out before
going back to sobbing.

Everyone present saw the blood and damage that was done to the shop. Yomo, Uta, Kuzen, and
even Tsukiyama were cleaning it downstairs. Of course, Tsukiyama kept some for himself.

Nishiki was sitting next to Hide.

"He'll be alright, the dude can take his licks. Just like his best friend over here." the ghoul stated
turning to Hide.

Hide was unusually quiet, given the circumstances. He was almost motionless.

"Why aren't you saying anything?! Aren't you his best friend?!" Touka cried out at Hide.

Hide had his hands resting on his lips as he looked at the floor. He remained silent.

Ryouko just had a hand over her heart, she was feeling a bit regretful due to her last encounter with
Kaneki...please be okay...Ryouko thought to herself.

Kaya was in the same boat, as she desired to see Kaneki again as well.

Hinami made a bold move and hugged Touka. She began to whisper to her.

"I know, Touka. I was fortunate enough to train with Eto and realize that I have an unique
kagune. We can go save him...I want to because...because...!" but she couldn't bring herself to
finish her words.

...because I love him too...Hinami finished in her head.

Then finally, Kuzen walked in with Tsukiyama, Yomo, and Uta.

Touka brought her head up from her thighs upon hearing them all walk in. While Hide, Nishiki,
and Touka were annoyed with Tsukiyama walking in, the purple-haired teenager still didn't see a
certain someone yet...

"Where is she?!" Touka demanded.

Kuzen knew who she was asking for.

"Before I answer that, I just want to say that I can't guarantee everyone's lives if we go out to rescue
Kaneki." he stated.

But Touka got up, unfazed.

"I'm asking you where is she?!" she hissed out.

All eyes were on Kuzen.

"She's preparing for the rescue. Give her a few more minutes."

"I'm not waiting any longer!" Touka sneered out before she attempted to walk towards the door.

However, Hinami stopped her, gently tugging at her.

"Please...Touka...just wait it out for her..." Hinami pleaded.

Touka realized that Hinami was in just as much pain as her, but she was trying to be strong.

"Why...? Why couldn't either of you be here when we needed you the most?!" Touka called out,
referring to Yomo and Kuzen.

"Don't start with us, Touka. This was completely out of our control." Yomo argued.

This only enraged Touka.

"Yeah...right...completely out of your control - just like how my Dad wasn't able to protect my
mother - YOUR SISTER!" Touka clapped back.

"ENOUGH TOUKA!" Yomo bellowed out.

Hinami finally began to sniff back tears as the yelling felt like it was directed at her too.

Ryouko finally took a hold of her daughter to reel her in for a hug. Seeing that, Yomo looked away
in shame. As the seconds continued to past, a certain someone finally made their presence known.

"Sorry...for the being late everyone..." a particular half ghoul announced.

Everyone turned to see the best selling author in Tokyo dressed up in her bandages and iconic
hoody. The most noticeable difference however, was her face and hair. Her emerald hair was a
mess, as if she was mauled. Her face was pale, and her eyes...they told an entire story. They were
crimson, but not due to activating her lone kakugan, but rather from weeping. Like everyone else,
she saw the destruction of the shop after dropping off Ryouko and Hinami. Even still, she wanted
to be strong for Hinami, so she told them to go upstairs. She looked at everyone which such kind
eyes, but everyone knew that Eto wasn't handling this well at all...

Touka saw Eto's energy and ceased in her initial urge to snap at her. It reminded her that even as
powerful as her, she couldn't stop everything from happening.

"We should get going...I want Hinami to show Kaneki how well she did on my reading test...! And
Rize! Ohhhh boy. Knowing my ex....she'll probably piss so many ghouls off with her carefree
attitude that we won't even have to worry about getting to her so soon. Isn't that so exciting?" Eto
asked with artificial enthusiasm.

Hinami could barely nod her head at her. Even Hide who was silent looked at Ms. Takatsuki with
shock. Eto's future was on the line: Rize, her inseparable ex, and Kaneki, the half ghoul that made
her feel as though that she was not completely alone in this world.

"Well...I'll lead the way, and I promise you all, I can guarantee that all your lives with be kept. No
one...will get in my way..." Eto said as her tone shifted to a more hateful tone.

Everyone felt the malice that oozed from the Future Queen of Tokyo. Kuzen could only frown
upon hearing her daughter's words.

"If that's the case, then I'd say that there's no more time to waste. We're off." he stated as his eyes
opened, revealing his kakugans.

Chapter End Notes

Okay...! I hope that you liked this chapter! This was kind of two chapters in one, but
I'm trying to get this done before Tuesday night!

Side Note - I understand that Banjo was suppose to get knocked out, which made some
time pass first. But perhaps to explain why Aogiri showed up earlier, they were able to
trail Rize faster since she works at the shop.

Honestly, I think that all of the fanservice is over for this Season. The next few
chapters will be about Kaneki's torture, but with a twist as Rize was kidnapped as well.
The Season will end with Kaneki battling Jason, like before.

Thank you all so much for reading and supporting the story! These next few chapters
'should' come out before next Tuesday!
I am...a ghoul
Chapter Summary

Time - 0100 (1:00am)

Chapter Notes

Author's Note will be at the bottom...but I've decided to continue with the story...

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"We're coming for you, Kaneki..." Eto whispered to herself as the night wind breezed her emerald
hair in the air.

Touka, Hinami, Nishiki, Kaya, Enji, and Hide all look on and saw the massive fortress of Aogiri
Tree in the darkness of the sky. Eto flew them all here with her original kakuja. She had grown the
ability to manifest extra arms to carry her part of Anteiku. The others were in a group of their
own: Kuzen was the leader, who was with Tsukiyama, Uta, Yomo, and Ryouko. It took a lot to
convince Ryouko to let Hinami in this operation, especially since they were separated. However, it
got through to the widow once Hinami was able to prove that she can manifest her own unique
kagune (courtesy of training with Eto), as well as being accompanied by the owl herself.

"Kaneki...and...Rize...they're both somewhere inside there, aren't they?" Hinami asked Eto. Her
own brown hair was breezing in the night sky as well.

Eto looked down at Hinami and smiled softly.

"Yeah...they are, but we'll get them." she proclaimed as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

Touka looked at the fortress with a worried expression while Hide was beginning to shiver from
the cold.

"G-Goodness Ms. T...Y-Your k-k-kakuja sure did keep us w-w-w-arm from the weather. If I knew
that it was going to be this c-c-cold, I would've brought a s-s-s-weather." Hide said holding

Eto observed him closely and knew that he'd be okay. Even though he was merely just a human,
his training with Rumi would allow him to go toe to toe with a regular ghoul if he needed to. She
turned her attention back to the fortress and reactivated her kakugan.

"Well, I don't really like the cold either, so let's get our two ghouls and get the hell out of here." Eto

Everyone nodded.

"Yeah...let's not keep our boy waiting." Nishiki charmed in.

The owl smirked.

"Right. Now it's like I said before: I'll go on ahead and make a distraction. With my power, I'll
easily wipe out anyone who stands in my way, and will most likely attract the strongest ghouls out
there. Once I make the signal, you all rush in and find Kaneki and Rize. Hinami, I'm counting on
you to use your senses." Eto stated.

"I won't let you down, Ms. Eto!" Hinami promised.

Eto smiled and reformed her kakuja.

"It'll be okay, I promise." she said to all of them before flying ahead.

Eto wasn't lying. As soon as she got in view of some guards, they freaked out.

"N-No way! It can't be!" one of them said.

Eto easily decapitated one of the guards before moving on to the next one. She was beginning to
get bloodthirsty. Wild thoughts that ran through her mind...

These weak mutts are just in my way! I should've just made Kaneki take my offer and make him live
with me! If I did, then none of this would have happened! I was too concerned with hurting Rize's
pride that I forgot to have some damn common sense! Eto growled in her mind.

But then she shook her head in her kakuja.

No...stop blaming yourself on what you could not control. Once we rescue Kaneki and Rize, I'll
insist that he should move in with me, and then...maybe I'll find the courage to tell him that-


Eto is suddenly knocked out of the sky and crashes into a nearby balcony. Her kakuja was
detached from her as a streak of blood begins to trickle down her head.

"W-What...the hell...was...that?" Eto groaned.

Then...four well-endowed young women appeared before her. They all looked as though they were
in their early twenties. One had dark brown hair and brown eyes, with most of her attire being very
revealing, especially showing off her huge breasts. Another had black hair and blue eyes, and had a
very aroused expression upon viewing the owl eyed owl. The third one had bright pink hair, green
eyes, and a very slender body. The last one had lime green hair and eyes, and had a sadistic smirk
of the devil himself as her giant breasts jiggled upon bending her upper half to get a closer look at
the half-ghoul.

It can't be! Why are they here?! Eto protested in her mind.

"It's been a while, daughter of Nelliel." Bambietta spoke out.

Giselle observed the blood that trickled down Eto's face and licked her lips seductively.

"Oh've certainly got more beautiful since the last time that I saw you." she purred.

The young woman with the pink hair smiled graciously and placed a hand over her queen-sized

"It's always such a pleasure to see you, Princess of Hueco Mundo." Meninas proclaimed.
Finally, the young woman with the lime-green hair knelt before Eto and picked her chin up with
one of her digits.

"Well look at've certainly have grown fond of living with these...animals." Candice

Eto's blood was boiling now. She wanted to rip them all apart, but she felt ashamed since she was
warned about this before:

The power of the owl will not be enough to defeat your enemies in the future...the golden goddess
warned her in her dream before.

Internally, the owl was starting to panic. Her PSTD crept up onto her. Horrible memories from
what they did to her came to the forefront of her mind. Even still, she gritted her teeth. Eto couldn't
let them think that she was the slightest bit afraid of them.

" all dare to attack the daughter of the Queen of Hueco Mundo?! You'll never see the
light of day again! Just wait until-"

"-Just wait until WHAT?" Candice interrupted.

"That your mommy will come save you? Heh...sorry honey, but we made sure that she would
be unavailable when you showed up with your group. And of course...we all know that you're not
summoning The Soul King himself, or should I say...your father." Candice sneered to Eto as she
moved her fingers to collect some of the blood from her face, before licking it off.

Giselle was practically drooling at this point.

"Heeeey! Com'on Candy, I thought we agreed that I'd get to have all of her blood?" she pouted.

Candice looked back and then got to her feet.

"Hehe..." she chuckled,

"Don't worry, you'll have all of it once we take her back." Candice proclaimed.

Eto's heart was beating rapidly in her chest. She was out of options: She couldn't make a portal to
Hueco Mundo, or call her mother, or call any of other siblings for help. With the odds stacked
against her, she had to make a hard choice.

I'm sorry...old man...Eto whispered to herself.

Then as the ladies were distracted...


From her detached kakuja that was nearby, Eto made a laser beam fly into the sky, illuminating the
darkness. Everyone that was near the fortress could see it, including all of her allies. But this signal
wasn't a sign of victory, it was a sign that something went terrible wrong and they need to retreat.

"Oh" Kuzen said to himself.

Ryouko was by Kuzen when he said that and began to panic.

"W-What's happening? Did something happen to Hinami?" She asked him.

Kuzen looked back and shook his head.

"I don't know, but we need to retreat now. It was Eto's signal that something went wrong on her
end and we need to get out of here." Kuzen said.

He looked at his other ghouls and they nodded. He then reformed his own kakuja and flew back
with his section of the group. Meanwhile, Kaya and Enji knew what the signal meant as well, and
looked at each other.

"We need to leave. Now." they told their group.

Hinami, Touka, Hide, and Nishiki were all shocked from this.

"What?!" Nishiki began.

"Why?! What about Kaneki?! Or that binge eater?! Or even Eto-"

"Eto's not coming back with us." Kaya hissed.

"We need to regroup and come back another day, or else this will all be for nothing!" Kaya added.

While Anteiku and their allies were getting themselves together, the other fallen angels were not

"You shouldn't have done that you little bitch." Candice hissed at Eto.

Then, Bambietta walked over to the owl and effortlessly crushed her left arm by stepping on it.

"NGHRAAA!" Eto screamed in pain as she felt her bones cracked like toothpicks.

Giselle smiled sadistically from her cries, while Meninas looked on with disappointment.

Bambietta and Candice were just irritated at this point.

"I was going to play nice for old time sakes, but now we're going to play it my way after we take
you inside our palace. I hope that you enjoy it." Bambietta told Eto.

Eto's diving self-healing automatically started, but that didn't mean that it took the pain away. She
could only clutch her broken arm as she tried to crawl away from them in vein.

Candice chuckled before picking up Eto by her emerald hair and licking more of her face. Eto shut
her eyes at this point, as she did not want to be trapped in any spells that any of them could cast.

"~How cute, but you can crawl for us when we get busy tonight...~" she whispered to her.

Then in the next moment, The four ladies *whooshed* away with Eto.

With Eto out of commission, things go from bad to worse. Many days past before Kuzen can
determine what actions the rest of Anteiku could do next, leaving Rize and Kaneki at the mercy
of Yamori...
"Tell me, Kaneki...what number were you able to count to?" Jason ask him as he observed his tool.

"S-S-S-Seven...h-h-h-hundred...and...f-f-f-fourt-t-t-y...eight...!" Kaneki croaked out.

Jason chuckled. His little test subject couldn't see anything since a blindfold was around his eyes,
which for Kaneki's sake...that probably made it just a little better.

"Hmph. Not bad. To tell you the truth, I get more of a kick out of messing with you than I do with
your girlfriend over here..." he said as he looked back at Rize who was also bound to a chair.

Her kakugans glared brightly at Jason.

"...FOOD...I NEED FOOD!" Rize demanded.

Saliva was escaping profusely from her mouth, and the veins in her forehead were bulging
intensely. Jason just shook his head.

"You disappoint me, Rize. For all of that talk of being a badass and being feared as the binge-eater,
you sure fumble when your stomach starts to growl." he mocked her.

"R-R-R-Riz-z-e...if you can...hear me...d-d-d-don't worry...E-E-E-Eto will come...and s-s-save

us...!" Kaneki proclaimed.

Jason turned his head back to the half-ghoul.

"Oh? And who might this 'Eto' be? Is this another one of your friends from the coffee shop?" Jason
asked him.

Kaneki shook his head.

"It doesn't...matter...soon...she'll come us...and...defeat you!" he threatened.

Jason glared at Kaneki for a minute, and then erupted in to laughter.

"OHHHHH NOW THAT'S FUNNY KID! You sure spat out crazy things when you're going
insane!" Jason laughed.

But out of no where, Rize bit Jason on his arm hard when he was distracted.

"YEOW! You little bitch! You bit me!" He hissed.

Rize tried to chew some of his flesh, but threw it up. Her stomach couldn't take the flesh of another
ghoul, especially after living a life full of eating her favorite meals.

"I. NEED. FOOD. NOW!" Rize demanded again.

Jason tendered to his arm, but then got a bright idea as he looked back at Kaneki, and then back at

"If you want food so badly, then I'll give you some!" he growled.

Swiftly, Jason put a collar of Rize's neck and dragged her seat next to Kaneki's. Then he kick her
seat to the floor so that he face was on the ground and centimeters away from Kaneki's feet.

"Go" Jason told Rize.

Kaneki had no idea what was going on.

"R-Rize?" he called out to her.

The binge eater just sniffed his legs, and the last remaining sanity that she had went out the


Rize immediately began devour Kaneki's toes and feet.

"YAAAAAA! Rize! Stop! Please!" Kaneki yelled in pain as his own girlfriend was literally eating
him alive.

Jason yanked at her collar so that she wouldn't get any more than that, as Rize fought back to get
more of Kaneki's flesh.

"Oh yeah! Eat it! You don't care that he's your boyfriend, huh?! When push comes to shove, you're
more selfish than myself!" Jason proclaimed.

Rize in her animalistic state did her best to bite more of Kaneki's flesh, but Jason yanked her collar
back and made her sit up right. Her senses finally were coming back to her as the taste was more
than satisfying for the former binge eater. All Kaneki could do was weep at this point and groan
from the pain. Guilt ran through Rize's mind as she just realized what she had done.

"Oh my goodness...Kaneki...I'm so sorry! I-I-I didn't mean to hurt you!" Rize said as tears streamed
down her eyes.

"Nope. She meant ever bite out of it, Kaneki. If I were you, I would not believe her for a second
man." Jason chimed in.

Frustrated, Rize spat at Jason and hissed.

"Go to hell you fucking psychopath!"

Jason whipped the saliva from his face and then smiled.

"The binge-eater telling me to go to hell? Now that's a good one!"


A loud ring came from Jason back-handing Rize's face with the force to knock a normal person's
teeth out. She did her best to not cry, but it still hurt. A bright crimson mark formed on her cheek
which would not come off for a few minutes.

Jason sighed.

"Okaaayy...I've seen enough. Perhaps I'll let the two lovebirds talk it out for a bit before I come
back to finish you two off. Later..." Jason said before leaving the two of them in his hobby room.

Kaneki and Rize sat there silently for about 30 seconds. Neither one didn't know what to say to the
other. Kaneki was still in pain and going in and out of sanity, while Rize was just feeling more and
more guilty on what she had done to him.

"Kaneki...please say something to me..." Rize whispered to him.

No response.

At this point, most of his hair had turned white, and instead of answering her question, Kaneki just
murmured the next set of numbers.

"" was all that he could say.

Rize held back a sob as all she could do was listen to Kaneki murmur to himself in order to keep
his sanity.

(NSFW) The owl's torture...

" more..." Eto pleaded with them.

She was laid out on a massive bed. Her slim hands were tied to chains that connected to the ceiling.
The owl's clothes were ripped off of her body, revealing her slim and smooth skin, as well as her
precious womanhood and breasts. The four woman were on the massive bed with her, playing with
themselves and helping each other pleasure themselves too. All of them were fully bare for Eto to

"So...who's turn is it now?" Candice asked her fellow fallen angels.

"If we lost track, I'm taking the next two hours." Giselle proclaimed.

This irritated the black haired woman.

"Don't you even think about it, I'm about to devour her honeybox right now. Give me some room!"
Bambietta stated.

Bambietta then towered over Eto's body and observed her. The owl's skin was more paler than
usually. She could obviously survive days on days without eating, but her health was drained so
much since they were taking turns sucking the essential nutrients from her body: particularly from
her breasts, and her womanhood. A normal woman would not be able to generate as much orgasms
and breast milk like Eto has, but she was not a normal woman to begin with.

Bambietta began to lick and suck away from Eto's womanhood again. She moaned upon tasting her
delectable liquids once more, like a child sucking a lollipop over and over again. Eto twitched and
tried to squeeze Bambietta's head away from her honeybox, but it only worked in the fallen angel's
favor as she dove her tongue deeper and deeper in to the owl's core.

"We really can't thank you enough, Princess." Meninas charmed in.

"Your body is like nectar to our stomachs. It's not everyday where we can have a demigoddess to
ourselves. Our children that your father gave us wouldn't help us satisfy our erotic desires. That's
why we seek out his other daughters. It's the second best flavor that we've ever tasted, besides your
father's nectar of course." she stated licking her lips.

Eto blushed from the statement, but was in no position to protest. All she knew was that in the next
minute, she would climax harder than what she did 30 minutes ago.

"!" Eto begged them.

Her legs were shaking uncontrollably as the pressure was building up in her core. Meninas then
took the chance and kissed Eto passionately on the lips. She broke it once she knew that Eto had to
stop herself from kissing her back.

"~Cum for us...Princess...~" Meninas purred to Eto.

Meninas' beautiful eyes mesmerized Eto. The fact that she was already bisexual wasn't helping, and
before she knew it, the owl snapped.


Eto screamed wildly as her climax escaped from her body in a hot rush of passion and pressure.
The other three angels rushed over and stuck their tongues out to taste Eto's love juice. All of them
blushed as Eto coated their faces. Once she was done squirting, they helped each other lick
themselves off. The dark brown haired woman finally turned back to her play toy.

"~You know...~" Bambietta began.

"~You could have some of my milk. A fallen angel's nutrients would surely make you feel better.
No?~" she offered.

Eto's mouth water as she looked at Bambietta's beautiful breasts. She wanted to hydrate badly, and
Bambietta's delicious breasts were only making her stomach growl more.

"You know...that I won't do that...doing so will make me your little slave for the rest of time." she

Bambietta smiled before crawling right into Eto's face.

"~Are you sure? It won't hurt if you just drink a bit of it...~" she purred before presenting her left
nipple right in front of Eto's lips.

Eto's heart began to pound as her mind was going blank. She wanted to suck it so bad, but knew
that if she did, it's basically surrendering her freedom to think and act on her own. Candice was
getting impatient as she grabbed Eto's hair and shoved her face all on Bambietta's breast.

"Com'on! Just suck it! You're just torturing yourself at this point! Just become our little slave and
get it over with!" Candice ordered.

Eto didn't budge. It took all of her willpower and even praying to her mother to stop herself from
opening her mouth and letting the milk slip down to her stomach.

Don't do it! Don't do it! Please, Mom! Don't let them take me, not again! she thought to herself.

Frustrated, the ladies stopped what they were doing and smacked Eto hard in the face.

"You're a stubborn brat, do you know that? I hope that you know that no one is coming to save you
- and even if they did, we'd cut them down easily. Your race of ghouls are no match for the likes of
us." Bambietta hissed.

She finally got up and began to put on some spare clothes.

"Where are you going?" Giselle asked her.

"I'm going to destroy her friends. They are the ones who are still giving her hope that she'll get out
of this in one peace. Then when I've killed them, I'll go after everyone else that she might care
about." Bambietta proclaimed as she walked out of the room.

Candice smiled sadistically before hopping to get her clothes too.

"Hey! Wait for me! I want to see this! I wonder what kind of bloody massacre that you'll create!"
she added.

"Did you say 'bloody massacre'?! I wanna go!" Giselle chimed.

She didn't even bother getting on her clothes, and the ladies looked back to see Meninas cradling
Eto who was barely conscious.

"Well? Aren't you coming, Meninas?" Candice asked her fellow fallen angel.

The pink haired woman smiled and shook her head.

"I'll watch over her. You never know what might happen if we leave her unattended." she

The others looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

"Suite yourself. We're off. Oh, and by the way, Eto...that was just phase one of our plan...we
needed to break you down first...phase two will last for two more weeks. Get some rest since you'll
need it." Candice said before they all dipped.

Kaneki had finally entered into his mind, and the final steps commence to bring out his

"I-Is...that you...Momma?" Kaneki croaked out.

The hand removed his blindfold from his face, revealing everything to Kaneki. He gasped upon
seeing the familiar face and body of his favorite author, covered in bandages and her signature
purple hoody.

"Eto? It's you! It's really you! I knew that you would come save us!" he proclaimed.

The owl put on a sad smile and shook her head.

"Unfortunately, my dear Kaneki...I'm not actually here. I'm just apart of your psyche. Just like the
time that you fought Nishiki." Eto informed him.

Kaneki digested the information, and realized that the danger was far from over.

Eto removed her hand from his face, and backed away from him...much to the half ghoul's

"W-Wait...! Eto! P-Please just...stay close to me...!" Kaneki pleaded.

But Eto shook her head.

"I can't do that, Kaneki. You don't consider me as your lover, remember? Besides...she's right
behind you..." Eto said as she looked behind Kaneki.

"Huh?" Kaneki murmured.

Then he felt a cold chill down his spine as a smooth but cold hand planted itself on his neck.
Subsequently, he felt a sweet breath breeze across the other side of his face.

"Wow...Kaneki...I really put you through the rigger, huh? to be you." Rize snickered
to him.

Kaneki looked to his left to see his girlfriend, Rize, smiling down at him. Her words struck his
core. It was almost as if she was mocking him for crying his lungs out as she ate his digits in a
frenzy. Still, he felt concerned of her wellbeing.

"R-Rize...! A-Are you okay?!" Kaneki asked her.

Rize could only shake her head and sigh.

"Even after everything, you're still more concerned about me? You should take a look at me and
then take a look at yourself. That will get you not only your answer, but more important what you
should be worried about." Rize informed him.

"She's right." Eto chimed in, which told him that she was still present.

Kaneki did just that and observed Rize's body and clothes. Her body was perfectly fine, and none
of her clothes were ripped or bloodied. Then Kaneki went to look at his legs and chest. Everyone
clearly saw that he was the one that needed help: His clothes were soaked in blood, and his digits
were beyond swollen. Even his limbs became hollow from his lack of nutrition.

"Now do you see? Me and Eto can roam free and escape this place, while you on the other hand
will just rot here and die alone, like you always feared." Rize coldly informed him.

Rize tiptoed to Eto before cuffing her ex's cheeks. Then, they kissed passionately in front of him.
Kaneki was clearly not in the aroused mood, but still felt left out over viewing them in such a
pleasurable state.

" two will get me out of here...right?!" Kaneki asked them in a scared voice.

The two female ghouls looked at him and titled their heads.

"That depends...if it came down to it, which one of us would you save over the other?" Rize asked

Kaneki's eyes widened. First Yamori, and now Rize asked that question which stabbed the grey
matter in his mind.

"W-Why would you ask me a question like that?" Kaneki cried out.

Eto then detached herself from Rize and walked right in front of Kaneki.

"Because that may be something that you have to do in the near future, and if you can't decide,
then we both die." Eto told him.

Kaneki began to shed tears as he couldn't bring himself to choose between Eto and Rize.

"This...this isn't fair! This isn't fair! Why does it always have to come down to something like this?!
Why does life always want me to choose to kill someone in order to save them?!" Kaneki cried out.

Eto's eyes narrowed.

"If you're referring to your late mother, then perhaps that ought to give you a lesson on life. That
being said, Kaneki, time is running out. Who do you want to save? Me? Or Ms. Rize?" Eto asked
him again.

Kaneki tried his best to break free from his chains,

"I-I can't!" Kaneki pleaded.

Rize just shook her head.

"Too late..." she simply said.


Suddenly, kagunes from the ground pierced both Rize and Eto, who was still standing in front of
him. Rize immediately dropped to the floor, while blood escaped from Eto's mouth as she began to
collapsed in front of him.

"ETO! RIZE!" Kaneki screamed out.

Rize only responded with a groan before becoming motionless, while Eto on the other hand got
some few words out.

"W-Why...Kaneki..." Eto croaked.

"Why didn' save me?" She asked him.

Finally she too fell to the white ground and drowned in her own blood. Kaneki then closed his eyes
and began to cry,

"No...I...I...I...I...NGRAAAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kaneki wept.

He couldn't stand to open his eyes. It would only further his feeling of shame and guilt. The half
ghoul found himself wailing for minutes and minutes, crying for anyone to save him from his

Why me?! Why do I have to suffer so much in my life?! Kaneki asked himself internally.

That's when another presence awakened inside of him. It finally had enough of hearing Kaneki's

"I'm disappointed in you, Ken Kaneki." an foreign voice said to him.

Kaneki sniffed as he had to stop himself from crying before opening his eyes. His vision revealed a
man with brown hair that was slick back. His clothing was mainly white, but it seemed royal.
Although, the most noticeable feature about this man was his eyes. The line of it was violet, white
pupils were white. The man was holding the seemingly lifeless body of Eto. Confusion ran through
Kaneki's mind. Once their eyes met, the man with royal clothing spoke out again.

"To think that my dear Eto would speak so highly of you, only for you to be a complete and utter
waste of my blood." he scolded him.

Kaneki's gasped internally.

"W-Who...who are you? How are you even in my mind?" Kaneki croaked out.
The man smirked, but instead sought to turn the conversation back to him.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, so I'll keep that to myself for now, especially
for her sake..." he said as he looked down at Eto.

Kaneki didn't know what to think. He felt embarrassed knowing that this man heard him cry, but
now he wanted to ask something else.

"C-Can you save me and Rize, or at the very least, can you save Rize?" Kaneki asked the
mysterious man.

His cosmic eyes turned back to the half ghoul.

"You don't know, don't you? Rize is not the only one that you should be worried about. Didn't
seeing Eto die before your eyes give you a hint as well?" the man said to him.

Kaneki's face twisted. Sadness ran deep through his veins.

"I-I don't understand, what do you mean? Did...did Eto...die?" Kaneki asked him.

The man with brown hair nodded.

"Well...she's not dead, but she's in more danger than you can think, and it's all her fault as well. She
choose to reject my power, and even went as far as to share her own divine blood with an
inferior being like yourself. She'll get what coming to her..." The man growled as he casually drop
the owl's lifeless body and poked it with his feet.

Kaneki's blood instantly boiled throughout his body. He found himself gritting his teeth as his
kakugan activated.

"STOP IT!" He screamed at him.

The man simply looked back up at Kaneki, who was still chained to the chair.

"I don't suppose that you could stop me even if you tried." The man calmly responded.

This caused Kaneki to try and break free from his chains, but nothing came of it. The man was

"...You have the potential be the most powerful ghoul in existence, and're limited
because of your weak mindset." the man stated.

"Just shut up!" Kaneki barked back.

"You don't know anything about me!" he added.

The royal man twisted his mouth and then grinned.

"I'm afraid that I do know you. I've known you before you were even conceived by your parents,
boy. I can see everything: From the first time that you met my dear Eto in person, to when one day
you'll become the King of Ghouls." he proclaimed to him.

Those last words caught Kaneki completely off guard.

"King of Ghouls? What the hell are you even talking about?! I'm-I'm not even a ghoul!" he
"...and you're not a human either." the man countered.

"You don't even know what power awaits you in the future. Even now, you have the strength to
defeat Jason and save your precious ghouls, but your mentality holds you back."

Kaneki could only grit his teeth in frustration.

"What do you mean? I want to defeat Jason! I want him to be hurt like he hurt me and my friends! I
want him to suffer!" Kaneki admitted to the man in a dark voice.

This easily caught the man's attention. He smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Did you have that mindset going into the fight, or were you too focused on being
defensive and not taking the initiative to destroy him while you had the chance?" the man pointed

Kaneki thought back, and frowned.

How the hell does he know! It doesn't matter now! He's right! He told himself.

"I didn't have that mindset when I fought him the first time..." Kaneki admitted.

"...but if I were to ever be given the chance again, I'd destroy him without hesitating!" He
proclaimed to the man.

The man in royal clothes smirked even more.

"Is that so? And what about anyone else that would stand in your way? Would you take them out
as well?" he asked Kaneki.

"Yes! If that meant that I could save my friends!" Kaneki admitted.

"Even if you had to kill someone?"


Satisfied, the royal man nodded in approval. He could sense his resolve in his bones. The last bit of
Kaneki's black hair fell to the floor, almost as if it was on cue.

"Good." he simply said.

The man then picked up the binge eater and presented her to Kaneki.

"Eat her." he commanded him.

Kaneki's stomach twisted, but nonetheless took a bite out of his girlfriend's neck. While the taste
wasn't the most delightful, it did give him the strength to finally break free from the chair. Kaneki
then continued to eat Rize as the royal man watched him. Ever bite made him lose more and more
of his innocent mentality. There was no going back now.

"I could give you more power if you desire it. Just eat the owl, and you'll be able to do what she
could never do." The man offered him.

But Kaneki shook his head.

"I won't do that, and I don't take orders from you." Kaneki coldly responded back.
The man chuckled, as he felt his presence fading away in Kaneki's mind.

"Hmph. Suite yourself. But tell me this...Ken Kaneki. Do you know what you are now?" The
cosmic man asked him.

Clutching his face tightly, as if to try and hold it from falling, Kaneki responded.

"I am...a ghoul."

Chapter End Notes

Hey y'all. I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter. A few reasons why I choose to
continue this fanfic was: (1) I'll just say that once I moved in to college (for my junior
year), I was like "Yeah...I'm going back to fanfic XD". (2) If I write one chapter little
by little, it seems doable. Above all else, I cannot thank each and every one of you
enough for supporting the story. The story shifts a lot more to Kaneki x Eto when
Season 2 kicks off. I'm fully aware now that my intended audience are those that
desire to see an EtoKen (Kaneki x Eto) fanfic, so I'll do my best to make sure that we
can look back at this fanfic one day and enjoy it. If this chapter felt too rush, short,
long, then please let me know kindly. If I am being honest, I'll need some time to take
care of things IRL before I write again, so expect the next chapter releasing 30 days
from now (if not I'll send another update). The next chapter will be Season 1's finale!
Until then, be easy!
Ascension (Season 1 Finale)
Chapter Summary

After Kaneki defeated Jason, Rize can't help but wonder if Kaneki is still 'Kaneki'. An
argument begins between the two of them as Kaneki explains his next course of

Chapter Notes

Based on the reviews and the main focus on the story, I've decided to go skip the fight
of Kaneki vs Jason. Even though Rize is there, it's not going to make a long term
difference. Most of you all (and rightfully so) are focused on what's happened with Eto
and what WILL happen to her. Personally I think that this was the right move to make,
but if you think that I should have included the fight anyways, kindly let me know.
Without further ado, here's the finale of Season One!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Eto is here, and I'm going to save her." Kaneki coldly told Rize.

Rize's eyes widened. He literally just finished devouring Yamori's incomplete kakuja, and now she
could barely make eye contact due to the fact that his pupils were covered by his new silver hair.
On top of that, he brought up the owl's name so casually even when he knew that she hated him
talking about her. This only twisted her stomach further.

"W-What are you talking about?! Let's just get the hell out of here while we still have the chance!"
Rize protested.

But Kaneki didn't respond. Instead, he just slowly walk past his girlfriend. Rize literally had to step
out of his way so that he wouldn't bump in to her, much to her displeasure. It was as if he was on
his own program. In desperation, Rize grabbed Kaneki's hand, but chills went down her spine as
she realized that his arm was cold, even colder than her own skin.

"Please my love...!" Rize managed.

"...think about what you're saying! How do you even know if she's here? And even if she was here,
there's nothing that we can do! Eto is the most powerful ghoul out there!'re stronger
now, even stronger than me...but...Aogiri is not a force to be reckoned with! What do you think
that you could do if she was captured?! Look and us! We've been tortured for days on days! How
on Earth would we be able to help her if she was taken down?!" Rize argued.

Kaneki didn't turn to face her. All he could think about was what happened in his psyche.

"I know that she's here, I can sense it. I don't know what I could do to help her, but I have to try. I
won't lose anyone else to this damn cruel world." he remarked as he cracked his fingers.
Rize flinched when he did that. She remembered when he did that during his fight with Yamori. At
first, she thought that he was just mocking Jason, but now it seems that he liked down that.

"But what about me?! What am I suppose to do?! Just sit here and wait for you to throw your life
away? If we were to run into ghouls that are stronger than Yamori, then we'd be at a severe
disadvantage. Think about it Kaneki!"

She made some valid points, but that wasn't going to stop Kaneki now.

"I know...but I have to do this..." he said as he activated his lone kakugan.

Rize cursed under her breath as Kaneki ran out of the torture chamber and left her with Yamori
groaning to himself.

"Mother...where are you?" Jason murmured to himself.

This made Rize's blood boil, so she approached Yamori and raised her foot above his face.

"You really make me sick..." Rize hissed to Jason.


Even in her weakened state, Rize splattered Yamori's skull by stomping on his head, ending the
terror of The 13rd Ward's Jason for good. She then went after Kaneki by tracking the scent that he

(NSFW) Eto is now on her last ropes, so she pulls out her trump card...

"Meninas...listen..." Eto managed to get out.

The pink-haired fallen angel stopped sucking Eto's womanhood and raise her face.

"Wait is it, Princess?" Meninas responded.

Eto bit her lip, but followed through with her plan. It was a gamble, but she might be able to pull it

"I...give can make me your sex slave..." the owl said.

Meninas' face widened with joy and excitement. She blushed and smiled warmly.

"~Ohhhh my dear...!~ I just knew that you'd come around! Just wait until my fellow angels come
back. You'll-"

"-No..." Eto said.

"...I just want to be yours...not theirs..." she clarified.

Meninas then became puzzled. She began to speculate why'd she say something like that.

"Oh? And just why would you want to be my personally sex slave? What makes me different from
the rest of my fellow angels?" Meninas asked Eto.

Eto thought of her words carefully. Time was not on her side either. One slip up and it's over.

"Out of all of the fallen are the most beautiful one that I've ever laid my eyes on.
You've always treated me with care, and grace. I've realized that now when you watched over me
and waited until I recovered a bit to use me again. If I became the other angels' slave, they'd only
fight over me until I break, and then...and then no one wins. With you...I...I...could always satisfy
your most erotic desires, and none of the others could do anything about it. So...please...let me
drink everything that I can from you..." Eto explained.

Meninas bit her lip and looked at the door. The owl's words resonated with her. She knew that Eto
was right. If Eto drank each and every one of their milks, then they'd always fight over her and
would eventually break her mind and body trying to use her.

"Okay okay...but...make it quick my little princess...!" Meninas whispered as she presented one of
her enormous breasts to Eto.

Eto's mouth watered. Meninas was already secreting a bit of her milk already, and it glistered in the
room's dim light. The fact that she hadn't eaten or drank anything in days only made it more

Then like a hungry child desiring nutrition, Eto opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around
Meninas' nipple. Finally, she began sucking away at the fallen angel's divine nectar.

"~Oh fuck yes...that's it...drink all of it my little princess...~" Meninas moaned.

Eto blushed as she realized how sweet the flavor was. The milk immediately began to effect her
body. The owl's health and stamina began to replenish, and the color from her skin went from a
pale whiteness to a normal pinkish color. Eto continued to gulp down more and more of Meninas'
milk. But as she did so, she finally felt a surge of Meninas' will overriding her own thoughts and
and mind. Even still, Eto had to keep going...just long enough to let Meninas get her guard down...

"~Oh gosh Eto...that feels so does my milk taste?~" Meninas purred to the owl.

Eto drew away from Meninas breast and looked up to her in a seductive expression.

"~It tasted wonderful...Master. Please...let my hands roam your body so that I can pleasure you
more...~" Eto purred back to the fallen angel.

Meninas didn't even hesitate and released Eto's hands from the chains. As promised, Eto used one
of her hands and massaged Meninas' twin breast while fingering her divinehood. Slowly, Meninas
allowed Eto to mount on top of her. They ended up making out wildly as Eto peaked one of her
eyes open.

It's now...or never...! Eto thought to herself.

Eto reached over to a nearby drawer and grabbed a needle that they used to place her to sleep. Then
with all of the strength that he had, she injected it in Meninas' neck! The fallen angel's eyes shot
opened and grabbed Eto's neck in retaliation. Eto managed to get most of it in Meninas'
bloodstream before she was forced to let go of the needle and pry at Meninas' arms.

"How could you...! I...thought that...we had something special...!" Meninas protested to Eto.

She rolled the both of them over and began to choke Eto unconscious. Eto's consciousness was
fading fast, but she looked at Meninas' green eyes and saw genuine care in them. A sharp sense of
guilt flooded through Eto's heart, but she couldn't back down now.

"I'm...s-sorry..." Eto managed to get out.

Using her legs, the owl wrapped them around Meninas' neck and forced the drug to do more of its
work. Eventually, the color of Meninas' eyes fading and her grip loosened. The fallen angel finally
collapse on the bed, as Eto held her neck and recovered from the close encounter. Once she caught
her breath, she looked at Meninas' unconscious body and saw that a tear escaped from one of her
eyes. Eto bit her lip and shook her head.

I keep moving...or else...I'll lose Rizzy and Kaneki forever...Eto said to herself.

She got off the bed and tried to got to her feet, but immediately collapse as her legs had fallen
asleep from not being used for so long. Being on the ground also made her realize something else:
Meninas' will still lurked through her mind and it was calling her to wake her master up...

Her milk...I get rid of it...! Eto told herself.

She then opened her mouth and placed her hand inside it. Eto gagged as she forced her digits to
poke at her uvula, until...


Eto regurgitated nearly all of Meninas' milk from her body in an unpleasant process. At first, it
came in one big fall, but then it started to come out in chunks, until Eto had to manually spit some
out. Tears automatically formed from her eyes, not from sadness, but out of a natural reaction from
vomiting. She wiped her mouth clean from the milk as her stomach growled with irritation.
Looking around, she saw her torn hoody and the left over bandages that they kept. Gritting her
teeth, Eto slowly got to her feet. They felt like jelly, but she slowly wrapped some of her bandages
around her (at least the ones that could cover her nipples and womanhood), and then added her torn
purple hoody to it. Eto tried to make a portal to her mother, but it wasn't working.

Damn it...! Eto cursed under her breath.

She barged through the door and stumbled out into the hallway. She tried to figure out which
direction that she should go, until she picked up on a familiar scent.

Kaneki...! Rize...! They're nearby...! Eto said to herself.

Little by little, Eto used momentum to gain speed and started running to their location.

Dozens of seconds later, the owl finally saw a young man with chains still attached to his

"Kaneki...? Is that you...?" Eto called out to him.

The young half ghoul turned and faced the owl. His expression immediately widened as he took
note of Eto's physical condition.

"E-Eto? You're really here! What happened to you?! Are you oka-"

But Eto bearhugged him, knocking the wind out of his stomach. She silently took note of how
much colder he was, as well as the fact that now he had silver hair, but just speculated that it was
due to being Jason's plaything for so long.

"Don't worry about me, I'm just glad that you're here!" Eto responded in a raspy voice.

A tear escaped from her eye, something that Kaneki couldn't see from his angle. Gently, he
wrapped his own arms around her as well, embracing her warmly. While Eto wanted to pause this
moment, time wasn't on her side. She forced herself to let go of him and look up to him.

"We need to leave - now. Where's Rize?" Eto asked him.

"I'm right here." Rize responded spontaneously.

Eto looked past Kaneki while the latter looked behind himself and saw his girlfriend walk over to
them. Eto stopped touching Kaneki and walked slowly towards Rize. Their eyes met each other
and it was a mix between conflicted feelings. What transpired next was only naturally for someone
like the owl. The walk turned into a sprint until Rize and Eto crashed into each other's arms. Sniffs
could be heard from both of them, and eventually Rize tried to kiss Eto, but the latter pulled away
from the ghoul and put a hand over her mouth.

"Hehe...while I'd love to do that, you'd probably taste vomit if that happened. Trust me. Long
story..." Eto teased Rize.

Rize titled her head in confusion, but then shook her head knowing that Eto was making jokes in a
place like this. Kaneki smiled upon seeing them get a long again, but realized that the threat was
far from over.

"We need to go to find our friends at Anteiku, Aogiri is after them!" Kaneki spoke out.

Eto turned around and looked at Kaneki dumbfounded.

"Wait. How do you know that?" Eto asked him.

Kaneki cursed under his breath, and then sought out a short response.

"Long story..." Kaneki said, referring to what she said earlier.

Kaneki then began to look around.

"Anyways...we'd better get out of her, I don't know where the exit is, but I'm sure that we can-"


Rize and Kaneki jumped as Eto activated her partial kakuja and broke down a nearby wall,
revealing the cold night sky. Her body was not in the best shape, but she still managed to manifest

"After you two..." she teased them with a smile.

Kaneki and Rize both looked at each other, and then ran out the fortress, with Eto following.
As the trio escaped from the clutches of Aogiri, it looks like the odds were finally back in their
favor. But what awaits them moving forward?

"Hey! I see Kaneki!" Hinami said to everyone as she pointed to the three figures.

The members and allies of Anteiku were outside the fortress of Aogiri as they saw the trio passing
by. Eto quickly noticed them and directed her friends to follow her.

"Eto..." Kuzen murmured.

Tears of joy streamed from his wrinkled face as he embraced her daughter again.

"...I...I thought that we lost you too, I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself..." he admitted to

Eto just held him tighter.

"We're okay now, Father. Thank you." she responded.

Everyone hive-fived each other and held a mini-celebration as everyone was back with each other.
Ryouko and Hinami were very happy to see Eto reunited with Kuzen, and were even happier to see
Kaneki alive and well. Touka remained silent as she felt very happy to see Kaneki but envious to
see Rize holding hands with him. Kaneki, however, was a bit confused. While he was happy to see
his friends safe and sound, he wondered about the other threat.

"Do you all run into anyone along the way?" Kaneki ask them.

Everyone looked at Kuzen, who in turned looked at Hide. The carrot top was confused as to why
Kuzen looked at him, so he did his best to explain.

"Hehe...yeah we did. We ran into some...well flying ladies...and they began to monologue that they
were going to kill us to get back at the Princess of Hueco Mundo. None of us had any idea of what
they were talking about, but just before they could attack, Ms. T's sister, Rumi stepped in and
scared them off. She said something about alerting the goddesses or something like that and they
all backed off. It was very weird, but once Rumi said that we'd be okay from here on out, she
disappeared in a flash! Well, not before blowing a kiss to yours truly...*AHEM* Anyways...I've
never seen anything like it! I'd love for her to teach me that move, and um..." Hide stopped talking
to call out the elephant in the area.

"So what's with your hair, bro? It's completely white." Hide noted.

Everyone turned back to Kaneki, as that question was lingering on everyone's mind, especially Eto
who didn't have the chance to ask about it until now. Kaneki took a deep breath, and spoke out in a
cold voice.

"A lot has happen these past few days..." Kaneki began.

"...and I've decided..." he then removed his hand from Rize's grip, shocking both the former binge
eater, the owl, and everyone around him.


"...that I'm not going back to Anteiku." he informed them.

Everyone just stared at him, confused and blown away by his words. Rize was the first one to say

"Wait what?" Rize said as she tried to grip Kaneki's hand again.

"What are you talking about? Where would you go if you're not going back with us?" Rize asked
him concerned.

Kaneki once again removed her grip gently and walked towards Eto. She looked up to him puzzled
and confused.

"Eto, before the events that happened here at Aogiri, you offered me a spot to live with you and
work with you. Does that offer still stand?" Kaneki asked her.

Everyone turned to Eto, who did her best not to blush, being that it was more of a private
suggestion rather than a public one. Nonetheless, Eto still answered him by nodding.

"Well...of course...but why are you bringing this up now?" Eto said to him.

"Because I want to take that offer." he responded firmly.

Eto's eyes widened, along with everyone else's. Rize on the other hand, was taken it the worst.

"N-No. That won't happen. I won't allow you to do that, Kaneki." Rize hissed.

Kaneki calmly turned to Rize, which shocked her. It was clear to everyone present that he was no
longer that shy, timid, and flat out weak boy that he once was. He stared at her with coldness that
could freeze an ocean.

"Today has proven that there are stronger enemies out there, stronger than any of us have encounter
before. They could kill us at any moment. I need to stay with Eto to master my kagunes, so that I
can protect all of you." Kaneki informed her.


"Then let me come live with you and Eto. One of your kagunes are from me, then I can help-"

"-Rize..." Kaneki said cutting her off.

" won't take long for me to master your kagune. I have proven that when I defeated Yamori."
Kaneki noted.

Some of the ghouls were shocked that he defeated Yamori all by himself. They knew that Rize was
with him, but she had been weaker since she had lost her binge-eating habits.

"Not only that, but Eto is the most powerful ghoul of us all. I have her kagune inside me as well.
That is why I need to do everything that I can to master her kagune as well to be effective with her
in battle." Kaneki said turning towards the owl.

Rize's eyes widened and then looked back and forth at the two of them. A sharp sense of rage and
jealousy filled her body.

"I should've known that you'd leave me for her sooner or later." Rize hissed.

This caught Kaneki off guard as he turned back to her.

"Rize...that's not what I mea-"

"Nope! I don't even want to hear it!" Rize said chuckling to herself.

She began to stumble and laugh hysterically as if she was drunk. Her mind was swirling so much
right now, thinking back to all of the events that led to this moment. Everyone looked at her
concerned. She wasn't necessarily their friends, but she had proven to not be an enemy to them
since Kaneki saved her. Some of them felt guilt, while others pitied her state of emotion.
Eventually, she stopped laughing and put on a serious face.

"I...I should have never donated my organs to you..." Rize hissed.

Even though Kaneki was more cold blooded than usually, this struck his heart.

"Rize...please you don't mean that..." Eto said as she approached her.

"Stay away from me...!" Rize bellowed.

Her scream made Hinami clutch her mother's waist harder. Rize saw the innocent young ghoul's
face and gritted her teeth.

"This was never my home, anyways. It's better that I just stick to what I do best..." Rize told

Then she glanced over to Eto and Kaneki, and then started to walk away. Tears collected in Eto's
eyes as she reached out for her friend.

"Wait! Rize! Come back! Please!" Eto cried out.

"Let her go." Kuzen spoke out.

Eto looked at him confused.


"She needs to find inner peace on her own. Going after her will only make it harder for her." Kuzen

A silent breeze washed over everyone until Rize was out of sight. That's when the realization hit
that it was time to part ways with the owl and Kaneki for the time being.

"Um...Kaneki...?" Hinami spoke out.

Kaneki faced Hinami.

"Yes...?" he responded.
"I...I'm really going to miss you, but I know that you're doing is right. If you'll stay with Ms. Eto,
will you still be able to stop by and visit us once in a while?" Hinami requested.

"I'll make sure that both of us do, Hinny." Eto chimed in.

Hinami smiled and nodded.

Kaneki briefly locked eyes with Ryouko. They hadn't spoken or seen each other since Ryouko tried
to seduce him, but words were spoken through their glares.

Goodluck, young man. Ryouko said internally.

"Kaneki..." Touka said stepping up to him.

"" Touka began.

Kaneki's gut told him that she probably wanted him to tell her how he feels about her. Even still, he
just broke up with Rize, so he was in no state to be in a relationship right now, nor confess his
deepest feelings in his heart.

"...Thank you for supporting me, Touka." Kaneki said as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

The purple-haired girl blushed as she didn't expect him to do that. While it wasn't I love you,
Touka. it made her feel a bit better about the situation. Touka didn't even bother asking to go with
him. She knew what his answer would be this time around, considering how he rejected Rize's

"Y-Yeah, no problem." she nodded.

Then Kaneki removed his hand off of her and looked at his longtime best friend.

"Hide..." Kaneki began.

The carrot top looked around sarcastically.

"...Oh shit! Is it my turn?! Well I'm not one to cry, so I'll keep it short and know where
to find me if you ever need me. Of course you still have my number, so I'm going to talk to you at
least once a week. I hate the idea of you dropping out of school, but given that there's literally a
war going on behind the curtains of Tokyo, I give this a pass. Oh, and don't think you'll be the only
one training. Me and Master Rumi will surely be working hard too! You can count on me on day to
have your back, alright man?" Hide said as he offered his fist to Kaneki.

Kaneki smiled.

"For sure." he said returning the fist bump.

Then Kaneki looked at Banjou and his gang members.

"So...what are you all going to do now?" Kaneki asked Banjou.

He looked at his group and they nodded to them.

"Ehh...we definitely can't go back to Aogiri, but...perhaps we'd be willing to work under your allies
for the time being...if that's okay with them." he said rubbing his head.

"We'll make some arrangements." Kuzen clarified.

That's when Kaneki turned to the old man.

"Sir..." he murmured.

Kuzen shook his head.

"You don't need to say anything to me, I know that you and Eto will do great things." he said with a

Eto smiled upon their interaction. Then Tsukiyama finally spoke out to express his joy.

"My Sweet Kaneki...! This is such a turn of events, I was hoping that I may also visit as well, as
long as you approve of that, Owl." Tsukiyama requested.

"Hmph. Yeah sure, perhaps for a punching bag." Eto answered with a wink.

Kaneki then walked up to Tsukiyama and stared at him darkly.

"Don't try to hurt any of my friends while I'm away, otherwise I'll show you what I went through at
Aogiri's fortress." Kaneki hissed to him.

Tsukiyama internally responded with arousal and approval at Kaneki's threat. Finally the weight of
the reunion faded, and the time of moving forward was near.

"Well then, it's getting late, so we all should head back now..." Kaya said to everyone.

Kaneki glanced over at her, who was quiet for most of the reunion. She stared at the ground,
unable to look at Kaneki in the eyes. He didn't plan on saying anything to her for now, but he
nodded at her suggestion.

"Yeah..." Kaneki said in response.

Finally, everyone started heading back to their respective areas, as the night was still far from over.

(Final Scene of Season 1) Once back at the owl's penthouse, Eto instructs Kaneki to take a bath
with her. While he hesitates for obvious reasons, her persistence proves fruitful. They then share
a great heart to heart conversation in the process...

"Trust me...this water will help us heal even faster." Eto explained.

She was already in the enormous tub while Kaneki held a towel around his waist.

"R-Right..." Kaneki murmured.

Gently, he disrobed himself and enter the tub on the other side. Eto could tell that he was still a bit
uncomfortable, so she respected him by not staring at him as he entered. Once Kaneki's cold skin
met with the hot spring water, it instantly began to heal him. He involuntarily sighed as he didn't
realize how great the water would feel.

"What...kind of water is this?!" Kaneki asked Eto.

Eto finally looked up and grinned slightly.

"My sister hooked me up with some of her mother's special water." Eto told him.
Kaneki nodded in approval, but said nothing. Eto wanted to ask him what happened to him in
Aogiri, but ultimately decided not to ask that. That sat there in silence for a dozen of seconds until
Eto had to say something.

"So um..." Eto said as she swam over to him.

"'ve been through so much these past few are you holding up from all of it?" Eto
asked him.

Their shoulders brushed against each other in the bathtub. Even still, Kaneki decide to not move
away from her, as it felt nice.

"I'll...I'll be fine..." Kaneki told her, even though he was brushing off the torture and his inner

"More importantly, I...I've learned that Aogiri Tree is set out to conquer all of Tokyo, and by
extension the rest of the world. That's why I had to say what I said when everyone reunited with
each other. I...I knew that it would hurt Rize when I discontinued our relationship, but I had to do
it. She'll understand one day. I need to focus on getting stronger so that I can protect those that I
care about. Not only that, but now we know that there are enemies out there who are stronger than
all of us. You are the most powerful ghoul in the world, Eto. One day, I want to be strong enough
to fight side by side with you." Kaneki told her.

Kaneki's words touched Eto's heart, especially that last part. Almost without thinking, she sought
out Kaneki's hand underwater until she fully grasped it.

"You will be strong enough to fight side by side with me, Kaneki. You will." she reassured him.

Kaneki only looked on to see Eto lean against his shoulder. Eventually, he returned the grip of her
hand underwater, much to both of their delights. That being said, her words reminded him of
something else...

"Eto...when I found you in Aogiri's fortress...I wanted to ask you how'd you end up there..." Kaneki
asked looking down at Eto.

From his point of view, all he saw was her emerald green hair.

"Were you captured too? Did-"

"It was nothing." she lied.

Kaneki couldn't see it, but Eto reached down to her swollen womanhood with her free hand and
tried to massage it gently. It still gave her a painful sensation, but it was getting a bit better.

"They gave it their best shot at trying to take me down, but I managed to escape from them." Eto
assured him.

Kaneki looked sad as he felt that Eto wasn't telling him the whole story, but knew that he wasn't
telling everything that happened with Jason either.

"Very well..." he murmured sadly.

Eto hated his tone, so she thought of a bright idea.

"Hey..." she said as she turned up to face him.

She reached to cradle his cheek with her free hand.

"...tomorrow, we'll start training right away. I'm sure that whatever we face in the future, then we
can handle it." Eto told him.

This excited Kaneki as a small smile formed across his mouth.

"Great." he responded.

His eyes made her heart beat faster. It took a lot of willpower for Eto to not just crash over him.
Now that she thought about it, she realized that her body was hardening. She was becoming
aroused, very aroused. Perhaps it was the side-effects of brushing off her trauma, but she felt the
need to tie up the silver-haired young man and extract all of the essential nutrients out of him,
that...or he does the same thing to her: Tying her up and pounding her flesh away into submission.
Her lips trembled, as she was beginning to lose her mind. Eto quickly pulled away from Kaneki
altogether, much to his discomfort.

"What is it?" Kaneki asked her.

"N-Nothing...sorry, I'm in the right state of mind at the moment..." Eto blushed.

Kaneki looked like he was in pain since he really was enjoying that moment. His expression made
Eto feel guilty, so she wanted to make it up to him.

"I'm...going to bed now, but if you can't sleep or have a nightmare, then you know where to find
me. The same goes for me too." Eto offered him.

Kaneki was surprised by her suggestion, but nodded.

"Thank you Eto..." Kaneki said.

The owl shook her head.

"No...the pleasure is all mine." Eto told him.

The future had so much in stored for them. Even now, they only knew the tip of the iceberg for
what was to come next.

"Oh...and Kaneki..." Eto began.

"Yes Eto...?" he responded.

Eto finally curls her lips into a soft smile. She wanted to say this for a long time, and for better or
for worse, the circumstances have arisen in her favor. Slowly she got up from the bathtub. Kaneki's
eyes widened as he saw Eto's beautiful bare body for the first time. Unlike before, he wasn't facing
her, and given that she was looking directly into his eyes, his gut told him that she wanted him to
look at her. This took much courage for Eto also, being that this was the first young man that laid
eyes on her bare body. Kaneki saw everything: From her pink nipples, her large breasts, her mouth-
watering curves, and especially her swollen womanhood. His mind mentally captured that picture
for self-pleasure.

"...welcome home."

Chapter End Notes

The curtains fall on Season 1 of Delightful Asphyxia! Not gonna lie this feels great!
That being said, the story is far from over. One season down, three more to go (four if
we include the bonus season). As always, thank you again to everyone that likes,
comments, and favorites this story. As for when the next chapter will be
written/released, give me 30 days to see what I can do and then I can at least update
you all on the progress. Until then, Peace!
New Beginnings
Chapter Summary

Beginning of Season 2!

Chapter Notes

Welcome back everyone! Thank you for all of the support for this fanfic! As
promised, this fanfic will focus A LOT more on EtoKen building, starting with this
chapter! Without further ado, enjoy the first chapter of Season 2!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"K...Kaneki?" Eto murmured to the half ghoul.

It was close to sunrise after their first day of living together. The owl was half asleep. Her vision
was cloudy. For some reason, Kaneki had significant more muscle on himself, compared to his
usually lean figure. Not only that, but he a bit taller. If that wasn't enough, his shirt was off, which
displayed his battled hardened abs, since all he wore were lose boxers.

"Hey Eto..." Kaneki responded softly with a smile.

Eto sat up.

"Wha-why are you up so early?" she asked him.

He then placed a hand over her thigh which was covered by the bed sheets.

"I wanted to come see you in bed. You said that I could come over anytime that I feel like it,
remember?" Kaneki told her.

Eto thought about it for a second, and somewhat agreed.

"I...I's just-"

"-Good." Kaneki replied cutting her off.

Then without another word, Kaneki leaned over and pressed his lips against her own. Immediately,
Eto's eyes widened. All she was staring at was a Kaneki's face centimeters in front of her with his
closed. He kissed her as if they've done it a thousand times. So many questions ran through the
owl's mind. Subconsciously, she knew that she could in fact be dreaming, but that didn't make the
feeling any less real.

Eto's eyes felt heavy and she felt herself finally pressing her lips back on to Kaneki's, igniting a
delightful moan from the owl. Kaneki reengaged in another kiss with Eto, and then another, and
then another, as their lips smacked against each other, while their hands found each other's skins

"~Mmmmm...~" Kaneki purred to her.

"~You taste good.~" he said complimenting her.

His words only pushed more arousal into Eto, as if being naturally aroused in the morning was bad
enough. Eto finally made the next move and pressed her tongue against Kaneki's mouth,
demanding entrance to go inside it. Kaneki easily granted her that request as they engaged in a
sloppy make out session. Kaneki then found himself moving down and biting her neck and licking
her soft skin. The feeling sent chills down Eto's figure that she could not contain.

"~Aww gosh...~" Eto moaned.

Her mind was being overwhelmed from the pleasure. The other half ghoul realized this, so he
moved one of his hands down to her womanhood to stimulate more pleasure. Unfortunately for
him, this was not the best move, as Eto was still recovering from being raped from the fallen

"Sssssss! Shit!" Eto hissed as Kaneki's fingers gave her a painful sensation that was barely traced
by pleasure.

Kaneki then stood up and observed her being.

"'re...swollen..." he pointed out disappointed.

"Perhaps another time-"

"-It's nothing." Eto snapped at him.

Before Kaneki could protest further, Eto flipped him over at lighting speed to where she was on top
of him. Swiftly, she removed her oversized shirt, revealing her entire aroused body to Kaneki once
again. Then with a seductive look, Eto grinded against his manhood, feeling his already prepared
erection underneath his boxers.

"Why don't we get to the good part, shall we?" Eto purred.

Then like breaking a tooth pick, Eto ripped off Kaneki's boxers from underneath her. Raising her
hips about eight inches up in the air, she gently grabbed Kaneki's erection.

"Heh!" Kaneki moaned.

The author's hands were like a goddess' touch to his manhood. Seeing his reaction only made her
more ready to what will come next. Gently, she allowed his membrane to brush against her swollen

"Ken Kaneki...I really do lov-NGR!"

But unfortunately, Eto was forced to dismount from her and collapse to his upper body. The pain
from her swollen womanhood was too much to bear. That, and perhaps she was naturally tight
from still not having her virginity taken yet.

"God...damn it!" Eto grunted as she clutched her swollen womanhood tightly.

Kaneki looked at her with deep sadness.

"It won't work if you keep holding secrets from me, Eto..." he regretfully informed her.

"Wha-What?!" she pleaded.

Then in an instant, Kaneki was gone.

Her true senses kicked in, and she looked around the room.

That was...just a dream?!

She looked down at her swollen womanhood, which leaked of her love juice, but also had a
crimson hue to it, staining her bedsheet. In the heat of her sexual frustration, rage filled Eto's mind.

"FUCK ME!" she bellowed in frustration, slamming her fist on a nearby pillow.

Then, she allowed herself to collapse on the bed. Her face was twisted in disgust, knowing that her
dream could have lasted a bit longer had she not have suffered from the hands of the fallen angels.

No...I should know better, Kaneki just out of a relationship with Rize. It's not a good idea for him to
jump back into another, let alone be sexual intimate with another woman. Eto reasoned with

By now, Eto admitted to herself that she was sexually attracted to Kaneki, if that wasn't obvious
enough. The problem that she still wanted to know was that was it lust or love. She knew that she
cared deeply for Kaneki, which is why he's living with her right now. The question still remained:
How does Kaneki feel about Eto? Does he see her as a just a friend? Just another fellow half-
ghoul? A teacher? A boss? A big sister? A mother? A lover? A Queen? A demi-goddesses?

...well, perhaps that last one would not come to Kaneki's mind, especially since he still doesn't
know or understand Eto's true origins...for now...

Wait a second...! Eto thought to herself.

Quickly, Eto put back on her shirt that she disregarded during her "sleepwalk". Then with some
focus and concentration, she held out her hands in an attempt to create a portal back to Hueco

The only result that she got were sparks in front of her. It didn't work.

What's going on? I still can't use my teleportation! Eto wined to herself.

Mother...what's going on in Hueco Mundo? Eto asked to herself worried.

But then she shook her head.

No...maybe it's because I've been rejecting my lineage for so long, and now the final effects are
catching up to me. Sooner or later, I can't be surprised if I won't be able to make one at all, let
alone see soul reapers or hollows...Eto told herself biting her lip.

Letting out a sigh, Eto got to her feet and stretched.

Come on, nothing's gonna change if I brute around in my bed all day! Besides, I can always get in
contact with Rumi, so that shouldn't be an issue. Eto reasoned with herself.

She walked out of her room and peaked into Kaneki's room.

The half-ghoul with silver hair was still sleeping soundly. Thank goodness that he was no snorer.

He's been through a lot...with all of that torture and emotional destruction...I really hope that he's
still Kaneki. Oh! I know! Why don't I prepare something for my fellow half ghoul while he's still in
bed! Eto said to herself.

Then, she carefully closed the door, smiling at Kaneki who was still sleeping.

"I'll be right back Ken..." Eto said out loud as she closed the door and went downstairs to make

Once finished, she heads back up to his room and finds him still sleeping...

So majestic...she said to herself as she looked at the sleeping beauty.

Gently, she placed the food on the desk next to him.

Kiss him. A thought came to her mind.

Huh? No. He's asleep, and I wouldn't have consent. Eto reasoned with it.

Oh seriously? Consent? Come on now, you know that he wouldn't mind. Make your dream a
reality. Rize had her chance, now it's your turn. He won't even know that you did it. Just do it. the
voice reasoned with Eto.

Eto bit her lip and closed her eyes.

Fine! But...just...once. she argued.

Slowly, Eto approached Kaneki. Guilt and shame ran through her mind, but it soon washed away
once she realized that this could be her chance. He was right there, and his silver hair was over his
eyes. Nothing could possibly go wrong...

...well...unfortunately for the owl, Kaneki groaned as he peaked one of his eyes open.

"E-Eto?" Kaneki murmured weakly.

Instantly, Eto blushed and she backed away embarrassed.

"Oh! Um...K-K-Kaneki! You're awake! I was just to see if you were still
breathing!" Eto clarified.

Kaneki rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"Oh...thanks." he replied.

Eto gulped and then sighed.

Nope. Never again. she told herself.

The author then sat on the bed, near his feet, and took ahold of one of them gently.

"So how did you sleep?" she asked him.

Kaneki smiled, especially since Eto was touching him, even though there were bedsheets between
their skins.

"Pretty well actually. A lot better than these past few days to say the least." Kaneki said

Eto's eyes widened, but then giggled. She didn't expect him to make humor from PTSD so soon.
Maybe she could learn one or two things from him.

"Although, I just had this strange dream before I woke up." Kaneki added.

This caught Eto's attention even more.

"Y-you did?! What was your dream about?" she asked him.
Rubbing his head, Kaneki looked away from her, a bitt embarrassed.

"Well...I remember you being in my dream actually. You were here with me on my bed and..."

But once he looked back at Eto, her face was crimson.

"Um...hey are you alright?" Kaneki asked the author.

Immediately, Eto pounced on the young man with her face now in somewhat of an animated cat

"What happened in your dream?! What HAPPENED in your dream?! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!
Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" Eto pleaded strongly.

"Okay! Okay! I'll explain the best that I can." Kaneki said as he gently placed his hands on her

Without losing her expression, Eto slowly dismounted from him, but kept her eyes locked on his.

He explains his dream to Eto: In a dream, A golden goddess commended Kaneki for defeating
Yamori and for letting go of Rize. Kaneki told her that he only did so in order to protect
her. However, he left the part out where the golden goddess told him that he needs to do the
same thing for Eto. He was also informed that he needs to embrace the power from within, given
that Kaneki now posses Eto's kagune and by extension her blood. Eto appeared and gently
hugged him, before disappearing from him altogether. Kaneki responded by saying that he
didn't know what that meant, and if this was all just bogus, but the golden goddess proved to him
that it was real and told him that she'll seek him out one day. When he was shown an image of
the destruction of the world, his reality collapsed and he woke up.

Why is Kaneki dreaming about the golden goddess, Lady Unohana? And why is he having the
same dreams as I did before?! Is it because he has my DNA inside of him? If that's the case, then
is he also...

"Eto?" Kaneki spoke out.

This got her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah...I was just thinking about something else. Don't worry." she lied shaking her head.

Kaneki thought about bringing up her swollen womanhood, but felt that it would be inappropriate
of him. Eto felt like the mood was too serious, so now she wanted to brighten it up.

"Anyways, here! Eat your breakfast. I made it myself." Eto said pointing to the delicious food.

Kaneki looked at it, but his face twisted. He didn't know if she was messing with him or not.

"Um...thanks Eto, but you know that I can't eat regular food anymore." Kaneki pointed out.

Eto giggled.

"Oh I knew that. That's why I made this special. See?" Eto said as she took the fork and poked
some of the food.
Then, she bite it, and consumed it entirely.

"'s delicious. Now you try." she said as she poked more food and offered it to Kaneki.

"I'm fine...thanks...I'd rather just-"

"-Kaneki." Eto said a bit serious.

"Eat. That's an order." Eto stated.

Kaneki would've protested more, but then suddenly...


His stomach growled loudly. Even Eto was surprised and finally laughed a bit.

"Alright, open wide." she said, this time a bit more friendlier.

Kaneki did so, albeit a bit embarrassed. Eto fed him some of the food with the same fork that she
just used. Just as she said, the taste was delicious. What made it more delicious was perhaps he
was also tasting a bit of her saliva as well. His ghouls taste bugs definitely picked up on that.

"How did it taste?" Eto asked him.

"You...taste...amazing..." Kaneki murmured.

Eto blinked twice.

"I beg your pardon?"

Kaneki just shook his head and slammed his palm in to his face.

"A-amazing...the food was great." Kaneki groaned out.

Eto could have sworn that he said otherwise, but she wasn't going to challenge that. Kaneki was
still Kaneki in a lot of ways, but he wasn't as shy and timid as before. The Kaneki before would
have overreacted and probably stuttered a million times before getting the first sentence out. This
one was more sure of himself, albeit still a bit...awkward.

"Yeah...I guess that it's a good thing that I gave you some of my blood." Eto pointed out.

Her comment made him have a flashback about what the mysterious man said to him back in his
psyche at Jason's torture chamber.

"Thanks..." Kaneki said.

"No problem. So...would you like some more?" Eto asked him.

"Of what? Your blood or the food?"

Eto just put her head down and held back a laugh. Kaneki just looked at her as she tried to pull
herself together.

"OOOhhhhhh...Kaneki...what are we going to do with you?" Eto teased him as she pinched his
cold cheek.

She then proceeded to feed him more food, until he was good. Then she finished the rest that was
on the plate, tasting his own saliva as well, much to her liking.

"'re really cute when you make that face." Eto flirted with him.

Kaneki looked away and giggled a bit. Eto liked how he wasn't as embarrassed as he usually would
be and rolled with the complement.

"Anyways, a promise is a promise. I said that I was going to train you, and I will. Let's head out to
an abandoned alley. It's a safe space for ghouls." Eto said as she got to her feet.

Kaneki smiled, and got to his feet as well.

"Lead the way."

They made their way to an underground and isolated alley which was a common place for
ghouls to practice and hang out.

"First - let's see how well you can react to physical attacks." Eto declared.

Kaneki nodded.

Then in the next moment, Eto was gone in a flash. At first, Kaneki couldn't tell where she was, but
in a split second, he concentrated and predicted where she was going to be. He immediately ducked
as Eto tried to kick his face. She was clearly still much faster and stronger than him, but that dodge
alone proved to both of them that he was improving. Eto tried a few more strikes, but Kaneki was
forced to block rather than dodge due to being so close now. Bruises and pain formed in his limbs
as he had to sacrifice them in order to block the owl's arms and legs. This of course didn't slow him
down, since his pain tolerance was through the roof, and even rivaled Eto's pain tolerance. He
swung at her and tries to kick her off of her feet, but Eto cartwheeled on to his shoulder and
backflipped off of his head, creating more distance from them.

"Okay, not bad." she admitted.

"But let's see you react to what's next." she said activating her lone kakugan and kagune.

Immediately, Kaneki responded with his dual kagunes - one that he obtained from both Rize and

"You're goal is to land a hit on me. But just know that I won't make it easy for you." Eto said as
she ran towards him.

Kaneki tensed up, but knew that it was different now. He tried using Rize's kagune to strike Eto,
but she effortlessly dodged it by jumping in the air. Kaneki did the same and used his own version
of Eto's kagune to try and stab Eto's leg. While it was a good move, the owl still dodged him in mid
air, as if she had some autonomous movement. Kaneki began to get a bit frustrated, more at
himself than anything else, and forced himself to use his power more and more.

"Control it, Kaneki! Don't just recklessly throw your kagunes at me!" Eto coached.

"I'm...trying...!" Kaneki grunted.

It was quickly obvious that Rize's kagune was something that he had a pretty good control of. Eto's
kagune, was a different story. It was way more powerful, and used more energy than he was use to.
He couldn't keep up with Eto who had years more experience honing her skills and abilities.

Amazing. Just like Hinami, Kaneki holds the power of two kagunes! Eto internally said while

"Better! That's it. Good! Keep going." Eto said as they reengaged in more clashes.

Eventually, they stood down, with Kaneki painting heavily while Eto was barely breaking a sweat.

"I'm going to crank it up a notch." Eto warned him.

Then before his eyes, Eto transformed and surrounded herself in her first form kakuja. Kaneki
looked on in awe of the power that he felt from Eto but stood his ground.

Amazing! Kaneki said to himself.

But then the owl went after him again, he kept his distance. He knew that getting to close to her
would be suicidal. She was just too powerful.

"Damn it!" He hissed to himself.

In one final plea, he threw everything he had at Eto's kakuja, but it only managed to crack it. Her
kakuja eye looked at the crack and then back at Kaneki. Finally, she deactivated her kakuja.

"Let's stop for now." she stated.

Kaneki looked on to see her actually covered in sweat, unlike before where he was the only one

"What? Why? Let's keep going." Kaneki pleaded.

But Eto shook her head.

"You're bones are still rumbling, Kaneki. Training beyond this will only hurt both of our progress."
Eto pointed out.

"Fine..." he wined as he deactivated his kagunes.

Despite this, Eto was fascinated with the young man. She happily skipped over to him and poked at
his chest.

"You know, Kaneki, if you keep this up, you might be one day stronger than me." Eto pointed out.

"Yeah...maybe in like 1000 years. I know that you had to hold back because of my weakness." He
angrily admitted looking down at his feet.

Eto then became concerned.

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant." she clarified.

"I'm saying that you're growing stronger and stronger each time that I train you. It's only a matter of
time before you'll see fighting side by side with me." Eto reasoned.

This helped Kaneki see a bit more of the bright side, and he looked at her.

"Right." he replied.
Eto grinned wildly. This was one of the few times where she got a kick out of her usually day of
being Sen Takatsuki.

"Hey." she simply said to him.

"Yeah?" he responded.

Quickly, Eto leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

"Great job." she said, not caring about the sweat that was on his own face.

Kaneki would've been blushing more if he wasn't drenched in sweat.

"Hehe...thanks." he said.

Finally, Eto walked to her purse that she left on the ground.

"Alright, let's head back home. We definitely got to hygiene after some intense hours of training."
she ordered.

"Agreed." Kaneki replied.

Suddenly, a bright idea came into Eto's mind.

"So when we get home, do you want to take a shower with me?" Eto offered.

The color in Kaneki went away, but he tried as much to not show it.

"Well...I..." he began.

Eto giggled and walked back up to him.

"'s okay, you don't have to if you don't want to. I'm just offering that's all. My intention
was not to make you uncomfortable." Eto clarified.

But Kaneki immediately tried to lock eyes with her, since she was looking at the ground when she
said that.

"You don't make me uncomfortable, Eto." he stated.

Eto finally looked up to him, and her heart warmed up. If she wasn't having a divine cramp, she'd
probably would try and fuck him right here in this alley.

"That reminds me, I have another book signing this week. It's better that we go home to prepare
after all. I am your boss now, remember?" the author pointed out sarcastically.

Kaneki's eyes widened, but actually went along with it and smiled.

"That is correct, you are my boss, Ms. Takatsuki." he said mischievously.

Normally she would want him to call her Eto, but this is an appropriate manner. It seems that her
personality was rubbing on to him, and she loved it.

"Let's go." she said taking his arm and walking out of the alley with him.

They ended up not showering together, much to Eto's disappointment. She knew that Kaneki
desired to become stronger more than anything at this point. Still, after completing their
individual hygiene, they laid on the floor in Eto's room working on papers and research...

"Ya know, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I'd be working directly for my favorite
author." Kaneki admitted as he marked up one of her papers.

"Dreams can come true. Consider this a paid internship if you ever decide to go back to college one
day. I'm glad that you're here, you really help me save time." Eto replied as she dangled her feet in
the air.

He smiled and continued on the paper. Eto quickly stole a quick glance at him and asked
something that was on her mind.

"Kaneki, I do want to ask you again though. What exactly do you seek to do from now on?" Eto
asked him.

Kaneki stopped what he was doing and locked eyes with Eto's green pair. She looked as though
that question was more important then what they were doing at the moment, so he let go of the
pencil and sat up.

"Well...I want to get stronger, first and foremost. After that, I have several goals that I desire to
accomplish: I want to take down Aogiri Tree; V; the corrupted agents of CCG; and to exterminate
any other enemies that would dare to take my loved ones away from me. Of course, none of this
can be accomplished without you, if...we...can accomplish all of that, then perhaps I could look
towards creating a world where ghouls and humans can co-exist peacefully. However, the latter
can only come after everything else is accomplished." Kaneki affirmed her.

Eto took a moment and just nodded. She got a clear picture of what Kaneki desired the most right
now, and none of it included romance with her, let alone anyone else. Still, Eto kept it moving.

"If you...were given the option to obtain power, but at the cost of losing your humanity, would
you take it?" Eto asked him.

This caught Kaneki off guard. Normally, a question like that would not be something that you dish
out so casually, but Eto holds a special place in Kaneki's heart. This ultimately didn't bother him.

"I sort of already did." he admitted.

Eto's eyes shot open, and she sat up.

"Wait, what do you mean?" she asked him.

Kaneki then took a deep breath.

"When I found the will to fight Yamori, I entered my own mind and killed the boy that I once was.
I even had to devour a manifestation of Rize. There was also…" but his words trailed off.

He knew that he was unwilling to devour Eto when the mysterious man offered it to him. He
shook his head.

" know what, it doesn't matter. As long as I can protect my friends and family in the end, then
I don't care what happens to me in the end." Kaneki finished.

Eto could tell that Kaneki was holding back information, but couldn't put her finger on it.
"Well, I'm sure that everyone else at Anteiku cares about what happens to you in the end,
besides..." she said as she moved her hand to intertwine with his.

"I certainly care about your well-being, and even when we accomplish your goals, then I'll make
sure that you don't thrown your life away." Eto stated to him.

In that moment, Kaneki's heart pounded harder then it ever has. Eto truly was one of the few
people that could understand him. Not only that, but her touch made his skin warm up as he put
some pressure on their grip, pleasing Eto in the process. The owl could sense that they were
inching a bit closer to each other, but she spoke out before it was obvious.

"Um..." Eto murmured, which stopped both of them in their tracks.

"'s getting late. Let's start getting ready to sleep." Eto suggested.

As quick as it was, the feeling was gone from Kaneki. That being said, it did make him realize one
thing: He felt something for his favorite author, something that was way more powerful than
anyone that he has ever come across in his life.

"Yeah..." Kaneki said, albeit a bit disappointed.

Eto slowly unlocked their hands. She knew that Kaneki was a bit disappointed that things didn't go
forth in that moment, but perhaps it was for the better at this time. Besides, she was still completely
sore from Aogiri Tree, so it's not like sex was an option for her.

Ya know, you could still make out with him, or even give him better oral sex than Touka could ever
dream of. Her mind suggested to her.

Not only that, but you still try anal sex. Eto's inner desires purred to her.

Even with those thoughts, Eto got up to her feet and smiled sadly at Kaneki. There was no question
in her mind that she wanted them to have sex, but unfortunately that'll have to wait for now.

"Wait...Eto..." Kaneki said as he got up to his feet.

"Yeah? What is it?" Eto replied.

"I...don't think that I ever asked you directly what you desire to achieve in life. I've heard it here
and there, but I'd like to here again what you seek moving forward." Kaneki requested to Eto.

Eto sleepy expression changed to a playful one.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but first let's sit on the bed." Eto suggested.

Kaneki did just that, and sat a foot away from her pillows. Surprisingly, Eto just casually got in his
space and placed her head on his thighs, with her body laying down on the bed. She smiled as her
green eyes looked up into Kaneki's.

"You asked to know what I desire?" Eto began.

"Well it's a lot to say the least. But first: I desire the same goals that you do, Kaneki. I think that
part was obvious enough." she first admitted.

Kaneki nodded, but this whole interaction was still a bit shy for him.

"But also...I desire to become the Queen of Tokyo, where I can allow humans and ghouls to co-
exist peacefully. Not only that, but I'm also looking for" but she couldn't bring herself to
say it.

"...well that's the gist of it. We'll start one step at a time." Eto finished.

Kaneki could only guess what she was going to say next, but just nodded.

"Got it." he said.

Their conversation felt like it ended, but Kaneki didn't want to tell her to get off of him, so they sort
of just laid there for a bit. He looked around the room for a bit before saying something.

"Well...I think that I should go back to my room, what do you think Eto?" Kaneki suggested.

But there was no answer from the owl.

"Eto?" Kaneki asked finally looking down.

In the time of him looking around, Eto fell asleep in his lap.

"" Kaneki murmured.

I guess she was more tired than I'd imagined. Kaneki thought.

Gently, he opened her blankets and slowly moved her body to place her inside it.

"Wait...Kaneki..." Eto asked as she weakly grabbed his hand.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Can you...sleep beside me here, just for tonight?" Eto requested.

Kaneki felt the same spark that he felt earlier, and smiled.

"Sure." he simply replied.

Taking the other side, Kaneki wrapped himself underneath the same blankets as Eto snuggled even
closer to him. Their presence made themselves fall asleep faster, and eventually, both of them were
dreaming again.

(Last Scene) Meanwhile...Rize is back to her binge-eating habits...

"N-no! Wait! Rize! Please don't kill me!" her date pleaded to her in a dark alley.

Rize was covered in his blood once again and had an evil smile across his face.

"Hehe...! Oh certainly are cute, but understand that we don't always get what we
want in life!" Rize teased him as her kagune activated.

Keigo limped back to a wall as he looked on in horror and agony.

"No! Please! But I thought that we connected with each other! We both know what it was like to
get our hearts broken by someone that we loved! You told me that! You said that you were glad
to have met me at the lowest point of your life!" Keigo pleaded.
This actually made Rize stop smiling. Her expression retreated back to a poker face.

"'re right..." she softly confirmed.

Keigo was painting hard, but some light returned in his eyes as he felt like his words were reaching

"...and that's exactly why I'll never love again..." Rize declared as tears streamed down her eyes.

Keigo couldn't help but start crying too. Rize slowly approached him.


Rize sliced him up, allowing his guts to pour on to the concrete. Then, she pierced his heart, and
literally ripped it out of his body. As her kagune brought it to her, Keigo's heart still pumped,
which brought back memories to Rize.

"Don't worry, your heart is safe with me..." Rize said before consuming his heart.

She took her time to eat every from her date. His face, his guts, legs, arms, neck, you name it. By
the time that she was done, all that remained were bloody clothes and remnants of human flesh on
the floor. This left Rize all alone again, as now the temporal happiness that she experience with her
'rebound date' was now gone as quick as it came. She fell to her knees, clutching her heart.

"D-Damn it...! Damn it all! I hate you Kaneki, and I hate you even more, Eto!" Rize sobbed to

Tears streamed down her face as she cried out more and more. She clearly was trying to cope with
being dumped and 'replaced' with her ex. The thought was just consuming her mind even more.

"Why?! Why does it still hurt! I'm not suppose to feel this...! I'm...I'm..."

"-...the binge-eater that preys on innocent boys." a familiar voice called out to her.

Rize looked up and saw a figure in the shadows. Regrettably, she knew who it was.

"Leave me alone, you little creep!" Rize hissed as she lunged her kagune at the man.

He blocked her kagune with his briefcase and opened a weapon that he brought to subdue her. With
one swing, he used his Quinque to pierce Rize's abdomen.

"Ngraaa!" Rize cried out as she was forced to cough up blood.

"You look so beautiful when you're covered in love." the man said as he walked out of
the shadows.

Rize smacked her lips as she finally faced a man with jet black hair and a seductive smile on his
" did you know that I was here, Furuta?" Rize demanded.

The investigator giggled.

"I've been watching you ever since you ran away from V my dear. I was going to capture you when
I dropped those steel beams on you, but things didn't go as planned. However, now that you've
abandoned those annoying ghouls from Anteiku, it seems that I can finally have you all to myself."
Furuta stated.

Rize's eyes widened. She just realized that it was his fault that she ended up like this. Rage flooded
her body and she gritted her teeth.

" bastard! That's...what you think...! Wait till I get my hands on you! I'll...I'll..."

But unfortunately for her, she felt lightheaded. Unbeknownst to her, Furuta put a drug in the
quinque to make her go to sleep once it flooded her blood.

" going to sleep now." Furuta finished for her.

Her kagune tried to impale him before she passed out, but it stopped at his neck. Rize's kagune
deformed, leaving her helpless on the ground.

Eagerly, Furuta licked his lips and crashed to his knees to start roaming his hands all around her
beautiful body in a state of carnal lust.

Look at her, so beautiful...and pure...and full of milk and honey! Perhaps I can do it right here!
Right now! No, no...wait. Wait until the right moment. Once I've farmed her kagune, she'll come
around, and when she does, I'll be sure to make many children with her! Furuta proclaimed in his

He gently kissed her cheek before picking her up bridle style and walking away with her.

Unbeknownst to Rize and Furuta, someone else was watching their little encounter. The Soul King
was casually floating above them.

"Hmph. So that's what he plans to do with the binge-eater, huh?" he said to himself.

"I will not allow that to happen. I'll need my daughter's ex for my plans. Besides, I see potential in
her as well..." he said looking at Rize's unconscious body.

Then he rose even higher to look at the entire city of Tokyo. The city was illuminated by the lights
of the buildings and streetlights.

"Eto Tu Odelschwanck, my dear daughter. sooner or later - war will come to this city, and I'll
do whatever I need to do to make you embrace your true heritage. You will never be the true
Queen of this city without my power." Sosuke Aizen noted to himself before teleporting away.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

Ouuuuu man...things are really heating up now! This chapter tackled many things:
Building EtoxKaneki (majority of the chapter), Rize's aftermath, and also coating a
small but powerful Bleach element of the fanfic. So much will happen in this Season,
so I'll do my best to write every plot point as best as I can. That's all that I got. Thank
you for all of the support, and see you all in the next chapter!
Raiding Kanou's Lab (Part 1 of 2)
Chapter Summary

The next day, Kaneki and Eto seek out Dr. Kanou, the Doctor responsible for putting
Rize's organs into his body. Eventually, they find out that he no longer works at the
hospital, and seek out his nurse, Ms. Taguchi, for interrogation. Their mission leads
them to a hidden base. They enter deep into his base until they encounter some

Later...Rize's fate is sealed.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Well, that was easy." Kaneki said to Eto as they easily defeated some ghouls that stood in their

Eto looked over to Kaneki and smiled through her bandages.

"Hmph. Well, let's keep going, Taguchi couldn't have gotten that far." Eto replied.

Although Kaneki was coming off a bit cocky, she was certainly impressed and proud of his growth
and development. She was wearing her typical pink hood and bandages that covered her entire skin
to keep herself incognito. Kaneki was mostly in an all black suit, curtsey of the owl herself, and
also had on his iconic mask. Together, they headed deeper into the base. Suddenly, they are
confronted by a muscular man with dark black hair that extended to his shoulders. He was barefoot
and had no shirt on, revealing his beastly physique.

"You're road stops here." The man declared as he activated his kakugans, revealing that he was a

Vs Sachi

" you're Matasaka Kamishiro I assume?" Eto stated out loud.

The beastly ghoul raised an eyebrow.

"How do you know my name, you little brat?" he demanded.

The owl smiled through her bandages.

"My old man told me about you, he said that you are very strong and I'd have to be on my toes if I
were to beat you...but...that was 10 years ago. That statement doesn't hold up anymore to who I am
now. Besides, I don't think that we officially met yet. I'm your daughter's ex, or technically...both
me and my ally here are your daughter's exes now. I've heard so many stories about you." mocked

Both Kaneki and Matasaka's eyes widened.

"Hmm? Are you talking about...Rize?" Matasaka asked her.

Kaneki looked at the ghoul intensely.

That's...Rize's father?! He asked internally.

But then he shook his head. Kaneki had enough of this small talk and decided to step up.

"Get out of our way! We don't have time for long conversations." Kaneki hissed.

Matasaka's eyes glared darkly at the male half-ghoul.

"Seems that you don't have any respect for your elders!" he shouted.

Eto put her guard up, but Kaneki waived his hand in front of her.

"Let me take care of him." Kaneki declared.

Behind her bandages, Eto became puzzled.

"Easy, don't jump the gun. Let's just take care of him together and be on our way to find the nurse."
Eto pointed out to Kaneki.

But Kaneki gently placed a hand on Eto's shoulder.

"When you say, both of us taking him down, it really means that you'll do 99% of the work, right?"
Kaneki replied.

At first, Eto was annoyed at his remark, but then she realized that he was lowkey giving her a
compliment. Eto couldn't help but grin through her mask. She notice how sharper Kaneki's mind
was. She silently applaud him for reading between her lines.

"Come on, let me show you how stronger I am." Kaneki requested.

Eto takes a moment to think, but knows that Kaneki is out matched by Sachi. Even still, she still
grants him permission.

"Fine, but make it quick. If things get too serious, then I'm stepping in." Eto complies.

Sachi listen to their conversations and becomes enraged.

"Is this some type of game for you, kids?!" he growled.

He charges at the owl, but her companion steps in front of her and tries to land a punch on Sachi.
The muscular ghoul effortlessly dodges it and barrages Kaneki with a series of martial art kicks and
punches, bruising the young man as he is forced to put his guard up. Kaneki then zips behind to his
back, but Sachi backflips in the air and tries to kick Kaneki while spinning, failing to land a hit.
Once back on the ground, Kaneki lunges for his eyes to temporarily blind his opponent.
Unfortunately for Kaneki, Sachi moves his head down and snaps Kaneki's digits like a toothpick.
Eto saw this and activated her kakugan.

"Alright, that's enough!" she proclaimed.

Kaneki immediately turned to Eto.

"No! Wait! Please! I can do this!" Kaneki protested.

Sachi became infuriated and charged at Kaneki, who narrowly dodged it.

"Never turn your back on your opponent, especially to me!" he growled.

After a few moments, Kaneki's hands snapped back together. Eto was impressed by his
regeneration, and even more impressed by his pain tolerance. As much as she hated to admit it,
Aogiri must have put him through hell for him to shake it off like it's nothing.

Man! He's tough. But still...I'm just warming up. Kaneki said to himself as he cracked his fingers.

In the next moment, Kaneki unleashed the binge-eater's kagune inside of him. Sachi couldn't
believe his eyes. He then gritted his teeth.

"That belongs to Rize! What did you two do to her?! Did you two kill her?!" he

Kaneki attacked him with his kagune, pushing Sachi back.

"We didn't do anything to her! She was the one that tried to kill me, but thanks to our mutual
efforts, we ended up saving each other in the end!" Kaneki proclaimed as he continued to fight
Rize's father.

Kaneki continued on his barrage. However, before it seemed like the half-ghoul was about to win,
Sachi unleashed his kagune and sliced up three of Kaneki's tentacles. Sachi saw his opening and
closed in for the kill, but then Kaneki pulled out his trump card.

I haven't mastered this yet, but I can't lose now! I have to show Eto that I am not the same weak
boy from before! Kaneki cried out in his mind.

Then in the next moment, Kaneki's lone kakugan glowed even brighter as he unleashed the owl's
kagune as well! Sachi was thrown back to a wall, but he was more in disbelief than hurt.

"That's...Yoshimura's kagune! Why do you have his too?! Just what the hell are you?! " Sachi

But Kaneki was too busy trying to keep his power under control. He didn't answer him. Instead,
Eto's kagune was speaking to him.

~Let me take know that you can trust me, right?~ Eto's kagune purred to

He could feel the owl's kagune inside of him smoothen his muscles, as if it was trying to replicate
Eto's touch on his skin.

"J-just let me do this, on my own!" Kaneki shouted out.

Sachi had no idea what he was talking about,

"You're a disgrace with someone with all of that power!" Sachi said as he tried to re-engaged his
Finally, Eto herself had enough.

"Enough Kaneki! You're done!" Eto declared.

But it was too late. Kaneki was losing control and his kagunes shot out wildly at Sachi, scraping
the ghoul's skin one by one. The owl herself literally had to step in and activate her own kagune.
She blocked Kaneki's barrage and stood in front of him.

"Stand down, Kaneki! I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let you lose control." Eto declared.

Kaneki was foaming from his mouth, but he listened to Eto and used the rest of his willpower to
deactivate his dual kagunes. Sachi was still observing everything, and realized that Eto had the
exact same kagune as Yoshimura's.

"Now you two?! Pfft! I need to eliminate both of you now before you two become a problem in the
future!" Sachi growled.

But before Sachi could attack again, Eto effortlessly impaled him in the abdomen and chopped his
neck to knock him out.

"That won't happen, and I need you now since we spent too much time fighting you." Eto stated at
Sachi's unconscious body.

Eto looked back to see her companion, who was twitching to himself on his knees, slamming his
fist on the ground.

"Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!" Kaneki shouted to himself.

Eto through her bandages frowned, but not out of disappointment or pity, but out of concern.

"Come on, Kaneki, we need to leave this place. We've lost our lead, so let's take him with us to get
what we need." Eto said to him.

Kaneki looked up the the owl and nodded.

"Fine." he begrudgingly replied.

Together, Eto and Kaneki take Sachi back to her penthouse. There, Eto had to convince Kaneki
to let her handle it...

"Wait out here Kaneki, I'll need time to...discuss with him on some matters." Eto claimed to

He still had a disgusted look on his face.

"Why? Can't I at least watch how you extract information from him?" Kaneki protested.

Gently, Eto took a hold of his arm.

"This...needs to be a 1 on 1 matter. If there's another party involved, it defeats the purpose of the
interrogation." Eto reasoned.

Kaneki just looked down frustrated and disappointed.

"Do what you have to do then." he said as he walked away, forcing Eto to let go of his arm.

Eto knew that he was still upset about losing to Sachi, but she needed to focus on the mission

Eto then entered the room where she held Sachi captive. Then, she waited patiently until he
woke him up...

"Ngr! Where am I?" Sachi grunted as he finally came to.

On the other side of the room, the owl was wrapped in her bandages with her signature purple
flowered hoodie.

"Hello...Mr. Kamishiro." she said deviously.

Sachi fought with his might, but found himself powerless to the chains that confined him.

"R-Release me! I don't have time for your games!" he demanded.

Eto chuckled.

"Hmph. If you knew who I was, then you'd be shitting bricks right now." she darkly proclaimed to

Sachi then raised an eyebrow.

"Care to back up that claim then?" he challenged.

Eto then casually removes the bandages from her face, wearing a devious smile across it. This only
confused Sachi more.

"Who...who are you?" Sachi asked the owl.

Eto crossed her legs and rested her chin on her arms.

"Hmm...well let's old man is Kuzen Yoshimura, so that makes me his daughter. Also, I've
dated Rize Kamishiro in the past, so that makes me your daughter's ex. I have a bit of a theatrical
background as well. Anyways! It's nice to officially meet you!" she said excited.

Sachi couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"You're...Kuzen's kid? But I thought that...his kid died?!" he asked.

Eto actually frowned at that statement.

"Long story, but that is correct. However, I assure you though, I am not her ghost. Anyways, I need
you to tell me the location of where Dr. Kanou is, or even where his nurse is for the matter."
declared the author.

Sachi then narrowed his eyes.

"Apologizes, but even though I hold Yoshimura, your father, in high regards, I am still under orders
of Aogiri Tree. Not only that, but being a past lover of my daughter is not something that you
should be proud of. You should have left your bandages on and kept your anonymity if you desired
information from me." Sachi darkly stated.

Eto sighed.

"Perhaps there was a misunderstanding, I wasn't asking you if you wanted to tell me what I need to
know." Eto declared, but now in a more darker tone.

Sachi just shook his head.

"Sorry little girl, but you're not very intimidating, without your bandages." he claimed.

Eto twitch and then grinned like the devil.

"HeheheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" she laughed.

Then all of a sudden she stopped as she shot her head down, so that her face was covered by her
emerald hair. Then in an instant, she activated her kagune and pierced Sachi's stomach across the

"GGRAAAA!" he screamed in pain.

Eto slowly swayed her hips and walked forward to him. Her face was mostly covered by her green
hair, and all he could see was her dark expression along with a sadistic grin.

"Te-he! I bet that you didn't expect me to be this powerful, huh? You're use to having your
wounds heal almost immediately, but now, the pain is finally registering in your mind,
no?" The owl teased him.

Sachi coughed up blood.

"Ngr...! You shouldn't be this powerful by now! What...what are you?!" he asked her with the fear
finally swarming his brain.

Instead of answering his question directly, Eto just rambled on a bit more, probably to let the pain
sink into his bones. Mind you, her kagune has somewhat of a mind of its own, so being impaled by
that was filling Sachi was truth serum.

" want to know something? I know where your daughter is, so unless you want me
to kill you and then drag her corpses across this whole damn city, then I think that you
should just tell me what I need to know. Okay?" the owl said as she titled her head slightly at

Sachi could only cry out harder as he began to lose his mind.

"Ngr! Alright! Alright!" he finally said.

Eto finally calmed down and removed her kagune from his body. Still, Sachi leaked heavily from
the wound.

"Better. See how easy that was? Oh, and don't worry. As long as you cooperate with me and do as I
say from now on, I won't lay a finger on your dear daughter Rizzy. Deal?" Eto offered.

Sachi knew that he didn't really have a choice.

"Y-yes..." he begrudgingly agreed.

After the owl extracts the information from Sachi, she sent him away to be a double agent for
her. To make sure that he would do as she says, she left him a bit of something to keep in hm in

Afterwards, Eto went to check on Kaneki, who has been bruting ever since his battle with Rize's

"Hey...are you okay?" Eto asked him as he found him in his room.

He had the lights off but Eto turned then on. She found him sitting on the side of his bed with his
head down and wearing normal clothes again.

"No. I'm not." he darkly hissed.

Then, he bolted to his feet.

"I get the privilege to be the pupil of the most powerful ghoul in the world; I possess not only
Rize's kagune, but also the owl's kagune; I have ever advantage going for me...AND I STILL
FUCKING LOSE!" he bellowed.

"Kaneki..." Eto said softly as she frowned.

This was pretty much the first time that she was seeing him genuinely upset and angry. But just
how the rage came, it disappeared into despair as he sat back down on the bed with his hands
covering his face.

"Rize's Father was right. I'm a disgrace to for someone with all of this strength - I can't do
anything right. I lost control of the kagunes and became a liability on the battlefield. That's
probably why you didn't want me in that chamber, so that I don't fuck up again." he muffled under
his hands.

"Kaneki..." Eto said again softly.

This time, she slowly walked to him and sat down next to him.

"...let me be candid with you for a bit." she said looking at the floor upset.

"When I first started to learn that I was a ghoul, I struggled...badly. You should've seen how I
couldn't even form my initial kagune without going out of control. I was fortunate enough for the
old man to train me, and to have him nurture me. I didn't win every battle that I came across, and it
took me many years to even get on Yoshimura's level. The point is...we all start from somewhere.
And about the interrogation, I really didn't want you there to see the other side of me." Eto stated.

Kaneki listened to her carefully, but still was down in his emotions.

"Yeah...fine." he murmured.

Finally, Eto looked at him, and slowly placed her hand on his thigh. Kaneki reacted by looking at
her hand and then her green eyes.

"...I'm not done, Kaneki. There's something else that I want you to know." Eto began.

Eto's eyes seemed to sparkle in front of Kaneki. He didn't realize it, but perhaps it was because
some liquid was beginning to cover them.

"Hmm...?" Kaneki murmured, confused about her expression.

Eto continued.

"When I learned that you were captured by Aogiri, it was without a doubt the WORST day of my
life. I couldn't sleep, eat, drink, and was barely able to function like a normal person. Don't believe
me? Hehe...ask Kuzen or Hinami. They'll tell you how bad it was for me, and even for them. But broke out of your confinement, all on your own. I wasn't there to help you, and you
managed to not only save yourself, but also Rize as well." Eto admitted.

Kaneki at this point was staring at her plainly. The liquid in her eyes never left them, but they sure
trickled again and again.

"I'm telling you this because...if you ever feel like you are some shit, remember that your favorite
author came from humble beginnings as well, and look how she turned out." Eto pointed out.

Kaneki realized that Eto was trying to sympathize with him. Gently, he removed one hand from his
face and took a hold of Eto's hand that was on his thigh.

"Yeah...I hear you." he murmured.

Finally, Eto smiled and nodded.

"And hey...just between us..." she said leaning in to him, as if she already wasn't close enough.

" half ghouls, our potential is extremely higher than a regular ghoul, so I'm going to keep you
in my reach from now on, clear?" Eto declared.

Kaneki was inches away from her face. Automatically, his mouth opened, but found the next word
a bit horsey.

"Crystal." he replied.

Eto then looked at his lips and then quickly back to him.

"Good." she whispered.

Before Kaneki could do anything else, Eto removed herself from his grip and stood up, much to his
distress. Eto knew that it was a golden opportunity to share a kiss, but something kept her back.
Her womanhood was still giving her issues, and she came to the conclusion that is was not going to
heal naturally without another outside force. She knew that if she could go to Hueco Mundo and
see her mother, Queen Nelliel, then surely she could get help. Even still, it was something else.
Something inside Eto wanted Kaneki to grow a bit, specifically to confess if he sees her more than
just a friend, or a mentor. If he does that, then perhaps she can finally let her guard down and allow
her feelings to blossom.

"Um...Eto? I just remembered something..." Kaneki called out to her.

Eto turned back to him.

"Hmm?" she said.

Kaneki gulped and proceeded to ask her something quite personal.

"Your...saliva...does it regenerate loss stamina...or does it only heal battle wounds?" Kaneki asked
her slightly embarrassed.

Once he looked up at her, he saw her smiling at him.

"Hehe...that's a unique question. My saliva only would heal your small cuts and bruises. Keep in
mind that you already have an insane healing factor thanks to Rize's kagune, and my own inside of
you. However, if you really want to get your stamina healed, eating humans is the way to go. That,
or eating some of my special food for us half ghouls. If neither of those are on the table, then
highly concentrated nutrients in our bodies would do the trick, such as our blood
know...your breastmilk...things like that. That being said, why do you ask? Are you
tired? Do you want to regenerate your lost stamina right now?" Eto informed him.

Kaneki turned pale upon hearing the highly concentrated nutrients as another solution. He thought
back to when Touka gave him oral sex before Aogiri Tree captured him, and how she reacted to his
sperm before and after tasting it. Wild and sexual thoughts came to his mind thinking about how
Eto would be if she were to taste his sperm. The thought...left him a bit aroused...

"I was just...keeping a mental record of it. In case things get dire and I need an option." Kaneki
pointed out as he clutched his legs together, trying his hardest to keep himself from not letting his
erection point out.

"Fair enough..." Eto said closing her eyes and turning back around.

Kaneki couldn't help but glare at her rear end. Even for a woman as short as her, she had a wagon
that he couldn't ignore now, especially since he was aroused.

"Oh...and by the way...Sachi, Rize's father, is now going to be another teacher to you. I've made a
deal with him to train you in martial arts and be your sparring partner. You'll have your chance to
defeat him again if you desire a rematch." Eto informed him with her back turned.

Kaneki's eyes widened. His heart sank.

"But...what about you?" Kaneki protested.

This made Eto turn back to him and cuff his chin.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, I'm just letting you know now that you have another option
to train with another person." Eto reassured him.

But Kaneki then grabbed her wrist, much to her surprise.

"I only want to train with you." Kaneki declared.

"" Eto began.

Her face started to become crimson and the contact of his hands radiated across both of their skins.
Before things could go any further, Eto laughed it off and yanked her hand away from him.

"Hehe...! You're really funny know that!" Eto laughed.

Before Kaneki could say another word, Eto turned her back to him so that he wouldn't see her

"We need to get ready for the book signing tomorrow. Do you have a business suit back at your
apartment?" Eto asked him.

Kaneki thought about it and then shook his head.

"Um...unfortunately no." he responded.

Composing herself, Eto turned back to him and put her hands on her hips.

"Well, then get your shoes on, we're going shopping!" she grinned.

Kaneki raised an eyebrow.

"What? Right now?" he asked her frantically.

Eto nodded with exaggerated movement.

"Of course! If you're going work next to me, then you ought to have a suit. Remember what I had
on the first time that you met me? It's going to be something like that. Besides, I want you to match
with me, so perhaps we'll look for a black and emerald green suit." Eto stated.

Kaneki thought about it, and then nodded. Eto then observed his reaction and thought of something

"Keep in mind...Hinami will be coming as well, and I bet that her mother will come with her too.
You promised to cut her hair one day, so I'll make sure that you keep that promise to her." Eto

Kaneki's eyes widened at hearing Ryouko's name. He thought back to when she kissed him after
they shared a heart to heart conversation.

"On it. I won't let any of you down tomorrow." he proclaimed.

"Well then, get in the car with me, 'ya loser', we're going SHOPPING!" Eto declared sarcastically.

Eto takes Kaneki to go shopping for business suits...

"Oooouuuu I like this one!" Eto stated as she happily skipped to the nearby suit.

Kaneki followed her to see her staring at a emerald green suit with an exquisite art design. It's
handkerchief and bow also illuminated on contact with light. Eto's imagination ran wild with how
Kaneki would look in the suit.

"I second that." Kaneki added.

Keep in mind that the first time that Kaneki ever went on a date was with Rize. Since he lost his
parents at a young age, no one was around to take him shopping for stuff like this. Hide wasn't
necessary a guy to get him in professional settings anyways.

"The's so rich." Eto proclaimed as she had basically cat eyes looking at it.

She grinned like a wild woman and grabbed the suit. Then she turned around and shoved it into
Kaneki's chest.

"Here! Go in the changing room and try it on!" Eto ordered.

"Um...okay." Kaneki replied.

He didn't mind that Eto was this happy, in fact, seeing her this happy also made him feel better too.
Kaneki then went to the changing room to...well...change.

While Kaneki did that, Eto looked for other suits that Kaneki can wear.

"This one too...and this one...OOOHHHH OHH OH! He'll look great in this!" Eto giggled as she
scrolled through suit after suit.

Rize and Eto always use to tease each other about who would get a boyfriend first. In some ways,
the suits made Eto think about Rize. They haven't spoken since that faithful day of course.

After a few minutes, Kaneki comes back out, but not how Eto expected him to...

"Hey what happen? Did it no fit?" Eto asked him puzzled.

"Um...yeah it did." Kaneki said holding the suit in his hands.

"So then...why didn't you keep it on?" Eto asked him even more confused.

"I changed back because it fit. Why...did you want to see it?" Kaneki asked her.

Eto's eyes widened and she placed her hands on her head.

"Yes! Of course, silly!" Eto cried out.

Kaneki flinched and looked down ashamed and embarrassed.

"Oh...sorry." he weakly said.

Eto saw his reaction and recomposed herself. She sighed. She forgot that Kaneki never really
interacted with people as much, let alone women.

"No worries, Kaneki. Don't sweat it. As a matter of fact, you can surprise me tomorrow in the
morning." Eto assured him winking at him.

This brightened up the mood a bit.

"Got it." Kaneki nodded.

Internally, Eto hissed to herself, Damn Rize. You couldn't have at least sharpened up Kaneki's
social skills and awareness! *Sigh*...No matter, I'll get him squared away.


With many suits in Kaneki's arms, they both approached the counter.

"I'll be purchasing all of these please." Sen Takatsuki said as she brought out her credit card.

The cashier glared deeply at the author, and smiled as he took her credit card.

"My look lovely today Miss. What is your name?" he asked her.

Kaneki immediately glared at the cashier intensely and observed him. He was around Kaneki's age,
maybe a bit older, and his figure and looks defiantly outclassed the half ghoul. For one reason to
another, Kaneki had a problem with that cashier asking Eto that question. Even still, Eto kept it

"Hehehehe...Oh I'm sure that you already know that." Sen said to the cashier modestly.

She knew that he was flirting with her, or perhaps trying to, but she didn't want to make a scene.

"Hehehe...well I don't actually, but I'd love to know. How about we go out for some coffee after
my shift?" he offered her.

Kaneki's eyes widened as he tried to hold back a protest. He knew that he shouldn't be overreacting,
but...their conversation was getting under his skin. Without him realizing it, he was getting a bit
protective, but...quite frankly...possessive over his mentor and boss.

"Hmph. That a nice opportunity, but I'm afraid that I'd have to pass on that.
I...we've got a busy schedule ahead of us, isn't that right?" Sen stated, finally turning around to

Her emerald green eyes immediately snapped him out of his anger. He saw her eyes that told a
thousand words. Kaneki also realized how stupid he was for thinking that Eto was actually going to
go on that date with the cashier, being that they have other things to worry about. Finally, he
nodded and turned his attention back to the cashier.

"Yeah...time is not on our side." Kaneki firmly stated in a stable voice.

The cashier gave Kaneki a disguised look.

Who the hell is this scrawny virgin motherfucker think that he's talking to? Can't he see that I'm
busy here? The cashier thought to himself.

But then the cashier got a bright idea in his mind and smirked.

"Hmph. Neither is money apparently. Aren't you suppose to be paying for your own clothes, boy?
You know, a real man can purchase their own clothes." The cashier pointed out.

Kaneki gave the cashier a death stare, which only made the cashier chuckle.

"Hehe...what? Did I strike a nerve, kid?" he boasted.

Eto then closed her eyes and smiled warmly.

"Um...excuse me, could I tell you something real quick?" she calmly said as she fingered the
cashier to come closer to her.

The cashier licked his lips and leaned forward.

"Hehe...sure sweetheart...what do you want to tell-*CCOOOOO*!"

Before he could even get his next words out, Eto lifted her leg faster than the eye could see and
rammed it into his stomach. There was no space between the register and the clothes, so it was
pretty convenient for the author to get her point across. The cashier then dropped to his knees,
clutching his stomach in agony.

Eto looked at him modestly and placed her hands on her mouth in artificial disbelief.

"Oh! I'm SO sorry about that! I've just been practicing my kicks lately and I just wanted to get
more reps in." Eto boasted.

This enraged the cashier as he gritted his teeth looking up at the green haired woman.

"You...why you little bit-*OMF*!"

But once again, he was cut off by another kick from Eto. This time, she connected her foot with his
face, knocking him back to the wall. Even Kaneki was surprised and looked around to see if others
were watching them. A few were, but one woman smiled as if she liked what she was seeing. Eto
looked down at the man as if he was an inferior lifeforce (*which he kind of is since she is literally
the daughter of the Soul King*).

"I'll leave you off the hook today. Like we said, time is not on our side. Ta~ta." Eto proclaimed as
she took her credit card back and got her receipt.

Sen hummed to herself as she walked past her employee.

"E-Eto..." Kaneki murmured.

Without looking at him, Eto stopped in her tracks and spoke out.

"Let's go Kaneki..." she said before finally walking again.

Kaneki took a moment to think about what just happened, and why Eto choose to do what she did.
Sure, one could say that she kicked him because the cashier implied that she couldn't pay for her
own clothes, but something told him that Eto did what she did to score even with the disrespect in
Kaneki's place. She of course knew that he was still learning to control his anger, and perhaps
didn't want him to go completely off the rails and drag the cashier's guts all over the store. Still,
even Eto thought that she might have got a bit over the line. After those thoughts, Kaneki just
shook his head, and responded.

"Yeah...right behind you."

(NSFW) While Eto and Kaneki are strengthening their connection, Furuta grows tired of
waiting, and decides to follow through with his lustful desire on Rize...

"That's enough! This will due for now!" Furuta declared.

Rize was completed naked. They were both in a giant laboratory. Tubes were connected to Rize's
back, breasts, and her womanhood. Her head was down, and she was in no condition to fight back.
Weakly, she called out to Furuta.

"Just...kill me...! Put me out of my misery!" Rize begged him.

Furuta grinned and licked his lips. He pushed a button which made Rize drop to the floor. Now he
was in full view of her beautiful naked body. She tried to stand up and run, but her legs felt like
jelly. Her kagune wouldn't activated, as her back felt like it had been blown out ten times over.

"Get...! Get away from me! You creep." Rize cried out as she crawled away from him trying to
cover herself.

Furuta just grinned and walked to her slowly, while also loosening his tie and unzipping his pants.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, my dear. You see...right here...right're at your most venerable,
but at the same time, you are conscious. ~I want to hear you cry out my name when I make love
with you and we procreate!~" Futura declared.

Futura then removed his pants and took off his shirt. Finally, he removed his boxers to reveal his
throbbing membrane. Rize glanced at it in horror as she knew what he was trying to do to her.

"N-no...! Furuta! Don't you dare come any closer to me!" Rize hissed as she started to weep.

Furuta just moaned as if he couldn't contained his excitement.

"~Oh Rize, I love how you say my name...~" Furuta purred.

Then he crashed on the floor with her and fought to open her legs. Rize screamed in the process.

"GET OFF OF ME! NO! STOP IT!" Rize cried out.

Furuta then leaned over and tired to kiss her. Rize turned at the last second as he only planted a kiss
on her cheek. Even still, he gladly licked it.

"I've waited so long for this..." Furuta murmured.

Finally, he managed to get a hold of Rize's ankles and spread her legs. He was literally inches away
from entering her, until...

"Hmph. I think that I'll stop you here." a mysterious voice said to the both of them.


Furuta immediately turned to see who the hell was interrupting his precious time with his one-sided
lustful love, and all he found was a man with slick brown hair and white clothes stare at them with
a grin on his face. He glared at them with his brown eyes and casually had his hands in his pockets.
Furuta twitched in irritation. He was extremely pissed, more pissed than he ever has been in his
lifetime. But still, he tried to keep his composure.

"Hehehe...I don't know who the hell you are, or how you got here, but I'm afraid you're interrupting
us. Why don't you please get lost or...or...OR I'LL HAVE YOU MAKE SURE THAT YOU
NEVER LEAVE THIS PLACE ALIVE?!" Futura hissed as he lost a bit of his cool.

The mysterious man just chuckled.

"Hehe...I'd love to see you try." he boasted.

Furuta realized that he had no weapon on him, but he could do something...

Quickly, he pulled on Rize's hair and held her by the neck. Rize weakly fought back, but she was
no match in her weakened condition.

"You have 5 seconds to get out of here, OR I'LL SNAP. HER. NECK!" Furuta declared.

The man glanced at Rize, who made eye contact with him.

He...looks...familiar...Ngr! but Rize was knocked out of her thoughts as Furuta was ready to do it.

TOGETHER!" Furuta declared as he prepared to twist Rize's skull in two.

"N-No...!" Rize protested.

The mysterious man just stood there, and then five seconds passed. Furuta grinned as he knew that
he had to go through with his plan.

"I'll see you in hell...Rize!" Furuta declared to her.


But before Furuta could twist her neck, the mysterious man blinked. In the next moment, Rize was
out of Furuta's grasp and kneeling right in front of the mysterious man's feet. Rize looked up to see
his face close up and was in awe.

"H-how...did you...?" Rize murmured.

But there was still no time for a conversation. Furuta was losing it.

MEEEE!" Furuta cried out as he dashed to Rize.

"Do you want my help?" The mysterious man asked Rize looking down at her.

Rize saw Furuta dashing towards them and quickly grabbed the man's feet.

"Please! Save me!" Rize cried out.

Then in the next moment, both Rize and the mysterious man were gone. Furuta was left there.
Alone. Confused. His erection was finally retracting as he realized that his precious Rize was gone.
For the first time in a few years, he had no idea where Rize was.

"YYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Furuta screamed at the top of his lungs.

The mysterious man teleported Rize and himself to a penthouse that he owned in the world of the
living. It was located inside a skyscraper, and it was the perfect view of looking down at the lite
up city of Tokyo...

"Wha-where am I?" Rize asked looking around.

The binge-eater was still completely naked. She looked around and finally saw the mysterious man
who saved her, and he was looking out at the giant window, with his hands still in his pockets. He
was looking at himself through the window's reflection, before finally turning around to face her.
Rize wasn't really in a position to protest the mysterious man looking at her bare body, but this is
not like it's the first time that she allowed another man to see her bare body (*Yamori in episode

"You're out of his reach now, Rize. I can assure you that." the man spoke out.

For one reason to another, Rize found the strength to get to her feet. She didn't even bother trying
to cover herself, as they were in a giant living room and he already saw her nude.

"Who...who are you...?" Rize asked curiously.

The mysterious man's lips curled into a smile. He smiled like he's done this a thousand times.
"My name is Sosuke Aizen, and I am the Soul King of that reigns over the realms."

Chapter End Notes

Yuuuup. Shit is about to go DOWN. Well, it kind of has already, but I'm not going to
pull my secrets out yet. Y'all gonna have to wait and see what happens next >:)

Addressing some Qs. "Why doesn't Eto feed Kaneki his saliva?" Ehh...she COULD,
but...I'm saving that for once they officially start being confirmed lovers. Fun Fact:
Perhaps it's my toxic trait, but I like reading and writing stories where two individuals
are basically dating without actually dating. The only restrictions would be sex,
kissing, oral sex, you get the point. "Would Kaneki accidentally get Eto pregnant in
this story?" I try not to give away the next parts anymore, since that was part of the
reason why I fell into a writing slump since I knew that people would know what's
happening next. While I won't give you a direct answer, I could answer part of your
question by saying that Eto and Kaneki will eventually share a kid together. "Will they
start sleeping in the same room?" I'll leave it ambiguous for now, since that one scene
led to them sleeping and dreaming. Not every chapter will end on them going to sleep.

Thank you all for the support! See you all in the next chapter!
Sen Takatsuki
Chapter Summary

The book fair is finally here! Hundreds of fans finally get to meet the one and only
Sen Takatsuki!

Chapter Notes

(NSFW) The night before Sen Takatsuki's book signing, she unfortunately has a
horrible nightmare from being captured by Aogiri...

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"NO! STOP IT!" Eto screamed out in agony.

The owl was once again chained and surrounded by the fallen angels on a massive bed. Giselle
Gewelle was attempting to shove her entire fist in Eto's womanhood, stretching her inner walls
beyond their normal limits.

"~Aww...I love when she screams at us. It only makes me wetter...~" Giselle purred to Eto.

She removed her digits again, soaking them with Eto's vaginal fluids. This was only for a moment,
since she immediately inserted back her fingers and tried to fit her entire hand inside her.
Unfortunately, a streak of blood leaked out of the owl, as Eto began to weep.

"P-Please...! Just let me go..." she begged.

But Candice shook her head.

"Not a chance...we've got you now...and no one is going to save you or distract us from doing what
we with you." she remarked.

Finally, Eto turned to the pink haired woman with large breasts.

"Meninas...please..." Eto called out to her.

Meninas' lips trembled, as if she was also holding back a sob, but she looked away from her and
closed her eyes.

"You should have let me have you when you were given the chance. Now, I'll take what left of you
once we've destroyed your body." she regretfully informed Eto.

That's when Giselle went too far as she began to force her hand more and more into Eto's
womanhood. Even with an insane pain tolerance, sexual pain tolerance was it's own beast of a
nature. It began to break Eto.

"N-NO! I CAN'T! STOP! PLEASE! NGAAAAA!" she screamed in agony as she closed her eyes.


"STOP IT! IT HURTS!" she continued to scream out.




Finally she opened her eyes to see a young man with silver hair shaking her shoulders gently. Eto
finally came to and locked eyes with Ken Kaneki. Her breathing calmed down gradually.

"I heard you screaming, so I rushed in. I take it that you just had a bad dream?" Kaneki asked her

Eto finally calmed down and sighed.

" was just a nightmare...I'm sorry for waking you up." Eto replied ashamed.

Kaneki smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay...I get 'em too...perhaps our pain tolerances don't work in our minds...hehe...well I'm just
glad that it's over." Kaneki said as he let go of Eto's shoulders.

"Goodnight." he said as he turned his back to walk out of the room.

But before that could happen, Eto's gut tugged at her.

"Kaneki." she softly said.

Her fellow half-ghoul turned back to her.

"Yeah?" Kaneki responded.

Eto had a bit of a pouty look as she was still a bit shaken up.

"Can you stay with me here for tonight?" Eto asked.

Kaneki took a moment and then nodded.

"Y-Yeah..." he said as he came back to the bed.

Eto opened the blankets for him as they snuggled together. She rested her head on his chest.
"...always." Kaneki said answering her question again.

But before they fell asleep, Kaneki felt some liquid on his leg.

"Huh?" Kaneki asked as he touched it with his hand and brought it to his face.

He was horrified, yet turned on to smell and see the blood of Eto on his hand.

"E-Eto, are you...hurt?!" Kaneki asked her frantically.

"It's nothing, it's all dried up now. Don't worry about it." Eto assured him as she snuggled closer to

Kaneki backed down, but still kept it in the back of his head. After a few minutes, they were both
sound asleep again.

In the morning, Kaneki finally wakes up, but is upset to find her favorite author not sleeping
beside him...

"E-Eto?" Kaneki groaned as he looked around the bed.

The sheets looked as though she already got out of bed, but Kaneki did find a piece a paper in

A note...he said to himself.

Picking it up, Kaneki read the note to himself.

Hey Ken...thanks for helping me sleep last night. Silly me had too much nerves for today. If you're
reading this, then I've started getting ready for the book signing already. Meet me downstairs once
you've put on that handsome emerald green suit of yours. :) - Eto

Kaneki's eyes widened.

That's right. The suit. It's gameday! he said to himself.

Quickly, he got out of Eto's bed and walked to his room. Once he was face to face with the suit in
his closet, he let out a deep breath.

Okay that should do it. Here goes nothing. Kaneki thought as he prepared for the day.

After changing over and freshening up, Kaneki walked downstairs. There, he finally lays his
eyes on his favorite author again...

"E-Eto...?" Kaneki murmured to himself.

His faint voice made the author turn around to face him. He couldn't believe his eyes.


Eto looked flawless. Even more flawless than she already was. A few emerald flowers were in her
hair. Her face had very light make up on: Just lip gloss and a slight bit of eye shadow. The eye
shadow only made her emerald eyes more intense. Her skin was already flawless, so there was no
need for coloring there. Eto also painted her nails green, and had on black and gold jewelry on her
wrist, and on her neck. Kaneki was surprised to see her necklace have a tiny owl on it, almost as if
to mock the world by saying that she is the owl. Her outfit did in fact match Kaneki's, as this was
the first time that he was seeing it. Her outfit didn't show off too much of her sexual features, but it
never the less wasn't as appealing to Kaneki. She wore a green colored sweater and wore a dress
underneath it that stopped right before her knees. Finally, she wore leggings with small heels. The
author smiled at Kaneki.

"Hi." she softly said to him.

Kaneki was stuck in la-la land as he didn't realize that Sen Takatsuki spoke to him.

"H-Hey." Kaneki responded.

A smooth silence consumed the living room. Kaneki could have sworn that he was still dreaming.
He quickly cleared his throat to speak out again.

"Um..." he began as he blushed.

" look...great." he managed to get out, not trying to make too much eye contact.

Eto smiled a bit too hard as she put a hand over her mouth. She blushed.

"Hehe...thank you. Oh! do look...stellar." she replied returning the favor.

Eto looked up and down his suit was very impressed by what she saw as well. She could have
sworn that he looked a bit taller, and he certainly has put on some muscle too. Both parties wanted
time to just stop and stare at each other, but time was no longer on their side...


Eto's eyes widened as she checked her phone.

"Oh gosh!" she said.

Kaneki snapped out of his daze as well.

"Quick! Get in the car! We're gonna be late!" Ms. Takatsuki said as she put on her purse.

"Oh! Right!" he said following her out of the penthouse.

After driving, they finally arrived the bookstore...

"Well, this is it." Sen said looking at the building.

"Yeah..." Kaneki said fascinated.

Sen then turned to him.

"You ready?"

Kaneki then turned to her as well.

"A bit nervous if I am being honest, but I think that I'm ready, what about you?"

Kaneki's question was somewhat answered as he looked at Ms. Takatsuki's thigh which was
shaking a bit.

"I' the same boat, as you've probably notice. You know by now that I'm camera shy." Sen
teased him.

Gently, Kaneki placed his hand on her thigh. Immediately, Ms. Takatsuki's shaking ceased. His
touch radiated so much heat all over her body.

"Hehe...that makes two of us." he pointed out.

Ms. Takatsuki nodded.

Without saying another word, Eto and Kaneki got up and walked to the bookstore. Ms. Takatsuki
found herself wrapping her arm around Kaneki's. It calmed both of their social nerves as they
walked into the building.

Now inside, Eto and Kaneki were met by everyone...

"Ahhh! There she is!" one of the reporters said.

Ms. Takatsuki put on a modest smile and waived with her free hand.

"So sorry everyone! I overslept!" she proclaimed.

Kaneki looked around in awe at all of these people lined up for her.

I can't believe I'm just skipping this entire line. This is insane! It's like I'm living on the other side
of the world! So this is what Ms. Takatsuki...or rather...Eto goes through during her time with her
fans? Kaneki thought to himself.

*Keep in mind that Kaneki's white hair gave him anonymity. Not only that, but he is rarely seen
by anyone, and if Hide knows where he, then wanted posters probably wouldn't start appearing for
him. Let's just say that Eto and Hide took care of that issue.*

"Who's the young man with her? He almost looks like the one that saved his date months ago." one
person said as they walked by.

"~I don't no, but he looks kind of cute!~" a teenage girl purred.

"Could that be her boyfriend?" another said.

"I mean that probably is! Look! Their matching!" one said.

"What?! Seriously?! Aww man! What a lucky bastard!" a college student remarked.

"No way! I mean he's cute and all, but Sen Takatsuki is completely beautiful. Why would she be
with him?" another college student said out loud.
Eto and Kaneki could obviously hear those chatters, but neither made a big reaction to it.
Eventually, they made it to the front of the line.

"Glad that you're here, Ms. Takatsuki. Are you ready?" one of the supervisors said.

"Yes. I am." Ms. Takatsuki responded.

Finally, she looked up at Kaneki and whispered something in his ear.

"Um...hey, so for now, just stand in the corner over there. I'll be counting on you to have my back,
just in case anything goes wrong. Sounds good?" she whispered.

Kaneki looked at her and nodded.

"Got it." he replied.

The book signing went pretty smoothly. The author gets many questions asking, particularly if
the young man with silver hair is her boyfriend, but Sen Takatsuki responds with "he's my body
guard", "he's a good friend of mine", or on the extreme ends if they get too specific, "no
comment". Some fans of hers tried to shoot their shot at her, but you all can probably guess how
that went XD. However, one fan in particular took her interest...

"Hinny? Ryouko?" Sen said surprised.

They were both dressed up and smiling warmly at her.

"Hello Ms. Takatsuki!" Hinami greeted.

Sen Takatsuki leaned in and lowered her voice.

"I didn't know that you two were here. We were going to hang out afterwards. If I knew you two
were here, then I would have let you both you skip the line!" Ms. Takatsuki said to them.

"Hehe...well, we felt like we wanted to be humble and wait patiently. We know that you're a very
busy author." Hinami said as she then looked up at her mother, Ryouko.

Sen smiled warmly and shook her head.

"Well you know me! I'm never busy to meet my favorite fan!"

But she realized what she just said out loud, and quickly covered her mouth. Thankfully, no one
really heard her besides the two of them and Kaneki in the back. Most people were either
preoccupied, talking to one another, or not paying attention.

Ms. Takatsuki then cleared her throat and fixed her hair.

"So what can I help you two with?" she asked them.

Hinami noticed Ken Kaneki in the back and blushed. He noticed the two of them and was initially
alarmed, but quickly nodded in approval. Ryouko then gently placed her hand on Hinami's

"Go on can do it." she encouraged her.

Hinami took a deep breath and looked back at Sen. Even she was wondering what she was going to

"I...I wanted to you to sign this book for me." Hinami croaked out.

Ms. T smiled and flipped her pen.

"Sure thing! Who do you want me to sign it for?!" she asked her joyfully.

Hinami got even more crimson than before, but she blurted out what she needed to say.

"Ken Kaneki." she stated.

Ms. Takatsuki was completely surprised. She turned to see Kaneki's reaction and was in equal
shock. However, he quickly composed himself and gave a soft smile, silently thanking her.

Sen looked back at Hinami and softly smiled at her again.

"How sweet of you." she said as she leaned out her hand to get the book.

"There! That should do it!" she said after she signed it.

"Thank you again, Ms. Takatsuki!" Hinami said.

"Anytime!" Sen said waiving at them as they left.

The author then looked back at Kaneki who was just thinking about what happened. Kaneki locked
eyes with her and gave a thumbs up, which made Ms. T return the gesture.

For Ken Kaneki...huh? Ms. Takatsuki thought to herself.

Later on, she waived at Kaneki to approach her. Once he was by her side, she whispered something
in his ear again.

"The book signing is almost over, I want you to meet me in the car, okay?" she asked him.

"Sure thing." he replied.

She smiled.

"Thank you, young man." she purred at him.

Kaneki blushed and walked out as some people asked him if he was dating Sen Takatsuki. He
didn't respond and only kept walking.
Back in the car, Eto and Kaneki share a heart to heart moment...

"Phew...I bet you're exhausted, huh?" Kaneki asked Ms. Takatsuki.

Ms. Takatsuki just looked at him and smiled.

"You did great, Kaneki. I couldn't have done it without you." she stated.

Kaneki's eyes widened.

"Really? It looked like you were pretty good on your own." he pointed out.

The author nodded.

"That's because I knew that you had my back, silly. Besides, I wouldn't have slept if you didn't stay
with me last night...and I...owe you for that." Ms. Takatsuki said as she reached for his hand.

Immediately, he took a hold of it, as their hands interlocked.

"You don't owe anything to me. I'm just glad that I could help." he replied.

His words melted her heart. Little by little, she realized that Kaneki was able to properly express
his deepest emotions. Eto wanted to return the favor.

"Here's a small gift for your hard work." Ms. Takatsuki said as she picked an emerald flower from
her hair and offered it to Kaneki.

He accepted it without hesitation.

"Thank you." He said softly.

Gently, Ms. Takatsuki then leaned in and planted her lips on his cheek. The young man instantly
blushed. Of course, it wasn't the first time that this happened, but it never got old for me. Ms.
Takatsuki gently pulled back. Some of her lip-gloss stuck on Kaneki's cheek. It left an arousing
scent that was very pleasuring to Kaneki's nostrils.

"Alright, let's go meet up with Hinami and Ryouko." Ms. Takatsuki said smiling.

Kaneki nodded softly.

"Roger that." he replied.

Eto and Kaneki finally made it back to the penthouse, where Hinami and Ryouko were waiting
outside for them. Once there, Eto and Kaneki are met with an odd surprise...

"Oh hey! Look! They're back!" Hinami said as she waived at them.

Eto and Kaneki were walking with Eto's arm wrapped around his once again. Ryouko took note of
this and smiled warmly, as she easily put the pieces together.

"You were waiting here this entire time?" Eto asked them.

Hinami nodded.
"Yeah...all of us..." she murmured.

Kaneki and Eto began puzzled.

"All of us?" they said together.

Ryouko stepped out of the way, and there stood a teenage girl with short dark purple hair with her
hands in her pocket. She had on short shorts and a black jacket.

"Hey Eto...and...hi Kaneki." Touka greeted them.

Kaneki and Eto were stunned. They weren't expecting Touka here, and especially Eto, who was a
bit irritated.

"We...brought Touka with us since she wanted to see how my hair looked after Kaneki cut it. I
hope that's okay with you, Eto." Hinami said a bit timidly.

This made Eto stop and address it properly.

"Well...I guess that I don't mind. Besides, she's already here, so why would she leave now?" Eto
said locking eyes with Touka.

Hinami nodded warmly.


Kaneki and Touka exchanged a few glances, as well as Ryouko exchanging glances with Kaneki.
They all followed Eto inside her penthouse.

Kaneki went up to his room to cut Hinami's hair. While that was being done, Eto gossiped with

" did it taste?" Eto asked her out of the blue.

Touka raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? What do you mean?" asked back.

Eto side-eyed Touka, and fixed her green hair.

"Kaneki's sperm. How did it taste when you swallowed it?" she asked her again.

Touka's eyes widened as her face turned crimson.

"Wha-he told you about it?!" Touka asked embarrassed.

Eto chuckled and shook her head.

"Don't put the blame on him. It was pretty obvious. I went over that day and the room reeked of
washed up residue. One question led to another. Don't worry, I haven't told anyone else, not even
Rize. If she knew about that, you could've gotten your head chopped off." Eto clarified.

Touka crossed her arms.

"Hey! I could've taken on Rize. Besides, she's not the binge-eater that she once was the last time
that I checked." Touka proclaimed.

Eto didn't answer back to that, probably because she was now wondering how Rize was doing.
Touka sighed.

"Anyways...since you asked, it was quite honestly the most delicious thing that I've ever tasted, but
I'm sure that you've got to him by now." Touka said.

Eto didn't respond again. Instead, she just looked away from Touka. Touka blinked twice in

"Surely you must have fucked him by now, right Eto? You know that he's totally into you, even
when he was dating Rize. Why are you keeping him to yourself if you're not even going to use
him?!" Touka pouted.

Eto finally turned back to Touka annoyed.

"You think that I'm just using Kaneki?" Eto asked her darkly.

Touka immediately knew that she screwed up, and clarified.

"N-No! That's not what I meant! I was just two haven't made love yet?" Touka

Eto sighed.

"It's not as simple as that. He just broke up with Rize, and he has new goals now that don't involve
romance in the slightest. If I just crash over him now, it'll be nothing more than a physical touch,
rather than an intimate relationship. Besides, he still growing, so there's no rush." Eto stated.

Touka was envious of her words.

"Pfft. Easy for you to say. You're not the one who admitted your feelings and got left on a 'pending
response'." Touka murmured.

Eto looked at Touka again.

"I commend you for being so brave though, Touka. I know that must have been difficult for you."
she admitted.

This caught the rabbit off guard.

"Wow...thanks...I um...I guess it's difficult being his mentor and his companion as well." Touka
said trying to mold back the conversation.

A silence filled their space as they waited to see when Hinami was finished. Eventually, Touka
spoke out again.

"Hey Eto...?"


"When you two eventually date, and make love, be sure enjoy every moment of it. I want you two
to be happy." Touka stated to Eto smiling.

Eto's eyes widened. She was stunned. Touka really just gave Eto "her blessings" just like that.

"T-Touka..." Eto said blushing.

However, Touka wasn't done, as something else was on her mind. She tried her best to get out her

"Also...I asked Kaneki if...well...when everything's said in done...I sort of wanted me and Kaneki to-

"-FINISHED!" Hinami declared as she called from upstairs.

Touka and Eto both snapped their eyes to the stairs.

Ryouko was waiting outside patiently, so she was the first to see it.

"Oh you look lovely, Hinami!" Ryouko said.

Eto then smiled and then tugged at Touka to go see Hinami and Kaneki.

"Wow! That looks great!" Eto said as she got a good view of Hinami's new hair.

Touka looked at Hinami and then back at Kaneki.

"Great job, dude!" she said as she gave him a thumbs up.

Kaneki rubbed his head.


Touka then took a moment to look back and forth at the owl and Kaneki.

Perhaps it's better that I not tell Eto what I wanted from Kaneki in the end. I'm pretty sure that
Kaneki didn't mention everything about what happened between us. Thanks actually
saved me from taking a bullet to the stomach. Touka said to herself.

"I think that this calls for a wonderful feast. Dinner is on me tonight!" Eto declared clapping her
hands together.

As Eto prepared food for them, Touka had to get something off of her chest...

"Um...Eto...?" Touka said to her in the kitchen.

"Yeah? What is it?" she said as she continued to make some food.

Touka thought of her words carefully.

"I talk to Kaneki in private before dinner, but I just wanted to let you know since you're
making dinner and you end up looking for him." Touka asked her.

Eto thought about what she said, and then turned back to the food with a poker face.

"Very well. Do what you want, Touka." Eto said granting her permission.

"Thanks!" Touka said before walking away from her.

"But...between us..." Eto began, which stopped Touka in her tracks.

"...I better not find you forcing yourself onto him, and I sure as hell won't here you talking down
on him like he's a little brat. If you screw with his mind or play with his heart, then I'll make sure
that you don't come around here again, okay?" Eto said as she activated her lone kakugan with a
devilish smile.

A streak of sweat ran down Touka's face.

"R-Right..." she said before walking away.

"Good." Eto said as she deactivated her kakugan and continued cooking.

Touka finds Kaneki at the dinner table studying with Hinami...

"Hey you two." Touka said walking in to the dining room.

"Hey Touka." Hinami responded.

The raven-haired woman gently placed a hand on Kaneki's shoulder. After everything that's
happened, as well as the owl's warning, she made sure to not be such a bitch to him.

"Sorry to interrupt, you think that I can have a word with you, in private, Kaneki?" she
asked him.

Kaneki looked at Hinami who nodded. Then he turned back to her.

"Um...yeah sure. Hinami do you think that you can do those problems by yourself?" he asked the
young teenager before going with Touka.

"Y-Yeah. I'll do my best." she confirmed.

"Okay. Cool." Kaneki said before following Touka.

Touka and Kaneki went upstairs to his room. Once inside, Touka started the conversation...

"Hey." Touka said plainly.

"Hey." Kaneki replied.

Touka then took the liberty to sit on his bed. She removed her coat which left arms completely
exposed and a bit of her cleavage as well. Kaneki didn't even try to hide his glance at her cleavage.
Had he known better, he would've thought that Touka attempting to seduce him again.

"How have things been around this side of Tokyo?" she asked him.

Kaneki's heart rate increased. Blood pumped into his manhood as memories swarmed back to when
Touka's lips were wrapped around his erection, until she made him exploded all over her face.

"I-It going pretty well. I'm getting stronger, which is one of my main goals at the moment. How've
you been on your side?" Kaneki said as he looked away from her.

He did that so he wouldn't be as distracted looking at her. He was young and able after all. Who's
really blaming him? However, Touka frowned as he was no longer looking at her. She fixed her

"Pretty good...I just um...I..." she began.

Kaneki then looked at her, waiting to see why she didn't finish her sentence. That's when Touka
took her chance to speak again once they locked eyes.

"...I miss you, Kaneki." Touka declared.

Kaneki was stunned. Saliva began to secrete in his mouth as he was forced to swallow some of it to
calm himself down.

"I...miss you too. That's why I want to grow stronger, to one day be able to protect everyone that I
care about, including you." Kaneki replied.

He was trying his best to keep the conversation in his head and not in his manhood. Even still,
Touka kept pushing the conversation further and further down his body...

" did you ever think about what I said before? Ya know...about...making love to me me a child?" she finally asked blushing looking away from him.

Kaneki placed his hands on his face and dragged them across it.

She really just asked that, huh? What am I suppose to say now?! No! Calm down. Focus. You know
your goals and what you need to do to achieve them. Kaneki thought to himself.

Taking a deep breath, he replied.

"After breaking up with Rize, I've realized that I am called to become something bigger than
myself. My goals in life now are to defeat all enemies that threaten to take us out. In order for that
to happen, I put myself through the most intense training with Eto. Everything else will be clear
afterwards, but for now, that's all that matters to me." Kaneki stated.

Touka saw the determination in his eyes and nodded. She could read between what he was trying
to say. Well actually...part of it was still unclear. All she knew was that she wasn't going to make
love with him at this moment in time.

"I...understand. Thanks for the response." Touka said embarrassed.

Kaneki nodded.

"Good. there anything else that you want to talk about?" Kaneki asked her.
"Well...not really talk...but..." she began.

"...could I at least get one kiss?" she asked him.

Kaneki's eyes widened. She was really pushing the boundaries with him. Of course, his mind
thought of one on the lips, rather than just the cheek, so that ultimately made him choose his

"I..." he began.

"...I can't do that." he said drawing the line.

Touka's heart sank as she looked down disappointed.

"Try to understand. When we kissed before...and when...ya know...what happened

was under false pretenses, and we didn't know a lot of things at the time. If we kiss now, it'll
only...complicate things. My mind will be clouded and I won't be able to focus on my goals."
Kaneki reasoned.

Touka titled her head.

"You mean that it'll compliment things between you and Eto?" she asked.

Kaneki instantly blushed.

"Wha-I I never said that." he said defending himself.

Touka chuckled sadly and gave somewhat of a upset smile.

"You didn't have to. It's fine. I'm sorry for even asking such a stupid question." she said as she got
up from his bed.

"Hey. Come on. That wasn't stupid." he protested.

Then he walked forward and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"No matter what anyone says, I still care for you, Touka." he declared to him.

Touka once again locked eyes with him and then smiled. She thought back to what Eto said to her,
and realized that perhaps she could at least do something in this moment.

"Thank you..." Touka said before planting her lips on his cheek.

However, once that happened, she tasted remnants of lip-gloss, as well as another woman's scent
that radiated from it. She pulled back slightly and was stunned at realizing what she tasted.

Eto...! Touka said.

Touka then blushed and then put her hand over her mouth.

"Um...d-dinner's probably ready, let's go downstairs!" Touka said as she walked around Kaneki and
out of his room.

Once in the hallway, Touka stopped to lick her lips. The taste sent chills down her entire being.

Damn Eto...I never knew that you tasted that good. I see why Kaneki is so wrapped up on
you. Touka admitted in her head.

As Touka leaves his room, Eto looks at Touka to see if she did anything out of the blue, but she
looks pretty normal. Meanwhile, Ryouko asks if she can talk to Kaneki in private too. Eto grants
her permission and Ryouko goes upstairs to Kaneki's room to talk to him.

"Wow...this is amazing." Ryouko said as she looked around in his room.

"Y-Yeah." Kaneki said.

This was pushing the limits for Kaneki.

First Touka, and now Ryouko too? Who's next? Kaya? Kaneki remarked in his mind.

That being said, Kaneki did have a lot of respect for Ryouko, and wanted to give her space. He
offered her to sit on his bed, and she did so.

"First off, I'd like to thank you for cutting Hinami's hair. She was talking about seeing you all day,
so I'm glad that you two were able to reconnect again." Ryouko admitted.

"It's no big deal, I just do my best." Kaneki replied.

Ryouko nodded but then smiled softly.

"Yeah..." she murmured.

They were not making eye contact, and then another silence broke out before Ryouko spoke again.

"Listen...Kaneki...about what happened between us before...I-"

"-It was nothing." Kaneki stated.

Ryouko then snapped to look at him. She realized that Kaneki was trying just gloss over it.

"I get it, you lost your husband, and were in a dark place and things got out of hand. That's all."
Kaneki added.

But Ryouko shook her head.

"That's...part of it, but I want to tell you the truth, and why things happen the way it did, especially
since you are a young man now." Ryouko stated.

She looked at her wedding ring and cuffed it.

"You see...I met my late husband when I was around your age. We quickly fell in love with each
other, and shortly after, I gave birth to my daughter." Ryouko began.

Kaneki nodded.

"I see..." he said.

Ryouko continued.

" be candid, with my husband gone now, you remind me so much of the time when I first
fell in love. You reminded me of what it is like to...fall in love...again. Being around you takes me
back to...when life was just so much simpler. I guess what I'm trying to say're mere
presence gives me so much joy and kindness." Ryouko admitted.

Kaneki was a bit uncomfortable, to be honest, but at the same time had reasons to see why she is
saying this.

"Yeah." he simply replied.

Ryouko was a bit bummed out by how he responded, but wasn't expecting him to be on board with
what she could have been suggesting.

"That's really all there is. Thanks for listening to this widowed mother speak about why she
couldn't let go of you before. However, just know that I value you deeply and that I wish you the
best in your future goals." Ryouko said.

Kaneki's eyes widened, but then he composed himself. He could read between her lines and realize
the overall message that she was trying to say.

"Thank you." Kaneki replied.

Ryouko then patted her thighs and then stood up.

"So...can I get a hug?" Ryouko requested.

Kaneki then scratched his head.

"Um...well...Ms. Fueguchi..." he began.

"...I know...the last time that I said that, I ended up putting you in a very uncomfortable situation. I
apologize. This time is different. I'm in a better place, and have more control of my actions. I
promise." Ryouko said.

Kaneki looked at her, and then thought about it.

"Okay." Kaneki said walking to her.

They hugged, and both parties liked it a lot. After a few seconds, Ryouko murmured to Kaneki.

"But still..." she whispered.


Ryouko then gently planted her lips on Kaneki's cheek. Immediately, she tasted other woman's
flavors on him, but knew to keep it moving instead of calling him out on it. He was a young man
after all, and she's been through her roaring early adulthood. She wasn't too surprised.

"Goodluck, Kaneki. We're always here at Anteiku if you ever need some coffee." She said to him
as she backed away.

Kaneki genuinely smiled as she did keep her promise, for the most part.

"Will do." he affirmed.

(Final scene) (Comedic Scene) It's getting late. They all eat dinner, and Eto makes the executive
call for all of them to sleep over. Hinami and Ryouko are in one room, while Touka, Kaneki,
and Eto are all in their separate rooms. However, by the end of the night, it results in something
completely extraordinary...

"Kaneki? Hey what's up?" Eto says in her pajamas.

He knocked on her door and now they were standing in front of her room.

"Hey I hope that I didn't wake you up, but, I was wondering if I could sleep with you for
the night again?" Kaneki requested.

Eto's heart warmed up tenfold.

"Absolutely! Come on in, silly!" Eto said as she moved so he could go in her room.

Finally! Eto had her all to himself. This time, he willingly came to her! She didn't have to ask him
which would almost always defeat the purpose of their connection.

They settle in Eto's bed, and get really comfortable. Eto is practically all over Kaneki's body now,
as is he. Unfortunately for Eto, they here a noise.


Eto peeks her head up.

"Um...yeah? Who is it?" she says out loud.

"Hey, it's Touka. Is Kaneki in your room?" Touka asked from the other side.

Eto internally cursed at the predicament.


"-I'm here Touka. What's up?" Kaneki responded.

Eto gave Kaneki a pouty look, but he didn't understand why she seemed upset.

Damn it! Kaneki! You should have let me handle it...! Eto thought to herself.

Touka slowly opened the door, and saw Eto and Kaneki in bed with each other. Instantly, she

"Oh sorry...was I interrupting you two?" Touka asked.

Eto tried to speak out.


"-You're fine, what is it?" Kaneki asked Touka.

Eto internally slapped her hand on her forehead.

Ah gosh. You seriously don't get women yet, Kaneki. Eto gloomily said in her head.

Touka entered the room and closed the door behind her. She approached the bed and spoke out

"Well...I was looking for you Kaneki because...I couldn't sleep. I thought that I could sleep with
you a bit to see if it helps me sleep." Touka requested.

"Oh! Um...well actually I was here since I had trouble sleeping as well, so I wanted to sleep with
Eto. If it helps, you can sleep on the other side of us, as long as that's okay with you, Eto?" Kaneki
said looking back at her.

Eto tried her best to not look disappointed, but she didn't want to be like Rize and act possessive
over the young man.

"Sure, you can sleep on the other side, rabbit." Eto begrudgingly approved.

"Wow! Seriously? Thanks you two." Touka said delighted.

"Yeah...don't mention it." Eto said sarcastically.

Touka opened the blankets on the other side and snuggled on the opposite side of Kaneki.

Well...I guess it isn't THAT bad. Eto said to herself.

Several minutes pass as they began to lay there, until...


"Oh for the love of the Soul King." Eto finally said out loud.

Kaneki then groans as he was about to go to sleep.

"Who...who is it?" Kaneki groaned out.

"It's me, Hinami, and my mama. Can we come in?" Hinami asked from the other side.

"Y-Yeah. Come in." Touka said speaking for the three of them.

Hinami opened the door to find Touka and Eto snuggled up to Kaneki. Both her mother and the
young teenager immediately blushed upon the image.

"Um...I'm sorry. We didn't mean to interrupt...whatever was going on here." Ryouko said

Eto rubbed her eyes. By now, her eyes were heavy and had baggage around them.

"At this point, I'm just tryna get some shut eye." Eto groaned.
Hinami approached the bed with her mother following her.

"I...I just couldn't sleep. I heard Kaneki go to your room Eto and then heard Touka walk over. I
thought that you all were just crashing in Eto's room and really wanted to join you all. Can I please
sleep with you all?" Hinami requested.

Touka and Kaneki looked at Eto, who was in no position to say no.

"~Slide on in.~" Eto groaned out tired.

Hinami smiled.

"Thanks! You're the best, Eto!" Hinami said.

Sometimes I wish that I wasn't Eto groaned in her mind.

Once Hinami was in, she looked back at her Mama.

"Come on! There's more room right here." Hinami said patting a pillow.

Ryouko blushed.

"Oh! Um...well...I don't know if Eto-"

"-Please just get in the bed, Ms. Fueguchi." Eto uttered out.

Without wasting anymore time, Ryouko crawled on the end of the massive bed.

"Night night!" Hinami said happily stuffed next to Touka and her mother.

"Night night." Touka, Ryouko, and Kaneki responded. time I'm going to be more specific about what I wish for. Eto groaned to herself.

Eventually, the ladies and Kaneki fell asleep after several of minutes.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you all for the support! To get some of my thoughts out here, I've reflected on
some ships in this series as I write this fanfic. First, EtoKen all the way. It sealed the
deal with me when The Black Reaper fought the owl, followed by their interactions
afterwards. Second, I believe that if Touka wasn't such an asshole to Kaneki in the
main series, then she could have been a ship that I would've love to see. Of course,
EtoKen all days of the week. Period. That being said, writing this fanfic did make me
realize the potential that Touka had IF she wasn't such an asshole to Kaneki. I'm
referring to how she treated "Haise", and of course in the epilogue, where it was
implied that they lived happily together, and she played more of a traditional role.
Another ship was Rize, since well...ya know...she was the first person that he went on
a date with. Unfortunately for her, she had so many targets on her back that even if she
didn't get crushed by the beams, Aogiri and V would've probably got to her, or Furuta
I also want to address that I understand that this is a slow burn for EtoKen. If you've
been reading since Chapter 1, then I bet that you're dying to see them really just DO
IT. Quite frankly, so am I, but I just want it to be PERFECT. Of course, I have it
planned out when the magic starts happening, but I understand if anyone here is
itching to read them blossom. Anyways, that's all that I got.

See you all in the next chapter!

Raiding Kanou's Lab (Part 2 of 2)
Chapter Summary

The night went well for the ladies. Perhaps a bit TOO well. During the night, Eto had
a pleasant dream...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"~Hehe! Stop! That t-tickles!~" Eto giggled as Kaneki was nibbling at her neck.

*In her dream, Kaneki and Eto snuck out of Eto's bed and went over to Kaneki's room, locking the
door behind them. They were free to kiss, lick, and taste each other, with no other person, and with
no interruptions. Eto's body felt weightless, as all of her subconscious nerves concentrated only in
her mouth, her breasts, and her womanhood.*

"~But I know that you like it.~" Kaneki purred to her.

His words only turned her on even more. She placed her hands on Kaneki's cheeks, prompting him
to look into her eyes passionately as he towered above her in bed.

"~Kiss me~" the owl requested.

Kaneki did just that and descended his lips to meet the goddess that he was towering over. Their
lips smacked hard against each other. The taste in both of their mouths swished and mixed together,
creating a feeling that no other human or ghoul could experience in the world. However, as they
began to open their mouths to let their tongues collide with each other, Eto's realized that her
stomach began to feel heavier and heavier. Nonetheless, she continued to kiss her King repeatedly.
The choice of action approved futile, as she felt a sharp kick in her stomach.

"Mmmph! Wait! Kaneki! Hold on!" Eto cried gently.

Kaneki obeyed her plea and lifted his upper body so that he wasn't crashing over her. The owl
finally looked down at what was causing her stomach pain, but realized that it wasn't a normal
cramp. No, not even close. She looked down to she had a huge baby bump that looked about 7
months into a pregnancy. If that wasn't shocking enough, Eto looked up to see Kaneki's neck that
had a permanent bite mark, signifying that he was married. She quickly looked around and saw a
small hand mirror at arms reach. She grabbed it and looked at her own neck, revealing a marriage
mark on her neck as well.

"Wha-what?! When did...?! When did we?!" Eto asked confused, albeit completely filled with joy.

Kaneki titled his head and chuckled to himself.

"Where was your brain in these past seven months? Hmph. Oh well. It was good while it lasted.
Soon you'll wake up soon and go back to reality." remarked her fellow monarch as he crossed his

It was true. In Eto's dream, time has passed. A lot of time had past. She was envisioning herself and
Kaneki after they completed all of their goals and became the King and Queen of Ghouls
respectively. This Kaneki seemed older, a bit more masculine, confident, and seems to have had a
lot of experience with his Queen. Even in her reflection, Eto saw that her emerald hair was just as
smooth, if not smoother. She looked as though she didn't age one bit. Kaneki was about to get off
the bed until Eto stopped him.

"Wait." Eto said demanded as she grabbed his wrist.

Kaneki looked back at her as Eto's seductive face encapsulated him. Part of her knew that this
wasn't real, but just like any person, sometimes one gains the ability to control their actions in their
dreams, even for a brief moment. Eto found that will subconsciously and ran wild with it.

"Not yet. I'm not waking up just yet. Help get me down to the floor." Eto requested to Kaneki.

Kaneki grinned. He knew exactly what she wanted.

"Very well." Kaneki said.

He gently helped her get off the bed and on to her knees. Eto looked up at him and licked her lips.
In a swift motion, Eto pulled down Kaneki's green boxers to reveal a throbbing giant erection that
pulsed with many veins. The owl's mouth created more saliva in excitement.

"~Is this for me?~" Eto purred to him as she massage his sack with one and and tendered to his
erection with another.

Kaneki huffed as her goddess hands made his legs turn to jelly.

"~Always, my Queen.~" he proclaimed, internally preparing himself for what's next.

Eto smiled with her teeth and began to wrap her perfect lips around the One-Eyed King.

It was a feeling that would never get old. Eto easily tasted his leaking nectar that was drizzling out
of her husband. The feeling only made her dream feel more and more real. She massaged his sack
gently which resulted in Kaneki's whole body flinching from a muscle spasm. This caused Eto to
gag a bit as his manhood twitch in her mouth. Muscle spasm where common during oral sex and
intercourse, especially when one party was experiencing too much pleasure in their respective
genitals. Without taking her lips off of his manhood, she spoke out to him.

"~Hmph. I guess I'm doing a great job then, huh?~" Eto giggled.

Kaneki was now sweating. He shook his head, but not to say no, but as if he was in awe of his
Queen. His kakugan activated, which made more of his animalistic nature come into play.

"~You're perfect...~" he growled.

Kaneki grabbed Eto's luscious emerald hair and wrapped it around his fingers, creating a ponytail
for her. For some reason, Eto loved this side of him. Usually, the Kaneki that she knew was gentle,
reserved, and of course a bit timid around him. This version was the opposite. He didn't even
hesitate to pull her deeper and deeper into his erection. If Eto didn't know any better, this moment
felt like she was being forced to pleasure him. And you know what? She loved it.

"~Mmhmm!~" Eto muffled as she increased her bobbing.

At this point, they've created a sloppy mess as the pregnant Queen saliva was dropping to the floor.
Kaneki's erection was already coated with his Queen's saliva, and now he was about to erupt.

"~Ngr! K-Keep...going, my Queen! I'm...almost there!~" Kaneki grunted in a husky voice.

Eto snickered to himself. She was blushing heavily, and yet...she kept coating his erection with her
tongue. Her excitement was identical with his upcoming eruption.

Yes...! Let me it taste it! LET ME TASTE IT! Eto screamed in her head.

But unfortunately, that was the trigger.

"Hehe...hey stop. That tickled!" Kaneki murmured.

Now back in reality, Eto's eyes slowly opened to find her mouth attached to Kaneki's shoulder.
Saliva was all over his neck. She looked past him to see Touka, Hinami, and Ryouko still sound
asleep on the bed. Touka had cuddled close to Kaneki, as her head was gently rested on the corner
of his other shoulder.

"Mmph?" Eto said half asleep.

Kaneki clarified.

"I think that you were dreaming again. This time, it didn't seem like a nightmare." he whispered.

Eto finally detached herself from his shoulder and sat up. She frowned. The owl placed her hand
around her shoulders - no bitemark. She then looked down at her stomach - not pregnant. Finally,
she looked at Kaneki's neck - no bitemark. Just like that, Eto was taken back to reality as she

"Yeah...just a dream..." she whispered upset.

Kaneki did his best to sit up, but Touka's body held him back down to the bed.

"Hey? What's wrong?" Kaneki whispered to her.

Eto shook her head, and then dragged her hands over her face and hair.

Don't you dare start getting emotional on me, Eto! Her inner mind screamed at her.

"Nothing..." Eto lied.

Even still, Eto took a hold of Kaneki's free hand and rubbed it over her smooth stomach. He didn't
know why she did that, but his hands helped her feel better. Not only that, but her skin was
unintendedly giving him more of a morning erection than he already had. Even still, they tried their
best to keep their voices down so that the others wouldn't wake up.

"Hey...what are you doing?" Kaneki asked her puzzled.

Eto kept using Kaneki's hand to circle her belly. She didn't answer his question, but instead
responded with a request of her own.

"Can you just...keep rubbing me? Please?" Eto asked softly.

Kaneki stared at her and saw the concern in her emerald eyes. They seemed like they were tired,
and longed for something deeply. Or maybe...perhaps someone...

"Sure." he responded.

Eto let go of his wrist as Kaneki continued to drag his hand around Eto's smooth stomach. The
feeling was increasing both parties arousals, but of course neither would admit it out loud. He made
sure not to go too high to touch her breasts, or too low not to drag against her concealed

"Is...there something that I should know about?" Kaneki whispered to her.

Eto actually nodded, which made Kaneki's heart skip a beat.

"Did you hear anything that I said while I slept?" Eto finally whispered to him.

Kaneki shook his head.

"No, not really. I actually just woke up when I felt you sucking on my shoulder. You were moaning
to yourself. I'm just glad that it seemed like you were happy in your dream." Kaneki told her.

While Eto was glad to hear Kaneki praise her actions, she couldn't help but focus on Touka
wrapped around the other half of his body, as well as Hinami and Ryouko still sound asleep with
each other. The sight brought some unwanted emotions towards Touka inside of Eto. She wasn't
mad at her, or the Fueguchis, but she just wanted some alone time with Kaneki. That's all. Either
way, Eto got out of the bed.

"We should get ready. They need to go back to Anteiku, and we both have a long day ahead of us."
Eto reminded Kaneki getting to her feet.

Kaneki nodded in agreement.

"Yeah." he spoke out.

Confronting Dr. Kanou...

"I was expecting you half-ghouls to show up here sooner or later. Welcome to my Laboratory." Dr.
Kanou greeted Kaneki and the owl.

The two were finally inside Dr. Kanou's base after dropping of the ladies at Anteiku. The intel that
Sachi gave them led right to his location. Kaneki finally locked eyes with the man that transformed
his life permanently. He was standing over a big chamber on a balcony, as if this was all going to
his plan.

"Why...?" Kaneki began. .

"Why did you do it? Why did you turn me into a ghoul?" he demanded to the Doctor.

Dr. Kanou raised an eyebrow.

"Hmph. Didn't your dear companion beside you ever teach you how the world really works? How
unfortunate. I guess I'll have to do her job for her: I turned you into a ghoul because I desire to free
mankind that is trapped within its cage. And the solution to liberty mankind you might ask?
Turning humans into ghouls. Nothing more. Nothing less."

Kaneki's eyes widened and then he balled his fists.

"No sane man could ever do such a thing!" he shouted.

Dr. Kanou snickered.

"I guess you can call me a mad scientist then. Anyways, if that is the case, then are you trying to
tell me that your life is a living hell now since I've turned you into a ghoul?"

This made the owl look at Kaneki, waiting to see how he would respond.

"Yes. It is." he replied to the Doctor.

In an instant, Eto's heart sank. Kaneki couldn't see her expression through her bandages, but also
because he wasn't looking at her anyways. Even still, this struck Eto to her core.

Kaneki...I'm sorry...Eto said in her mind.



Immediately, both Dr. Kanou and Eto snapped their heads to Kaneki. He looked like he
recomposed himself.

"...there is one person that I can share that hell with, and that person knows what it is like to live in
that hell. She is my mentor, my teacher, and someone who will go to the ends of Earth to reach
me." Kaneki declared.

The owl's heart felt as if it was transforming into something larger than her entire body.

"Kaneki..." she murmured in disbelief.

He quickly turned to face her and grinned. Then he turned his attention back to the Doctor.

"That's why we're going to stop you. Right here! Right now!" Kaneki declared as his kakugan

Through her hoodie and her bandages, Eto grinned. She activated her own kakugan and prepared to
take Dr. Kanou out. The Doctor on the other hand chuckled and clapped, mocking the two of them.

"Hmph. What a noble choice of dialogue if I may say so myself. However, it seems that you
remain ignorant of the truth behind Aogiri Tree and Yoshimura." he informed Kaneki.

The half-ghoul shook his head.

"Don't try and deceive me. Kuzen told me everything. He told me that he created Aogiri Tree to
take down V in the rage of his family being taken away from him. While I don't condone him for
doing that, I don't hold that against him." he declared.

But Dr. Kanou wasn't fazed.

" creation...I wasn't talking about Kuzen, I was talking about your dear companion beside
you. In fact, she's been lying to you about who she really is this whole time." he accused the owl.

"What? Just what the hell are you talking about?!" Kaneki asked confused.

Eto's eyes widened. Even still, this accusation enraged the owl.

No...he's bluffing...she murmured to herself.

She then activated her kagune and lunged at the Doctor.

"You've been talking long enough. It's time that we put you down!" she shouted at him.

However, before she could reach him, the owl was knocked back by an invisible barrier. The
barrier repulsed, sending her flying back the the wall several feet away.

"Eto!" Kaneki cried out running to her.

She got up casually, wiping some blood off of her face.

"W-What? What was that?" she asked out loud.

Dr. Kanou snickered, then the snickered turned into an uncontrollable laughter.

"Hehehehehe...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...*phew*...Perhaps if you were in touch with your

lineage, then you would have sensed the spiritual barrier before you even came to my lab. Surely
you understand what I'm talking about. Am I wrong, Eto Tu Odelschwanck?" Dr. Kanou
snickered out.

Kaneki looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Huh?" he asked confused.

Why...would he call Eto...with a different surname? Kaneki thought to himself.

But then it hit him.

*Wait a sec!* Kaneki thought.

*That's when Kaneki had a flashback to what the manager told him before about Eto.*

Eto herself was more pissed off than anything.

"Where...where the hell did you get that name from?!" she demanded walking to the middle of the

Dr. Kanou shook his head.

"Come now. Don't act like you don't know. I've made acquaintances with the fallen angels. Where
do you think that I got this barrier from? They've told me how selfish you are, and the fact that
rejecting your lineage had broken your mother's heart - something that you didn't care about at all.
Why don't you think that you haven't been able to get in contact with her recently? You really think
that the Queen of Hueco Mundo could love her own daughter who wouldn't even acknowledge her
existence?" Dr. Kanou asked the owl, intending to edge her on.

The owl was beyond enraged. The spiritual barrier was frustrating enough, but now she had to hear
this mad scientist talk down about her beloved relationship.

"Don't. Speak. About. My. Mother." Eto growled.

Dr. Kanou put his hands up sarcastically.

" scary, but I believe that you have bigger things to worry about Ms. Takatsuki. You
should probably get in contact with Rize again. I do need to find her in order to farm more of her
kagune. Anyways. The CCG is on their way here, I think that you two would take care of them for
me, but in the meantime, I brought you a little present. Enjoy." Dr. Kanou said.

And with that, he pushed a button, which opened up the ceiling. Kaneki and Eto both looked up to
see something that looked like out of a movie. The ceiling opened up and showed as if it was a
gateway to another dimension. The portal like image showed an entire universe-like image.

"What the hell is that?" Kaneki said to himself.

A nervous chill ran down the owl's face.

No...he couldn't have...! Eto thought to herself.

Quickly, she turned to Kaneki.

"Kaneki! We need to get out of here! N-!"


Before she could finish her sentence, Eto was sent flying yet again by another invisible force.

"Eto! What hap-NGR!"

But now Kaneki was knocked in the head by the same invisible force. He quickly looked around
and saw nothing. The half ghoul was left rubbing his head in confusion.

"What? What was that?" Kaneki groaned.

He then got his answer when an invisible arm took a hold of him and pinned him against the wall.

"S-Something's grabbing me! I-I can't see it!" Kaneki cried out.

Using his kagunes, he aimed it at the space where the force was holding him. It proved successful
as he finally broke free and ran to Eto. The owl herself knew what their opponents were...

Hollows! Eto hissed.

Due to her lineage, she knew that she was part hollow, but just like ghouls, not all hollows are like
Queen Nelliel and Queen Harribel. Most of them are actually ruthless, which is a problem that is
still being fixed to this day in Hueco Mundo. Regardless, before Kaneki could get to Eto, her
kakugan glows and she activates her kakuja. The shockwave blows Kaneki back, unintentionally
making him collapse on the floor. He looks up to find Eto shrouded in her evolved kakuja.

"Kaneki! stay down!" the owl scream.

With day, Eto blasted attacks all around the base. Kaneki could only curl up in a fetial position as
the lab was engulfed in Eto's attacks all around. Some of them stuck in the air, signifying to Eto
that she hit her targets. Slowly, Kaneki crawled to the feet of Eto's kakuja.

"What the hell is going on?!" he yelled out to Eto.

She looked down with her mask.

"I don't have time to explain. We need to get out of here! Once I make an opening, book it out of
here! Got it?!" Eto ordered Kaneki.

But before Kaneki could respond, Dr. Kanou opened another door, which contained half-dead

Aw shit. That's all we fucking need now! Eto groaned in her head.

But Kaneki got up to his feet.

"I'll deal with these ghouls. You keep doing your thing and take care of whatever we can't see!"
Kaneki yelled out as he reactivated his kagune.

Inside her kakuja, Eto grinned. She loved that Kaneki was taking initiative. It was almost as if he
was getting the training wheels off his bike.

"Sounds good with me! Just be careful of my attacks!" Eto cautioned Kaneki.

Kaneki nodded before running to defeat the ghouls.

But as Kaneki was running, he soon realized that a familiar muscular man was standing in front of
the horde of the mindless ghouls.

"You desired a rematch, right kid? Well here's your chance!" Sachi growled.

Kaneki cursed to himself.

"We should've known not to trust you!" Kaneki said as he began to attack Rize's father.

Their rematch was pretty even. Since Kaneki trained with Eto, his powers and abilities have only
increased. Kamishiro took notice of that.

"Not bad, but you'll have to do better than that!" Sachi growled as he activated his kagune.

He quickly began to overpower Kaneki as he was clearly still superior. The fact was clear to
Kaneki that he was going to lose again...

No! I can't lose! Not here! Now now! Kaneki complained in his mind.

*Then let me help you, Ka~ne~ki!* a familiar voiced purred in his mind.

Kaneki's eyes widened. In that moment, Sachi connect his fist with Kaneki's jaw, sending him
flying. While on the ground, he saw a manifestation of the owl towering above him in her signature
clothing and bandages. Kaneki knew that he was out of options. He couldn't afford to think about
it. Eto was busy with enemies that he couldn't see, and he needed power to defeat Sachi. It was now
or never.

*Just...don't let me regret this...owl!* Kaneki said to himself.

In the next moment, Kaneki allowed the owl's chaotic power to take over him.

"RAAAAAAA!" he screamed as his kagunes fused and engulfed his body.

Eto quickly glanced over to see the condition that Kaneki was in. Kaneki now looked like her first
form kakuja, but his head was like a centipede. She cursed to herself.

No! A half-kakuja?! This is bad! she grunted.

She continued to aim recklessly at the area, hoping to hit her opponents. Dr. Kanou mocked her.

"These enemies would have been child's play for you had you just flexed your spiritual pressure."
Dr. Kanou informed her.

As much as Eto hated to admit it, he was right, but even still, Eto was in no position to use it.
Doing so would also risk Kaneki's safety. If things couldn't get any worse, familiar ladies floating
down from the ceiling...

No...Eto murmured to herself in horror.

The infamous fallen angels looked down on her with lust and excitement.

"Hehe...don't worry, we have bigger things to fry at the moment. We'll come get you when we
want to." Candice told Eto.

"Ouuuu...HEY ETO! How's that pussy doing? Is it still sore from our little love session the other
day?!" Giselle shouted to the owl waiving her hand in the air.

Meninas had a poker face on, as she looked down at Eto. She didn't say a word, which indicated
that she was still upset with Eto for what happened between them. Bambietta chuckled to herself
and then crossed her arms.

"Well then, good luck with these enemies. If you die, just know that we'll find you in the Soul
Society." she winked at Eto.


They flew towards Dr. Kanou to join him. Once they had their hands on his shoulder, they
teleported away with him. Eto finally realized that this battle was pointless.

"Kaneki...! We need-"

"-FLESH!" The centi-owl growled.

He was recklessly attacking Sachi, who could only block as he let the other mindless ghouls take
the fatal blows in his place. Sachi dodged the best that he could, avoiding any lethal attacks from
the out of control half ghoul.

"GIVE ME FLESH!" The centi-owl hissed out.

Sachi realized that Kaneki was no warrior.

"You're nothing but an uncontrollable demon. There's no honor in fighting someone like
you." Sachi said before taking off and sealing the door behind him.

Just as he left, another group of people crash the party...

"FREEZE! CCG!" Investigators cried out.

Kaneki immediately turned his attention to the group of men and women that were carrying

"FLESH...! FLESH...!" the centi-owl growled.

"Oh no..." Eto said to herself.

While she wasn't particularly in favor of the CCG, she didn't need Kaneki recklessly killing people
for no reason. The owl quickly made her way to her companion after cleaning up any lose hollows.
With her evolved kakuja still activated, Eto spoke out.

"No, wait! Don't kill him! We need to get out of here!" Eto pleaded with Kaneki.

But the half-ghoul was too far off. His mask leaked of saliva.

"Fl-esh...!" he murmured to himself.

"Kaneki...listen to me..." Eto pleaded with him.

The centi-owl smiled as he walked to the owl.

"FLESH...! FLESH!" he said in excitement.

"...please don't make me do this..."


Then in the next moment, Kaneki and Eto both attacked each other with their respective kakujas.

"Ngr!" Kaneki cried out as he was pierced in his side.

In the next moment, he passed out...

The half-ghoul awoke some time later...

"E-Eto?" Kaneki said finally coming to.

He found himself in a dark alley with the author as she laid beside him. Eto giggled as blood ran
out of her mouth.

"Hehe...back to your senses, eh Ken?" she joked with him.

Kaneki's eyes widened as he looked at her body frantically. When their attacks met before, it
pierced into Eto's stomach. The wound looked deep, which hit Kaneki's mind hard. Tears formed
around his eyes in guilt.

"Oh god...what have I done?!" Kaneki panicked.

But Eto shook her head.

"D-don't worry about it. It'll heal. Just give me a few minutes, and then I'll fly us back home in no
time" Eto said softly.

She rested her head on his shoulder as they cuddled close to each other in the cold night.

"You did good, young man." Eto told him softly.

Kaneki felt the sincereness in her words as he found himself relaxing as well. Even still, something
lingered on in him...

*You have to let her need to take control of the owl's power within you to truly accomplish
your goals...Kaneki.* the golden goddess said in his mind.

Even still, Kaneki ignored it.

There's no way I'm giving up Eto. He protested.

Eto was oblivious to all of this, but still relaxed in his embrace. They laid there until Eto found the
strength to fly them back home.
After the two half-ghouls escaped, a floating man with a hollow mask came out of the portal in
Dr. Kanou's lab. He found many bodies laid out by the CCG along with the mindless ghouls.
However, he was disappointed to not find one body in particular...

"So...that damn owl lived through my little party, eh?" he snarled out.

The man with the mask removed his mask to show his face. He was smiling sadistically. He had
silver hair. Both of his eyes were demonic - having a black outing with yellow eyes. One of his
eyes was barely opened, but the was it's own story. It was almost as if his other eye was
about to pop out of eye socket. His skin was burnt, and yet his clothes almost resembled that of an

"Hehe...GOOD! I'm looking forward to getting my hands dirty and squeezing the life out of
her!" the former investigator chuckled to himself.

Chapter End Notes

That's the end of Dr. Kanou's Raid! I'd bet that a majority of you all weren't surprise to
see Mado return. The real question was just a matter of WHEN. I can assure you
though, he will leave a lasting impact upon our main characters. Don't ask what it is
since I'm not going to tell you, but I'll give you a hint - think of him like the Green
Goblin from Spider-Man: No Way Home. Anyways, I think the highlight of this
chapter was easily Eto's dream. I had to wrap up Dr. Kanou's raid to move on to the
other parts, so if Dr. Kanou's lab arc felt short, just know that it's not the main focus of
the story, and I'm just trying to write the rich EtoKen moments. Next chapter will be
the halfway mark of Season 2. I can assure you all, you all will like the next chapter
for one reason or another, and two, it's something that you'd probably expect to happen
if you're coming from my other fanfic, The New Soul King. Anyways, that's all that I
got. Thank you all for the support and see you in the next chapter!
Violet and Brunette
Chapter Summary

It's been almost 24 hours since the Soul King saved Rize from the clutches of Furuta.
Rize has spent pretty much the entire day in Aizen's penthouse, isolated. Finally, Aizen
confronts her as night once again fills the sky...

Chapter Notes

This is a Lemon :)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"You are free to leave. You've probably realized by now that I'm not holding you captive." Aizen
informed her.

He had just walked in on Rize who was staring out the massive window. She was looking down in
despair at the golden city below which shined in the night. Throughout her stay in the penthouse,
her thoughts of life began to shift and twist.

"And where am I suppose to go if I leave?" Rize asked depressed.

Aizen noticed that throughout her stay in his penthouse, she didn't bother putting on clothes, nor
covering herself up with anything. Even still, Aizen just listened to her monologue more and more.
Rize continued,

"I can't go anywhere without that...freak...hunting me down! I can't go anywhere without Dr.
Kanou trying to use my body for his experiments! I can't go anywhere without Aogiri Tree hunting
me down, or V tracking my whereabouts. I..."

But her words trailed off as her throat felt like it was being impaled by hundreds of thorns.

"...I can't even go back to Anteiku! I can't even go see Kaneki...! Or Eto!" Rize began to sob.

She cried for dozens upon dozens of seconds, as Aizen looked on in pity. After a while, something
snapped in Rize...

"This world...isn't for me anymore..." Rize murmured.

Slowly, Rize got up and walked like a zombie out from the main part of the penthouse and out to
the balcony. Her purple hair blew in the night sky as she looked down at the streets thousands of
feet below. She mantled to stand on the ledge of the balcony.

"You'll die if you jump. You're kagune won't be able to save you in your condition." Aizen warned

Rize's lips trembled. She had tears streaming down her eyes.

"I know..." she began.

"...but at least doing so will stop this madness. Perhaps in death...I'll...become free..."

And with that, the binge-eater jumped off the balcony.

*As Rize fell, memories of being with Eto and Kaneki respectively swirled in her mind. They were
the two people that she was going to miss the most.*

Of course, The Soul King was not going to let that happen, and before Rize knew it, she was
landed softly back on the large bed with a soft *thud*. At first, she thought that she was dead, and
was now in another realm of existence, but the realization came when she felt a cold chill, and
looked at a familiar scenery.

"Wha-What?!" Rize said looking around.

She then locked eyes with Aizen's, who seemed to just be observing her actions. Mixed emotions
of frustration and relief flowed through her body.

"Why?!" Rize began.

"Did you do something?! Why did you save me?! I don't want to live anymore!" she shouted at him
in frustration.

Aizen shook his head.

"That's not true." he simply responded to her.

His tone sent chills right to Rize's core. The Soul King talked as if he had the wisdom and
knowledge of eons worth of time.
"The truth is: You really do what to live. You just don't want to live a life full of fear, humiliation,
and sadness. You desire to become the Queen of Ghouls, no? You desire to have your dear former
lovers kiss your feet as they acknowledge you as the supreme ghoul of the world. You desire to
roam this world free. You desire to have the entire world to yourself, as your personal playground.
Am I wrong?" Aizen questioned her.

Rize was stunned. It was as if he read her mind, and spelled her heart out right in front of her. Her
tone cooled down as she responded to him.

"How...d-did you know...?" Rize questioned calmly.

Aizen grinned and slightly tilted his head.

"Like I said, I am the Soul King. I possess many powers and abilities that you can't even
comprehend yet. I've observed this world for centuries. I have the ability to give people what they
most desire, and I can give you everything that you desire...if you want." Aizen offered.

The offer was definitely tempting. Besides...what did Rize have to lose? Even still, she was too
down in her despair. Rize shook her head.

"You can't give me what I desire. No one can..." she responded coldly.

Aizen chuckled.

"I'd beg to differ, and I can prove it." he claimed.

Rize raised an eyebrow.

"...and how's that?" she asked him.

Then with one finger, Aizen gestured to her to approach him.

"Come here." he added.

Rize's gut tugged at her. He did save her after all, so why not see what he's all about. She got to her
feet and walked to the Soul King. Her bare curves swayed with every step. Her milky breasts
bounced, while her body glimmered in the moonlight. It only grew the Soul King harder and
harder. The instant that she was at arm's length, Aizen grabbed her by her luscious hips.

"Hey! What are you-mmph?!" she muffled.

But her words were cut off by Aizen crashed his lips onto her own.


The taste was beyond any flesh that Rize had ever tasted. Her mind was working overtime to
comprehend what flavor this was. Rize's eyes shot wide open, as the handsome face of the Soul
King was centimeters in front of her. Naturally, she tried to break free, but the Soul King was too
strong for her. He only tightened his grip. He forced her back to the wall, slamming her back on it,
knocking over nearby glasses and furniture. Normally, this would have broken some bones, but the
binge-eater was strong, and something triggered in her mind.

Wha-what is this?! This questioned in her mind.

Unlike Kaneki...he was clearly dominating her, something that she only felt by the owl herself.
The new feeling made her eyes feel heavy, as she began to be seduced. His skin ravished her body
as if he's done it a thousand times. She involuntarily opened her tongue, allowing the Soul King to
lash into it with his tongue.

"~mmm...~" Rize purred as she gave in to Aizen's advances.

Her moan only hardened the Soul King as he grabbed her luscious hips harder. His grip was so
tight that it would leave paleness on her skin after he removed them. Rize's hands moved to grab
his brown angelic hair. Her womanhood became moist by how turned on she was feeling.
Fortunately for him, Rize jumped into his waist, as they wildly made out like the toxic people they

The Soul King then walked them towards the bed and *slammed* her body down on it.

"Ah f-f-fuck!" Rize hissed as the pain registered on her back.

Her back would be completely blown out by the end of this night. Aizen would assure himself of
that. He grinned and moved to her neck, kissing it, biting it, and licking it.

"~Do you believe me know?~" Aizen purred to the binge-eater.

Rize finally opened her eyes to see the tall ceiling that contained the dim light of the bedroom. Her
body was sweating, which was rare for a cold-blooded person like her. It also made her purple hair
damp. The only time that she'd ever sweat was with the owl herself. The thought of making love
with the owl drove her out of her arousal, as she realized what she was doing. The binge-eater then
began to pry Aizen off of her in vein.

"A-Aizen! Wait! Stop! Please!" Rize cried out.

Aizen smacked his lips in frustration and pinned her hands to the bed. Then he towered above her
and looked at her darkly. Both of them were painting hard, as Rize was crimson in the face.

"That won't happen again. What is it, woman?" Aizen snarled at her.

Clearly, Rize realized that Aizen was not one to say no. Clearly, Rize knew that Aizen had a lot of
experience with women, just by how he touched her. Clearly, Rize knew that if he wanted to force
himself on her right now, then nothing was stopping him. But still, Rize had to get this off her
chest if this night was going to be consensual...

"It's just that..." she began.

Memories of Kaneki and Eto swirled in her mind. She was still painting hard.

"...I'm not sure...if I desire to become...the Queen of ghouls anymore! I only j-just had that goal to
get back at Eto. Also...I...I really miss them both. I-II think that I should go back to them and try to
make...a-amends!" she got of her breath.

Aizen raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so?" he questioned her.

It seems that she still has attachments from her old life. Well...time to fix that...Aizen chuckled in
his mind.

Then, his eyes glowed golden.

"Well if that's the case, then let me show you what you haven't seen yet." Aizen informed her.

Then in the next moment, Rize's vision was illuminated by his golden light as she found herself in a
familiar penthouse. A calendar was beside her, and the year was 2032. Rize realized that she was
still naked, but that was the least of her concerns. She her faint moans and the slapping of flesh
coming from another room. Her curiosity got the better of her as she followed the moans to a room.

"E-Eto...?" Rize called out as she peered into the room.

But as soon as she did that, she gasped as she slapped her hands to her mouth in shock. Her eyes
shot open.

Wha-What the FUCK?! Rize cried out in her mind.

The image was nothing short of a scandal. Inside the massive room, Eto, the owl, and Kaneki, the
centipede, were engaged in passionate love making. Eto pounced up and down Kaneki's massive
manhood, which were the slapping of the flesh came from. She rode him in a reverse cowgirl
position, and it was obvious why to Rize. Eto looked like she was 7 months pregnant. Her breasts
and her stomach jiggled up and down with her body. Kaneki held her by the waist to assist her.
Tears began to stream down Rize's eyes.

B-But how?! I wasn't even gone that long?! she cried to herself.
To make matters worse, she felt like she couldn't look away from it, as if an outside force was
making her view it. Eto turned her head back to Kaneki as they engaged in a heated kiss.

"~mmmm!~" Eto and Kaneki moaned.

They continued to kiss while Eto threw her head back sidewalks in a hot position. Rize finally
noticed that there was something else that was just as shocking. Both the owl and Kaneki had bite
marks, signifying that they were married.

"~Keep fucking me, my love! Don't stop! Please!~" Eto cried out in pleasure.

Kaneki only grunted more as he slammed Eto down his erection more and more.

Nooo! Stop! I can't look anymore! Rize tried to tell her mind.

But she couldn't move, or close her eyes. She was forced to watch them...over...and over...and
over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and
over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and
over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...AND OVER AGAIN!

They made love to each for almost an hour, and by the end, they climaxed in each other.



Kaneki's mouthwatering semen gushed out of Eto's core as Eto's love juice was mixed with it. The
thought drove Rize over the edge: she was in the future, her nightmare.

"NOOOOO!" Rize finally bellowed, broken mentally.

Aizen thought that she had seen enough and brought her back to the present. She was now crying
as her tears ran down her face.

"You see, Rize..." The Soul King triumphantly smirked.

"...reality is often disappointing. Only the strongest get to choose what their fate is, while the
weak can only dream of living a life that they desire." he coldly informed her.

He then removed his grip on her wrist, but her hands stayed where they were. Red marks were
formed around Rize's wrists, and symbolized that they were chains, even though his hands weren't
there anymore.

"I offer you power. Freedom...and love." he told her passionately.

He gently wiped the tears from her face and cuffed her cheek. All Rize could do was stare into his
brown eyes.

"Make love with me. Mate with me. Become my goddess. Together, we can own the entire world."
Aizen offered her once again.
Then in the next moment, he once again descended his lips onto Rize.

Eventually, Rize kissed back, and the rest was history.

"~mmm~" Aizen purred as he passionately made out with the binge-eater.

~So...tasty...~ he told himself.

Rize was a gluttony herself. Her hands found Aizen's back as she dug her hands as deep as she
could on him, ripping holes in his clothes. Realizing this, Aizen lifted his upper body
and *ripped* his clothes straight off his body. Now Rize was in full view of Aizen's perfect body:
His chest, his abs, his...massive manhood. It pointed directly at Rize as it pulsed in sexual
anticipation. Saliva began to slip from her mouth.

"" Rize murmured to herself.

Aizen snickered upon seeing her mouth.

"Hmph. Like what you see?" he teased her, almost identical to Eto.

Rize's eyes looked back and forth at Aizen's face and his manhood.

Y-You mean that...that THING is his manhood! It''s...Rize thought in her mind.

"Well now...I think it's about that time, wouldn't you agree my dear?

Then, Aizen held his own membrane and teased Rize's moist entrance with it. His erection made
Rize's entire body flinch in pleasure. Her muscles couldn't keep up with what she was feeling.

"~Heh!~" Rize cried out as Aizen kept teasing her entrance with his manhood.

"Tell me, woman. Is this what you want?" Aizen finally asked her.

Rize took a moment to think of everything. Her past, Eto, Kaneki, Anteiku, Aogiri, Furuta, V,
everything! She then thought of the present, of how she was constantly chased by predators, and
more importantly, how she was abandoned by the two people that she thought were the loves of
her life.

"Yes." she confirmed.

"I want to you take me, and allow me to be yours forever, my King." Rize said as her hand gently
cuffed Aizen's cheek.

Aizen moved his face to kiss her hand, and grinned sexually.

"Hmph. Very well."

Then in the next moment, the Soul King entered his entire manhood into Rize's core, breaking her
hymen and taking her virginity forever.

"YAAAAA!" Rize screamed out in pain.

Aizen wasted no time in stretching her honeybox wide open. Like Eto and Kaneki, Rize had an
insane pain tolerance, but nothing could compare to her vagina getting ripped apart. Aizen slightly
pulled out of her as a single crimson liquid leaked from her womanhood. He could feel her the heat
that radiated from Rize's core.

"From now on...You. Are. Mine." Aizen stated.

Then in the next moment, he began to build a rhythm inside of her. Her flesh slowly began to repair
itself as Rize's inner walls began to wrap itself around Aizen's divinehood. Ever thrust pumped
more pleasure in her body, eroding the pain bit by bit until there was nothing left. After a minute, it
was all pleasure, and more...power. She could feel her getting stronger every time that Aizen
thrusted his magnificent rod into her body.

"Is this what you desire?! Tell me! SAY IT, WOMAN!" Aizen grunted as he picked up the pace.

"Y-Yes! This is what I want! Please don't stop!" Rize responded.

Their flesh made similar slapping sounds that Rize heard in the future. At this point, she could only
think about Aizen. Nothing else mattered to her. He fucked her for hours, never pulling out. Rize
was forced to orgasm, over and over again, having no time to recover. Their session was so intense
that their steam causing the room's temperature to increase. Finally, Aizen felt himself getting
close, and decided to finish Rize off.



Then in the next moment, Aizen unloaded everything that he had into Rize's womanhood. The first
burst of his seeds consumed her entire womanhood. The next dozen of bursts that followed
exploded out of her, staining the bedsheets and pouring into the blankets. His load was so much
that it dripped to the floor. It even cause Rize's stomach to rise a bit, but the amount that she took

Of course...that won't be the last time that her stomach rises for me. Aizen purred to himself.

He knew what this day would bring: Another child for his Omni-Race.

Finally, Aizen pulled out of her, satisficed. The remaining semen rushed out of Rize, who was left
recovering on the bed. With his special powers, Aizen could see millions of his sperm travel at the
molecular level to find her egg. He grinned in pride.

"From now on. You're mine, Rize Kamishiro." he firmly stated.

Rize didn't have the strength to speak, but she smiled. She was completely exhausted, which was
obvious to Aizen. As he realized that the deep the sealed, Aizen wrapped themselves in the
blankets. When more minutes passed, Rize finally found the will to speak again.

"I love you, my King." Rize spoke out, cuddled close to him.

Aizen looked down at her in bed.

"I love you too, my goddess." he responded.

They then proceeded to kiss each other until they felt completely drained. Once done, Aizen gave
out one last command of the night.

"Rest easy, and awake to a new life." he commanded her.

Then in seconds, Rize's body responded to his command, and was passed out.

Once she was resting, Aizen looked up to the ceiling and chuckled.

Hmph! HeheheHAHAHAHAH! Now THAT...was too easy! Aizen bragged to himself.

Taking the liberty, Aizen poked at Rize's anus to see if she was seriously asleep, and she didn't
react, signifying that the binge-eater was fast asleep. Feeling hard once again, he got up and
positioned himself behind Rize's body. Picking her hips up to him, he began to fuck her anus while
she was unconscious, just for fun.

"Damn it! She's tight!" Aizen grunted to himself.

But he eventually stuck his entire erection back inside of her and pounded her again while she was

"You're gonna feel this in the morning, my goddess. You'll soon find out that becoming my
goddess also means that I can do whatever I want with your body!" Aizen snickered.

He continued to pound her, over and over again, until he eventually climaxed inside her other hole.

"RRAAAAAAA!" Aizen bellowed as another load filled Rize's anus.

He himself was now done. He collapsed beside Rize, stroking her beautiful purple hair in the
moonlight. All he could think about, was a certain daughter of his. One of hundreds that he had.

Well seems that you'll be getting a new baby sister soon. Hmph. Perhaps this will get
through to your stubborn head to accept your lineage when it comes knocking on your door.

Chapter End Notes

O_o So what would you call this? RizexAizen? Aizen x Rize? Rizen? Aize? Idk. You
tell me. O_o

Anyways, next chapter goes back to Eto and Kaneki.

I'm so going to hell for this.

Lust and Revenge
Chapter Summary

Once Eto and Kaneki got back to their penthouse, two familiar faces were waiting for
them outside their door...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Hide?" Kaneki called out limp walking.

But the spikey carrot-top was not alone. With him, a thick beautiful dark skin woman was standing
with him with her arms crossed.

"Rumi?" Eto said clutching her stomach that still was healing from her wound.

Hide gulped.

Oh Shit! Rumi told me that they might have been through a lot, but I didn't know that they would
look like this! He thought to himself.

It was true. Both Kaneki and Eto were covered in blood. It were mere hours since they've
completed their raid on Dr. Kanou's lab. Their hairs were extremely messy, and Eto's guts could
still be partially seen, had she not been clutching her stomach. Nonetheless, Hide put on his typical

"Yo! Long time no see, man!" He said waving at Kaneki.

Kaneki couldn't help but chuckle. Hide never failed at brightening his day, even if he was half-
dead. Right next to him, Rumi didn't look so energetic like she usually was. Her eyes stared into
Eto's pairs intensely, as if she was trying to tell her something.

"Hey lil' sis." Rumi softly spoke out atypically.

Eto silently took note of her tone. Rumi was not one to speak softly. It most likely meant that
something was up.

"What are you both doing here?" Eto asked them, still clutching her stomach.

It wasn't that she was annoyed at their presence, since Rumi wasn't the type to crash at her place,
but she still needed to know why Hide came all the way over here with Rumi.

"We came to see our favorite people on planet Earth! seems like you both have been
through some trouble, but I'm glad that you're okay now! Am I right?!" Hide declared with a fist
bump to Kaneki's chest.

Eto's focus was locked on Rumi's expression.

" everything okay?" Eto asked her half-sister, now inches away from her.

Rumi was frowning now. She examined the owl closely. A sense of relief washed over her when
she knew that Eto was in a stable condition.

"I should be asking you that question - it seems like you both just got out of Hell's gauntlet." Rumi
spoke out.

Her comment made Kaneki chuckle.

"Something like that." Kaneki said rubbing his head.

Then Rumi took a deep breath.

"There's something that I have to show you, Eto. Please come with me, in the meantime, Kaneki,
Hide, you two just catch up." Rumi said putting the passcode for Eto's door.

Kaneki was a bit shocked that Rumi knew Eto's code, but it seemed as though Eto didn't mind,
considering her reaction to it.

"O-Okay..." Kaneki murmured.

"Sounds good with me!" Hide declared.

With that, they all walked into Eto and Kaneki's penthouse.

Now inside, Kaneki and Hide chatted in the living room, while Eto and Rumi went upstairs to the
owl's room...

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Eto asked her half-sister.

Rumi took the liberty to sit on Eto's. It was actually quite rare for Rumi to be in her room. Still, she
was going to try and make this as smooth as possible. She patted a spot next to her for Eto to sit.

"I'm going to share with you a vision on what The Soul King did last night." she uttered.

As soon as Rumi mentioned those infamous words, her blood boiled.

"Huh? Why would you want to show me what he did last night?! You know that I despise
our...Soul King! Come on, Rumi! This isn't funny!" Eto barked back.

Rumi just shook her head. Her expression was stoic, like the dark Queen of Hueco Mundo's.
Goddesses and the offsprings of the Soul King could obtain a rare ability to share visions with

"I'm not smiling or laughing, love." she began.

"And I don't have a choice. The Soul King threaten to abuse my mother if I didn't comply." Rumi

Eto's fury ceased as she realized that this wasn't Rumi's doing. She was being forced to comply.
The owl knew how much Rumi hated doing what she didn't want to do, so she choose to take a seat
next to Rumi on her bed.
"You mean...he came to see you?" Eto asked Rumi.

Rumi nodded begrudgingly.

"Yeah...he did." she hissed.

Eto looked down to see Rumi's fist balled up. Not even Eto wanted to tango with Rumi when she
was enraged. Rumi's lineage was specifically tied to the Soul King AND the goddess of flash. No
way in hell would she ever want to get on her half-sister's bad side.

"Anyways, close your eyes. Let's get this over with..." Rumi stated as she hugged Eto with one
hand and pulled her in closer.

Eto was fond on Rumi's touch, and did as she instructed. What would await her was nothing more

Eto then found herself in a penthouse, on the outskirts of Tokyo. There, she heard moans from
the bedroom...

Oh great, what woman is he fucking now? Eto asked herself rolling her eyes.

She walked over to the bedroom and opened the door, only to find something that would shattered
her heart.

"What the fuck?!" she croaked out.

Parallel to the binge-eater's vision of the future, Eto was watching an intense session of breeding
and love-making as The Soul King was having his way with her ex.

"~Ahh yes...that feels so good..!.~" Rize moaned.

Aizen was relentlessly pounding Rize's flesh as it rocked the bed over and over again. He grinned
wildly as he edged her on little by little.

"~Do you want to be the Queen of Tokyo? Do you want to be the Queen of Ghouls? Do you want
to be mine, my dear? My goddess?!" He grunted.

Rize was blushing heavily and her eyes were closed. She dug her nails deep into Aizen's back as his
rod impaled her womanhood over and over again, stretching it wide open.

"~Y-Yes! Please! Make me yours, Soul King!~" she cried out.

Eto knew that this was a vision, but it didn't make it any less painful to watch: Her best friend, her
former lover, her fellow binge-eater...was making love and breeding with her biological father -
The Soul King. This was only mere days after Kaneki broke up with her, as well as mere days after
she cut ties with Eto and the members of Anteiku.

"Rize! Why is she...?! How did she even...?!" Eto asked herself.

So many questions swirled in her mind, but that would have to wait. Now, Eto's throat began to feel
sore and crushed by thorns. Her eyes became watery and her heart pounded in pain.

"Just...stop it! That's enough!" Eto cried out, unable to look away.

Unfortunately, she knew that once visions started, they couldn't be closed. Eto was forced to watch
Rize and Aizen until creampied Rize to the brim.


Her father's essence oozed out from Rize's womanhood, the same essence that she was created
from almost 25 years ago. Aizen towered above Rize, victorious. Her body was left twitching from
the pleasure and aftershocks. Once Rize was passed out, Aizen turned back to Eto, and grinned like
the devil.

"You didn't mind me using your friend for a bit, right my daughter?" Aizen snickered.

Technically, this was a vision of the past, but with the Soul King, anything was possible. Eto
ignored the fact that this was a vision and charged at Aizen in a blinding rage.

"YOU DIVINE BASTARD!" she bellowed out.

But it was too late, as she found herself back in her room with Rumi clutching her tightly on the
floor of her room.
"Eto! Calm down! It's only a vision!" Rumi said.

Eto fought off Rumi's grip. She was too heated to listen to reason.


She began going around her room and breaking anything in her sight. She tried to find any photos
of Rize and herself and tore them apart. Downstairs, Kaneki and Hide heard the commotion, and
they began to walk upstairs.

"Just calm down! You're only reacting the way the Soul King wants you to!" Rumi pleaded with
the owl.

Of course, Rumi was stronger than Eto, but she wasn't trying to hurt her. Finally, Kaneki and Hide
walked in on the two ladies. They were horrified to see the author break things left and right

"Hey! What's going on?!" Kaneki cried out to Eto.

"Ms. T?!" Hide asked concerned.

Finally, Rumi bear hugged her half-sister from behind, as Eto screamed out in pain and agony. The
image and sound broke Kaneki's heart. His bones shook, and it was as if something was tugging at
his soul.

"Eto...what's wrong?" Kaneki asked, beginning to cry.

Rumi saw this and shook her head. She needed to get this back under control.

"'s not a good time. Just give her some space...-"

"-No." Eto murmured.

"Hmm?" Rumi said looking over Eto's shoulder.

Then Eto looked up at Kaneki dead in the eyes. Tears were streaming down her face and her eyes
were red. She swore to herself that she'd never cry like this in front of Kaneki, but this was too
much, even for her.

"He needs to know too." Eto declared.

Kaneki's heart pounded. Rumi bit her lip.

"Are you sure?" Rumi asked cautiously.

Hide looked back and forth at Rumi and Ms. Takatsuki. Finally, he had enough. Although he was a
mere human, he knew that Kaneki cared dearly for his favorite author. Seeing her like this
was not okay.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but what the hell is going on here?! Whoever hurt Ms. T needs to get an ass
whopping of a lifetime!" He declared balling his fist.

Even though this was a serious situation, Rumi still liked the way Hide spoke out.

"~Heh...easy boy...just calm down and sit in the corner. Let mama explain to you everything, okay?
~" Rumi purred to Hide.
Hide was encapsulated by her gaze.

"Oh...w-w-wow...S-s-sure thing...b-boss!" Hide responded.

Kaneki closed the door, and the four of them took a seat as Rumi shared with them the vision of
the Soul King and the binge-eater...

After they both watch the left them with more questions than answers...

"T-There's no way! Why would Rize do that?!" Hide flinched in his seat.

He looked at Kaneki for his expression, but regretted it. Hide's widened as he finally saw
something that he's never seen from Kaneki: Fury. His eyes and eyebrows were slit. His mouth
was twisted, and most of all - his lone kakugan was activated. Kaneki balled his fists so tightly that
they turn pale. He was practically shaking. He literally just saw his first love be fucked like a
whore right in front of him, and there was nothing that he could do about it. It was even on par with
Jason's torture, as his mind would never let go of that image and sounds.

"Hey man...are you okay?" Hide gently asked Kaneki.

Eto and Rumi were a bit upset to see Hide looked concerned, but it couldn't be helped. Kaneki had
every right to be upset about this.

"Rize...Aizen...I'll never forgive you for this...!" he hissed out.

"Kaneki..." Eto softly murmured.

Part of her regretted showing him the truth, but knew that he was going to find out sooner or later.
One way or another, Rize was going to be a new threat, and they have to prepare for her
accordingly. Rumi then rose to her feet and slammed her fist into her other palm. Her crimson eyes
burned brightly.

"We need to inform Kuzen. Shits hitting the fan now and we need all hands on deck! If Rize has
become a goddess, like our mothers, then we have to prepare for the worse! She's on track on
becoming another fallen angel." Rumi stated.

Both Hide and Kaneki's expressions widened.

"Wait what?! A goddess? A fallen angel?" Hide asked Rumi.

"Like...your...mothers?" Kaneki asked Eto.

Eto looked away from Kaneki, a bit ashamed. Then she shook her head, as if to spit out the truth,
and got to her feet.

" both deserve the truth. I'll tell you two everything about me, and about our true
lineage..." Eto declared.

Shivers went down Hide's spine, but more particularly Kaneki's. There were many occasions where
he wanted to ask her the truth about her parents, but it never seemed like she wanted to tell him.
Now, she was willing about to tell him everything, ready or not. Rumi looked up at Eto, who had a
serious look on her face.
"Eto...? Are you sure about this? If you tell them, then there's no going back." she advised her.

Eto nodded.

"I'm sure." she said wiping her face of any remnants of tears.

Then, she took her purse and power-walked to the door. When she opened it, she looked at Kaneki

"Come with us, we're going to Anteiku." the owl stated.

Chapter End Notes

This chapter served more as a set up for a big chapter, so be on the lookout for the
next one. Thanks again for all of the support! I cannot thank you all enough, especially
those that take the time and energy to comment/review on this story! Origins will be
revealed in the next chapter!
Chapter Summary

"Kaneki...I'm going to walk you through how I met Rize two years ago, and why our
relationship turned out the way it did. You need to know, especially since she's
changed your life in more ways than one..." Eto began.

Chapter Notes

Eto x Rize in the beginning...

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"~Beautiful~." Eto purred to herself.

She was observing the naked binge eater as she feasted on a corpse of her date that she recently
lured and killed. The light from the streets allowed the owl to see everything: Rize's giant breasts,
her mouth-watering curves, and her beautiful face. Everything about Rize was just flawless to Eto.
She was truly the apple to her eyes.

Oh! I'd love to squeeze her breast and wrap my lips around her nipples! Eto thought in excitement.

Eto was so aroused that she didn't even realize that her breathing was increasing. This caught the
attention of Rize, who could hear her increased breathing rate. The binge eater called out in the

"Oh? Do I have a spectator? It looks like I'll be having desert for tonight!" Rize teased herself.

But then, she sniffed, and her lips curled to a smile. The scent was one of the most wonderful
things, if not, the most wonderful thing that she has ever smelt in her life.

"Also..." Rize began.

" smell delicious. Do you mind if I just take a bite out of you?" Rize said as she reactivated
her infamous kagune.

Eto just giggled. Before Rize could comprehend what happened next, Eto flashed stepped behind
her back, faster than her eyes could track.

" can have much more than a bite, my dear. Besides, your just too pretty to look
away from, so I don't mind being your little snack for tonight, binge eater." Eto responded to

The owl's voice was a bit disguised by her spooky hoodie and her bandages, giving her a sense of
anonymity, both physically and verbally. Rize turned around and flinched, jumping back in fear and
putting some distance between them.

This kid! She's fast! I didn't even see her move! Rize thought to herself.

Something told her that it was not the best move to fight this ghoul, so she opted to talking.

" know who I am?" Rize asked the mysterious person.

The owl chuckled.

"You leave a sloppy mess, so it's not hard for someone like me to find you." the owl pointed

Rize laughed at that fact, but still, a drop of sweat ran down the side of her face. She was
regretfully still on guard, since this was the first time in a while that someone got the jump on her.

"Hehehe...well...I'd love to know who you are so I can properly greet you. I hope that you're not
some little girl, because I'm not responsible for showing off my naked body to some girl wondering
after dark." Rize grunted.

Then, the owl smiled through her bandages. The lines of her perfect teeth and lips bleed through
the clothing.

"That won't be an issue. Allow me to introduce myself..." she responded.

With that, the owl began to unravel her bandages right in front of Rize. Slowly, everything fell to
the ground. All Rize could do was watch in awe as the female before her revealed her attractive
body. The binge eater's mouth parted as the owl finally revealed her complete naked body.
Everything was out on display: Her busty breasts, her perfectly shaved clit, her bare skin, hips,
everything. On top of that, a seductive smile was on the face of the woman with green hair.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Rize Kamishiro. My name is Yoshimura. Eto Yoshimura." she
introduced herself.

Rize blinked twice and deactivated her kagune. Her eyes were just fixated on Eto's busty breasts.
She was left with more questions than answers. There was only one Yoshimura that she knew
about, and it was the manager from Anteiku.

"'re n-not a're a WOMAN?" Rize asked her confused.

To be fair, Eto did look pretty short, was completely wrapped in bandages, and talked a bit like a
child at first. Even still, Eto just laughed at her question.

"Hehehe! Ya know that you're staring at my breasts, silly!" Eto pointed out again as she got closer
to Rize.

Rize blushed as she shook her head violently to recompose herself.

"I j-j-j-just, I mean...I'm sorry, but you have such beautiful breasts." Rize said complimenting her.

It was pretty rare for Rize to see another woman that could match her in beauty, so Eto was giving
her feelings that she has never felt before. Eto grinned as she cuffed her own breasts in front of

"Awww...thank you! I get them from my mother! Ya know, you got busty ones too!" Eto said as
she took one of her hands and cuffed one of Rize's breasts in a carefree manner.

Normally, Rize would smack away anyone that tried that, but she made an exception for Eto.

"Uhhh...Hehe..." Rize nervously giggled as Eto's touched felt very smooth to her.

Now it was Eto's turn to stare at Rize's breasts. The same thoughts of wrapping her lips around
Rize's milky nipples flooded back into her mind. It took a lot of willpower to not just crash on her
and fuck her senselessly in this dark alley. As Eto kept massaging Rize's breast, Rize took the
opportunity to ask her new...acquaintance...more questions.

"You're obviously not an average ghoul, and I take it that...hold on! Wait a second!" Rize stuttered.

Eto looked up and showed off her emerald eyes to the binge eater. be more accurate, one
of her emerald eyes, since the other was her lone kakugan.

"Hmm?" Eto asked in confusion.

Rize took another step back in confusion, which took Eto's hand off of her breast. Rize pointed at
Eto, demanding an answer.

"Your eyes! Only one of them is a kakugan!" she said.

Eto sighed.

Hmph. My old man did warn me of taking off my clothes in front of other ghouls. Maybe I should
have listen to him. Still, I could change the subject. Eto told herself.

The owl placed a hand over her chest.

"I'm what you consider...a rare breed - a half ghoul. I'll explain later, but first, can we eat? I'm
staaaarving...and that flesh is smells really good." Eto asked Rize.

The binge eater looked at her delicious meal, and weighted her circumstances. Ultimately, she
choose to the latter.
"Normally I don't share my food, but I'll make an exception for you, just this once." Rize

Together, they both sat and ate the human flesh in the dark alley. Surprisingly, Rize felt good
sharing food with someone else, especially that someone being Eto. It was almost like they were
being friends... binge-eater doesn't have friends. She's a lone wolf, or in this case, a lone ghoul. The only
"friends" that she's ever had were ones that she could use and manipulate. There was no way that
Rize could ever be "friends" with Eto, especially because she's so much more powerful than her.

"You from around here, Eto?" Rize asked her chomping on her food.

Eto shook her head.

"Nah, I'm from Hueco Mundo." she responded.

The binge eater raised an eyebrow.

"Hueco what-now?" Rize asked to clarify.

Eto just waived a hand in front of her face. Food was still in her mouth so it was hard to speak.

"Don't worry about it, I'm from a lot of places - that's all." she said through her chewing.

After a few more minutes, both women were done with their meal. Rize burped and placed a hand
over her mouth, trying to be modest. That made Eto smiled as she burped ten times as loud, which
caused both parties to laugh.

"Oh my goodness, girl you got a weird sense of humor!" Rize said laughing at Eto.

Eto rubbed her emerald hair cheekily.

"Yeah! You could say that!" she said.

That's when something caught her attention. Eto looked over to see some flesh that Rize had near
her lips. It stole her attention.

"Hey, you got something on your face." she said to Rize.

Rize touched her cheek, and then her forehead, trying to figure out where she was referring to.

"Hmm? Where?" she asked still searching her face with her hands.

Eto just shook her head and took the actions to her own hands.

"No worries, I'll get it." Eto proclaimed leaning into Rize's face.

"Wha?! Mmph?! ~Mmm...~Mmm~"

Before Rize could react, Eto stole a kiss from Rize by sucking the remnants of the flesh off of her
lips. Then it turned into a kiss which shocked both parties. Once Eto crashed her lips on Rize's, she
was not about to let those flavors get away from her. The binge-eater did her best to suck Eto's lips,
and even almost bit them, but Eto pulled away before they could go any further. Funny enough,
both parties were now blushing.

"There. Better." Eto declared.

Rize licked her lips and grinned like the devil.

"~That was...mouth-watering...~" Rize purred to herself.

"Hehe...well it is human flesh after all." Eto pointed out.

"I wasn't talking about the human..." Rize clarified.

Something was stirring inside of Rize. The night was still young - her hormones were now
overloading - something needed to be done - now.

I've never consider myself bisexual...but for her...I might have to make an exception...Rize told

In the next moment, she let her ghoul instincts take over her, and pounced on the owl. Eto didn't
even fight it, in fact, she welcomed it.

"'re getting a bit excited now, are we?~!" Eto teased Rize.

"Hehehe..." Rize giggled as her kakugans reactivated.

Rize's purple has was hanging down from her face and near Eto's hair which was scattered across
the concrete. The ground was cold, but their arousal kept them a bit warm.

" that kiss simply jest, or could I have one more from you?" Rize requested to her

In response, Eto cuffed Rize's jaw with her smooth hand.

"You can have as many as you want." Eto gladfully granted her.

Rize licked her lips and smiled even more.

"Excellent." she purred.

With that, Rize crashed her lips onto Eto's, resulting in a wild make out amongst the female ghouls.

"~Mmm...~" both parties purred to each other.

Now, too be clear, it's common knowledge that a ghoul's flesh to another ghoul would taste
terrible...however, we're not dealing with normal ghouls to say the least. Eto is half ghoul, as well
as a demi-goddess, thereby making her flesh to anyone quite divine to say the least. As for the
binge-eater, since she has consumed so much human flesh, even for ghouls, it has biologically
altered her flesh to be a bit more, tolerable. In fact, one could go as far to say that it's a bit tasty
itself. After all, you are what you eat.

While the two ghouls were making out, a lone man stumbled into their dark alley. He was taken by
surprise the sight. It was if he was in an erotic dream.

"Woah! Are those two hot girls naked making out?!" he called out to himself.

This caught Eto and Rize's attention. They stopped kissing and opened their eyes to see where the
voice was coming from. Both parties were irritated that someone was watching them, especially a
person that was a man.

"No way! I'm definitely recording this to beat my meat when I get home!" He proclaimed before
trying to pull out his phone.

Rize got up from Eto, irritated. Someone just had to ruin their moment, huh? Before she could act,
Eto tugged at her juicy thigh.

"Hmm?" Rize asked her looking down.

Eto was smiling deviously up at her.

"Wait. Allow me." she offered.

Rize smiled. Something told her that Eto had a good thing up her emerald hair, and she nodded in
agreement. She still had yet to truly know who this mysterious and beautiful woman was, but
perhaps this is where she could find out who or what Eto was about. As the man was pulling his
phone out of his pocket, Eto flash stepped behind him before he could even notice. Then, as if she
was some demonic angel, she floated behind him and whispered fiercely in his ear,

"Ya know that it's rude to stare at people, especially women like us." Eto warned him.

Immediately, the man's eyes widened, and he flinched back away from her in fear and confusion.

"H-H-How did you get here?!" he demanded from her.

Even Rize was in awe. Eto was seemingly levitating off of the ground, even if it was just a few feet
from the ground. Nonetheless, the man snapped. In an almost shocking manner, the man revealed
his kagune and his kakugans. He foamed wildly as he realized that the delicious scent that he was
smelling was radiating from the naked floating woman herself.

"Ngr! Ya know what? This is perfect! I was led here to get a late night snack, but now I figure that
there's so much more that I could get...from you!" he proclaimed.

Eto wasn't fazed at all. In fact, she smiled and tilted her head playfully.

"Is that so?" she asked him.

Then, the man charged at him. His thoughts swirled of what he could do with Eto. Should he just
eat her, eat her slowly, fuck her first? Regardless, all he knew was that he wanted her, now.

"NOW COME HERE!" he bellowed.

He charged at the owl, but before he could even touch her, Eto seemingly sliced him up into
dozens of pieces without even using her kagune. His blood and body parts splattered everywhere,
and even caused Rize to shield her face with her hands so that chunks of that disgusting man
wouldn't get on her. All that was left was his head which was connected to his body. His limbs
were torn off and he was screaming in agony.

"GAAAHHHHH! You-You-You, just what the fuck are you?!'re not a're a monster!" he cried out in agony.

Eto just stared at him in disdain.

"Monster? No. I'm not a monster. I'm the god of ghouls, and the future Queen of Ghouls that
will unite humans and ghouls. For your treason, you shall die by my hands." Eto proudly

The ghoul was confused, but knew that his end was near. He did what he could to weakly protest
her claim.

"Hmph...god of...ghouls? Fu-future...Q-Q-Queen? Ha! If you think that you can change this
reality, then you're in for a rude awakening...little bi-"

But before he could finish his sentence, Eto mercilessly stepped on his head, ended his sorry life
for good. Once done, Eto walked back up to Rize as if nothing happened.

"Perhaps...we can continue this somewhere else? In private? I'd hate for another lonely guy to be
lucky enough to see two beautiful women make out with each other and leave the scene alive." Eto
requested to Rize, offering her hand to her.

Rize was still a bit in shock, but quickly recomposed herself. She was still horny after all, and the
night was still young.

"Please, led the way." Rize said taking Eto's hand.

Eto smiled deviously.

"Brace yourself, Rizzy." Eto warned Rize.

"Hehehe...what do you mean by that-AAAHHH!" Rize screamed out.

In the next moment, Eto unleashed her kakuja which consumed both of them. This was the first
time that the binge-eater was airborne. It flew them in the dark and got them back to Eto's
penthouse. Once there, Eto's kakuja gently opened the window and spat the binge eater out in Eto's
room. Rize stumbled into Eto's room and fell on the bed.

"Y-Your...your it was a kakuja!" she proclaimed pointed at the naked owl.

Only rare ghouls could achieve such a transformation. This was no ordinary ghoul that she was
dealing with. Her date for the night had something more sinister up her sleave.

"Hmph. By now, I bet that you're wondering what the hell that you got yourself into, huh?" Eto
asked Rize.

Rize just nodded slightly. Her mind was racing and she didn't know whether to run or to just take it.

"Well Rize. Tonight, you'll have your snack, but first..." Eto began.

In the next moment, the owl picked up a lash and a collar with a rope attached to it. Rize's eyes
widened as her gut feeling knew what she intended to do with those things.

"...I'm going to have mine." Eto proclaimed.

Rize crept back up from the bed.

"Wha-what the hell?! What are you?!" Rize demanded Eto.

The emerald hair woman just shrugged.

"Some call me a monster, but to you, consider me your master for tonight." she responded.

That's when Eto took the time to monologue.

"You see...all of my life, I've accumulated a lot of...pent up sexual frustration. Hell, I've had to
use my own kakuja to penetrate myself because nothing else was hard enough. Mere sex toys
wouldn't work...and I never let a guy fuck me because...oh that's another story for another day!"
Eto teased Rize.

Rize couldn't believe what she was hearing.

She would fuck herself using her own kakuja?! Is this woman crazy?! Rize screamed in her mind.

Nonetheless, Eto continued.

"Anyways...I'll need you to relieve some...erotic desires, okay? Your beautiful body would seduce
any man, and lesbian, and your a ghoul, just like me, so you won't break from me fucking
you...hopefully..." Eto finished.

At the point, Rize knew that there was no escaping from her. Eto already displayed her superior
strength and speed. Nothing could be done at this point.

"You're a freak, ya know that?" Rize hissed to Eto.

That comment actually hurt Eto. While they only just met, she felt as if Rize was someone who she
could actually vibe with. Their chemistry was better than what most people thought. It was hard
for her to make friends anyways, being that she's living a double life...or perhaps a triple life. Eto
then gave Rize one last chance to get out of this situation, even if she couldn't have her way with

"Well...if that's how you feel, then-"

"-no...I meant that...I love that." Rize clarified.

It caught the owl by surprise. Eto's heart warm up. Hope, passion, and excitement came crashing
back to her.

"...because that makes two of us." Rize teased her.

Eto smiled. Rize then opened her legs, and used one of her fingers to stretch her wet clit. Then
using her free hand, she motioned Eto to come to her.

"Now, come here and fuck me." she requested.

Back in the present...

"Ummm...did we really need to know what y'all said to each other before y'all got to it?" Hide
asked Eto embarrassed.

Eto didn't flinch at his expression. Part of her saying that was also for herself as well.

"I stopped there anyways, so that's as explicit as it was going to get. Anyways, after we had sex, the
one night stance turned into an...erotic relationship." Eto informed them.

Hide just nodded. On the other hand, Kaneki was getting hard just listening to Eto and Rize's

I wanted listen to more to their first night together...Kaneki told himself.

But he realized what he said, and shook his head.

"Stop it." he said out loud.

Eto looked at Kaneki, confused.

"Huh, Stop it?" Eto asked him.

Kaneki quickly shook his head, embarrassed.

"Nah, not you, I meant me...or I mean my mind...ugh! Don't mind me, I'm just being weird, that's
all." Kaneki stated.

Hide looked at Kaneki, and then back at Eto.

"Well anyways...let's get something straight. Before you went on about Rize, you mentioned that
Earth is considered the world of the living, and there's an afterlife as well? Sweet! That confirms
my fear floating in endless darkness for all of time." Hide pointed out.
Kaneki and Eto just looked at Hide dumbfounded. The carrot top nervously laughed.

"F-F-Forget that last part. Anyways, let me get this straight - there are other entities out there, like
soul reapers that mostly reside in the Soul Society, Hollows that mostly reside in Hueco Mundo,
Quincy that came from...ehh I forgot. But anyways, so you're like...waaaaayyyyy more than a half-
ghoul, is that right Ms. Takatsuki?" Hide asked changing the subject.

Impressed, Eto's eyes widened. Out of all of the information that he remembered, she was surprised
that he said her name right.

"You...finally learned how to say my name properly?" she asked him.

Hide grinned like he just got an A on the test.

"Of course! I had to learn someday, am I right?!" Hide teased her by winking playfully at Eto.

Even Kaneki smiled at Hide. It was a pretty wholesome moment. Funny enough, Eto spoke out
once again.

"Well actually, I prefer that you call me Eto from now on." she said.

While Kaneki was glad that Hide finally got the "E" pass, Hide frowned at her words.

"Seriously? Damn, and I just learned of your second identity, or technically your first...whatever!
Anyways, got it Eto!" Hide told her.

Eto smiled at Hide and nodded. Kaneki then took the time to ask her something else.

"'re basically a goddess?" Kaneki asked the author.

"Demi-goddess." she clarified.

Hide then took some time to review over what she told them before.

"So...your mother is the Queen of Hueco Mundo, and your biological father is the Soul King?
Wow, talk about a power couple. I see why you'd want to make your own identity outside of
them." he said.

Kaneki nodded at Hide.

"All of that puts a lot of context to how both of you are." he added looking at his favorite author.

"Mmhmm..." Eto nodded.

The conversation seemed like it was over, but the silver hair half-ghoul wanted to speak about
other things. Not to mention...those arousing thoughts of Rize and Eto still lingered in his mind...

"There's still some gaps in your shared past with Rize that I still don't know about though." Kaneki
stated to Eto.

Of course, he wasn't going to say something like, Can you talk a little bit more about your sexual
encounter's with Rize? but he had to give it a shot. Even still, Eto shook her head.

"I would tell you, but we're short on time." Eto informed them.

Kaneki nodded but looked down, disappointed.

"I see..." he said frowning.

Before, Eto could get up, her fellow half-ghoul spoke out again.

"Eto...there're a few things that I have to admit to you as well." he finally stated.

Now, both Hide and Eto were both concerned. Their attention immediately fixated on the former
college student.

"You do? I is it?" Eto asked Kaneki.

Taking a deep breath, Kaneki finally let out what he's been meaning to say since they mentioned
her lineage. He wasn't sure how Eto would take it, but he had to tell her.

"When I was kidnapped by Aogiri, I met your...well...The Soul King in my mind." he stated.

While Hide raised an eyebrow, Eto's eyes widened. A mixture of fury, confusion, and panic ran
down her spine, something that was rare for the owl.

"Wait what?!" she asked him, almost shouting.

She wasn't mad at him, but she was completely concerned now since this is the first time that she
was hearing this.

"He explained to me the same thing that the golden goddess told me in my dream from before."
Kaneki elaborated.

Eto looked back and forth and Kaneki and Hide, who was still completely confused by what he
meant by everything. Eto cursed under her breath as a drop of sweat ran down her cheek.

"So all of this time, did you know that I was..." Eto said looking at Kaneki.

But he shook his head. He knew that the owl was referring to her lineage.

"Not necessarily. I didn't take his words into consideration. Besides, he never identified himself to
me." he clarified.

Eto sighed in relief, but Kaneki still wasn't finished.

"Another thing too..." he began.

"...when we raided Dr. Kanou's lab, I began to envision you when I started to lose. It was similar to
when I lost control over fighting Nishiki. You offered me power, and I took it. From this, I lost my
sanity and ended up becoming a liability on the battlefield. Truth is, ever since I became a ghoul,
my mental health has been rapidly decreasing. For that, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about the
extent of my mental state. Being with you has helped me get through things a lot though." Kaneki

It wasn't what Eto was expecting to hear, but she had to respond somehow.

"Oh...that? Don't worry about it. That's what every ghoul goes through. If their will is tested, then
they begin to hallucinate. I use to have hallucinates of...of...ehh nevermind...anyways...It took me a
long time to get my power under control, and I'm not always one to say everything outright. No
biggy." Eto admitted as well.

Hide was completely surprised by this. He's been in contact with Kaneki a lot, so he's been able to
see how well he's been doing.

"The other thing is's kind of embarrassing...and please just keep this between us."
Kaneki went on again.

Hide and Eto looked at each other. Neither of them knew what was coming next, but they nodded
to each other, agreeing to not speak of this outside of this room.

"What's up?" Hide asked Kaneki.

The half ghoul looked at Eto and blushed.

"I...I dream of you, Eto, a lot...and now...they're starting to get more intense...and...erotic." he

Immediately, Eto's face turned cherry. Many of her theories were confirmed right then and there.
Hide held back a smile. He was quite impressed that Kaneki had admit that in
front of his favorite author. Quickly, Eto straighten up her glasses and fixed her hair.

"Oh! I's funny that you say that actually..." Eto murmured, but it was enough for both
of the young men to hear.

Hide knew what was going on, but kept silent for both parties dignities.

"Do you think part of the reason for this is because I have your kagune inside of me? I think that
would make a lot of sense." Kaneki asked Eto.

The owl just nodded in agreement, trying to turn the attention off of her face.

"Y-Yeah...that's probably part of the reason, Ken." she agreed.

But I'd love your kagune inside of me, Ka~ne~ki. Eto's arousal purred in her mind.

"Stop it." Eto told herself out loud.

Kaneki's eyes widened, confused.

"Huh, stop it?" he asked to clarified.

Eto snapped out of her mind and shook her head to clarify.

"Nah, not you, I meant me...or I mean my mind...ugh! Don't mind me, I'm just being weird, that's
all." Eto stated.

Kaneki then giggled at her, but not to make fun of her, but to relieve the embarrassment that she
could have been feeling.

"Hehe...that makes two of us." Kaneki told her.

Eto looked at Kaneki gracefully. Now that the roles were reversed, Kaneki didn't take the
opportunity to clown her, which she appreciated. Finally, Hide needed to return them to the conflict
at hand.

"I haaaaate to interject, but are we going to stop Rize now? Is she like, super OP due
to...ya know, doing the magic with the Soul King?" Hide interjected.

Both Kaneki and Eto didn't have an answer to that, but just as things went too silent, a certain rabbit
woman walked in on them. She was sweating profusely from finish and run that lasted a few miles.
Her breathing was stable enough to not make it awkward to talk.

"You'll have to use your full lineage, lil' sis." Rumi stated to the author.

Everyone in the room turned to the rabbit-woman.

"Rumi..." Eto murmured to herself.

She smiled at Eto and then stuck her tongue out at Hide, who in turn looked like he was just kissed
on the cheek by her as his eyes turned into hearts. In turn, Rumi spoke to him seductively.

"~Heeeeeey carrot top. When this is over, remind me to get some ranch so that I taste it while
eating your-"

"-Um...Yo." Eto said cutting her off, completely embarrassed.

Kaneki was pale as he didn't know what to say. He was speechless. Hide was one lucky man.

Rumi chuckled.

"Right. Anyways. Even if the Soul King restricts us from using our full power in the world of the
living, just a fraction of that power would be sufficient to take Rize out. Keep in mind, I'm not one
to get involved with the affairs of ghouls, as per my mother's domain, but it never said that I can
help out my sister when she needs it." Rumi informed them.

Suddenly, Kaneki snapped up to his feet.

"Wait a second! We're not going to kill Rize, are we?!" Kaneki asked frantically.

Eto remained silent. Hide put his head down in defeat. Rumi just crossed her muscular arms and
frowned. She wasn't going to sugar coat it.
"Kaneki, if it comes down to it, then it will be done. If she even tries to kill Eto, then I won't
hesitate to kill her myself." Rumi informed the young man.

Kaneki's heart pounded. While he wasn't particular in love with Rize as he use to be, he still loved
her. That's just the way that his heart worked.

"But there has to be another way! It's Rize we're talking about, that was your first love too! Right
Eto?!" Kaneki argued.

Eto couldn't look Kaneki in the eyes. Tears began to form as she buried her face in her arms.
Memories of her times with Rize were crashing back to her. The thought of losing Rize for good
was something that she was not prepared for.

"Damn it!" Eto cried out.

Rumi walked over and comforted her sister. She gave Kaneki a look that was like, say something,
you idiot!

"S-Sorry." Kaneki said sadly.

Eto knew that Kaneki wasn't trying to make her emotional, but she too shared the same mindset, if
not even more since she actually had sex with Rize before. As the room took a dark turn, the
manager finally stepped in the room.

"Rize isn't the only person that we have to worry about." Kuzen said coming in.

Everyone turned to face the first owl that walked this Earth. He was accompanied by Yomo, who
looked as serious as ever.

"Father..." Eto murmured, finally looking up.

Kuzen frowned upon seeing his daughter in such distress, but nonetheless continued on.

"Futura is creating an army, and has leaked to the CCG about our little coffee shop. On top of that,
we also have Aogiri preparing for an all out war against the CCG." Kuzen stated.

Everyone's heads snapped to their combat senses. Each of their expressions tightened up. Kaneki
balled his fist until his knuckles turned white.

"I swear that I'll protect the ghouls of Anteiku at all cost!" Kaneki declared.

His words echoed throughout everyone's mind. Even Rumi smiled at the young man's declaration.
Hide smiled and stood up, placing his hand on his best friend's shoulder.

"That's my line, buddy." Hide playfully protested.

Eto and Rumi looked at each other, and nodded. The two went to their respective young man's and
took a hold of their hands. The old man couldn't have looked happier. He looked at Kaneki and
Eto, astonished. He knew that Eto was training Kaneki to the best of her abilities. This training was
something good for her because it gave Kaneki the opportunity to become powerful just like
Kuzen did for Eto.

"I'm glad to see you two working together side by side. If I'm being honest, this is just the way that
I envisioned you two." Kuzen proclaimed with great pride at Kaneki and Eto in particular.

Both Kaneki and Eto blushed as they didn't want to make it obvious that they were feeling each
other. Truth is though, if they didn't want to make it obvious, then perhaps they shouldn't have
been holding hands with each other.

"Alright Dad...we get it..." Eto murmured embarrassed.

"Hehe...pardon me, I just wanted to get that off my chest. Anyways, I need to talk to Yomo on the
roof." Kuzen said turning to Yomo.

Yomo nodded. Before Kuzen exited the room however, he looked at Eto and Kaneki, and frowned.
Everyone wasn't sure why, but he exited the room quickly afterwards.

"Well then gang, what should we do now?" Hide asked everyone.

"EAT." Eto grunted.

Kaneki almost thought that Eto was about to try and devour him by her tone, but Rumi giggled
which ease his anxiety.

"No seriously, let's eat, because I'm starving and I need to be at full strength to ensure our
victory." Eto told them hangrily.

Yes, hangrily. A condition that combines anger and hunger. Everyone smiled as they got up to eat
in the dining room, preparing for what was to come.

On the roof of Anteiku...

"What is it, Kuzen?" Yomo asked his boss.

The wind blew their clothes in the air. Kuzen had a serious expression on his face. Something was
gnawing at his mind. The old man finally spoke out.

"I can hear the bells, Yomo." Kuzen told him.


In that moment, Yomo's stomach twisted. Confusion and concern ran through his veins. It was like
the manager was talking as if there was no blood in his veins.

"Wha-What are you saying, Sir?" Yomo demanded.

Slowly, Kuzen turned around and peaked crimson his eyes open to Yomo. Yomo saw that Kuzen
was serious.

"I'm saying that I believe my time on this world is coming to an end." Kuzen clarified.

Yomo cursed under his breath.

"What? Hey! Don't say that!" he protested.

Kuzen just shook his head.

"Listen, Yomo...if anything happens to me, I want you to promise me something..." he request to

It stung Yomo's heart. To know that he lost and his sister already, and now that there was a chance
that he would lose Kuzen too, especially after all that they've been through, it might break him.

"Promise you...what?" Yomo asked Kuzen.

Taking a deep breath, Kuzen finally opened his eyes for real, showing off his kakugans.

"Promise me, that..."

Chapter End Notes

Next chapter should be released in the next 30 days! Thank you all so much for the
support. It really means a lot to me and I appreciate you all taking the time out of your
day to read and tell how much you like reading my fanfic! See you all in the next
The End of the Beginning
Chapter Summary

After the crew finishes eating, Kaneki asked Eto for a private conversation on the roof
of Anteiku...

Chapter Notes

Major Etoken building!!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

You can do can do this...Kaneki thought to himself.

It was a bright day outside they both looked amazing. He was staring at Eto who didn't quite know
why he brought her up here.

"Maybe this is way overdue...but I just wanted to say to my heart." Kaneki

Instantly, Eto's blood rushed out of her head. She blinked twice, but nods. She's very curious at this
point, especially since Kaneki asked her to talk in private, away from everyone.

"I um...I have been thinking about everything - about us - and it's really...*okay got
this..." But then Kaneki began to mumble on his words.

"Kaneki?" Eto asked concerned.

Now her mind was racing on anything that he could say. He shook his head.

"I'm-I'm fine, I just..." he said waiving her off.

He was shaking and blushing, but one deep breath calmed him down.

"'ve wanted to ask you this and tell you this...for a long time." he stated.

Eto's lips parted and her head nodded again. Her heart was pounding out of her chest.

"What...what is it?" she asked him.

One more deep breath, and Kaneki was able to say what he desired to tell her.

"What I'm trying to say is...if we survive this war, then I would like to stay with you at your
side, always, not just after either of us complete our goals." Kaneki proclaimed.

Now, to be completely honest, Eto was slightly disappointed in his words, but still, she accepted
his request.

"Of course you can. You always have a home with me." she replied.

Her response gave Kaneki the willpower to speak from his gut.

"I'm glad that you said that, because the truth is, Eto, I..." Kaneki began.

"I love you, Eto."

A strong silence washed over the rooftop of Anteiku. The wind blew her emerald hair and his
silver hair gently as they looked at each other deeply in the eyes. Eto's mind went blank, and all
she could hear were the words that Kaneki had just told her. Kaneki waited for her to say
something, but it seemed as though that Eto was in suspended animation, like she was frozen in
time. Due to that, Kaneki went on to explained himself as he closed his eyes in embarrassment.

"I know that you might just see me as a fan, a younger sibling, or just another ghoul...half-ghoul, or
perhaps someone who needs guidance! M-Maybe I just have wishful thinking. After all, you're the
most beautiful woman that I've ever laid my eyes on, highly intelligent, an outstanding leader, a
great mentor, the strongest ghoul in the world, the best selling author in Tokyo, rich, a
Princess and a demigoddess from another dimension since your mother is the Queen of Hueco
Mundo, and your biological father - for better or for worse - is the Soul King...gosh I hope that
you'll at least kill me quickly for bringing him up. That, or I might just die of embarrassment. And
who am I suppose to be? You desire to become the Queen of all Ghouls, so what would a little
young guy like me provide for you? I'm obvious way out of your league. Wait! I mean...! You are
way above my league. I'm-I'm not the best looking. I'm not the strongest. I'm not the most
confident like Nishiki. I even dated Rize before you! I don't know, maybe this was a mistake.
Perhaps I was too early, or too late, but...I said it anyways, so I guess that I have to live with it now,
right? I hope that Hide's advice was good. Anyways, I've been talking too much, and I probably
should ask to you feel...about...m-me?" Kaneki explained.

Eto just remained silent. It was clear that he just told her all of his insecurities, his doubts, and his
true feelings. All she did was stare pretty plainly at the young man. Kaneki finally opened his eyes
to see her expression, and assumed the worst.

"Hehehe...I probably crept you out, didn't I? Well it was good while it lasted. Just forget what I
said. I'll just head back downstairs and-MGF?!"

Before he could even process what happened, Eto grabbed his shirt by the collar so that she could
crash her lips onto hers. By far, it was the most sensational thing that Kaneki has felt in his life.
Her lips tasted like divine nectar, probably due to her lineage. What made it even sweeter was that
Eto's face was centimeters from his, and he could tell that she was blushing. His eyes were still
open, but slowly, he recomposed himself. He was still naïve, so he wasn't sure what Eto thought of
him at the moment. All he could do was return the favor and kiss her back, closing his eyes in the
process. Eto felt this and kissed him harder, which resulted in another kiss from the author. Finally,
once she tasted him, she retracted, as both of them slowly opened their eyes together.

"You really have a way of words, you know that, Ken Kaneki?" she admitted.

This cheeky response sent butterflies down Kaneki's stomach. He couldn't help but grin. A part of
him knew that he had done something right in that explanation.

"Hehe...well I...I learn from the best. That being you of course." Kaneki giggled, with his voice
being a bit lower since he was only inches from her face.

Eto finally let go of his shirt, which allowed Kaneki to stand up straight, not that he necessarily
wanted to anyways. It created an awkward silence for him, since she still hasn't directly answered
his questions.

"So...does this mean that you feel the same way about me?" Kaneki asked as he rubbed the back of
his head with one of his hands.

Eto smiled. She was in a complete state of happiness.

"Hmm...let's see...I could have sworn that I answer that already, but let me be crystal clear with

She took a hold of his hands and squeezed them firmly. Kaneki smiled looking to her eyes and did
the same. Her hands were like a cat's fur on his skin.

"Yes, I love you too, Kaneki." she admitted.

Kaneki's mouth parted as his heart could have burst out of his chest right then and there. Hell, he
was so happy that he could cry...but then it hit him...he had one more question in mind.

"But...can I ask why you feel the same way too, Eto?" Kaneki requested to her.

Eto's eyebrows rose up, but she nodded as she knew that it was a fair question.

"Well I thought that perhaps you saw me as a nerdy author, or just a mentor, or an older sibling, or
maybe even a piece of trash since I am the owl. Truth is, I...I think that you're really cute,
a potential leader, strong, and your taste in literature is the best. I mean, you're a half-ghoul, like
me, and you were able to obtain Rize's kagune and my kagune without losing your mind. Sure, you
could use some more training, but I know that you're more than ready to fight alongside of me
now. Besides, you could have easily kept Rize around you, or Touka, or even...well I'll wait on that
one. Phew...I'm talking too much, aren't I? I just hope that I answered your question specifically."
Eto finished.

At this point, she was almost breaking a sweat, but Kaneki quickly reassured his newly established

"N-No! You're fine!" he said as he put his hands on her shoulders.

Eto glanced at his hands and then back at Kaneki. His hands were strong, but at the same time soft.
They were cold, but it cooled down her body. Now that both of them admitted their feelings for
each other, their feeling of their touches grew exponentially. She could only imagine of what it was
like if he drags his hands all around her body. The thought filled her with uncontrollable joy. She
took both of his hands and pressed them down harder on her shoulders.

"Hehe..." Eto began to giggle.

"...hehehe..." Kaneki began to giggle as well, feeling the smoothness from her clothes.

It wasn't long before both parties began to burst out laughing out of deep relief.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" both of them laughed.

It took them a few seconds for them to calm down, but once they did, Eto embraced Kaneki again
with a tight hug. Kaneki didn't hesitate to return the hug as well. At this point, both of them could
cry tears of joy, but things were far from over. Still, they could enjoy this moment.

"I'm glad that we got that out of our systems." Eto admitted through her embrace.

This caused Kaneki to smile even further.

"Me too." Kaneki replied.

He looked up at the sky, feeling like he was floating on the clouds. He silently thanked life for
giving him this day that he would never forget. Even still, his mind went to what needed to be done
before they could pursue their romance.

"Well...I guess that we should get ready make our final preparations for tonight then, right?"
Kaneki asked Eto looking down at her.

But Eto's mind was somewhere else again, and he could only see her emerald hair from his point of
view. Gently, she looked up and licked her lips at him.

"Oh don't worry about the war. I'm sure that if we're together, then we can handle
anything, besides..." Eto began.

Then in the next moment, the owl pounced on Kaneki, before he could even realize what had

"~...I can have you all to myself now.~" Eto purred to him.

Before Kaneki could protest, Eto crashed her lips onto his again. This made Kaneki's mind go
blank as he kissed her back and wrapped his hands around her slim waist. Their tongues wrestled
with each other, mixing their irresistible flavors to each other. The author grinded against her
lover's lower region, intending to spark his erection. It worked, and it didn't take long either. It
seemed like they were about to go at it on the rooftop, but then someone came to get them

"Hey guys, we need you to take Ryouko back to your pla-" but the young woman gasped.

Eto peaked her emerald eyes to the voiced and glared at a young woman with dark purple hair.
Eto's realization caused her to stop kissing Kaneki.

"T-Touka!" Eto cried out as she rose her upper body that was towering over Kaneki.

Slowly, the white haired half ghoul opened his eyes, waking back up from his daze.

"H-huh? Who are you talking to? Ouuu!" Kaneki cried out as he finally caught eyes with Touka.

Touka's heart sank. It was a scene that she feared the most. First Rize, and now the author, the owl
- Eto Yoshimura. Her throat felt like it was being sucked by a black hole, and her eyes teared up.

"Um...sorry for interrupting you two. I'll let Ryouko and Hinami know that y'all be able to drop
them off at your place in a few minutes." Touka said before quickly making her way back

Kaneki and Eto looked at each other, and got to their feet. They realized that this wasn't the time
and place to...make love.

Back downstairs, Touka stopped in the hallway to take a minute and get herself together. Tears
streamed down her face as she sniffed.

I-I shouldn't be upset, I saw this coming. Part of me is happy for them, but...the other part of
me...the BIGGER part of me...still wants him. Even if I don't end up with him, if I could just at least
have one of his kids, then I'd be happy with that. Touka told herself.

Night eventually fell as Eto and Kaneki keep their newly established relationship a secret to
everyone. Anteiku was evacuated, and the CCG were now swarming Anteiku...

"This is your last chance. We don't have to kill each other. Leave now, and no one has to get
hurt." Kuzen firmly stated in his kakuja.

Eto was also in her kakuja, and Kaneki stood on top of her full body kakuja shoulder with his mask
on. Their combined power would dominant anyone in CCG. Most of the soldiers and police
officers could sense this, and their wills waivered at the sight of the big three.

"Think carefully. You all get one shot at this." Eto snarled out through her kakuja.

Kaneki remained silent as he balanced himself on his lover's kakuja. Some CCG members wanted
to take the offer, but the leader of the Washuu clan smirked. Suddenly, they felt huge steps on the
ground, as if it was a giant walking through the city. Kuzen couldn't see anything, and Kaneki
could only "sense" the presence.

"Hey! What's going on?!" Kaneki asked Eto.

But she didn't respond. Her gut tugged at her. Eventually, a hollow with silver hair showed up
behind the CCG. It's body was comparable to the Yoshimura's kakuja, and it's smile was more
devilish than ever.

"Long time no see, owl. I think that it's about time that I fulfill my promise that I made to
you!" Mado shouted out.

Eto's eyes narrowed in her kakuja. Kaneki couldn't see him, but could still sense his presence and
even hear his voice.

"'s the old investigator, isn't it? He's back." he whispered to her.

Mado grinned at the white-haired young man on top of her.

"Oh and if it isn't the brat that accompanied the author! You know, you all really are
making it easy for me! Once I'm done with you all here, I might get a chance to see the
corpses of your friends in that penthouse of yours! Well...if you get to them in time. I'm sure
that those other investigators and hollows would have killed them by then."

Instantly, both Kaneki's and Eto's hearts sank.

"No..." she uttered.


With her kakuja, she looked at her lover.

"Get to the penthouse! Now!" she ordered him.

Kaneki knew that their friends were in danger, but still protested.

"But what about you two?! I can't just leave you both here by yourself!" he protested.

The owl shook her head violently.

"We'll be fine, just go!" Eto assured him.

Kaneki looked at the sadistic Mado, then back at Kuzen, and finally at Eto. He nodded to her.

"Don't you dare die on me." Kaneki demanded.

And with that, Kaneki escaped from the CCG and made his way to the penthouse. Mado let him
go, believing that he would be no threat to him.


the war started between Anteiku and the CCG.

Chapter End Notes

First - Thanks for reading!

Second - I hope that you liked the chapter!
Third - The reason why Kaneki's acting a bit like how he was pre-Aogiri was because
Eto's influence on him has allowed him to not be such an edgelord even after Post-
Fourth - Please like, follow, and comment!
Lastly - See you all in the next chapter and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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