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1. Lisa : ....................................?
Raina : I usually spend my time to go to some interesting places together with my family.
a. Who do you usually do to spend your time on the weekend?
b. What do you usually do on the weekend?
c. When do you usually spend your time?
d. What did you do last week?
e. where do you usually spend you spare time?
2. Lila : do you have a plan this weekend?
Susan : No, I don’t. Why?
Lila : ____________
a. I am planning to have a vacation. Would you like to go with me?
b. I will have a vacation. I think you might have gone along with me.
c. I was just asking. May be you went somewhere.
d. I am going to go to the beach.
e. I want to go to somewhere.
3. Coach : prepare yourselves kids. We _______
a. Are going to be late
b. Are prepared
c. Are going to have big match tomorrow
d. Will going to play now
e. Will going to have game
4. ___________this weekend.
a. I was going to Korea.
b. I will get to go to Korea
c. I would go to Korea
d. I am going to Korea
e. I want to go to Korea
5. John : I often see you in the library.................
Ron : Yes, I always read many interesting books there.
a. do you like it?
b. what is your hobby?
c. Is your hobby reading?
d. What do you do there?
e. What do you do there?
Question number 6 to 8
Marishka : Hanif, (6)..................................?
Hanif : I like travelling, reading, and debating. How about you?
Marishka : (7)............................................. Have you ever visited Papua?
Hanif : No, not yet. But I would like to.
Marishka : (8)..........................................are you interested in joining?
6 . a. What are you doing?
b. What do you like te read?
c. What do you usually do?
d. What are your hobbies?
e. What is your hobby?
7. a. I really love travelling
b. I prefer staying home to travelling
c. I never think about it.
d. I have no idea about it.
e. I like it very much.
8. a. Papua is a wonderful place.
b. Papua is rich in culture and has beautifu scenery.
c. Next month, I’m going there.
d. Do you want to go there?
e. Did you want to go there?
9. Father : ____________
Didi : I think they will be in the next two weeks, Dad.
a. When is the exam held?
b. When will you have your exam?
c. Are you having an exam?
d. When are you going to have an exam?
e. Why are you going to have an exam?
10. If you don’t study hard tonight, you ________
a. Are going to be successful
b. Will regret your decision
c. Will fail in your exam tomorrow
d. Are going to having a bad result
e. Are going to be success in the future
11. Mom : __________
Daisy : I would like some soup Mom, thank you.
a. What do you like to eat for lunch?
b. Do youwant me to cook for you?
c. Let’s just go on diet today?
d. Would you like some refreshments?
e. Did you want some refreshment?
12. Masha : would you like to come to my party tonight?
Jean : Oh I’d love to, but_______
a. I think it’s great idea.
b. I don’t know about that.
c. I have another plan tonight.
d. It’s okay.
e. I am great.
13. Waiter :_______________
Mr. Lee : I like it smoked better than grilled.
a. Would you mind telling me your favourite dish, Sir?
b. Would you like your beef ribs smoked or grilled, Sir?
c. How do you like your beef ribs cooked?
d. Do you want beef ribs?
e. Do you need roast beef?
14. Dina : can you go with me to the bookstore tomorrow?
Ria : I’m sorry, I don’tthink I can ________
a. I will be very busy tomorrow
b. I will going to somewhere tonight
c. I am going to have it fixed
d. I will be available tomorrow night
e. I am going to be free tomorrow
15. I _______if I have trouble doing this job.
a. Will have called you
b. Will ask for your help
c. Would gone to you
d. Will asked you for your help
e. Would call you then

The following text refers to question number 16 – 19

Fear is unpleasant feeling of perceived risk or danger, whether it is real or imagined. Fear
also (16) a feeling of extreme dislike towards certainn conditions, objects or situations
such as fear of darkness, fear of ghost, etcetera. Fear (17)...............from some phenomena of
behaviour modification, although these phenomena can be explained without adducing fear as a
factor in them.
Humans can become very (18) fear; causing them to go along with someone’s
wishes without (19).................about their own input. They can also become equally violent, and
can event become deadly. It can cause an instinctive reaction to rising adrenaline levels rather
than a consciously decision.

16. a. is describing
b. can describe
c. can be described
d. means
e. meaning
17. a. could be describing
b. can be shown
c. is underlining
d. may underline
e. may be underline
18. a. intimidated
b. being intimidated
c. intimidates
d. intimidating
e. is intimidating
19. a. be cared
b. being care
c. care
d. caring
e. cares
20. Father : why didyou come home late last night?
Susan : we were preparing for a bi g project and_____
a. I have to make sure everthing is going well.
b. I have to do many works for it.
c. I had to stay to make sure everything was going well.
d. I am going to work overtime again tonight.
e. I need to have free time for myself.
21. Dara : can I go with my frinds now?
Mother: Ok, but ___________
a. Please come as early as you can.
b. Don’t come home late.
c. You may leave now.
d. Can you help me with this?
e. Don’t forget me forever
22. The water park ____________
a. Will be having fixed starting tomorrow
b. Is going to fix starting tomorrow
c. Is going to be fix for maintenancestarting tomorrow
d. Is going to be closed for maintenance starting tomorrow
e. Will be being fixed for maintenance starting tomorrow
23. My Mom ________if I don’t go home now.
a. Is mad at me
b. Will be very angry
c. Will mad at me
d. Is going to have been angry
e. Will heve been angry
f. The text below refers to number

The text below refers to number 24 - 25


It’s easy to manage our own income in order for us to be thriftier. All we have to do is follow
these steps. First we have to devide our income into several different cases or wallets. One case is for
the money that we use for daily needs, one is for our savings which we can deposit into a bank
directly. The second way is to make a ledger. Just like an accountant, we have to help ourselves
become accustomed to noting the cash in and out in two different columns. By doing thos, we can
notice whenever our purchase are too many, and then we can control them in the future.
Next, we have to get accustomed to paying everything in cash, and not by using a credit card
and having a debt to anyone else. If we don’t haveany cash we should forget the intention to buy or
shop. Therefore, we don’t be trapped in a situation where we don’t have any money to pay a debt or
spending our savings wihout realizing it. Last but not least is to start finding the right way and the right
time to get additional income by setting up our own bussiness. Just start it with a simple one, like
selling our self-made handicraft or cakes. By doing all the steps that have been mentioned above, we
may be richer because of our ability to manage our money and thrifty.

24. The topic of the passage is............

a. How to be rich in the future
b. Ways to manage our income
c. How to start a new bussiness
d. Several ways to avoid being in debt
e. How to avoid being in debt
25. How many steps are suggested for us to be thrifty?
a. five
b. four
c. three
d. two
e. one
26. Would you mind if ______for one night.
a. I stayed in your house
b. I had stayed in your house
c. I stay in your house
d. I am staying in your house
e. I staying in your house
27. Lisa : do you know how to make a blog?
Aris : Yes
Lisa :_____________
a. You might wanted to show me.
b. You must shown me.
c. Could you show me?
d. Do you want to show me?
e. Would you show me ?
28. If I were able to wake up early, I ___________
a. Would not miss the bus
b. Would have not missed the bus
c. Would not missed the bus
d. Would not have miss the bus
e. Would miss the bus
29. Back then, his height was less than me, but now _____________
a. He is much shorter than me
b. He is going to be less tall
c. He is as taller as I am
d. He is taller than me
e. He is the same as me
30. Lily : could you show me which way is better, Sir?
Pedestrian : _____________
a. This way is more good than that way.
b. This way is better than that way.
c. The way is less complicated.
d. Both ways is better to me.
e. That way is more longer.

The best trip that I’ve ever taken was when I was in the second grade at Senior High
School. I went to Yogyakarta with all of my school friends. My school held the trip. We went
there by bus. We spent three days and went to some tourists places around Yogyakarta.
First, we went to small village near Yogyakarta where we were divided into small groups
consisting of two to four people to stay in the villagers’ homes. We learnt many traditional arts and
culture, such as how to make batik, how to play gamelan (karawitan), and how to cook traditional
food. The next day, we went to Yogyakarta and checked in into a hotel that we had reserved. In the
hotel, five to six people occupied each room. My best friend and I were in the same room. And we
spent the night by talking and sharing about many things.
In Yogyakarta, we went to many places. We went to the Sultan Palace of Yogyakarta,
shopped in Malioboro, saw the sunset from the rubble of an old temple that is found on the top of
the hill (I forgot the name of the temple), watched a Rama Sinta play in Prambanan (which was
very fascinating performance and play) and the best part was that we got to eat a seafood
restaurant that was located above the pond where we could eat big delicious fresh lobster.
I have to say it was a great holiday. I had so many great new experiences and it enabled me
to know my friends and know them better.

1. What is the most suitable title for the text above?

2. What does the second paragraph talk about?
3. What does the passage tell us about?
4. What did the writer do in the first day?
5. What is the best experience of the writer based on the text?

1. B 11. A 21. B
2. A 12. C 22. D
3. C 13. B 23. B
4. D 14. A 24. B
5. C 15. B 25. B
6. D 16. C 26.C
7. A 17. B 27. C
8. C 18. A 28.A
9. D 19. D 29. D
10. C 20. C 30.B
1. The most suitable title is my holiday in Yogyakarta
2. The second paragraph tells about the writer’s experience in Yogyakarta
3. The passage tells about the writer’s holiday and many experience in Yogyakarta
4. The writer and friends went to small village near Yogyakarta where they were divided into small
groups consisting of two to four people to stay in the villagers’ homes. They learnt many traditional
arts and culture, such as how to make batik, how to play gamelan (karawitan), and how to cook
traditional food.
5. The best experience of the writer was he/she got to eat a seafood restaurant that was located above
the pond where we could eat big delicious fresh lobster

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