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Name: Casin, Maerell Odoy.

Grade and Section: 11 – Picasso

Geographic Dimensions Linguistic Dimensions Ethnic Dimensions

Bumbaran Bantugën, whose name of the Based solely upon my intuition,

significant individual in the epic a correlation between the plot
Lake Lanao every so often enunciated and of the epic being mainly stirred
written as Bantugan, is said to from emotional conditions
Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas be uplifted in appraisals by mostly pivoted around jealousy,
those Mëranaw, also usually and the notion of how the
called as Maranao people or literary piece is founded to be
the “people of the lake”, for the enciphered of standards of
said appellate directs to the social and ethical behavior,
meaning “the one who makes and social values — is somehow
history”. a dictatory on what kind of
customary laws prior to the
Described as an assemblage of Maranao conversion to Islam in
various unique characteristics, the 14th century were abided
one could deliberate over any by the people. It is said that up
kind of weaponry would be to this day, elders refer to this
Bantugan’s signature kampilan, time-honored text in the
which in his acquisition took him administration of customary
to heights of victory amidst his law, and by these chances are
life-tolling exploits of ventures. the community of the Maranao
people is shaped by conscious
Darangen is the concrete piece ethical values.
of what has come to the minds
of many as Bantugan-centered The far to real-life frame of birds
and interjected narratives, naturally attributed with skills to
which in itself is, a matter of fact communicate, that in the epic
a distinct factor note-worthy to played a vital role in relaying
get acknowledged by the urgent delivery of messages.
country’s literary field.

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