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Activity 1 Activity 2

1. The topic sentence is excellent 1. General topic: winter.

reasons for exercising several The best season for children is
times each week. winter.
2. My expect to read about based on 2. General topic: soccer
the topic sentence is an Soccer is a nice game.
explanation of the importance of 3. General topic: Los Angeles
exercising several times a week. Los Angeles is a big city in
3. (1) first, (2) in addition, (3) finally, California.
(4) for these rasons. 4. General topic: dictionary
4. The purpose of this sentence is to Monolingual dictionaries have
tell us that we should exercise only one language, but bilingual
regularly for a healthy and fit dictionaries have two language.

Activity 3 Activity 4
1. The reader expects the paragraph 1. In an English class most of the
to explain three section dealing has female students receive higher
a now test with important skills. grades than the males.
2. The reader expects the paragraph 2. Cats are better pets than goldfish
to explain the airplane is crash off for many reasons.
the coast of Florida. 3. Yesterday I went to work late, and
3. The reader expects the paragraph my boss was of course very angry.
to explain why crossword puzzles 4. Paul Cezanne, the father of
is important. modern rt, made important
4. The reader expects the paragraph contributions to the history of art.
to explain the risk why we must 5. The current population of Canada
eat dark green and leafy vegetable. includes immigrants from all over
5. The reader expects the paragraph the world.
to explain so many advantages.
Activity 5 Activity 6
1. Flowers are the best gift to receive 1. Topic sentence from paragraph 3.1
when you are feeling down. is sport
2. The cutes pet I have is a cat. 2. The controlling idea is there are
3. Everyday Paris always visited by many excellent reasons for
tourist from various country. exercising several times each
4. I always take 15-20 minutes to week.
read blogs.
5. Every weekend afternoon I always
make time to jogging.
Activity 7 Activity 8
1. Paragraph 3.2: musical. 1. Complex sentence
2. Paragraph 3.3: reptile and 2. Compound sentence
dinosaurs. 3. Complex sentence
3. Paragraph 3.4: learning new word. 4. Complex sentence
5. Simple sentence
6. Complex sentence
7. Compound sentence
8. Simple sentence
9. Complex sentence
Complex sentence
Activity 9 Activity 10
1. Adjective 1. (2) Brazil is surrounded by
2. Adverb Spanish-speaking countries, but
3. Adjective most people in
4. Adverb Brazil speak Portuguese.
5. Adjective 2. (2) The flags of Chile France and
6. Adverb Norway have blue, white, and red
7. Adverb sections.
8. Adjective 3. (1) Fortunately, no one was hurt in
the accident that happened
4. (2) Italian French, Spanish, and
Portuguese come from Latin.
5. (1) My friend has an e-reader, and
she convinced me to buy one.
6. (1) In the summer of 1940,
German soldiers entered France.
7. (1) Because English came from
German, there are many similar
words in the
two language.
8. (4) If you want to make cookies,
you need flour, sugar, oil, and

Activity 11 Activity 12
Malaysia and Thailand 1. Go up
Because Malaysia and Thailand 2. Get it right
are next to each other, we might think 3. Need
that these two countries share many 4. Money
similarities. In some ways, this is true. 5. Useful
For example, both countries are warm 6. Think
all year long. Both have many miles of 7. Better
beautiful beaches that attract tourist. In 8. Short
addition, the economy of both 9. Know
countries is growing. However there 10. So
are also several clear differences. For
one, Malaysians and Thais speak
completely different languages. The
population of Malaysia is about 31
million, while the population of
Thailand is about 69 million. Thailand
has a king, but Malaysia does not.
Finally, Malaysia was part of Britain
at one time, but Thailand was never
British. Therefore the fact that, two
countries are near each other does not
always mean that they are similar.
Activity 13 Activity 14
1. Reduce 1. Connection
2. Sum 2. Connect
3. Climb 3. Connected
4. Contribution 4. Cultural
5. Effective 5. Culture
6. Dependent
7. Effective
8. Effect
9. Imagination
10. Imaginary

Activity 15 Activity 16
1. Tya doesn’t go to school, because 1. Although some politicians in this
she’s sick. country believes that the new law
2. Mother is cooking, while ani is will make a difference in
studying in her room. electricity costs most people think
3. I eat, before the lesson starts. there will be no change (Not
4. If I don’t rest, I will get sick. longer)
5. I am shower after, exercise in the 2. In the sum, gasoline prices will
field. continue to rise each year, because
companies want makes more
money on gasoline sales. (Money
on gasoline sales)
3. Although some teachers retire
when they are 55 years old the
normal retirement age for a teacher
in U.K. is 60. (retirement age for a
teacher in U.K. is 60.)
4. Brazil ranks fifth in population and
it is the fifth most big country in
the world (Country)
5. According to the article people
thought their dinner tasted better,
when they did not use social
media. (to the article)
6. When a airplane take off the pilot
and other crew are very busy.
(very busy)

Activity 17 Activity 18
1. One of the local politicians has
served for 18 years 1. This is a very serious medical
2. I bought a new car because the old condition and requires immediate
car was broken attention.
3. If I get good grades I will buy a 2. Canada is a big country but has a
new PC, if I get bad grades then small population.
the deal is canceled. 3. he last assignment for English
4. The Eiffel tower is the most history class was to write a paper
famous building in France on how the War of 1812 began.
5. Durian fruit has a high average
6. One of the most difficult things in
school is math
Activity 19 Activity 20
1. Animal communication Dolphin communication
Dolphin communication. Dolphins have almost the same
Elephant communication way of communication as whales and
Ant communication. bats. Dolphins communicate in
2. International flights various ways, such as using Biological
Farthest travel route flight Sonar or jumping to the surface of the
Shortest travel route flight water. Like bats, dolphins have
3. Learn a language biological sonar called echolocation.
Learn the most difficult language This tool is able to detect various
Learn Thai language things around its environment by
Learn ancient Chinese emitting low or high-pitched sound
4. Smartphones frequencies. It is like an echo
Smartphone development from sensation. Dolphins will calculate how
year to year long the reflected sound or echo
Smartphone feature development returns. Dolphin echoes are very
accurate. They can detect object size,
direction of travel, density, and the
position of an object above or below
the dolphin.
And the second by jumping in
the air Most of us have probably seen
the attraction of dolphins jumping out
of the water. In addition to aiming to
breathe, by jumping to the surface
scientists believe is a sign that they
want to show their youth while
watching predators around them.
Beyond just showing off, jumping out
of the water helps conserve energy for
moving around. Jumping in the air
requires less effort than swimming
through the water. Dolphins also
communicate through physical
contact. A loud bang with the head is
an aggressive signal that dolphins use
to fend off males during the mating
period. On the other hand, gentle
smacking and flipping touches are
signs of affection
Activity 21
Hello, my name is Putri Cintantya W. I want to meet Doni Herdaru Tona. he
has done a lot of good for abandoned animals, not only abandoned, he also
provides shelter for animals that not have owner. this is very interesting to me, I
think that there are still good people who are willing to give anything for living
beings who need help from humans. I really hope that one day I can be like
him, doing good without expecting anything in return. learn from experience, I
have a lot of experience about sharing a good habits with animals.
Corrector: Dhea
Hello, my name is Putri Cintantya W. I wanna share with you my favorite
public figure. His name is Doni Herdaru Tona. He is a animal rescueo. He also
provides shelter for animals that do not have owners. This is very interesting to
me because I think there are still good people who are willing to give anything
to living beings who need help from humans. I hope that one day I can be like
him, doing good without expecting anything in return. Learn from my
experience, I have a lot of experience sharing good habits with animals.
When I was a child, I was known as a very hyperactive child. Even though I'm a
girl, I prefer to play men's games like playing football, basketball, marbles, etc.
At that time, I was learning to ride a bike with the front neighbor of the house.
Because I'm a very brave kid, I'm desperate to ride a bike on a big road. As a
result, my courage wreaked havoc. I fell and went into a big ditch. Everyone
laughed at me, including my friends. I'm a little embarrassed, but I still dare to
practice riding a bike.

Corrector: Wisnu
When I was a child, I was known as a very hyperactive child. Even though I'm a
girl, I prefer to play men's games like playing football, basketball, marbles, etc.
At that time, I was learning to ride a bike with the front neighbor of the house.
Because I'm a very brave kid, I'm decided to ride a bike on a big road. As a
result, my courage wreaked havoc. I fell and went into a big ditch. Everyone
laughed at me, including my friends. I'm a little embarrassed, but I still dare to
practice riding a bike.
The person I like the most is my sister. my sister has the exact same nature as
me. My sister has a friendly, kind, and cares about people around her. I think
many people like my sister because of her personality like that. in socializing
my sister is a person who easily adapts to the surrounding environment. besides
that my sister also likes to help other people without caring that person has hurt

Corrector: Rima
1. After (.) use a capital letters.
2. The word of “My Sister has a” change to “she is”
The person I like the most is my sister. She has the exact same nature as me.
She is friendly, kind, and cares about people around her. I think many people
like my sister because of her personality. In social my sister is a person who
easily adapts to others. Besides that my sister also likes to help other people.
My mother is one of the people I love. my mother is a housewife, so I have a lot
of time with her. He is my teacher who taught me many things. if I did
something wrong, he never scolded me. He gives subtle advice. He also never
demands anything and always supports whatever is my choice as long as it is
good for me. Mom is the best person I have ever met, and will always be the

Corrector: Neri
1. The personal pronoun is not “he” but “she”
2. The “subtle” change to “wise”
My mother is one of the people I love. my mother is a housewife, so I have a lot
of time with her. She is my teacher who taught me many things. if I did
something wrong, he never scolded me. She gives wise advice. She also never
demands anything and always supports whatever is my choice as long as it is
good for me. Mom is the best person I have ever met, and will always be the
My name is Paulita Neri. Every day I wake up at 6 am and make my bed.
Usually if I have a morning class schedule, then I will immediately take a
shower and prepare myself for the zoon meeting. But if I have an afternoon
class schedule, then I will help mom cook and then take a bath. After following
the lesson, I will take a break to just play on my cellphone or watch TV. then I
shower in the afternoon and do my homework at night and sleep.

Corrector: Putri
1. Zoon meeting is typo
2. After the word of “zoom meeting” should be given (,) not (.)
3. After (.) use a capital letters.
My name is Paulita Neri. Every day I wake up at 6 am and make my bed.
Usually if I have a morning class schedule, then I will immediately take a
shower and prepare myself for the zoom meeting, but if I have an afternoon
class schedule, then I will help mom cook and then take a bath. After following
the lesson, I will take a break to just play on my cellphone or watch TV. Then I
shower in the afternoon and do my homework at night and sleep.

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