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 Social evolution

- Is a constant and steady reality that humankind is deemed to face as society grows and c
ontrol and uncontrolled forces influence cultural belief.
- is evident because of social changes. We will now look into a different perspective in social

 Social Change
-” change is constant “ / pertains to any in interrelationships or relationships of people in a society. Change as they say.
Is inevitable phenomenon. It may be individual in nature, relating to people in a small group, or affecting an entire
society as a whole.

In defining social change, one should consider the following:

1. Number of affected people ( individual, group and society)
2. Length of time “change” is measured.

Perspectives on Social Change

1.Determination Theory - As man progresses. there is a tendency to move from happiness to discontent
or dissatisfaction.
-As Plato mentioned “The Republic”, that man is an insatiable animal and
insatiability created a feeling of determination because of the ever-increasing need
or hunger for more.

2.Cyclical theory - several scholars offered an explanation for this theory.

 Oswald Spengler - mention that societies undergoes stages of birth, maturity, decline and
eventually death.
- example of this is a Roman Empire which rose power but eventually collapsed.
Social change may signal progress to decline or decay, but the only consistent
thing is that no society is permanent.

 Vilfredo Pareto - posits the cyclic movement of the elites in society.

- he perceived society to belong to a whole insert list of interdependent and

interrelated parts being. Any movement in part will have a ripple effect on the other

 Arnold J. Tonybee - British Christopher. Supports the idea that society will undergo a cycle of
growth, halt and eventually a decline of civilization.
3.Theory of Auguste Comte - posits launch that society will undergo 3 stages of change
religious , philosophic and positive.
Religious Stage Society's action is dictated by a belief of
supernatural power.
he believes influences Philosophic state Societies behavior in the
supernatural power thus, man came to abstraction
Power Stage all things are studied empirically/ all stages will be moving in a
Cyclic manner
4. Theory of Herbert Spencer
- compared social change should a microorganism.
- Society is innately militant and struggles for survival.
- to each his own, every individual struggled to exist. this type of militant society moved to
industrialism to differentiate itself and eventually move to integration
5. Theory of social change by Karl Marx
-posits that Economic factor is the one and the only factor that is solely responsible for social
change. He called this theory “Deterministic” or the “single factor theory” of change in s
society. this economic factor is the reason for the continuous class struggle in society.
6. Technological change
- we may be living in digital age that is why technology is often associated with gadgets and
internet from people

The flip side of the Coin

Although. Oh, technology comes with many benefits. Has also created problems. The questions one dare to
ask are:
1. Has humanities, happiness and quality of life improved with this technological advancement?
2. Has these technological improvements and process helped maintain clear? And air, Brought drinkable water
to us, Or overall protection and conservation of the environment.?
3. Have this advancement in technology hastened the degradation of our environment, the people and the
individuals of this society?
Module 7

 Passive digital footprint - is made when information is gathered without proprietor knowing
otherwise called information deplete

 Active digital footprints are made when individual information is discharged eventually by a client
to share data around oneself by methods for one side or internet-based life.

 Digitization - Is the procedure by which innovation brings down the expenses of putting away,
sharing and dissecting information.

 Hebert Simon - “An abundance of data makes a neediness of attention”. Therefore the advanced
media has received a basic dialect and abbreviated sub. Sentence to convey messages in a. Strategy
that enables beneficiaries to process the data effortlessly and effectively.

 media concentration- Grouping of media possession, otherwise called media union or media
joining, is a procedure whereby logically fewer people or associations control expanding offers of broad

 ECCRM - Electronic Commerce Customer Relations Management

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