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Chapter 4 Nuclear Chemistry

4.3 Radiation Measurement

4.4 Half-Life of a Radioisotope
4.5 Medical Applications Using Radioactivity

General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. 1
Radiation Measurement
A Geiger counter
▪ detects beta and gamma radiation
▪ uses ions produced by radiation to create an
electrical current

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Radiation Units
Units of radiation include:
▪ curie (Ci)
- measures activity as the number of atoms that
decay in one second
▪ rad (radiation absorbed dose)
- measures the radiation absorbed by the tissues
of the body
▪ rem (radiation equivalent)
- measures the biological damage caused by
different types of radiation

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Units of Radiation Measurement

General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry 4

Exposure to Radiation
Exposure to radiation
occurs from
▪ naturally occurring
▪ medical and dental
▪ air travel, radon, and
smoking cigarettes

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The half-life of a radioisotope is the time for the
radiation level to decrease (decay) to one-half of the
original value.

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Decay Curve
A decay curve shows the decay of radioactive atoms
and the remaining radioactive sample.

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Half-Lives of Some Radioisotopes
Radioisotopes that are
▪ naturally occurring tend to have long half-lives
▪ used in nuclear medicine have short half-lives

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Half-Life Calculations
▪ In one half-life, 40 mg of a radioisotope decays to 20
▪ After two half-lives, 10 mg of radioisotope remain.

40 mg x 1 x 1 = 10 mg
2 2
40 mg
1 half-life 2 half-lives
20 mg
10 mg

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Learning Check
The half life of I-123 is 13 hr. How much of a 64 mg
sample of I-123 remains active after 26 hours?
1) 32 mg
2) 16 mg
3) 8 mg

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2) 16 mg
Given: 64 g; 26 h; 13 h/half-life
Plan: 26 h Number of half-lives
Equalities: 1 half-life = 13 h
Set up problem:
Number of half-lives = 26 h x 1 half-life = 2 half-lives
13 h
13 h 13 h
64 mg 32 mg 16 m
General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. 11
Medical Applications
Radioisotopes with short half-
lives are used in nuclear
medicine because they
▪ have the same chemistry in
the body as the
nonradioactive atoms
▪ give off radiation that
exposes a photographic
plate (scan), giving an Thyroid scan
image of an organ

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Some Radioisotopes Used in
Nuclear Medicine

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Learning Check
Which of the following radioisotopes are most likely
to be used in nuclear medicine?
1) K-40 half-life 1.3 x 109 years
2) K-42 half-life 12 hours
3) I-131 half-life 8 days

General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. 14
Radioisotopes with short half-lives are used in
nuclear medicine.
2) K-42 half-life 12 hours
3) I-131 half-life 8 days

General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. 15

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