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how to convert pdf to audio using termux in android

To convert a PDF to audio using Termux on Android, you can follow these steps.
Please note that you'll need to install some additional packages and tools to
accomplish this task:

Install Termux:
If you haven't already, download and install Termux from the Google Play Store.
Open Termux:
Launch the Termux app on your Android device.
Update and Upgrade:
Run the following commands to ensure that your Termux installation is up-to-date:
sql Copy code

apt update apt


Install Required Packages:

You'll need a few packages to perform PDF to audio conversion. Install them using
the following command:
Copy code

apt install poppler-utils espeak

•poppler-utils provides tools for working with PDF files.

•espeak• isa text-to-speech (TTS) tool.
Convert PDFtoText:
Use the • pdftotext• command to convert the PDF to plain text. Replace
input.pdf with the name of your PDF file and •output .txt• with the desired name for the
text file:
Copy code

pdftotext input.pdf output. txt

Convert Text to Audio:

You can use espeak to convert the text file to audio. Adjust the voice and speed
settings as needed. For example:
COPY code

espeak -s 150 -f output. txt -w output.wav

'-s ISO' setsthespeechratet0150words per minute. Adjust this valuetoyour

• -f output.txt• specifies the input text file
• -w output.wav• specifies the output audio file in WAV format.
Play the Audio:
To listen to the generated audio, you can use a media player or the •temux-
mediaplayer' package if you have it installed:
O Copy code

termux -media-player play output. wav

That's it! You should now have converted your PDF file into audio. You can customize
the voice, speed, and output format as needed to suit your preferences.

is there an option to change the voice into female

G Regenerate

bend a message
apt install poppler-utils espeak
You can use espeak' to convert the text file to audio. Adjust the voice and speed


That's it! You should now have converted your PDF file into audio. You can customize
the voice, speed, and output format as needed to suit your preferences.

is there an option to change the voice into female

Yes, you can change the voice to a female voice when using the •espeak'
text-tospeech tool in Termux. "speak • provides several voice options that
you can use to change the voice gender. You can specify a female voice
using the -v • option.

Here's how you can change the voice to female:

Copy code

espeak -s 150 -v en+f3 -f output. txt -w output.wav

In the above command:

• -v en+f3* specifies the English languagecen')withafemale voice C+f3'). The

indicates a female voice, and the number may vary depending on the available voices
on your system. You can experiment with different numbers to find a female voice that you

After running this command, the generated audio will use a female voice for the
textto-speech conversion. Adjust the speech rate ( -s • ) and other parameters as
needed to suit your preferences.


bend a message
how to customise voice
To customize the voice in the •espeak command when converting text to speech in
Termux on Android, you can use various options and parameters to control aspects of
the voice, including pitch, speed, and voice selection. Here's how you can customize
the voice:

Adjust Speed:
You can control the speed of the voice by using the -s or --speed option. The default
speed is usually 175 words per minute. To slow it down, use a lower value, and to
speed it up, use a higher value. For example, to slow down the voice:
lua Copy code

espeak -s 100 -f output. txt -w output. wav

Modify Pitch:
You can change the pitch of the voice using the • -p' or • - -pitch • option. The
default pitch is usually 50. A higher value will make the voice sound higher-pitched,
and a lower value will make it sound lower-pitched. For example:
lua O Copy code

espeak -p 70 -f output. txt -w output.wav

Select a Different Voice:

•espeak • has multiple voice options. You can select a different voice using the • -v •
• - -voice • option. To see a list of available voices, you can run:
Copy code

espeak - - voices

Then, choose a voice and specify it with the -v • option. For example:
O Copy code

espeak -v en-us -f output . txt -w output.wav

Replace "en-us" with the specific voice you want to use.
Customize Pronunciation:
You can customize the pronunciation of specific words or phrases using a
pronunciation dictionary file. Create a text file (e.g., pronunciation .txt s) and add
custom pronunciations in the format of "word=pronunciation." Then, use the •
pronunciation • option to specify the pronunciation file:
COPY code

espeak - - pronunciation=/path/to/pronunciation. txt -f output. txt -w outp

This is particularly useful if you need to correct the pronunciation of certain words or
5. Adjust Volume:
You can control the volume of the speech using the • -a • or - -a.litude• option. The
default amplitude is usually 100. To increase or decrease the volume, use a higher or
lower value, respectively. For example:
COPY code

espeak -a 200 -f output. txt -w output . wav

Feel free to experiment with these options to fine-tune the voice and pronunciation
to your liking when using •espeak• to convert text to speech in Termux on Android.

O Regenerate

Send a message
how to convert pdf to audio using termux in android

To convert a PDF to audio using Termux on Android, you can follow these steps. We'll
use a combination of command-line tools like •pdftotext • , , and •• to
achieve this.

Install Termux:
If you haven't already, you can install Termux from the Google Play Store or the F-
Droid repository.
Open Termux:
Launch the Termux app on your Android device.
Update and upgrade Termux packages:
Run the following commands to make sure your Termux environment is up to date•.
sql Copy code

pkg update
pkg upgrade

Install necessary packages:

You'll need to install some packages to convert PDF to audio. Run the following
command to install them:
copy code

pkg install poppler-utils espeak ffmpeg

Convert PDFtotext:
Use the •pdftotext • tool to convert the PDF into plain text. Replace • input.pdf•
with the actual name of your PDF file:
Copy code

pdftotext input . pdf output. txt

Convert textto audio:

Use the •espeak • command to convert the text file into audio. Adjust the parameters
as needed (e.g., voice, speed, pitch). Replace • output. txt • with the name of your text
Copy code

espeak -f output. txt -w output-wav

This command will create an audio file named •output. wav • .

Optional: Trim the audio (if necessary):
If you want to trim the audio, you can use the 'if—peg • tool. For example, to trim
the first 30 seconds of the audio:
copy code

-i output . wav oo:oo:oo - oo:oo:30 -acodec copy trimmed_output.wav

This command creates a trimmed audio file named •trimmed_output.wav .

Playthe audio:
To play the audio, you can use any audio player app on your Android device.

Keep in mind that the quality of the audio conversion may vary depending on the
PDF's content and formatting. You may need to adjust settings in the •espeak •
command to achieve the desired audio quality and voice. Additionally, you can
explore other text-tospeech and PDF-to-text tools available in the Termux repository
to find the combination that works best for your needs.
The • •w • option in the •espeak' command is used to specify the output file where the generated audio will be saved. It allows you to specify the

name and format of the output audio file.

For example:


espeak -S 150 -v en+f3 -f output. txt -w output . wav


• -b:a 192K • sets the audio bitrate forthe MP3 file. You can adjust this value to control the MP3
file's quality. A higher bitrate generally results in better audio quality.
-vn indicates that no video stream should be included in the output. Since you're working
With audio only, this option tells f&peg • to discard any Video data if it exists.
•output.np3' isthenameoftheoutput MP3 file. You can change thistowhateveryou



Voice Sample eSpea• • •

a voice sample file that 1 have in
converting the TTS in espeak using


To use a voice sample file for Tut-to-

Speech (TTS) with eSpeak in
Termu*, gou can follow these steps:

l. Install eSpeak: If gou haven't alreadg

installed eSpeak in Terrnu*, gou can do
so using the package manager pkg.
Open and run the following
command to install eSpeak:
pkg install espeak

Prepare Your Te*t: Create a tut file containing

the tut gou want to convert to speech. You
can use a tut editor in Terma* or transfer a
tut file from gour device to Terma* using scp
or other methods.
Use eSpeak with Your Voice Sample: You can use
eSpeak's -w option to specifg a voice sample
file as the source of the voice. Here's the
command to convert gour tut to speech using a
voice sample file:
espeak -w output.wav -v gour_voice_name -f

Replace output.wav with the

desired output filename for the
generated speech.
Replace with the
name of the voice sample file gou
want to use (make sure it's in the
appropriate format for eSpeak).
Replace file.t*t with the path
to the tut file containing the tut gou
want to convert to speech.
Plag the Generated Speech: You can use a tool like
aplag or mpv to plag the generated speech. If
gou haven't installed one of these tools, gou
can do so using the package manager. For
emmple, to install mpv, gou can run:
pkg install mpv

Then, plag the generated speech using

mpv output.wav

Replace output.wav with the filename

gou specified in step 3.

That's it! eSpeak should now convert the

provided tut to speech using gour voice
sample file in Termu*, and gou can plag the
generated speech using a suitable audio
plager like mpv. Make sure gou have the
necessarg permissions to access the files in
gour Termu* environment.

6:1 1

Voice Sample eSpea•••


The commands gou've listed install various packages and libraries in a Termu*
environment. Here's a brief uplanation of the uses for each of these packages:

l. pkg install ffmpeq:

Use: ffmpeg is a multimedia framework that can be used to handle
multimedia data such as audio and video.
Common Use: Converting, editing, and processing audio and video files.
pkg install so*.•
Use: (Sound e)(change) is a command-line utilitg for audio processing.
Common Use: Converting audio file formats, applging audio effects, and simple audio
pkg install mpv:
Use: mpv is a media plager for plaging audio and video files from the
command line.
Common Use: Plaging multimedia files directlg from the terminal.
pkg install espeak:
Use: eSpeak is a compact tut-to-speech (TTS) sgnthesizer.
Common Use: Converting tut to speech and generating speech output from the command
pkg install poppler:
Use: Poppler is a PDF rendering library.
Common Use: E*tracting tut, images, and information from PDF files.
pip install PgPDF2:
Use: PgPDF2 is a Pgthon librarg for working with PDF files.
Common Use: Reading, writing, and manipulating PDF files programmaticallg.
pip install gtts:
Use: g TTS (Google Tut-to-Speech) is a Pgthon librarg and CLI tool to
interface with Google Translate's tut-to-speech API.
Common Use: Generating speech audio from tut using Google's TTS service.
pip install pgtt%3:
Use: pgtt%3 is a Python librarg for te*t-to-speech conversion. o
Common Use: Converting tut to speech in Python applications.
q. pip install pgmupdf:
Use: PgMuPDF is a Python binding for the MuPDF librarg, which allows gou to
work with PDF files in
Common Use: Reading and manipulating PDF files programmaticallg in

The packages gou've listed serve various multimedia and PDF-related purposes,
including audio and video processing, tut-to-speech conversion, PDF manipulation,
and more. Depending on gour needs, gou can use these packages to perform a wide
range of tasks in a Termu* environment.


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