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Global Services
TAG: O-V1502 - STBD Boiler Inspection

Client: SBM Offshore

Vessel: FPSO Espirito Santo
Revision: 0
Date: 05-November-2023
Due to multiple tube leaks causing operational unreliability, SBM offshore have requested Cotech Group to
perform an in-depth inspection service with advanced NDT Techniques on the starboard side main boiler
installed on the FPSO Espirito Santo.

Boiler Manufacturer: Hitachi Zosen

Boiler Type: Main Boiler
Boiler Model: BD86/54-UE TYPE

The inspections performed during this intervention at the request of the client are the following:

• External Visual Inspection of Boilers and associated attachments.

• Boilers Gas Side Visual Inspection.
• Boilers Water & Steam Side Visual Inspection.
• Visual Internal Tube Inspection (Borescope).
• IRIS tube inspection where possible (Internal-Rotary-Inspection-System).
o Other forms of NDT were also perfromed as a back-up to IRIS. One of the backup
options was RPA tube inspection. (Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry).
• Phased array inspection of the drums welding.

The information gathered during this inspection will give a picture on the overall condition and health of
the boiler.

The main purpose of any boiler inspection is to determine as far as possible, its inherent condition
and suitability for continued use on a long term and continuous basis. This obviously involves
locating and determining the extent of any existing or potential defects and/or problem areas and
making risk assessments accordingly.

As a general rule, the more intensive and detailed the inspection, the more likely any defects and
problem areas will be found. However, it is important to note that it is impossible to account for every
possibility and locate every single defect in any piece of machinery. A simple defect such as a single
deep pitting in a tube, which is possible to miss during an inspection, can cause complete tube failure
and shut down, with all the ramifications that this entails. No inspection is infallible and thus the
necessity for risk assessment previously mentioned, based on extensive inspection and experience.


05/11/23 AH MW

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Table of Contents

Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 2
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Headline Conclusions ............................................................................................................................... 4
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................... 5
Particulars & Arrangement ................................................................................................................... 7
External & General .................................................................................................................................... 8
Furnace ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Gas Uptake & Void Space ...................................................................................................................... 29
Water Drum .............................................................................................................................................. 35
Steam Drum .............................................................................................................................................. 40
Borescope Inspection............................................................................................................................. 48
NDT Inspection ........................................................................................................................................ 53
Findings & Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 55
Recommendations .................................................................................................................................. 57
General Comments ................................................................................................................................. 58

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Headline Conclusions

Cotech Group carried out a close visual inspection of the starboard boiler’s externals and
attachments. The principal items to note are as follows:

• Boiler water level gauges found not in a serviceable condition.

• Furnace rear wall has large sections of cladding loose from previous repairs and some
sections of edge framing corroded and unsecured from its supports.
• Various steam piping & valves observed with degraded insulation.
• Multiple steam line spring hangers / supports noted to be in a corroded state.
• Sliding pedestals were found to be in a poor condition.
• Excessive corrosion of the deck / floor under and around the boiler and its foundation

Furnace / Gas spaces

The furnace envelope tubes were subject to visual inspection as well as all gas side sealing faces and
refractories. Overall, Items for note are as follows:

• 1 off tube in the rear wall observed to be bowed. Reason looks to be accumulation of spalled
refractory behind the tube pushing it inwards towards the furnace.
• Deposits of products of combustion observed in gas uptake accumulated on the uptake floor
and on the surface of the water drum between the generating tubes.
o Deposits from uptake floor were removed during this intervention.
• Acid corrosion observed on lower section of generating tubes from the deposits accumulated
on the water drum.
• Furnace door entry surround plate distorted causing problems with opening & closing.
• Refractory to front Superheat casings coming away.
• Refractory lining behind furnace tubes noticed to have holes / being deteriorated.
• Burner inlet refractory in an unacceptable condition.

Water & Steam Spaces

Water drum, steam drum and headers were visually inspected. Water tubes were inspected by using
a live-feed borescope with 25mtr flexible cable. Items to note are as follows:

• Excessive tuberculation observed throughout the water side of the boiler. Under these
tubercles, excessively deep pitting is present.
• IRIS & RPA inspection found considerable wall loss of the tubes throughout the boiler.
• 5 off tubes in the rear wall found to be installed incorrect. Lack of expansion and excessive
length affecting water flow.
• All Floor tubes found to be installed incorrect with excessive protrusions and no expansion
into the header seats.
• All Screen tubes found to be installed incorrect with some tube penetrations being excessive
and some not even passing into the header. No indication of tube end expansion is present.

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Executive Summary
Due to continued leaking tubes and unsuccessful repairs, the starboard boiler has been out of service
since 2021. The boiler is currently in dry lay-up with no preservations.

The external condition of the Starboard boiler for the most part is to satisfaction. Cladding and
casings were found well secured around the boiler besides on the furnace rear wall. Large sections
of cladding and framing of the rear wall were found loose and with heavy corrosion. There are also
multiple hot-spot patch repairs, some of these repairs cross over into the furnace side wall.

It was observed that the boiler's fixed name plates are installed the wrong way around; the name
plate of the starboard side boiler is installed on the port side boiler, and vice versa.

Superheater pipework insulation / lagging was found deteriorated in areas.

The boiler’s fixed pedestals and mountings were inspected and were found with minimal expansion
or contraction indications between the hot and cooled states. The sliding saddles were found
corroded and dry, proving lines were found bent and disconnected in some areas.

Generally, the entire lower/under section of the boiler which includes the deck, boiler support
platform, soak-away and pedestals was found in an advanced state of corrosion. A lot of debris and
scrap was observed under the boiler.

The boiler mounting valves and control units for the most part we-re reported to be operational and
utilised in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines. The water lever gauges need repair. PSVs
around the boiler were inspected visually they appeared in satisfactory condition with tags present
and no obvious external damage. Testing of the PSVs is advised prior to putting the boiler back into

On entry to the furnace, the geometry of the furnace envelope tubes, which include the furnace water
walls and screen tubes were found to be satisfactory. 1 off tube in the rear wall observed as bowed /
distorted. It is believed that this is caused by accumulation of spalled, deteriorated refractory lining
of the rear wall pushing the tube inward to the furnace. No other noticeable or significant distortions
or misalignments were to note.

Multiple “temporary” tube patch repairs were observed throughout the furnace side wall, rear wall,
and screen tubes. There is indication of an additional 1 off tube leak within the screen wall yet to be

The refractory forming the burner quarls / burner inlet is in unacceptable condition, spalling of
multiple layers is observed with cracking throughout. Remedial patch repairs to cover exposed tubes
were observed. Sloped header refractory along the lower header walls exhibits spalling and cracking
in places. Floor refractory found to satisfaction, there is lack of expansion joints causing sporadic
surface cracking or “plastic shrinkage” the extent of cracking was not noted to be of concern at the
time of the inspection.

There were significant amounts of damp products of combustion deposited in the boiler’s gas uptake,
on the floor and across the water drum, amongst the generating tubes. Indications of acid corrosion

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is evident on the lower sections of generating tubes from these deposits. Deposits on the uptake floor
were removed during this inspection.

Visual inspection of the water drum found all internal hardware to satisfaction. All supports and
bolting were found to be present. Considerable deposits accumulated along the bottom side of the
drum, Extensive tubercle pitting formations observed throughout the internal side of the drum.

The inspection of the steam drum was undertaken both visually and utilising a fibreoptic borescope
to examine the internal condition of the boiler tubes. On inspection, the steam drum was found with
extensive tubercle scale formations lining the internal side, as were the tubes. Under the tubercle
formations, heavy pitting was observed. The internal pipework and flanged connections were noted
as being secure.

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Particulars & Arrangement
TAG. Number: O-V1502
Boiler Manufacturer: Hitachi Zosen
Boiler Type: Main Boiler
Boiler Model: BD86/54-UE TYPE

Design Pressure: 77 kg/cm2

Steam Capacity: 86,000 kg/h
Year Built: 1975
Design Code: ASME Sec VIII Div. 1 2004

Figure 1 – Image of boilers general arrangement

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External & General
External & general findings of the Starboard side Hitachi Zosen main boiler, TAG: O-V1502.

• External cladding and casings of the starboard boiler were visually inspected. The majority
were found in fair condition. There is corrosion present on the water drum elliptical dome
cladding to the rear side of the boiler. There is also corrosion on the superheater header
casings, inboard side. All uptake casings found to be secure with no corrosion of bellowing
observed. The furnace rear wall has damaged and loose cladding there is also multiple patch
repairs from previous hot-spot repairs, some of the patch repairs cross over into the side wall.
• Boilers PSVs were found in satisfactory condition with easing gear and remote operators
present. Feedwater and steam line valves were observed to be well maintained, greased and
in an operational condition.
• Only 1 of the 2 water level gauges was readable. The readable level gauge was observed to be
leaking at the time of the inspection. When the PORT boiler inspection was performed, it was
informed that this “readable” gauge glass was transferred to the PORT boiler. The starboard
boiler has no functioning gauge glasses currently.
• Pipe lagging was noted to be present for the most part, however some deterioration of the
insulation material was noted. It was observed that the main steam stop valve is missing
insulation. Considering the age of the steam plant, we consider the pipework lagging to be in
an acceptable condition, externally.
• Visual inspection of boilers firing platform found to be in an acceptable condition, the burners
and attachments were found clean and free of debris. The atomising skid was found with
considerable deposit build-up, this was cleaned at the time of the inspection. Furnace peep
hole & flame viewing glasses were found to be in acceptable condition with no signs of
• External pressure gauges and transmitters visually inspected and found acceptable.
• The boiler’s fixed and sliding pedestals were inspected and were found with minimal
indication of expansion and contraction between the hot and cooled states. The sliding
saddles were found corroded and dry in most places, proving lines were found bent and
disconnected in some areas.

• When opening the upper wall headers, 5 off rear wall tubes found to be installed in-correct.
1 off tube was observed to have its face flush with the header instead of the 6mm-10mm
protrusion required for correct expansion and flaring, the other 4 tubes were left with
excessive protrusion into the header which can have a severe impact on water flow.
• Floor tubes found to lack correct expansion with gaps observed between side wall header
seat and the tube. Inside the screen header they were observed to protrude +/- 20mm too
long with without any indication of tube end expansion.
• The Screen tube protrusions into the screen header were also found to be very uneven in
terms of lengths and without any indication of correct tube end expansion.
All tubes installed on this boiler are supposed to have a 10mm protrusion and 30O flare. It is
assumed that these tubes are welded instead of expanded.

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Figure 2: Boiler name plate. Observe TAG number incorrect.

Figure 3: Detailing boilers uptake casing, found clean and free of


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Figure 4: Further detailing of cladding found to satisfaction

Figure 5: Detailing upper rear wall cladding missing framing supports

and un-attached.

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Figure 6: Example of a corroded section of cladding on the rear wall of
the boiler.

Figure 7: highlighting a valve with lagging in inacceptable condition.

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Figure 8: Steam drum PSVs found to satisfaction, externally.

Figure 9: Various valves around the boiler found well maintained.

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Figure 10: Starboard boiler gauge glass

Figure 11: leak indication on level gauge glass.

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Figure 12: Majority of pipe lagging found to be to satisfaction.

Figure 13: Burner platform observed as being clean and free of debris.

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Figure 14: Overview of header casings.

Figure 15: Detailing typical external condition of wall headers of the

Starboard boiler.

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Figure 16: Minimal indication of expansion & contraction between hot
and cold states observed.

Figure 17: Closer detailing of "dry" sliding sadles observed around the

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Figure 18: Corrosion of pedestal system under the boiler.

Figure 19: Image highlighting pedestal which had maintenance

performed in 2017 and uncorrect preservation.

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Figure 20: Image highlighting pedestal which had maintenance
performed in 2017 and correct coating applied to limit corrosion onset.

Figure 21: Image detailing debris observed under the boiler.

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Figure 22: Image detailing rear wall tubes found installed incorrect, the
excessive protrusion can severly affect water cuirculation. none of the
tubes exhibit indication of expansion. it is assumed they are welded to
the header externally.

Figure 23: Floor tubes installed incorrect, note lack of flared expanded
tube end. Observe gap detween header and tube.

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Figure 24: Overview of Screen & floor tube penetrations into the screen
header. Screen tubes are all different lengths, some do not pass all the
way into the header. floor tubes are excessive length, this can affect
water flow. No tubes exhibit indications they are expanded. it is assumed
they are welded to the headers

Figure 25: Further detailing of the floor & screen tubes. Note the tube
that is not even all the way into the header.

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Visual inspection inside the furnace of the Starboard side Hitachi Zosen main boiler, TAG: O-V1502.

• The furnace door was already opened prior to the Cotech inspection team arriving. Inspection
of the furnace door found the surrounding casing plates to be severely heat damaged and
distorted, this will likely cause difficulty with opening & closing of the door.
• Upon entry into the furnace, refractories were inspected. The furnace floor was found free of
debris however it exhibits sporadic surface cracking or otherwise known as “plastic
shrinkage” this is typically caused by incorrect mix ratio where the refractory is too wet. The
lack of expansion joints around the edges or cut into the floor will promote the sporadic
cracking. The cracking observed at the time of the inspection is not a cause for concern and
deemed as acceptable.
• Burner inlet refractory has deep cracking throughout, it is evident patch repairs have been
performed using castable refractory. The additional layers of refractory are coming away in
areas. The burner quarls or burner throat refractory are also uneven around the burners.
Based on the impingement marks on the refractory around the burners, the refractory could
be interfering with flame alignment.
• On entry to the furnace, the geometry of the furnace envelope tubes, which include the
furnace water walls and screen tubes were found to be satisfactory. 1 off tube in the rear wall
observed as bowed / distorted. It is believed that this is caused by accumulation of spalled,
deteriorated refractory lining of the rear wall pushing the tube inward to the furnace. No
other noticeable or significant distortions or misalignments were to note.
• Indications of flame impingement was observed on the side wall tubes. This should be
• Minor products of combustion were noted to be adhered to the tubes surface in places. At the
time of the inspection, this is not a cause for concern.
• Refractory thermal lining behind the furnace wall tubes observed to be degrading with
multiple holes and spalling noted.
• Limited visual inspection of the superheater & superheater support tubes was performed
from the furnace. The gas flow path was found to be free from obstructions. No abnormalities
were to note.
• Burners were visually checked from the furnace side, including close examination of swirlers
/ diffusers, and found acceptable.

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Figure 26: Furnace outter door (windbox entry).

Figure 27: Detailing heat affected furnace door surround.

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Figure 28: Overview of furnace floor.

Figure 29: highlighting cracking observed in furnace floor.

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Figure 30: Overview of burner inlet refractory

Figure 31: Further detailing of the multiple different layers of refractory

on the burner inlet.

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Figure 32: Further detailing of burner inlet refractory.

Figure 33: Detailing burner quarl refractory, note uneven shape and
impingment indication that could suggest it is affecting flame alignment.

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Figure 34: Typical condition of tubes external surface. Minor products of
combustion observed to be adhered to the tubes external surface, no
major adherance or other surface abnormalities noted.

Figure 35: Overview of rear wall tubes lower section, note refracotry
build-up to outboard side - this is from a old hot-spot repair.

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Figure 36: Highlighting distroted tube in the rear wall, it is thought that
this is due to accumulation of spalled refractory behind the tube from the
deterioration of the rear wall thermal lining.

Figure 37: Gas passage between screen and superheater tubes was
found to be acceptable with no major build-up. Note patch repairs.

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Figure 38: Detailing leak indication observed on screen tube, yet to be
repaired. this weld joint in the screen tube is not in the original design.
Screen tubes are typically manipulated from 1 complete tube, not welded
together. This joint may be from a previous repair.

Figure 39: Side wall tubes, note patch repairs with indications of
overheating. An example of why patching is considered a temporary

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Gas Uptake & Void Space
Visual inspection of the gas uptake and void space of the Starboard side Hitachi Zosen main boiler,
TAG: O-V1502.

• Considerable deposits of products of combustion found to be accumulated on the uptake

floor, these deposits were removed at the time of the inspection.
• Refractory found acceptable at the time of the inspection.
• Generating tubes found to be satisfactory, all aligned with no distortion to note or other
geometrical abnormalities.
• Deposits noted to be accumulated on top of the surface of the water drum, in between the
generating tubes. Indication of acidic corrosion is already present. It is recommended that
air-lancing is performed to remove these deposits at the next opportunity. Besides the
corrosive environment these damp deposits create, which is already evident based on the
corrosion observed, deposits accumulated amongst generating tubes can affect gas flow
through the main bank, as well as cause excessive temperatures to the water drum.

• Economizer was opened and visually inspected, no debris or deposit build-up was observed
on the finned tubes. No evidence of leaks or other abnormalities were to note.

• From the void space, the pedestals for the water drum were visually inspected and found to
be acceptable with all securing bolts present. Early stages of corrosion were observed on the
• The screen header was examined externally, considerable corrosion and some leaking hand
holes were evident. Mechanical overhaul of the screen header is advised.
• All casings found acceptable with no distortion or bellowing to note.
• Screen feeder penetrations into the water drum were checked and found with no indication
of leaks or other abnormalities.
• Water drum external surface found clean and in good condition.

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Figure 40: Detailing uptake door.

Figure 41: Deposits accumulated on uptake floor.

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Figure 42: Detailing deposits accumulated on drum surface between the
generating tubes. Note the acidic corrosion of the lower sections of tubes
in contact with the deposits

Figure 43: Further detailing of generating tube corrosion from deposit


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Figure 44: Generating tubes found to be aligned and free from any
geometric abnormalities.

Figure 45: Detailing Void space access door.

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Figure 46: Water drum and screen feeders externally found to be in
good condition.

Figure 47: Water drum pedestals found satisfactory. All bolting present.
Corrosion was noted, we advise preventative maintenance is performed.

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Figure 48: Corrosion of the screen header and mounts observed.
Mechanical corrosion removal / cleaning is advised.

Figure 49: Void space casings found acceptable with no indications of

cracking or bellowing observed.

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Water Drum
Visual inspection of the water drum of the Starboard side Hitachi Zosen main boiler, TAG: O-V1502.

• The manhole seating faces of the water drum hinged door were found acceptable. Minimal
pitting was observed.
• For the most part, the internal surface of the water drum and its internal components was
found to be acceptable. There were no major pitting’s or surface abnormalities observed.
Scaling and oxidization were present in areas.
• Flash oxides and Tubercle formations are present around the tube penetrations and the lower
sections of the control desuperheater coil. These tubercles are likely caused by incorrect lay-
up of the boiler. Oxygen absorption in water is proportional to temperature and pressure so
if cool water is left to naturally evaporate inside the boiler, seriously destructive oxygen
corrosion can occur.
• Considerable deposits accumulated on the drums bottom.
• All brackets found to be present and well secured.
• Integrity of the flanged connections of the drum internals found to satisfaction. No indications
of seepage, gasket damage or missing bolts was observed.

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Figure 50: Water drum man hole entry door with evidence of leakage
and corrosion of the shroud.

Figure 51: Water drum hinged door, sealing face found to satisfaction.

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Figure 52: Deposits accumulated in the bottom of the drum.

Figure 53: General overview of water drum and its internals.

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Figure 54: Further detailing of water drum and its internals. all
bracketry found present.

Figure 55: Control de-superheat coil. No visual abnormalities found.

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Figure 56: Close detailing fo generating tube penetrations. Observe flash
oxides and tubercle scale.

Figure 57: All flanged connections found secure.

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Steam Drum
Visual inspection of the steam drum of the Starboard side Hitachi Zosen main boiler, TAG: O-V1502.

• The condition of manhole seating faces on both the drum and the door were overall in an
acceptable condition with no erosion found.
• All baffle & swash plates found correct and well secured.
• Integrity of the flanged connections of the drum internals found to satisfaction. No indications
of seepage, gasket damage or missing bolts was observed.
• All tube penetrations visually inspected and no damage or defects were to note.
• Tuberculation is present throughout the steam drum. Considerable Iron oxide tubercle
formations were observed lining the drum. Each of these tubercle formations form over an
active pit.

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Figure 58: Manhole door into the steam drum.

Figure 59: Steam drum door landing seat found in acceptable condition.

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Figure 60: Overview of the steam drum. All baffle plates installed

Figure 61: Overview of the steam drum after baffle plates removed. All
brackets, supports and swash plates found to satisfaction.

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Figure 62: Desuperheater coil found without any major abnormalities.

Figure 63: Feedwater distribution pipe checked and found to be visually

acceptable and correctly secured.

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Figure 64: Flanged connections throughout the drum found to be
secure. No signs of seepage or damage.

Figure 65: Desuperheater penetrations found free of build-up..

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Figure 66: Desuperheater u-bends inspected and found to be

Figure 67: Desuperheater lnlet connection pipe exhibiting heavy scale

and corrosion. .

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Figure 68: Steam seperators were observed to be acceptable.

Figure 69: Image highlighting difference between tubes before and after
mechanical cleaning for IRIS inspection. Observe pitting highlighted.

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Figure 70: Overview of generating penetrations. Considerable
tuberculation was observed.

Figure 71: Further detailing of generating tubes. .

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Borescope Inspection
Borescope inspection of the Starboard side Hitachi Zosen main boiler, TAG: O-V1502.

Borescope was performed on the front & rear wall tubes, accessed from the upper furnace wall
headers. From the steam drum, inspection was performed on the riser tubes, roof/side wall tubes,
screen tubes, generating tubes, superheater support tubes and down comers.

• The front wall tubes were found lined with soft scale formation. Sporadic tuberculation was
noted throughout the tubes. Pitting was evident in multiple locations; one tube exhibited a
very large area with severe wall material loss. Failure of this tube is imminent.
• Rear wall tubes were found lined with scale formation and light tubercles. Some areas of large
pitting were present. It was also observed 5 off tubes to be installed incorrect in the upper
• The riser tubes exhibited very heavy scaling and tubercle formations throughout. Tubercle
formations form over active pitting’s.
• The roof-side wall tubes found large tubercle formations throughout the tubes; scale build-
up was noted as well as considerable pitting. Various very large corrosion scabs were
observed within the sidewall sections, these areas in particularly are at very high risk of tube
• Screen tubes were found with scale formations throughout and pitting present. The condition
of the screen tubes was very surprising as they were replaced in 2017. There are already 3
patch repairs within the screen wall.
• Generating tubes exhibited heavy tubercle formations throughout.

During this intervention, mechanical cleaning was performed to enable IRIS inspection of the tubes.
Mechanical cleaning removed the tubercles hard outer hematite crust. Under the tubercle formations,
severe active pitting was observed throughout all tubes inspected.

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Figure 72: Front wall tube, tubercle Figure 73: Severe pit observed in
formations and pitting observed. front wall tube.

Figure 74: Front wall tube, tubercle Figure 75: Front wall tube, scale and
formations. tubercle formations.

Figure 76: Rear wall tube, pitting Figure 77: Heavy tubercle formation
and tubercle formations observed. build up in rear wall tube.

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Figure 78: Rear wall tube, detailing Figure 79: Rear wall tube.
pitting & tubercle formations.

Figure 80: Heavy scale buildup in Figure 81: Heavy scaling in riser
riser tubes. tube.

Figure 92: Heavy scale and pittings Figure 83: Tubercles observed in
observed in riser tubes. riser tubes.

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Figure 84: Severe corrosion scab Figure 85: LayConsiderable tubercle
formation observed in a sidewall formations in roof tube.
tube, This formation appears to be in
close proximity to a previous patch

Figure 86: Large corrosion scab Figure 87: Tubercle formation

formation in roof tube. observed in a roof tube, tubercle
formations typically hide active
pitting underneath them.

Figure 88: Scale and tubercle Figure 89: Tubercle formation in

formations found in screen tubes screen tubes.

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Figure 90: Heavy scale and tubercle Figure 91: Example fo screen tube
formation observed in scree tube. penetration into the screen header.
heavy soft scale formations and
indication of wall loss found.

Figure 92: Scale and tubercle Figure 93: Scale and tubercle
formations observed in generating formations observed in generating
tubes. tubes.

Figure 94: Scale and tubercle Figure 95: Scale and tubercle
formations observed in generating formations observed in generating
tubes. tubes.

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Figure 96: Image showing pittings Figure 97: Pittimgs post tube clean
that were hidden under tubercle from screen tube
formations, revealved after internal
tube cleaning. This image is from a
sidewall tube.

Figure 98: Pittigns post tube clean Figure 99: Pittings post tube clean
from screen tube from riser tube.

Figure 100: Pittigns exposed post Figure 101: Pitting with

tube clean from rear wall tube. considerable wall loss post tube
clean from front wall tube.

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NDT Inspection
The port side boiler inspection was carried out concurrently with the starboard side during this
intervention; however, the inspection window was shortened due to the operational demands of the
unit, and the inspection team's priority was shifted to the port side boiler to guarantee it was brought
back online in time to meet the demands. As a result, there was ultimately very little time available
for NDT examinations of the Starboard boiler.

Internal Rotary Inspection System or otherwise known as “IRIS” is a non-intrusive NDT technique
that can detect corrosion, pitting and wall loss and is most commonly used for tube inspection in
boilers, heat exchangers, air coolers and feed water heaters. It is particularly versatile as it is suitable
for both ferrous and non-ferrous materials, and IRIS can be used on a wide range of tube diameters
and wall thicknesses.

IRIS inspection can pick up discontinuities on both the internal and external side of tubes, this is a
major factor to its popularity with boilers and heat exchanger inspections. The biggest drawback with
IRIS is it is not suitable for inspection of tubes with bends or manipulations.

• Front wall tubes had 52 out of 55 tubes inspected. Out of the tubes that were accessible for
inspection, there were still limitations with getting the transducer around the tube
manipulations. From that data that was gathered, majority of the discontinuities picked up
was dispersed. Some tubes were recorded to have up to 25%, 25% and in 1 case, 35% wall
• Rear wall tubes 63 out of 65 tubes inspected. Out of the tubes that were accessible for
inspection, there were still limitations with getting the transducer around the tube
manipulations. From that data that was gathered, majority of the discontinuities picked up
was dispersed. Some tubes were recorded to have up to 20% wall loss. One off tube returned
indications that characterize a hole in the tube.

Acoustic Pule Reflectometry or otherwise known as “RPA” is a non-intrusive NDT technique

performed for detecting discontinuities and obstructions present on the internal surface of heat
exchanger, boilers, condenser, and evaporators, through the emission of uninterrupted acoustic
pulses through the internal air of the inspected tube, which in contact with its internal walls
generates reflection waves.

Discontinuities, defects, obstructions, and changes in pipe cross-sectional areas create waves of
reflection, having its own signature, which through analysis algorithms make it possible to determine
the type of discontinuity or defect, size, and location along the inspected section.

Discontinuities and defects detected by RPA inspection are limited to the tubes internal surface only.
External discontinuities are not captured via RPA.

• 39 off 1st pass superheater tubes were subject to RPA inspection, 18 of these tubes were found
to exhibit an average wall loss of 30%. A defect measuring 1.12mm was recorded in one of
the tubes, this translates to a wall loss of 35%.
OBS: refer to separate RPA inspection reports for this section to see tube map of inspected

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Findings & Conclusion
Externally, the Starboard side Boiler, TAG: O-V1502 is generally in an acceptable condition with
majority of the cladding and insulation well secured and in place.

There have been multiple “hot spot” repairs in the past, currently all situated within the rear wall,
this is an indication that the refractory thermal lining of the furnace is severely degraded. Because of
these repairs, the furnace rear wall cladding has seen better days. There is damage, corrosion, and
large sections loose from its support frames.

It was observed that the boiler's fixed name plate, mounted on the FD fan air inlet casing above the
burners is installed incorrect, the Starboard plate is installed on the Port boiler and vice versa. To
comply with NR13 regulations, this needs to be rectified.

The boiler’s associated piping was found with its lagging, to the most part intact and installed correct.
The areas found most degraded should be renewed, these areas were observed to be on the
superheated steam line.

The boilers manual water level gauges were not in serviceable order. This should be rectified
immediately; it is not advised to operate the boiler without 2 fully functioning level gauges.
Besides this, the boilers mounting valves and control units were reported to be operational and
utilised in accordance with manufacturer guidelines.

Inspecting the lower areas of the boiler found the fixed and sliding pedestals to be in poor condition
with a build-up of corrosion and dirt. The sliding pedestals showed very minimal indications of
expansion and contraction between the hot and cooled states of the boiler. The proving lines were
found bent and disconnected in areas. The boilers support frame was found in an advanced state of

When arriving onboard, the furnace door was already opened, on entry to the furnace, the geometry
of the furnace envelope tubes, which include the furnace water walls and screen tubes were found to
be satisfactory. 1 off tube in the rear wall observed as bowed / distorted. It is believed that this is
caused by accumulation of spalled, deteriorated refractory lining of the rear wall pushing the tube
inward to the furnace. No other noticeable or significant distortions or misalignments were to note.

Multiple “temporary” tube patch repairs were observed throughout the furnace side wall, rear wall,
and screen tubes. There is indication of an additional 1 off tube leak within the screen wall yet to be
repaired. These repairs are tube patches, where a new section of tube it welded on top of the defective
area. Tube patches are considered temporary in the industry as they can trap small amounts of water
between the original tube and the new tube patch, this trapped water will rapidly steam causing
overheating of the tube material. Indications of overheating was evident on all tube patches observed
in the furnace.

The refractory forming the burner quarls / burner inlet is in unacceptable condition, spalling of
multiple layers is observed with cracking throughout. Remedial patch repairs to cover exposed tubes
were observed. Sloped header refractory along the lower header walls exhibits spalling and cracking
in places. Floor refractory found to satisfaction, there is lack of expansion joints causing sporadic
surface cracking or “plastic shrinkage” the extent of cracking was not noted to be of concern at the
time of the inspection.

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This model of boiler is not of mono-wall type meaning there is no finned membrane welded to the
tubes forming a gas tight seal, instead there is a welded gas sealing plate sealing system insulated by
multiple layers of thermal protection. This thermal layer situated behind the furnace wall tubes is
degraded, large voids are visible from within the furnace, the degradation of this thermal lining is the
root cause for continued hot spots in the furnace walls.

During this inspection, access to the superheater walk-in space and void between the headers was
not possible due to vessel operations requiring the steam plant quicker than anticipated.

There were significant amounts of damp products of combustion deposited in the boiler’s gas uptake,
on the floor and across the water drum, amongst the generating tubes. Indications of acid corrosion
is evident on the lower sections of generating tubes from these deposits. Deposits on the uptake floor
were removed during this inspection.

Visual inspection of the water drum found all internal hardware to satisfaction. All supports and
bolting were found to be present. Considerable deposits accumulated along the bottom side of the
drum, Extensive tubercle pitting formations observed throughout the internal side of the drum.

The inspection of the steam drum was undertaken both visually and utilising a fibreoptic borescope
to examine the internal condition of the boiler tubes. On inspection, the steam drum was found with
extensive tubercle scale formations lining the internal side, as were the tubes. Under the tubercle
formations, heavy pitting was observed. The internal pipework and flanged connections were noted
as being secure.

IRIS & RPA inspections were performed during this intervention. Unfortunately, the inspection
window was shortened due to the operational demands of the unit resulting in a very limited window
to perform these inspections. Mechanical tube cleaning was performed on the front, rear, roof, side,
riser and screen tubes. The mechanical cleaning of these tubes removed the tubercle formations and
scale build-up. Underneath the scale and tubercle formations, considerable pitting throughout the
entirety of the tubes internal surfaces was uncovered. The tubes conditions are considered
unacceptable, visually.

Numerous incorrectly installed tubes were discovered during visual inspections of the boiler's
different headers. Bad workmanship is the main source of the problems. The erroneous installation
of all floor tubes was discovered, showing gaps between the tube and the tube seat in the side wall
header and no flared tube ends, suggesting that the tubes had not been expanded at all. The other
end of the floor tubes, connect to the screen header where it was discovered that they were
excessively long in some places, up to 40 mm or more, which can have a detrimental effect on water
It was also seen from the screen header that there were variations in the lengths of each screen tube
penetration. Like what was observed with the floor tubes, some tube protrusions were overly long,
and others did not even pass through the header entirely. Neither of these types of protrusions had
flared ends or any other tell-tale signs of expansion.
Five off-wall tubes in the rear wall were discovered to be installed incorrect also, showing the same
issues discovered in the floor & screen tubes.

It is presumed that these incorrectly installed tubes are welded to the headers external side.
If this is the case, this is a major deviation from the construction design of the boiler.

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To return the Starboard boiler back to operations, the following is recommended.

1. Overhaul of the water level Gauges.

2. Overhaul service of sliding feet & proving lines.
3. Perform air lancing of deposits accumulated on water drum external surface.
4. Perform external overhaul of headers.
5. Based on the multiple patch repairs & visual inspections finding many wall tubes, screen
tubes and floor tubes to be installed incorrectly and in very poor condition internally, a partial
retubing of the following pressure parts should be considered as a minimum for long term
a. Front wall tubes
b. Rear wall tubes
c. Roof / Side wall tubes
d. Floor tubes
e. Screen tubes
f. Riser tubes
6. During partial retube works, replacement of the furnace thermal lining should be undertaken
also. During this stage, some areas of gas sealing plates will most likely require renewal also.
7. Following partial retube works, chemical cleaning of the boiler should be performed to bring
the internal surfaces back to a suitable condition for proper passivation.


1. Perform RPA inspection on Generating tubes to get an accurate picture of their health is
2. Remove corrosion from the boiler flat / soak away area and pedestals with paint chippers /
needle guns and wire wheels. Prepare surface with primer and repaint with Hempel Topcoat
55210 or similar which is recommended as a finishing coat for protection of structural steel
in severely corrosive environments.
3. Overhaul / Maintenance should be performed on all spring hangars and supports. Tightness
check, wire brushing / painting, greasing where needed.
4. Localized pipe lagging renewal should be performed in areas where pipe laggings is

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General Comments
We trust the forgoing fully interprets your requirements, if however further information or
clarification is required on this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

The writer of this report would like to thank SBM Offshore and their staff for their assistance during
this inspection.

Report prepared by:

Ashley Howitt
General Manager
Brazil Phone: +55 22 99749 2599
International: +44 07939 939150

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+55 (22) 99833 6967

Cotech Brazil
Av. Pref Aristeu Ferreira da Silva, 2697
Granja dos Cavaleiros – Macae, RJ

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