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Background of the study

This advent of digital age has brought about unprecedented changes in

communication social interaction, and information dissemination. Among the numerous

technological advancement, social media platform have emerged as powerful tools that

connects individuals globally. While social media offers various opportunities for

networking, learning, and self-expression, it has also raised concerns about the impact on

mental health, particularly among students. According to Sabino, J. Et al., 2023, today’s

youth are the most active users of social media platform such as Facebook, YouTube, Google,

Twitter, and Instagram.

Students in their formative years, are increasingly integrating social media into their

daily lives. These platform provides space for socializing showing experiences and seeking

validation. However, the pervasive use of social has sparked a growing body of research

investigating its effects are on mental health. Understanding the intricate relationship between

social media exposure and mental health Among students is essential for educators, parents,

mental health professionals and policymakers.

Understanding the impact of social media exposure on mental health is crucial. It not

only aids in recognizing potential risk factors but also identifies for opportunities for

intervention and support. Educators can incorporate digital literacy programs into the

curriculum teaching students about responsible social media usage. Mental health

professionals can develop targeted intervention to address the specific challenges posed by

social media. Parents and guardians can engage in open conversation with students,

promoting healthy online behaviors and supporting them in navigating the digital landscape

By examining the diverse factors contributing to the relationship between social

media exposure and mental health this research seeks to provide evidence-based insight.

Through a comprehensive analysis the study endeavors to shed light on how social media

impact students mental well-being.

Statement of the problem

According to Abi-Jaoude, E., et al. social media can effects adolescents self-view and

interpersonal relationships through social comparison and negative interactions, including

cyberbullying; moreover , social media content often involves normalization and eve

promotion of self-harm and suicidality among youth.

Moreover, Abad S., et al 2023 found that university student have demonstrated the

association of internet use with poor mental health outcomes, such as depression, anxiety,

maladaptive cognition, behavior addictions, and loneliness.

Nazari, A., 2023 stated increased media uses causes problems due to their attraction,

and it can affects mental health, especially in students.

This study generally aims to determine the effects of social media exposure on

mental health among senior high school students in Matica-a National High School.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondent?

2. Is there an effect of social media exposure to students’ mental health?

Scope and delimitation of the study

This study fucoses only on determining the effects of social media exposure on mental health

among senior high school students in Matica-a National High School the primary subject or
respondents of this study are enrolled during the school year 2023-2024. An questionnaire

will be employed together quantitative data among the respondents.

Significance data of the study

This study is significant in the context of modern digital era. Understanding the

impact of social media on students’ mental health is crucial for several reasons, making this

study highly significant

School: Cyberbullying and online harassment are significant concerns for students using

social media platforms. Insight from this study can guide the development of anti-bulliying

initiative and digital safety campaign. School can implement presentative measure and

provide resources to support students who experience online harassment, fostering a more

inclusive and respectful online community.

Parents: Parents after struggle to comprehend the digital experiences of their children this

research can parents and guardians with knowledge about the potential risks associated

with social media exposure. with this understanding, parents corn engage in informed

conversations with their children, set appropriate boundaries, and offer emotional support,

creating a safer online environment for their children.

Teachers/ Educators

Educators play an important role in shaping students’ behaviors’ and altitudes online.

Insights from this study can inform the development of educational programs and curricula

focused on digital literacy, online etiquette, and responsible social media usage. Educators

can incorporate those learnings into their teaching methods, fostering a culture of responsible

digital citizenship among students

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Social Media Exposure

According to Maria Luisa S. Et al. social media platform have become have the main

channel for people to communicate, access information and share content. A handful of giant

platform dominate the markets and, through a complex typology of conduct, are able to

strongly affects users’ exposure to content, violating their privacy, as well as their freedom of

expression and information. Regulators have at disposals a toolbox to fix the problem. This

articles analyses possible instruments and makes and makes suggestions to contribute to


According to Jenny L. Davis, social media are the define as the set of interaction

internet applications that facilitate (collaborative or individual) creation, curation , ad sharing

of user-generated content. They are an increasingly pervasive aspect of everyday life. One

can view social media not as something separate from physical reality, but as an integral part

of an interwoven social landscape.

According to Kim Edgar, K., et al. Social media has contribute to radical change in

the interaction between traditional news media, community actors and the public. Twitter,

Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are actively used by politician, organizations and ordinary

people promote views, participate in discussion or just to show up. Journalists also use social
media as stools news production, publishing channels ,and as commination with source and


Furthermore, Milli Garcia, technology , really helped and changed the life of people

around the world. From the traditional media such as telephone and cellphone through the

latest kind of media like internet and social media have effectively changed the lifestyle of

people mostly the communication.

Cann, Demetriou, & Hooley (2010), social media refer to Internet service where the

websites and other contents are managed by users of the service. It really has taken so much

interest from the students that most of them would prefer to use the social tools offered by the

internet in almost everything that they do.

Mental Health

According to Marney, W. mental health is all about how people think, feel, and

behave. Mental health specialist can help people with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder,

addiction, and other Conditions affect their thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

According to Alina, P., et al. mental health discourses is often used to problematize

social issues and externalize personal anxieties, which tends toward trivialization and,

possibly, treatment delays.

Relationship between social media exposure on mental health

According to Laurence, B., et al. social media use is integral to many adolescents’

lives. It brings benefits but can also have detrimental affects on both physical and mental

health. We conducted a systematic review examining associations between social media use,
adolescent mental health (including body image, self-esteem, stress, interpersonal

relationships and loneliness, anxiety, and depressive symptoms), and dietary outcomes.

Chapter III


1. Research Objective:

To understand the relationship between social media exposure and mental health.

To identify the factors that may mediate or moderate this relationship.

To provide actionable insights for individuals, researchers, and policymakers.

2. Study Design:

Research Approach: Quantitative

Study Type: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal (for a more comprehensive analysis)

3. Participant Selection:

Sampling Technique: Random sampling to ensure representativeness.

Sample Size: Determine sample size based on power analysis to detect meaningful effects.

4. Data Collection:
Data Sources: Self-report surveys, objective usage data from social media platforms, clinical


Questionnaires: Use established mental health assessment tools (e.g., PHQ-9, GAD-7) and

social media usage scales.

Social Media Data: Obtain consent for access to participants’ social media usage data.

5. Variables:

Independent Variable: Social media exposure (duration, frequency, type of content).

Dependent Variables: Mental health indicators (depression, anxiety, stress).

Mediating/Moderating Variables: Self-esteem, social support, age, etc.

6. Data Analysis:

Descriptive Statistics: Summarize demographic and usage data.

Correlation Analysis: Examine relationships between social media exposure and mental

health indicators.

Regression Analysis: Assess the predictive power of social media exposure on mental health.

Mediation and Moderation Analysis: Explore mediating and moderating factors using

appropriate statistical tests.

Longitudinal Analysis: Examine changes over time to identify trends and causal relationships.

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