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P.O.P. Science Score 2

Summary of Scores & Cautions 3

P.O.P. Snapshot of Sales Potential 4

Management Preview 5

Selection Considerations 6

Interview Questions 7-14

Responses from Opinions Section 15

Training & Coaching Suggestions 16

Retention Prospects 17

Candidate Feedback 18-20

Coaching Guide For Managers

Self-Coaching Guide For Individuals

Create Report



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Score Rating

If EP is 30 or higher 5
EP = Enterprising Potential
-4 If EP 10 - 29 4 3
Predicts daily activity and survival
If EP is less than 10 3

AP = Achievement Potential
Describes motivational factors and predicts 1
closing style Subtract 1 if:
AP is less than -5
IP = Independence Potential or
Describes the comfort and need for IP is less than -25
structure and systems

SD = Self Directed
Reflects feelings of being in control
18 Subtract 1 if:
SD is less than 20
CR = Call Reluctance -1
Reflects candidate's attitudes about
prospecting, handling rejection and sales as a 23 CR is less than 20



Science Rating

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PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Summary of Scores & Cautions













Builds Relationships over
Warm/Friendly/Sociable Longer

Systematic/Analytical Learns the Necessities

-4 87 1 -11 14
18 2 23 30 38
EP BL AP IP PS Lifestyle Call Listening Uncertainty
Self Directed
Management Reluctance Style Coefficient

© 1979-2022 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd.

PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Snapshot of Sales Potential


EP - Enterprising Potential
A Self Manager
A Natural With Coaching Needs Development

A Good 'Prospector'
Coach to Excellence With Training Needs Structure

AP - Achievement Potential
Motivational Profile
$ And/Or Challenge People and Service Safety and Security

Closing Style
Strong Okay Needs Development

IP - Independence Potential
Approach to structure
Dislikes Structure Can Integrate Requires Structure

PO - People Orientation
A People Person?
Very sociable Balanced Long Term Relationships

AO - Analytical Orientation
Systematical/Analytical Learns the Necessities

Listening Style
Very Good Listener Needs Coaching

Lifestyle Management
Stress Management Training Would Help
Handles Stress Well

SD - Self Directed
Controls Self
Totally in Control Yes Needs Coaching

© 1979-2022 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd.



Performance Management

Potentially demanding Accepting of modest performance

An indicator of performance expectations as they relate to managing a sales force.

Leadership Style

Autocratic Democratic Team Member

A measurement of natural leadership style and approach with others.

Training & Development

Excellent Good Caution

The natural inclination to train and develop new representatives.


Excellent Good Caution

The potential to attract a high volume of recruits.


Excellent Good Functional

An overall assessment of potential as a sales manager.

© 1979-2022 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd.

PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Selection Considerations


Enterprising Potential (E.P.): To some extent this relative weakness on the E.P. Scale can be compensated for by
creating, at least temporarily, the semblance of a highly structured work situation for them. This individual MAY be able
to develop a systematic approach to activities with management help, but the help may have to be kept in place for a
very long time - perhaps indefinitely. Are you able and prepared to make that kind of commitment?

Achievement Potential (A.P.): With this level of results on the A.P. Scale, it is essential that this result be considered
acceptable only if the person is demonstrably good at personal planning, personal time management and if this individual
is a real 'EFFORT' person. Even with good self-management potential, this score still predicts only a modest level of drive,
energy and ambition. For anyone who does not have good self-management skills, this score does not compensate enough
to result in any strong positive prediction of probable survival and success.

Independence Potential (I.P.): This is a relatively low score on the I.P. Scale. A person like this can be a real pleasure
to work with for a manager early in their career as this individual will listen attentively and do precisely as this
individual is told. However, this individual may feel that this individual needs ongoing supervision and this individual will
expect and accept this even when this individual no longer really needs it. With a result in this range, the individual will
probably have a tendency towards developing dependency relationships. It is easier to avoid these than to erase them
once they are established, so be aware of this possible problem.

People Orientation (P.O.): This is an acceptable result on the P.O. Score. Generally a result like this has no bearing,
either positive or negative, on selection recommendations.

Investigative Orientation (INV.): This is an acceptable result on the INV. Score. If you feel that your business offers a
real chance for them to continue to grow and develop from a technical and intellectual point of view, this individual
will find that a real plus.

Call Reluctance
This person's responses to questions relating to managing call reluctance indicate that this individual may not be
attitudinally suited for a sales career. Their answers make them seem likely to have a great deal of reluctance to
make calls and prospect in their regular network or natural market because of either the possibility of rejection,
discomfort with selling to strangers or a general dislike of sales as a career.

Managing Rejection: Their low score on the managing rejection scale indicates that this individual could be overly
concerned with how prospects are relating to them during the sales process. This indicates sensitivity based on a
desire to be liked by everyone and a fear of being disliked by anyone. It will be very important to explore their
feelings about rejection during the sales process prior to hiring.

Prospecting Orientation: This person would tend to favor prospecting in specific areas of their natural market. To
prospect and network from a business perspective this individual would require a strong commitment to product
and a well developed sales track. The requirement for consistent prospecting could provide an overwhelming
challenge which would create a need for ongoing training support and joint field work.

Commitment to a Sales Career: The recruiting process should explore the motivation of this individual for
considering a sales career. It will be essential to assure that this individual wants the benefits associated with a sales
career rather than simply not being satisfied with their current job or employment situation. Management should
avoid over selling the career during the hiring process. Ask them for their career goals rather than outlining all the
features of a career in sales.

© 1979-2022 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd.

PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Interview Questions

Enterprising Potential (E.P.)

Tell me about a time when you have taken on an existing and established position. How did you go about learning the job and established procedures?

Would you be willing to take personal and/or skills development training for current, new and long term job development, including

Ask for specific examples of any tasks or requirements in other jobs this individual may have had in the past which will show how th

© 1979-2022 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd.

PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Interview Questions (cont'd)

Achievement Potential (A.P.)

What would you say are the patterns in the motivating forces at work for you? Does this pattern reflect the strengths and balances suggested

Have you done anything really demanding in the last two years towards your own personal and professional development? Please ex

© 1979-2022 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd.

PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Interview Questions (cont'd)

Independence Potential (I.P.)

How do you feel about being part of a team? How do you feel about situations in which you have to operate entirely on your own? Which do

Are there any specific examples of things you have done to promote team harmony and effectiveness at work? How successful were y

Have you taken formal or self study programs or had any focused learning experiences in areas related to sales and performance? W

How have you gotten along with your most recent supervisor/manager? What do you expect to receive from a new manager and wha

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PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Interview Questions (cont'd)

People Orientation (P.O.)

How do you feel about meeting new people?

Can you get along with and work productively with a wide variety of personalities? Please provide an example.

Would you describe yourself as a 'team' player?

© 1979-2022 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd.

PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Interview Questions (cont'd)

Investigative Orientation (INV.)

Tell me about any creative, innovative ideas that you have developed at work. What ideas have you had for your present or most recent job/d

Have you had any new learning experiences recently? Have you had a significant technical learning experience or practical competen

© 1979-2022 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd.

PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Interview Questions (cont'd)

Managing Rejection

Would you ever back away from a sure sale if it required you to be aggressive?

What recent changes have you made in your image? Who or what motivated you to make these changes?

What are the major differences between successful and unsuccessful salespeople?

Who is the most popular salesperson you know? Why is that individual so popular?

© 1979-2022 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd.

PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Interview Questions (cont'd)

Prospecting Orientation

How do you plan on developing a client base?

What products or services would you feel uncomfortable selling to your family and friends? Why?

Who would be the first individuals or organizations that you would approach with our products and services?

Do you have friends or family that sell a product or service that you would not like to sell? Who and why?

What problems would you anticipate in selling to your family and friends?

What strategies would you use to overcome these problems?

How do you feel about salespeople who promote their products or company at social gatherings?

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PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Interview Questions (cont'd)

Commitment to a Sales Career

Have you ever bought a product that you did not need? If yes, how did you feel about the sales person who sold
it to you? If no, has a salesperson ever tried to sell you something you do not need? How did you feel about this

How many sales people do you know? How many of them are successful? What makes them either
successful or unsuccessful?

How would you describe the ideal salesperson? Which of these qualities do you possess and which ones
would you need to develop?

Describe the last time you were approached by a salesperson and bought something. What did you like and
dislike about the sales person?

How do you react when salespeople approach you face-to-face in a public gathering? At home? At work?

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PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Responses from Opinions Section

1=Don't Agree At All 2=Agree A Little 3=Somewhat Agree 4=Moderately Agree 5=Definitely Agree

1. Effort gets results (4) 49. A good plan can avoid mistakes (5)
2. I thrive under pressure (3) 50. Stress improves my performance (2)
3. I rarely interrupt others while they are speaking (3) 51. After listening to someone talk, I repeat the important points back to
4. It is easier to sell to friends than to strangers (3) them to insure my understanding (4)
5. I am often influenced by others (3) 52. I often refer people to my family and friends (4)
6. I would have difficulty integrating a demanding career into my lifestyle 53. Hard work does not always get results (3)
(3) 54. To be effective on the job, I need more energy (4)
7. I have never told lies (3) 55. I make sure others have finished speaking before I respond (5)
8. Aggressive sales people usually make a good income but have less 56. Informal social events are a good source of sales contacts (4)
repeat business (2) 57. I find it easy to talk about myself (4)
9. Most mistakes can be avoided (4) 58. Regular habits are an important part of my success (4)
10. I am comfortable with changes in technology (5) 59. I have never said anything unkind about anyone else (3)
11. I like to hear people fully explain their point of view (5) 60. I have met very few people whom I did not like (3)
12. I avoid actions that might make people dislike me (5) 61. I am distracted easily (3)
13. People's good qualities are seldom recognized (3) 62. Professional demands often interfere with my lifestyle (3)
14. I sometimes lack the energy to perform important tasks (4) 63. People take too long to get to the point (3)
15. Most conversations take too long (3) 64. I get upset when salespeople call me at home (1)
16. It is important that people approve of me (4) 65. I am a confident person (4)
17. I am good at most things that I try to do (3) 66. I can concentrate on my work for long periods of time (3)
18. I stay focused on my priorities (4) 67. I will interrupt other people to provide an answer to their question (4)
19. After listening to an interesting anecdote, I like to describe a similar 68. To be successful at sales, I must change my image (5)
situation involving me (3) 69. My performance depends on the situation. (4)
20. Salespeople have a positive public image (5) 70. To be effective, I need to make several lifestyle changes (4)
21. Success is mostly luck (2) 71. No one is ever rude to me (1)
22. I often allow my attitude to affect my performance negatively (3) 72. I would rather approach a potential new client by telephone than in
23. All of my habits are good and desirable ones (3) person (3)
24. It is very important to push people to buy a product or service after you 73. I am successful in most aspects of my life (4)
have established that they need it (1) 74. Work does not get me down (4)
25. People get the respect that they deserve (5) 75. I enjoy listening to other people (5)
26. I generally have a positive attitude towards work (3) 76. Most people would prefer not to deal with salespeople any more than
27. I never envy others their good luck (3) necessary (3)
28. Salespeople make more money than they deserve (4) 77. I am reluctant to make decisions (3)
29. It is impossible to change company procedures (4) 78. Lifestyle demands have interfered with my career success (3)
30. I find it difficult to manage my professional demands (4) 79. I always admit my own mistakes (3)
31. I prefer to listen in conversations (4) 80. I would not like to be known as a salesperson (2)
32. I find it easy to make new acquaintances (4) 81. I take time to reflect on my accomplishments (3)
33. Hard work brings success (4) 82. I enjoy pressure on the job (2)
34. I excel in a dynamic environment (3) 83. I give others my undivided attention when they are speaking to me (2)
35. I consciously pause before responding to others (3) 84. I have bought a product or service mainly because of the salesperson
36. My first sales should be to my family and friends (5) (1)
37. Plans never work out (4) 85. I let the organization define my training needs (3)
38. I often avoid difficult tasks (2) 86. People do not understand the pressures of my job (3)
39. I have never been late for work or for an appointment (3) 87. I prefer to ask very specific questions that require only a 'yes/no'
40. In a group, I feel uncomfortable if a person does not like me (5) answer (2)
41. I create opportunities (3) 88. My family and friends are a good source of sales (2)
42. I take care of myself with good daily habits (4) 89. Effort is entirely my responsibility (3)
43. I try to do most of the talking when presenting materials to others (4) 90. I manage stress effectively (3)
44. I have been successful in developing a large network of people (3) 91. I have a tendency to finish other people's sentences (3)
45. Compliments make me uncomfortable (2) 92. Rejection is the most difficult aspect of sales (4)
46. I have difficulty coping with daily job challenges (3) 93. Others have interfered with my success (3)
47. I have never boasted or bragged (3) 94. It is difficult to establish job priorities (3)
48. I adapt to what others expect of me (3) 95. I am not a good listener (1)
96. I feel comfortable promoting myself and my company at social
gatherings (3)

© 1979-2022 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd.

PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Training & Coaching Suggestions


Based on the Enterprising Potential (E.P.) Results

(Training Requirements) To compensate for the lack of strength on this characteristic, training should consist of lots of
instruction and practical work in personal time management and activities planning. You must include a one- on-one
development of an immediate and workable time and activity management plan as this has more immediate and
practical utility. Even with skills development in these areas, you must also develop a workable, ongoing method to
manage and supervise their daily activities until they become solid business 'habits'. If you have not got the time and/or
skills to do this, their survival is in doubt.

Based on the Achievement Potential (A.P.) Results

(Training Suggestions) Certainly this individual needs extensive and intensive training in closing techniques and
timing. Getting them to be persistent in the face of objections and/or rejection may be very difficult. Their most
effective style would probably result from observing and then adopting the style of someone who is very much like

Based on the Independence Potential (I.P.) Results

(Training Requirements) While you are developing a personal and technical training program for them, you should
make training in being more independent an objective for this person. Be careful that you do not create a dependency
relationship while you are training them in the early stages of their career as it will be hard for you and for them to
break such a dependency once established.

Based on the People Orientation (P.O.) Results

(Coaching Suggestions) This individual will find satisfaction and productivity enhanced by working with a trainer and
fellow employees who are similarly people oriented.

Based on the Investigative Orientation (INV.) Results

(Coaching Suggestions) This individual should grasp new technical and practical information very quickly and find an
ongoing training experience a very positive opportunity.

© 1979-2022 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd.

PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Retention Prospects


Based on the Enterprising Potential (E.P.) Results

To retain this person, should this individual reach an acceptable performance level, you will probably have to ensure that
you do not place any heavy emphasis on making them solely responsible for the planning and daily execution of their
activities. This individual needs structure for comfort and productivity.

Based on the Achievement Potential (A.P.) Results

This individual would balk at an imposed and repeated increased pressure for higher performance goals. Persuasion is
likely going to be a far more effective way to get them to set their sights higher and to stay longer.

Based on the Independence Potential (I.P.) Results

If this individual can be trained to be more independent it will be in everyone's best interests. This individual will
want to retain a close business friendship with their supervisor, with their fellow workers and with clients.

Based on the People Orientation (P.O.) Results

This individual needs and will be motivated in large measure by acceptance and recognition from their boss and
fellow employees.

Based on the Investigative Orientation (INV.) Results

Working in a job and in an industry which offers both company and industry sponsored ongoing training would keep
them motivated to learn and grow and develop over the long term.

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An Overview of Your Personal Characteristics & Career Strengths


Personal Strengths/Career Needs What to Seek/What to Avoid in Jobs 1



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PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ Personal Strengths/Career Needs

In Terms of Enterprising vs Support Role Possibilities

People would see you as being occasionally assertive, determined and goal oriented within well defined situations. More
often, you would appear to be generally accepting, agreeable, considerate, mild mannered and cautious in any less
clearly defined work or personal situation. Given a requirement or objective and a plan of how to reach the objective,
you could be depended upon to work diligently to achieve the stated goals. Your talents would probably find their best
utilization in the service or support aspects of a company.

In Terms of Your Style & Strength of Various Motivations

People would see you as being motivated to a very great extent by your sincere concern for the well-being of others. In
addition, they may see you as a person who has the potential to achieve some very meaningful objectives which have the
creation of a good level of personal income as a major factor. To achieve at the level of which you are capable and to
obtain both personal and financial satisfaction, you should set your career goals towards obtaining a position in an
organization whose purpose has real human and/or social merit and where you can occasionally take on challenging
special tasks which are very demanding and which will reward you for their successful completion.

In Terms of Your Independence vs Your Need to Be in the 'Team'

You would be described as quite cooperative, obliging, efficient, conscientious, painstaking and team oriented. Generally,
you would be easy on others and quite accepting of supervision. You would be a good company person working well
within a variety of group settings. Security and stability would be valued working conditions desired in the job.

In Terms of Your Orientation Towards the 'People' Side of Business

You would be described as quite sociable, enthusiastic, cheerful, genial and outgoing. You would enjoy personal
relationships and interactions, and would make a good company representative in terms of customer satisfaction and
personal and company public image. You might be very sensitive to rejection in some circumstances.

In Terms of Your Orientation Towards Technical & Practical Concerns

You would be described as quite logical, reflective, analytical, factual and practical. A job requiring the solving of
intellectual or conceptual problems would stimulate a person such as you. You would have a flair for technically
oriented and detailed work. Taking on challenges to learn and use new information in a field that interests you would be
rewarding in itself.

© 1979-2022 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd.

PREDICTOR OF POTENTIAL POP7.0™ What To Seek/What To Avoid In Jobs

What Should You Look for In a Job/Career that Matches You Best?
+ Look for eventual employment with an organization which has an established work objective and detailed work plan;
preferably one which uses your special talents in an ongoing service or support role rather than in a short-term,
repeating and pressured goal attainment requirement.

+ Your best prospects for both personal satisfaction and personal productivity can be found in career directions
which focus on challenging jobs in which you can see a real value in terms of rendering a valuable and valued
service to people.

+ You should look for a job that is stable in an established work environment. Your preference should be to work
within a recognized team type situation. For even greater job satisfaction, you should find a company that you can
identify with and respect for their products and services.

+ You should look for employment that provides you with people contact or some public relations opportunities. You
derive satisfaction from interaction with other people in both personal and work environments.

+ A job with some learning and technical requirements would be quite satisfying. The opportunity to be creative and to
put your new found knowledge into action would also be appealing to you.

What Should You Avoid in Jobs/Careers that Don't Match You?

- Avoid working in an environment which requires you to be responsible for your own work planning and/or which
requires the attainment of repeated high pressure goals. Unstructured or apparently disorganized work
environments would not be able to employ your talents to the best degree.

- Avoid jobs which you evaluate as having little service orientation. If the company tends to reward everyone the
same regardless of their effort and results you are unlikely to find any 'productivity' satisfaction with them.

- Avoid work environments which have poor supervision or very inexperienced supervisors and those positions that
demand an intense level of independence and/or a high demand to work essentially on your own all of the time.

- You should avoid employment in jobs that have only limited feedback from others. You should also not be in
situations that isolate you from others.

- You should avoid jobs that are not intellectually challenging, creative and those that do not offer a chance for
personal growth in a technical or practical sense.

© 1979-2022 Selection Testing Consultants International Ltd.

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