2ND Q-1ST SQuiz

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Naga National High School

Naga, Tiwi, Albay


1st Short Quiz


1. What happens to the speed of sound in a medium if the molecules vibrate faster?
A. It decreases. B. It increases. C. It is equal to 331 m/s. D. It is unchanged.

2. Which of the following affects the speed of sound in air?

A. Atmospheric pressure B. Atmospheric temperature C. Relative humidity D. All of them

3. What is the speed of sound in air at temperature 400 ˚C?

A. 291 m/s B. 331.24 m/s C. 355 m/s D. 571 m/s

4. Among the following phases of matter which will transmit sound the best?
A. gas B. liquid C. solid D. none of the above

5. Which color of light has the lowest energy? a. Red b. Blue c. Green d. Violet

6. Which color of light has the highest energy? a. Red b. Blue b. Green d. Violet

7. What color of light comes after blue in ascending order of energy? a. Red c. Blue b. Green d. Violet 4.

8.How are the colors of light arranged after it passes through the glass prism?

9. Why do you think red color is the most sensible in the human eye?
a. Red light reaches our eyes due to a longer wavelength.
b. Red light reaches our eyes due to a higher energy.
c. Red light reaches our eyes due to have a greater frequency.
d. Red is faster than blue light.

10. What color of light comes after blue in ascending order of energy?
a. Red b. Blue b, Green Indigo

11-15. Fill in the blank to complete the paragraph. Colors in light have different ___(11)__ and _(12)___.
It provides the different levels of __(13)____. Of the seven colors of light, __(14)____ has the longest
wavelength and lowest energy while _)___ has the shortest wavelength and highest energy.

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