De Giua Ky I Anh 8 Hien Hanh

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Môn: Tiếng Anh - Lớp: 8 (Chương trình hiện hành)

Ngày làm bài: 05/11/2021
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
Đề gồm: 02 trang

Họ và tên: ………………………………………………………….…………………………… SBD:

Lớp: .…………………………Trường: .……………………….………………………………………… .

Lưu ý: Học sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào tờ đề thi này.
I. 9 Listening. (2 pts)
Part 1. Listen to the recording and circle the appropriate answer A, B or C. (1.0 pt)
1. What sport can’t you do at the sports centre?
A. tennis B. table tennis C. volleyball
2. How much must Marian pay?
A. ₤14 a year B. ₤30 a year C. ₤50 a year
3. Which bus goes to the sports centre?
A. Number 10 B. Number 16 C. Number 60
4. When will Michael and Marian go to the sports centre?
A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday
Part 2: Listen then fill in each numbered blank with no more than TWO words or numbers . There is
one example. (1.0 pt).
Name: ______Tanner_______ Sarah
1. Age: ________________________
2. Teacher’s name: ________________________
3. Hobby: ________________________
4. How many books: ________________________
II. Phonetics : Choose the word that has different sound in underlined part from others.(1pt )
1. A. invite B. smile C. sink D. knife
2. A. played B. wanted C. needed D. visited
3. A. fixes B. goes C. misses D. washes
4. A. curly B. lucky C. happy D. try
III. Grammar and vocabulary( 3 pts)
Part 1: Choose the best answer A, B , C or D .( 1,5 pts )
1. What are you doing Mai ? I’m looking at ________in the mirror .
A. herself B. myself C. himself D. yourself
2. Why do you like English ? ________ it is an interesting subject .
A. Although B. So C. But D. Because
3. You must _______all dangerous objects out of children’s reach .
A. put B. to put C. putting D. puts
4. My friend, Lan is very _____________, so a lot of people like her.
A .generous B. reserved C. shy D. silly
5”.What a lovely house you have !”- “ _________.”
A. No problem B. Not at all C. Thank you. D. All right.
6.Tuan is ___________ lift this big box.
A. enough strong to B. enough strong for C. strong enough for D. strong enough to
Part 2: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (1,5 pts )
1. They bought two tickets. They ( see ) ……………….………… a movie tonight.
2. Yesterday , Nga’s friend (send) ………………………..her a letter.
3. You have ( make ) …… ………sure children do not play with matches.
4. My sister (not drink)…………………………coffee . She likes tea.
5. LA. Hill is a ( humor)…………………………..writer.

6. I will make an (arrange)……………………….for the meeting tonight.

IV. Reading ( 2pts)
Part 1: Read the passage and circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the passage. (1 pt)
In England, the time for recess is different (1)…….school to school. 4-7 year- old students have two 20-minutes
breaks (one in the morning and one in the afternoon). 7-16 years old have only one 20-minute break. The students also
have an hour long lunch break. During the break time and lunch time, children go out and play in the playground. They
play on adventure playground or form teams to play soccer and basketball. Some popular (2)……………..are skipping,
Jacks or Five Stones, Please Mr. Crocodile, Queenie Queenie….. Skipping is probably the (3) ……………….popular
game in the playground at the moment. There are some of them: Double Dutch, Pretzel, Stalk, Can- can (4)……………
Double skipping.
1. A. in B. from C. to D. with
2. A. games B. sports C. plays D. things
3. A. more B. much C. many D. most
4. A .but B. so C. and D. however
Part 2: Read the passage and do the tasks follow.( 1 pt )
Of all my relatives, I like my aunt Emily the best. She is my mother’s youngest sister. She hasn’t married. Now
she lives alone in a small village near Bath. She is fifty years old, but she is young in spirit. She has a fair complexion,
long brown hair and dark brown eyes. She has a kind face, and when you meet her, the first thing you notice is her smile.
Her face is a little wrinkled now, but I think she is still attractive. She is kind and generous. If you have any troubles, she
will be ready to help you. She likes reading and gardening in her free time.
 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1………My aunt now lives alone in a small village near Bath.
2………She likes watching TV and cooking in her free time.
 Choose the best option ( A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.
3.What does aunt Emily look like ?
A. She has a fair complexion, long brown hair and dark blue eyes.
B. She has a fair complexion, long brown hair and dark brown eyes.
C. She has a fair complexion, thin brown hair and dark brown eyes.
D. She has a fair complexion, thick black hair and dark brown eyes.
4.The writer’s aunt is ……………..years old .
A.thirty B. forty C. fifty D. sixty
V. Writing ( 2 pts)
Part 1: Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.(1 pt)
1.The weather wasn’t very warm . We couldn’t go swimming.
 The weather …...................................................................................................................
2.She got good marks . She studied very hard.( because)
Part 2: Write a paragraph of about 60- 80 words to describe your best friend.( 1pt)
- The End -

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