7mapeh TQ Q2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte
Bangui, Ilocos Norte
Second Periodical Examination in MAPEH 7

NAME: ________________________________________________GRADE & SECTION: _____________________

DATE: January 26-27, 2023 SUBJECT: MAPEH 7

Direction: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. Choose the letter of the correct answer and shade it
using the Evalbee answer sheet. 1 point for every correct answer.

1. Which of the following instruments is a gong played by striking with the palm while resting on the lap?
A. Binanog B. Gangsa Palook C. Gangsa Toppaya D. Rondalla

2. How many syllable lines does an Ambahan have?

A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8

3. Which of the following is an instrument of the Rondalla?

A. Banduria B. Cello C. Harp D. Violin

4. Which of the following is a Mangyan song used to communicate with spirits and in healing the sick?
A. Binanog B. Marayaw C. Pamuybuyen D. Tultul

5. Steve wants to perform a Cordillera song using a Tongatong. How will he play the instrument to produce its sounds?
A. Clapping the instrument C. Stomping on the ground
B. Striking with the palms D. Striking with two sticks

6. Alvin is playing a Bandurria which plays the melody of the song in a Rondalla ensemble. How does the sound of the Banduria
A. Striking it with sticks C. Plucking and strumming of strings
B. It is played using a bow D. Picking the strings with the use of bows

7. The guitar is used as an accompaniment in a song or rondalla piece. It is played by strumming or picking using a plectrum.
What is the main function of the guitar in the group?
A. Play the melody of the piece C. Play the chords of the piece
B. Give the bass of the piece D. Play the fundamental tone of its chord

8. Which of the following is a way or method in playing the guitar?

A. bowing B. shaking C. striking D. strumming

9. How does the instrument Bungkaka produce sound?

I. The vibration of the pronged teeth III. By striking it with a stick
II. By striking the pronged teeth in the palms IV. By stomping it on the ground
A. I & II B. II & III C. III & IV D. I & IV

10. Patrick wants to sing a song from the Cordillera. He also wants to create rhythmic patterns that will
accompany his song. Which instruments made of bamboo should he use to recreate the sounds?
A. Tongatong, Bungkaka, Pateteg C. Kudyapi, Gitgit, Kalutang
B. Gangsa Palook, Gangsa Toppaya D. Ulibaw, Tongali, Sulibao
11. Which of the following forms of music is utilized for ritual purposes?
A. The Pamuybuyen is a legend about a lady who is afraid of water
B. Marayaw is sung to communicate with the spirits and in healing the sick
C. Tultul talks about an epic hero and is chanted at night and ends at day break
D. Balitaw is a form of song and dance debate by a man and a woman that talks about courtship

12. Which of the following is a Visayan song?

A. Bahay Kubo B. Manang Biday C. Salidommay D. Si Pilemon

13. What instrument from the Rondalla family plays the melody of a musical piece?
A. Banduria B. Double Bass C. Laud D. Octavina

14. Which of the following is an instrument resembles the guitar but smaller in size and has 14 strings?
A. Banduria B. Double Bass C. Laud D. Octavina

15. Where did the native song Salidommay originated?

A. Cordillera B. Palawan C. MIMAROPA D. Mindoro


16. Which of the following is a form of writing in Palawan?

A. Ambahan B. Banig C. Morion D. Sinamay

17. Rubert wants to use the Manunggul Jar as an interior decoration for their house. A jar that was used during the prehistoric era.
How was it utilized during the early times?
A. For burial purposes C. Storage for water and vinegar
B. Decorations of their cave houses D. Storage for their clothes and food

18. Patadyong is a fabric woven in Panay Islands. Which of the following best describes the patadyong?
A. It is used as a Tapis C. Pair of a Kimona
B. It has bright color design D. Wrap-around skirt with geometric designs

19. Which of the following materials are bleached and dried shells, pressed or cut into different shapes?
A. Capiz B. Pearl C. Stone D. Wood

20. Carlo is trying to create a Sinamay design using papers. What process should he do?
A. He will do block printing C. He will braid the papers
B. He will weave the papers D. He will use computer designs

21. Tingkop is a cone-shaped colander harvest basket. What material is used to create a tingkop?
A. Black and natural wood C. Black and brown bamboo
B. Black and natural bamboo D. Natural Bamboo

22. Why do the people of Marinduque wear Morion masks during the Lenten Season?
A. It is a form of entertainment.
B. They portray the soldiers who made Jesus suffer.
C. It is a form of merriment before the suffering of Jesus.
D. They want to showcase their creativity through masks and costumes.

23. Banig is a colorful mat found in Samar. Which of the following is a function of banig?
A. Crying B. Folding C. Rocking D. Sleeping

24. Which of the following materials is used to create Hablon?

A. Abaca B. Banana twine C. Jusi D. Wood

25. How do we call the people of Mindoro?

A. Badjao B. Isneg C. Mangyan D. T’boli
26. Zayn wants to create a morion mask. Which of the following materials should he use in creating the morion?
A. Used papers and a glue C. Wood carved mask
B. Acrylic paint and paint brush D. All of the above

27. Which of the following is a wrap-around skirt in Panay island characterized by its linear and geometric design of different
A. Kimona B. Patadyong C. Pagara D. Sinamay

28. How should you paint a sample picture of a marble product?

A. Use black color only C. Use blue and white colors
B. Use white and gray colors D. Use the available colors you have

29. How is the Inabel of Ilocos similar with the Hablon-Patadyong of Panay Island?
A. Bright colors are used C. Abacca fibers were used
B. Checkered and Linear Designs D. Both came from cotton pods

30. Joshua wants to mount an exhibit of the crafts found in the Visayas islands. How should he organize the crafts for better
A. According to color C. According to its use
B. According to the place it came from D. According to its quality


31. Which of the following is the capacity of an individual to accomplish daily task with alertness and vigor?
A. Exercise B. Physical fitness C. Skill-related D. Wellness

32. When you keep a fitness journal of each activity you participated in, it is important to note the frequency, intensity, duration,
and type of the activities. Which of the following is the use of the journal?
I. To monitor my fitness III. To know the nature of activities I do
II. To know the activities I should do IV. To plan the meals
A. I B. II & III C. I & III D. I, II & III

33. Which of the following is an activity that gives you a sound mind and a sound body?
A. Exercise B. Physical fitness C. Skill test D. Wellness

34. Which of the following racket sport in which its objective is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and make it land on the
opponent’s court?
A. Badminton B. Lawn Tennis C. Table Tennis D. Pingpong

35. Which racket game was first known as Poona?

A. Arnis B. Badminton C. Lawn Tennis D. Table Tennis

36. What is the term for a zero score in tennis?

A. Let B. Love C. Naught D. Zero itself

37. Jaian wants to strike the shuttlecock above his head with a downward motion with power and speed. Which of
the following strokes should he use?
A. Clear B. Drive C. Lob D. Smash

38. Louis and Liam are playing mixed doubles in Badminton. When Louis was about to smash the shuttlecock, he
lost balance and the racket strike his head, a lump immediately emerged. What first aid technique should Liam
A. Apply hot compress C. Wash with water
B. Apply cold compress D. Massage with an ointment
39. Marie and Julia are playing Badminton. Their scores are 21 – 10 and Marie became the winner. Afterwards, Julia
approached Marie, congratulated and shook hands with her. What characteristic did Julia show?
A. Approachable B. Kind C. Sportsmanship D. Tranquility

40. What benefit/s can we get from playing badminton?

I. Maintains a healthy lifestyle III. Alertness and reflexes are honed
II. Loses weight and trims down fats IV. Gains weight
A. I B. II & III C. I & III D. I, II & III

41. What does RICE method means in First Aid?

A. Rest, Ice, Compression, Enjoy B. Rest, Ice, Candy, Enjoy
C. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate D. Rice, Igado, Carrot, Egg

42. Where did the game Badminton originated from?

A. Britain B. Canada C. India D. Philippines

43. How is it decided which player will serve first in Table Tennis?
A. Toss coin
B. Alphabetical order
C. The older player goes first
D. The younger player goes first
44. Which country did Arnis originate?
A. India B. USA C. Philippines D. Laos

45. Player A successfully drove the shuttlecock to the court of Player B. Player B was not able to return the
shuttle cock. Who wins the rally?
A. Player A B. Player B C. Neither A or B C. Either A. or B


46. What are the right food that adolescents should eat?
A. Sugary products C. Dairy products
B. Fruits and vegetables D. Oily and fatty food

47. Water is essential to us because it keeps our body hydrated. How many glasses of water should a person take every day?
A. 5-6 B. 6-8 C. 7-9 D. 8-10

48. Basing from the food pyramid, which of the following kinds of food should be taken the least?
A. Cereals B. Dairy products C. Oily food D. Poultry products

49. Olga is currently experiencing constipation. Which of the following food should she eat in order to stabilize her digestive
A. Milk B. Bread C. Oil D. Yoghurt

50. Which of the following is a condition when a person eats and gets nutritional requirements beyond the needed and ideal
A. Malnutrition B. Obesity C. Overnutrition D. Undernutrition

51. Which of these is a condition where in a person does not eat or take the daily needed nutrients and nutritional requirements
leading to diseases and deficiency?
A. Malnutrition B. Obesity C. Overnutrition D. Undernutrition

52. Which of these is a condition wherein a person has too much body fat?
A. Malnutrition B. Obesity C. Overnutrition D. Undernutrition

53. Which of these is a condition wherein a person is not getting enough or right food?
A. Malnutrition B. Obesity C. Overnutrition D. Undernutrition

54.Liza is trying to lose weight because her BMI is obese. Which of the following is the best partner of a balanced diet in order to
eliminate obesity?
A. Exercise B. Fast food products C. Laxatives D. Soft drinks

55. Iodine deficiency can lead to the enlargement of the thyroid or goiter, hyperthyroidism, and to mental retardation
in infants and children whose mothers lacked iodine when they were pregnant. How will you prevent this if you’re the mother?
A. Eat plenty of fish C. Eat plenty of fruits
B. Regular exercises D. Eat seaweeds and seafoods

56. Which of the following is an eating disorder characterized by self-imposed starvation leading to excessive weight loss?
A. Anorexia Nervosa B. Binge eating C. Bulimia D. None of the above

57. What refers to the eating disorder wherein a person eats large quantity of food and induces vomiting or takes laxatives to
get rid of the food taken?
A. Anorexia Nervosa B. Binge eating C. Bulimia D. None of the above

58. As an adolescent, which of the following should you do in order to fight malnutirition?
A. Eat fatty foods daily.
B. Use sugar in all your food
C. Eat salty food and buy frequently at fast food stores
D. Eat foods that are low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol to lower the risk of heart diseases avoid too much cholesterol in
your diet.

59. Rina offered you fruits for snack while Kirara offered you junk food. As an adolescent which of the following should you pick?
A. Junk food because it is tasty C. Both because they are offered freely
B. Fruits because it is rich with nutrients D. None of the above

60. Which of the following liquid should be taken in 8-10 glasses in order to be hydrated?
A. Milk B. Orange Juice C. Water D. Milk Tea

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher III School Principal IV

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