GRADE 5 - Indonesia and Cambridge Combined (Syllabus) - English

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Basic competencies (Indonesian) Cambridge Core Activities

1.1 Revisiting place value

3.2 Explaining and adding and subtracting two

fractions with different denominators.

1.2 Ordering and rounding

4.2 Solve problems related to adding and subtracting

two fractions with different denominators.
4.2 Solve problems related to adding and subtracting
two fractions with different denominators.

1.3 Sequences (1)

Basic competencies (Indonesian) Cambridge Core Activities

3.2 Explaining and adding and subtracting two 2.1 Addition and subtraction (1)
fractions with different denominators.
4.2 Solve problems related to adding and subtracting 2.2 Adding more numbers
two fractions with different denominators.

Basic competencies (Indonesian) Cambridge Core Activities

3.1: Multiplication and division facts

3.3 Explain and perform multiplication and division of


3.2: Written methods of multiplication

3.2: Written methods of multiplication

3.3: More multiplication

4.3 Solve problems related to multiplication and

division of fractions

3.4: Written methods of division

Basic competencies (Indonesian) Cambridge Core Activities

4.1 Multiples and squares

3.1 Explain and perform exponentials (powers of two

and three) and drawing roots (roots of squares of two
and three) of whole numbers;

4.2 Tests of divisibility

4.1 Solve problems related to exponents (powers of

two and three) and drawing roots (cube and three roots)
of whole numbers;

4.3 Factors
Combined Syllabus (Indonesian/Cambridge) 2021-2022 - GRAD
: SD Marie Joseph
: Math
; Approx 82
: 82
: 5 / 1 (Term 1)


Cambridge Reference Prior Learning Vocabulary

5Nn1 Count on and back in steps of constant size,

extending beyond zero.

5Nn2 Know what each digit represents in five- and six-

digit numbers

5Nn3 Partition any number up to one million into

thousands, hundreds, tens and units

5Nn5 Multiply and divide any number from 1 to 10 000

by 10 or 100 and understand the effect

5Nn6 Round four-digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100

or 1000
This chapter builds on work
in Stage 4 with numbers
with up to four digits: ·
5Nn8 Order and compare numbers up to a million Ordering, rounding, ten thousand ·
using the > and < signs partitioning and multiplying hundred thousand ·
and dividing by 10 and 100. multiple
· Counting on and back in
steps of 1, 10, 100 and
5Nn12 Recognise and extend number sequences
steps of 1, 10, 100 and

5Nn13 Recognise odd and even numbers and multiples

of 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 up to 1000

5Ps3 Explore and solve number problems and puzzles

5Ps8 Explore and solve number problems and puzzles


Cambridge Reference Prior Learning Vocabulary

This chapter builds on work

in Stage 4 on different
strategies for adding and
subtracting: Finding pairs of
5Nc8 Count on or back in thousands, hundreds, tens small numbers that equal
and ones to add or subtract. 10 or 20; adding and
subtracting multiples of 10
and 100; adding and
subtracting near multiples
of 10 and 100.

· Learners should be able to

5Nc10 Use appropriate strategies to add or subtract choose a suitable strategy
pairs of two- and three-digit numbers and numbers for a particular problem
with one decimal place, using jottings where such as subtracting a small
necessary. number crossing 100, for
example, 304−8.

addition ·
subtraction · total ·
addition ·
subtraction · total ·

· Learners should be able to

5Nc18 Find the total of more than three two- or three- partition numbers including
digit numbers using a written method. numbers with one decimal

5Pt3 Check with a different order when adding several

numbers or by using the inverse when adding or
subtracting a pair of numbers.

· Learners should know

some different methods
used for checking the
results of adding and
subtracting numbers.

5Ps2 Choose an appropriate strategy for a calculation

and explain how they worked out the answer.


Cambridge Reference Prior Learning Vocabulary

5Nc3 Know multiplication and division facts for the 2 ×

to 10 × tables.

5Nc5 Recognise multiples of 6, 7 8 and 9 up to the

tenth multiple.

5Nc20 Multiply or divide three-digit numbers by

single-digit numbers.

5Nc21 Multiply two-digit numbers by two-digit

This chapter builds on work
in Stage 4 on multiples and
knowledge of multiplication
and division facts for the 2,
5Nc22 Multiply two-digit numbers with one decimal 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
place by single-digit numbers, e.g. 3.7 × 7. times tables.
times tables.

5Nc23 Divide three-digit numbers by single-digit

numbers, including those with a remainder (answers
no greater than 30).

5Nc25 Decide whether to group (using multiplication

facts and multiples of the divisor) or to share (halving inverse · operation
and quartering) to solve divisions. · inverse operations
· product · divisor

5Nc26 Decide whether to round an answer up or down

after division, depending on the context.

5Pt6 Estimate and approximate when calculating –

using rounding and check working.

5Pt7 Consider whether an answer is reasonable in the

context of a problem.

· The chapter extends

earlier work on
multiplication and division
of two-digit numbers by
5Ps2 Choose an appropriate strategy for a calculation singledigit numbers.
and explain how they worked out the answer.

5Ps9 Explain methods and justify reasoning orally and

in writing; make hypotheses and test them out.


Cambridge Reference Prior Learning Vocabulary
5Nc4 Know and apply tests of divisibility by 2, 5, 10
and 100.

This chapter builds on work

in Stage 4 on the 2, 3, 4, 5,
6 and 9 times tables and
related division facts.
5Nc5 Recognise multiples of 6, 7, 8 and 9 up to the
tenth multiple.

5Nc6 Know squares of all numbers to 10 × 10.

5Nc7 Find factors of two-digit numbers.

square number ·
· It also builds on learners’ divisible · test of
ability to recognise and divisibility · factor
5Nn13 Recognise odd and even numbers and multiples begin to know multiples of
of 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 up to 1000. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 up to the
tenth multiple.

5Ps4 Deduce new information from existing

information to solve problems.

5Ps9 Explain methods and justify reasoning orally and

in writing; make hypotheses and test them out.
· Learners have previously
covered table facts and
multiples in Stage 5 (see
chapter 2).

5Ps10 Solve a larger problem by breaking it down into

sub-problems or represent it using diagrams.
1-2022 - GRADE 5

Learning Main Material Learning Activities Indicator

Learners have extended

consolidates previous learning
their knowledge of the
and extends learners’
number system and can
understanding of the number
work with whole
system to include larger
numbers with up to six
whole numbers.


Primary Mathematics Teachers
Resource, pages 1-10

Learners can con"

dently round numbers
Learners are given some facts to the nearest 10, 100
about five famous and 1000; and order
mathematicians. They are and compare numbers
asked to draw a time line and using the < and > signs.
arrange the mathematicians’
dates of birth and death on it.
Encourage learners to
investigate the famous
mathematicians listed. Help
them to display the
information they " nd in the
form of a time line. Learners can order and
compare numbers up to
one million.

LEARNERS: Cambridge Primary

Mathematics Learners Book, pages 2-7
Learners are able to
explore patterns of
LEARNERS: Cambridge Primary multiples.
Mathematics Learners Book, pages 2-7

Give learners the opportunity

to work with different
sequences which all have a
constant ‘jump’ size. Many of
the questions also provide Learners can count on
valuable tables practice. and back in steps of
constant size from any
start number, including
working with negative

Learning Main Material Learning Activities Indicator

Learners know that

counting on and back in
1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s
can help them add or
provides practise with subtract.
number patterns that can be
completed by adding and
TEACHERS RESOURCE: Cambridge subtracting 10 or 100. The
Primary Mathematics Teachers number patterns are then
Resource, pages 11-24 used to solve problems and
play games involving addition
and subtraction of three-digit

Learners have
developed strategies for
adding and subtracting
pairs of two- and three-
digit numbers.
Learners start to
develop strategies for
adding and subtracting
numbers with one
decimal place.

learners solve problems Learners have

LEARNERS: Cambridge Primary involving adding more than developed strategies for
Mathematics Learners Book, pages 8- three numbers in the context ! nding the total of
12 of data handling, money, more than three two-
mass and length. digit numbers.

Learners begin to adapt

strategies to ! nd the
total of more than three
three-digit numbers.

Learning Main Material Learning Activities Indicator

Learners have extended

their knowledge of
table facts up to the 10×
table and are able to
Encourages learners to derive corresponding
remember and implement division facts.
useful multiplication and
division facts, that they
should know, and implement
their problem-solving skills.

Learners can recognise

multiples up to the
tenth multiple.


Primary Mathematics Teachers Learners can estimate
Resource, pages 25-40 and then ! nd the
product of a three-digit
number and a single-
digit number
Provide practise in multiplying
with whole numbers and
decimals. Questions 3–5 are
set in context and questions
6–10 provide an opportunity
to solve problems. Learners
Provide practise in multiplying
with whole numbers and
decimals. Questions 3–5 are
set in context and questions
6–10 provide an opportunity
to solve problems. Learners
an be encouraged to work in
pairs to solve these problems. Learners can multiply a
number with one
decimal place by a
single-digit number.

Require learners to work

through a series of questions
that need them to find the
Learners can
product of two two-digit
confidently find the
numbers. In all instances,
product of two two-
learners should be
digit numbers.
encouraged to use the most
efficient method for carrying
out the calculations.

LEARNERS: Cambridge Primary

Mathematics Learners Book, pages 13-
19 Learners understand
division as sharing and

Provide further practise in

division. Learners must round
up their answer to question 5,
which is set in the context of
buying trays of plants. They can con! dently
divide a three-digit
number by a single-digit
number and round
answers up or down
depending on the

Learning Main Material Learning Activities Indicator

provides a variety of Learners have extended
examples on multiples and their understanding of
square numbers. It is multiples to include
important that learners can multiples of 6, 7, 8 and
recognise and use these 9.
numbers in different contexts
so, for example, multiples
have to be recognised in
question 2, found in question
4, recognised in a sequence in
question 5 and used in a
problem-solving context in
TEACHERS RESOURCE: Cambridge question 7. They know the square
Primary Mathematics Teachers numbers up to 10 × 10.
Resource, pages 21-50

Learners have worked

on divisibility by 2, 5, 10
and 100 and have
gives learners opportunities
begun to see the
to work on divisibility by 2, 5,
relationships between
10 and 100, then explain their
these. For example,
answers and use their
they know that any
knowledge to solve problems.
number divisible by 100
is also divisible by 2, 5
and 10.

Learners understand
LEARNERS: Cambridge Primary the meaning of ‘factor’
Mathematics Learners Book, pages 20- as a whole number that
25 divides exactly into
Provides learners with the another number.
opportunity to ! nd factors of
two-digit numbers.

They are able to find

factors of two-digit
Time Needed

3 x 35 minute lessons
Time Needed

3 x 35 minute lessons
3 x 35 minute lessons

Time Needed
4 x 35 minute Lessons

Time Needed
4 x 35 minute Lessons

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