Kunci Bhs Inggris Conclusion 7 S 1 2023

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BAB Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris VII

1 untuk SMP/MTs Semester 1

CHAPTER 1 Exercise
About Me 1. In the morning.
2. Swimming pool.
A. Galang from Kalimantan 3. Yes, he will.
LISTENING 4. Good morning Sandi.
Task 1 5. "See you later."
Listening Script:
1. Hello. B. I Love Fishing
3. Nice to meet you. Task 1
4. Pleased to meet you. Listening Script:
5. Glad to meet you. Good morning everyone, To all of my friends, allow me to
Answer: Teacher's policy. make an introduction (1) to who I am. My full name is Aydin
Hammam. People usually (2) call me Aydin. I’m the second
child in my family. I was born in Jakarta, on July 14, 2011.
Task 2
Currently, I live in Tebet, South Jakarta.
Listening Script:
I really like music and I can play some musical instruments
1. You meet your friend in the school. You greet and ask
(3) like guitar, piano, and bass. Besides that, I am also
the condition. Suddenly, the bell rang
interested in graphic design. Currently, I have a portfolio (4) of
2. You meet your friend in the street. You want to go home professional graphic design for social media (5), PowerPoint,
and your friend wants to go to their home. and so on. I think that’s all from me. Nice to meet you. Thank
Answer: Teacher's policy. you!

Task 1 1. Aydin Hammam.
Teacher’s policy. 2. He is introducing himself.
3. July 14, 2011.
Task 2
4. The writer’s hobby and skills.
Teacher’s policy.
5. Guitar, piano, and bass.
Task 1 Task 3
Teacher’s policy. Teacher’s policy.

Task 1
1. F
Teacher’s policy.
2. T
3. F
Task 2
4. T
Teacher’s policy.
Task 1
Task 1
1. Good afternoon.
Teacher’s policy.
2. I’m fine.
3. How do you do? Task 2
4. Nice to meet you too. 1. T
5. Pleased to meet you too. 2. F
3. T
Individual Activity Sheet
Teacher’s policy. 4. T
5. F
Group Activity Sheet
Teacher’s policy.

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Ganjil-Kurikulum Merdeka 1
WRITING 4. Family.
Task 1 5. Have father like him.
Teacher’s policy.
Task 2
Individual Activity Sheet Teacher’s policy.
Teacher’s policy.
Group Activity Sheet
Task 1
Teacher’s policy.
Teacher’s policy.

Exercise Individual Activity Sheet

1. Emily Cartwright. Teacher’s policy.
2. By email.
3. 5 years. Group Activity Sheet
4. Yes, she has. Teacher’s policy.
5. Public relation.

C. My Friends and I Exercise

LISTENING 1. She is great and strong.
Task 1 2. Twenty years.
Listening Script:
3. In an elementary school.
My Best Friend, Ernesto
4. Cheerful.
My best friend is Ernesto and he is my classmate. We
go to school together. Ernesto comes from an educated (1) 5. No, she/he hasn’t.
family. His father is a school principal and his mother is also
a teacher.
He is punctual, well-educated, and has good manners Competence Test
(2). He is really hard working. He always does his homework. A. Multiple Choice
He is also well-dressed (3) and well-behaved. All teachers 1. c. Bob
have a high opinion of him. Discussion:
Ernesto has a well-built body. He is gentle but fearless. Sudah jelas bahwa pengirim surat tersebut adalah Bob.
He takes part in all sports, scout, trekking and mountaineering 2. d. is a house wife
activities. He has a good heart. He is truthful (4), honest, and
He also plays the guitar, and he makes his parents very Ibunya Bob adalah ibu rumah tangga yang mengurus
proud of him. He secures good marks and is usually top of his seluruh kebutuhan keluarga.
class in examinations(5). He inspires me to work harder. He 3. a. Bob
keeps me away from bad company. I am happy to have such Discussion:
a friend. Bob adalah anak termuda di dalam keluarganya.
4. c. five
Task 2 Discussion:
1. T Bob memiliki 2 saudara. Jadi, total jumlah keluarga Bob
2. F adalah lima orang.
3. F 5. a. United Kingdom
4. T Discussion:
5. F Lina tinggal di Inggris (UK).
6. c. Good night
Task 3 Discussion:
Teacher’s policy. Sebelum tidur biasanya mengucapkan Good night.
7. a. See you later
SPEAKING Discussion:
Task 1
Ucapan perpisahan (parting) biasanya adalah See you
Teacher’s policy. later/goodbye.
8. a. greeting
Task 2
Teacher’s policy.
Sudah jelas bahwa gesture tersebut adalah gesture saling
Task 3
9. d. Good evening
Teacher’s policy.
Kembali dari kerja biasanya dilakukan pada waktu sore
Task 1
10. a. parting
1. Math teacher at senior high school.
2. Friendly. hard worker, smart
Sudah jelas bahwa gesture tersebut adalah gesture
3. English.

2 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Ganjil-Kurikulum Merdeka
11 c. How are you? SPEAKING
Discussion: Task 1
Sudah jelas bahwa titik-titik tersebut wajib dilengkapi Teacher’s policy.
dengan pertanyaan menanyakan keadaan.
12. a. I’m fine, too. Task 2
Discussion: 1. T
Sudah jelas bahwa titik-titik tersebut wajib dilengkapi 2. T
dengan jawaban atas pertanyaan keadaan. 3. F
13. c. Nice to meet you. 4. T
Discussion: 5. F
Sudah jelas bahwa titik-titik tersebut wajib dilengkapi
dengan dengan ekspresi seteleh diperkenalkan oleh READING
orang lain. Task 1
14. b. See you later Teacher’s policy.
Sudah jelas bahwa titik titik tersebut wajib dilengkapi Task 2
dengan ekspresi berpisah. Teacher’s policy.
15. c. Good afternoon
Discussion: WRITING
Percakapan tersebut terjadi pada siang hari. Task 1
Teacher’s policy.
B. Matching
Individual Activity Sheet
1. e. Aku harus pergi sekarang.
Teacher’s policy.
2. d. Selamat pagi.
3. c. Senang berjumpa denganmu. Group Activity Sheet
4. b. Selamat siang. Teacher’s policy.
5. a. Selamat tinggal.
C. Essay
1. Japan.
1. Listening to music, shopping, and traveling.
2. Because the writer likes everything related to Japanese.
2. Happy.
3. Onigiri is usually served when it's warm.
3. Mella, her classmate.
4. So the rice seed can attach one another easily.
4. Confident.
5. Round or triangle.
5. 152 cm
B. My Favourite Snack
Enricthment Task 1
1. He stays at Uptown Apartment on Fifth Avenue. Listening Script:
2. "Sorry, I have to get going." Hello, my friends. Let me tell you about my favorite snack. My
3. On the street. favorite food is Kue Ape. Kue ape or serabi is a popular traditional
4. Good morning. I’m Budi. Haven’t we met before? pancake with soft and fluffy (1) center surrounded with thin and
crispy crepes, commonly (2) found as a popular street food in
5. Student.
Indonesia, especially in Jakarta and other major cities.
The batter (3) is made of flour, rice flour, sugar, salt,
baking powder, vanilla powder, and coconut milk. Sometimes
Culinary and Me
the daun suji is added as a green food coloring. The mixed
A. My Favourite Food
batter is cooked in a small serabi wok or frying pan, greased
(4) with palm oil, margarine or butter. The parabolic shape of
Task 1
small serabi wok would create thick and fluffy center where
Listening Script:
the batter concentrate, and also creating crispy (5) thinner skin
a. This is a pizza radiating around the cake.
b. This is a burger
c. This is a takoyaki Task 2
d. This is a salad Teacher’s policy.
e. This is an onigiri
Answer: Task 3
1. e 1. T
2. d 2. T
3. c 3. F
4. b 4. T
5. a 5. F

Teacher’s policy. Task 1
Teacher’s policy.

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Ganjil-Kurikulum Merdeka 3
Task 2 3. F
Teacher’s policy. 4. T
5. T
Teacher’s policy. Task 1
Task 2 1. boil
Teacher’s policy. 2. cook
3. cut
WRITING 4. mix
Task 1
5. serve
Teacher’s policy.
Individual Activity Sheet
Individual Activity Sheet Teacher’s policy.
Teacher’s policy.
Group Activity Sheet
Group Activity Sheet Teacher’s policy.
Teacher’s policy.
Exercise 1. Knife and plate.
1. Pandu comes from Medan. 2. We must slice bread on the plate.
2. Egg, sugar and coconut milk. 3. Before putting the chilli sauce.
3. Pandan, durian, cheese and chocolate. 4. People who want to make a sandwich.
4. Pandu likes bika ambon because of its stickiness, fluffiness 5. Make the sandwich easily.
and sweetness.
5. Mr. Hari’s stall. Competence Test
A. Multiple Choice
C. Secret Recipe 1. b. His favourite food.
LISTENING Discussion:
Task 1 Teks tersebut berisi tentang makanan kesukaan Wiliam.
Listening Script: 2. a. Tasty
Teacher : Okay. So today we’ll make an orange juice. Are Discussion:
you ready?
Menurut Wiliam, nasi liwet adalah makanan yang lezat
Student : Yes, Sir. (tasty). Perhatikan pada pernyataan “I like the taste of
Teacher : First, let’s prepare a juicer, a glass, some oranges, nasi liwet.”
and a spoon of sugar. Don’t forget to prepare two 3. d. papaya
glasses of water too.
Student : Okay Sir. What’s next? Untuk membuat nasi liwet, dibutuhkan sayuran berupa
Teacher : Peel the oranges and trash the seed. After that, labu siam (chayote), bukan pepaya (papaya).
pour it into the juicer.
4. a. Simple present tense.
Student : Next?
Teacher : Pour the water and sugar too. Oh! And don’t forget Tense yang digunakan dalam teks deskriptif dalam bahasa
about ice. We need ice to make it cold and fresh. Inggris adalah simple present tense. Hal ini dikarenakan
Student : Okay . sesuatu yang sedang dideskripsikan berdasarkan keadaan
Teacher : And then, turn on the juicer. After two minutes, saat ini. Meskipun tidak selalu berupa fakta..
stop the juicer and pour the juice in your glass. 5. a. ripped
Now it’s ready! Discussion:
Student : Wow it’s delicious. Shredded = sobekan/suwiran = ripped.
6. c. three
Task 2
1. Orange juice. Berdasarkan teks resep tersebut, terdapat 3 langkah
2. Juicer, a glass, some oranges, and a spoon of sugar. dalam membuat burger.
3. To make the juice cold. 7. d. chilli
SPEAKING Kita tidak memerlukan cabai untuk membuat burger.,
Task 1
8. b. To tell people how to make a burger.
Teacher’s policy.
Secara umum, tujuan procedure text adalah memudahkan
pembaca untuk mengetahui cara melakukan sesuatu.
Task 1
Memberi informasi untuk membuat atau melakukan
Teacher’s policy. dengan metode dan langkah-langkahnya sesuai
urutan. Memberikan petunjuk jelas, supaya orang yang
Task 2 melakukannya bisa mendapat hasil akurat dan maksimal.
1. F Secara khusus, teks prosedur pada soal bertujuan untuk
2. T menjelaskan orang-orang cara membuat burger.

4 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Ganjil-Kurikulum Merdeka
9. c. A half minutes. Mid Semester Test
Discussion: A. Multiple Choice
Dibutuhkan waktu 30 detik atau half minutes untuk 1. d. my name
memasak rotinya. Perhatikan pada langkah ke-3 di How Discussion:
to cook the beef., Kalimat yang diharapkan adalah “Halo, namaku adalah
10. a. adequately Nadin.” Sehingga, jawaban yang tepat untuk kalimat
Discussion: rumpang tersebut adalah “my name”.
Sufficiently = to an adequate degree; enough. Sehingga 2 a. What
padanan katanya adalah adequetly. Discussion:
11. c. People who want to make a chicken soup Kata “what” digunakan untuk menanyakan nama
Discussion: seseorang.
Oleh karena berisi langkah-langkah membuat sup ayam, 3. b. Good morning
maka target pembaca dari resep memasak tersebut Discussion:
adalah orang-orang yang akan membuat sup ayam. Balasan untuk seseorang yang mengucapkan “Good
12. b. Drain it. morning?” adalah “Good morning.”
Discussion: 4. d. I am fine
Perhatikan langkah pertama! Setelah ayam dicuci, maka Discussion:
selanjutnya ayam tersebut ditiriskan (drain it). Balasan untuk seseorang yang mengucapkan “How are
13. a. The readers will be able to make a chicken soup you?” adalah “I’m fine.”
easily. 5 b. Yes, I am OK.
Discussion: Discussion:
Diharapkan setelah membaca resep tersebut, orang- Balasan untuk seseorang yang mengucapkan “Are you
orang akan mampu membuat sajian sup ayam dengan OK?” adalah “Yes. I am OK.”
baik dan benar. 6. b. procedure
14. d. To hold the recipe together. Discussion:
Discussion: Teks tersebut termasuk dalam jenis teks prosedur
Tujuannya adalah untuk menyatukan bahan-bahan (procedure).
tersebut. 7. d. steps of making brownies
15. a. Simple present tense. Discussion:
Discussion: Teks tersebut tentang langkah-langkah membuat kue
Dalam menulis teks prosedur, kita harus menggunakan brownies. Perhatikan judulnya!
kata kerja present tense atau bentuk pertama. Mengapa 8. c. adding milk
harus present tense? Tense yang satu ini digunakan untuk Discussion:
mengungkapkan fakta. Jadi, gunakan kalimat-kalimat Kita tidak perlu menambahkan susu karena tidak tercantum
yang menunjukkan dalam menggunakan atau membuat dalam langkah-langkah membuatnya.
sesuatu. 9. a. 1/2 cup of cocoa
B. Matching Test
Perhatikan pada bagian ingredients, no 1.
1. e
10. b. butter and cocoa
2. c
3. d Kata “it” merujuk pada mentega dan kokoa (butter and
4. b cocoa). Perhatikan pada bagian steps no 2 dan 3.
5. a 11. a. Introduction.
C. Essay Kalimat “I’m Kartika” merupakan ekspresi memperkenalkan
1. People who want to make a jelly. diri.
2. Jelly crystals and water 12. a. Kartika and Okki havent' met before.
3. The writer wants to make jelly. Discussion:
4. We must pour in the bowl. Berdasarkan dialog tersebut dapat kita simpulkan jika
5. We must stir the mixture until it’s completely dissolved. mereka berdua belum pernah bertemu sebelumnya.
13. b. In the afternoon.
Enrichment Discussion:
1. To tell people how to make a banana jam,. Okki mengajak Kartika untuk datang ke rumahnya pada
2. Take the peeled bananas and slice the banana into very siang hari (afternoon).
thin pieces. Put them aside in a bowl. 14. b. leave-taking
3. There are eight steps presented in the text. Discussion:
4. Put all those things out in front of us. “Nice to know you, Okki” merupakan kalimat perpisahan
5. 1 cup of sugar (leave-taking).
15. c. Cookies
Makanan yang dibuat oleh Okki untuk Kartika adalah

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Ganjil-Kurikulum Merdeka 5
16. b. leave-taking. My bedroom is next to the living room. In my room there
Discussion: are a cupboard, large bed, table, and music player with the
Kalimat yang digarisbawahi merupakan suatu perpisahan. speaker. This room is different from the colour. My bedroom
Perhatikan pada kata “see you.” is green and the other rooms are pink. I like reading in this
17. c. Cheerio. room, because no one will disturb (3) me.
In front of my bedroom there is a special room for guest
to have lunch or dinner. And sometimes I always study together
Kata “cheerio”memiliki padanan kata dengan: goodbye;
with my friends there. There is no chairs at all, just a carpet
goodbye dan good luck.
(4) with a short table and we can relax here.
18. c. How do you do. On the right side of my bedroom is my parents’. There
Discussion: are a bed, dressing table (5), chair, and a cupboard. This
Balasan untuk seseorang yang mengucapkan “How do room is as large as my bedroom.
you do?” adalah “How do you do?” The family room is in front of my parents’ room. There are
19 b. leave a carpet, small table, and television. My parents and I always
Discussion: have a talk in this room. We usually gather (6) in the evening
Good night biasanya digunakan sebagai ucapan salam and I always share my activities with them. This room is also
perpisahan untuk orang lain, di mana kita tidak akan used for having lunch together.
bertemu lagi dengan orang tersebut pada hari itu. Tentunya We have two kitchens. The first is located between the
bisa saja kita bertemu lagi pada keesokan harinya. bathroom and my parents’ room. The function of this kitchen
20. a. I’m fine too. is to cook with modern equipments (7), such as gas stove,
Discussion: blender, and there is a refrigerator in this room. My mother
Balasan untuk seseorang yang mengucapkan “How about always does her work as a house wife here. She always prepare
you?” adalah “I’m fine, too.” our breakfast, lunch, and dinner there. The other kitchen is
behind the first kitchen next to the bathroom. My mother usually
uses this kitchen to cook food traditionally, by using wood in
B. Matching Test the earthen stove.
1. e. Burger Although it’s a small house, it’s like a paradise (8) for
2. d. Lasagna me, the place where I find happiness, care, and love from my
3. a. Pastry family.
4. c. Noodle
5. b. Pasta Task 2
Teacher’s policy.
C. Essay
1. His/her favourite food, pizza. Task 3
2. Consume = Eat Teacher’s policy.
3. Because it’s easy to bake and tastes very good (delicious).
4. Cheese, chili sauce, tomatoes, and herbs. SPEAKING
5. We can eat it anytime. Task 1
6. A student. Teacher’s policy.
7. Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan.
8. Cooking.
Task 1
9. Mash spices, fry fish or boil vegetables.
Teacher’s policy.
10. Dream
Task 2
Teacher’s policy.
Home Sweet Home
A. My House
LISTENING Teacher’s policy.
Task 1
Listening Script: Individual Activity Sheet
My House Teacher’s policy.
I live in a small house. It’s located on Arjuna Street.
Group Activity Sheet
There is a large (1) yard in front of my house. My father plants
a mango tree there. On the right side of my house there is Teacher’s policy.
a garden. My mother likes gardening in this garden. There
are many kinds of flowers, such as: rose, dahlias and many
other that I don’t know its name. On the left side there is my Exercise
grandmother’s house. And on the back side there are many 1. It’s not big but comfortable.
banana trees are planted by my father. 2. Two pillows.
From the outside, my house is green in colour. There are 3. Above the studying table.
eight rooms in my house. There are living room, two bedrooms,
4. The writer’s father.
a family room, two kitchen, ware house, and bathroom.
When you enter my house, you will see a small living 5. Yes, he does.
room with three chairs, and flowers on the table. There are
photos of my families on the wall. The colour of this room is
pink. So you will feel another atmosphere (2) after entering
this room.

6 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Ganjil-Kurikulum Merdeka
B. My House Chores Give your sink a good scrub with a soap-dispensing brush.
LISTENING A mixture of mild dish soap and water is the best way to clean
Task 1 most sinks, particularly those with more delicate surfaces like
Listening Script: copper or enameled cast iron. Baking soda and water pastes
Today is a budy day for Haris’ family. They must do the work on tougher sinks, such as stainless steel, but you’ll want
household chores (1). They must do it today because it is to avoid acidic cleaners like vinegar on concrete, porcelain, or
a holiday, so, all the family members are in home. Father are enameled (4) cast iron.
tasked to do gardening (2) and cleaning the garage. Mother 1. Stainless Steel: Use a baking soda and water paste,
are tasked to clean the kitchen and bathroom (3). Haris is followed by a vinegar rinse.
tasked to clean his bedroom and his parents’ bedroom. They 2. Porcelain, Copper and Granite: Mix warm water with a
are all cooperative (4) with each other’s task. They are happy mild dish soap. (No scouring pads!)
(5) to do it. 3. Enameled Cast Iron: Most non-abrasive methods work.
(avoid (5) stains and scuff marks.)
Task 2
1. Because all the family members must do the household Task 2
1 Dirty dishes, food particles rinsed from cutting boards,
2. Because it’s a holiday. grimy mildew.
3. Gardening and cleaning the garage. 2. No, we mustn’t.
4. To clean his own bedroom and his parents’ bedroom. 3. Use a baking soda and water paste, followed by a vinegar
5. Yes, they are. rinse.
4. No, we musn’t.
SPEAKING 5. To tell people how to scrub and rinse the sink.
Task 1
Teacher’s policy. Task 3
Teacher’s policy.
Task 1
Teacher’s policy. Task 1
Teacher’s policy.
Task 2
1. T Task 2
2. F 1. T
3. T 2. T
4. F 3. T
5. T 4. F
5. F
Task 1
Teacher’s policy. Task 1
1. Stop the drain.
Individual Activity Sheet
Teacher’s policy. 2. Hot and soapy water.
3. Run the disposal.
Group Activity Sheet 4. Finish by disposing of a chopped lemon wedge while the
Teacher’s policy. tap is on.
5. People who want to clean their garbage disposal.
1. His/her household chores. WRITING
2. Changing the bed sheet and pillow sheet. Task
3. The writer’s belongings. Teacher’s policy.
4. After doing the dusting.
Individual Activity Sheet
5. He feels tired but satisfied.
Teacher’s policy.
C. Let's Clean Up!
Group Activity Sheet
Task 1 Teacher’s policy.
Listening Script:
How to Scrub and Rise a Sink? Exercise
Dirty dishes, food particles rinsed (1) from cutting boards, 1. We have to take things that don’t belong in the bedroom
grimy mildew. These are the things that make sinks one of the out.
dirtiest spots (2) in your home. Fortunately, you don’t have to 2. Keep our dirty sheets on our bed to catch any falling dust.
bleach the sink every day to keep your home healthy. Everyday 3. By taking a broom to the corner of our ceiling to dust
dish soap or natural cleaners (3) like baking soda and vinegar, away any spider webs.
coupled with a good scrub brush, can keep germs at bay. 4. To explain how to clean the bedroom effectively.
5. Because the procedure text reveals some facts and
activities that are carried out in the present.

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Ganjil-Kurikulum Merdeka 7
Competence Test 15. b. Two siblings
A. Multiple Choice Discussion:
1. a. Student Penulis memiliki dua saudara, yaitu Johan dan Jonah.
Penulis merupakan seorang pelajar (student). B. Matching Test
2. a. 5 1. e
Discussion: 2. d
Di dalam keluarga penulis, terdiri dari lima anggota 3. c
keluarga, yaitu Indra (penulis), ayahnya, ibunya, Nina 4. b
(saudara perempuannya) dan Vino (saudara laki-lakinya). 5. a
3. b. architect
Discussion: C. Essay
Ayah penulis adalah seorang arsitek. Perhatikan pada 1. She changes all the dirty bed, pillow, and bolster sheets.
paragraf kedua, kalimat baris ke-2. 2. Watering the flower, mowing the lawn and cutting branches
4. d. (1) and (2) and leaves.
Discussion: 3. At Sukadana Street Number 54, Surakarta
Tanaman yang ada di halaman rumah penulis adalah 4. In the weekend
tomat (tomato), anggur (grapes), dan stroberi (strawberry). 5. Imas sleeps with her sister, Hana.
Perhatikan pada paragraf kedua, kalimat baris ke-7.
5. a. Simple present tense Enricthment
Discussion: 1. Dilligent.
Tense yang digunakan dalam teks deskriptif dalam bahasa 2. Yes, it is.
Inggris adalah simple present tense. Hal ini dikarenakan
3. To set household chores done by Santi.
sesuatu yang sedang dideskripsikan berdasarkan keadaan
saat ini. 4. Making up the bed.
6. c. Banyan tree 5. Cleaning the ceiling.
Perhatikan pada paragraf kedua, kalimat baris ke-6.
Final Semester Test
7. c. garage
A. Multiple Choice
1. c. are
Garasi (garage) adalah tempat untuk menyimpan mobil
agar terhindar dari pencurian ataupun untuk melindungi
mobil terhadap cuaca terik matahari ataupun oleh air Untuk benda atau orang yang jumlahnya tunggal, yang
hujan maupun embun di malam hari. digunakan adalah “there is”. Sedangkan untuk yang jamak
atau lebih dari satu, kita menggunakan “there are”.
8. a. living room
2. a. many
Ruangan pertama yang akan dijumpai ketika masuk di
rumahnya penulis adalah kamar tamu (living room). “Many” berarti jumlah yang banyak untuk suatu benda,
dan selalu digunakan dengan kata benda yang dapat
9. c. the writer’s family
dihitung (countable nouns). Untuk kata benda yang
Discussion: tak dapat dihitung (non-countable nouns), maka kita
Kata “we” merujuk pada keluarganya penulis. menggunakan “much”.
10. a. Play Station 3. a. (1) and (2)
Discussion: Discussion:
Hal yang disukai oleh penulis ketika berada di rumah Feet adalah kata jamak foot (kaki). Teeth adalah kata
adalah bermain Play Station. Perhatikan pada paragraf jamak dari tooth (gigi). Adapun kata jamak untuk goat
terakhir. (kambing) adalah goats, dan work (pekerjaan) adalah
11. b. 2 works.
Discussion: 4. a. Sandwich
Terdapat dua lantai di rumahnya penulis. Perhatikan pada Discussion:
paragraph pertama, kalimat ke-2. Gambar tersebut adalah sandwich atau roti isi.
12. b. 2 5. d. Fried chicken
Discussion: Discussion:
Penjelasan tentang rumanhya penulis terdpat pada Gambar tersebut adalah fried chicken atau ayam goreng.
paragraf ke-2. 6. a. Department store
13. a. 5 Discussion:
Discussion: A man dalam dialog tersebut adalah seorang yang
Di lantai pertama, terdapat lima ruangan. Perhatikan mengetahui letak dari kecap. Adapun kecap lazimnya
paragraf ke-2, kalimat ke-1 dan ke-2. kita jumpai di sebuah department store.
14. a There is a television in the living room. 7. a. A soy sauce
Discussion: Discussion:
Hal yang membuat keluarga penulis berkumpul di ruang Ihsan sedang mencari kecap atau soy souce.
tamu karena ada sebuah televisi di sana.

8 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Ganjil-Kurikulum Merdeka
8. a. Next to noodle aisle 16. a. Morning
Discussion: Discussion:
Perhatikan pada kalimat yang dikatakan oleh seorang Percakapan terjadi di pagi hari. Perhatikan pada kalimat
pria tersebut. “It’s next to noodle aisle.” “Good morning, my friends.”
9. b. (1) and (3) 17. a. Doctor
Discussion: Discussion:
Congratulation merupakan kata pujian. Adapun Goodbye Pak Jauhari adalah seorang guru yang mengajar di SMP
merupakan kata perpisahan. Bina Warga.
10. a. a 18. a. Math
Discussion: Discussion:
Bahasa Inggris mempunyai dua jenis kata artikel: the dan Pak Jauhari mengajar di SMP Bina Warga sebagai guru
a/an. “A” digunakan sebelum kata benda tunggal yang Matematika.
dimulai dengan konsonan, misalnya: a boy; a car; a bike; 19. a. Introduction
a cat. “An” digunakan sebelum kata benda tunggal yang Discussion:
dimulai dengan vokal, misalnya: an elephant; an egg; an
Teks tersebut merupakan teks perkenalan diri penulis
apple. “The” digunakan untuk mengacu pada kata benda
dan keluarganya.
yang sifatnya spesifik atau khusus.
20. a. Wijaya's father
11. a. (1) and (2)
Paragraf pertama tentang profil penulis. Paragraf kedua
Berdasarkan resep tersebut, bahan pelengkap untuk
tentang ayahnya penulis. Paragraf ketiga tentang hobinya
membuat tahu tek adalah mentimun (cucumber) dan
tauge (bean sprouts)
12. a. To tell people how to make Tahu Tek
B. Matching Test
Discussion: 1. e. Detergent
Teks tersebut bertujuan untuk menjelaskan orang-orang 2. d. Mop
bahan dan cara membuat tahu tek. 3. a. Broom
13. a. in the bowl 4. b. Soap
Discussion: 5. c. Duster
Perhatikan pada bagian steps, langkah ke-3.
14. c. East Java
C. Essay
1. Mix white glutinous rice flour, potatoes, flour and salt in
Tahu tek adalah salah satu masakan khas Kota Surabaya, a bowl
Jawa Timur. Tahu tek terdiri atas tahu goreng setengah
2. Fifteen minutes
matang dan lontong yang dipotong kecil-kecil dengan alat
gunting dan garpu untuk memegang tahu atau lontong, 3. Chewy
telur, kentang goreng, sedikit taoge, dan irisan ketimun 4. 250 gr
dipotong kecil-panjang (seperti acar), lalu setelah disiram 5. In a pan
dengan saus kacang dengan campuran petis di atasnya, 6. The writer’s house.
ditaburkan kerupuk udang yang bentuknya kecil. 7. Wooden chairs and a television
15. a. Simple present tense 8. In the living room.
Discussion: 9. “Home sweet home” bisa diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa
Procedur text selalu ditulis menggunakan simple present Indonesia menjadi 'rumahku surgaku', 'rumahku tercinta',
tense karena merupakan berisi aktivitas yang dilakukan 'rumahku istanaku', dan sebagainya.
di saat ini. 10. Poor

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII untuk SMP/MTs Semester Ganjil-Kurikulum Merdeka 9

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