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A Lesson Plan

The first grade of senior high school

Time Allocation:
2 x 45 minutes

Subject Matter:
Procedural Text

Basic Competence and Learning Objectives

The basic competence of learning procedural text is the students are able and
become familiar with expressing the meaning of procedural text, the rhetoric
steps of procedure text accurately.
The learning objectives of learning procedure text are:

1. By identifying the meaning of procedure text students are expected to be

able to answer simple monologue text question about procedure text.
2. By identifying the steps of rhetoric in the text of the procedure through
reading aloud texts, the students are expected to be able to perform a verbal
monologue text in the form of a text procedure.
3. By identifying the steps of rhetoric in the text of the procedure through
writing procedure text, students are expected to be able to present the
procedure text.

The Definition and Function of Procedural Text

1. Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is
achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how
people perform different processes in a sequence of steps.
2. This text uses simple present tense, often imperative sentences. It also
uses the temporal conjunction such as first, second, then, next, finally,
3. The generic structures of procedure text are: Goal/aim (or title),
Materials (not required for all procedural texts), Steps (the actions that
must be taken).

The Example of a Procedural Text Lesson (enhanced by

numeracy inclusion)

How to Make Black Coffee in a cup

Ingredients and tools:

1. a teaspoon of black coffee powder. 1 teaspoon of black coffee powder

2. sugar (how much)
3. a half table spoon powder of chocolate. ½ a table spoon of chocolate powder
4. a cup or glass


1. First, heat the water for a medium cup. First, heat 1 cup of water (500 ml)
2. Then, If the water is already boiled, add the coffee powder and stir it. After
that, boil it once again and add ½ of a tablespoon of chocolate powder inside it.
3. Prepare the coffee filter of a soft cloth and two medium mugs.
4. Pour hot black coffee and filter it.
5. Prepare the cup that is already given (how much?) sugar. Then, pour the
black coffee by using the filter again.
6. Last, the black coffee is ready to be served. It is the best to enjoy with all
snacks like churros, macaroon, and another snacks.
Learning Activities
1. Opening activity
1. The teacher greets the students and reads the attendance list of
2. The teacher associates the taught material with the character to be
achieved during the lesson by referring to the lesson plan.
3. Students are directed to discuss some of the questions listed in

2. Core activity
1. The teachers provide stimulus to students through some questions
from simple monologue text about procedure text.
2. The teacher discusses with the students the material of the procedure
text based on the textbook used.
3. The teacher gives students the opportunity to communicate or to
present a simple monologue text question about a text procedure.
4. The teacher asks the students to discuss and solve some examples
about the procedure text contained in the textbook used.
5. The teacher asks the student about the composition that is needed to
make a good coffee based on the taste that is wanted by them. For
example: Hasan wants to make a glass of coffee by the composition 3
tea spoons of sugar and a half of teaspoon of Coffee. If the weight of a
teaspoon of sugar is 15 grams. How many grams will be needed to
make that coffee? (also note Hasan only wants half a teaspoon of
coffee. Would less coffee than what is in the earlier procedure change
the flavour? Why?)
6. The teacher provides feedback to students by giving reinforcement in
verbal form to students who have completed the task.
7. The teacher confirms the work done by the students through other
book sources.
8. The teacher helps students reflect on what they have learned and
motivates students who have difficulty during learning.

3. Closing activity
1. The teacher asks students to summarize what has been learned,
whether in oral form or in writing.
2. the teacher provides a glimpse of the material to be covered in the next

Students Worksheet
1. Write the procedure text of your favorite food! Write the procedural text for
a different type of coffee drink. The assignment must be submitted next
week. You can work with 1 friend on this assignment.
2. Follow the procedure outlined below:
a. Select the type of coffee drink from the menu card below. Decide if you
want to have chocolate powder on your coffee drink and include it in
your procedural text.
b. Read the text on the menu card that describes the instructions for adding
milk to your selected coffee drink
c. Rewrite the text using fraction words and symbols from the list below
(hint: you do not have to use all the words in the list):
 10 ml
 half
 one third
 two thirds
 1/3
 three quarters
d. Write a procedural text for your type of coffee drink.
 Your coffee is already in the hot water – the espresso
 Your milk has already been heated, you just need to froth or steam
the milk
Jakarta, 18 July 2023

Amir Muzayyin

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