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Final Test of Language Studies

Name : Putri Novelia br Barus

NIM : 2221121033
Class : English education C 22
Subject : Language studies
Lecturer : M.Eko Isdianto, S.Pd., M.Hum & Rita Suswati, S.Pd., M.Hum.

Please answer your test in Word form, so I can share the comments. Do not copy and
paste directly from the internet. Thanks.

1. What is the main purpose of studying Language Studies? Share your personal insight.
Support your answer with an example.
2. There are many characteristics of Language. Define the term Language. Language is
social. Elaborate more on this characteristic by giving an example.
3. Define the term General Linguistics and the branches of Linguistics. Share your personal
insight. Support it with justified data.
4. What is the main purpose of studying Morphology, Syntax, Phonetics, Phonology,
Psycholinguistics, Semantics, and Pragmatics? Use a table to classify each Linguistics
branch. Explain more about each branch, feature, and purpose.


1.The main goal of studying language studies is to improve skills in speaking or

communicating well by learning skills through language as the object under study.
For example, in language studies we learn about phonetics and phonology, which can help us
to be more fluent in the pronunciation of the language and the process of forming the sound
of words in the language.

2.Language is social, meaning that language and social interaction have a reciprocal
relationship: language shapes social interaction and social interaction shapes language. For
example, in language studies, we study the field of language, one of which is sociolinguistics,
namely; the relationship between language and society and ways of using language in
different social situations are studied.

3. Matthews (1997) Matthews defines linguistics as the science of language or the scientific
study of language. That is, linguistics places more emphasis on studying, studying, studying,
learning language content knowledge, including Indonesian, regional languages and also
foreign languages. The field of linguistics includes phonetics and phonology (sounds of
language), morphology (word formation), syntax (rules of sentence formation), and semantics
(word meanings) which are included in the branches of linguistics.. personally I am interested
in studying the branch of linguistics phonetics and phonology because from there I can learn
to pronounce the sound of words to be more fluent because in my opinion this is very
important to improve skills in the language.

Morpholo Syntax Phonetics Phonolo Psycholinguis Semantic Pragmati
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form, units. In From this analysis, behavior, both significan relationshi
formation simple branch of and visible and ce at the p between
and terms, linguistics, discussio invisible. level of the
classificati syntax we can n of words, external
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meaningful phonolo explore the language
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phonetic involved in science of
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phonemi learning. which
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s, words,

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