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APRIL 26, 2023
Molana tariq jameel History/Biography

Maulana Tariq Jameel is a Pakistani Islamic scholar, preacher, and public speaker who
has gained immense popularity both in Pakistan and abroad. He was born on 1st
October 1953 in Mian Channu, Punjab, Pakistan.

Maulana Tariq Jameel began his education at a local school in his hometown and later
joined Lahore's King Edward Medical University to become a doctor. However, he
dropped out of medical school and shifted his focus to Islamic education. He then
studied Islamic theology at the Jamia Arabia in Raiwind, Lahore, Pakistan.

Maulana Tariq Jameel began his preaching career in the 1980s, and he gained
widespread recognition after his famous lecture series on the life of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) at the University of Punjab, Lahore. Since then, he has delivered
thousands of lectures and sermons across Pakistan and other countries.

Maulana Tariq Jameel has also founded an Islamic welfare organization named "Al-
Khidmat Foundation," which is one of the largest non-governmental organizations in
Pakistan. The organization provides various social services, such as health care,
education, and disaster relief, to the underprivileged communities in the country.

Maulana Tariq Jameel is also a popular TV personality, and his lectures and interviews
are broadcasted on various TV channels, including Geo TV, ARY Digital, and Dunya

Maulana Tariq Jameel has received numerous awards and recognitions for his
contributions to Islamic education and social welfare. He was awarded the Sitara-i-
Imtiaz, Pakistan's third-highest civilian award, in 2013 for his services to Islam and

Is He Born/Made Leader?

Maulana Tariq Jameel's leadership and influence as an Islamic scholar and preacher were
developed over time through his dedication, hard work, and commitment to the cause
of spreading the message of Islam. While he may have been born with certain qualities
and abilities that contributed to his success, his leadership skills were honed through
years of study, research, and practical experience.

Maulana Tariq Jameel's leadership is based on his deep knowledge of Islamic theology,
his ability to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds, and his
passion for serving humanity. He has inspired and motivated countless individuals
through his lectures, sermons, and social work, and has helped them to become better
Muslims and better human beings.

Maulana Tariq Jameel's leadership is also evident in his establishment of the Al-Khidmat
Foundation, which is one of the largest and most successful non-governmental
organizations in Pakistan. Through this organization, he has helped to provide essential
services to the underprivileged communities in the country, including healthcare,
education, and disaster relief.

Turning Point of His Life When He Became Leader

Maulana Tariq Jameel's journey towards becoming a leader began early on in his life, as
he showed a keen interest in Islamic studies and began studying at the Jamia Arabia in
Raiwind, Lahore, Pakistan. However, there were several turning points in his life that
helped him to become the influential Islamic scholar and preacher that he is today.

One of the significant turning points in Maulana Tariq Jameel's life was when he
delivered a series of lectures on the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at the University
of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, in the 1980s. These lectures were very well received by the
audience, and they helped to establish him as a prominent Islamic scholar and preacher.

Another turning point in Maulana Tariq Jameel's life was when he founded the Al-
Khidmat Foundation, which is one of the largest non-governmental organizations in
Pakistan. Through this organization, he has been able to provide essential services to the
underprivileged communities in the country, including healthcare, education, and
disaster relief. This has helped to establish him as a prominent social leader and has
further increased his influence and impact on people's lives.

Maulana Tariq Jameel's popularity and influence as a leader also increased significantly
after he began appearing on television and delivering lectures on various TV channels.
His ability to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds and his
deep knowledge of Islamic theology helped to attract a large audience and made him a
household name in Pakistan and other countries

Vision/Goals/Objective of His Life

Maulana Tariq Jameel's life is dedicated to spreading the message of Islam, promoting
its values and principles, and serving humanity. His vision, goals, and objectives are
aligned with this mission and revolve around the following:

1. Spreading the message of Islam: Maulana Tariq Jameel's primary objective is to

spread the message of Islam to as many people as possible, both in Pakistan and
around the world. He aims to educate people about the true teachings of Islam,
dispel misconceptions, and promote a peaceful and harmonious society based on
Islamic values.
2. Promoting Islamic values: Another goal of Maulana Tariq Jameel's life is to
promote Islamic values such as compassion, kindness, and generosity, and
encourage people to incorporate these values into their daily lives. He believes
that by living these values, individuals can become better Muslims and better
human beings, and contribute to building a more just and equitable society.
3. Serving humanity: Maulana Tariq Jameel is committed to serving humanity,
especially the underprivileged and marginalized communities in Pakistan. He has
established the Al-Khidmat Foundation, which provides essential services such as
healthcare, education, and disaster relief to these communities. He believes that
serving humanity is an essential part of being a good Muslim and fulfilling one's
duty towards Allah.
4. Bridging differences: Maulana Tariq Jameel's vision is to bridge differences
between people of different backgrounds and promote harmony and
understanding. He believes that Islam promotes peace and tolerance and that by
fostering a spirit of brotherhood and mutual respect, people can work together
to build a better world.
His Natural Traits, Applications of Big Five Model

The Big Five model is a widely accepted model of personality that describes five broad
dimensions of personality traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and
Neuroticism. While I don’t have access to Maulana Tariq Jameel’s personal information to
provide an accurate assessment of his personality traits, I can provide some insights based on his
public persona and behaviors.

Here are some potential natural traits and how the Big Five model might apply to Maulana Tariq
Openness: Maulana Tariq Jameel has demonstrated openness to learning and new ideas, which
is evident in his continued pursuit of knowledge and his willingness to engage in discussions
with people from different backgrounds. He has also been known to incorporate contemporary
issues and examples in his lectures to help people relate to Islamic teachings in a modern

Conscientiousness: Maulana Tariq Jameel appears to be highly conscientious, as evidenced by

his dedication and hard work towards his mission of spreading the message of Islam and serving
humanity. He has established the Al-Khidmat Foundation, which is a highly successful non-
governmental organization in Pakistan that provides essential services to underprivileged

Extraversion: While Maulana Tariq Jameel’s public persona may suggest introversion, he has
shown some degree of extraversion in his ability to connect with people and deliver lectures in
front of large audiences. He is known for his effective communication skills and has the ability
to connect with people from different backgrounds.

Agreeableness: Maulana Tariq Jameel’s agreeableness is evident in his ability to promote

harmony and understanding among people of different backgrounds. He has emphasized the
importance of compassion, kindness, and generosity, which are traits associated with

Neuroticism: While it is difficult to assess Maulana Tariq Jameel’s level of neuroticism based
on his public persona, his teachings emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive outlook
and avoiding negative emotions such as anxiety, stress, and depression.

Qualities/Flaws of His Personality

here are some of the perceived qualities and flaws of Maulana Tariq Jameel:

1. Knowledgeable: Maulana Tariq Jameel is known for his vast knowledge of

Islamic teachings and history, and his ability to deliver insightful lectures on a
wide range of topics related to Islam.
2. Humility: Maulana Tariq Jameel is known for his humility and simple lifestyle. He
has been observed to dress modestly and avoids ostentatious displays of wealth
or status.
3. Compassionate: Maulana Tariq Jameel has demonstrated compassion towards
people from all walks of life, and has actively worked to help underprivileged
communities through the Al-Khidmat Foundation.
4. Effective communicator: Maulana Tariq Jameel has the ability to communicate
effectively and connect with people from different backgrounds. He is able to
deliver his message in a clear and relatable manner, which has helped to make
him a popular figure among Muslims around the world.


1. Controversial statements: Some of Maulana Tariq Jameel's statements and

teachings have been controversial, particularly on topics related to women's
rights and gender roles. Some have criticized his views on these issues as being
regressive and reinforcing traditional patriarchal norms.
2. Lack of diversity in his teachings: Some have criticized Maulana Tariq Jameel
for not being inclusive enough in his teachings, particularly when it comes to
reaching out to non-Muslims or minority communities.
3. Political affiliations: Maulana Tariq Jameel has been criticized for being too
closely aligned with certain political parties in Pakistan, which some feel
compromises his objectivity and credibility as a religious leader.
4. Limited engagement with modern issues: Some have criticized Maulana Tariq
Jameel for not engaging enough with contemporary issues, particularly those
related to social justice and human rights.

His Natural Leadership Style

Maulana Tariq Jameel's natural leadership style can be described as transformational

leadership, which is a leadership approach that seeks to inspire and motivate followers
to achieve common goals by fostering a sense of shared purpose and vision.
Here are some characteristics of Maulana Tariq Jameel's leadership style that align with
transformational leadership:

1. Visionary: Maulana Tariq Jameel has a clear vision for the role of Islam in society
and works to inspire his followers to align their actions with this vision.
2. Inspirational: Maulana Tariq Jameel is known for his ability to inspire and
motivate his followers through his speeches and teachings. He encourages them
to become better individuals and work towards the betterment of society.
3. Empathetic: Maulana Tariq Jameel shows empathy towards people from all walks
of life, and works to understand their perspectives and experiences. This allows
him to connect with his followers on a deeper level.
4. Charismatic: Maulana Tariq Jameel possesses a charismatic personality, which
helps him to attract followers and motivate them towards common goals.
5. Collaborative: Maulana Tariq Jameel works collaboratively with his followers to
achieve shared goals. He encourages active participation and engagement from
his followers, and empowers them to take ownership of their actions.
6. Selfless: Maulana Tariq Jameel's leadership style is focused on serving others and
putting their needs before his own. This selfless approach helps to inspire
followers and foster a sense of community.
Major Challenges Faced By Him

Maulana Tariq Jameel has faced a number of challenges throughout his career,

1. Criticism and controversy: Maulana Tariq Jameel has faced criticism and
controversy over some of his statements and teachings, particularly on topics
related to women's rights and gender roles. Some have accused him of
promoting regressive views that reinforce patriarchal norms.
2. Political affiliations: Maulana Tariq Jameel has been associated with certain
political parties in Pakistan, which has led to accusations of bias and compromise
of his objectivity as a religious leader.
3. Maintaining relevance: Maulana Tariq Jameel has had to adapt his teachings
and messages to remain relevant to changing societal and cultural contexts. This
can be a challenge as traditional interpretations of Islam can sometimes clash
with contemporary values and beliefs.
4. Balancing spirituality and materialism: As a religious leader, Maulana Tariq
Jameel must balance the spiritual and material aspects of his work. This can be a
challenge as he must work to provide for the needs of his community while also
maintaining a focus on spiritual growth and development.
5. Managing his public image: As a public figure, Maulana Tariq Jameel must
manage his public image and reputation. This can be a challenge as he is under
constant scrutiny from the media and his followers, and must work to maintain a
positive image while also staying true to his beliefs and values

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