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GOA UNIVERSITY Sub. P.O. Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, Goa- 403 206 Tel: 0832-8669609034 (AR) 8669609037 (Office) Fax: 0832-2456108 E-mail: arexamprof@unigoaacin Ref No.: GU/Exam(Prof)/B.E/2023/43> Date: 24/05/2023 Programme of the F.E. Examinations to be held in June - July, 2023 Semester - I Revised Course: 2019-20 Time: 9,30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. SUBJECT DAY & DATE ‘TIME DURATION = ‘TUESDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hours Mathematics - I 20/06/2023 maa SATURDAY | 9.30a.m. to 12.30 p.m. | 3 hours vei 24/06/2023 : TUESDAY | 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hours Chemistry 27/06/2023 Basic Electrical FRIDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hours: & — Electronics | 30/06/2023 Engineering Basics of | WEDNESDAY | 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 3 hours: Mechanical 05/07/2023 Engineering CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS Place: Taleigao Plateau ~Goa Date: 94 /05/2023 GOA UNIVERSITY Fax: 0832-2456108 E-mail: arexamprof@unigoa.acin Ref No.: GU/Exam(Prof] /B.B/2023/6¢> Date:24 /os/2023 Programme of the Examinations to be held in June -July, 2023. Semester - I Revised Course: 2019-20 ‘Time: 9,30 a.m. to 12.30 pm. | SUBJECT DAY & DATE TIME DURATION { WEDNESDAY |9.30a.m. to 12.30 | 3 hours | Mathematics ~ II 21/06/2023 | p.m. SAT 930am.toi2.30 | Shours Physics 24/06/2023 | p.m. . TUESDAY 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 3 hours Chemistry 27/06/2023 | p.m, | Computer Programming SATURDAY | 9.30 am. to 12.30 3 hours | 01/07/2023 | p.m. Introduction to Civil THURSDAY | 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 3 hours | Engineering 06/07/2023 | p.m. CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS Place: ‘Taleigao Plateau - Goa Date: 24 /05/2023 a GUA UNIVERKSILY Sub. P.O. Goa University, TaleigaoPlateau, Goa—403 206 ‘Tel: 0832- 8669609034 (AR) 8669609037(Office)Fax: 0832-2456108 E-mail arexamprof' Ref No.: GU/Exam(Prof)/B.E/2023/6¢ 3, and Electronics & Computer Engg.) Examinations to be held in June - July, 2023. Date: 24/05/2023 Computer, Electrical & Semester. II (Revised Course 2019-20) Day & Date 85 SE. SE. 8B SE. 3E 3B (ctw (Mechanical) (Blectronies & (Computer) (Electrical & | (information | (Electronics & ‘TC)/ Electronics Electronics) | Technology) | Computer | & Comm. Engg) | Engg} THURSDAY Mechanics of | Mathematics — Ii | Mathematics - Il | Mathematics |Mathematics— | Mathemalics | Mathematics — 22/06/2023 Solids m1 aL Ww a MONDAY | Fluid Mechanics of Circuit Analysis [Logic Design | Electromagnetic | Integrated | Network 26/06/2023 | Mechanics _| Solids and Synthesis Fields Electronics | Analysis and Synthesis MONDAY [Engineering _ | Engincering Blectronic Data Digital Computer [Electronic ° 03/07/2028 | Geology | Thermodynamics | Devices and Structures Electronics Networks | Devices and Circuits Circuits FRIDAY | Building Engineering Digital System | Object Blectrical Data Digital 07/07/2023 | Materials and | Materials Design Oriented Machines ~ I Structures | Electronics Construction | Science and Programming and Metallurgy | System, Algorithms { with CH+ WEDNESDAY [Computer | Engineering —_| Electromagnetic | Computer Blectrical Circuit | Softwane Data 12/07/2023 Metrology and _ Field & Wave Organization Analysis: Engineering | Structures and Machine | Theory Algorithms | Drawing | using C++ oe @ Ref No.: GU/Exam(Pro)/B.E/2023/£¢ 2, GOA UNIVERSITY Sub. P.O. Goa University, TaleigaoPlateau, -Goa ~ 403 206 ‘Tel: 0832- 8669609034 (AR) 8669609037(Office)Fax: 0832-2456108. E-mail: Date:24 /05/2023 held in June - July, 2023. Time: 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Day & Date S.E SE. S.E, (Electronics SE SE. S.E SE (Civil) (Mechanical) & (Computer) (Electrical & (Information (Electronic & TC)/Electronics Electronics) Technology) Computer Engg.) & Comm Engg) a a at Soe MONDAY | Surveying & | Energy Signals and Discrete Numerical | Computational _| Mathematics IV 19/06/2023 | Geomatics | Conversion _| Systems Mathematics Methods Techniques FRAY | Hydraulic | Machine Microprocessors | Microprocessors | Blectrical Embedded Computer 23/06/2023 | Engineering | Design and Interfacing | and Mechines - II | Systems | Organization Microcontrollers and Architecture WEDNESDY | Structural | Fluid Linear Formal Analog Object Oriented | Analog Circuits 28/06/2023 | Analysis Mechanics | Integrated Languages & Electronics Programming | Design Circuits | Automata Theory using Java TUESDAY y 04/07/2023 | Transportatio | Analysis and | ‘Transmission | Modern Fundamentals | Operating Database n Synthesis of | Lines and Algorithm Design | of Signal System Management Engineering _| Mechanisms | Antennas Foundation Processing oe Systems SATURDAY | Geotechnical | Economics | Statistical Object Oriented | Renewable _| Design and Java 08/07/2028 | Engincering | for Communication | Software energy Analysis of Programming Engineers _ | Theory. Engineering Algorithm THURSDAY | Economics Engineering | Economics for | Economics for | Management & | Business for Engineers | --------------- Economics and | Engineers Engineers Organizational | Economics and 13/07/2023 Management Behaviour Management MONDAY Low Cost. 1)Rapid Internet of Mathematical —_—| ---------- Introduction to | Introduction to 17/07/2023 | Construction | Prototyping | Things Foundations for Data Science | Robotics Techniques | 2) Eneray Artificial es Intelligence and Bconanic Machine Learning Environment CONTROLIAR OF EXAMINATIONS @ Programme of the T.E GOA UNIVERSITY Sub. P.O. Goa University, TaleigeoPlateau, Goa — 403 206 _ Tel: 0832- 8669609034 (AR) 8669609037(Office)Fax: 0832-2456108 E-mail: Ref No.: GU/Exam(Prof)/B.E/2023/68% Dateigy /05/2023 Electronics & Telecommunication /Electronics Comm. Engg, Computer, Electrical & Electronics and Information Technology) Semester- V (Revised Course 2019-20) Examinations to be held in June - July, 2023. Day & Date Te TE. TE. TE TE TE | (cioty (Qechanical) {Bloctronies & (Computes) (Blectrical & (information | ‘70)/Blectrontos Comm Blectronics) | Technology) I ‘Eogs) TUESDAY ‘Concrete Technoleay ‘Manufactaring “Rnalog and Digital ‘Database Conteal Systeme Database Management 20/06/2023 ‘Technology — Comentinioation Management & Query System ‘Communieation Processing Engineering (AITD) ~ SATURDAY | Environmental Dynamics of Machinery | Digital Signal Processing | Operating Systems] Iicroprosee Theory of Computation 24/06/2023 | Engineering Mierocontra Pavement Design and | ijAdvanced Tj Embedded Systems | 1Graph Theory Digital Signal FRIDAY Construction ‘Thermodynamics 2)Power Electronics Processing! 90/06/2023 | 2)Numerical Methods | 2)Mechanical Vibrations | 3}Bio. Medical illumination ‘3)Bnvironmental Impact | 3)Mechatronies Engineering Engineering Assessment and Life cycle | 4)Management 4)Soft Computing SiElectrical Machines Analyeie Information Systems | S)Numerical Methods and | $)Distributed Design 4)Foundation Engineering | Sjindustrial Safety and | Approximations Operating System | 4)Blectrie Drives ‘)Occupational Safety | Occupational Health | 6]solid State Devices and and Health. Technology ‘WEDNESDAY | Advanced Structural | 71)Gaa Dynamice fierowave Raginecring | i)Modera Camputer | 1)Testing & 05/07/2023 | Analysis axTurho Machinery 2)Blectromagnetio Graphics Maintenance of 2\Ground Improvement | 2)Engineering Tribology | Compatibilty Engineering | 2)Web Technologies | Electrical Machines Techniques S)Advanced Machine | 3)Theory of Machine 3)Teating & Quality | Q)Analog and Digital 3)Green Building Design Learning, Assurance Communication 4)Rurel Water Supply & | 4)Micro lleotro ‘Digital Image Processing | 4)Real Time Systeme | 3)Bio- Medical 4)Graph Theory Onsite Sanitation system | Mechanical System S)Blectronios Instrumentation S\Advanced Surveying | SJinstrumentation & | Instrumentation Ge 4)Operation Research Controt Autamation 6jlnformation Theory and Coding ns OPEN ELECTIVE | OPENELECTIVE | OPENELECTIVE | OPEN ELECTIVE | OPEN ELECTIVE | OPEN ELECTIVE MONDAY Bntreproncurship & IPR | Bagincoring Statistics — | Bihiew and Cyber Law and IPR | Bnirepraneurahip & | Bthies and 17/07/2028 Entrepreneurship Intellectual Property Entrepreneurship CONTROLLER: |! a @ GOA UNIVERSITY Sub, P.O. Goa University, TaleigaoPlateau, Goa— 403 206 Tel: 0832- 8669609034 (AR) 8669609037(Office)Fax: 0832-2456108 E-mail: Ref No.: GU/Exam(Prof) /B.E/2023/¢ 4, of the T.E (Civil, Mechanical, Electronics & Telecommunication/El Electronics and Information Technol Daten 4/05/2023 ter, Electrical & Day & Date TE TE. re 1. TE TE (rity (echantea!) (Electronics & {Computer} (Elocteieal & (laformation ‘Te}/Blectronies Comm. Electronics) ‘Technology) Engz) WEDNESDAY | Design of Reinforced eat and Wasa Transfer | Control System ‘Woden Computer | Power Syateni-T Principles of Compilers 21/06/2023 | Concrete Structures Bngineecing Networking, "TUESDAY Design of Steel Structures | Manulaetaring Visi Technology and ‘Ariiisial Tntaligence | Power Hlestronics Web Technology 27/06/2028 ‘Technology - It Design’ Digital VET (AITD) T)Geoaynthetics end Power Plant i) Real Time Operating | T)Gompatational Woistrbated sarurpay | Application Engineering Systems Number Theory Generation and 01/07/2028 | 2\Finite Blement Method | 2\Advanced Mechanics | 2)Radar System 2)Advanced Computer | Microgrid 3)Air and Noise Pollution | of Solids Engineering Organization & 2)Power Quality land Control 3)Fibre Reinforced. S)Artificial Neural Architecture {Digital Contzol 3)Disteibuted System S\Advanced Engineering | Composites Networks 8)Speech & Natural | System S)Queuing theory and Geology 4)Quality and Reliability | 4)Nancelectronics Language Processing | 4)rtificial Newral modelling SyRemote Sensing & GIS_| SjApplied Operations | 5}Wireleas Sensor 4)Data Mining & Data. | Network & Fuzzy Logic Research, Networks Warehousing 6)Doep Learning 7iNanselectronies | "THURSDAY Bridge Bnginsering Alternate Baeray yMotor Control and Tigh Performance | 1)Power System TjJava Programming 06/07/2028 | 2)Construction Sources Applications Computing 2}Open Source s/w Equipment & Autometion | 2}Tool Engineering Adaptive Signal 2)tnformation evelopment ‘Structural Dynamics | S)Fluid Power Control | Processing Retrieval 3)Computer Forensics 4)Advanced Geotech Engg | §)Supply Chain {3}8i0 ~ medical Sllmage Processing f ‘and Cyber Security, ‘5)Ground Water Management Electronics and Vision 4}E Commerce Engineering 5jSyster Modelling and | Instrumentation 4)\Cloud Computing te | Auciting ‘Simulation 4)Mobile Communication | Application {5)Srror Control Coding Sjimage Processing. ‘ARM Architecture and Programming S)Mioro Blcctromechanical Systeme aD OPEN ELECTIVE ‘OPEN ELECTIVE OPEN ELECTIVE | OPEN ELECTIVE | OPEN ELECTIVE | OPEN ELECTIVE auyo7/ FRIDAY Eetimation & Costing | Technical Bagliah & | Cyber Law and IPR “Technical Writing & | Management 6 “Technical English & 14/07/2023 Report Writing Professional Ethics | Organizational Report Writing Behavior s CONTROLLER” OF EXAMINATIONS a GOA UNIVERSITY Sub. P.O. Goa University, TalcigaoPlateau, Goa ~ 403 206 Tel: 0832- 8669609034 (AR) 8669609037 (Office)Fax: 0832-2456108. E-mail; Ref No.: GU/Exam(Prof/B.E/2023/ 633, Date: 24/05/2023 Programme of the T-E (Civil, Mechanical, Electronics & Telecommunication/Electronics Comm. Engg, Examinations to be held in June - July, 2023. Day & Date re TE. 1 TE Tz ne (civity (Mechanical) (Electronics & (Computer) (Blectrical & (information ‘To)/Blectronics Comm Blectronics) Technology) ‘Engz) THURSDAY | Construction Enginsering | CAD/CAM Data Communication Compiler Design Power Systems «It Image Processing 22/06/2023 | "4 Menssement MONDAY 26/06/2023 4) Mobile Computing & SlHerdware Description | Android Programming Language Contaminant Removal | Manufacturing | Robotics ~~) ijBimbedded Systems| 1)PLC SITS TjData Analytics ‘MONDAY 2) Machine Learning | & Design Applications 2)Wirelees Sensor 03/07/2023 3}Consumer Blectronies | 2)Machine Learning Retworle 3)Date Analytica 2}Oeneti Algorithens ‘)Mobile Computing & '}0bject Oriented Android Programming Modeling using UML CONTROLLER ae GOA UNIVERSITY Sub. P.O, Goa University, TaleigaoPlatean, Goa — 403 206 Tel: 0832- 8669609034 (AR) 8669609037 (Office)Fax: 0832-2456108 E-mail: Ref No.: GU/Exam(Prof)/B.B/2023/C23, Date:24 /05/2023 Day & Date TE rE, TE 1 rE 1 (ciety (Mechanical) (Blectrontcs & (Compater) (Bloctzical & (@nformation ‘Toy/Electronice Electronics) ‘Techaology) ‘Comm Engg) ‘MONDAY Hydrology and Water | Industrial Engineering end Advanced Sxyptcgraphy | tien voltage cryptography and 19/06/2023 | Purees Engineering | Operations Management| Communication ‘Techniques For Network | Engineering Network Security 106 / Engineering Security 1) Architectural 1) nergy 1) Process Contrat 1) Internet of 1) Embedded et Conservation and Instrumentation Systems Management 2) RP Design 2) Patter 2) Power System 23/06/23 2) Automobile 3) High Recognition ‘Operation & Engineering Performance 9) Multimedia Control 3) Industrial Computer Byatems & 9) Reliability of ‘Automation and Architecture Applications electrical Robotica 4) Secure 4) Soliware System 4) Maintenance ‘Communication Development 4) PV arta | Engineering and | 5) System Framework Applications Monagement Verification and | 8) Computations Validation | | "Fluid Dynamics 4) Pas CONTRO: F EXAMINATIONS Place: Taleigao Plateau -Goa

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