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Colors Essay

My dominant personality color is blue. I scored higher in this section than the rest. Of

course, these aspects of each color do not make up the personality of each person in totality.

What surprised me the most about the way others see me based on this color is that people may

see me as too analytical. I like to go to the extreme with whatever I am interested in. For

example, I hope to be a doctor someday and am quite intrigued by neurological study. I want to

know the name of every nerve; what it is, where it travels to in the body, what segments of the

body it affects if it is damaged, what diseases affect each nerve, and so on.

I have not particularly clashed with any other personality color. The polar opposite to the

color I scored highest on is orange. Surprisingly, I identified with many of the characteristics in

the orange personality. For example, I believe that I have a good sense of humor and I like to

create excitement in my life through the medium of my hobbies.

This impacts my work in teams by being the team analyst. This helps me in my current

role as a Database Administrative Assistant because I am always analyzing reports and being

keen on the details of them. Because I enjoy attention to detail and logic, I am effective in

developing SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for my organization. This sets the basis for

everything we do. Being an orange personality, I have a knack for skills such as technical


Now that I have learned about my dominant personality color, I will do better

supplementing the characteristics of the other colors in the test. For example, even though I like

to think abstractly, I could plan better. Sometimes I get lost in the details.

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