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Ecological observations in the Aitareya Aranyaka

Radhika P R, Asst. Professor. RSKS, Guruvayoor.

Ecology is an interdisciplinary field of biology, geography and Earth science

which includes the scientific analysis and study of interactions among organisms and
their environment. Under the topic of ecological observations in the Aitareya Aranyaka
the scientific interpretations of Mahidasa Aitareya, who was an eminent philosopher of
Early Philosophical age and his name was associated with the Aitareya Brahmana,
Aitareya Aranyaka and Aitareya Upanishad. The key point covers under this topic are the

 The theory of gradual development

 Classification on the basis of origin
 Classification of organisms based on consumption of food
 Development of consciousness in organisms
 Inter relationship between organisms

This paper attempts to introduce Mahidasa Aitareya and discuss the ideological
awareness about environment. The chief point that he noticed in his whole work was the
theory of gradual development of intelligence in organisms that derives from the
experiences and observations from the nature.

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