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seine tngatn 2 Pratt 9739 Habe BS Bahagian 1. Lengkapkan jadual berikut untuk membandingkan suhu dan haba, SENENE © Ponerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 9.3 principle of expansion and contraction of matter >» When an object is heated: a) particles have more kingticenergy, —® Particles absorb heat energy b) move _ faster c) distance among particles increase , d) the volume increases (__expand_ ) >» When an object is _cooled__, Dp Particles release heat energy > a)move _ Slower, p Paces have less Bineiie energy c) distance among particles decrease , d) the volume decreases (_ contact ) To show that heat causes solid to expand and contract OBSERVATION BEFORE HEATING, THE METAL BALL CAN GO THROUGH THE RING AFTER HEATING, THE METAL BALL CANNOT GO THROUGH THE RING. CONCLUSION SOLIDS _EXPANDS_ WHEN HEATED ANC oNTRAC_ WHEN COOLED. \y i es OBSERVATION THE MERCURY LEVEL IN THE THERMOMETER GOES UP IN THE BEAKER OF HOT WATER AND GOES DOWN IN THE BEAKER OF ICES CUBES. CONCLUSION LIQUIDS __ExPAN2_| WHEN HEATED AND ConT@ACl — WHEN COOLED. nN THE INDICATOR IN THE GLASS TUBE GOES UP WHEN YOU COVER THE ROUND- BOTTOMED FLASK WITH YOUR PALM THE INDICATOR IN THE GLASS TUBE GOES DOWN WHEN YOU REMOVE YOUR PALMS FROM THE ROUND-BOTTOMED FLASK. OL) Fie Expan Sion r a increase Cro) nx i] Copper read |< | bax: ious 0 » 4) Different metals expand unequally when heated to the same temperature. This can be explained by heating bimetallic stig i copper * When heated, showing that aluminium»expands more than copper brass as *When heated, showing that brass expands more than iron ® 1) A liquid expands when it is heated. It contract when it is cooled. ® 2) Different liquids expands and contract at difference rates Bien? onc Pte) iT] med | trey | | Licata G ——_- Dent table tennis Hot water Diagram 9.32 Returns the table tennis ball to original shape A dent tennis table ball can go back to its original shape when put into hot water. This is because the air in the tennis table ball ¢x poos’ . an pny ta aba boleh menyebabkin penge Ny that heat can cause the expansion and contraction ene vg ay ‘to stud pola log dan gelang ie bowen, k ; otah ber penutp et vometal ball and PN flask, low rubber stopper asin, lawn tub Bai, owen, thats iy “ 1 di bawah, Catatkan pomorhatian ae Jankan aktivit dale ivities below, Record (i Carry out the a ‘A. PepejallSolid Gelang f ES Worn | feo fogam Metal bal Penang hay 1 Masukkan bebola logam ke dala 4 Put the metal ball into the ring. 2 Panaskan bebola logam dengan kuat selama 5 minit dan cuba keluarkannya melalui golang, Heat strongly the metal ball for 6 minutes and try to take the metal ball out through the ring, 3 Biarkan bebola logam menyejuk dan cu keluarkannya melalui gelang. Let the metal ball cool down and try to take it ‘out through the ring. 4 Catatkan pemerhatian anda, Record your observations, B. Ceeair/Liquid hub hace l las tube 2 laa bor 2 Conical hk ‘ic panas——fo Hot water ° Ae ber CCobane ater tesen tase 1 Letakdkan kelalang kon ke dalam air pana di catatkan pemerhatian/Place the conical flav into hot water and record the observation. 2 Ulang langkah 1 menggunakan kiub ain, Repeat step 1 using ice cubes. 125 TCICANARIMEAMMIA 09 5 Ke pans, Delon, pannus Hutnen, be ‘oloured water, ive cube, hot water, baller 1 FHOMTORNTIN opal, eorale Man Man id Liquids il ysinen Aunnen burner canival orl Horihian seas mervationy aint sive reawane Holon ana, bobvola Warn wolalat Holang. Holepas penyajuban, hota toy alu got Mler heatin Cannot << jo through the ring, Affer cooling, the metal ball Con the ring. 7 M6 the metal ball go through Sebub/leanony Popejal apabila dipanasian dian fapabila disejukke Solid expos ConttQcl when he and when Anus aie borwarna dll dln Kish is The level of egloured water 1c“ Ye in hot water and aceease in ive cubon Sobub/Keawon: Cocair apabily dipanakan ds fapabili dingjukkan Liquid NPGS cwhen heate VA when ewe and (ane a) Saiz belon i ‘hy air panas dan " kiub a ‘he size of balloon _incigy ty i in hot water and deere gs” | laiang kon joa ice cubes ‘y Conc Nose Sebab/Reason: Air berwarn Cobuned water Udaradalam belon apabila dipanaskan dan elon ke dalam 1 Letakkan Kelalang kon bersama belon ke 4 emerhatian. a | 's dalam besen dan catatkan pemer! apabiladiseiug, | eect ok treat the balloon into |e air ins the bello kan | cord the observatio! n hat water in a asin and record te Oe! _txpondy~, when heater» 2 Ulang langkah 1 menggunakan F an | Repeat step I using ice cubes. (when cooled, srplanations for Activity A 1 Berikan penerangan tentang Aktiviti A/Give haba dan bergetar densa menyebablan saz i . Apabila disejukian Apabila dipanaskan, zarah-zarah lebih cepat, Jarak di antara zarah-zarah Pepejal haba dan bergetar dengan lebih perlahan. Jarak 4 a zarah-zarah GC antara zarah-zarah ________ menyebabkan saiz (isi padu) pepejal turs Pepejal —___/When heated, the particles bier padu) pepejal turut (mcrease) 7 7 heat and vibrate faster The distance between the particles decrease” ‘causing the sz Shue decrease (volume) of the solid to incase”. The solid and 3. When cooled, the paride heat and vibrate mére slowly. The distance between the particles acta: causing the size (volume) of the solid to dectoose £ The solid —fomhoets 2 Apakah yang berlaku kepada udara di dalam Kelalang apabila kelalang dimasiks ke dalam What happens to the air in the flask when it is placed in (a) air panas?/hot water? Udara di dalam kelalang —_ The air in the flask is _heoted (b) kiub ais?lice cubes? Udara di dalam kelalang dan. ‘The air in the flask is Covell 6 ava dane and _2xpands ed and _oahvocts CEM isin - j,sPsbila dipanaskan dan —_____apabila disejukkan. The matter xpN9¥ when heated and Contest AL Record the initial temperature of Blokkayu Pent the air in each conical flask. Wooden bck Bunsen 3 Balut cerobong penunu Bunsen dengan kasa dawai dan nyalakan genunu Bunven. Wrap the barrel of the Bunsen burner with wire gauze and ignite the Bunsen burner. 4 Catat bacaan termometer selepas 10 minit. Record the readings of the thermometers afler 10 minutes. ev rT) Gelap dan kusam Dark and dull Putih dan berkilat White and shiny B, Pemb ‘i a . Pembebas haba yang bail/Good fel ator bmg . yang asikan/that is manipulated: Types of 0 Fors (a) yang dimanipu! we A nals b) yang be responds: 1 bergerak balasithat resp? A ‘ay eae anita is Rept constant _emprotase of voter A Ve dimalarkan/that at (©) yang 129 CE am 1 Sedinkan — radag dlitunjukkan daly 9° Pi i Set up the appara, My Themen the diagram. Tar * { } 2 Catat subu awal aj, c t _cathum —— kelalang kon, allan af Acpw —7 Hock POM" Record the initial t oir iene lem per sme . a) teater in each eonica nga y = on 1 r 3 Catat bacaan setian : ' solepas 15 minit ‘erin, i Record the readin : ander bok thermometer after 15 mi, nny Gelap dan ki Dark and dull Patih dan berkilat White and shiny ¥ ¥ skan haba dengan lebih h objek yang menyerap dan membebas an lebih baiko 1 Apa jt whieh absorbs and releases heat better? The dark and dull object K berlaku dalam eksperimen ini? 2 Apakah cara pengaliran haba yang ber . ; Arana the heat flow that takes place in this experiment? (Convection ( Radieton > “Convaction (Badighon ¥ 3 Apakah fungsi kasa dawai yang dipanaskan dalam eksperimen A? What is the function of the wire gauze that is heated in experiment A? Sebagai haba sinaran/As a SOUL __ of radiant heat 4 Apakah pengaliran haba yang dicegah oleh blok kayu dan penutup getah? What are the flow of heat which is prevented by the wooden block and rubber stppe! (a) Blok kaywWooden block oadaction (b) Penutup getalv/Rubber stopper:_Radiction “( Convection) 5 Mengapakah permukaan luar peralatan memasak berwarna hitam? sps.41 Why is the outside surface of the cooking utensils black? rrraeases Permukaan hitam merupakan The black surface is a 900d hear absorb 1 Adakah hipotesis diterima2/Is the hypothesis accepted? Nes —— 2 Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat?/What conclusion that can be made? Objek yang dan menyerap dan membebaskan haba lebih baik daripada objek yang Oe dan —— Peck A and ball oajects absorb and radio heat beter tos Hie ant shin 7 at 130

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