Chapter 2

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Chapter D calietcnt Designing the Curriculum TEENIE Tho Thacher os « Curicutm Deslgnor Acarticalm a» planed soqunse of lerning experiences sould belt te her ad md of ery teach Evey fect wt sacl stud be aed desing can fa ‘ov th aches! foes» comclart As scyyou wl Be pr ‘fhe nelca joey of your eer: eu wil proving em ‘he secimey cps ht wie oe amr nt You ined 9 ei ge was te mach tion in he pst. ery single das tencher desis & leon ores ser at se nea as vty Desig ‘Comeau very halogen is ho ete ses ‘eniny ofthe teacher come Ta his module wil ode he ‘ces eoneps sed sce ou tec elt Sou propre youl be cur deiner Bam indore Don =I > oi he tinder of care designing 5 Rope he tk of desing sciclos om Baling on Peter O's 10 Axioms for Carrs Designers ‘0k edits oe ese pn at peed by Goro, Tr Rs ta Oe in 310 ce ons wl el Sle ial in det ars a ne i at ns Nes as Reinders ‘Curriclum change inevitable, nectar and desl ar ns sted at eo he charter of ean Isis bene duis ese of hs, aches ald respond the change tt ocr in schnls ad in hci. Sea {lopment and Kaswodge revo come 0 fe ht the ‘es ada te ching conto ees new eiicaur ies CCarriclum fa pu of I time: Arteria, ‘Sous veppandt ehngesfrougt soa by eurent socal {Beces, piloconicel psisons,peyhologia Principle, fe toemleger an edvntonal forms Ths aso called a Crum ges made cries ext ocr with per curriclum changes A fevson cea sas nl end slowly: More fle araculum i goal ped (Ral psd ut us the changes hat eer an eo an ‘hee ove ged o tne arictem change depends on people who wil implement ‘Gr thong neehes ob nil epee eran snl ‘Sigettcd ins development hence shld ow bow 10 ‘ign corel. Bost he echt are he impleentrs ff uaa, bot hat ey should des and ove the ange: Ths mesure an elesve sd lon sing cng. CCarrealum development Is» cooperative group ac ‘Grp esse a sme specs felon Seveapen ‘Stenbsed Conutatons wih states when poe ll Sis owner Fear oa rn tome pea of cormalum designing fay safeet changeit ‘BE Sam should aves trend range of takeolers © inher eden spp aap. ‘Curlalum development 2 decon-naking process made fro choles ferme. Asurctr devlpet of ener that Gece who sete xc, paso pet of ew ‘Eetppr ba opis x sta ows, hat mere Gratloien tnd whup of etn 0 ‘curr desopmen a onging proves, Contin ‘one nf te comdred ne Seng of he corel AS he node unr changes sos changes ew ‘Gowldge and estwlogy apps, he eariclun mist chang CCurricalem development 16 more festive if tis 8 ‘Gmpeehensive prover rather thaa 4 splecmeat™: A fina dei dou be baed on cael pan, should {tery esha ened ecoma, upon respon an se fie tate and old equi chin at pode. 9. Curt depen mor tie when ton ‘ysemate proces. Acar foe sanpored of dened Stems safer cnet crglemene wis tee, Seto proces ede mtr to enue en eats ‘cede which ca be ped nv ate 10, Currcstam development tars fom whee the curren Cm planes ad desing shoul pn wil ssing ‘Sigua An existing design i good sartng pont fr ‘ny tech who plan io eaance ang enh tural Builig upon he as of Oat contin aig bow 1 sin acre by loaning component For ma era itr compen or sloments re wes owing 1. What taming outsomes need to be achieved? (Intended Leming owen) 2. What content shouldbe incladed to ache the ernng ‘stones uber Mae 3 Mt eaming experienc and rescues sold be employed? (ching Laat Met) 4 How will he achieved lsring outcomes be measued? (Gascmst o Achieved Lexy Goons) lent or Components of Curiam Dein ‘Thete ae many labels or mames for esiculum design. Some ‘wold cl it's slits or eon pa, See woul eal an oo Sr course design. Whacter tte nae of he design, te come Semone for al of them sn sae: However ame sca inns or ernst ye or parse mg ‘Lets ke the Lesion Plana «isi erclum.A teson ono ching pie lcd (1) Intend Lasting Oacones (0) {th Desi Lening acme (DLO trary all fcr REE ©) sts oo Cone, Feng ad Leming Metis sod (4) Asssment Evel. fach of thc Componcs ‘enon deribd bow ih he end in view. The objectives or intended leeng ‘he reasons for undertaking the euming Teron fo es poof iw Snel aig uc tat be accomplsed i apart leita eps gaged ny the Jexmest unde the gaan ofthe fenei At careulom dese, ‘he begonng of te esr Jourey i the lesming scones 1 86 ‘chive is way, bom Be lesmer and We ache pide 6 ‘att accompa sansa ton og 48 ‘The bhava sbetvs tended easing eum o ds lenges pan na he bloom’ Taxonomy of Obeatves(Andesce and Kratwe 01) or ‘Be dept ote cost sills Fr te ace sis eer to fhe nono made by Kecwohl and for he pyaar dom Oy Sinpon "Te semen soul be SMART: Speci Measure, Arise enlited and Tme-bound. Fora beans, woul ei if yu rol the Con, Pees and Eset Lael of Peformance (Ge ute of th mended eas cuca Fa empl, if eon i the stars dei he pas of « snp owe os sata ine eset leming oom, tes sets ‘Abul ive Mente the par ofa smple ower ate end of he inson ‘Somes the pase need ening oucomes i ued to fer tp anteater completing th pln co son. fh fing fningoscome, 8 aod pct ‘Engrs ich ostome i ems of what successes til be able to do, For camp, rater tan stag Stes ‘Wil eal to alan terns wy esha be Sess Ts hve expedient Ts igs net fora wh icy hive o achive arlene wil so ip cml dv appropriate assess eine dee! Kns of ouones. The mos soma te cogntve sjsives(euting ty, thease, ferme, Pncipe vic) nd performance aucomsCearing ow eat au proce acaations and prosese, ich ‘ppclly inde garg information so comming ‘Shi some coment fecve outcomes are imperant ‘io fr devopng one owas etn eq 8 pst nd foes pre prtesn). 1 Connesabeet Mater “The coment of te lon Gr nt he i of bet mater ht wl ved. Insel omen yo ai at mi fe ‘Saving pencils in ssn nnd sow he ont ‘evou iene Sujet ter shuld be eleva 6 he stcomer of he ‘cima tse curl rupee al ey ‘Scale hepa iamag nes Sujet matt shuld be appropri t he Il of he TUS URAn Sion crcl poate eng ‘aeons ban yeu oe Comets wich ioe al oro ntece ete deepen ec of ‘Soon sows ca be raed and ae he ‘solace AB Werecren wore sooo. cunnciN nent mmr maGion deem Peer deena age Sublet mater shoud te up t-iead posie, sould ‘ses caver knowing atdconp + Subj mate shld lo te ple of BASICS M.Reterenes The reftence fons the ona. lls wher he conte or subj ters ee en Te erence ty het ha moe ‘r any peblcaon It most bet the Suter the mata and SE ste! he pablo Some ctanpes ae ier teow 1. rset Wi (199) K wo 12 Act Gi, nn Sipplementary Conservation and Environmental Elation ‘repr Coins of Eaviemental Eston, Bebe MD. Shipman, James nd ry Win (209 awdacton fe Pyscal Sine Heuston Min Co, Benen MA Roma, Saado B, 2013). orien Epler Coane teint Pd ne Ques iy a 4 Billa, Paria and Corpu, Bren B ct a (2012). The Tele Profesor ft Lai aii tu: Gores Cy 19, Teaching an Learning Methods Ths meen whe Be ee ev experince 1 sg eign ac pe a slags (haat bloat cee) et at SSVI Bg an act lw op, open orl ai inp tn salen. For example: ° * Coopeaine aig stvites lw stents fo wok gee ‘Stony ele to lem on hr ov 10 ol sas ‘tek prblens The oe of ts athe io pe he ee, Democratic proces & encourage, and ick one conus foe ee of mings es nh Soi pe iy nha the Indecent ling aves allo lenny devon al responsibly. The degree of independence to een Now eee. This suey te point Competitive activities, where stadents wil competes aus nthe ny sn al ees {epeiom he mini, Mt secs adi alt if ae compet, even eat sealing ‘sty Bou th surroenYry compos wot 4 The use of various delivery modes to provide learning ‘Sper femelle sng sir made e"Scteinly import n-many arc, bt tse ose e planned etl be fete “There ae some example of vy spe teshngering metode ih ead soe tt 300 cn te ng You begin oe Behav Toehing Learaing Methods Th Direct nsraction: Barak Hosenshine Mode in Omstion & en 2018) etl Sipe 1, Slate Learning Objective! Outcomes: Bela lesson vi SMthor statement a objetivo dss feton enaing Review: Insouce short review of previous or perenne ‘Present new marl: Present mes in seal, sequenced Esplin: ive cha ods isnt and extn, Prater ate prs for a dens Guide. Guide taden’s during inal practise: or provide Son sie hk orden, ic se i me te Proie Feedback Provide stati tack a onetns Ass performance bain stant ices ate of 0 percent ‘cor rng patos Seon 10, Reviow and est Provide for scl review sd tse. 1% Goided Inara: Mane stor dl i Orme Aint 218) even Fs on previo enon ak ots nmr ‘Avatory a, oro adn teat on eon ‘aie ein a metab ec, exist wtb eed ie ane ee eate ee Input Lei nied tots nl fig ne {Edo pve anf sgpeted ep Modeling Provide several examples or donoraaton. {6 Cheek for understanding. Sorte siden’ work btore Tie become inoled it fsa ace, check to ee they 1, Gale penis Pecdally ak stants tein nd cece Taranmers Again poner vada ‘ leat practice. Asin independent work ot practice ‘et ae a at vnc on rekon fe oe ‘tit undeotnding and isn fuse (C. Mastery Learning JH Block and Lorin Anderson Mode! (a Orn & Hunn 2015, 1" Cally expla sndents wht ty te epider 2 Inform, Teach the lesson relying on the whole group 3. Pett Give fomaie gu 0 2 wo f-ns, subass an 4 Group Based on ul, cv clas it matey a on ‘Shay rope (corer sey) $5, Earlh and coret, Give entchment naruto to mato ‘sap. ive corecive (paccell} o uesmastey roap Mentor Monitor student progress vary stunt of teacher ‘ime and suppor: foreach group based on group sae and Postest Give summa tt fr ao-astery soup ‘Asses performance, At les 5% of te snes should schist ys 1 ot repet procedures starting with sonst fron a say Gap nv nse fascial mtr, ext homework, renga protean Systema Instruction: Thomas Guod and Jere Brophy Gn ‘Shut aad Meakin 2018), 1. eve, Review concept dl skills related to homework, ove reves exces 2. Development. Promote students understanding, provide ‘vole pace ‘Assess compreension. Ask questions, provide contlled Seatwork. Provide uninterrupted satnork gt everyone insted stn momentum “Accontbls Check he sibs wrk Homework. Assign homework equal povce review nore regulary Special reviews, Provide weet eviews check nd fer ‘Stn sd cnaooeeaing. ‘Teachng-Learing Environment Inthe hie of ie ting ing mss al nga fhagvel fu crc he vio of he sme ‘ng pct ning cua The eer nla (1) deny) sabi) efelney a (4) conan. aaey- This refers to the atu lenring space or teh clr as cea ese by for cla interaction and colabratve ork Is hte cough gh an venta at the Lamia space nga, th sf or ning? To previ ang canon a a Prove oppo at wil esl he 3 enya tte mast bet poison fr th ulation of cology ot teshing an lesing andthe of he berpsse Stab. Ths relates pad acti. Sty shuld niet Cvonnogi an development ages of ares ‘ef besos wil be testes eos even ‘ligne bck of he cer Efficiency. Ths cofers to operational and psretionsl focvencs onomy- This refers to cost efetvenes, How much is poe provide stan ater? VE Assessment/Evaluation Leming oss os effaively when tudes recive feedback, eee eer areata eerie etic ht earned The process by whch th infomation gence ‘ecarmo hs heemai oms 4 Self asesneat thrush which let ert monitor and ‘alate how ming Tis oud bea sige ene ‘the culm tennessee Wh re Sproat eesive and sete ear agri, in which dens provide fcdbck on cack ‘e's aig’ This caa be vied a a etenson of Sale Semen and perpetual reper, Research ‘gga ht sents cn Tear to judge cach oer Wonk a relay ar a Tetcher assesument, in which the txzher propre and sisters tests nd ves Teedback onthe Stade 0 Asesment may be formative (providing eedbck obsp the sug ere) a uate ei 8 seer of the tks av an element of ot an assigns ht md and rere nthe wan as deled coment Summative sisesanent usualy involves he allcaton of marks ‘oc ges Ths bp the sxcer make Senor abou the press oF ‘elomana fhe sen Stdens ws eam more by understanding the sents and ‘weaoses of heir wer tha by nowing te mek grade ven {it For ths reson, sumnative asesonen ass (fing omeen, ‘amination shld ice sn slempat Bf farmatve fadhck, i pone Applian ofthe Fundamental Componests to Other Carrel Dass ‘Wie au exste refrs only o designing eso plan whieh ica min cams sian component wl sb be wed in ang 2 sys for ectng in he edvcaion courses ote creat Projects Based on the curieulam modle we have lesen, the Reiman conponcets nl hewn Major eomponots of» Course Design Sabu 1, Intended Oncome (or Oe) 2 ComensSujet Maer (ih eee) | Methods (ith seed resources) 4 Bratton ean fase) - ‘Simply pu curiculum design is he ergnization of eucluy compos Alper adel component neem ta ach ‘Satna miy wd Ths may beso tpt sued ‘ihe urosiom exer of regard by eect sgnstes ke ae of Eden, Commision oo Higher Eaucton, Aveda ‘Agee, Professional Regulation Comision fo achieve ei 1 Sears ty of aap Leon Pi 2. Using the mate given below, aalze te sample you ecient your sgestns bed oe paces Seulcncepl ou Tamed ee mda Cone ij Mane Mehodsenees| veka Asset ner iy 1 Which oe principe of la elec in he Less Pi? Faplin eet 2, yon were to improve te design, wht will you sd or uta ain rocreasin eco Linen Pane eran ge shan eloned gts cayenne 0 Yes eho ete sn aon ‘herve an Geen it my cst, his fron chceameren Ea tiieee = ran on, aes ‘tea eo u ‘i ta Pee eee as 2 Dee cae ang os conse exieg one 2. St uth ged ony npn? ea eerie eeeeen ay 5 Dees cies Cee a a evel? © Sat eng em Do oie eee come 2 1 fo eat 7 Ss hag ye 1 Ane td nod hindi od te bo ee ot 9 Shu cme be up and an? 10-tthce ty en sgn hats ahr sol Ano? 2 nest 9 A gt 10 core anwers ot 10 Hens, Conglaion! ‘Yeu emg ay tre te at ha ecw You ed ‘Siow tlle Go ck CREED foprecteso cureuun Desring > deity ee iirc sgt gpouces 1 the desis > Rone the apreache in teat of how thee ae pid inthe shoo Sing enon _ oun ee ind wi eprint making single seg tough Ison pan somone. You wl Sher en {out knowledge by ioking it how oer ceria speach te ‘arcu desig tes lesa, Ne wil see how evel ames of ‘Strum designs ate wed nthe hols and cnsteoms és “Types of Curielum Design Model: ‘hee a many ays of ooking at euncalum ind designing coe Fr tov purpose es oes othe ost Wid) wed xml 1. Sub Centert Ds ‘This rs carculom design that Ocoee on he content of he ‘urulum, Te suigecrcentefed design corresponds mos 10 the ‘ethont teat eck se buly wate ed epee sabe ‘cere Henry Nron and Wil Has are fe aul Sh fiomly Sehoved im hin snip. As rated, aoa! Hous are bilvetd ty dillon chal subjects sucks Selace, Mathematie {nbs Soca Stain Pha Edueabom and ee Tas abo Fated in the Pipe, caus school dy sided no class Feo sca esi qui a semsiar Mon of cool ing {he Red asst and cricaum design sim fo exclece i he ‘peste jes dcp conten, ‘Subject-contered curculam deign has slo so wich ae tsasd an he iaelalsabece pei daepine and 1 combination of sabjects or Spies wi ses reed eld See seh nt. it osetia SS ee eS eee eee oe racers Sie cng cso ln tt nok Se Seca es ‘ates Shenae ee eed Seatac eee ee aie Bs ie oat Rie es Soalnettes hombestentesat det ee ‘eaming is $0 compartmentaized. It siresses so much the Seo eee ee es Seen ceaceent oe gs SScetgeeerinets ors 1 pe Sage es el nin ee ee oes Siero nes be po cra ST aT ctw avg Seer ohare epee seers ree Seether ter tenia Peer Shp a ty nm eg eer Poe neerie ao ee a St aes Eero SCNT po in Serato (2 Gre ip og arson See Ge eee ai Sark Se Tecmo See he suo ew mrs Suse ie Soe Se crn ema is rele os they ae ton in chemo, pice algy Another example bert a he coe With a uss istry geography tld fo To sw correla {Eis each thou cme fgethe an pla ee toners Broad Held dsignteriscplinary, Brod fed desan [ncripiay in wraton of he ubececontered ee, {Thus et ys mast ste tt compartenstin ‘spurt gusts anditegrat he coset et a {Sloe anole Tau ube sah a soppy, conan cl scence, enol scl ané Ray re ‘oon ja ned sei sda anguge a il ci ‘Sata, sar, lng spelig aod sompostca ‘Somatic oie cain, frat ld dew sound ‘tome snd neraon Inrdacipiary eign sar ‘fomaic design shee a specie theme Sed, a all ‘er bjs aa revved the ets eame-Cein sien “Aion progressive eévaional pycholois, the emer ste cent of he educative proces Tai pans every song 0 ‘Een Ie oer ms epezy ay oe ed ‘Somdacy and ever the ory evel Altoug hg soe, the {abit of const Ea Besos he fous nbd he clege lve, the ‘dooce he cnr, bh owl tl eeognize oe tnporanse othe ‘exer nthe conan Hae re some examples of cic dg which se aver ‘tho npg wih hse envrnmea. One earns by dn ‘vewod bythe someon the cere ds icant ner tence and the enone, tt thors «collaborative effort on Both ses Fo plan eons, ‘els somest and do se ogee Leung 0 Produc ‘Shai c's imran nih te eneeonmene sperencecentred design, Tis igi sero the ct {clr srg, alton he fan remind, ‘pernceconee! dg eves hh eres and nee ‘cma camot be peplamed Intend, expences of he lexmere become the srg pst othe cic, tay he ‘ha evo st open an f= Laurer ae ae ‘hone om varus active at te weber pode. The lean espowsrd shape tr lens foe Alien gporinites given by teacher Tn schol wh ‘xprnce come cura sowie ier ening ‘Sie fa eee nd ches be le ‘Shuore etnies sveve rund itet emp sach a ‘ching, sine imp, contracting. lates a ae ‘Thoenergenc of mpl nelience ory Weds Wl wih Sipsrc-cenre deg ciclo "Humaniate dsn. Te ke infer in ti carca ei, ‘Abn Masiw an Cat Roses slows ary of ‘tulzon exptns tht ape who achewes ha evel Si tr nd ts gle pans nd ‘Sha ope to dirt expences poser empty ar ‘Spy ends ee Foran sons the ay es ‘he pron can cote thi state of selfatalaton Ine Ia oh ae ln cl, Cr gers ont ohh Belved tht pron cm enhance ‘fared leming by ning sleanvtnge tak Jn hamid he eee of i tthe ultimate jee of lang. I etese he whole ‘en ants tyrant. ged es It ener the sogive,sfacve anf peshonsor domains ‘ot muons aod na beaded ime ser It senses the developmen of posane seltsoncep ebd Pele Centered Design CGenrly, problem-centreé design draws on socal problems cds mre at sities of he lasers aus poles we Bes pn Those te Bee tht emer on estes, oteperry Tie pobiems, arene og ad many ters nis cura, nt ts on sues ones an st ese on ened name and sis ofthe tatens Two exami ne gen fr De rctony ceed dig suri, 2LI Litesituatons design. What make he dexgn nique is the soem se eran in age at iow SS ley iow blo reas I uss te past md the present xpereces of eames ay meas sale he be es ving Ava Saving pa he rela medi poles ‘he uty and dens xsi concer re land Has on Heer Spencers crcl wig, is piss Stee stint sus fe, eoance Iain ang ‘Biter inane eva scl sd oli eons Sh esiance ccure, tas end focinge Te conection of {jst ater el stain nae he eran oF 14 Core problem design, Ane example of prblom-cneed ‘sigs core desig. eres on gene cicaon adhe problems te based onthe commen human scsi. The mal fcae of the core drien icles common need bla and coors ote lea: opted by France End Bosting in 1959 presented ways 00 bow to proved alg ie dain ofa conection Trev tr toe, ‘Step 1. Make group consensus ‘on_importnt problems, Sp 2 Develop eter for elesion of porn rb ‘83 Ste ad fe the pole Sep 4 Decide on seas of study, cutis class grouping SlepS Lt the meee infrmaion Fr resources, Sep 6 Obi nd orgie information ‘Sep 7. Alas ane inet be info, ‘Sep. Sete tentative sooo ‘Sip 9. rset a ep othe clas indvialy ce by gp. ‘Sup 10 Esha he onesies ‘Sup 1 Esporte tens or Fehr pole ving ‘hee are sore examples of ccm designs, The ar ms more which we emeingtdose at ave cote the pst The ‘tangle gen ay te ted howeer, ow pass, hey Vy Wall esst cesta denen ‘ie Oven of Mor Cot Deis (Osi A Hak F218) Te [Foote | Uekehing [SereTorm | Snkarcow Sait sete] Spee ok [Eman [ae YT Tear Few [ineaeniay PEsetaion —|Soerce, [Bash Dovey soe patie Vrsemsen [Ras scpine Corsair | ene ie, [ion | Rowley, Ay fier” [ancien | aca (end: Nepean ey Coad] Cason [Poon [oS] Deven sn id ipa, amen [EE [Reese [Dee a isin [sows ionanass —fespenaon. —Rowentor [Pca fisicrfitren eis face. [emia sees |Mson, Ct fapenonnt [Esimsson ose iesiuna Lie oss [Resear Soar Spar as osen [toni Fissiecnm hia tomo [Opes rem [Sosy [Sie cece fas mati. [Pe mein me lire Tewoane [Chad de [Onna [Poa [Ra estan fet [nodes Approaches to Curriculum Design Models ow wl «parla design be approached by he easher? Aer vr ncorem hve the spec desi et Ws see how 3 ‘Gch wil yon We wl fil ot he ai of he eam ie. Child or Learner-Centered Approseh, This approach 19 cru dig bed on te dene pont a he hd ‘rte emer be center fhe eesona recess. Teas a he ‘ercatmsconsnatd based onthe ned nest purposes a shies ofthe lem The sual a ul pot te eae” owls, ls eos lings ptt, From i deg, Now should a child-centered carculum be sooo Let ani ene rib Popes of Chik. Centre Caen Ape 1. Adkooulee and epet he dane igh ofthe ci 2 Make all mvs evolve aod he over develops! of 21 Consider the usigueness of every lane a multe 1 Consider ang irene nation or each, 2. Provides motiatng pore leaning eoonment fr all tenuen “The chidcemort appeal ia he example below Sebel is encore onthe theory of mpl ineligeces nal ‘mrs wberechilren can leu on tir ow withthe iferen esa Hpeiheseeupunastecrien’ nce on Seen ee apes es aiesereiiceed SLi anew aeea rove They feeb ea 2 Romie nti i Dae 2 Bee coke a ems i mam (a eek sae era Example of sbjetcereed aproach s given below, In aot sing, Schoo! ¥ ing 9 produce te Best pats i he sehoa! de ery leamer mas excl nal eens sabes Yo Be on ‘of evry adem competion, The Higher te level of cogniveinteigens ‘he baer leur ene the focus of lesming ir asay of the bec oer eg fea ey exes omy 8 ‘arms of many of dcpineNemrzaon an Sel ace spree Sle, Tae schoo ives enpas to tebecta developnen and os ae otal nin dee abe dec Sees mes SEY ‘The aren cal of dieing a ing ems Investing problems developing every lazer 0 be snaspensen The learners are prepared to assume their civic ‘eaponsibitcs trough ise partcpaon sm dseat 2. The cucu leads the learners inthe recopiion of ites rd proce hing natn ees ‘sn example f the poken creed aerated eon ‘Scho Zeist a eamer sel be ied wo salve ra lie rob th Come stot ecu he ao, ners ies of {Be are Prine pret nie and sect at fe daly lag IME ago cmstdaed: Moa fe shoo ete solve arond Sang ‘hn bloke ove, pens cat ag. aa rates and many mov: Since te schol I ing + probiem asod ‘tilt same aon ewan Cte ryan prac! work be ‘Sle sage tte la Probesrsnced pos as Become plea many choos Froblem-Ceatered Appronch. This approach is based on design which asrumes tit nthe process of Ting, chien “perce poses Tus, problem sling cables the estes ital ‘ ‘Tis opesch cht byte Felling views and bbs ‘We bave given cramps of cortcslum design and che corespeoting arab Agi, coi of he sin ene onl! tn pico belie othe designer. ey ora ht cca, You wil belo tesa ee ‘ier Sg dl td bow ts aptac ach ne. Aci 1 The to 12 Cueeaum: What Desion? (et od of mais he K to 12, Dies with yur rau atest ewer the following ‘Wat kindof cura derign nfueoce mostly tbe K 0 12 Guralun® (A) Subject Cem? (8) Lemar Center (©) Preble Cente (Vou may have more than oes) ie an state example that ets to your esi Place your sesver on 2 mari ke he ne blo. “peo Cun Deage nw 12 | Tiseaive Rompe Subs Ceered Des Approach Lesrer-Contred Design Appreack Probie Centered Desig Appa ‘entity what Kind of design and approach are wiz fawn dscns Lie 1 Only sens wo maser he mbet conn ean se 2 Stes ae encouraged ower together fin! ene o—_ 3. No en et ein in rain. wing sd rh 4. Seo! means svi ofthe tes. “Ts een ca teste cite fave at ms Leon das withing solution t every roe, Dilfer fasrcton shouldbe lsd for ite sail gous ‘Accumulation of knowledge of primary imponce 9. Leaning bot eam is observable among tudes, 10. Suan te probleme and soins 1, Choose oe semen abd eet on What do yo think sad sowie ‘Staten Ni Sel ht apreach the cual subjecccesrd: make ot out he tac ‘Sueno: No.2“ school where hls he epoch din weak” Statement No, 3- “Student ae foo young to sone MW Proie,why aud they 6 pole say scot™ ‘Curriculum Mapping and Curriculum Quality Audit > fine curcn mapping and eactam gy aud 3 Bijan te baci of cucu mapping Sd aris eae sl eo cui A cri desi i eect in wt uric ite 2 Jeon pansy, pin ofa gue cuieain Uike K0 12 fie acer sal pt the pls or Sg in at, ble mst odo acura mp Have goa ever Wendeted tow pase yur son, so it twill ove edo ee hoa, meds, guar, meso Whole m? ‘This lesson will teach, corcuariss, the importance of rica apping a euriclum guley sets processes In ‘Sku deepen Gum rset Mapping Curiam spying is «mode fe eign. paring and evewing te ural ealing i-tmework that poids ita ion ln De 2010, a eee oc a ep teas enesnd what a bee ng ncn ow hu foe ugh and bw Ieming comms ar seed Tis roe ‘as inrodce ty Hel Hayes coe 2004 he bok Geng "eth Carats Mapping (ASCD, 2908) Thi apo 8 ing oes or mak ron got oe te ntave t ‘omni ces, wach ler he teacher and oe sual, ‘shave common conceme. Caries sping ean be dane By teachers alone, group of teachers ttching these subj ‘prot te wheel odor te whole cdusbona emmunly well These quoting ma ele: Wat do my ten ear? 2 What do ty stay in he eae? 3. What we te stig the schoo tougher? 4 Do my coteachers whe handle the sane bj, ove ‘Sine Content? Achieve the sme tem” Ue nal ‘Steps ow Ula my tents nerd tn coment beeen my je don ajc wine J cuca mapping, may be ale wo aver tee uetons ore ‘utmor, mapping wil price crelan py, ave ‘Snedoea! ol curl dese Beas of Cureton Napping 1. Caria mapping ensues sgnment of he dese lang icine ‘comes amg ace nd sss 2 Cure appig arses the gps or epetions inthe ‘arco. Ives i eorain progam owl or etbing emer no aegaly soe osy Sopsd cocci eget cn ni cai soma SS oe peeaniee ‘he culm maps vil sow porn laments of he arcu an ow thy sb o Palen ang Curiam mapping comet al iis fom isrution, Pesgoges, sessment and profesional developmest [Gets th ntopston of esr career sls Carrel Mapping Proce ‘Thee ay ways of doing ing, scoring o what outcome ope aeads to produce This i ao tue wih suelum mapping However, watever eutcme (ap) wil be made, the are pg Spi fio puample A. ‘Make amar or a spend het Phe a tinelne dt you ned cover one gure soe ‘onsite mya) Ts sh dependent om ene ame ‘Se pila arate we Ena he ned earning teres sil asked abe {aug sr acved the ed fh atin Ener the sre mais the comet arabe eas 19 brewers ‘Ali and ne ich recuce salle sch extn onde sat rhe! re Er the ecing leaning methods be usd 0 achive ‘Beacons [Ain and ctr he asst rostral 0 the {nt ler ours, cnt aes eee Gc the map ang lvoe pescanel for thir ‘np Revise and fine map sed on sgaetions ad dtu fwallsoncemel You wl ind Example Aa cponet of a9 OBE tied abs fr be igh cdxain owen hs ot be mo for AC hac ose me pte por ax you WIL se some er Troe Wr do rman les? Make tne or sender ehh ere nro corse EE. oc BSED) Iti he bcs ces dere deren, Pk and Major for BST) Tinie suet log the vetlel of he mai ina preemies Us he donee pou ocome lone te hrznal ell {et teurSh Fol Honriraotoons eto lng fn he {Gh 50 nee Popes Oster mopar nome, sd emi fh ‘abjad cep he stems a ether ene Feuer ge Opporny (0) se de compat ca i pal cls, ‘Ar womplsing be pt aud faeces ‘ingen forse compe he degree ou 26 We ecren no me roe. commen The Cursum Map Carriculun map provide gaity contol of what ie taght ‘schools to malnateeelens, effinty nd efetiveness I Imes to npeove inteton a msn guy of dca saleolde ed to be raed of ‘Set alge wl aw tate ogy tas le ay of ‘hile inthe previous gre tonal uence ecahng Hoxcoalsgnmen, cle somatnes “pacing eile” il ‘make all teachers, teach * ef eh sone broth nay be cy lfm dost ‘velap but bag fom single more completed Sncees ‘ns Alwmen cer veal or bars wil soo deep inrdciinuy commectoe ang tac nd Stn Pw Shon suse Teor can veh ld cone ods ius sues ro higher eve, ths making ing me loan ‘eeu map is alwaya workin progres, hat enable the taco oe eatscalum reve fees ent and seers the caren te provides god information for woe of ‘Slam, lags of andr al sompeenes iy oder iad ‘Noy to bud emotion inte semen Cus sample of « Cosas Map Har ae mo cuales of cariaum map. Serpe Ais Bsc ‘auton md Sane efor a Clogs Leva ‘eon he CHED OWE Hank, 2016 fe A: cept fom Dept Curiam Gude fo 4 Reps omple of map eae od 28 {er Coden orca Fr Que eat i fo ma cant A ae 3. ng {og Pn st ray: are aratn comet = Neue aware | Samant | imi eee esd =a se - Curen Nap fr aca of een eon Ee NE me ‘Profesional Education Courses) ite [Ste fe eae ‘ams [ FOF] POR [ POS [FOX | POS [POs POT [OH vanes” ” irs wo fete [Esl 0 SESS aren en ea i —— SS Fon ae > [rpele}rfo|er es Loree [enor eaol oa re eee e([Prl[e[elololr ae epee [eweas [trp tepe lee = Te mt it en ne ‘ooh pap © gre ep mar Saniflo Ge hr ous nan anh” rea ne [ae Ps a - 1. Noll professional sabjets ar etre in the mati. anim DAN apse vp fe pepe fee RR dee OL Applied basic and higher 21st coy sil, ' a fons Arai tar he ante wae oie . foi: SERS ie ti ak : Bee ee moat de Ft. sgl pt aren Sng ah BE |= = ‘eetpee fae ean rc, vos. HOSS oieat gprs eee mane ra Se SESS = ‘Sig cco [E/E (SS |& 1708 Diet exer in fl an cseoomsftsovtion > 2S ES ace cn ele fer (es le: le 107~ Demonic patios sd hn ars ofthe eae ra = 108 Dame esr omni sad peo toate thing spaces, ” Act 1 Let ply 1. Using the Sample Al for Sense Cariculum Map, wh “lege and naersanig hve you lems? Aran ‘ta saver he quis fa alow 11 Wha arethe main cluster scence content sha soe sol eam rom G3 10 GI? 1.2 How doos science content progres on Grade 3 Caistor 13 When you lok at a ane the map, whit smn des can you ge? 1 Seen caret i pi How do you ein hatin term ofeia jorseelede map 2. Lang Sample Baye lane h wing gust 21 Wha is the meaning of ~Pratsed” with «green ‘ekound fr sabes Teaching Profession std POL Appl si nd gh emery ele? 22° What is sou intepetaton ofthe clored cell with “Leaed that cfossed between subject Social Dimensions and POS, Faciat Ieaing of ditrent ‘ype of ame in avese amng envio? What dos the olor “Opporniy” inthe cl of he suhjectCurelum Devoe tat eee ith the POs “Direct experence i he field sd laoor (Ghsersns, techie asians, race ching) ‘Make wise decion. Show meth ou undead the fs, ‘Know the ifleeace beeen YES and NO answer fo cach the ‘eon 1. Does cram mapping ep acer wera wht 0 ons wen he pes ot in? 1 coca mp a permet dctment? Can a curscal ap elp expan to parents what heir ‘lilies re einai schol 'scacuin mapping tak ely on xcher? toate} ane scat ag TH re ‘5. Can curriculum map a 2 00! be used i instructional Sspevison enect onthe proces of eurcum mapping andthe sample tn map eA tie ear how wil te process sping td the mapa tap ou I our fess? Cursetum Quy Audit Curum Quaty Ait (COA) i fo of cuca mapoing Iuiga proces of apping he crear program o sylabas as ‘habled nang Ti proces supped by San Rae when she ‘Stat he fet pase insure Sevelopaent snd mplemension ‘See i ce bd ans eey pra ‘Sips an sequen Arh 2 roa quay et ‘equestrian te tated cuca Inked oS ch (Slghrasde write areal Fo hoe who wa engage in cuit gulty ait, be ‘oonng doen re wor cane 1. the cari planed execute, and seed in asda ‘Sh appopne sant _ How dc he coo ye conform he standards of uly ‘nau orltne ike pei, quality and ape tesching lang sd eset 3. Avcall see abivng sucess equally ad efftvy? Ket, stint be don abr 2 Seis of Cac City Aut 1. esl ip der a operon fcc tee nh anda 2 mre ignment of ming oscones, shies nd ‘siouneat We sands 3 chives a interne eomparabe curl a stand ‘Some the bt of he cca ay “The Phlppine Profesional Standards for Tesshiss (es canbe ud anchor caren uy aa Ts PST nins to set clea expoctasons of essere song wel {ned rer apes of pots devsaptn en so to ditngued pacdce: The Phlippnss bar sloped lplamemed the PPST trough te Bopwinet et lean (Order (D0) 42s, 2017 Taher edu, plore hende ariel poets my rete PFST tel ai {ke posers teacher tation cum a sr ity jane proviso fee tua “The ist COA in teacher education cau inthe Prilipines as stated by the Research Cor fe Teaches tally (CTO), the Phiippine Normal University, Csbu ‘omil Uasenty West Viger Unnersty, Wen Madan Sate Uaiversty nd ote ner ies of he Nato Netwok of Neral Sebls ON aig te Guselum uly Sut (COA) proves, re-sell mere mapped the PST to nur nt steer begining ec ee sage I) are arsed in te esr cars ig the COR leach educate str tht pes teas em ‘he competencies of Begining tates a the) races et ofen nh Depress lat, “Thue ar ler tans tt en ein the COQ aside ‘om the FPST CHED COs 41 8 ar ann ot by he (Cenasion co Whe Edun specie othe eae ran bing offeed nd the teachers wh ae the ome fe ogra. They hve oth the geri nae forall teacher len gree progr ad specie snare ach ogres frogmen For cumple CMO 4.2017 conan he sands {or bucelr of emery Eton orf aches wo wl tech in he ley lee sn CMO 78, 2017 com the Sd oe Bachelor of Secondary Educa eo aches so lech ssn eve Asie fom the natal ads fer ech, hear ‘ho imental staat alone he Capen Framework for Teacets in Southeast Asta (CFTSEA) of SEAMED snd SEAMES and he Ee Tag Ast Soe (CASE) tach competences eee * Criss py nd be ameapaiee see ees ing ieee eee re eee cece cicmmneesee 1. Stuy the being tech issn the PRST. Ae ‘serie ec, Ihe ping teach ines hat ou a Soe) Seesed farther ten wang ‘Wiattapens hc graduate ror tices Euan ro Jacks the competencies nda o = ginning teacher ow con GQA as pce ep the ech deo nitions Ao ache Sens aces compe oan step afer cusicum plsnaing std designing ie nolemening ‘ya techy is i on the major ht yu do ia he seit Suny of eral to ne may ae ec eo nd writen own, Your wa ingle sich Diy your pan ‘ikalte rey fr mplemeniaie, The sce of feng depen boy inpementen eer "Thee famine crcl ke our son plan, obi one fike de Ko 12 cease You wil be both an Impemene ad& reper ne caicl, ow wl ut ssn nats ben pame dscns you de ach, who wl ad more mean oe {rons atria This Wt we ll teachings, ‘You tove to make the doy ofthe leaner itrsting, nea and nfs: No sume ol ops planing or esnips Ins te inplemen (ved uk, Tha! > Dafne cucu iplemenion > Anas nuts clang rossi usa Exphinthe proces fcancalum implementation == ‘We earths ay: "Hee ees ain, nae culr change! Westy acy variate! Wy do we he fo 8 i

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