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Q1) What is meant by DATA ? Explain with an example in terms of AI?

Answer) Data can be a piece of information or facts and statistics collected

together for reference or analysis. Whenever we want an AI project to be able to
predict an output, we need to train it first using data.

Example: If you want to make an Artificially Intelligent system which can predict
the salary of any employee based on his previous salaries, you would feed the data
of his previous salaries into the machine. This is the data with which the machine
can be trained. Now, once it is ready, it will predict his next salary efficiently. The
previous salary data here is known as Training Data while the next salary
prediction data set is known as the Testing Data.
2) Explain and differentiate between 2 types of data?

Training Data Testing data

1) Is the one which we train and 1) Is used only to assess

fit our model basically to fit performance of model
the parameters

2) Output is available to model 2) The unseen data for which

predictions have to be made

3. How can AI project improve for better efficiency? Explain with example.

Answer) For better efficiency of an AI project, the Training data needs to be

relevant and authentic to the problem statement scoped.
In the previous example, if the training data were not of the previous salaries
but of his expenses, the machine would not have predicted his next salary
correctly since the whole training went wrong. Similarly, if the previous salary
data was not authentic, that is, it was not correct, then too the prediction could
have gone wrong.
4) List the reliable source to acquire real and authentic data?
Answer) Data creates the base on which the AI project is built It is very
important to acquire data that is authentic reliable and correct.
These are the reliable sources to acquire real and authentic data:
1. Surveys 2. Web scrapping 3. Application Programming Interface (API) 4.
Cameras 5. Sensors 6. Observations

5) Define System map? What is the importance of system map in Data

Answer) System map help us to understand complex issues with multiple factors
that affect each other
A system comprises of
Elements – These are the different, discrete elements within the system
Interconnections – These are the relationship that connect the elements

6) Explain the rules of creating system maps?

1. The circles represent elements
2. Arrows are used to represent relationship /interconnections
3. ‘+’ and ‘-’ signs are indicators of the nature of relationship
✓ The arrowhead depicts the direction of the effect and the sign (+ or -)
shows their relationship .
✓ If the arrow goes from x to y with a + sign ,it means that both are
directly related to each other . That is if X increases Y also increases
and vice versa .
✓ On the other hand ,if the arrow goes from X to Y with a – sign it
means that both the elements are inversely related to each other which
means if X increase ,Y should and vice versa

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