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CROSS Newsletter

CROSS-AUS Newsletter 10 | November 2023

Incorrect use of software

for wind loads on
solar panels

Risk of failure of untested

vibration isolators with
seismic restraint

Underpinning using
screw piles

Installation of epoxy resin

adhesive for reinforcing
bar anchors

Share knowledge
to help create a
safer built environment

This is the 10th CROSS-AUS Newsletter

since our inaugural edition in
Structure and fire are inseparable
engineering topics in the building
December 2018. design and construction industry. With
the expansion of CROSS’s remit in Incorrect use of software 3
We have now published 47 reports,
the UK to cover fire safety following for wind loads on
covering a wide range of subjects in
the Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017, solar panels
design and construction, primarily
CROSS-AUS is considering whether
aiming to draw attention to safety Report ID: 1212
a parallel system for fire should
issues in structural, civil and
be established here to promote
geotechnical engineering, and to alert Risk of failure of untested 5
understanding and provide a
our reader to lessons that vibration isolators with
platform to interact with
can be learned. seismic restraint
likeminded professionals.
We welcome once again all our regular Report ID: 1230
Anyone with an interest in this area
subscribers, readers and reporters,
who would like to be involved, please
and we trust you will find the materials Underpinning using 8
send your contact details to
of interest and enriching to your screw piles>.
general knowledge. We encourage you
Report ID: 1175
to help us by passing this Newsletter on In September, we called for expressions
to all your contacts and to ask them to of interest for individuals to join a
register on the CROSS-AUS website. working group to assist with increasing
Installation of epoxy resin 10
adhesive for reinforcing
These reports are a readily available awareness and use of CROSS-AUS. We
bar anchors
source of free information and may received an excellent response, and we
assist you in your future projects. are arranging an initial online meeting Report ID: 1225
to establish this working group.
When you come across a similar
situation to one described in a CROSS The four reports in this Newsletter
report, it may remind you to avoid cover different areas of practice but
repeating the same mistakes. This they share common themes: lack of
will benefit the community at large understanding of structural behaviour,
- a community that all professional misinformation, and misuse of
engineers serve. materials and software that could lead
to unsafe outcomes.
For those accessing the Newsletter for
the first time, please note the search The wider our reports are spread to all
function on the front page of our concerned with the aim to produce safer
website,>. This structures, the better our professions
search function allows you to access can serve our clients and the wider
a common database with over a community.
thousand reports from CROSS-UK and
We rely on your continuing support Reporting to CROSS
CROSS-US, as well as CROSS-AUS.
and promotion within your circles
For example, on 10th October 2023, an of influence. Your report will make a
extensive fire in the UK’s Luton Airport’s difference. It will help us
terminal car park> destroyed over
to create positive change
1,400 cars and resulted in structural Dr Peter Ho AM
collapse. A search using the keywords and improve safety.
Secretary & Director,
“car park fire” in our website will come
up with several reports on multi-storey
car parks that are worth reading. In
particular, attention is drawn to the
Find out more
CROSS Safety Alert, Fire in multi-
storey car parks> published in 2018.

Another recent example is the failure

of reinforced autoclaved aerated
concrete (RAAC) planks that is causing
concern in the UK. Several CROSS
reports relate to this product. This has Visit:
resulted in the creation of a CROSS
Theme Page> to provide a knowledge
hub for safety related information on Email:
RAAC planks.

CROSS-AUS Newsletter 10 | November 2023 | 2

Incorrect use of software for wind loads on solar panels

Incorrect use of software for wind loads on Fire Safety and

solar panels  ith the successful expansion
of CROSS’s remit in the UK to
CROSS Safety Report Report ID: 1212 cover fire safety, CROSS-AUS is
considering whether a parallel
system for fire should also be
established in Australasia to
The adoption of software for structural analysis is not a promote understanding and
provide a platform to interact
substitute for the designer having an understanding of
with likeminded professionals.
structural behaviour.
Anyone with an interest in
this area who would like to
be involved, please send your
contact details to team.aus@>.
Key Learning Outcomes

For civil and structural engineers:

• Always check the limitations of any software used for analysis and/or
Feedback on CROSS-
design, and that any assumptions in the software and/or input data AUS reports
are appropriate for its intended use I f you have had similar
• Do not use software where there is any doubt about its limitations/ experience to any of our
assumptions or whether it is fit for purpose for the intended analysis/ reports, we encourage you to
design task share your experience by simply
completing the form at the end
of each report or by email to>.

Some recent examples of

The reporter is concerned that default
R Full Report values within the software for wind
feedback include:

direction factor Md in Regions B2, •R

 eport 956 - Inspection and
The reporter’s concern is the C, and D (0.9), and values for the maintenance of Super-T
tendency for designers to rely action combination factors Kc,e and bridge girders>
completely on the output of software Kc,i (0.9) assume the software is
for structural analysis when they do •R
 eport 1056 - Production of
being used for overall building design
not fully understand the requirements as-constructed drawings>
and not for cladding, its immediate
for data input. supports, or roof top solar panels.
The reporter is aware of a Thus, there is a risk that fixings for
commercially available item of mounting solar panels may be
software, for the determination of overloaded and, in such a case, the
wind actions on buildings, which is solar panels may become detached
used by structural engineers and non- from the roof.
structural engineers working in the In the reporter’s opinion it is assumed,
design and installation of solar panels even amongst engineers, that software
at roof top level. in general is set up to provide ‘the
The software is relatively answer’ automatically. Significant
straightforward to use. The user enters trust is placed in the software output.
the building parameters, orientation, However, it is incumbent upon the
and location which the software uses user to have sufficient knowledge
to determine the terrain category, to understand the input values
shielding and topography. It then appropriate for each relevant variable.
determines the site wind speeds The use of software is not a suitable
for the eight compass points. The substitute for an understanding of
software calculates the design wind structural behaviour.
actions on the walls and roof for each
face of the building in accordance with
AS1170.2, as well as quantifying the
wind actions on the RC1, RA1, and RA2
local roof zones.

CROSS-AUS Newsletter 10 | November 2023 | 3

Incorrect use of software for wind loads on solar panels

C Expert Panel
• A program may be used out of News & Information
Comments • The checking process may not be
RAAC - Reinforced Autoclaved
Aerated Concrete planks
sufficiently rigorous
The use of computer software for the Widespread concerns over
analysis of structures and assessment • The limitations of the program the safety of RAAC roof planks
of structural design loads has been may not be sufficiently apparent to in buildings in the UK have
commonplace for decades. As with the user required safety measures
the use of all tools, appropriate levels • For unusual structures, even to be put in place, including
of supervision and checking, including experienced engineers may closures to over 200 schools,
self-checking, are essential. In the not have the ability to spot and inspections of schools,
case of engineering analysis, it is good weaknesses in programs for hospitals, and other buildings
practice to validate design software analysis and detailing are continuing in the UK.
independently before it is adopted for
This report highlights the need for Following reports of failures of
wholesale use.
designers to have an appropriate structures in the UK employing
In this particular case, the reporter has understanding of structural behaviour such planks, CROSS published
raised a situation where the software and requirements, of the applicability a Safety Alert> in 2019. This
has been adopted for the assessment and limitations of software packages was followed in 2022 by the
of loads for which it was not meant used in design, and the need for them publication of the Institution of
to evaluate. This demonstrates a to check software is appropriate for its Structural Engineers (IStructE)
significant, and worrying, lack of intended use. Guidance on the investigation
understanding by the designers of the and assessment of RAAC planks>
overall requirements of the design In one sense, computer software can and the creation of a CROSS
codes, and the software inputs and/ be compared with a modern motor Theme Page> to provide a
or limitations. It is an example of car. Both can be complex but require knowledge hub for safety-related
the uninformed use of software, a good understanding of principles information on RAAC planks.
undertaken without checks to ensure and rules before being used safely.
No sensible person would try to We are not aware of problems
the software is fit for purpose for its
drive a car without knowing what with RAAC in Australasia, but
intended use.
the pedals and switches do, how fast we wish to raise awareness of
With respect to the assessment of it might travel, how quickly it might the possibility of such issues.
design wind loads on solar panels, stop, or what the flashing lights mean, If you have any experience or
it is noted that the latest version especially the blue ones on top of the knowledge of the use of RAAC
of AS1170.2 (2021) includes the car behind! planks in Australia and/or New
latest research with respect to wind Zealand, we ask you to send
effects on solar panel arrays. This In short, if there is doubt about any brief details to team.aus@
has effectively been introduced into aspect of using software where>. Alternatively,
Australian law since the introduction structural safety is involved then if you have any safety issues
of the National Construction Code another engineer or specialist should or concerns, you can submit a
(NCC) 2022 in September 2022. be consulted. confidential report.

Circumstances in which the misuse of

engineering software could lead to
Submit Report
unsafe structures have been noted
in several previous CROSS reports. Structural robustness and
Typing “software” in the search
Submit Feedback
disproportionate collapse in
function on the Safety Information> buildings (2nd Edition) – new
page on the CROSS-AUS website from IStructE
produces 44 such reports, with similar
The first edition of this guidance
comments, such as:
provided a background to
• Users without adequate structural the fundamental attributes of
engineering knowledge or training robustness and an interpretation
may carry out structural analysis of, and practical guidance to,
the regulations being followed
• There may be communication gaps
in the UK at the time, with more
between the design initiator, the
detailed guidance on each of the
computer program developer, and
main materials (in situ concrete,
the user
precast concrete, steel, timber,
and masonry).

This second edition builds on

the first>, with new chapters
about risk, alterations to existing
buildings, classification of
existing buildings, and considers
‘lightweight steel frame’ as a

CROSS-AUS Newsletter 10 | November 2023 | 4

Risk of failure of untested vibration isolators with seismic restraint

Risk of failure of untested vibration material distinct from steel.

There is an emphasis on modern
isolators with seismic restraint methods of construction (MMC)
and a selection of new worked
examples within each of the
CROSS Safety Report Report ID: 1230 material-specific chapters. There
are many references to CROSS
reports which are used as case
studies throughout.
A reporter found apparently counterfeit copies of devices
used to protect and isolate mechanical equipment from
seismic vibration. These copies are being marketed as original
equipment and appear identical to the original brand. They Australasian Certification
Authority for Reinforcing and
are being supplied with test data for seismic restraint from the Structural Steels (ACRS)
manufacturer of the genuine product.
Through its certification schemes,
ACRS> provides traceability of
The reporter notes that, if the performance of a vibration product from manufacturer to
isolator has not been tested under appropriate conditions, end user. For example, refer
to the recent ACRS news item:
there is a significant risk the equipment will fail when it is most
Protecting against fraudulent
needed. This could result in catastrophic failure of a critical certification claims>
life-safety system.

Registration of Engineers in
South Australia
Key Learning Outcomes
The Government of South
Australia recently sought input
For all design engineers: into a mandatory Professional
Engineers Registration Scheme
• Ensure that, if specifying a non-structural product where an equivalent before introducing a draft bill
is permitted, the specification should state the ‘product or an to parliament for the scheme’s
independently certified approved equivalent’ establishment.
For certifying engineers/building authorities: For further details refer to
the Professional Engineers
• Conduct inspections on site to ensure the non-structural product, or an
Registration Scheme>.
independently certified approved equivalent, has been installed and
has authentic paperwork to support its installation

Concrete Design Academy – a

proposal by John Woodside
purchasers may be unaware they are
R Full Report not receiving genuine products and In a paper presented at Concrete
may install those products to protect 2023 in September, CROSS-
A reporter found apparently equipment in their projects. AUS Expert Panel member John
counterfeit copies of devices used Woodside stressed that we need
to protect and isolate mechanical There is a significant risk the equipment to significantly lift the quality
equipment from seismic vibration. will fail when it is most needed if the of design and construction of
The copies are being supplied with performance of a vibration isolator concrete in Australia. To rectify
test data for seismic restraint from the from seismic restraint has not been this, John introduced the concept
manufacturer of the genuine product tested under appropriate conditions. of a Concrete Design Academy
and look identical to the original brand This could, depending on the that would be established and
except for some small differences importance level of the structure, result run by the concrete industry in
between models which would only be in catastrophic failure of a critical life- Australia in conjunction with one
identified by a specialist. safety system. of the universities. The curriculum
In the reporter’s opinion, independent and course work would set by the
Vibration isolators are typically concrete industry to provide a
installed under chilling equipment, third party testing must be undertaken
to ensure the adequacy of systems for high-quality and keenly sought-
diesel generators, and other after post-graduate degree in
mechanical plant and equipment vibration control and isolation under
seismic conditions. concrete design. The paper will
used for life-safety systems (e.g. in be published in the Concrete
hospitals). The reporter is concerned 2023 Proceedings.

CROSS-AUS Newsletter 10 | November 2023 | 5

Risk of failure of untested vibration isolators with seismic restraint

to be taken into account. In the paper The importance of collaborative

C Expert Panel quoted above, the author proposes a reporting to ensure structural
Comments separate appointment of a specialist and fire safety: NCE’s The
“non-structural coordinator” to fulfil Engineers Collective podcast
This report is of particular interest in this role.
In this recent podcast>, CROSS-
that it deals with fixings to equipment In the particular case raised by the UK scheme manager Paul Livesey
considered to be in the category of reporter, it would appear seismic talks about the establishment
non-structural building components. restraint details have been nominated of CROSS, the sector’s response
In their keynote address, Seismic by the services designer by virtue of and how it has developed over
Design of Nonstructural Building the particular equipment specified its nearly 50 years in existence,
Components: The New Frontier – equipment that, if supplied as including its expansion into fire
of Earthquake Engineering>, for nominated, would be provided with safety and how it has grown
the 2020 Australian Earthquake the relevant test certificates. However, internationally in countries such
Engineering Society Virtual the reporter has suggested that as Australia and the USA.
Conference>, Prof. A. Filiatrault of the counterfeit copies of the equipment
School for Advanced Studies may have been supplied, along with
IUSS Pavia, Italy, points out that in test certificates pertaining to the
typical cases: genuine equipment. This raises the Article: As structural
issue of fraud, misrepresentation engineers, safety must be our
“the investment in non-structural and non-compliance regarding the highest priority
components and building contents installation of potentially untested
is far greater than that of structural An interesting article> by
equipment, along with other risks.
components and framing”. Moreover, Arup’s Andrew Lawrence, Ishan
since “damage to non-structural In such a situation, the relevant Abeysekera, and Andrew Smith
components occurs at seismic parties to the contract should
‘During the 20th century,
intensities much lower than those consider whether misleading or
structural engineers practically
required to produce structural deceptive conduct, or even fraudulent
eliminated building collapses
damage, … in many past earthquakes activity, has occurred and whether
in most developed countries,
losses from damage to non-structural they should report it to the relevant
through the development
components have exceeded losses regulators, statutory authorities
of rigorous building codes.
from structural damage”. (e.g. SafeWork NSW, WorkSafe
However, both confidential
QLD/VIC, WorkSafe NZ, etc) and/
Therefore, even if the structure industry reporting and legal
or the manufacturer of the original
survives a seismic event relatively claims suggest that design
equipment for further action.
intact, “failure of architectural, errors are now increasing, and
mechanical or electrical components Furthermore, the practice often consequently that structural
can lower the performance level adopted of specifying ‘product xx or safety is deteriorating across the
of the entire building system”. equivalent’ could be better served world. Why is this happening and
Furthermore, ‘the failure of non- by specifying instead ‘product xx or how can the errors be reduced?’
structural components can become a independently certified approved
safety hazard or can hamper the safe equivalent’ so that a measure of
movement of occupants evacuating review is introduced.
buildings, or of rescue workers Structural Safety – Theory &
Another important implication that
entering buildings”. Practice by Allan Mann
comes from this report is the need for
It is noted that, while the Australian inspectors to know first hand what Allan Mann’s magnificent new
Standard relating to earthquake measures suppliers have book, Structural Safety - Theory &
loading (AS1170.4) nominates taken to differentiate their products Practice is now available to buy>
requirements for design restraint of in the marketplace and action taken from Whittles Publishing. The book
non-structural elements, structural to verify compliance on site. This covers every aspect of the reasons
design engineers generally exclude report demonstrates that simply why buildings and structures fail
responsibility for such details on viewing the relevant paperwork from basic misunderstandings of
the basis that they are outside of may not be a suitable substitute for principles to the consequences of
scope. A contractual risk assessment hands on verification. extreme events.
identifying which party is ultimately Unfortunately, this is not an isolated It encapsulates a lifetime of deep
responsible for such devices incident and an earlier CROSS Alert understanding of engineering
should be a consideration for the Anomalous documentation for with his experience of real-life
contract manager and client body. proprietary products> published collapses to enable others to
It also raises questions outside the in February 2013 noted that there learn. This work, which includes
contractual framework such as had been a number of instances many references to CROSS
reliance, whether there was an reported to CROSS where certification and descriptions of many of the
objectively real risk of a foreseeable accompanying proprietary products world’s building disasters in
consequence and a risk assessment of had stated compliance with standards recent years, will appeal to those
the potential severity and magnitude or specified requirements, but the who seek to know more about
of the consequence that might have products were found not to be in the theory and mechanics of
structural safety.

CROSS-AUS Newsletter 10 | November 2023 | 6

Risk of failure of untested vibration isolators with seismic restraint

accordance with those specifications. Newsletters from other

On several occasions, this has led to Submit Report
CROSS regions
premature structural failure of the
components at loads well below the Submit Feedback
The UK published their latest
intended design capacity.
Newsletter in September
and will publish another in
December. Make sure to take
a look> for applicable lessons
learned from these international
safety reports.

Press Roundup
In every interval between
CROSS Newsletters, failures of
some kind or incidents related
to structural and fire safety are
reported in the press. Here
are some accompanied by a
brief comment:

1. New RAAC schools list of

buildings with unsafe concrete>

The UK government has

published an updated list of 214
schools and colleges in England it
says have crumbling concrete.

It is a rise of 40 on a previous
tally of buildings affected
by reinforced autoclaved
aerated concrete (RAAC). The
government said 43 new schools
had been added since the last
update, while three others had
been confirmed not to have
RAAC after further testing.

2. Parking garage collapse >

A parking garage collapsed in

lower Manhattan. This has been
taken as indicative of a pattern
of structural degradation over
time. Dan Krauth, for ABC 7
New York, reported: “Parking
garages endure wear and tear
that other buildings don’t. The
concrete and steel is exposed
to the elements, to salt, and to
exhaust all year round.”

CROSS-AUS Newsletter 10 | November 2023 | 7

Underpinning using screw piles

Underpinning using screw piles 3. Motorway bridge

demolished >

The German Lüdenscheid

CROSS Safety Report Report ID: 1175 motorway bridge was
demolished because its safety
was prejudiced by degradation.
The bridge was around
A reporter is concerned that inclined screw piles used for 60 years old. This incident
underpinning may be subject to significant bending moments highlights the importance of
that compromise their capacity. detailing structures to assure
durability and thereafter,
through life maintenance.

Key Learning Outcomes

4. Balcony collapse >

For civil and structural engineers: The failure of balconies is

quite common and CROSS
• Avoid, if possible, the use of inclined screw piles where loads are highlighted the risks in a Safety
eccentric to the pile, and generate bending moments and shear forces Alert>. Another sudden balcony
within the pile collapse has been reported
• Where inclined screw piles are considered, ensure there is a from apartments in Florida.
geotechnical report that covers this situation, and that the subsoil Following inspections, the whole
conditions and soil structure interaction are fully understood concrete building was then
deemed unsafe.
• Ensure that the response of screw pile foundations to seasonal changes
in water level is similar to that of other foundations in the same structure

For contractors:
5. Luton Airport Car Park Fire>
• Review the stability provisions advised by the designer, and contact the
designer as a matter of urgency if there are any concerns or ambiguities The ability of fires to initiate
and then spread was further
• Adhere to all hold points for inspection, monitoring requirements, or illustrated by a very significant
limitations specified by the designer fire at the multistorey car park
• Keep meticulous records of the construction works and all communications at Luton Airport. Altogether
it appears as if 1,400 vehicles
• Stop work immediately if untoward movement or new cracking is detected were destroyed and the car park
itself will have to be demolished.
The fire’s appearance shows
similarities with the fire that
devastated the Liverpool Echo
of strength once it became wet. There
R Full Report were no pile load test results confirming
Arena car park in 2018.

the screw piles would be capable of

The reporter was involved in a review resisting the loads in these ground
of works involving the stabilisation of conditions and the reporter concludes
a brickwork wall forming the gable the underpinning was unlikely to More from CROSS
end of a terraced house. The wall prevent further settlement, which could
had settled, rotated outwards and lead to possible collapse of the wall. Request a CPD talk from
presented with several major cracks. CROSS-AUS
The review revealed the wall had been The reporter previously encountered
similar uses of screw piles in The CROSS Team is available
underpinned using a combination of
underpinning works, which required the to give presentations to firms
mass concrete and inclined screw piles.
screw piles to resist substantial bending and organisations. These give
The reporter’s concern is that the moments induced due to eccentricities insight into the work of CROSS
use of inclined screw piles resulted between the screw pile and the centre and include examples of
in significant eccentricity of loading line of the underpinned wall. While failures and the lessons that can
to the piles, requiring them to resist the reporter does not have an issue be learned. To request a talk,
a combination of axial force and using screw piles in lightly loaded please email us and we will be
bending moment. The reporter notes systems for resisting vertical tension in touch to organise:
the situation was further compounded and compression loads, they do have>
by the geotechnical reports for the site, serious concerns with their effectiveness
which identified the top 1400mm of soil when required to resist substantial
as poor quality, low-strength fill which bending moments or lateral forces.
was highly vulnerable to further loss

CROSS-AUS Newsletter 10 | November 2023 | 8

Underpinning using screw piles

It is the reporter’s opinion that, although underpinning with For further information on the use of screw piles in general,
inclined screw piles may appear to be an easier alternative we suggest reviewing IPENZ’s Practice Note 28 - Screw
to traditional underpinning with mass concrete and/or bored Piles: Guidelines for Design, Construction & Installation>.
piers, it is not an appropriate design unless it can be shown
If you have any experience on the use of, or know of any
(by suitable calculation and testing) that it will achieve the
research into, inclined screw piles for underpinning, please
desired outcome.
get in touch via our Contact CROSS-AUS> form on our
website or the Feedback Form below.

C Expert Panel Comments Our general recommendations below can serve as useful
guidance of some of the potential risk areas associated with
Once again, this report illustrates the importance of underpinning and combined foundation arrangements.
understanding what is being designed and the actions that
must be resisted. Designers should:
Screw piles are typically used for load transfer in their axial • Assess the stability at every stage of construction. For
direction, not for transverse (shear) loading or for bending example, additional temporary shoring of the wall may
moment transfer. The arrangement usually considers screw be necessary
pile heads to be nominally pinned with reinforced pile
caps or crossheads. However, the application described • Consider the recommendations in the geotechnical report
by the reporter involves eccentrically loaded screw piles, or, if one is not available, undertake sufficient testing to
requiring a transfer of bending moment between both ensure the soil conditions are well understood and the
foundation and screw pile elements. As noted by the combined cast in situ reinforced concrete and screw pile
reporter, the adoption of a screw pile solution in this type combination will be effective. Often the use of shrinkage
of situation therefore requires design of the screw pile corrected grouts or expansive grouts, jacking, or other
and of its head connection to accommodate such bending means of pre-load are required. Cracks in walls are
moments, and the checking of the foundation for its usually repaired only after the foundations have stabilised
capacity to accommodate a similar moment.
• Evaluate the settlement potential of the completed
The tops of screw piles are normally fitted with large steel integrated solution
angle sections which are often bolted to the foundations.
• Specify any additional controls that may be necessary to
In situations where movement caused by the eccentricity of
mitigate risk including, but not limited to, movement and
the pile can be rectified using cross beams (such as waffle
monitoring settlement and cracks in walls. Note that this is
slabs), the problem of bending of the pile may not be
often extended to two years after construction to account
present. In many other situations, the eccentricity will be
for seasonal fluctuation of groundwater levels
real and bending in the pile shaft will be resisted to some
extent by the soil. This interaction is clearly complex, and
made more so as the soil providing resistance is disturbed
Contractors should:
by the screw itself.
• Review the stability provisions advised by the designer,
As a note of caution, while the practice of underpinning
and contact the designer as a matter of urgency if there
is generally appropriate where uncontrolled fill or other
are any concerns or ambiguities
forms of inadequate bearing capacity are present, there
have been cases of localised underpinning carried out on • Adhere to all hold points for inspection, monitoring
reactive clay sites where the underpinning process caused requirements, or limitations specified by the designer
more cracking than that which it intended to address. If
• Keep meticulous records of the construction works and
foundations are all moving with moisture variation, founding
all communications
a portion of the building on rock is unlikely to provide a
permanent solution to masonry cracking. • Stop work immediately if untoward movement or new
cracking is detected
Further, attention should be given to the life cycle differential
between steel screw piles and the underpinned masonry
structure, with adequate provision of durability protection
for the former in order to provide some level of compatibility Submit Report
between the elements. In earthquake environments,
consideration should also be given to the possibility and Submit Feedback
potential consequences of decoupling of the piles from the
main structure.

There has been some research into the use of inclined

screw piles, such as the Post-installation performance of
eccentric screw pile underpinning systems for residential
foundations> by Konstantin G. Ashkinadze, Consulting
Engineer, Edmonton, AB, Canada.

CROSS-AUS Newsletter 10 | November 2023 | 9

Installation of epoxy resin adhesive for reinforcing bar anchors

Installation of epoxy resin adhesive for reinforcing bar anchors

CROSS Safety Report Report ID: 1225

The reporter encountered an unsafe procedure for the installation of epoxy resin fixed
reinforcement bars. The correct procedure involves the insertion of epoxy resin to a pre-
determined depth within a pre-drilled hole followed by the insertion of the reinforcement
bars to the correct depth.

In the case of the unsafe procedure, the bars were inserted first and then a small amount
of epoxy resin had been placed around the top of the hole. This gave the appearance of
a correctly installed connection. This is a serious concern as the connections would have
almost no structural strength and could fail catastrophically.

Key Learning Outcomes

For civil and structural engineers: For building authorities:

• Encourage designers to carry out periodic inspections • Consider the introduction of mandatory certification
on-site to verify and validate the quality of site work, of installers
including use of simple pull-out tests

• Consider on-site checks for depths and diameters For contractors:

of holes, techniques for clean out, dryness of holes,
• Ensure installation is carried out by trained,
techniques for inserting rebars, and types of adhesive
experienced installers familiar with the product and
• Consider specifying installation of anchors method of installation
by certified entities only, with specified hold
• Refer to the Australian Engineered Fasteners and
points, recording measures and load testing of
Anchors Council (AEFAC) program for certification
independently selected anchors
of installers>

fail in service if not rectified. This raised a serious concern

R Full Report as the connections would have almost no structural strength
and could fail catastrophically if not identified and rectified
The reporter, a structural engineer working in a design before the casting of wet concrete.
consultancy, encountered two situations on separate sites
where reinforcement bars had been fixed by means of epoxy In the reporter’s opinion, these instances could have been
resin adhesive using a potentially unsafe procedure. deliberate attempts to save time and cost on site. They
highlight that inspection after the fact is not possible as
The correct procedure involves the insertion of epoxy resin everything becomes buried in concrete and, if the bars had
to full depth within a pre-drilled hole (of specified depth), not been noticed and pulled out by the site engineers, the
followed by the insertion of reinforcement bars to the underlying defects would not have been detected.
correct depth as required in the specification. In the case of
the unsafe procedure, the bars were inserted first (into an The reporter notes that AS5216:2021 - Design of post-
empty hole) and then a small amount of epoxy resin had installed and cast-in fastenings in concrete has been recently
been placed around the top of the hole which gave the introduced to include design of this type of connection.
appearance of a correctly installed connection. However, it does not specify any requirements for site
inspection, testing, and quality control. The reporter
Site engineers from the consulting firm had noticed the bars believes this Australian Standard should be amended to
extended out from the concrete further than was expected. include installation requirements similar to procedures for
When pulled by hand the bars came loose. The joints were welding, such as supervision, inspection and testing.
severely under capacity and would have the potential to

CROSS-AUS Newsletter 10 | November 2023 | 10

Installation of epoxy resin adhesive for reinforcing bar anchors

Also, the reporter considers there should be an education In general, the designer should consider specifying
program about the dangers of not installing these bars installation of anchors by certified entities only; and should
correctly, so that engineers and builders can put adequate specify hold points, recording measures and load testing of
inspection and testing regimes in place. independently selected samples for items when:

• there is a critical stage of load transfer that relies heavily

on one or more key details
C Expert Panel Comments • integrity of an individual connection is critical – i.e. load
redistribution and/or secondary pathways are not possible
Not only does this report illustrate, yet again, the deficiencies
in quality control in parts of the building and construction • there may be deficiencies in procedures of quality control
industry, it also introduces the unfortunate issue of potentially for highly critical elements of load transfer
reckless behaviour. • a risk of construction non-compliance is suspected
While the responsibility for construction compliance clearly In addition, where reckless activity is suspected, the relevant
lies with the contractor and the installer (and not the design parties to the Contract should consider whether they should
consultant), it nevertheless highlights the need for quality report it to the relevant statutory authorities (e.g. SafeWork
assurance compliance such as the attendance by designers to NSW, WorkSafe QLD/VIC, WorkSafe NZ etc) for further
carry out periodic inspections to provide an indication of the action, and also to Engineers Australia for consideration as a
contractor’s quality, where observed, and of the construction possible breach of professional ethics.
progress. It may also serve as an indicator of the need for
increased independent verification and validation of the There have been several previous CROSS reports related to
quality of site work. the incorrect installation of post-drilled resin fixings that have
led to structural collapse. This led to the publication of CROSS
With respect to the installation of post-fixed anchors and Alert Tension systems and post-drilled resin fixings> in
reinforcing bars, critical considerations include depth March 2014. Since that time searching the CROSS database
and diameter of holes, technique for clean out, dryness for resin fixings produces several more reports. Clearly, this is
of holes, technique for inserting rebars, and type of a continuing problem.
adhesive. Installation should always be carried out by
trained, experienced installers familiar with the product
and method of installation. The Australian Engineered
Fasteners and Anchors Council (AEFAC) conducts a program Submit Report
for certification of installers>, and it may be that building
authorities should consider making this mandatory for Submit Feedback
installers in the industry.

CROSS-AUS Newsletter 10 | November 2023 | 11

Installation of epoxy resin adhesive for reinforcing bar anchors

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