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Caliboso Francis Jade Kenneth P.

Crim 1-C



PLAN 5-10-20

Direction: Answer the following.

1. Who are you or what you would become.

- I want to be a good police officer. My self-image is someone who takes up this profession and aspires
to be highly skilled, dedicated, and a positive contributor to society.

2. What are your motivations for your envisioned self.

- Motivations for what I consider myself to be a good police officer may come from a desire to serve and
protect my community, maintain law and order, ensure justice, promote trust and safety, and make a
positive impact in people's lives. It may also include a sense of responsibility and integrity in upholding
the law.

3. Outline your plans on how you will make your envisioned self into reality

- In five years

- In ten years

- In twenty years

Here's an outline I can make of myself as a good cop:

In five years:

-Complete the necessary education and training required to become a police officer, which may include
attending a police academy and obtaining a degree in criminal justice or a related field.

-Gain practical experience through internships or ride-alongs with experienced police officers.
- Develop strong communication and interpersonal skills to effectively engage with the community.

- Engage in ongoing physical fitness to maintain the strength and stamina required for work.

-Be proactive in seeking opportunities for professional development and continuous learning.

In ten years:

- Work towards advancing my career within the police force, such as achieving promotions or
specializing in specific areas, such as investigations or community policing.

- Build a strong network of colleagues and mentors within the field.

-Participate in community outreach programs, building trust and positive relationships between the
police and the community.

- Continue to improve your knowledge and skills through advanced training programs, workshops, or
higher education opportunities.

- Maintain a commitment to ethical practices and promoting a fair and just approach to law

In twenty years:

-As an experienced police officer, you may consider taking on leadership roles within the police force,
such as becoming a supervisor, manager, or even working in a policy-making capacity.

- Act as a mentor to junior officers, passing on your experience and knowledge.

- Advocate for necessary changes and improvements within the police system to ensure better
community relations and more effective policing practices.

- Continue to actively participate in community engagement initiatives and foster positive relationships
between law enforcement and the public.

- Adapt to the changing landscape of law enforcement and embrace new technologies and
advancements to better serve the community.

4. How do you feel after doing the activity?

- What I feel while doing this activity is that I will improve my studies so that I can achieve my dream of
becoming a police officer and serving the government, However, after successfully completing the
activity of thinking and planning my journey to become a good police officer, it's natural to feel
motivated, eager, and determined. Taking the time to outline my goals and plans can bring clarity and
purpose, helping me stay focused on my path toward becoming who I desire for Myself.

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