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Class: Teen Living Date: 11/2/2023

Unit: Sewing Lesson Title: Sewing Tools
Content Standard Alignment:
5.04 Develop safe skills for clothing construction

Lesson Objectives/Instructional Outcomes: (Framework Domain 1c: Setting Instructional Goals)

Students will be able to name tools for sewing and their function in clothing construction.
Students will be able to demonstrate safe sewing skills by cutting fabric samples.

Relationship to Unit Structure: (Framework Domain 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)

Identifying appropriate sewing equipment and their functions will help students properly measure, cut, and sew
their product as a result of this unit.

Instructional Materials/Resources: (Framework Domain 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)

List all materials and resources required by teacher and/or students, include preparation or other special instructions; e.g. paper based materials
such as text books, technology equipment, science equipment or supplies, art materials or equipment.

Comprehensive list of sewing tools (Kaitlyn)
Student Notebooks
2 wrinkled fabric samples for ironing and press demo
1 piece of scrap fabric big enough to cut a 3x5’’ sample for teacher demo
1 rotary cutter for teacher demo
Individual station boxes of sewing tools (scissors, pincushions, etc.)
Fabric samples from the black basket in the back of the room by the closet
Ironing boards
Rotary cutters for each student (22)
Rotary rulers (22)
Rotary mats (11? Or 22)

Methods and Instructional Strategies

(Framework Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
Anticipated Student Misconceptions:
Students may think:
- Fabric scissors are just like regular scissors
- Scissors and shears are the same
- There’s low risk in sewing

Concept Prerequisites:
 Sewing
 Safety

Anticipatory Set: BEFORE CLASS
- Write the objective on the board: “Today you will be able to name sewing
tools and use them safely to cut fabric samples for your lanyards.”

Beginning of class: hand students various (not sharp) sewing tools and ask a few
students how to use them. The best tools for this practice would be bobbins, bobbin
cases, pin cushion, seam ripper, seam gauge, and or marking pens.
- Most students won’t know what they’re all called or how they’re used, so
tell them that by the end of today’s lesson they will know the different
sewing tools and how they will use them to sew lanyards in this sewing unit.
(5 minutes)

Instructional Activities:
Includes questioning techniques, On the “Notions” slide (slide 2), students will write down the description of notions
grouping strategies, pedagogical
approaches. in their chart starting on page 45 of their notebooks.

For each slide, the teacher will display 1-2 of the physical tools at each table so they
can see it in person. They will write down the name and its function in the charts of
their notebooks. The slides are in order of the tools listed on their chart. (15

Slide 9-10 After students write down the information about the iron and ironing
board, teacher demonstrates the difference between pressing and ironing.
Demonstration will be done from an overhead screenshare from an iPhone.
- Ironing is used to remove wrinkles by sliding the iron around the fabric.
- Pressing is done by lifting the hot iron on and off the piece of fabric
repeatedly to polish seams which makes it look more professional.
After demo, choose a student to explain the difference between ironing and pressing
to the whole class. (6 minutes)

On slide 16, have a student read the scissor rules out loud.
- Ask students: What can you cut fabric scissors with? What can you not cut
with fabric scissors and shears?

Slide 19 Instead of giving each table a rotary mat, the teacher will hold one up at the
front of the class and walk around the tables for everyone to see.

Slide 20 emphasize the importance of practicing safety with the rotary cutter
because the blade is a razor blade. Keep it closed or covered when not being used.
Mrs. Harris mentioned that she’s had many students injure themselves in this unit
alone, so pay attention and be careful!

Slide 21 have students take turns reading the 10 rules for using the rotary cutter.
Start with the front row since they’re closer to the board, but any student may pass
their turn if they don’t want to read out loud.

Teacher Demonstrates using the rotary cutter to cut a fabric sample with the
overhead screenshare on the iPhone. For left handed students, they will do the same
steps from the opposite side. So, they should mirror what the teacher demonstrates.
(7 minutes)
- Emphasize keeping fingers out of the way by placing them on the opposite
side of the blade on the rotary ruler.
- Make sure the fabric is laying flat and nothing is underneath.
- Use the ruler to measure the length of the sample you need to cut.
- Cut a 3’’x 5’’ sample with the rotary cutter.

Student assessment activity: before this activity, have students leave their phones at
their desks. They should not take them to the sewing stations with them.
Explain instructions before releasing students to their sewing stations. These
instructions are on slide 22. (20 minutes)
- Students will gather the tools and take them to their stations.
- Students can iron their fabric before cutting in order to make more accurate
- They will cut two 3’’x 5’’ samples and one 5’’x 5’’ sample.
o Instead of cutting a 3’’x 5’’ sample twice, consider folding the fabric
in half so you only have to cut it once, but you get two samples.
Teacher will walk around and observe students cutting their samples to ensure
everyone is practicing safety procedures and offer feedback.

Remind students that they must clean up their station before they leave class.
Wrap Up-
Synthesis/Closure: Kahoot: students will complete this 10 question Kahoot which highlights names and
functions of various tools as well as some safety rules. There’s a 10 player max, so
students will work with 2-3 people. (8 minutes)

If there is less time available to do a full Kahoot!, ask students to identify a new tool
they learned and explain its function in sewing to a partner. Then, select a few
students to share out loud with the class.

Differentiation According to Student Needs: (Framework Domain 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students)

- She can have a list of the tool names and functions on one sheet of paper if she needs it all in one place to
copy down.
- She will work with a partner on the Kahoot!

Assessment (Formative and Summative): (Framework Domain 1f: Assessing Student Learning)
May indicate the type of assessment most appropriate, or it may provide sample questions, entire tests, portfolio guidelines or rubrics if
available submitted along with the lesson plan as attachments.

- Kahoot!: students will be assessed on their ability to name sewing tools and their functions. The passing
criteria is that students will get at least 70% correct.
- All students will safely use a rotary cutter and cut two 3’’x 5’’ fabric samples and one 5’’x 5’’ sample with
80% accuracy.

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