Gy 100 Testing Questions

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Part one

1. What is geology?

2. Define the following terms

I. Rock
II. Minerals
III. Texture
IV. Weathering
V. Erosion

3. Describes the internal structure of the earth both physical and chemical composition

4. What is weathering, describes types of weathering and importance of weathering, mention the factors
determine type and rate of weathering.

5. What factors control chemical weathering, and describes different types of chemical weathering

6. Mention and explain type of physical weathering and factor control it

7. With diagram describes rock cycle

8. What is magma ,how its form and what its composition

9. Define the following terms

I. Igneous rock
II. Extrusive igneous rock
III. Intrusive igneous rock
IV. Pluton body
V. Magma differentiation
VI. Plate tectonics
VII. Texture

10. with examples describes different types of igneous textures and what control textures of igneous rocks

11. Describes different physical properties of minerals

12. Igneous rocks classified based on…………………..,…………….. and……………….

13. mention plutonic bodies you have learned…………..,…………..,………….,…………….and……….. can you test color ,hardness and strength of minerals and mention five precious
minerals,gamestone and semi-precious minerals
15. With diagram describes Bowne’s reaction theory and state its importance in igneous rock

16. What is extrusive equivalent of the following rocks gabbro, Granite, dolorite ,Peridotite

17. why there is different types of igneous rocks

18.what different between

I. Aphanitic and phaneritic

II. Pluton and extrusive
III. Sill and dyke
IV. Batholith and laccolith
V. Poryphyritic texture and pegmatitic texture
VI. Glassy texture and volcanics

19. Define volcanoes, mention types of volcanic eruption and state what factor control volcanic eruption

20.describes types of magma and describes its properties based on temperature,pressure,viscosity and

21.describes igneous rock based on color index and silica content .

Part two

1.What is sedimentary rocks ,mention types of igneous rocks

2.with examples describes types of sedimentary rocks sedimentary rock formed does angularity of grains and sorting of clastic sedimentary rocks determine deposition in terms of
distance of transportation

5. define the following terms

I. Compaction
II. Lithification
III. Cementation
IV. Diagnesis
V. Sediments
VI. Grain size and shape
VII. Grain sorting

6. with example what is different between chemical sedimentary rock and siliclastic sedimentary rock

7. Mention and describes different types of chemical and clastic sedimentary rocks

8. Differentiate between

I. Agglomerate and conglomerate

II. Breccia and tuff
III. Travertine and limestone
IV. Lapilli tuff and shale

9. Define the following terms

I. Metamorphic rock
II. Metamorphism
III. Aureoles
IV. Lineation

10.What factors control metamorphism ,mention and describes them

11.what is deposition environment ,mention different types of deposition environments

12.with neat diagram show deposition environment ,explain the mode of deposition of sediments and
types of sediments deposited

13.bed has thickness greater then………………………and lamination has thickness less than
…………………. the size in mm of the following clasts

I. Clay
II. Sand
III. Silt
IV. Lapilli
V. Ash
VI. Boulder
VII. Cobble
VIII. Pebble

15.What makes conglomerate differ from breccia does distance of transportation of sediments determine the size and shape of sediments

17.mention way in which following clasts can be deposited and states type of environments

I. Clay
II. Silt
III. Pebble ,cobble and boulder

18.what is fossil why are they important in geology

19.what is different between

a) trace fossil and body fossil

b) index fossil and trace fossil

20. mention and explain characteristics of index fossil

21. what is different between

a) Plutonism theory and uniformitarian theory

b) Relative dating and absolute dating
c) Radiometric dating and carbon 14 dating

22. Mention the philosophers of the following principles of geology and states the principles

a) Superposition
b) Horizontal continuity
c) Uniformitarianism
d) Radiometric
e) Fossil succession
f) Principle of cross cutting

23.what is fault mention other structure you have learned in gy 100

24. describe

a) Normal fault
b) Reverse fault/thrusting fault
c) Transform fault /strike slip fault


Study the figure on the next page (i.e. section 1.1) and answer the following questions

1.Establish the sequence of events that can be inferred from the given section - What principle(s) of
relative dating did you use in order to arrive at your interpretation of the relative timing of each event?

2. Is it possible to determine the absolute age of this rocks? If yes explain in detail how you may be able
to do this. .

3. Define all the unconformities in the section provided

2. with diagram Describes Wilson cycle

3.what types of fault shown on figure bellow

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

4. with diagram describes different type of plates boundary and gives examples of geological features
and events formed on each plate boundary

5. what is earth quake

6.define the following

a) Focus
b) Epicenter
c) Focal distance
d) Body waves
e) Secondary waves

7.What is rheology of the materials and mention types of deformation occurred on different rocks

8.what causes of mass extinction in Mesozoic era

9.mention and describes types of metamorphism and where are they occurred

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