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Chapter - 12 (Class-6)

Electricity and Circuits


**Power station: Electricity that we use at homes, in our factories, is supplied from a
power station.

**Electric Current
The flow of electric charges in a circuit is called an electric current. The direction
is taken from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the battery in an
external circuit.

**Electric Cell

 A cell is a source of electric power created inside by internal chemical reactions.

 When the chemicals inside the cell are exhausted, the cell needs to be replaced by
a new one.
 Cells have two terminals: a positive and a negative terminal. In order for current
to flow, the positive terminal must be connected to the negative terminal, and this
polarity must be maintained.

**Production of electricity in a cell: An electric cell produces a small amount of

electricity from chemicals stored inside it. When the chemicals in the electric cells are
used up, the electric cells stop producing electricity.

**Terminal: All types of electric cells have two terminals, a positive terminal and a
negative terminal. In a dry cell used in our homes, the central carbon rod is the positive
(+) terminal and the zinc contained is the negative (-) terminal.

**Battery: When two or more cells are joined together, the combination is called a


 An electric wire is a conducting path in an electric circuit through which current

 It is usually made out of a metal that is a good conductor of electricity.

**Electric Bulb, and its Working

 It consists of a thin wire that glows due to the passage of current. This is known
as the filament.
 An electric circuit provides a closed path for the current to flow. The terminals of
the bulb are connected by wires to the electric cell.
 Sometimes the bulb does not glow as the filament gets fused (breaks) due to

**Electric circuit

A closed-loop path, which the current takes, is known as an electric circuit.

 When the path of the circuit is closed, current flows through it.
 When there is a break in the path (the switch is open), then the circuit is open
and not conducting, so the current does not flow.
**Circuit: The complete path, from one terminal of the electric cell through the bulb
and back to the other terminal of the electric cell, is called a circuit.
**Open circuit: If there is any gap in the path of a circuit, the bulb does not light up.
Such a circuit is called an open circuit.
**Closed circuit: The bulb lights up only when a bulb and wire form a complete path,
which starts at one terminal of electric cell and ends at the other terminal. Such a
circuit is called a closed circuit.

**Flow of current in a circuit: As soon as the path from one terminal of electric cell to
the other is completed, an electric current starts flowing through the circuit and the
bulb lights up. The electric current flows from the positive terminal of the electric cell
to its negative terminal.In the bulb, current enters through one of its terminals, flows
through the filament inside the bulb and comes out through the other terminal of the
bulb. When the current flows through the filament, it starts glowing.

**Fused bulb: If the filament of the bulb is broken, the circuit is not corhpleted and
hence the current cannot flow. The bulb with broken filament is called a fused bulb.
When a bulb gets fused, it does not light up.

**Electric switches: Electric switch is a simple device that either breaks the circuit or
completes it to stop or start the flow of current.

 When the switch completes the circuit, it is called closed switch.

 When the switch breaks the circuit, it is called open switch

​ ​ ​ ​ ​
**Conductors and insulators

 Any material that allows the electric current to pass through it is called the
conductor. For example, metals like copper
 Materials that do not allow the free flow of current through them are known as
bad conductors or insulators. For example, rubber and plastic

**Conduction tester: It is a simple device to test whether a material is a conductor or


**Filament: The thin wire that gives off light is called the filament of the bulb.

**Bulb: An electric bulb is a device which glows and emits light, when electric current
is passed through it.

**Dry cell: Dry cell is a source of electricity. It generates direct current (DC) due to
chemical reaction that takes place inside it.

1. What is the flow of current?

Current flow basically means the flow of electric charges with respect to time.
2. What is an electric cell?
An electric cell is a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
3. Who invented electricity?
Benjamin Franklin had one of the greatest scientific minds of his time. He was
interested in many areas of science, and made many discoveries. In the mid-1700s, he
became interested in electricity.
4. Name the scientist who invented electric cell and the scientist who invented
electric bulb.
Electric cell: Alessandro Volta.
Electric bulb: Thomas Alva Edison.


1. (a) switch
(b) two

2.(a) True
(b) False
(c) False.
3.Explain why the bulb would not glow in the arrangement shown in fig

Ans: The bulb would not glow in the arrangement shown in figure because the one end
of tester/screw driver is made up of plastic which does not allow the electric current to
flow through it.

4. Complete the drawing shown in Fig. 12.9 to indicate where the free ends of the
two wires should be joined to make the bulb glow.


5. What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name some electrical gadgets
that have switches built into them.
Ans: Electric switch is used to make electric circuit open or closed for a particular
appliance and hence with the help of a switch we can use an appliance according
6. Would the bulb glow after completing the circuit shown in Fig. 12.9 if instead of
safety pin we use an eraser?
Ans: No, since eraser is an insulator so it does not allow the current to pass. Hence the
bulb will not glow.

7. Would the bulb glow in the circuit shown in Fig. 12.11.

Ans: Yes, the electric circuit is closed so the bulb will glow.

8. Using the“conduction tester” on an object it was found that the bulb begins to
glow. Is that object a conductor or an insulator? Explain.
Ans: Yes, if the object is good conductor of electricity then current will pass through
conduction tester and the bulb will glow. Hence the object will be a conductor of

9. Why should an electrician use rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch
at your home? Explain.
Ans: Our body is good conductor of electricity and rubber is insulator. During repairing
work if the body comes in contact with current carrying wire then there will not be any
accident as rubber does not allow the passage of current through it. Hence electrician
uses rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch.

10. The handles of the tools like screwdrivers and pliers used by electricians for
repair work usually have plastic or rubber covers on them. Can you explain why?
Ans: Plastic or rubber is an insulator which does not allow electric current to pass
through it. The handles of the tools like screwdrivers and pliers used by electricians for
repair have covering of plastic or rubber so that electric current may not pass through
these tools to the body of the electrician to harm him.


1. What is meant by an electric circuit?

2. Draw a circuit consisting of a cell, a torch bulb and connecting wires?

3. What is meant by a complete circuit?

4. What is meant by an open circuit?

5. Draw a labelled diagram of a torch?

6. Where does a torch gets electricity from?

7. Why do we need a switch in the torch?

8. How does a fused bulb differ from a normal bulb?

9. What happens to the circuit when the bulb in it gets fused?

10. What is the purpose of using an electric switch?

11. Name some electrical gadgets which have switches built into them?
12. What is the function of a switch?
13. What is an open switch?
14. What is a closed switch?
15. What is torch?

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