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Department of Physiology, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bengaluru

First Internal Assessment examination of MBBS Batch 2022-23

Date: 17-03-2023 Max Marks: 80 Max time: 2 hours 30 minutes

Long Essay: 2 X 10 = 20

1. Describe the different modes by which carbon-di-oxide is transported in the blood. What are
Bohr effect and Haldane effect? 6+2+2
2. With diagrams, describe the morphology of different types of Leucocytes. List the functions
of each type 5+5

Short Essay: 6 X 5 = 30

3. Describe the source, composition, and functions of Pulmonary surfactant

4. If a person voluntarily hyperventilates for a while, it is followed by a brief period of apnoea.
Explain the physiological basis of this phenomenon. How do central chemoreceptors
function in regulation of respiration? 2+3
5. Describe the mechanism of excitation contraction coupling in the skeletal muscle
6. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the Action potential of a nerve. Mention the ionic fluxes
that take place during each phase 2+3
7. “Positive feedback is not common in homeostasis” explain this statement with an example
8. A person lost some amount of blood in a road traffic accident. He had to be transfused with
blood from the blood bank. But soon after, he developed fever, chills, and itchiness all over
the body.
a) What is the physiological basis of this condition?
b) What tests should have been done to prevent it?
c) Explain the law that is applied in the test 2+1+2

Short Answers: 10 X 3 = 30

9. Mention the stages of Wallerian degeneration

10. List the differences between fast twitch and slow twitch skeletal muscles
11. What is Saltatory conduction? What is its advantage?
12. Draw a neat labelled graph depicting pressure and volume changes during inspiration and
13. What is the basis of decompression sickness?
14. What is the normal FEV1/FVC ratio? What is its clinical significance?
15. Describe secondary active transport of glucose
16. What features of inulin make it an ideal indicator for measurement of Extracellular fluid
17. Mention three mechanisms by which blood is prevented from clotting within blood vessels
18. Define Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate. What is its clinical significance?

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