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4.7 Citigen Charter Citigenis charter is a ao Lusrilen declaroion py Service providers 1, Choice, cecentibily .Man- diseximination, “2 Concerning their Service stanc Obenness, dod accountab i. MPSA Qocutrals whic eruisions. the commitment of on organjaplion ievonce towards standard, Fiend and quality aan of Services, and 83 yedressal mechanisms . Concept : + She Conservative ee of Toho Major had ortiailated ond seoplermen- ' or Bhe Fast-Kme 4 ed Lhe Citiger chert peu ah United Kino 4 ane fi 1994. usith She om to ae sinheee ply of {pub seraies bridge behuxen Service ‘provides anu Citigen Charter ach as 0 accesible and quelity seneice Go.the beneficiaries fer prosidio dhe Content of develsbing. Country Like Nepal , implementokien of Co uneeded ne severa) reosons such as makin; peple quwore to their rights, moking people satisfied senpannning 4! and Standard of sesvices, and preclic ‘able Aerurees, making service providers Jp ane puabe and 2naintaining public trust nilocol vhstitutions. dhe conceft of She citigen + chorterQoshaines tne Me Meliseen) Sie Serice riser and its users So as do empower she Citizen ah relahon to public ensice delivery. ising Hen sapible and accountable ue the quality of Services ub the moun ebyechve Hizen Charfes ushich has been expected so poovide 1 Usiwh Least cos} , usithard Combrmising on oes Bei, ee aa sce CC w has been se dp deliver the admirable an : gives more ae 40 peple fe ea , fovitlae pesple by brow ig ese , I De and he electronic Cea Li Econemic Sie ie —— Eeonemic effitiensy ah Ce widde dhe poorer : er cn wind Silt f ensices : + Volue fe Meni is CC Volue Apes orhayers? money, Since Qovesnr mevenue through fox, is Combelled to deli vex eect J 5 feple. On the port of public also, fo exbecl_me and effectveness 4 services since they have poids money emphasized on efficient and econemical deli ubbe Semutes usithad the resources the nation can of ford J sndebendent weleatny erformonce against Atandarda . . aca Delve of Services : One of £he benefits of CO i Him public ak any cost Aothal the producti dime not be wesled and fe Aabisfied with the services achieved delivery of dermices fo the ersice users Should ab: Reshensivences : Respnadeness Jo ane cigent the main ove sare, he demo- cookie xighls Aofegvard athe civ and poutiea! {ahi and tibertes for es he wistituHons of geverornaad ‘ep resentahue and accountable to she Ne ,ushich ensures the equal sigh of the cigs 8 have a voice 1 pubic abba a “wb public wivhituions a8 oxtenaplional reform by broad prinables Epes pubsle management ushich above mentivas esfechives: Based n\-NPM (news doctrines CC foctltala ia deiveriog € [fective ond , an term of cosh, quai, Himelines ond moking, the ons decoutable ond frmste more dhgen porticpabin a7 yg ond 40 ils iraplementlin B+ con bel thas dhe hiafeg to pavwide the effisent ond ‘ronshoreal aewices do fhe ich Ce ach os ato! of it 4 xe the us the NPM ub ush' “ey of aul esvices en Charler sn Nebo): charter is the Commitmen) letter of {public office for pubic ich abeludes desenbton of Services provided, procent.cost, zen Charts 4b Nebal un 2086 Bs. Hhreugh o welass and whcome fos vadigents” isgued , OF Anhlone e850 C w & pus off J ond Chorte sth Compensation ea Dinechive, 2069 as an effect. eee of Citigen Chorler usith Combensation 4 Some auch as tronsberk conway land revenue , immigation, expiant Apache etc. Provision related 40 Cikizen Chorler 1p Grood Governance Act, 2064 ide 95. Citigtn's Chorley Ja be maintained : eal ererutcie! office (public office) ‘responsible for debverig public elation shall maintain cihgens ig Service or shvolued an if ap the visible ploee gies chose, rode Sy ‘bp sub. sedhion (4), dha cookain, at of Service offered o the office and iks nabure; the service user Ceustomes) to Beno : eat OS secre SS € Portiulars of the fees sla be chorjed or other amount to be paid. f ay do receive the Service 5 Otber matiers os prescribed J iy (8) dhe maties menkioned uh sub-section (4) shall be mandatoyy 40 be concerned of fice and it shall be the ral of she chief of dhe ‘Concesned serute 3 other bersonnel thereof, to delives Service erfouming othe offs one Penna Hen yh usosk ecceee \evots (4) Jefertnstl octin may te taken afoins! the sichare of concerned a office ‘and aot Steff thereof uA case the service uses ( cuytome: diss act receive service due da the -foiline of the office Ja _ecfowm the work (ob) utsuon) do sub-echion (4) as mention wm citigens J re \end yeir oY oe Charter usthout a weasonable Cause, (5) “The amaunt of Combenscton, for the lass incured de the customes yale un case hel she does net receive the service clue to the foidure of the ae fice 40 delive service oe Jo ciligens charter ‘rmode pursvan} Sane £0 Aub=sechion li), shall be as rescxibed by of unformetion about Service ete © Consultation “with wsess’. 1 cei BA Sesvice dleluey sand 0 of ndressel of uta ee: dads: She Charler Should dpyout explicit standards of derute a0 cera exbect fro 50 thak users understood ushat relevant, accurate, iders. hese Standarcls should be tme- bound, Specific: dhe achual performance vis-a-vis We standacds be papal aod ndependen, Validated: She lenden ommeg j Fergets ‘and standards based on +heir own aeryite us the availabilty of televont and ad the io ie and of the xighl ge and accurate ciby of Aervice bo be ooo Ks , ue Choice aod Consultation : jhe Chorter Should provide Choice of Services do Users ushereves chee should be areas and AN consuttetion usith proch cable. Hhe sensice to fm service stondords and fo ascertaun dhe users oe of Aeruice oa cara and Helpfulness ‘he Charter can help enbed a culture of courteous and helpful Service feo public servos Qo addition small itiahives such as “nome badges”, al Ai, belp you? Counters ek. con, go 0 es e pears customer Confidence Grievance redressal oad complaints hond.liog here ssa Skoog sink behueen dhe brouision of q service and effective handing of complaints ol fal faaviateg and ss, do conplaials, 4 cousey for complaint con be reduced. Secondly , § 5 asoTUe identifying «trends? vp complotols dhe service _peevider panaae ie and rea paoblens.

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