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Genesis 22:1-22 V5

Abraham father of faith

Genesis 12 starts his testing
75- Promise to be blessed and be a blessing/ father of nation
24 years later- whatever God has promise is never been
forgotten/ u will have a son/ change His name
Abram- exalted father
Abraham- father of many
100- u will have a son, 90 c Sarah/ centennial baby
20 years later- god talked again to Abraham
Verse 1
Tested: NASAH to prove the quality
Isaac is sacrifice not to kill him but to TEST Abrahams Faith
It doesn’t mean ur in a test because God is duda in ur faith
God knows u have faith, u believe, GOD wants the quality of ur
How to test something?
We are being tested not because God doubts our FAUTH but to
test the quality of our Faith
BIG trials comes form BIG FAITHS
If u want to have a BIG FAITH, u need to face BIG trials
God is not impressed with MABAIT, GIVER, LOVER….
FAITH is not being nice to the LORD
FAITH is Submission to HIS will
Example: marriage
Tested not tempted
Test: objective to pass
Temp: objective to fail
James 1 :13
God wants to to be tested to pass the test
God wants to develop us, not to destroy us
God wants to build u
Don’t pray mawala ang problema, pray for strength to pass the
Example: patience test
Example: JOSEPH- u meant it for my harm, but GOD wants for
my good( gen. 50:20)
Life is like a wrestling: it fights back
God test us not to see until when we can stand, How strong we
God knows ur strength, test is for us to know how strong we are
Our problems today, are preparing us for the challenges of
TRIVIA: law of first mention: LOVE requires sacrifice
Big order big Obedience
V3: early the next morning

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