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 Subject : Physics (042)

 Session : 2023-24
 Submitted by : Devesh Singh
 Class : XII – A Roll no : 12
 Submitted to : Vikas Dubey sir


This is to certify that (Miss/Master) Devesh Singh of class XII, Jai Academy has
successfully completed the Investigatory Project in Physics titled, “To investigate dependence
of angle of deviation on angle of incidence using a hollow prism filled one by one with
different transparent fluids.” for class XII Practical Examination (2023-24) of the Central
Board of Secondary Education, under the guidance of Mr. Vikas Dubey .

(Subject Teacher) (School stamp)

(Principal) (External Examiner)



I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our Physics teacher,

Mr. Vikas Dubey for their able guidance and support in
completing this project . I would also like to extend my gratitude to
our Principal, Mr. Sanjay Singh for providing me with all the facility
that was required.

Sr. Sub-topic Page Number
1 Cover Page 1

2 Certificate 2

3 Acknowledgement 3

4 Index 4

5 Aim and Apparatus Required 5

6 Theory 6

7 Process 7-8

8 Observations 9-11

9 Conclusion 12

10 Precautions 13

11 Bibliography 14

The aim of this project is to investigate dependence of angle
of deviation on angle of incidence using a hollow prism filled
one by one with different transparent fluids.


The hypothesis of this project is –

• The angle of deviation increases with increase in angle

of incidence.

• The angle of deviation does not depend on the liquid

used in the hollow prism for deviation.

Apparatus Required:

1.Hollow glass prism

2. Liquids like-

Carbon Disulphide Water Benzaldehyde

3.Bell pins

4.Stiff drawing board



. A prism is a transparent optical object with flat,

polished surfaces that refract light. Prisms can
be made from any material that is transparent
including glass and even plastic.

• A prism can be used to break light up into its

constituent spectral colors. Prisms can also be used to
reflect light, or to split light into components with
different polarizations.

• The refractive index of the liquid is given by the


U= =

U=refractive index of the liquid.
a = angle of minimum
deviation d=angle of prism
i=angle of incidence
r=angle of refraction



. Fix a white sheet of paper on the drawing board with

helps of pin.
• Keep the prism on the paper and draw its outline as
• Drop a normal PQ on the side AB.

• Draw the angle of incidence in accordance with the

normal PQ and place 2 pins so that they appear to be in
the straight line.

• Place the prism filled with given sample of liquid on the

marked outline ABC.

• Now take the pins and place them on the side AC so

that all the 4 pins appear to be in same line.

• Remove the prism and draw the line joining the points so

• Mark the diagram as shown in the figure below

• Repeat this with different liquids and different angle of



The following are the observation tables of each of the

liquids used to find out their respective refractive indices-

• Benzaldehyde:

Sr. No.: Angle of Angle of Angle of

prism incidence deviation

1. 60 30 45

2. 60 35 42

3. 60 37.5 40

4. 60 39 42
5. 60 40 45

U = = 1.504

Sr. No. Angle of Angle of Angle of

prism incidence deviation

1. 60 30 25

2. 60 35 22

3. 60 40 20

4. 60 45 22
5. 60 50 25

6. 60 55 28

• Water:

U = 1.306

Sr. No. Angle of Angle of Angle of

prism incidence deviation

1. 60 20 33

2. 60 30 30

3. 60 35 25

4. 60 40 29

5. 60 45 30

• Dilute Sulphuric Acid:

U = = 1.351

Graphical representation of observations:


The refractive indices change when the liquid used in the
prism changes. From the above experiment we can also
conclude that refractive index of a liquid depends on its
optical density.
Refractive indices of the used liquids obtained, when
compared with the actual values are as follows-
1. Benzaldehyde:
Actual = 1.5456
Obtained = 1.504
Deviation/Error = 0.0416

2. Water:
Actual = 1.33
Obtained = 1.306
Deviation/Error = 0.024

3. Dil. Sulphuric Acid

Actual = 1.43
Obtained = 1.351
Deviation/Error = 0.079

Analysis and Interpretation:

From the observations above, we can analyze that the angle

of deviation is depending on the liquid present in the prism
as, the angle of deviation is different for Benzaldehyde,
water and dilute sulphuric acid at 30 (45, 25 and 30

We can also see that the angle of deviation does depend on

the angle of incidence, as when the angle of incidence is
changed the angle of deviation also changes.

The theoretical values of all the angle of deviations for all

liquids may vary due to different concentration and different
prisms being used for the experiment. The observations
may also be affected by the physical conditions like
humidity and temperature of surroundings.


Comparing the conclusions to our initial hypothesis, we can

say that Our first hypothesis, i.e. “The angle of deviation
increases with increase in angle of incidence” is wrong as
the angle of deviation first decreases then increases with
increase in angle of incidence.

We can further conclude that our second hypothesis, i.e.

”The angle of deviation does not depend on the liquid used
in the hollow prism for deviation” is also wrong.


• Angle of incidence should be between 35 and 60 for better

observations and accurate readings.

• Pins should be vertically fixed and should not be bent or

damaged as reading can change.

• Same hollow prism should be used for all observations

to minimize error due to prism.

• Error or deviation in obtained refractive indices must not

be more than 0.1.

• The distance between the pins should be more than



⇨ Refractive index has the large number of applications.

It is mostly applied for identify a particular substance,
confirm its purity, or measure its concentration.

⇨ Generally it is used to measure the concentration of a

solute in an aqueous solution. For a solution of sugar,
the refractive index can be used to determine the
sugar content.

⇨ It can be used to determine the drug concentration in

pharmaceutical industry.

⇨ It is used to calculate focus power of lenses

and dispersing power of prisms.


The content used in this project has been referred from the following sources :

• Textbook in Physics, Class XII, ( NCERT)

• Laboratory Manual in Physics, Class XII, (NCERT)

• Google

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