ADARSH Mini Project

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ROLL NUMBER: 11 & 16

PROJECT MENTOR: _______________________________

SUBMISSION DATE: _______________________________


I wish to express my profound appreciation to ___________________, my mentor, for her

steadfast backing, invaluable counsel, and constant motivation throughout the duration of this
project. Her expertise and perspectives played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory and
emphasis of my work. I'm also deeply grateful to ______________________, whose input and
recommendations significantly elevated the substance and caliber of this undertaking. His
contributions have been of immeasurable value.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to my family and friends for their understanding, forbearance, and
motivation during this educational journey. Their support provided me with the impetus to
persist through obstacles and strive for excellence.

Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the resources and facilities provided by Uttaranchal
University. The conducive academic atmosphere played an essential role in the triumphant
completion of this project.





I Adarsh & Aditya, hereby affirm that the project report titled "CURRENCY CONVERTER"
is the outcome of my individual effort and exploration, unless otherwise specified. All sources
of information and materials utilized have been duly acknowledged.

I confirm that no portion of this project has been presented in any form for any other degree,
diploma, or certification, whether within this institution or elsewhere. This work has not been
published in any academic journal or elsewhere, except where explicitly mentioned.

I recognize that ethical considerations have been taken into account in the execution of this
project. Appropriate permissions and approvals were obtained for carrying out surveys,
interviews, or any other research-related activities involving human subjects.

I assume complete accountability for any inaccuracies, exclusions, or disparities that may arise
in this project. Additionally, I am familiar with the academic integrity policy of this institution
and comprehend the repercussions of any form of plagiarism or academic misconduct.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to my project advisor, _____________________, for their

invaluable direction, support, and mentorship throughout the duration of this project. Their
expertise and perspectives have played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory and emphasis of
my research.

Signature: _______________________

Date: ___________________________

I hereby confirm that the project titled "CURRENCY CONVERTER," which I have submitted
to Uttaranchal University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the BCA degree, is a
genuine and independent work conducted by me. I was guided by _______________________,
a faculty member of USCS, Uttaranchal University, throughout the project.

solemnly affirm that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the content of this project is
entirely original and has not been previously submitted, either partially or in full, for any other
degree or diploma, within this institution or any other.

Furthermore, I assure that I have appropriately credited all sources from which information has
been gathered.

I am fully aware that any form of plagiarism or academic misconduct will result in disciplinary
measures in accordance with the rules and regulations of Uttaranchal University.


Date: 30-09-2023

Signature: _______________________




ACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................................................................................... 2
DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... 3
CERTIFICATE OF ORGINALITY....................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 6
OBJECTIVE ......................................................................................................................... 7
SCOPE OF THE PROJECT.................................................................................................. 8
............................................................................................................................................... 8
SYSTEM ANALYSIS/REQUIRMENT ................................................................................. 9
EXISTING SYSTEM: ........................................................................................................ 9
PROPOSED SYSTEM...................................................................................................... 10
HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE USED ....................................................................... 11
SYSTEM DESIGN ................................................................................................................. 11
FLOW CHAT ......................................................................................................................... 13

The C programming language, known for its flexibility and efficiency, provides an ideal
platform for developing a currency converter. This program is designed to facilitate seamless
conversions between different monetary units, enabling users to effortlessly switch between
currencies. At its core, the program is structured around the main() function, acting as the
central hub for executing the conversion operations. Within this framework, we establish
variables to hold the user's input value and the resulting converted amount. User interaction is
streamlined through carefully designed input prompts and output displays, ensuring an intuitive
and user-friendly experience.

Critical to the functionality of the converter is the incorporation of accurate conversion rates.
These rates serve as the linchpin for precise and reliable currency exchanges. By utilizing
predetermined exchange rates, the program performs calculations that reflect real-world
monetary values. This meticulous attention to detail distinguishes a well-crafted currency
converter, offering users a trustworthy tool for their financial needs.

Through this structured approach, we lay the foundation for a robust and efficient currency
converter in C. This program not only demonstrates the language's capabilities but also
addresses a practical requirement in today's globalized economy, where seamless currency
conversions are integral for both personal and professional financial transactions.

Design an intuitive interface that prompts users to input the amount they want to convert
and select the source and target currencies.

Incorporate up-to-date and accurate conversion rates for various currency pairs. These
rates serve as the basis for precise conversions.

Implement robust error handling mechanisms to address potential issues, such as invalid
user inputs or network-related errors when fetching exchange rates.

Allow users to choose from a wide range of currencies, reflecting the diverse needs of
international users.

Develop an algorithm that efficiently performs the currency conversion, ensuring

minimal computational overhead.

Present the converted amount in a clear and comprehensible format, including

appropriate labels and decimal precision

Rigorously test the program with various inputs to ensure accurate and reliable
conversions under different scenarios.

Provide comprehensive documentation, including comments within the code, to

enhance readability and maintainability for future reference or potential collaboration.

1. Basic Conversion Functionality:

➢ The core functionality involves converting a specified amount from one
currency to another using predetermined exchange rates.
2. User Interface:
➢ A user-friendly interface will be designed to prompt users for input, display
conversion results, and guide them through the process.
3. Currency Selection:
➢ The program should allow users to select both the source and target currencies
from a comprehensive list, providing flexibility for international users.
4. Exchange Rate Management:
➢ The program should incorporate mechanisms to manage and update exchange
rates, ensuring accuracy and reliability in conversions.
5. Error Handling:
➢ Effective error handling should be implemented to address potential issues like
invalid inputs, network errors (when fetching live rates), or unexpected program
6. Input Validation:
➢ The program should validate user inputs to ensure they conform to expected
formats and ranges, enhancing the program's robustness.
7. Multiple Conversion Options:
➢ Depending on the user's requirements, the program may offer various conversion
options, such as one-time conversions, batch conversions, or historical


1. Program Structure:
➢ The program is written in C programming language. It consists of a main
function and additional functions for currency conversion.
2. Conversion Functions:
➢ The program includes two conversion functions: USD_to_EUR() and
EUR_to_USD(). These functions take a single argument (amount in either
USD or EUR) and return the converted amount.
3. Conversion Rates:
➢ Conversion rates are assumed based on a certain date. For USD to EUR, the
conversion rate is 0.85, and for EUR to USD, it is 1.18.
4. User Interaction:
➢ The program prompts the user to enter an amount and the currency (either
'USD' or 'EUR') to convert. The input is taken via the standard input stream.
5. Conversion Logic:
➢ Depending on the user's input, the program chooses the appropriate conversion
function. It then calculates the converted amount using the predetermined
conversion rates.

1. Input:
➢ The program should prompt the user to enter the amount in a specific currency
(e.g., USD).
2. Conversion Function:
➢ Create a function that takes the amount in the source currency as input and
returns the equivalent amount in the target currency. This function should
incorporate the current exchange rate.
3. Exchange Rates:
➢ You'll need to decide on the currencies you want to convert between and gather
the latest exchange rates. These rates should be used in the conversion function.
4. Display Output:
➢ After the conversion, the program should display the original amount and the
equivalent amount in the target currency.
5. Error Handling:
➢ Implement error handling to deal with invalid inputs (e.g., non-numeric input)
or scenarios where the conversion cannot be performed.
6. User Interface:
➢ Design a user-friendly interface with clear instructions for input and output.












1. Main Module:
✓ This module contains the main () function where program execution starts. It handles
user interaction, calls other modules, and displays the output.
2. Input Module:
✓ This module is responsible for getting user input. It may include functions to prompt
the user for input and validate the input.
3. Output Module:
✓ This module handles the display of results to the user. It may include functions
for printing the converted amounts in a user-friendly format.
4. Error Handling Module:
✓ This module is dedicated to handling errors and providing meaningful error
messages to the user. It could include functions to detect and handle invalid
5. Exchange Rate Module:
✓ If you want to allow for dynamic exchange rate updates, this module can handle
fetching and updating exchange rates from an external source.
6. User Interface Module:
✓ This module focuses on creating a user-friendly interface, which includes
presenting instructions, menus (if applicable), and gathering user input.
7. Utility Module:
✓ This module can include any additional utility functions that might be needed,
such as formatting currency symbols or handling data types.

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