What Cleaner Can I Use To Clean Circuit Board

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What Cleaner Can I Use to Clean Circuit Board?

Printed circuit boards (PCB) need routine cleaning during manufacturing,

rework and maintenance to remove contaminants like flux residues, dust,

grease and other particles. Choosing the right circuit board cleaner is

important to effectively remove contamination without damaging the

board. This article discusses different types of PCB cleaners, how to select

the appropriate one, cleaning methods and best practices.

Table of Contents

Need for Cleaning Circuit Boards

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Following are some key reasons for cleaning PCBs:

 Remove corrosive flux residues after soldering – These can degrade

performance over time if not cleaned properly. No-clean flux also

leaves minor residues.

 Eliminate dust, dirt and particulates – These can lead to short

circuits or affect heat dissipation.

 Remove grease, oil and silicones – They can coat test pads or socket

contacts hindering detection.

 Take off adhesive residues – From stickers or labels which may

insulate traces.

 Get rid of oxidized copper and tarnishing – Can negatively impact

soldering if not removed.

 Correct field failures by cleaning – Contamination is a common

cause of field failures.

 Prepare boards for conformal coating – Coating adhesion relies on a

pristine PCB surface.

 Allow inspection of boards – Cleaning facilitates easier visual


Proper cleaning is thus vital both during assembly and for maintenance of

operational PCBs. Using the right cleaner avoids issues

like corrosion while removing residues.

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Properties of a Good PCB Cleaner

An effective PCB cleaner exhibits following desirable properties:

 Cleaning ability – Should thoroughly remove fluxes, pastes, greases,


 Material compatibility – Should not damage board substrate,

components, coatings.

 Residue-free cleaning – Should not leave any cleaner residues after


 Quick drying – Fast evaporation allows quicker processing.

 Non-flammability – Important for safety given organic solvents.

 Minimal odor – Reduces environmental impact.

 Reusability – Allows multiple cleaning cycles improving economy.

 Accessibility – Easily available from supply sources.

 Low cost – Important considering regular use during production.

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Types of Circuit Board Cleaners

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Some common options for PCB cleaners include:

Aqueous Cleaners

 Water-based cleaners with detergents, pH modifiers.

 Non-flammable, biodegradable, usable at room temperature.

 May leave water residues requiring extra drying.

 Poor at removing some organic residues.

Semi-Aqueous Cleaners

 Contain mild solvents in water for added cleaning ability.

 Evaporate faster than aqueous cleaners.

 Less flammable than solvents. May still require rinsing.

Solvent Cleaners

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 Strong organic solvents like acetone, isopropyl alcohol (IPA),

methanol etc.

 Very effective at removing organic flux, greases, oils.

 Fast evaporation at room temperature. Highly flammable.

 Some chlorinated solvents like 1,1,1-Trichloroethane available but

being phased out.

Terpene Cleaners

 Derived from pine, orange oils. Non-hazardous, non-flammable.

 Biodegradable but slower to evaporate than solvents.

 Weaker cleaning ability than solvents. Mostly used with frequent


Engineered Cleaners

 Uses surfactants for cleaning combined with corrosion inhibitors.

 Provides both cleaning and temporary corrosion protection.

 Used as benchtop spray or inline cleaners.

Selecting the Right Circuit Board Cleaner

Selection criteria for PCB cleaners depends on application:

During Manufacturing

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 Strongest cleaning ability preferred to remove all residues and

maximize first-pass yield.

 Quick evaporation allows faster processing. Flammability addressed

by safe storage.

 Low cost important as used routinely in every batch.

 Residue testing essential to avoid any cleaner vestiges.

Field Maintenance/Rework

 Strong cleaners used but with emphasis on safety. Accessibility in

aerosol cans useful.

 Non-flammable, non-hazardous cleaners may be mandated.

 Cleaners with corrosion inhibitors help protect cleaned boards.

 Evaporation time and residues lesser concerns with one-off usage.

Cleaning Methods for Circuit Boards

Some ways PCB cleaners are applied:

Manual Cleaning

 Cleaner applied manually using brushes, swabs, wipes.

 Used for prototype, on-demand cleaning.

 Labor intensive but good for limited, selective cleaning.

Ultrasonic Bath

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 PCBs immersed in cleaning solution tank which is ultrasonically


 Provides consistent, thorough cleaning. Particularly good for odd

board shapes.

 Allows high volume batch cleaning.

Spray In Air

 Cleaner sprayed using nozzles onto PCB held in a fixture.

 Automated using a conveyorised system with multiple spray/rinse


 Facilitates selective cleaning of areas. Fast.

Vapour Phase Cleaning

 PCB exposed to cleaning solvent vapours which condense

selectively on cooler residues dissolving them.

 Very effective at removing even microscopic surface contaminants.

 No residues left from drying. Expensive equipment.

Dishwasher type Batch Cleaners

 PCBs loaded in a cabinet with spray nozzles.

 Automated cleaning cycles with various solutions and rinses.

 Moderate throughput suitable for small batches.

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Water-based vs Solvent Circuit Board Cleaners



Water-based cleaners are safer and non-flammable but slower at

removing organics while solvents evaporate faster but are hazardous.

Hybrid semi-aqueous offer a compromise. Typical comparison:

Parameter Water-based Semi-aqueous Solvent-based

Cleaning Ability Medium Medium-High Very High

Drying Time High Medium Very Low

Flammability None Low High

Performance on Medium Medium-High Excellent


Performance on Ionics Excellent Medium Low

Environmental Impact Non-hazardous Marginally hazardous Hazardous

Health/Safety Safe Use with caution Risk of burns, inhalation

Residues after High chance of water Low chance None usually

Cleaning residues

Typical Usage Light cleaning General purpose Strong contamination

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Key Considerations for Choosing Circuit Board Cleaner

 Type and extent of contamination to be removed

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 Allowable flammability based on usage environment

 Evaporation rate and potential for residue formation

 Effect on board materials like plastics, coatings

 Whether ulrasonic cleaning is to be used

 Environmental regulations for effluents and disposal

 Health hazards to operators during use

 Cost, availability, reusability factors

Careful selection of the right cleaner and cleaning process ensures

thorough contaminant removal without any detrimental effects on the

boards or personnel.

Best Practices for Cleaning Circuit Boards

Some good practices when cleaning PCB assemblies:

 Test cleaner compatibility on a non-critical area first.

 Follow manufacturer recommended dilutions and usage guidelines.

 Apply cleaner using brushes, swabs for selective cleaning.

 Use higher temperatures to improve cleaner action but within


 Rinse boards thoroughly with clean water or solvent post-cleaning.

 Dry boards immediately after rinsing using compressed air flow.

 Allow sufficient cleaning time for immersed or sprayed boards.

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 Use cleaning fixtures to access difficult areas like connectors.

 Wear nitrile gloves to prevent skin contact and contamination.

 Ensure the cleaner is not expired and container is sealed properly

after use.

Properly implementing the material and equipment manufacturers’

instructions helps maximize cleaning efficacy while minimizing any

detrimental effects.

Troubleshooting Cleaning Issues


lean Flux vs. Water Soluble Flux

Some common PCB cleaning problems and remedies:

Issue Possible Causes Corrective Actions

Incomplete cleaning Too dilute cleaner concentration Increase cleaner strength

Insufficient cleaning Use longer immersion time


Low cleaning temperature Increase solution temperature

Excessive contamination Do multiple-stage cleaning

Cleaner leaving residues Low rinsing Rinse more thoroughly with water/solvent

Cleaner has surfactants Select cleaner without surfactants

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Issue Possible Causes Corrective Actions

Evaporation issues Blow dry boards instead of air drying

Corrosion observed after No corrosion inhibitors in cleaner Use cleaners containing inhibitors


Water residues left after Dry immediately after rinsing


Discoloration of boards Chemical attack by cleaner Reduce concentration and exposure time

Overexposure to cleaner Optimize cleaner application parameters

Careful inspection of the cleaned boards reveals most cleaning issues

for troubleshooting based on board appearance and testing.


PCB cleaning is a critical process needing careful selection of the right

chemistry and method. Aqueous, semi-aqueous and solvent-based

cleaners each have specific strengths and weaknesses. Usage

environment, board materials, residue tolerance, cost and environmental

factors guide the cleaner choice. Following manufacturer

recommendations and industry best practices for parameters like

concentration, temperature and rinsing while testing on non-critical

boards ensures effective contaminant removal without board or

personnel hazards. Cleaning validation using ionic residue testing

confirms the cleaning process is working adequately. With the growing

complexity of boards requiring high first-pass yields, proper cleaning is

becoming even more indispensable for quality and reliability.


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Q1. Can isopropyl alcohol (IPA) be used to clean circuit boards?

Yes, isopropyl alcohol is an excellent general purpose cleaner for PCBs

due to its strong solvency power, rapid evaporation and low cost. Care

must be taken regarding its flammability.

Q2. What is the ideal PCB cleaning temperature?

For water-based cleaners, 45-55°C is typically used. Some engineered

cleaners work well at room temperature. Solvent cleaners are also usually

used cold.

Q3. When should ultrasonic cleaning be used for PCBs?

Ultrasonic cleaning effectively removes particulate contamination and

cleans blind vias and odd-shaped boards. It should be used as needed

based on inspection.

Q4. What is a quick test to verify post-cleaning board cleanliness?

Using reverse osmosis/deionized water and measuring resistivity provides

a good quick cleanliness verification method. High resistivity indicates the

board is clean.

Q5. How can one improve the drying rate after aqueous cleaning?

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Use of higher water temperatures, spray/air impingement rinses and

immediate forced hot air drying after rinsing improves drying rate and

prevents water residues.

Related Posts:

1. Why the Circuit Board Cleaner is Important

2. How to Clean a Circuit Board ?

3. How to Clean Circuit Board Corrosion

4. How to clean a circuit board without alcohol?


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