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1- what you did and how you did it?

I had done my first project is about printing statements and converting small letters
to capital letters. I read chapters one and two in Introduction to programming using
Java book after that I watch videos on YouTube and read the assignment instruction
it was helpful to finish the project.

2- Describe your reactions to what you did.

I was very happy to see my first project and it encouraged me to check the second semester.

3- Describe any feedback you received or any specific interactions you had. Discuss how they
were helpful.
Reading my class mate work in the discussion forum helped me to understand the difference
in the code errors and their examples give me the opportunity to look to different errors and
expect must of the errors I can see when I will write code.

4- Describe your feelings and attitudes.

I am happy to learn new programing language like java , and I would like to learn more about
it to do complex project.

5- Describe what you learned.

I learned what is java and how it is working in the computers, how to create
variable and what is difference between staring and the numbers when
assigning the variable, what is the types of data and how I can use it and what
is Built-in Subroutines and Functions and how I can create functions.

6- What surprised me or caused me to wonder?

I surprised when I found in java built in function like toUpperCase() because

this will help and save a lot of time to write the code

7- What happened that felt particularly challenging? Why was it challenging to

Reading two chapter within one week I was big challenging with me as I don’t
have enough time to read it all, i read every day small part at the end I
finished both before the time.

8- What skills and knowledge do I recognize that I am gaining?

Solve the problem and how to search on the internet.
9- What am I realizing about myself as a learner?
I need to manage more time to practice how to write the programming code
and try to find other way on the internet to learn java.
10-In what ways am I able to apply the ideas and concepts gained to my own

The only way to build my own experience is practice the code and solve the

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