Assinment 1 Lake Story Rewrite - 2

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Sitting on the big wrap around porch at the lake cabin is pure bliss.

Listening to loons

call their mate, across the lake. Hearing a boat's engine rumble by the cabin; while the waves

softly hit the shoreline, sweeping sand into the depths of the water. Sipping a cold glass of

chardonnay, reading a romantic novel. The sunset is a vivid array of bright and magical colors;

it's like looking at sorbet. The vibrant pinks, oranges, yellows and even green fill up the sky; like

God took a paintbrush and water painted the sky. You walk down to the lake, and the dewy grass

hits your feet with a chilling yet comforting feeling of still summer. It's that time of night where

the grass starts getting that dewy aroma that fills your nose. Seeing birds and the bugs flying

around trying to take in that last hour of sunlight before they go to their nests for a cool summer

night's sleep. You go farther into the yard, walking toward the glistening water and you see

blooming daisies in the sand of all colors doing their part in nature, providing us with the joy of

getting to enjoy their frequrance and color for only a few short months before the bitter cold hits

the valley. Taking a few more steps down brick steps warmed by the afternoon sun, your toes feel

the gritty softness of sand between your toes.Take a deep breath and smell the freshness of lake

air. Close your eyes and take in all of the sounds of waves hitting the shore, birds chirping, fire

crackling at your neighbor’s fire pit, the loons' mournful yet romantic call. You walk farther and

dip your feet in the cool lake water while tiny minnows swim around your feet, curious. You feel

the moss on the bottoms of your feet, slimy yet soothing. You realize now that this is where you

are supposed to be in life. You are at peace and ease with your inner thoughts and satisfied with

the moment you are in.

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