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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Nama :
Kelas/Semester : VIII/I
Hari, Tanggal : No. Urut :
Waktu : Kelas :

1. Berdo’a sebelum memulai, tulislah nama lengkapmu dan nomor urut pada tempat yang
2. Bacalah seluruh soal dengan teliti dan benar.
3. Kerjakan soal-soal yang mudah dahulu.
4. Teliti kembali hasil pekerjaanmu sebelum kamu menyelesaikan.
5. Mulailah dengan Basmallah dan akhiri dengan Hamdallah.
6. Allah Ta’ala senantiasa bersama anak-anak yang jujur.

“Kejujuran adalah nilai yang terbaik buat saya”

I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C, atau D di depan jawaban yang paling benar!
1. Lia always…… dinner every day. She likes cooking very much.
a. Make c. Makes
b. Made d. Making
2. The students….happy. They smile a lot.
a. Look c. Looked
b. Looks d. Looking
3. It doesn’t ….. a lot during the dry season. Leaves wither.
a. Rain c. Rained
b. Rains d. Raining
4. Tea is popular. Many people in the world….it.
a. Drink c. Drinks
b. Drank d. Drinking
5. Coffee trees usually ……in tropical countries.
a. Grow c. to grow
b. Grows d. growing
6. Bagas …….studies in the evening. He does it after dinner every day.
a. Sometimes c. rarely
b. always d. never
7. ….. Mona and Fina go to school by motorcycle?
a. Does c. doesn’t
b. Do d. don’t
8. My Father ….reads newspaper. He doesn’t want to miss news.
a. Always c. never
b. Sometimes d. rarely
9. It ……. Rain a lot in January.
a. Never c. rarely
b. Usually d. always

10. Monica has a Drive course on Sunday. It means that she has a dance course ….. a week.
a. Once c. four times
b. Twice d. three times
11. We ……. visit our grandparents every Sunday.
a. Do not c. were not
b. Does not d. did not
12. ….. Robert and Mila work out at the weekend?
a. Do c. doing
b. Does d. does not
13. ….. They listen to the music?
a. Do c. is
b. Does d. are
Complete the following text to answer questions 14 to 16.
Babies usually cry a lot. However, Yola is different. She (14)…..cries. She cries only when she
(15)……thirsty or hungry. She does not cry loudly, She just (16)….a bit.
14. a. always c. rarely
b. often d. never
15. a. is c. are
b. do d. does
16. a. weep c. weeping
b. weeps d. to weep
17. The man …… soundly
a. are sleeping c. sleeping
b. is sleeping d. sleep
18. My father and I …. Now. We ….. for the next week festival.
a. are dancing- are rehearsing c. dancing – rehearsing
b. is dancing- is rehearsing d. dance – rehearse
19. Dini and I are the best friends. I like …. And she like ….
a. her- me c. she - me
b. her – my d. she – I
20. I need an umbrella because it’s ……………… right now.
a. rain c. raining
b. rains d. Rained
21. The classroom is empty. The children ….. in the playground now.
a. are playing c. is playing
b. plays d. play
22. Mother …… in the kitchen right now.
a. cook c. are cooking
b. cooks d. is cooking
Complate the following text to answer questions no. 26 to 28
Today is s big day. We are having English contest. I am (23). . . . .with my team.
We are (24). . . . . our presentation. I am writing on my paper, Diana and Tommi are
discussing it. We are all nervous,but we hope we can(25) . . . . the competition.
23. a. working c. are working
b. work d. works
24. a. prepare c. preparing
b. prepares d. preparation
25. a. win c. winner
b. wins d. winning
26. My cousin . . . .us last summer.
a. visit c. visited
b. visits d. visiting
27. We . . . . away on vacation last month.
a. is c. was
b. am d. were
28. Firman was doing his maths homework when the phone . . . . .
a. ring c. rang
b. rings d. ringing
29. She . . . . the ball into a neighbour’s garden yesterday afternoon.
a. hit c. hits
b. hitting d. was hitting

30. Judika . . . . at the cinema yesterday. The film . . . .exciting.

a. was – were c. were – was
b. were – were d. was – was
31. Arrange the jumbled words below into good sentences of simple past tense!!
1. Ignored 2. last day 3. She 4. my call
a. 2-1-3-4 c. 3-1-2-4
b. 4-1-2-1 d. 3-1-4-2

Choose the best answer based on the text above for questions 32 to 35!

Last holiday my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Morison Hotel which is
not a long way from Malioboro. On Friday, we went to the sanctuaries in Prambanan.

There are three significant sanctuaries, the Brahmana, Siwa, and Wisnu. They are truly
stunning. We went by just Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries, on the grounds that Wisnu
sanctuary is being remodeled. On Saturday morning we went to Yogya Kraton.

We spent around two hours there. We were fortunate on the grounds that a brilliant and
amicable aide drove us. At that point, we proceeded with our adventure to Borobudur. We
touched base there at four p.m. At 6 p.m. we heard the declaration that the Borobudur
entryway would be closed. In the evening we left Yogyakarta by bus.

32. The text above basically talks about ...

a. The writer's trip to Yogyakarta.
b. The writer's first visit to Prambanan.
c. The writer's impression of the guide.
d. The writer's experience at Yogya Kraton.
33. The text is written in the form of a ...
a. Recount c. Report
b. Narrative d. Descriptive
34. What else the big temples in Prambanan?
a. Angkor wat, syiwa, and sudra temples.
b. Paria, brahmana, and temples.
c. Brahmana, syiwa, and wisnu temples.
d. Wisnu, syiwa, and borobudur temples.
35. When did they go home?
a. On Saturday morning c. On Thursday evening
c. On Friday evening d. On Saturday evening

The following text is for questions 36 to 40

There is a boy from Uganda named John Ssbunya. He is a shy boy and speaks very slowly.
His character might have been affected by his past.
Uganda was in a war when John was two years old. He was left all alone since he lost his
mother and father in the war. He would have died if he was not adopted by a colony of green
monkeys when he was left all alone. He learnt their behavior after leaving with them for three
years, such as living on a diet of fruits, berries, and nuts, and climbing trees.
In 1991, a woman saw him scavenging for food with chimpanzees. She reported it to the
villagers and people caught him. It was hard since the monkeys were fighting back to prevent
the people from taking John away from them.
John was brought to an orphanage and taught to behave and speak like human. When he
was able to utter his first word, it was found that he had a great singing voice. John Ssbunya
has joined a 20-strong Pearl of Africa Children Choir now and has gone to many different
countries on tour.

36. What is the text about?

a. A boy who had been looked after by monkeys.
b. The impact of the war in Uganda on the chimps.
c. A boy who joined a famous choir in Africa.
d. A struggle to find a lots boy.
37. “……….a woman who saw him scavenging for food…….” (Paragraph 3)
The underlined word has a similar meaning to….
a. Searching c. Swinging
b. begging d. Eating
38. “ …. After living with them for three years, ….” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word refers to….
a. John’s parents c. John’s Neighbours
b. people of Uganda d. the green monkeys
39. When did people find that John had beautiful voice?
a. When the people found him.
b. When he joined in the choir.
c. When he sang the first song.
d. When he uttered his first word.
40. What might have happened if people had not found John?
a. He might have got married with one of the girls in his village.
b. He might have been very rich by being the king of the jungle.
c. He might have lived with the monkeys forever.
d. He might have attacked the monkey kingdom.

II. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!

Change the following sentence from the negative to the positive use simple present tanse

41. Michael doesn’t go to the dentist every month.

42. Andika doesn’t read newspapers in the morning.

Text for Questions No 43 to 45

A trip to Mount Fuji

July 2021, I went to West Tokyo by plane. It was my first journey to Japan. I took a trip to
Mount Fuji. I stayed at Sakura’s house. She is my friend in Japan. We were a classmate at Senior
High School. Sakura’s house has a big garden with lots of green flowers and beautiful sand. It was
so perfect element of a traditional wooden house.

On Sunday morning, I started a journey to the Mountain. At Shizuoka Prefecture, I met

Yamato. He was my guiding to Mount Fuji. We took sushi for breakfast. Oh my God, It was
delicious. At 9:00 am. local time, we prepared and checked our stuff to continue this journey. I
couldn’t say anything when I looked at the beautiful scenery from the foot of the mountain.
Yamato looked and smiled at me. He said in Japan language “Kore Wa subarashdesu.” It means
that it was amazing. Then, I replayed “Hai,-sdesu.” It means that yes, it was.

We reached the top of the mountain after a long and tiring trip. I screamed to blow up my
emotion and said thanks to God for this beautiful life. We enjoyed the view from the peak and
waiting for the next day. The day that I couldn’t forget. It was called “Hatsu Hinode” It means that
it was my first time to see the sun rises in Mount Fuji.

Finally, I, Yamato and the other traveler went home by the blessing of Mount Fuji. That
was a very pleasant moment that I ever got.

43. When did the writer go to Mount Fuji?

44. Who was Yamato?

45. Where did the writer stay in Tokyo?


1. A 11.A 21. A 31.D

2. A 12.A 22.D 32.A

3. A 13.A ` 23.A 33.A

4. A 14.D 24.C 34.C

5. B 15.A 25.D 35.C

6. B 16.B 26.C 36.B

7. B 17.B 27.D 37.A

8. A 18.A 28.C 38.D

9. B 19.C 29.D 39.D

10.A 20. C 30.D 40.D


41. Michael goes to the dentist every month.

42. Andika reads newspapers in the morning.

43. the writer go to Mount Fuji on Sunday morning

44. the guiding the writer to Mount Fuji.

45. She stayed at Sakura’s house. She is my friend in Japan.

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