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The wave measured by radar is currently unable to reproduce the accurate regional
wave situation. The radar set on the ship, by setting the corresponding position, can
measure the spectral resolution of the sea state in the nearby area. However, due to the
limitation of science and technology, the current radar can not complete the wave
phase measurement, which will cause great difficulties to reproduce the regional wave.
( Bhushan Taskar , 2022 ) This shows that the ship's motion attitude cannot be
predicted from the Angle of wave calculation alone, and the introduction of advanced
computer technology such as neural network can predict the ship's motion more

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Wave radar has been installed onboard the ship at a height of around 65m from the
keel. The radar analyzes the wave field in the area up to 1km from the ship and
provides directional wave spectrum every minute. Directional resolution of the
spectrum is 10 deg. There are 25 wave frequencies ranging from 0.0375 to 0.3Hz. It is
important to note that wave phases were not provided by the wave radar therefore it
was not possible to recreate the exact wave field using the wave measurements.

[1] Bhushan T,Hian K C,Tatsuya A, et al. “Real-Time Ship Motion Prediction Using
Artificial Neural Network[P],” ASME 2022 41st International Conference on
Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,2022.
Direct Quotation:
The size of input sliding window in the neural network should be selected as the most
appropriate parameter so that all waves in the nearby sea can be predicted.Bhushan
Taskar said “ The length of the input time window depends on closest distance at
which waves are measured as well as the spatial resolution of wave measurement
points. ” According to his analysis,if the input sliding window is not enough, some
wave collection will be missed; the input window is too long, and some waves are
collected and measured repeatedly. Therefore, we need high resolution and effective
wave information to ensure that the network model is trained properly and the
prediction is accurate.

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The length of input signal should be chosen such that all the waves affecting ship
motions in the prediction window should be captured. This includes different
wavelengths coming from different directions. If the input time window is too short,
some of the waves affecting ship motions would pass the wave measurement points
before the start of the input window. Shorter wavelengths travelling at slower speed
coming from beam sea direction are important from this perspective since these waves
would take the longest time to travel from the wave measurement point to the ship.
Therefore, the length of the input time window which can provide sufficient
information for motion prediction depends on closest distance at which waves are
measured as well as the spatial resolution of wave measurement points (since higher
resolution provides more information about the wave field).

[1] Bhushan T,Hian K C,Tatsuya A, et al. “Real-Time Ship Motion Prediction Using
Artificial Neural Network[P],” ASME 2022 41st International Conference on
Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,2022.

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