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Shyra Cabalatungan BSHM-3C

SKIT(Brainstorming /Suggestion Box)

Narrator (VO): Have you ever stayed at a hotel and thought, “I wish they had a suggestion box to share
my ideas”? Well, today, we’re going to show you a little skit about just that.

Guest: Hi there! I absolutely loved my stay so far, but I have a few suggestions to make it even better. Is
there a suggestion box where I can share my thoughts?

Receptionist: A suggestion box? Actually, we don’t have one, but we’re always open to feedback. Why
don’t you tell me your suggestions right here?

Guest: Well, first of all, I think it would be great if you could offer complimentary breakfast for all guests.
It’s a small gesture that would make the stay even more enjoyable.

Receptionist: That sounds like a fantastic idea! How about an expanded breakfast buffet spread with
various options to cater to everyone’s taste buds?

Guest: Yes, exactly! An expanded breakfast buffet will definitely elevate the overall experience for guests.

Guest: It would also be great to have a dedicated lounge area where guests can relax and socialize.

Guest: Absolutely! A dedicated lounge area would create a warm and inviting environment for guests to
connect with fellow travelers.

Guest: Lastly, it would be wonderful if you could organize some fun activities for guests, like guided city
tours or cooking classes.

Receptionist: Brilliant! We could offer our guests exclusive city tours and host cooking classes with
renowned chefs. It will truly make their stay unforgettable.

Receptionist: Thank you so much for sharing these amazing suggestions. Your feedback is incredibly
valuable to us. Please fill out this form, and we’ll take it from there.

Guest: My pleasure! I’m glad I could contribute to making this hotel an even better place to stay.

Narrator (VO): And that’s how a simple suggestion can ignite a chain of innovative ideas. This hotel
understands the power of listening to their guests and continuously improving their offerings.

The receptionist and protagonist shake hands, and the logo of the hotel appears with the tagline
“Creating Memorable Experiences, Together.”

Narrator (VO): So, don’t be afraid to share your thoughts, because your voice matters. Together, we can
create truly unforgettable experiences.

Narrator (VO): Remember, great ideas can come from anyone, anywhere. So next time you stay at a
hotel, don’t forget to share your suggestions, because you never know how it might shape a memorable
experience for others.

[End of skit]
Shyra Cabalatungan BSHM-3C
Common Errors of empowerment

To truly empower your people, what you delegate to your people should really stretch
them to grow in order to achieve it. The most common mistake you make is not
preparing your people to effectively understand and deal with the conflict that comes
with delivering the expected result. You need to prepare your people so that the conflict
is not a surprise, and help them to learn to deal with conflict that comes along in steps,
not leaps.
 Solution for managers to avoid committing it:
Think through how you will empower your to people so that the my will learn how to
deal with increasing levels of conflict within the results you are asking them to deliver.
There is an old saying, “You will rise to the level of conflict you can handle.” Help your
people to grow to meet any conflict they may encounter, and fewer conflicts will reach
than before (with your people now being able to handle them).

Think -Ink- Pair- share (The meaning of empowerment and its relevance)

• Empowerment means people having power and control over their own lives. People
get the support they need that is right for them. It is also, the ways in which
organizations provide their employees with a certain degree of autonomy and
control in their day-to-day activities. Empowerment enables leaders and team
members to live to their fullest potential and to own their own work.

Relevance to total quality management

• Empowered employees are more motivated, engaged, and committed to their work,
which leads to higher productivity, quality, and innovation. Empowered employees
feel valued, respected, and trusted, which leads to higher morale, job satisfaction,
and retention.

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