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MATH 3892

Random Sentences for Mathematics

MATH qatt Ex 171

Q1. A cake is now sold. The cost of the cake is $430. The marked price of the cake is $447.8. The

cake is sold at a discount of 11% on its marked price. Find the percentage profit of the cake.

Q2. A bag is now sold. The selling price of the bag is $435.2. The bag is sold at a discount of 27%

on its marked price. Find the marked price of the bag.

Q3. A bag is now sold. The cost of the bag is $690. The percentage profit of the bag is 22%. The

bag is sold at a discount of 18% on its marked price. Find the marked price of the bag.

Q1. 17%

Q2. $318

Q3. $690

Page 1 MATH 3892

Q1. A jacket is now sold. The percentage profit of the jacket is 20%. The selling price of the jacket is

$864.0. Find the cost of the jacket.

Q2. A magazine is now sold. The percentage profit of the magazine is 23%. The marked price of the

magazine is $66.3. The magazine is sold at a discount of 23% on its marked price. Find the cost of

the magazine.

Q3. A magazine is now sold. The cost of the magazine is $520. The marked price of the magazine is

$461.8. The magazine is sold at a discount of 20% on its marked price. Find the percentage profit of

the magazine.

Q4. A magazine is now sold. The cost of the magazine is $510. The percentage profit of the

magazine is 10%. The magazine is sold at a discount of 12% on its marked price. Find the marked

price of the magazine.

Q1. $720

Q2. $70

Q3. 11%

Q4. $494

Page 2 MATH 3892

Q1. A magazine is now sold. The marked price of the magazine is $367.5. The magazine is sold at a

discount of 6% on its marked price. Find the selling price of the magazine.

Q2. A jacket is now sold. The cost of the jacket is $670. The percentage profit of the jacket is 16%.

Find the selling price of the jacket.

Q3. A book is now sold. The cost of the book is $600. The percentage profit of the book is 13%.

Find the selling price of the book.

Q4. A cake is now sold. The selling price of the cake is $571.5. The cake is sold at a discount of 7%

on its marked price. Find the marked price of the cake.

Q1. $391

Q2. $777

Q3. $678

Q4. $531

Page 3 MATH 3892

Q1. A football is now sold. The cost of the football is $760. The percentage profit of the football is

5%. The football is sold at a discount of 21% on its marked price. Find the marked price of the


Q2. A jacket is now sold. The marked price of the jacket is $202.6. The jacket is sold at a discount of

27% on its marked price. Find the selling price of the jacket.

Q3. A jacket is now sold. The cost of the jacket is $460. The selling price of the jacket is $565.8.

Find the percentage profit of the jacket.

Q4. A bag is now sold. The percentage profit of the bag is 30%. The selling price of the bag is

$65.00. Find the cost of the bag.

Q1. $630

Q2. $278

Q3. 23%

Q4. $50

Page 4 MATH 3892

Q1. A book is now sold. The percentage profit of the book is 22%. The marked price of the book is

$632.8. The book is sold at a discount of 9% on its marked price. Find the cost of the book.

Q2. A football is now sold. The cost of the football is $230. The selling price of the football is $294.4.

Find the percentage profit of the football.

Q3. A magazine is now sold. The selling price of the magazine is $25.2. The magazine is sold at a

discount of 6% on its marked price. Find the marked price of the magazine.

Q4. A magazine is now sold. The cost of the magazine is $780. The selling price of the magazine is

$873.6. Find the percentage profit of the magazine.

Q1. $570

Q2. 28%

Q3. $23.7

Q4. 12%

Page 5 MATH 3892

Q1. A football is now sold. The marked price of the football is $415.2. The football is sold at a

discount of 7% on its marked price. Find the selling price of the football.

Q2. A football is now sold. The selling price of the football is $713.4. The football is sold at a

discount of 5% on its marked price. Find the marked price of the football.

Q3. A football is now sold. The cost of the football is $850. The percentage profit of the football is

13%. Find the selling price of the football.

Q4. A bag is now sold. The percentage profit of the bag is 29%. The selling price of the bag is

$1084. Find the cost of the bag.

Q1. $446

Q2. $678

Q3. $960

Q4. $840

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