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Incident Management

1. Service desk person should be able to search Customer information based on ‘Login Id’ or ‘Corporate ID’.

2. ‘Work Info’ of type ‘Customer Status Update’ should be mandatory while moving an Incident to ‘Pending’ state.

3. ‘Work Info’ of type ‘Resolution Communication’ should be mandatory while moving an Incident to ‘Resolved’

4. A status reason ‘Client Communication required’ should be added if status is set to ‘Pending’.

5. Once the ticket is ‘Resumed’ from Pending, ‘Work Info’ should be updated ‘Customer Status Update’.

6. All ‘Work Info’ should be locked automatically without any user intervention.

7. If the ticket is submitted by Web client then ‘Reported Source’ field should automatically set to ‘Web’.

8. All the fields on Incident Management form should get disabled once the ticket is ‘Closed’.

9. Effort Time should start automatically once the ticket is ‘Assigned’ to a Support Staff.

10. If the ticket is created for a VIP person then Contact information should be mandatory.

11. The ‘Summary’ field on ‘Requester Console should have 3-Tier architecture and should be read-only for end
users. The user should be able to select pre-configured summaries only. An option ‘Other’ should be there in
summary and if selected the ‘Summary’ field should become editable.

E.g. Install  Software  Adobe Reader

12. The ‘Support Group’ to which the ticket is assigned should be visible on ‘Requestor Console’ above ‘Assignee’
field in ‘Details’ pane.

13. The organization should be able to create and modify the Incident ticket using WebService.

Foundation Data

1. Add one more mandatory field called ‘Department ID’ on Department form to record Department Id. Also this
field should reflect on each form where ‘Department’ is used (For instance People, Incident and so on…).

2. Create a functionality which will allow an End User to change his Site information.

3. A support staff member doesn’t want to receive Incident Assignment email notifications. Create a functionality
which will allow Support Staff members to change their notification preferences.

4. ‘Corporate ID’ should be mandatory on People form if the user is Office Based or Field Based Employee.
5. While importing people data from AD some of the records should be identified as ‘Support Staff’ and they
should become member of a ‘Support Group’ with ‘Incident User’ and ‘Problem User’ application permissions.

Problem Management Assignment / Customizations

1. Problem management assignment can be done automatically without Assignee

2. Problem cannot be closed if any task is open
3. Set Default Problem Manager Assignment while creating new Problem
4. Set Default Problem Assignment while creating new Problem
5. Add status reason as “Pending for Investigation” for status = Pending
6. Add priority as “Show Stopper” for problem

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