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inviting some ‘© Participation — involvement in decisional 8 YF ferns employees to management meetings OF ath departmental meetings and works councils Perks eg giving some extra days holiday 10 «7 canceen facilities or by offering them subs . ici intl Ways in which employees a Ay, management and contro! of gan ao cde wore ‘participation’ above an These ate outned under pay or norfnancia motivaors is POTN Joyees, improving the als. that the method used is appropriate (0 being undertaken, eure kui hat a business has the Human resource management (HRM) aims to ensure t a ills at the time and appropriate number of employees with the appropriates place that chey are required. The role of HRM in meeting organisation objectives ‘© Recrui and select new staf when adcitional personnel are required. Induction: arrange for new staff ro be famiiarsed with the organisation, structure, policies and working practices. who might need to acquire new skills or improve existing ones. (© Record key performance indicators and conduct staff appraisal ‘Advise management and employees on issues such as staff training and development needs and opportunities, promotion routes, employment contracts and redundancy issues. {© Disciplinary and grievance procedures — provide advice to employees and managers. © Monitor staff morale and welfare ‘© Negotiate with employees, management and trade unions. © Workforce planning — anticipate the future labour requirements, comparing those needs with the current workforce and making plans to employees when required and with the appropriate sl. © Dismiss staff when necessary. ‘Administer a redundancy procedure if required Ensure that employment legislation is complied with and deal with issues arising ifthe legislation is breached. De Sues) Revised Labour turnover The rate of labour turnover within a business will determine the amount of recruitment and selection that will need co be undertaken, The possible causes ofa high rate of labour turnover include: ‘@ employees leave to work for another business © employees retire dicts Whether sing francal no fan ef work © Cirganise any necessary craining This might be for new or existing personnel correct any imbalance so that the business wil have the correct number of MEMASEGSEITEN 16 Explain two Francia ny that might be — business 9 are 17 Exphin two non on finan motivators that manufacture ofa tn Answers on p.2og Human resource management recs dcauce Souda Workforce planning: entcipating aa ‘acquiring the number of employees with the knowledge and skis that will be required by the busines inthe future compared to those curently employed, 48 Explain three ofthe functions hat would be undertaken by a human resource management depart Answer on p.208 om ) r Labour turnover: the number of people leaving a business in a species time period as a percentage ofthe average number of employees. I's caleulated by: ‘numberof employees leavingin 2%, 0 average number of employees Cambridge International AS and A Level Business Studies Revision Guide © dismissal @ redundancy Methods of recruitment and selection ‘A business might need to recruit workers forthe following reasons: © growth ofthe business (© workers have left to work elsewhere (© the business has relocated or is now operating in an additional location (© changes in the business's activities mean thatthe business labour requirements have changed either in numbers or with regard to the knowledge and skils required Recruitment Internal and external recruitment Internal recruitment is filing a vacant post with a person already working within the business. Table 8 Advantages and disadvantages of intemal recruitment ers Perms ‘The business already knows the There might be a better candidate | candidate. externally | | Saves time and advertising costs, Prevents new ideas being brought in L from outside of the business. at Faster: the selection process is ikely | It can be dificult for someone to have to be much shorter due to so much to supervise their former colleagues. already being known about the candidat. Motivating: employees see that their Itcan be demotivating for | efforts might be rewarded by internal ursuccesful internal applicants. HESERDOHONE. Ste External recruitment means appointing someone from outside ofthe business, ie. someone who isnot currently working forthe business. ‘Table 9 Advantages and disadvantages of external recruitment ‘The business can gain from new ideas | Can be more expensive and time | being brought in and can possibly | consuming | Em benefit from knowledge and skills Draw up alist of reasons why a retail | acquired imotherbusinesses. business might benefic from using, ‘Avoids the potential for ine ‘An unsuccessful intemal candidate internal recruitment tfilla shop management problems that can occur might be demotivated and might look | __ manager's post, | when recruiting internally _ for work elsewhere. | 2. Drawupalist of reasons (for [Pare aa SeuTa NTS Malaged cube he technology industry sector using external recruitment to fill a vacancy for someone to join its research and development team. famiiar wth the intemal structure and systems of the business; an internal _appointment would already have that | | | knowiedge emesis 419 Explain ewo reasons why a business might prefer to recruit internally. 20 Distinguish between internal and external recruitment. Answers on p.208 ea & = S 4 A $0 5 f a = ° o s = ix ifan employee is dismissed e ir dis fo Toavod cms wore or wg towed they mh au chet hey mine shold ro erste nha they and che employer must flow Pettit ang ofthe process Ves and systems in place a To inform employees © ire case of any fae comply wit @ Tocomply with gisation cedures ae out foowed when diplinary 2c60" taken, employer isin breach of contract. This can pay compensation co the employee who was an employee needs to know rations they must fOlOW. the case of disciplinary action being taken or who Fe decom stan tha they do na agrer with procedure and as a result of if dezalls of the disciplinary ‘employment and are not then the employee can deem that the resulc in the employer having to ‘a victim of unfair dismissal The information fe. Whar rules and regu @ Who they report coin they should appeal rf @ What steps will be followed during the “ciliary action beng take, €8 the number of verbal and writen ig tel Wl be gen oe dele BEDE possibilty Whar kind of behaviour can result in immediate dismissal. . at might lead to isciplinary action being Behaviour th taken persistent lateness or absenteeism. The need for punctuality and regular aedance at work sofen an implied contract term and although not Stated explicit can be the subject of disciplinary action, A persistent failure to meet targets for work completed. This could be interpreted as an inability to compleve the work required in a particular job. Fahey the employee not capable of working faster or more accurate} Farther waning may be needed in some cases rather than disciplinary action Unacceptable behaviour. This can include acting in a way that might Cause darrag to property oF injury to Fellow workers or acting in a way that humiliates another worker. ‘© Theft of goods or property from the business. Grievance procedures © These are sometimes caused by disciplinary action being taken against an employee A grievance can be pursued either informally or formally through the official channels avaiable within the business {© Employers must make the details available to employees. This might be via an employee handbook or they can be included in the contract of employment. Employers are required to ensure that employees know of the existence of such procedures and where detais of them can be found. . saps fog hey havea ad ence often advised to speak See eee rea fon anfoma ba i Somes the manatee © Aforma poetry coinohe a meeting betveen the employee sean ee eee to determine the facts of the ec ninteomtnrenress mre Cambridge Internat national AS and A Level Business Studies Revision Guide © Fan initial meeting cannot resolve the issue, the managers) must investigate the problem and make a decision about any action that might need to be taken, {© Employees should be made aware of how they can appeal i they do not agree with the decision made. © The rules affecting grievance procedures can vary from one country to another. ET TEU ey U es erry Rev Difference between redundancy and dismissal Redundancy: when a business no Redundancy is when the business no longer requires a particular job to be longer requires a particular jb to be done, cis important to remember that it isthe job that is no longer needed not _| done, which means thatthe worker the person doing the job. | doing that jo fs no longer required by the business. ae wn | Dismissal is when the employment contract of a worker is terminated by the | lamisak when the employment one contract of @ worker s terminated by Reasons for dismissal | the employer ; ‘These include: : © failing co work to a required standard © persistent absenteeism if absence was unauthorised © persistent late arrival for work (© using violent or threatening behaviour © being dishonest during the recruitment and selection process Lei (© damaging the goods or the property ofthe business 26 Briefly explain the difference . between redundancy and dismissal Answer on p.208 stealing goods or property from the business ‘The lst four reasons in this list would justify instant dismissal without the payment of any monies in lieu of notice being given. Be UC Rica The human resource management department aims to ensure high levels of staff morale and welfare. Low levels of staff morale and welfare can resuit in a poorer standard of work and can also cause an increase in absenteeism and labour turnover as well as poor punctuality. The welfare of workers is also important because if for example, an employee is experiencing problems in thir privat life this can negatively affect their ability to work wel The relationship between HRM and staff morale and welfare ‘The HRM department should do the following: (© Ensure chac health and safety legislation is followed. The department should also deal with any problems that arise if there is a breach of health and sy vs © Offer help and guidance to employees who are being affected by problems For the purpose of analysis, staff ‘outside work such as housing or personal issues, eg a serous illness in ‘morale and welfare can often the family. be developed in the context of ‘© Encourage and monitor the provision of some level of health care within pave: Bes eo not vhs aly know about motivation — keep the the business. fecas eon the prc question st— ‘© Monitor the levels of motivation in the business and encourage appropriate HRM in this case action when necessary, Human resource management init id Jopment irpose of staff training am et Saad development rakes ice norer 0 esa pl the required knowledge and stil to perfor" abi Tein needs can are °2 vse ‘e- When a person is ney appointed £0 wor eee tye made friar with the SUC and 9s new role the business 4@ When an employee takes O72 inco new products or into coral NeW business a ng business might begin (0 PTO ood wef might need co acquire new sels and knowiedge fe iF an employee underperforming adit right resolve the problem. €¢The promaton ofan employee r0 a more $M employee wil need to acquie some some management sues previous post Types of training Training can take various forms: «induction traning — given to new employees 0 hel themselves with all aspects ofthe business and their role in © On-the-job training — cared out athe place of work and involves f reasons: the business. leaming by watching an experienced worker r by being given instructions about howto perform the requied tasks © Offthe-ob training — cated out avay from the place of work, for ‘example, at a lca training cence or college ‘Table 10 Training methods: advantages and disadvantages einen loyees have their asks co the best of their is believed that additional traning for ost. could be thatthe ipervsory sil and co understand vat he or se dd nt have co deal with in the business they will need to diversifies either tivities. For example, @ duce cooking utensis When wig ub about fur that you arate nd that the traning iselevant to the siete ion gi ion. Doae bl the case study o writeallyou loos the question isabour of raining State Price ip chem to familiarise Pere Othe; Traning wi ve The phe Troguibe recty 6 The "uae ising cove leant tothe work tobe | away from hs or her own done and tothe business. work, resutng in lower '* It can be motivating for the output. wales dosertotanthe |» The vane ans how . ‘worker. perform specific tasks but maj Eyles ae conubsing lack any understanding of " (Besant | what ae the ses does Garey caper ton. Coty ration eos an ame ma. | be made during training (cto oat taken away | © The employees are not fang trai new producing anything for the o Tanersar fil tobemore | guna nie amey beng experienced in ing e . epee wine 9 ‘© Not all of the skills and Srugmemaacures | novkee might be een Lo ca canbe expensive ‘Cambridge International AS and A Level , yal Riicinace c+,.4:... ett ‘A disadvantage of any type of training is that more highly trained employees become more attractive to other employers, so they are more likely 0 leave. In addition, the employees might judge themselves ro be worthy ofa higher level of pay. ‘An advantage is the increased level of motivation chat employees might feel because they are likely o fee! more valued and important if their employer is wiling to spend money on training them. They might also feel more able to apply for higher level poss and therefore feel more fulfilled in their working life (emEcs ees 7 Briefly explain two benefits to a business of traning its employees. ‘2B Distinguish between on-the-job training and off-the-job training. Answers on p.208-9 Human resource management ed 5 ES iF FE c= a ° & in a

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