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A Biomechanical Study of 3 Different Types of Sublaminar

Wire Used for Constructs in the Thoracic Spine
Hideki Murakami, MD, PhD,*w z Ken Yamazaki, MD, PhD,* Emad S. Attallah-Wasif, MD,w z
Kai-Jow Tsai, MD,w z Tadashi Shimamura, MD, PhD,* and William C. Hutton, DScw z

wiring is rarely indicated in the lumbar spine because

Abstract: A biomechanical study was carried out on 3 different pedicle screw systems are more rigid.1 However, because
types of sublaminar wire used in constructs to secure the of the difficulty of using pedicle screws in the thoracic
thoracic spine: stainless steel monofilament wire (steel wire), spine, sublaminar wiring remains a valuable method,
titanium cable (cable), and ultra-high molecular weight poly- especially in the osteoporotic spine.2 Hu et al3 reported
ethylene tape (tape). Two experiments were carried out. that sublaminar wires that can be repeatedly tightened
Experiment 1: Thirty-one fresh human thoracic vertebrae classi- have a role in deformity correction in the osteoporotic
fied as osteoporotic (bone mineral density of <0.8 g/cm2) were spine.
used. The steel wire, cable, or tape was placed sublaminarly and The surgical treatment of the osteoporotic spine is
a tensile force was applied until the steel wire, cable, or tape cut complicated by the weak bone, which may not support
5 mm through the lamina, and the force at this point was noted. instrumentation. Sometimes, sublaminar wire cuts
Experiment 2: Seven fresh human thoracic spines (T7–T10) were through the lamina in the osteoporotic spine, especially
biomechanically tested as follows: axial compression (250 N), if the lamina is decorticated. Implant loosening or failure
flexion (7.5 Nm), extension (7.5 Nm), left lateral bending can lead to nonunion or loss of correction. The major
(7.5 Nm), right lateral bending (7.5 Nm), left axial torsion factors determining the fixation strength of a spine
(10 Nm), and right axial torsion (10 Nm). This sequence was instrumented with sublaminar wire is the properties of
applied to the intact spine. The spine was then de-stabilized and the vertebral bone, the thickness of the laminar cortex,
then restabilized using one or other of the 3 different types of and the sublaminar wiring implant itself (eg, material and
sublaminar wires. The biomechanical testing was then repeated configuration).
on the restabilized spine and stiffness curves were generated. In Two experiments were carried out to compare the
the laminar cut-through test, the cut-through force for tape was biomechanical properties of 3 different types of sublami-
higher than that for either steel wire or cable. In the nar wire. In Experiment 1, the laminar cut-through force
biomechanical stiffness testing, there was no significant differ- was measured using 3 different types of sublaminar wires.
ence between the 3 different sublaminar wiring constructs in any In Experiment 2, the biomechanical stiffness of constructs
of the loading modes tested. The results of both experiments secured by these 3 different types of sublaminar wires was
suggest that tape is as good, if not better, than steel wire or cable measured. These results are given to provide information
as a sublaminar wiring construct material. to aid in the selection of appropriate sublaminar wire for
(J Spinal Disord Tech 2006;19:442–446) constructs, especially for osteoporotic patients.


S pinal instrumentation is generally necessary when

surgery is required to treat deformity and instability in
osteoporotic patients. Posterior segmental sublaminar
Experiment 1: Laminar Cut-through Test
Five fresh human thoracic spines (T6 to T12) were
harvested from cadavers (mean age 83 y, range 76 to 87 y,
3 females, 2 males). The specimens were examined grossly
Received for publication April 18, 2005; accepted October 17, 2005. and radiographically to rule out malignancy or fractures
From the *Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Iwate Medical that might interfere with the results. The bone mineral
University School of Medicine, Morioka, Japan; wAtlanta Veteran’s density (BMD) was measured for each vertebral segment
Affairs Medical Center, Decatur; and zDepartment of Orthopaedics, using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (GE Lunar, GE
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA. Medical Systems, Madison, WI) with the specimen in a
No funds were received in support of this work.
The device(s)/drug(s) that is/are the subject of this manuscript is/are not water bath. Using the World Health Organization
FDA-approved for this indication and is/are not commercially definition of osteoporosis as BMD<0.8 g/cm2,4 we
available in the United States. classified 31 vertebrae in our test group were classified
Reprints: Hideki Murakami, MD, PhD, Department of Orthopaedic as osteoporotic. All of the specimens were then frozen at
Surgery, Iwate Medical University School of Medicine, 19-1
Uchimaru, Morioka, Iwate 020-8505, Japan (e-mail: hmura@iwate-
 20 1C until the day of testing. After thawing to room temperature for 24 hours, the surrounding soft tissue and
Copyright r 2006 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins muscles were dissected meticulously and the spines

442 J Spinal Disord Tech  Volume 19, Number 6, August 2006

J Spinal Disord Tech  Volume 19, Number 6, August 2006 Constructs in the Thoracic Spine

separated into individual vertebrae. Three different types

of sublaminar wire were compared: (1) stainless steel
monofilament wire 0.9 mm diameter (steel wire)
(SUS316L, Mizuho, Tokyo, Japan) (Fig. 1A), (2)
titanium cable 1.0 mm diameter (cable) (Atlas cable,
826-211, Medtronic Sofamor Danek, Memphis, TN) (Fig.
1B), and (3) ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene
tape, 5 mm wide (tape) (Tekmilon tape, NCS5, Alfresa
pharma, Osaka, Japan) (Fig. 1C). Nine vertebrae were
used for steel wire, 10 vertebrae were used for cable, and
12 vertebrae were used for tape. The vertebrae were
randomly assigned to one of the 3 groups. Throughout
the text we used the term ‘‘sublaminar wire’’ to describe
all 3 types of wire, and ‘‘steel wire’’ to distinguish the
stainless steel monofilament wire 0.9 mm diameter.
One lamina was decorticated in its caudal portion FIGURE 2. Experiment 1: Laminar cut-through test. A, Each
and the other lamina was kept intact. Each vertebra was vertebra was placed in a pot containing dental cement and
clamped on a materials testing machine in the upright
placed in a pot containing dental cement and clamped on position. The steel wire, cable, or tape was placed sublami-
a materials testing machine (MTS 858 Mini-Bionix Test narly and then threaded through a ring attached to the
System, Minneapolis, MN) in the upright position movable ram of the testing machine. The 2 ends were then
(Fig. 2A). The steel wire, cable, or tape was placed made into a loop by twisting or knotting the ends together. B,
sublaminarly and then threaded through a ring attached A tensile force was applied at a constant speed of 5 mm/min
to the movable ram of the testing machine. The 2 ends until the steel wire, cable, or tape cut 5 mm through the
were then made into a loop by twisting or knotting the lamina, and the force at this point was noted.
ends together. A tensile force was applied at a constant
speed of 5 mm/min until the steel wire, cable, or tape
migrated 5 mm through the lamina, and the force at this the laminae were cut off using a bone saw and the
point was noted (Fig. 2B). This laminar cut-through test thickness of the cortical bone at the 5-mm cut-through
was carried out on the intact lamina. The test was then position was measured using a digital micrometer.
repeated on the opposite decorticated lamina. After this, This was found to be a difficult experiment to carry
out on weak osteoporotic vertebrae. In Experiment 1, the
decorticated side was tested first. It was reasoned that the
cut-through force on the decorticated side would gen-
erally be lower than that on the intact side, and that that
the neural arch would be subjected to the lower force first.
Even using this method the neural arch was sometimes
weakened to such an extent after cutting through the
decorticated lamina, that the cut-through force on the
intact side was sufficient to fracture the neural arch at the
pedicles. Thus from the 31 osteoporotic vertebrae that we
started with, we obtained results for only 15. Five for steel
wire, 5 for cable, and 5 for tape. The statistical analysis
was carried out on these 15.
Statistics: A 2-way analysis of variance was carried
out on the log transformation of the cut-through force,
followed by Tukey’s pairwise comparisons. The 2 factors
were: the different types of sublaminar wires (cable, tape,
or wire) and whether or not the lamina was intact or
decorticated. The overall level of significance was set at a
P<0.05. A log transform was applied to the cut-through
force to improve normality and homogeneity assump-
tions. The results are shown as a mean ± standard

Experiment 2: Biomechanical Stiffness Test

FIGURE 1. Sublaminar wire. A, Stainless steel monofilament Seven fresh human thoracic spines (T7 to T10) were
wire 0.9 mm diameter (steel wire); B, Titanium cable 1.0 mm harvested from cadavers (mean age 83 y, range 76 to 87 y,
diameter (cable); C, Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene 4 females, 3 males). The specimens were examined grossly
tape 5 mm wide (tape). and radiographically to rule out malignancy or fractures

r 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 443

Murakami et al J Spinal Disord Tech  Volume 19, Number 6, August 2006

that might interfere with the results. All the specimens using a special device. The tensioner (Alfresa pharma,
were then frozen at  20 1C until the day of testing. After Osaka, Japan) had a graded scale to apply tension of
thawing to room temperature for 24 hours, the surround- 200 N to the cable (Fig. 3B), (3) Double tape from T7 to
ing soft tissue and muscles were dissected meticulously to T10 was placed sublaminarly and fixed to the rectangle
preserve the osseous and ligamentous structures before and tightened to 200 N of tension using a special device
testing. The specimens were kept moist throughout the (Fig. 3C). Every test was carried out twice and successive
entire testing procedure. load/deformation curves were nearly identical (this is
The intact specimens, which were placed in pots usually the case because the specimens were precondi-
containing dental cement, were aligned in the cement to tioned). From the load/deformation curves, stiffness
make the cranio-caudal ends of the pots parallel. These values were calculated by measuring the slope of the
were then clamped on a biomechanical testing machine linear part of the curve. This method is explained more
(MTS 858 Mini-Bionix Test System, Minneapolis, MN) fully elsewhere.7 Normalized stiffness values were calcu-
in the upright position. The intact specimen was first lated by dividing the stiffness obtained from the experi-
cyclically preloaded by axial compression (150 ± 50 N at mental specimen by the stiffness obtained from the intact
1 Hz for 15 min) to remove excess fluid from the discs and specimen (ie, ratio of instrumented to intact).
ligaments. This preconditioning is a normal procedure in Statistics: A 1-way repeated measures analysis of
biomechanical testing of cadaveric spines in our labora- variance was used to compare the results of the intact
tory; it allows the disc height to get back to the normal specimens and those fixed by steel wire, cable, or tape in
physiologic height and also to yield reproducible stiffness each loading sequence, followed by Tukey’s multiple
curves during subsequent loading. Biomechanical testing comparison procedure. The overall level of significance
of the intact specimen was then carried out according to was set at a P<0.05.
the following sequence: axial compression (250 N), flexion
(7.5 Nm), extension (7.5 Nm), left lateral bending RESULTS
(7.5 Nm), right lateral bending (7.5 Nm), left axial torsion
(10 Nm), and right axial torsion (10 Nm). This biomecha- Experiment 1: Laminar Cut-through Test
nical testing procedure is explained in more detail On the basis of the results from the 2-factor analysis
elsewhere.5 Destabilization was then performed by of variance, there was no statistically significant interac-
sectioning the supraspinatous ligament, interspinous tion between wire type and whether the laminar was
ligament, ligamentum flavum, facet joint capsules, poster- decorticated. Overall, the average cut-through force
ior longitudinal ligament, and the posterior part of the whether the lamina was decorticated or not was margin-
anulus fibrosus.6 The specimens were then restabilized ally insignificant (P = 0.06). However, there was a
using a Hartshill rectangle (with rod 5 mm diameter) statistically significant difference in the average cut-
(Surgicraft, Redditch, UK) plus 1 or other of the same 3 through force depending on the steel wire (P = 0.002).
different types of sublaminar wires as described in On the basis of Tukey’s pairwise comparison using a 0.05
Experiment 1. The implants used with the Hartshill error rate, steel wire was significantly different from both
rectangle were constructed as follows: (1) Single steel cable and tape. There was no significant difference
wires from T7 to T10 were placed sublaminarly and fixed between cable and tape.
to the rectangle by twisting the ends together (Fig. 3A), The average BMD, thickness of the laminar cortex,
(2) Cable from T7 to T10 was placed sublaminarly and and the average value of force at the point of 5 mm cut-
fixed to the rectangle and tightened to 200 N of tension through on the lamina in each of the 3 groups tested using
the 3 types of sublaminar wires are shown in Table 1. In
the test using steel wire, the average BMD for the 5
vertebrae was 0.79 ± 0.04 g/cm2. The average thickness of
the 5 laminar cortices was 3.72 ± 0.72 mm, and the
average cut-through force when the laminar cortex was
intact was 566.8 ± 82.2 N, and 501.0 ± 55.4 N when the
laminar cortex was decorticated.
In the test using cable, the average BMD for the
5 vertebrae was 0.79 ± 0.03 g/cm2. The average thickness
of the 5 laminar cortices was 3.96 ± 0.48 mm, and the
average cut-through force when the laminar cortex was
intact was 808.6 ± 144.4 N, and 610.8 ± 153.8 N when
FIGURE 3. Experiment 2: Biomechanical stiffness test. The the laminar cortex was decorticated.
specimens were restabilized from T7 to T10 using a Hartshill
rectangle plus sublaminar wire. A, sublaminar single steel In the test using tape, the average BMD for the
wires fixed to the rectangle by twisting the ends together; 5 vertebrae was 0.78 ± 0.05 g/cm2. The average thickness
B, Sublaminar cable fixed to the rectangle and tightened of the 5 laminar cortices was 3.67 ± 0.72 mm, and the
to 200 N of tension using a special tightening device; C, average cut-through force when the laminar cortex was
Sublaminar double tape fixed to the rectangle and tightened intact was 1164.7 ± 57.6 N, and 911.3 ± 7.0 N when the
to 200 N of tension using a special tightening device. laminar cortex was decorticated.

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J Spinal Disord Tech  Volume 19, Number 6, August 2006 Constructs in the Thoracic Spine

TABLE 1. Results for Experiment 1

Wire Cable Tape
BMD (g/cm2) 0.79 ± 0.05 0.79 ± 0.06 0.78 ± 0.08
Thickness of laminar cortex (mm) 3.72 ± 0.72 3.96 ± 0.48 3.67 ± 0.72
Cut-through force (N): intact lamina 566.8 ± 82.2b 817.7 ± 203.0 1157.0 ± 79.2a,b
Cut-through force (N): decorticated lamina 501.0 ± 55.4c 610.8 ± 153.8d 911.3 ± 7.0a,c,d
The BMD, thickness of the laminar cortex, and the value of tensile force at the 5-mm cut-through position on the
lamina, for each of the 3 types of sublaminar wire. There is no significant difference in the BMD and thickness of the
laminar cortex between the 3 groups. There is a significant difference in the values of cut-through force between the test
using steel wire and the test using tape, steel wire, and cable (P<0.01). Data are shown as mean ± standard deviation,
n = 5, 5, and 5 for steel wire, cable, and tape, respectively. The superscripts a–d are used to identify comparison between
two numbers: for example the two numbers with ‘a’ superscript (1157.0 and 911.3) are statistically different.

Experiment 2: Biomechanical Stiffness Test values. In axial torsion, we averaged the results for right
In none of the experiments did the bone or the and left.
sublaminar wire break. All data are shown normalized as
a relative ratio to the results obtained from the intact DISCUSSION
specimens (Fig. 4). In axial compression, the average The main results to emerge from these experiments
normalized values of stiffness were all less than intact are as follows: (1) Experiment 1; in the laminar cut-
(0.88 steel wire, 0.76 cable, and 0.99 tape). There is no through test, the cut-through force for steel wire was
significant difference between any of these 3 values. significantly lower than that for either tape or cable. The
In flexion, the average normalized values of stiffness BMD and thickness of the laminar cortex was similar for
were 1.11 steel wire, 1.20 cable, and 1.04 tape. There was each of 3 experimental groups. Further, whereas the
no significant difference between any of these 3 values. average cut-through force for the intact lamina was
In extension, the average normalized values of higher than that for the decorticated lamina for all 3 types
stiffness were 1.11 steel wire, 1.05 cable, and 1.07 tape. of wires it was not statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
There was no significant difference between any of these 3 (2) Experiment 2; in the biomechanical stiffness test, there
values. was no significant difference between the 3 different
In lateral bending, the average normalized values of sublaminar wiring constructs in any of the loading modes
stiffness were 1.08 steel wire, 0.98 cable, and 1.0 tape. tested.
There was no significant difference between any of these 3 Butler et al8 reported that BMD correlated with
values. In lateral bending, we averaged the results for strength and stiffness of the sublaminar wire construct in
right and left. osteoporotic spines. Andingoz et al9 reported that there
In axial torsion, the average normalized values of was positive linear relationship between BMD and
stiffness were 1.76 steel wire, 2.36 cable, and 1.48 tape. laminar strength in sublaminar wiring. Biomechanical
There was no significant difference between any of these 3 studies have reported that the strength of the decorticated
lamina was less than that of the intact lamina in ‘‘pull-
through’’ force using sublaminar wire.9,10 Actually, in the
setting of osteoporotic bone, especially in the decorticated
lamina, migration of sublaminar wire through soft
laminar bone occurs frequently. We considered BMD
and the thickness of laminar cortex as major factors
determining the fixation strength of a sublaminar wiring
construct. Normalizing the properties of the vertebrae
(eg, BMD and thickness of the laminar cortex) as we did
in each of the 3 groups is necessary to make fair
comparisons between the 3 different types of sublaminar
wiring constructs. Thus, the results from the cut-through
test (Experiment 1) suggest that tape has the advantage in
securing the osteoporotic lamina, as compared with steel
wire or cable. The narrow contact surface between the
steel wire and cable produces a high-local stress on the
lamina. This high-local stress results in lower values of
cut-through force. Tape, on the other hand, is broad and
FIGURE 4. Results for Experiment 2. All data are shown so distributes the force better (ie, lower local stress), thus
normalized as a relative ratio to the results obtained from the allowing the lamina to resist a higher cut-through
intact specimens. force. The results from the biomechanical stiffness test

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Murakami et al J Spinal Disord Tech  Volume 19, Number 6, August 2006

(Experiment 2) revealed no difference (in terms of between tape and cable could be established. In the
stiffness) between the 3 types of sublaminar wire. That biomechanical stiffness test, there was no significant
may be a true result or may be because of the lack of difference between the 3 different sublaminar wiring
power with such a small sample. It is difficult to obtain configurations in any of the loading modes tested. The
large numbers of cadaver spines that are suitable for results of both experiments suggest that tape is as good, if
experiments such as these. Further, it could be that not better, than steel wire and, perhaps, cable as a
stiffness may not be a good indicator for showing sublaminar wiring implant material.
differences between spinal constructs, unless the differ-
ences are large.
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