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Data Analytics Solutions

for Enterprises
Data Analytics Solutions for Enterprises
Data Analytics Solutions for Enterpris
Whatever business you are in, Whatever
your data will be massive
business you are and
your data willIt be
could be sales
massive and uns
figures, customer service, product
customer risk management
service, -an endless
product pricing, list. But
financials, risk ma
usually a great decision is notlist.
madeButwith the ahelp
usually ofdecision
great analysing yourmade
is not existing
withdata. Having
the help of analys
clean data allows a faster, better customer
Having cleanexperience.
data allowsWhich means
a faster, an increased
better customer chance
for loyal customers and fewerincreased
complaints. Now,for
chance that is worth
loyal investing
customers in. Because
and fewer cleanNow, t
data means better analytical in.results, faster,
Because more
clean accurate
data means decision making and
better analytical easefaster,
results, of m
reporting. making and ease of reporting.

We leverage your data and offer We the industry’s

leverage best and
your data visualization solutions that
offer the industry’s best help you
visualization s
make firm decisions. We knowmake how tofirmmanage the process
decisions. We know of cleaning and extracting
how to manage data, of cle
the process
and you will agree that this is data,
the most difficult
and you and time-consuming
will agree part.difficult
that this is the most Let usand
here. We know how to make your youdata
We know ensuring transparency
how to make your data and quality,ensuring
accessible, saving tran
valuable time and money. Go tosaving
the source, start
valuable timewith
andyour data.Go to the source, start with your d
Data Management

Identifying your data Understanding and

managing your data

Data Engineering

Build application Analyze algorithms Access to reliable

engineering with with test data models data and results
data modelling

Advanced Analytics

Predictive Visual Machine RPA

analysis representation Learning
01 Pharma Industry
rma Industry
ients to analyse their
ith the market trends.
Helps clients
sales data to analyse their sales data
with the market trends. Captures
health information
nformation from various public from various public
and compares it sources
against andthe compares it against the
r’s pharma business customer’s
to capture pharma business to capture
micro details
tails that help the business to staythat help the business to stay
tive. Because stayingcompetitive.
on top of allBecause staying on top of all
y’s pharma information of today’s
is nowpharma
in information is now in
ands. Future-proofyour in hands.
today’s Future-proof in today’s
anging environment. ever-changing environment.

02 02
Healthcare Healthcare
Our application analyzes andOur application
assesses analyzes and assesses cleanliness
/ hygiene data of various / hospitals.
hygiene data of various hospitals. Captures
Information from frontline Information
workers from from frontline workers from their
regular activities and also from activities
various sources and
of also from various sources of
identifying infection, preparesidentifying infection,
a dashboard that prepares a dashboard that
displays environmental hygiene,displays environmental
infection hygiene, infection
prevention Inand
prevention and control procedure. control procedure. In today’s
challenging environment, challenging environment, utmost attention,
utmost attention,
added safety measures should addedbe safety
given tomeasures
our should be given to our
heroes on the front lines. heroes on the front lines.
We help lending/financial institutions visually
represent all lending data in a Risk
Management view such as Bucket Analysis.
This lending risk analysis dashboard analyzes
credit data to assess the risk of default. The
workbook looks at balance distribution across
credit scores, as well as risk trends, to identify
potential risk of debt write-off by loan type
over a period of 24 months. This dashboard
can be used for multiple departments
including risk management, NPL, lending and
origination, management, etc. No more excel
sheets to scroll through, one overall view of
lending risk across existing systems.

Helps FMCG companies to define their pricing
strategy based on competitor’s data. It reads
historical data and assesses where the customer
business stands in terms of sales, profit and
operational execution. Application recommends
offers what-if analysis for possible price change
and how the overall impact will affect the entire
business. Pricing strategy made simple to help
your business grow, not just your spreadsheets.
05 Electronics Retail
Helps chain of electronic retail stores to
identify 5P Analysis of their business.
Period, Place, Price, Product and People
Analysis with drill down to store level or
view as a head office. This helps businesses
to identify fast moving products, existing
stock, daily sales based on various regions.
Virtual management. Time to future-proof
and not leave anything to chance.

06 Automotive Industry
Data engineering and analysis of vehicle services and spare parts life.
Helps customers to identify the life of a specific part and predict the AMC
for vehicles. Based on years of data with parts and Its utilization along
with predictive analysis, the application recommends the profitable price
margin for the automotive spare parts Industry. Gone is the guess-work of
years ago. Know your market, price your parts right and stay ahead of the

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