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Kesharbai Lahoti junior

college , Amravati

Name:- Priyanshu Nimkar

Roll no :- 461
Class :- 12th D
Subject :- Information technology
Guided By :- MRS. Vrushali lute Mam
Advance web Designing

Q. Write a Program in a HTML using Order List.

<title>top 10 assault rifles</title>
<li> M16 (USA)</li>
<li> AK-103 (Russia) </li>
<li> Heckler & Koch G36 (Germany)</li>
<li> Heckler & Koch G3 (Germany)</li>
<li> Steyr AUG (Austria)</li>
<li> Galil (Israel)</li>
<li> Tavor TAR-21 (Israel)</li>
<li> SIG SG 550 (Switzerland)</li>
<li> Heckler & Koch HK416 (Germany)</li>
<li> FN SCAR (Belgium)</li>
<li> Uzi (Israel)</li>
Q. Write a Program in a HTML using Un-Order List

<title>Top jobs By Indian Government</title>
<li>Indian Administrative Services</li>
<li>Indian Police Services</li>
<li>Indian Forest Service</li>
<liIndian Foreign Service</li>
<li>Defense Services</li>
<li>RBI Grade-B</li>
<li>Scientists in DRDO and ISRO</li>
<li>Lecturers in Government Colleges</li>
<li>Staff Selection Committee</li>
Q. Write a program in a HTML using Internal CSS.

<title>Welcome </title>
p{color:red; Background-color:lightGreen;}
<p>the natural science of matter, involving the study of matter, its fundamental
constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of
energy and force.</p>
<h1> biology</h1>
<p>the science of life. It spans multiple levels from biomolecules and cells to organisms
and populations. Biologists are able to study life at multiple levels of organization, from
the molecular biology of a cell to the anatomy and physiology of plants and animals, and
evolution of populations.</p>
Q. Design a web page that should accept a personal detail of the user.

<body bgcolor="lavender">
Name:<Input type="text"><br><br>
Age:<Input type="Number"><br><br>
E-mail:<Input type="text"><br><br>
<Input type="Submit">

Q. Design a web page that should accept a personal detail of the user.
<body bgcolor="Azure">
<h1 align="center"> Registration Form</h1>
Name:<Input type ="text"><br><br>
Class:<Input type="Number"><br><br>
Gender:<Input type="Radio" Name="Gender">Male
<Input type="Radio" Name="Gender">Female
<Input type="Radio" Name="Gender">Others<br><br>
DOB:<Input type="Date"><br><br>
Roll no.:<Input type="Number"><br><br>
Hobbies:<Input type="Checkbox">Running
<Input type="Checkbox">Boxing <br><br>
Address:<TextArea cols="40" rows="6", placeholder="Enter Your
Enter Password<Input type="Password"><br><br>
<Input type="Submit">
<Input type="Reset"><br><br>
Digital Marketing

1 .Name of the website you are optimizing.

2 . Whether the site has Title Tag?.

3. Whether the site has Header Tag? If yes, which tags are there?
4. Whether the images used has Alt Attributes?

5. What is the comment about usability?

Q . Suggest changes needed in the website for improving speed and other related issues.
Ans.While there is no guaranteed blueprint for strong web performance, website owners can use the
following best practices to help boost site speed and reliability:

Optimize images :Images often take the longest to load on a website since image files tend to be larger in
size than HTML and CSS files. Luckily, image load time can be reduced via image optimization, which
typically involves reducing its resolution and dimensions, and compressing the image file itself.

Limit the number of HTTP requests :Most webpages require browsers to make multiple HTTP requests for

various assets on the page, including images, scripts, and CSS files. In fact, many webpages require dozens

of these requests. Each request results in a round trip to and from the server hosting the resource, which

can add to the overall load time for a webpage.Because of these potential issues, the total number of assets

each page needs to load should be kept to a minimum. A speed test should help identify which HTTP

requests are taking the most time.

Use browser HTTP caching:The browser cache is a temporary storage location where browsers save copies

of static files so that they can load recently visited webpages more quickly. Developers can instruct browsers

to cache elements of a webpage that will not change often. Instructions for browser caching go in the

headers of HTTP responses from the hosting server. This greatly reduces the amount of data that the server

needs to transfer to the browser, shortening load times for users who frequently visit certain pages.

Use effective third-party services for important website functions

 Hosting: Even the best-designed website will load slowly if its origin server responds slowly to
requests. Website owners should choose a server with an average response time of under 200
ms, and with a good record for reliability.
 DNS: DNS is a system that translates domains (e.g. into IP addresses — an
important part of the page loading process. Website owners should choose DNS services
that deliver results (‘resolve’) quickly and reliably, rather than relying on their web host’s DNS.

 Caching: The closer website content sits to the people requesting it, the faster they’ll be able to
receive it. Website owners should use a content delivery network (CDN) to cache web content
in many locations around the world, so user requests do not have to travel hundreds or
thousands of miles (and across many autonomous networks) to reach the website’s origin
Computerised Accounting with GST

Q. Create a Company named m/s Saraswati Trading Company

using GNU Khata

1. Go to GNU Khata
2. Double click on GNU Khata.
3. From the opening screen of GNU Khata & select company click on company setup
4. Fill the following details:-
1. Company Name
2. Company Type
3.Financial Year
5. Click Proceed Button
6. Fill Company Profile
7. Enter appropriate company information
8. Click on proceed Button.
Database Concept Using Libre Office Base

Q. Create a table employee with field(columns)name, EMP ID, EMP Name,

EMP Dep, EMP Salary.

Output :-
Q. Create a table student. with field (columns)name, Std Name ,Std roll no .,Std
ID, Std sub, Std division.

Output :-

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