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Multicultural Dimensions of Helping


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Learning Objectives (1 of 4)

• 5-1 Support the view that the population of the United

States is multicultural.
• 5-2 Compare the three metaphors used to describe
how individuals of different cultures assimilate in the
United States.
• 5-3 List the challenges that helpers and human
service organizations face providing services to
diverse populations.
• 5-4 Describe the three-part approach to the
development of multicultural competence and helping.

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Learning Objectives (2 of 4)

• 5-5 Summarize the background and rationale of

multicultural helping.
• 5-6 Tell how three of the Ethical Standards for Human
Service Professionals guide the implementation of
multicultural human services.
• 5-7 Relate the terms in the chapter as you believe
they will influence your work with clients.
• 5-8 Define “multicultural.”
• 5-9 Distinguish between “culture” “race,” “ethnicity,”
“assimilation,” “acculturation,” “cultural pluralism,”
“multicultural human services,” and “worldview.”
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Learning Objectives (3 of 4)

• 5-10 Define “power,” “oppression,” “discrimination,”

and “white privilege.”
• 5-11 Illustrate terms related to power, oppression, and
discrimination: “isms” related to vulnerable
populations; “in- groups” and “out-groups”; “self-
fulfilling prophecy”; “prejudice”; “stereotypes.”
• 5-12 Present the case for the importance of human
service professionals understanding cultural self and
• 5-13 Identify the various cultural influences in your life.

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Learning Objectives (4 of 4)

• 5-14 Articulate the ways that culture, race, and

ethnicity influence the various roles you assume.
• 5-15 Apply chapter concepts and skills to real-world
settings and list the ways to promote a continued
commitment to developing multicultural competence.

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United States a No-Majority Nation

• Increasing Latino population

• More people self-identify as multiracial
• Multicultural Metaphors
– Melting pot
– Salad bowl
– Kaleidoscope approach

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Challenges of Multiculturalism

• Language and culture barriers to service

• Delivery models reflect white, middle-class values
• Some minorities underrepresented among providers

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Enhancing Cultural Competence

Figure 5.1 Contextual Model of Cultural Competence

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Background and Rationale

• Paul Pederson
• Diversity present
– Among groups
– Within groups
• Discourage color-blind position

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• Culture
– Human universals
– Collectivist
– Individualist
• Multicultural

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Race and Ethnicity

• Race
– Physical characteristics
– Dominant or nondominant social/political status
• Ethnicity
– Shared geographic area, culture, image, identity

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Assimilation and Acculturation

• Assimilation
– Two-way process
– Majority and minority cultures change
• Acculturation
– Two-way process
– Minority culture changes
– Retains cultural markers

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More Terminologies

• Cultural pluralism
– Maintain separateness
– Respect laws of host
• Multicultural human services
– Understand client and client’s culture
• Worldview
– Interpretation of the world
– Changes with life experiences

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Power, Oppression, and Discrimination

• Matters of social justice

• Power
– Results in social stratification
– May then result in oppression and discrimination
• White privilege

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“isms” of Vulnerable Populations

• Ableism
• Ageism
• Classism
• Ethnocentrism
• Genderism
• Heterosexism
• Racism
• Sexism

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Additional Social Justice Terminologies

• In-groups and out-groups

• Self-fulfilling prophecy
– Internalized oppression
• Prejudice
• Stereotype

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Examine Own Cultural Self and Identity

Figure 5.2 Cultural, Race, and Ethnicity Influences

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Development of Competencies

• Lifelong commitment
• Explore own culture
• Learn about other cultures
• Proactively learn from others
• Question clients
• Assume social justice stance

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