Idioms With Money'

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❑ Waste of money : a bad use of money

❑ Throw good money after bad : To waste money in a fruitless
attempt to recoup losses previously incurred/to try to recoup initial
losses by spending more money on something.
(I thought I was saving money by buying a used bike, but I've thrown
good money after bad spending so much on repairs.)

❑ Money is tied up : money is being used for that thing and you
cannot use it for anything else
❑Money is a bit tight : not having much money; must be careful about
expenditure/Things are difficult financially

❑Money is liquid : money can be withdrawn easily/ability to

exchange an asset for cash

❑Throw money: to spend a lot of money on trying to solve a problem

❑Channel some money: arrange for money to be used for a

particular purpose

❑Made of money: having a lot of money/rich

❑Save for a rainy day : to save some of your money in case there are serious
problems in the future
❑A fool and his money are soon parted: a foolish person spends money too
quickly on unimportant things
❑A light purse is a heavy curse: Life is difficult when you don't have much
❑A penny saved is a penny earned : it is wise to save money
❑Born with a silver spoon in your mouth : born into a very wealthy family
❑Break even : the point at which cost and income are equal and there is neither
profit nor loss.

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