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Research Proposal on

Sustainable Ways for Early-Stage Tech Startups

to Build a Scalable Business Model in the
Post-Pandemic Era
Presented By

Radhakrishnan KG
Swiss School of Business Management, Geneva, Switzerland

Professor George Iatridis

Submission Date: October 23, 2023

E-mail: | Mobile: +91 8089722558


Executive summary
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented challenges and
opportunities for early-stage tech startups in the post-pandemic era. This research
proposal aims to investigate the evolution of startup business models and provide
insights on how they can navigate these uncertain times to drive sustainable growth
and success. The study will focus on several key research questions, including the
predictors and indicators of success for sustainable business models, best practices
and lessons learned from successful startups, and potential future research
directions. The research will explore the collaborative opportunities with established
startup companies, their effective use of technology, and the measurement and
evaluation of the impact of these business models in the post-pandemic era. The
study aims to contribute to the existing literature on business model innovation and
provide practical guidance for early-stage tech startups in building sustainable
business models in the post-pandemic era.

Keywords: Business Models, Scalable Business, Sustainable Businesses, Post-Pandemic business

1. Introduction
"A crisis can be a real blessing to any person, to any nation. For all crises bring progress."
- Albert Einstein

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the global business landscape,
presenting both challenges and opportunities for companies, particularly early-stage tech
startups (Guckenbiehl, P. and Zubielqui, 2022) The objective of this research proposal is to
investigate the evolution of business models for early-stage tech startups in the
post-pandemic era, with a specific focus on sustainable and scalable approaches. This
research aims to critically analyze and synthesize existing literature on the adaptation and
innovation of business models in response to the challenges and opportunities brought
about by the pandemic.

The research will utilize a combination of primary and secondary data sources, including
in-depth interviews with key stakeholders in the technology businesses sector, as well as a
comprehensive review of relevant academic and industry literature. The research will
explore various theories, frameworks, and concepts related to sustainable and scalable
business models. In addition, recent developments and trends, such as Artificial Intelligence
and digitalization, will be examined to provide insights for practitioners on leveraging
evolving business models.

The research proposal aims to identify gaps in the current literature and propose potential
avenues for further research in understanding and adapting to the post-pandemic business
landscape for early-stage tech startups.

1.1 Problem Statement:

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented disruption to the global business
environment, forcing companies of all sizes and industries to adapt or face significant
challenges (Smara, R., 2022). Early-stage tech startups, particularly, have faced unique
challenges in navigating the post-pandemic business landscape (Manyati, K, T. and Mutsau,
M., 2021). These challenges include volatile market dynamics, changing customer
preferences, and the need for sustainable and scalable business models (Slávik, Š. et al.,

The problem statement of this research proposal is to investigate how early-stage tech
startups can build sustainable and scalable business models in the post-pandemic era.

1.2 Research Aims & Objectives:

The aim of this research proposal is to explore the evolution of business models for
early-stage tech startups in the post-pandemic era, with a specific focus on sustainable and
scalable approaches. To achieve this aim, the following objectives will be pursued:

1. Critically analyze and synthesize existing research on the adaptation and innovation of
business models in response to the challenges and opportunities brought about by the

2. Examine the challenges and opportunities that have emerged in the post-pandemic
business landscape and how they have influenced the adaptation and innovation of
business models.

3. Identify the key factors, strategies, and approaches contributing to developing sustainable
and scalable business models for early-stage tech startups.

4. Propose potential avenues for further research to address the gaps in the current
literature, with an emphasis on understanding and adapting to the post-pandemic business
landscape for early-stage tech startups.

5. Provide insights and practical recommendations for early-stage tech startups on how to
build sustainable and scalable business models in the post-pandemic era.

1.3 Significance & Audience of Proposed Research:

The findings of this research proposal will have significant implications for the entire
startup ecosystem - including the founders of early-stage tech startups, entrepreneurs,
investors, incubators, accelerators, policymakers, and academia.

By understanding the challenges, opportunities, and critical success factors in building

sustainable and scalable business models in the post-pandemic era, early-stage tech startups
will be better equipped to navigate the uncertainties and complexities of the current
business environment. The founders of these startups will be able to make informed
decisions, adjust their strategies, and adapt their business models to ensure long-term
viability and growth.

Investors and stakeholders in the startup ecosystem will benefit from insights into the most
effective strategies for identifying and supporting startups with sustainable and scalable
business models. Investors can leverage this research to make informed decisions about
allocating resources and funding early-stage tech startups demonstrating strong potential
for sustainable and scalable business models.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of incubators and accelerators worldwide that
support the startup ecosystem (Cui, Y. et al., 2022) by providing resources and guidance to
early-stage tech startups. This research will provide valuable insights for these
organizations working with startups to develop sustainable and scalable business models.
By understanding the key factors and strategies contributing to success in the
post-pandemic era, incubators, and accelerators can tailor their programs and support
services to better assist startups in navigating the current business landscape.

Additionally, policymakers and government institutions can use the insights from this
research to design policies and programs that foster innovation and support the growth of
early-stage tech startups in the post-pandemic era. Policymakers play a vital role in shaping
the startup ecosystem and fostering an environment that promotes sustainable and scalable
business models (Li, C., Qiu, Z. and Tao, F., 2021). This research proposal will provide
policymakers with evidence-based recommendations on creating policies and regulations
that encourage the growth and development of early-stage tech startups.

By aligning regulations with the needs and realities of the post-pandemic business
landscape, policymakers can create an enabling environment for startups to thrive and
contribute to economic growth and job creation. Moreover, policymakers can use the
insights from this research to develop supportive policies and programs that foster
innovation and growth in the startup ecosystem.

Furthermore, academia will benefit from this research as it fills the gaps in the current
literature and provides avenues for future research on the evolution of business models for
early-stage tech startups in the post-pandemic era. The findings of this research can serve as
a foundation for further scholarly investigation and contribute to the growing body of
knowledge on business model innovation and adaptation in times of crisis and disruption.

The proposed research aims to analyze and synthesize existing research on the adaptation
and innovation of business models in response to the challenges and opportunities
presented by the pandemic and the subsequent changes in market dynamics and customer
preferences. By critically examining various theories, frameworks, and concepts related to
sustainable and scalable business models, this research will contribute to the understanding
of the key factors and strategies that drive success for early-stage tech startups in building
sustainable and scalable business models.

This research proposal seeks to address the gaps in the current literature by conducting a
comprehensive study on the evolution of business models for early-stage tech startups in
the post-pandemic era.
2. State of the Art: The Literature Review
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein

The COVID-19 pandemic, while undeniably challenging, has ushered in unprecedented

opportunities, especially for the world of tech startups. This research unravels sustainable
business models that early-stage tech ventures can champion in the post-pandemic

Historically, luminaries such as Drucker (1954) advocated for sustainable strategies. This
foundation was expanded upon by modern scholars like Teece (2010) who explored the
intricacies of tech-centered sustainability. However, the post-pandemic tech domain remains
relatively uncharted territory.

Clearly, there is a lack of empirical research on the increasing diversity of business model
innovations in the post-COVID global economy and their impact on community
development, economic sustainability, and entrepreneurship (Ishaq, E. et al., 2021). This
research aims to contribute to the existing literature by conducting an empirical study that
explores the challenges and opportunities faced by early-stage tech startups in different
industries and regions in adapting and innovating their business models in the
post-pandemic era.

The study will also examine the strategies and approaches adopted by successful startups in
navigating the new normal and sustaining growth. The proposed research will utilize a
mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative analysis of survey data and financial
performance measures with qualitative analysis of interviews with founders and key

As the proposed researcher, I am uniquely equipped to conduct this research and fill the
current gap in the literature. As an entrepreneur with a background of 15 years in business
management and a keen interest in entrepreneurship, I have a deep understanding of the
challenges faced by early-stage tech startups, especially in the post-pandemic era. Moreover,
my experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative research methods will allow me to
effectively analyze the data collected from surveys and interviews.

Additionally, my familiarity with the existing theories and frameworks related to

sustainable and scalable business models, such as the Lean Startup Methodology, the
Business Model Canvas, and the Blue Ocean Strategy, positions me well to critically
evaluate their applicability and effectiveness in the post-pandemic context. Furthermore,
my access to a network of tech startup founders and industry experts will enable me to
gather valuable insights and perspectives for the study. By conducting this research, I aim to
contribute to the body of knowledge on sustainable and scalable business models for
early-stage tech startups in the post-pandemic era and provide practical recommendations
for entrepreneurs, policymakers, and investors.
3. Research Methodology:
The proposed research will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and
quantitative data collection and analysis methods. Qualitative research methods, such as
interviews and case studies, will be utilized to gather in-depth insights and perspectives
from early-stage tech startups regarding their experiences during the pandemic and their
strategies for business model adaptation. Quantitative methods, such as surveys and data
analysis, will be used to collect and analyze data on the financial performance, growth, and
sustainability of early-stage tech startups before, during, and after the pandemic.

In addition, secondary data sources such as reports, articles, and industry publications will
be reviewed to gather information on the broader trends and challenges in the startup
ecosystem in the post-pandemic era.

3.1 Types of Research Methodologies planned to be undertaken:

1. Survey: A survey will be conducted to gather quantitative data on the financial

performance, growth, and sustainability of early-stage tech startups in the post-pandemic
era. The survey will be designed to collect information on key metrics such as revenue
growth, customer acquisition, funding sources, and operational challenges faced by

2. Interviews: In-depth interviews will be conducted with founders and executives of

early-stage tech startups to gather qualitative data on their experiences during the
pandemic, their strategies for business model adaptation, and their perspectives on
sustainable and scalable business models in the post-pandemic era.

3. Case Studies: Case studies will be conducted on selected early-stage tech startups to
provide in-depth insights into their specific business model adaptations, their journey
towards sustainability and scalability, and the outcomes of these strategies.

4. Secondary Data Analysis: Existing reports, articles, and industry publications will be
reviewed to gather information on the broader trends and challenges in the startup
ecosystem in the post-pandemic era.

This mixed-methods approach will allow for a comprehensive understanding of the

evolution of business models for early-stage tech startups in the post-pandemic era.
4. Expected Outcomes:
The expected outcomes of this research study are:

1. To identify the challenges faced by early-stage tech startups during the pandemic and
understand how they have adapted their business models to overcome these challenges.

2. To uncover the opportunities that have emerged for early-stage tech startups in the
post-pandemic business landscape and explore innovative strategies they have
implemented to capitalize on these opportunities.

3. To provide insights into sustainable and scalable business models that can guide
early-stage tech startups in building a successful and resilient business model in the
post-pandemic era.

4. To contribute to the academic literature on the evolution of business models for

early-stage tech startups in the post-pandemic era, filling existing gaps in knowledge and
providing a foundation for further research in this area.

5. To generate practical insights and recommendations for policymakers, investors, and

practitioners who are involved in supporting the growth and success of early-stage tech
startups in the post-pandemic era.

6. Publish a book summarizing the research findings and offering practical insights and
recommendations for early-stage tech startups on building sustainable and scalable
business models in the post-pandemic era.

7. To contribute to the development of best practices and frameworks for early-stage tech
startups in adapting and innovating their business models in response to future disruptions
or crises in order to build resilient and adaptable businesses.

8. To contribute to the overall advancement and progress of the early-stage tech startup
ecosystem by providing actionable insights and recommendations that can inform
decision-making processes and contribute to the success and growth of these startups in the
post-pandemic era.
5. Tools and Resources
In order to achieve the research objectives, the following tools and resources will be utilized:

1. Literature Review: A comprehensive literature review will be conducted to explore

existing research on the evolution of business models for early-stage tech startups.

2. Primary Data Collection: Google Forms will be used to collect primary data from
early-stage tech startups. This primary data will provide insights into the specific challenges
and opportunities faced by these startups in different industries and regions, as well as their
strategies for building sustainable and scalable business models.

3. In-depth interviews: Zoom will be used to condict interviews with key stakeholders in
the early-stage tech startup ecosystem, including founders, investors, and policymakers.
Through these interviews, valuable insights and perspectives can be obtained on the
challenges and opportunities in the post-pandemic business landscape and the role of
government policies and support programs in fostering innovation and growth.

4. Case studies: A selection of early-stage tech startups will be chosen for in-depth case
studies to gain a deeper understanding of their business models, strategies, and outcomes
in the post-pandemic era. These case studies will provide real-life examples that can
support and enrich the findings of the research study.

5. Data Analysis: Data collected from the literature review, primary data collection,
in-depth interviews, and case studies will be analyzed using both quantitative and
qualitative approaches to identify patterns, trends, and themes. The quantitative data will
be analyzed using statistical software to generate descriptive statistics, conduct regression
analysis, and test hypotheses. The qualitative data, such as interview transcripts and case
study narratives, will be analyzed using thematic analysis to identify key themes and

6. Technology and Software: Various software tools and technologies will be used to
support data analysis, including statistical software for quantitative analysis and qualitative
analysis software such as NVivo or MAXQDA for thematic analysis.

7. Gantt Charts: Gantt charts will be used to plan and schedule the different research
activities, such as literature review, data collection, data analysis, and report writing. This
will ensure that the research is conducted in a systematic and organized manner, with clear
timelines and milestones.

Ethical considerations will be prioritized throughout the research process, including

obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring data confidentiality and anonymity,
and conducting the research in an ethical and responsible manner. This will involve
obtaining necessary approvals from relevant research ethics committees and complying
with ethical guidelines and standards outlined by the university or institution.

6. Research Questions:
The research will aim to answer the following research questions:

1. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the business models of early-stage tech

2. What are the key components and indicators of sustainable and successful business
models for early-stage tech startups in the post-pandemic era?

3. How do external factors, including market conditions, consumer behavior, and industry
trends, influence the evolution of business models for early-stage tech startups in the
post-pandemic era?

4. What role do government policies, support programs, and potential future interventions
play in fostering innovation and sustainable business models for these startups?

5. How can early-stage tech startups effectively navigate the challenges and opportunities of
the post-pandemic era, including leveraging technology, partnerships with established
companies, and adapting to future disruptions?

6. What best practices, lessons learned, and strategies have successful early-stage tech
startups employed for scalability and sustainability?

7. What are the key challenges, barriers, risks, and pitfalls early-stage tech startups face, and
how can they overcome them for long-term sustainability?

8. How can startups measure the social, environmental, and ethical impact of their business
models in this new era?

9. What are the differentiating factors between successful and unsustainable business
models post-pandemic?

10. How can startups attract, retain talent, and collaborate with other sectors to ensure the
robustness and adaptability of their business models in future scenarios?

11. How do cultural and regional factors influence the adaptation and success of business
models for early-stage tech startups in the post-pandemic era?
12. How do early-stage tech startups prioritize and manage stakeholder expectations (from
investors to consumers) in the volatile post-pandemic market?

13. How has remote work and the decentralized workforce impacted the innovation
capabilities and organizational structures of early-stage tech startups?

14. What financial strategies and models are early-stage tech startups adopting to maintain
liquidity and ensure fiscal health in uncertain economic times?

15. How do early-stage tech startups plan for business continuity and resilience in the face
of potential future global disruptions?

16. What role does digital trust and cybersecurity play in the sustainability and success of
tech startups in the increasingly digital post-pandemic world?

17. How are emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, and IoT influencing the evolution
and adaptability of business models for early-stage tech startups?

18. How are early-stage tech startups leveraging community-building and brand loyalty as
tools for sustained growth and competitive advantage in the post-pandemic landscape?
In conclusion, this research proposal outlines a comprehensive plan to investigate the
evolution of business models for early-stage tech startups in the post-pandemic era. By
conducting a thorough literature review, qualitative research through in-depth interviews,
and case studies, this study aims to develop a conceptual understanding of the key factors
that contribute to building a scalable and sustainable business model in the post-pandemic

By utilizing both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods, this research aims to
identify patterns, trends, and themes in order to provide valuable insights for early-stage
tech startups in navigating the challenges and opportunities of the evolving business

The research will contribute to the academic literature on business model adaptation and
innovation, particularly in the context of early-stage tech startups. Given its reliance on
primary data collection through in-depth interviews and case studies, this research proposal
demonstrates a strong commitment to obtaining a rich and nuanced understanding of the
research topic.

Furthermore, the integration of Gantt charts will ensure that the research is conducted in a
systematic and organized manner, with clear timelines and milestones. Overall, this
research proposal demonstrates a rigorous and comprehensive approach to studying the
evolution of business models for early-stage tech startups in the post-pandemic era and
highlights the importance of ethical considerations in conducting the research.

In conclusion, the wider the array of scientific research into innovation and its uses in
boosting all manner of indicators related to economic and social development, the more
likely we are to uncover sustainable and scalable strategies that can guide early-stage tech
startups in navigating the uncertainties and complexities of the post-pandemic business

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