Ethics 1

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Ethics - Branch of philosophy that studies morality, Moral Dilemma- Situations in which a difficult

it also studies the rightness or wrongness of a choice has to be made between two courses of
human conduct. action, either of which entails transgressing a moral
- It is derived from the Greek word Ethos which
-involves conflicts between moral requirements.
means character or manners in plural. (Morally unacceptable situations)
- Rules Provided by an external source governed by
professional and legal guidelines within a particular 3 levels of Dilemma
time and place. 1. Personal Dilemma- Are those experienced and
resolved on the personal level.
MORALITY- Speaks of a code or system of behavior 2. Organizational Dilemma- Refer to ethical cases
in regards to standards of right or wrong behavior. encountered and resolved by social organizations.
- Social and cultural Commandments, rules 3. Structural Dilemma- Refer to cases involving
network of institutions and operative theoretical
Importance of RULES paradigms
1. It regulates behavior
2. Guarantee our rights and freedom
Freedom- the foundation of morality
3. Produce sense of justice
4. Essential for economy Impartiality- On the other hand, involves idea that
each individual’s interest and point of view are
Moral Standards- Involve the rules people have equally important.
about the kinds of actions they believe are morally - It is a principle of justice holding that decisions
right and wrong. ought to be based on objective criteria, rather than
- Some ethicist equates moral standards with moral on basis of bias, prejudice, or preferring the benefit
values and principles. to one person.
Values - the main component of moral standards
Social Conditioning Theory- It is conforming to the
Non-Moral Standards- Rules that are unrelated to ‘norms’ that have been created by the society
moral or ethical considerations. Either these around us
standards are not necessarily linked to morality or -the process by which people of a certain society
by nature it lacks ethical sense.
are trained to think, believe, feels, want, and react
Example: fashion standard, rules in games and in a way that is approved by the society or the
various house rules groups within it.
DILEMMA- The term dilemma refers to a situation -The agents of social conditioning can be parents,
in which a tough choice has to be made between teachers, our peers, teachers, popular culture,
two or more options, especially more or less mainstream media, novels and movies, the church,
equally undesirable ones. etc.
-Not all dilemmas are moral dilemmas.
Cultural Relativism- refers to not judging a culture
Key factors
to our own standards of what is right or wrong,
1. The agent is required to do each of two (or
strange or normal. Instead, we should try to
more) actions
understand cultural practices of other groups in its
2. The agent can do each of the actions, but the
own cultural context.
agent cannot do both (or all) actions.
Ethnocentrism- That means you use your own Filipino Hospitality- ‘Filipino hospitality’ refers to
culture as the center and evaluate other cultures the innate ability and trait of Filipinos to be
based on it courteous and entertaining to their guests.

Moral Relativism-is the idea that there is no

Respect to elders- Concerning ‘respect to elders,’
universal or absolute set of moral principles.
we, Filipinos, are not only respectful to elders, but
-on the opposite end of the continuum from moral
also have unique ways of expressing this respect to
absolutism, which says that there is always one
right answer to any ethical question

Descriptive moral relativism-also known as cultural

relativism, says that moral standards are culturally
defined, which is generally true.

Meta-ethical moral relativism- states that there

are no objective grounds for preferring the moral
values of one culture over another.

Normative moral relativism-the idea that all

societies should accept each other’s differing moral
values, given that there are no universal moral

6 Basic Filipino Values

Pakikisama - is having and maintaining ‘good public

Hiya- is described as a feeling of lowliness, shame

or embarrassment, and inhibition or shyness which
is experienced as somewhat distressing.

Amor Propio- like ‘hiya,’ the Filipino value of ‘amor

propio’ is derived from the concept of ‘face.’
Although commonly translated as ‘self-respect’ or
‘self-esteem,’ ‘amor propio’ has been
“characterized as the high degree of sensitivity that
makes a person intolerant to criticism and causes
him to have an easily wounded pride”

Utang na loob- is likewise a fundamental aspect of

upholding group harmony and relationships that
demand the balancing of obligations and debts.

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